Quiz in Oral Com

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CONTEXT for SHS Grade II ( HUMMS IV) ____________________ 14.The chain

of command is primarily observed when
Name _______________________________ communication is done in this situation.
____________________ 15. The
Date _______________________________
exchange of concepts and traditions is
initiated in this situation.
I. Identify the term as defined:
____________________ 16. Private
vocabulary is oftentimes used in this
____________________ 1. This refers
speech style.
to a situation or idea where
____________________ 17.Even
communication happens.
without the correct linguistic forms,
____________________ 2.
meaning is still shared in this speech style.
Daydreaming is an example of this speech
____________________ 18.There are
no social barriers in this speech style.
____________________ 3. In this
____________________ 19. People in
situation, the role of the speaker and the
this speech style do not necessarily share
listener is interchangeable.
common experience.
____________________ 4. In this
speech context, lectern and microphone ____________________ 20.In this
are required. speech style, a well-organized speech and
____________________ 5. In this correct grammar are required.
situation the speaker and the listener are
one and the same. II. Determine what type of speech
____________________ 6. In this act is used for the words, phrases or
situation the speaker and the listener do sentences below:
not interchange roles Write the letter of your choice.
____________________ 7. In this
situation the main role of the audience is
to listen to the message.
____________________ 8. This is a
speech context that involves more than _____21. Fall in line.
one person.
____________________ 9 This _____22. “Winter is coming.”
speech context can be differentiated by its
purpose. _____23. Is everything okay?
____________________ 10. This is a _____24. If you study well, I might bring
situation where one can bare his heart and you to that resort.
____________________ 11. Study _____25. Thank God its Friday.
group or task oriented group are purposes
for this situation. II. Answer as briefly as possible:
____________________ 12. In this ( 10 pts)
situation the programs are formally
1. Why is Mass Communication
considered as the ultimate
____________________ 13. This
Speech Context?
caters to a very large number of people
with the aid of technology.

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