Asphalting Detailed Estimate

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Item Supply of approved clean, hard 40mm single size metal including stacking in standard heaps etc.,
No. complete with all leads and lifts.

Unit: 10cum
Sl No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
A- Materials
1 40 mm size metal cum 10.00 1066.00 10660.00
(KPC SR 2016-17 P 18 S No. 104 b iii)
Add For Small T & P @ 1% 106.60
Total Material Cost (A) = 10766.60
NIL Total Machinary cost (B) = 0.00
C-Labour Charges
1 For stacking Heavy Mazdoor No 1.50 411.20 616.80
KPWD SR 2018-19 P No LVI SL no 5 616.80
a) Add 10% Contactor Profit on Labour
61.68 61.68
b) Add 10% towards Overheads on Labour 61.68 61.68
c) Add 5% towards area weightage on
Labour Charges 37.01 37.01
Total Labour Cost (C) = 777.17
D-Lead, Loading & unloading
Metal cum 10.00 303.00 3030.00
E-Royality charges
Metal cum 10.00 108.00 1080.00
Abstract :
A: Cost of Materials Rs 10766.60
B: Cost of Machinery Rs 0.00
C: Cost of Labour Rs 777.17
D-Lead, Loading & unloading Rs 3030.00
E-Royality charges Rs 1080.00
TOTAL COST Rs 15653.77
Rate for One cum Rs 1565.38 per Cum
Say Rate for One cum Rs 1565.40 per Cum

Rate is Rs 1565.40 / Cum

(Rupees One Thousand five Hundred sixty five and paise forty Only)


Rate approved for Rs 1565.40 / Cum

(Rupees One Thousand five Hundred sixty five and paise forty Only)

SE(C) - 2
Item Spreading and forming collected materials of 40mm single size metal including hand picking for
No. road works as directed.

Unit: 100cum
KPC SR 2011-12 Breakup
Sl No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
A- Materials
NIL Material cost (A) = 0.00
NIL Total Machinary cost (B) = 0.00
C-Labour Charges
1. Heavy Mazdoor No 15.00 411.20 6168.00
KPWD SR 2018-19 P No LVI SL no 5
a) Add 10% Contactor Profit on Labour
Charges 616.80 616.80

b) Add 10% towards Overheads on Labour

Charges 616.80 616.80
c) Add 5% towards area weightage on Labour
Charges on b and c 370.08

2. Light Mazdoor No 10.00 411.20 4112.00

KPWD SR 2018-19 P No LVI SL no 6

a) Add 10% Contactor Profit on Labour

Charges 411.20 411.20

b) Add 10% towards Overheads on Labour

411.20 411.20
c) Add 5% towards area weightage on Labour
Charges on b and c 246.72

Total Labour Cost (C) = 12952.80

Abstract :
A: Cost of Materials Rs 0.00
B: Cost of Machinery Rs 0.00
C: Cost of Labour Rs 12952.80
TOTAL COST Rs 12952.80
Rate for One cum Rs 129.53 per Cum
Say Rate for One cum Rs 129.53 per Cum
Rate is Rs 129.53 / Cum
(Rupees one hundred twenty nine and paise fifty three Only)


Rate approved For Rs 129.53 / Cum

(Rupees one hundred twenty nine and paise fifty three Only)

SE(C) - 2
NAME OF WORK :- “Providing Asphalting the roads to Type-VI area around the DAV school (Sharavathi block) at Shakthinagar colony.”

Add 5% for
Item Page Area Rate GST = Rate = (H
Items SL No Unit SR Rate Say
No. No Weightage ( F+ G) 18% ( E) +I)
on G


1 Filling Pot-holes and Patch Repairs with Bituminous Concrete, 40

mm. Removal of all failed material, trimming of completed excavation
to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning of surface, applying of tack
coat on the sides and base of excavation at 2.5 kg/10sqm as per
clause 500.3, filling back the pot holes with hot bituminous material
as per clause 500.4, compacting, trimming and finishing the surface 259 35.5 Sqm 352.00 17.60 369.60 66.53 436.13 436.15
to form a smooth continuous surface, all as per clause 3004.2
complete as per specifications MORTH Specification No. 3004.2.

2 Patching of deep potholes by restoring the granular base coarse

using material confirming to WBM garde-III standerds/WMM
wherver necessary by manual means including trimming the pothole
to the required shape and size, cleaning the pothole applying tack
coat at 4 kg/10sqm over the WBM/WMM surface including cleaning
etc, and covering the suface with premixed mix seal TYPE-A 20mm 260 35.13.1 Sqm 350.00 17.50 367.50 66.15 433.65 433.65
thick including lead, loading unloading, rolling and finishing etc.,
Complete as per standard specification. - upto 75 mm thick

3 #REF!
Cum - - 1565.40 281.77 1847.17 1847.20

4 #REF! Cum - - 129.53 23.32 152.85 152.85

5 Providing and applying primer coat with S.S.bitumen emulsion on
prepared surface of granular base such as WBM, WMM including
cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg /
sqm using mechanical means complete as per specifications. 158 21.6 Sqm 34.00 1.70 35.70 6.43 42.13 42.15
MORTH Specification No. 502. KPWD SR BALLARI
CIRCLE 2018-19
Add 5% for
Item Page Area Rate GST = Rate = (H
Items SL No Unit SR Rate Say
No. No Weightage ( F+ G) 18% ( E) +I)
on G


6 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting crushed stones

aggregatesof granite / trap / basalt to wet mix macadam
specifications including pre mixing the material with water at OMC
in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed materials by tipper to
site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-base/base course on 160 20.18 Cum 1877.00 93.85 1970.85 354.75 2325.60 2325.60
well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve
the desired density complete as per specifications. MORTH
specification No. 406 - KPWD SR BALLARI CIRCLE 2018-19

7 Providing and applying tack coat using 80/100 grade bitumen

(VG10) in boiler fitted with spary set distributor at the rate of 0.25kg
per sqm on the exsisting prepared bituminous surface cleaned with 159 21.10 Sqm 12.00 0.60 12.60 2.27 14.87 14.90
mechanical broom. complete as per specifications. KPWD SR
8 Providing and laying bituminous concrete with with hot mix plant,
using crushed aggregates of specified grading pre-mixed with
bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site,
laying with a paver finsher to the required grade, level and
alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem
rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH
162 21.22.2 Cum 8839.00 441.95 9280.95 1670.57 10951.52 10951.50
specifications clause No.500.9, complete in all respects complete as
per specifications. using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P with sensor
paver Gr-II (30mm to 45mm) with 5.4% VG-30 Bitumen. (KPWD SR

9 Construction of Sub-grade and Earthen Shoulders with approved

material Gravel/Murrum with all lifts & leads, transporting to site,
spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet
requirement of Table No.300-2 complete as per specifications
(including cost of earth, watering charges & compaction by vibratory 147 19.62 Cum 588.00 29.40 617.40 111.13 728.53 728.55
roller to 97% of proctors density) MORTH specification No. 305.

11 Removal of unserviceable soil including excavation, loading and

disposal but excluding replacement by suitable soil which shall be
paid separately as per clase 300.5 complete as per specifications. 144 19.20 Cum 33.00 1.65 34.65 6.24 40.89 40.90
MORTH specification No. 301 (KPWD SR BALLARI CIRCLE 2018-19
Add 5% for
Item Page Area Rate GST = Rate = (H
Items SL No Unit SR Rate Say
No. No Weightage ( F+ G) 18% ( E) +I)
on G


AE(C ) AEE(C )
Raichur Thermal Power Station
Name of work:- “Providing Asphalting the roads to Type-V area around the KPCL Hospital (Sharavathi block) at Shakthinagar colony.”
SI no.
Description Unit No. L B D Qty Rate Amount

1 Filling Pot-holes and Patch Repairs with Bituminous Concrete, 40 mm. Removal of all failed material, trimming
of completed excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning of surface, applying of tack coat on the sides and
base of excavation at 2.5 kg/10sqm as per clause 500.3, filling back the pot holes with hot bituminous material as
per clause 500.4, compacting, trimming and finishing the surface to form a smooth continuous surface, all as per
clause 3004.2 complete as per specifications MORTH Specification No. 3004.2.

For pot holes upto 40mm depth

T/V-319 to T/V-324 Sqm 6 1.50 1.00 9.00
--------do------ -do- 4 1.75 0.90 6.30
T/V-299 to T/V-314 -do- 18 1.20 0.75 16.20
--------do------ -do- 12 1.00 0.90 10.80
Road cutting for W/s -do- 5 3.75 0.60 11.25
T/V-315 to T/V-310 -do- 3 1.25 1.00 3.75
T/V-239 to T/V-238/B -do- 2 1.00 0.90 1.80
road cutting for W/s -do- 1 3.75 0.50 1.88
T/V-200/C to T/V-219 -do- 10 1.10 0.75 8.25
--------do------ -do- 3 0.90 0.65 1.76
road cutting for W/s -do- 5 3.75 0.60 11.25
T/V-263 to T/V-274 -do- 8 1.20 0.75 7.20
road cutting for W/s -do- 1 3.75 0.50 1.88
T/V-288 to T/V-298 -do- 4 1.10 0.90 3.96
--------do------ -do- 2 1.00 0.60 1.20
T/V-250 to Datta Mandir -do- 6 1.15 1.00 6.90
road cutting for W/s -do- 2 3.75 0.60 4.50
Cross Road T/V-243/A to T-V/-227 -do- 2 1.00 0.80 1.60
Cross Road T/V-212 to T/V-188 -do- 3 0.50 0.45 0.68
Cross Road T/V-257/A to T/V-268 -do- 2 1.50 1.20 3.60
Cross Road T/V-281/A to T/V-294 -do- 2 1.00 1.00 2.00
road cutting for W/s -do- 1 3.75 0.60 2.25
say 118.000 436.15 51465.70
2 Patching of deep potholes by restoring the granular base coarse using material confirming to WBM garde-III
standerds/WMM wherver necessary by manual means including trimming the pothole to the required shape and
size, cleaning the pothole applying tack coat at 4 kg/10sqm over the WBM/WMM surface including cleaning etc,
and covering the suface with premixed mix seal TYPE-A 20mm thick including lead, loading unloading, rolling and
finishing etc., Complete as per standard specification. - upto 75 mm thick

For deep pot holes upto 75 mm depth

T/V-299 to T/V-314 Sqm 10 2.2 1.5 33
-do- 6 1.7 1.35 13.77
-do- 13 1.2 1 15.6
T/V-239 to T/V-338 -do- 12 1.2 1 14.4
T/V-200/C to T/V-219 -do- 5 1.3 0.9 5.85
T/V-263 to T/V-274 -do- 8 1.1 0.9 7.92
T/V-288 to T/V-298 -do- 10 0.9 0.75 6.75
--------do------ -do- 2 1.25 1 2.5
Cross Road T/V-243/A to T-V/-227 -do- 4 1.1 0.8 3.52
Total 103.31
say 104.00 433.65 45099.60
SI no.
Description Unit No. L B D Qty Rate Amount

3 Supply of approved clean, hard 40mm single size metal including stacking in standard heaps etc., complete with all
leads and lifts. (Data Rate Enclosed)
For damaged edges of road.
T/V-319 to T/V-324 Cum 2 14.2
0.15 0.5 2.13
T/V-299 to T/V-314 -do- 2 11
0.1 0.5 1.1
T/V-200/C to T/V-219 -do- 2 130
0.3 0.5 39
Total 42.23
say 43.00 1847.20 79429.60
4 Spreading and forming collected materials of 40mm single size metal including hand picking for road works as
directed. (Data Rate Enclosed)
Qty same as Item No. 3, for damaged shoulders . Cum Total 43.00
say 43.00 152.85 6572.55
5 Providing and applying primer coat with S.S.bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular base such as WBM,
WMM including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg / sqm using mechanical means
complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 502.
Road damaged portion
From T-VI-322/A to T-VI-307 Sqm 2 2.10 1.80 7.56
From T-VI-337/A to T-VI-323 -do- 3 3.80 3.75 42.75
From T-VI-351 to T-VI-365/A -do- 1 4.20 3.00 12.60
From T-VI-584/A to T-VI-595/2 -do- 1 3.50 3.50 12.25
From T-VI-783 to T-VII-64 -do- 1 1.80 2.80 5.04
From T-VII-64 to T-VII-48 Sqm 2 2.10 1.80 7.56
From T-VII-64 to T-VII-48 -do- 1 3.80 3.75 14.25
From T-VII-104/A to T-VII-31 -do- 2 4.20 3.00 25.20
From T-VII124/A to T-VII-124/C -do- 2 3.50 3.50 24.50
From T-VII-124/A to T-VI-793 -do- 2 1.80 2.80 10.08
Total 80.20
say 80.20 42.15 3380.43
6 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting crushed stones aggregatesof granite / trap / basalt to wet mix
macadam specifications including pre mixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of
mixed materials by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-base/base course on well prepared
surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete as per specifications. MORTH
specification No. 406 -

Road damaged portion

From T-VI-322/A to T-VI-307 Cum 2 2.10 1.80
0.15 1.13
From T-VI-337/A to T-VI-323 -do- 1 3.80 3.75
0.15 2.14
From T-VI-351 to T-VI-365/A -do- 1 4.20 3.00
0.15 1.89
From T-VI-584/A to T-VI-595/2 -do- 1 3.50 3.50
0.20 2.45
From T-VI-783 to T-VII-64 -do- 1 1.80 2.80
0.20 1.01
From T-VII-64 to T-VII-48 -do- 2 2.10 1.80
0.50 3.78
From T-VII-64 to T-VII-48 -do- 1 3.80 3.75
0.15 2.14
From T-VII-104/A to T-VII-31 -do- 1 4.20 3.00
0.15 1.89
From T-VII124/A to T-VII-124/C -do- 1 3.50 3.50
0.20 2.45
From T-VII-124/A to T-VI-793 -do- 2 1.80 2.80
0.20 2.02
Total 20.89
say 20.90 2325.60 48605.04
7 Providing and applying tack coat using 80/100 grade bitumen (VG10) in boiler fitted with spary set distributor at the rate of
0.20kg per sqm on the exsisting prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mechanical broom. complete as per specifications.

T/V-319 to T/V-324 Sqm 1 87.00 3.75 326.25

bell mouth ( Near T/V-324) -do- 1 8.70 75.47
T/V-299 to T/V-314 -do- 1 330.00 3.75 1237.50
SI no.
Description Unit No. L B D Qty Rate Amount

bell mouth ( Near T/V-299) -do- 1 10.50 103.69
bell mouth ( Near T/V-314) -do- 1 7.20 51.66
T/V-315 to T/V-310 -do- 1 121.00 3.75 453.75
bell mouth( Near T/V-315) -do- 1 5.60 39.34
bell mouth( Near T/V-310) -do- 1 (12+3.75)/2 6.75 53.16
T/V-239 to T/V-238/B -do- 1 65.00 3.75 243.75
bell mouth( Near T/V-239) -do- 1 (11+3.75)/2 5.60 41.30

bell mouth( Near T/V-238/B) -do- 1 (12+3.75)/2 8.00 63.00

T/V-219 to T/V-212 -do- 1 162.00 3.75 607.50
bell mouth( Near T/V-219) -do- 1 7.50 60.94
bell mouth( Near T/V-212) -do- 1 7.00 57.58
T/V-211 to T/V-200/C -do- 1 214.00 3.75 802.50
bell mouth( Near T/V-211) -do- 1 5.20 38.35
bell mouth( Near T/V-212) -do- 1 (10+3.75)/2 4.00 27.50
Cross Road T/V-243/A to T-V/-188 -do- 1 80.00 3.75 300.00
bell mouth( Near T/V-243/A) -do- 1 5.30 38.56
T/V-263 to T/V-268 -do- 1 120.00 3.75 450.00
bell mouth( Near T/V-263) -do- 1 (9.3+3.75)/2 7.40 48.29

bell mouth( Near T/V-268) -do- 1 (6.3+3.75)/2 4.00 20.10

T/V-269 to T/V-274 -do- 1 130.00 3.75 487.50
bell mouth( Near T/V-269) -do- 1 (8.8+3.75)/2 4.20 26.36

bell mouth( Near T/V-274) -do- 1 (10+3.75)/2 6.00 41.25

T/V-288 to 2nd cross Road (Near police station) -do- 1 275.00 3.75 1031.25
bell mouth( Near T/V-288) -do- 1 (7.0+3.75)/2 2.00 10.75

bell mouth (Near police station) -do- 1 (9.5+3.75)/2 4.50 29.81

Cross Road T/V-260 to T/V-265 -do- 1 30.00 3.75 112.50
bell mouth (T/V-265) -do- 1 (5.2+3.75)/2 2.00 8.95

bell mouth (T/V-260) -do- 1 (8.3+3.75)/2 5.30 31.93

Cross Road T/V-257 to Helipad connecting road (Near compound wall) -do- 1 137.00 3.75 513.75

bell mouth (T/V-257) -do- 1 (8.4+3.75)/2 6.50 39.49

bell mouth (Helipad connecting road (Near compound wall) -do- 1 (11+3.75)/2 4.50 33.19

Cross Road T/V-262 to Helipad connecting road (Near compound wall) -do- 1 139.00 3.75 521.25

bell mouth (T/V-262) -do- 1 3.40 24.91
SI no.
Description Unit No. L B D Qty Rate Amount

bell mouth (Helipad connecting road (Near compound wall) -do- 1 3.70 28.58
Total 8081.63
say 8082.00 14.90 120421.80
8 Providing and laying bituminous concrete with with hot mix plant, using crushed aggregates of specified grading
pre-mixed with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a paver finsher to the
required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the
desired compaction as per MORTH specifications clause No.500.9, complete in all respects complete as per
specifications. using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P with sensor paver Gr-II (30mm to 45mm) with 5.4% VG-30

T/V-319 to T/V-324 Cum 1 87.00 3.75 0.035 11.42

bell mouth ( Near T/V-324) -do- 1 8.70 0.035 2.64
T/V-299 to T/V-314 -do- 1 330.00 3.75 0.035 43.31
bell mouth ( Near T/V-299) -do- 1 10.50 0.035 3.63
bell mouth ( Near T/V-314) -do- 1 7.20 0.035 1.81
T/V-315 to T/V-310 -do- 1 121.00 3.75 0.035 15.88
bell mouth( Near T/V-315) -do- 1 5.60 0.035
2 2.43
bell mouth( Near T/V-310) -do- 1 (12+3.75)/2 6.75 0.035
T/V-239 to T/V-238/B -do- 1 65.00 3.75 0.035 8.53
bell mouth( Near T/V-239) -do- 1 (11+3.75)/2 5.60 0.035
bell mouth( Near T/V-238/B) -do- 1 (12+3.75)/2 8.00 0.035
T/V-219 to T/V-212 -do- 1 162.00 3.75 0.035 0.80
bell mouth( Near T/V-219) -do- 1 7.50 0.035
2 2.13
bell mouth( Near T/V-212) -do- 1 7.00 0.035
2 2.02
T/V-211 to T/V-200/C -do- 1 214.00 3.75 0.035 28.09
bell mouth( Near T/V-211) -do- 1 5.20 0.035
2 1.27
bell mouth( Near T/V-212) -do- 1 (10+3.75)/2 4.00 0.035
T/V-263 to T/V-268 -do- 1 120.00 3.75 0.035 15.75
bell mouth( Near T/V-263) -do- 1 (9.3+3.75)/2 7.40 0.035
bell mouth( Near T/V-268) -do- 1 (6.3+3.75)/2 4.00 0.035
T/V-269 to T/V-274 -do- 1 130.00 3.75 0.035 0.81
bell mouth( Near T/V-269) -do- 1 (8.8+3.75)/2 4.20 0.035
bell mouth( Near T/V-274) -do- 1 (10+3.75)/2 6.00 0.035
T/V-288 to 2nd cross Road (Near police station) -do- 1 275.00 3.75 0.035 36.09
bell mouth( Near T/V-288) -do- 1 (7.0+3.75)/2 2.00 0.035
bell mouth (Near police station) -do- 1 (9.5+3.75)/2 4.50 0.035
Cross Road T/V-260 to T/V-265 -do- 1 30.00 3.75 0.035 0.80
bell mouth (T/V-265) -do- 1 (5.2+3.75)/2 2.00 0.035
SI no.
Description Unit No. L B D Qty Rate Amount

bell mouth (T/V-260) -do- 1 (8.3+3.75)/2 5.30 0.035

Cross Road T/V-257 to Helipad connecting road (Near compound wall) -do- 1 137.00 3.75 0.035
bell mouth (T/V-257) -do- 1 (8.4+3.75)/2 6.50 0.035
SI no.
Description Unit No. L B D Qty Rate Amount

bell mouth (Helipad connecting road (Near compound wall) -do- 1 (11+3.75)/2 4.50 0.035
Cross Road T/V-262 to Helipad connecting road (Near compound wall) -do- 1 139.00 3.75 0.035
bell mouth (T/V-262) -do- 1 3.40 0.035
2 0.87
bell mouth (Helipad connecting road (Near compound wall) -do- 1 3.70 0.035
2 1.00
T/V-250 to Datta Mandir -do- 1 229.50 3.75 0.035 30.12
bell mouth( Near T/V-250) -do- 1 13.20 0.035
2 4.63
Cross Road T/V-250 to -do- 1 62.00 3.75 0.035 8.14
bell mouth (T/V-257) -do- 1 3.50 0.035
2 0.70
Total 275.06
say 276.00 10951.50 3022614.00
9 Construction of Sub-grade and Earthen Shoulders with approved material Gravel/Murrum with all lifts & leads, transporting
to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement of Table No.300-2 complete as per
specifications (including cost of earth, watering charges & compaction by vibratory roller to 97% of proctors density) MORTH
specification No. 305.

for bitumen roads area T-6/322/A to T-6/307 Sqm 2 364.00 0.1 0.75 54.60
T-6/337/A to T-6/323/A -do- 2 285.00 0.1 0.75 42.75
T-6/351 to T-6/365/A -do- 2 360.00 0.1 0.75 54.00
T-6/584/ATo T-6/595 -do- 2 245.00 0.1 0.75 36.75
T-6/596-T-6/606 -do- 2 215.00 0.1 0.75 32.25
Cross roads T-6/590-T-6/313/A -do- 2 150.00 0.1 0.75 22.50
T-6/783 to T-7/64 -do- 2 150.00 0.1 0.75 22.50
T-7/64 to T-7/48 -do- 2 180.00 0.1 0.75 27.00
T-7/104/A to T-7/31 -do- 2 150.00 0.1 0.75 22.50
T-7/124/A to T-7/124C -do- 2 40.00 0.1 0.75 6.00
T-7/124/Ato T-6/793 -do- 2 32.00 0.1 0.75 4.80
T-7/93 to T-7/100/A -do- 2 90.00 0.1 0.75 13.50
T-7/82/A to T-7/75 -do- 2 90.00 0.1 0.75 13.50
Total 352.65
Say 353.00 728.55 257178.15
10 Removal of unserviceable soil including excavation, loading and disposal but excluding replacement by suitable soil
which shall be paid separately as per clase 300.5 complete as per specifications. MORTH specification No. 301

Total length of shoulder 364+285+360+245+215+150+150+180+150+40+32+90+90 = 2351 Rmt.

Consider 50% of total length 2351 Rmt. X 50% = 1175.50 rmt. Cum 2 1175.50 1.50 0.15 528.98
Total 528.98
say 529.00 40.90 21636.10
Total 3656402.97
Misc., & rounding off 597.03
Grand Total--- Rs 3657000.00
CERTIFICATE :- Certified that we have personally inspected the site and prepared
the estimate by adopting prevailing PW,P&IWTD, Bellary Circle 2018-19 & KPCLSR-
2016-17 in the most economical and safe way of executing the work.
SI no.
Description Unit No. L B D Qty Rate Amount

JE/AE(C ) AEE( C )-1 EE(CCM)

SL. Lead up to Lead up to Lead from 6 to Lead from 6 Loading Unloading Total
No. 3Km 5Km 14Km to 20Km charge charge Amount
1 AC/GI sheets (20Km) MT 0.00 98.50 0.00 70.50 82.40 82.40 333.80
2 Bitumen (20Km) MT 0.00 127.30 0.00 101.25 64.40 64.40 357.35
3 Bolders / Metal (14KM) Cum 0.00 136.40 71.10 0.00 87.60 7.90 303.00
4 Burnt bricks (20Km) 1000nos 0.00 204.10 0.00 252.00 114.90 114.90 685.90
5 Cement (20Km) MT
6 Earth / Soil / Murrum (3Km) Cum 83.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.00 7.90 155.10

7 Fly ash blocks (230 x 110 x60) (3Km) 100nos 157.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.50 98.50 354.40

8 Glazed tiles (20Km) 1000nos 0.00 92.70 0.00 90.75 42.90 42.90 269.25
9 Lime (20Km) Cum 0.00 94.90 0.00 120.75 64.00 7.90 287.55
10 Mosaic tiles (20Km) 1000nos 0.00 185.30 0.00 181.50 86.00 86.00 538.80
11 Reniforcement Steel (20Km) MT
12 Sand (10Km) Cum 0.00 94.90 40.25 0.00 64.00 7.90 207.05
13 Structural Steel (20Km) MT
14 Yaragunta / Shabad stones(20Km) 1000nos 0.00 185.30 0.00 181.50 86.00 86.00 538.80
MAGNOOR QUARRY - 14Kms Sand - Rs. 103.00/Cum
VADLOOR QUARRY - 10Kms Metal -Rs. 108.00/Cum
Bricks - Rs.120.00 / 1000
Murrum - Rs.30 / Cum

EECCM Charts 15
SL. Lead up to Lead up to Lead from 6 to Lead from 6 Loading Unloading Total
No. 3Km 5Km 14Km to 20Km charge charge Amount
1 AC/GI sheets (20Km) MT 0.00 93.10 0.00 66.00 77.60 77.60 314.30
2 Bitumen (20Km) MT 0.00 120.50 0.00 93.00 60.30 60.30 334.10
3 Bolders / Metal (14KM) Cum 0.00 128.70 66.60 0.00 82.10 7.70 285.10
4 Burnt bricks (20Km) 1000nos 0.00 192.00 0.00 232.50 107.80 107.80 640.10
5 Cement (20Km) MT
6 Earth / Soil / Murrum (3Km) Cum 78.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 7.70 145.90

7 Fly ash blocks (230 x 110 x60) (3Km) 100nos 148.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 92.40 92.40 333.20

8 Glazed tiles (20Km) 1000nos 0.00 87.70 0.00 84.00 40.20 40.20 252.10
9 Lime (20Km) Cum 0.00 88.90 0.00 113.25 60.00 7.70 269.85
10 Mosaic tiles (20Km) 1000nos 0.00 175.40 0.00 168.00 80.50 80.50 504.40
11 Reniforcement Steel (20Km) MT
12 Sand (10Km) Cum 0.00 88.90 37.75 0.00 60.00 7.70 194.35
13 Structural Steel (20Km) MT
14 Yaragunta / Shabad stones(20Km) 1000nos 0.00 175.40 0.00 168.00 80.50 80.50 504.40
MAGNOOR QUARRY - 14Kms Sand - Rs. 103.00/Cum
VADLOOR QUARRY - 10Kms Metal -Rs. 108.00/Cum
Bricks - Rs.120.00 / 1000
Murrum - Rs.30 / Cum

EECCM Charts 16

EECCM Charts 17
Material Consumption Statement
Item No Items of work Unit

Filling Pot-holes and Patch Repairs with Bituminous Concrete, 40 mm Removal of all failed
material, trimming of completed excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning of
1 surface, Sqm

Patching of deep potholes by restoring the granular base coarse using material confirming
to WBM garde-III standerds/WMM wherver necessary by manual means including
2 trimming the pothole to the required shape .. Sqm
Supply of approved clean,hard 40mm single size metal including stacking in standard
4 heaps etc., Cum
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting crushed stones aggregatesof granite / trap /
7 basalt to wet mix macadam specifications including pre mixing … Cum
Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam using 100/120 TPH capacity
H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II (50mm to 75mm) with 4.5% VG-30 bitumen crushed
9 aggregates Cum

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting crushed stones aggregatesof granite / trap /
10 basalt to wet mix macadam. Cum
Providing and laying bituminous concrete 40mm thick with hot mix plant using crushed
aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder and filler, transporting
12 the hot mix Cum

Providing and laying a SEAL COAT for sealing the voids in Bitumnious surface, laid to the
13 specified levels, grade and cross fall manually and rolling with power roller 8 - 10 Sqm
Construction of Sub-grade and Earthen Shoulders with approved material Gravel/Murrum
15 with all lifts & leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to Cum

Total in Cum.


Sl. No. Materials Unit Rate Previous Bill

Qty. Amt.
1 Metal Cum 108 0 0
2 Murrum Cum 30 0 0
Total Rs: 0


Qty. Metal Murrum
Coff. Qty. Coff. Qty.

118.00 0.06 7.08 -- --

104.00 0.06 6.24 -- --

28.265 1 28.265 -- --

118.25 1.32 156.09 -- --

23.65 1.54 36.421 -- --

23.65 1.54 36.421 -- --

276.00 1.462 403.512 -- --

6049.138 0.006 36.29483 -- --

104.132 -- -- 1.25 130.165

Total in Cum. 639.1527 130.165

Present Bill Upto date bill

Qty. Amt. Qty. Amt.
639.153 69028.52 639.153 69028.52
130.165 3904.95 130.165 3904.95
Rs. 72933.47 Rs. 72933.47

AEE ( C )-2 EE(CCM)

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