(CC102) Comprog1

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Republic of the Philippines

Speed Computer College

Sorsogon City

SY 2016-2017
1ST Semester



To provide information technology education to a broader mass base of Filipinos;

to complement this technology- based education with industry- level work experience;
and to ensure that every graduate is so provided with competent skills to acquire jobs in
technology- oriented work providers.


It is the mission of this institution to assist in our nation’s development by

providing reasonably priced education; competent teaching staff; state-of-the-art
equipment; and cutting edge technology.

I. Course Name: [CC102] Computer Programming 1

II. Course Credits: 3 units (2 units lecture, 1 unit laboratory)
III. Contact Hours: 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory)
IV. Pre-Requisite: None
V. Placement: BSIT 1ST Year

VI. Course Description:

This course covers advanced programming techniques such as structures, pointers and
file manipulations. It confers the different structures in C++ programming including multi-
dimensional arrays, unions, structures, recursive functions, and enumerated types. It prepares
the student for object-oriented programming.

VII- Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

LO1. • Demonstrate skills in advanced programming

LO2. • Manipulate pointers, structures and files.
LO3. • Implement two-dimensional arrays in their programs
VIII- Course Outline:
1. Orientation
- Vision, mission, goals and objectives
- Course Description, Learning Competencies, Requirements and Grading System

2. Introduction to C++ Programming

3. Basics of C++
- Structure of a program
- Variables. Data Types
- Constants
- Operators
- Basic Input/Output
4. Control Structures
- Functions (I)
- Functions (II)
5. Compound data types
- Arrays
- Character Sequences
- Pointers
- Data structures
6. C++ Standard Library
- Input/ Output with files

IX - Major Course Outputs:

As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, students are required to do and submit
the following during the indicated dates of the term. The rubrics for these outputs are provided.

Learning Required Output Due Date

LO1/ LO3 MCO1: A finished system done in C++ programming

X- Other Requirements and Assessments:

Aside from the major course outputs above, this course has one other summative
assessment: a cumulative final exam. In addition, these are formative assessments of two
types: departmental exams and graded class activities. Graded class activities include (but not
limited to) recitation, seatwork, assignments and reports.

XI- Grading System:

To pass this course, one must accumulate at least 60 points through the course
requirements discussed above. The maximum points that a student can obtain through each
requirement are shown below.
Requirement/ Assessment Task Maximum Points
2 Major Exams 20
Final Exam 15
Case Studies and Reports 50
Class Participation, Seatwork 15

Learning Plan:

LO Topics and Readings Class Schedule Learning Activities

-Instructions for use  Discussion should include (but not
-Basics of C++ limited to) the following:
-Structure of a program o Orientation
LO -Variables. Data Types. Weeks 1-3 o C++ Programming Intro
1 o Assignments
o Quiz
o Case Studies
- Long Quiz
o Reading Assignments

-Constants Week 4 Case Studies

LO -Operators Demonstration
2 -Basic Input/Output Reading Assignments

Week 5
-Control Structures
-Compound data types


-Arrays Week 5-6

-Character Sequences
-Pointers Case Studies
Malware Week 7 Reading Assignments
Computer Security Week 8
Networks, Internet and Week 9-10
Internet Protocols
Information Technology concepts covering
Computer Security, Networks, Internet and
Internet Protocols
HTML and CSS Week 11-12
Computer Systems Week 13-14
(Organization and

Text Materials:


Cashman, S. & Vermaat, M.E. (2014). Discovering Computers. Cengage Learning

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