Theater Arts Module 3

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Module 3

Public Speaking

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the student will be able to:

• Define public speaking;

• Explain the origins of anxiety in public speaking;
• Apply some strategies for dealing with personal anxiety about public speaking; and
• Deliver speeches to inform, persuade, actuate, and entertain.

What is Public Speaking?

Public speaking - an organized, face-to-face, prepared, intentional (purposeful) attempt

to inform, entertain, or persuade a group of people (usually five or more) through words,
physical delivery, and (at times) visual or audio aids.

Garber (2010) cites two scholars of public speaking from the early 20th century, Edwin
Du Bois Shurter and James Albert Winans, who wrote of public speaking as an “enlarged
conversation,” and as such it has some similarities to conversations but some major
differences, too. As a conversation, it has elements of:

• awareness of and sensitivity toward your audience (in this case, more than one
• an exchange of explicit messages about content (facts, ideas,
information) and less explicit ones about relationship (how you relate to one
another, such as trust, liking, respect); [this content/relationship dichotomy will
come up again in this book and is characteristic of all communication];
• a dependence on feedback to know if you are successful in being
understood (usually nonverbal in public speaking, but still present);
• the fact that the public speaking communication is (almost always) face-to-face
rather than mediated (through a computer, telephone, mass media, or writing).

As an “enlarged conversation” public speaking needs to be more purposeful (to entertain,

inform, or persuade); highly organized with certain formal elements (introduction and
clear main points, for example); and usually dependent on resources outside of your
personal experience (research to support your ideas).

Of course, the delivery would have to be “enlarged” or “projected” as well—louder, more

fluid, and more energetic, depending on the size and type of room in which you are
speaking—and you will be more conscious of the correctness and formality of your
language. You might say, “That sucks” in a conversation but are less likely to do so in
front of a large audience in certain situations. If you can keep in mind the basic principle
that public speaking is formalized communication with an audience designed to achieve
mutual understanding for mutual benefit (like a conversation), rather than a
“performance,” you will be able to relate to your audience on the human and personal

Anxiety and Public Speaking

Why are so many people afraid of public speaking? This is a complex question, and the
answer is tied to many personal and psychological factors such as self-efficacy, self-
confidence, past experience, training, culture, and context. The
term “glossophobia,” combining the two Greek words for “tongue” and “fear or dread,”
has been coined to refer to …a severe fear of public speaking. People who suffer from
glossophobia tend to freeze in front of any audience, even a couple of people. They find
their mouth dries up, their voice is weak and their body starts shaking. They may even
sweat, go red and feel their heart thumping rapidly. (“Do You Suffer
From Glossophobia?,” 2015).

Addressing Public Speaking Anxiety

Mental Preparation

To mentally prepare, you want to put your focus where it belongs, on the audience and
the message. Mindfulness and full attention to the task are vital to successful public
speaking. If you are concerned about a big exam or something personal going on in your
life, your mind will be divided, and that division will add to your stress.

Physical Preparation

The first step in physical preparation is adequate sleep and rest. You might be thinking
such a thing is impossible in college, where sleep deprivation and late nights come with
the territory. However, research shows the extreme effects a lifestyle of limited sleep can
have, far beyond yawning or dozing off in class (Mitru, Millrood, & Mateika, 2002; Walker,
2017). As far as public speaking is concerned, your energy level and ability to be alert
and aware during the speech will be affected by lack of sleep.

Secondly, you would be better off to eat something that is protein-based rather than
processed sugar-based before speaking.

A third suggestion is to wear clothes that you know you look good in and are
comfortable but also meet the context’s requirements. Especially, wear comfortable
shoes that give you a firm base for your posture. Flip- flops and really high heels may not
fit these categories.

A final suggestion for physical preparation is to utilize some stretching or relaxation

techniques that will loosen your limbs or throat. Essentially, your emotions want you to
run away, but the social situation says you must stay, so all that energy for running must
go somewhere. The energy might go to your legs, hands, stomach, sweat glands, or skin,
with undesirable physical consequences. Tightening and stretching your hands, arms,
legs, and throat (through intentional, wide yawns) for a few seconds before speaking can
help release some of the tension. Your instructor may be able to help you with these
exercises, or you can find some on the Internet.

Context Preparation

The more you can know about the venue where you will be speaking, the better. In
situations where you might experience “communication apprehension,” you should check
out the space beforehand or get as much information as possible. For example, if you
were required to give a short talk for a job interview, you would want to know what the
room will be like, if there is equipment for projection, how large the audience will be, and
the seating arrangements. If possible, you will want to practice your presentation in a
room that is similar to the actual space where you will deliver it.

The best advice for contextual preparation is to be on time, even early. If you have to rush
in at the last minute, as so many students do, you will not be mindful, focused, or calm
for the speech. Even more, if you are early, you can make sure equipment is working,
and can converse with the audience as they enter. Professional speakers often do this to
relax themselves, build credibility, and gain knowledge to adapt their presentations to the
audience. Even if you don’t want to “schmooze” beforehand, being on time will help you
create a good first impression and thus enhance your credibility before the actual speech.

Speech Preparation

Procrastination, like lack of sleep, seems to just be part of the college life. Sometimes we
feel that we just don’t get the best ideas until the last minute. Writing that essay for
literature class at 3:00 a.m. just may work for you. However, when it comes to public
speaking, there are some definite reasons you would not want to do that. First, of course,
if you are finishing up your outline at 3:00 a.m. and have a 9:00 speech, you are going to
be tired and unable to focus. Second, your instructor may require you to turn in your
outline several days ahead of the speech date. However, the main reason is that public
speaking requires active, oral, repeated practice before the actual delivery.
You do not want the first time that you say the words to be when you are in front of your
audience. Practicing is the only way that you will feel confident, fluent, and in control of
the words you speak. Practicing (and timing yourself) repeatedly is also the only way that
you will be assured that your speech meets the assignment’s time limits, and speaking
within the expected time limits is a fundamental rule of public speaking. You may think
your speech is five minutes long but it may end up being ten minutes the first time you
practice it—or only two minutes!

Your practicing should be out loud, standing up, with shoes on, with someone to listen, if
possible (other than your dog or cat), and with your visual aids. If you can record yourself
and watch it, that is even better. If you do record yourself, make sure you record yourself
from the feet up—or at least the hips up—so you can see your body language. The need
for oral practice will be emphasized over and over in this book and probably by your
instructor. As you progress as a speaker, you will always need to

The 4 Types of Public Speaking

[1] Speaking to Inform

When a person gives a speech before an audience to impart information on a particular
topic or issue it said to be an informative speech. Business presentations, seminars in
colleges, class presentations in schools are some examples of informative speeches. A
person preparing for an informative speech has to research the subject or topic very well.
It should be short and precise because long informative speeches (lectures) easily bore
the audience. The success of an informative speech will depend on how much the
audience could understand from the speech.
[2] Speaking to Persuade
Persuasive speeches are those where you try to persuade or convince you audience
about an idea or product. These speeches aim to influence and change the opinions of
the audience. This can be a difficult task as you could be facing a group of people who
may have totally different views from your own. The most important point that has to be
kept in mind here is that if you want to influence others' views and ideas, you have to show
your enthusiasm while speaking.

However, you must remember that you are not there to wage war and should talk without
hurting others' feelings. Persuasive speeches are often given by sales and marketing
people to attract interest in their products. They are also used to influence political and
religious views.
[3] Speaking to Actuate
Speaking to actuate is a higher level of persuasive speaking. Here, the speaker goes a
step beyond persuasion and convincing. The aim is to motivate people enough to take a
specific step—to act. This is a powerful level of speaking. Very few people have achieved
this level of mastery of the art of persuasion where they could so deeply convince people
that they move into action.

A speech of this type typically does not rely on facts and figures, though they may be
offered. The speaker’s aim is to get his listeners so emotionally enthralled that they
wholesomely adopt his idea, his principles, his reasoning, as theirs and literally take up
the cross and share his burden. Sometimes, listeners may be so deeply moved that they
take up the cause more seriously than even the person who’s invited them into it!
[4] Speaking to Entertain
Ceremonial speeches are another form of public speaking usually given at weddings,
funerals, graduation parties, retirement parties etc. One very important factor to make
these speeches effective is to add a personal touch.

One gives these speeches for people one knows and it would be great if one can bring in
stories and incidents about the respective person. The speech can be humorous,
touching or emotional, as per the occasion and the mood. However, one should take
utmost care not to hurt feelings by making snide remarks about them.

Try this…
Record yourself reading speeches to inform, persuade, actuate, and entertain.

"Types of Public Speaking," May 2, 2017,

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