Beginners AM-PM Yoga A4 Guide Book

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Beginners AM-PM Yoga

Guide Book
This guide book must only be used in conjunction with the accompanying audio sessions.

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participating in the exercise programs for this download you
are acknowledging that you have (a) satisfied yourself that you
are fit and able to undertake the exercises and; (b) that you
have sought prior medical advice from your doctor as to the
suitability of these exercises and; (c) that you will hold Yoga 2
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of following or acting upon any information or performing any
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Thank you for purchasing the Yoga 2 Hear Beginners AM-PM

Yoga Download.

Beginners AM-PM Yoga consists of two easy-to-follow 30

minute sessions suitable for those with little or no yoga
experience. The AM session has been created to be used in
the morning to kick start your day with an effective Yoga
Vinyassa sequence that will gently wake your body and get
your energy flowing. The PM session has been created to be
used in the evening and uses simple floor based held
postures to provide a calming and restorative practice that will
deeply relax and unwind your body and mind.

Both sessions have been devised to be followed from start to

finish without interruption. We suggest you set aside more
than enough time for the session and find a warm, quiet area
away from any distractions. If, for any reason, you find you are
having difficulty concentrating on a session, focus your
attention to the sound of your breath entering and leaving
your body through your nose.

If you have no previous yoga experience it may take a

couple of sessions before you feel at ease breathing in a slow
controlled manner. Such breathing is a fundamental part of
many yoga techniques, it greatly assists and enhances the
techniques and becomes much easier with just a little practice.

We hope you enjoy these sessions and find them useful. We

are always keen to hear any comments you may have. If you
would like to let us know your thoughts, have any questions at
all or would like more information about our extensive range
please visit

Track.1. Introduction.

Please ensure you listen carefully to the Introduction and that

you strictly follow its recommendations at all times.

Track.2. The Beginners AM Session.

Begin sitting with your ankles A

crossed. Place your hands onto your
knees or thighs, close your eyes and
continue as instructed (A).

When instructed come onto your B

hands and knees into Cat (B).
Continue as instructed.

As you inhale release the ribs and C

stomach down towards the floor and
lift the chest and head (C).
Continue as instructed.

When instructed exhale round your D

back up, drop your head and look
between your legs (D). Continue as

When instructed move your bottom E

back onto your heels. Reach your
arms forward and release your
forehead to the floor (E). This is the
Extended Child posture. Continue as

When instructed come onto your F

hands and knees into Cat (F).

When instructed curl your toes G

under, drop your chin onto your
chest, move your weight back so
that your knees leave the floor and
unfold your legs moving into
Downward Facing Dog (G). Continue
as instructed.

When instructed come back onto H

your hands and knees into Cat (H).

Then move your bottom back onto I

your heels. Reach your arms forward
and release your forehead to the
floor moving back into the Extended
Child posture again (I). Continue as

When instructed come back onto J

your hands and knees into Cat and
continue up into Downward Facing
Dog (J). Continue as instructed.

When instructed step your feet K

forward and come into a Standing
Forward Bend (K). Continue as i

When instructed slowly uncurl your L

spine and come up to standing (L).

When instructed inhale and lift your M

arms up and out to the sides of your
body, keep lifting the arms until your
hands form a prayer position above
your head (M).

As you exhale push your palms N

together and bring your hands down
in front of your chest (N).

Now inhale and bring your hands
back up past your face to the prayer
position above your head (O).

As you exhale part your hands and P

lower your arms out to the sides of
your body returning to your start
position (P). Continue as instructed.

When instructed exhale and slowly
fold your body forward into a
Standing Forward Bend (Q).

As you inhale step your right foot R

back and bend your left knee coming
into a Long Lunge (R).

When instructed exhale and slowly S

step your left foot back beside the
right foot coming into Downward
Facing Dog (S). Continue as

When instructed inhale and come T

onto your hands and knees into Cat
(T). Continue as instructed.

When instructed exhale and return U

to Downward Facing Dog (U).
Continue as instructed.

When instructed inhale and step V

your right foot forward between your
hands and bend your right knee
coming into a Long Lunge (V).

When instructed exhale and step W

your left foot forward beside the
right coming into a standing forward
bend (W).

As you inhale slowly uncurl your X

body and lift your arms up and out
to the sides of your body, keep lifting
the arms until your hands form a
prayer position above your head (X).

As you exhale part your hands and Y

lower your arms out to the sides of
your body returning to your start
position (Y). Continue as instructed
repeating the sequence on the other

When instructed inhale and lift your Z

arms up and out to the sides of your
body, keep lifting the arms until your
hands form a prayer position above
your head (Z).

As you exhale part your hands, lower A

your arms out to the sides of your
body and slowly fold your body
forward into a Standing Forward
Bend (A).

As you inhale step your right foot B

back and bend your left knee coming
into a Long Lunge (B).

Exhale and step your left foot back C

beside the right foot coming into
Downward Facing Dog (C).

Inhale and come onto your hands D

and knees into Cat (D). Continue as

When instructed exhale and return E

to Downward Facing Dog (E).
Continue as instructed.

When instructed inhale and step F

your right foot forward between your
hands and bend your right knee
coming into a Long Lunge (F).

When instructed bring your

shoulders up over your hips and G
continue as instructed moving into
Warrior 1 (G). Continue as

Exhale and move as instructed into

Warrior 2 (H). Continue as H

When instructed return to Warrior 1 I

(H). Continue as instructed.

When instructed exhale, lower your J

arms and return to a Long Lunge (J).
Continue as instructed.

When instructed exhale and step K

your left foot forward between your
hands coming into a Standing
Forward Bend (K).

Inhale and slowly uncurl your body L

and lift your arms up and out to the
sides of your body, keep lifting the
arms until your hands form a prayer
position above your head (L).

As you exhale part your hands and M

lower your arms out to the sides of
your body returning to your start
position (M). Continue as instructed
repeating the sequence on the other

When instructed lay down on your N

back and place the soles of your feet
onto your mat with your knees
pointing straight up. Position your
arms alongside your body with the
palms facing up (N). Continue as
instructed to the end of the session.

Track.3. The Beginners PM Session.

Begin laying down on your back. A

Place the soles of your feet onto
your mat with your knees pointing
straight up. Position your arms
alongside your body with the palms
facing up (A). Lightly close your eyes
and breathe slowly through your
nose. Continue as instructed.

When instructed allow your knees to B

drop out towards the sides of your
mat. Join the soles of your feet and
place your arms on the floor each
side of your head when instructed
(B). Continue as instructed.

When instructed draw your knees in C

towards your chest and hold onto
your knees or your shins (C).
Continue as instructed.

When instructed place your arms D

onto the floor beside your body then
inhale and extend your right leg up
reaching up through your right heel

As you exhale point the right foot E

and bend the right knee returning to
your start position (E). Continue as
instructed extending and returning
alternate legs.

When instructed inhale and extend F

your right leg up reaching up
through your right heel, as you do so
lift your arms up and over your
shoulders to a position on the floor
either side of your head (F).

As you exhale point the right foot, G

bend the right knee and bring your
arms back over returning to your
start position (G). Continue as
instructed lifting the arms and
extending and returning alternate

When instructed draw your knees in H

towards your chest and hold onto
your knees or your shins again (H).
Continue as instructed.

When instructed release your legs I

and place the soles of your feet onto
your mat with your knees pointing
straight up. Position your arms
alongside your body with the palms
facing up (I). Continue as instructed.

When instructed inhale. As you J

exhale press your lower back into
the floor and slowly lift your hips.
Breathe slowly as you continue to lift
your hips up moving into the Half
Bridge posture (J). Continue as

When instructed exhale and slowly K

lower your hips bringing your spine
back down onto the floor. Lift your
feet and draw your knees in
towards your chest. Hold onto
your knees or your shins (K).
Continue as instructed.

When instructed release your legs L

and place the soles of your feet onto
your mat with your knees pointing
straight up. Position your arms
alongside your body with the palms
facing up (L).

When instructed take your arms M

straight out along the floor level with
your shoulders. As you exhale allow
both knees to fall the right and turn
your head to the left moving into a
Spinal Twist (M). Continue as

When instructed bring your knees N

and head back up into the centre
and slowly extend or feet away from
your body so you are laying flat on
your back (N). Continue as
instructed following the body scan
relaxation to the end of the session.
© yoga2hear 2012. All rights reserved.

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