Course Guide: Science Education 204: Teaching Science in The Primary Grades (Biology and Chemistry)

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Course Guide

Science Education 204: Teaching Science in the Primary

Grades [Biology and Chemistry]

Primary teaching in the state sector is characterized by long history of pupils being
taught the whole range of the primary curriculum by one teacher. Although
some schools may employ subject specialists to deliver some subjects of the
curriculum notably music or science for example, it is more usual for the whole
curriculum to be delivered to a class by their class teacher. This places a
potentially enormous burden on beginning teacher no matter which route they
enter teaching. The burden is especially high on those entering through
employment based routes and for those whose aim to become inspiring primary
teachers. There is so much to learn.
The implementation of the K – 12 Basic Education Program is an immense challenge to
everyone in the education sector. Aimed to enhance the old curriculum, the K – 12 Curriculum
focuses on understanding the mastery of streamlined basic competencies that are significant
and responsive to the needs of the 21st century learners through integrative, inquiry based and
constructive teaching methodologies. In science, the new curriculum -emphasizes the
development of competent learners who understand the science content, perform processes
and skills and demonstrate scientific attitudes and values. Thus, the role of the elementary
grades teacher is very important and teaching them how to teach in the pre – service is vital.

Lesson 1 – The Nature of Science and Goals of Elementary Science


Learning Outcomes:
1. Inquire into the nature of science – the scientific enterprise, products, applications and
attitudes and what this looks like in the primary classroom
2. Explain the goals appropriate for the quality elementary science program .

Learning Content:
A. The Science Framework in the K to 12
Science as a whole, as provided by the national framework of the DepEd responds to the
21st Century Literacy which is the Science and Technological Literacy. It involves three
1. Understanding and applying scientific knowledge
2. Developing and demonstrating scientific attitude and values
3. Performing scientific inquiry skills
Based on these phases, all science learners who aim to be scientifically and technologically
literate should be:
1. Creative and critical problem solver
2. Responsible steward of nature
3. Innovative and inventive thinker
4. Informed decision make
5. Effective communicator

The science curriculum recognizes the place of science and technology in everyday human
affairs. It integrates science and technology in the social, economic, personal and ethical
aspects of life. The science curriculum promotes a strong link between science and technology,
including indigenous technology, thus preserving our country’s cultural heritage.
The K to 12 science curriculum will provide learners with a repertoire of competencies
important in the world of work and in a knowledge-based society. It envisions the development

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of scientifically, technologically, and environmentally literate and productive members of
society who are critical problem solvers, responsible stewards of nature, innovative and
creative citizens, informed decision makers, and effective communicators. This curriculum is
designed around the three domains of learning science: understanding and applying scientific
knowledge in local setting as well as global context whenever possible, performing scientific
processes and skills, and developing and demonstrating scientific attitudes and values. The
acquisition of these domains is facilitated using the following approaches:
multi/interdisciplinary approach, science-technology-society approach, contextual learning,
problem/issue-based learning, and inquiry-based approach. The approaches are based on
sound educational pedagogy namely, constructivism, social cognition learning model, learning
style theory, and brain-based learning.
Science content and science processes are intertwined in the K to 12 Curriculum.
Without the content, learners will have difficulty utilizing science process skills since these
processes are best learned in context. Organizing the curriculum around situations and
problems that challenge and arouse learners’ curiosity motivates them to learn and appreciate
science as relevant and useful. Rather than relying solely on textbooks, varied hands-on, minds-
on, and hearts-on activities will be used to develop learners’ interest and let them become
active learners.

B. Nature of Science
Current reforms in science education emphasize teaching science for all, with the ultimate
goal of developing scientific literacy. In this view, science instruction must go beyond simply
teaching science as a body of knowledge. Today’s teachers are challenged to engage students
in a broader view of science—one that addresses the development of scientific knowledge and
the very nature of the knowledge itself (National Research Council, 1996). In other words,
Science teachers are increasingly being encouraged (and, according to many state standards,
required) to teach about the nature of science.
Unfortunately, decades of research have demonstrated that teachers and students alike do
not possess appropriate understandings of the nature of science (Lederman, 2007). This lack of
understanding negatively impacts what teachers teach about science, and in turn, what

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students learn. Too often, science is taught as a subject with little connection to the real world.
Students view scientists as strictly adhering to “The Scientific Method,” and in so doing,
producing “true” knowledge that is untarnished by human limitations. In this caricature of
science, hypotheses are educated guesses, theories have yet to be proven, and laws are
absolute and infallible. It is no wonder
that so many students fail to see any connection between what they learn in science class and
what they know about the “real world,” where science controversies abound and scientists
often disagree about the results of their investigations

What is Nature of Science?

The best way to understand the nature of science is to first think about scientific
literacy. Current science education reform efforts emphasize scientific literacy as the
principal goal of science education (American Association for the Advancement of Science,
1989; 1993). Scientific literacy is the ability to understand media accounts of science, to
recognize and appreciate the contributions of science, and to be able to use science in
decision-making on both everyday and socio-scientific issues.

Three domains of science critical to developing scientific literacy:

1. Scientific knowledge - includes the scientific facts, concepts, theories, and laws typically
presented in science textbooks.
2. Scientific methods and processes - describes the wide variety of methods that scientists
use to generate the knowledge contained in the first domain.
3. Way of knowing - seeks to describe the nature of the scientific enterprise and the
characteristics of the knowledge it generates

Domains of Science

When describing the nature of science, science educators have converged on a key set of
ideas viewed as most practical in the school setting and potentially most useful in developing
scientific literacy.

1. Tentativeness. All scientific knowledge is subject to change in light of new evidence and new
ways of thinking— even scientific laws change. New ideas in science are often received with a
degree of skepticism, especially if they are contrary to well-established scientific concepts. On
the other hand, scientific knowledge, once generally accepted, can be robust and durable.
Many ideas in science have survived repeated challenges and have remained largely
unchanged for hundreds of years. Thus, it is reasonable to have confidence in scientific
knowledge, even while realizing that such knowledge may change in the future.
2. Empirical evidence. Scientific knowledge relies heavily upon empirical evidence. Empirical
refers to both quantitative and qualitative data. While some scientific concepts are highly

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theoretical in that they are derived primarily from logic and reasoning, ultimately, all scientific
ideas must conform to observational or experimental data to be considered valid.
3. Observation and inference. Science involves more than the accumulation of countless
observations—rather, it is derived from a combination of observation and inference.
Observation refers to using the five senses to gather information, often augmented with
technology. Inference involves developing explanations from observations and often involves
entities not directly observable.
4. Scientific laws and theories. In science, a law is a succinct description of relationships or
patterns in nature consistently observed in nature. Laws are often expressed in mathematical
terms. A scientific theory is a well-supported explanation of natural phenomena. Thus, theories
and laws constitute two distinct types of knowledge. One can never change into the other. On
the other hand, they are similar in that they both have substantial supporting evidence and are
widely accepted by scientists. Either can change in light of new evidence.
5. Scientific methods. There is no single universal scientific method. Scientists employ a wide
variety of approaches to generate scientific knowledge, including observation, inference,
experimentation, and even chance discovery.
6. Creativity. Creativity is a source of innovation and inspiration in science. Scientists use
creativity and imagination throughout their investigations.
7. Objectivity and subjectivity. Scientists tend to be skeptical and apply self-checking
mechanisms such as peer review in order to improve objectivity. On the other hand, intuition,
personal beliefs, and societal values all play significant roles in the development of scientific
knowledge. Thus, subjectivity can never be (nor should it be) completely eliminated from the
scientific enterprise.

Relationship between sample process skills and the nature of scientific knowledge

Goals, Standards and Scope of Science Teaching

Based on the K – 12 curriculum guide for science the main goal of science teaching is
scientific literacy. Study the scoring rubric below. What are the indicators of scientific literacy?
Score yourself and reflect on your score.

Rubric on Scientific Literacy

Ability to understand and apply scientific knowledge in order to pose and evaluate arguments based
on evidence and to make decisions and express positions that are scientifically and technologically
informed. A scientifically literate person is able to evaluate the quality of scientific information on
the basis of its source and methods used to generate it.
Criteria/ 1 - Ineffective 2 - Effective 3 – Advanced 4 - Outstanding
Scoring Level
Science and Lacks an Shows minimal understanding Shows Shows clear
technology understanding of the role of science in understanding of understanding
of the role of addressing world problems. strength of science of strength and
science in Uses scientific evidence to in addressing world limitation of

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addressing explain or act on issues problems. Seek science in
world problems. scientific addressing
Do not use or understanding as world
uses inadequate guide to develop problems. Seek
scientific informed scientific
evidence to positions/decisions understanding
explain or act and to explain or act as guide to
on issues on issues. action and
utilized wide
array of
evidence to
explain or act
on issues
Scientific Lacks Understanding basic contrast Shows clear Uses deep
Methodology understanding between scientific and comprehension of understanding
of scientific intuitive problem solving. Uses contrast between of science’s
problem science concepts to scientific and theoretical
solving. Uses analyze/explain one intuitive problem frameworks,
assumptions to contemporary science – based solving. Is able to concepts and
judge validity of issue by using scientific discuss and terms to
scientific evidence that supports existing integrate explain a
evidence assumptions information from contemporary
two scientific issue or
perspectives to phenomena.
explain Makes
contemporary issue connections
or phenomena and between
to discuss the need science
for both confirming perspectives
and refuting and other
scientific evidence means of
critical analysis
Sources and Cannot Is able to find, comprehend Able to find and Able to find
Use of Scientific distinguish and use basic science sources comprehend and
Information between written for public. Can professional comprehend
reputable understand and utilize these scientific sources professional
scientific science from one scientific scientific
sources, articles/publications/sources domain. Able to sources for
pseudoscience, integrate findings multiple
political or from professional domains. Able
editorial opinion scientific sources at to find,
work. evaluate and
apply findings
sources at

Learning Area Standard:

The goal of scientific literacy for science teaching is reflected in the learning
area/program standard.
The learner demonstrates understanding of basic science concepts and application of
science inquiry skills. They exhibit scientific attitudes and values to solve problem critically,
innovate beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve resources, enhance the
integrity and wellness of people, make inform decisions and engage in discussions of relevant
issues that involve science, technology and environment.
The learning area standard for science teaching is holistic. It embraces the cognitive
[understanding of basic science concepts], psychomotor [application of science inquiry skills],
and effective domains [exhibit scientific attitudes and values.
Science attitudes and values that science teaching wants to integrate:
1. Critical problem solving

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2. Innovation of beneficial products
3. Environmental care
4. Enhancement of integrity and wellness
5. Conservation of resources
6. Informed decision making
7. Discussion of relevant issues that involve science technology and environment

These attitudes and values are those of the person with scientific literacy.
Science teaching is also expected to develop in the student’s scientific attitudes and
1. Beliefs – believes that everything that happens has in this world has a cause or reason
2. Curiosity – shows interest to dig into “why’.
3. Objectivity – does not allow feelings and biases to influence recording of observations,
interpretation of data and formulation of hypothesis
4. Critical mindedness – bases suggestions and conclusions on evidence. When in doubt
questions the veracity of a statement in relation to the evidence presented.
5. Open mindedness – listens and respects the ideas of others; accepts criticism and
changes beliefs if reliable evidence is available
6. Inventiveness
7. Risk taking
8. Intellectual honesty
9. Humility
10. Responsibility

Science teaching in the K – 12 Curriculum is meant to be value laden. The phrase

“innovate beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve resources, enhance the
integrity and wellness of people ...” are evidence that scientific knowledge must be for the
welfare of all. This is scientific literacy.
The curriculum also describes specifically the kind of students that teachers are
supposed to help form.
1. Equipped with repertoire of competencies important in the world of work and in
knowledge based society
2. Scientifically, technologically and environmentally literate and productive member of
3. Critical problem solver
4. Responsible steward of nature
5. Innovative and creative citizen
6. Informed decision maker
7. Effective communicator.

To quote Albert Einstein, the goal of education is “to produce independently thinking and
acting individuals.” The eventual goal of science education is to produce individuals capable of
understanding and evaluating information that is, or purports to be, scientific in nature and of
making decisions that incorporate that information appropriately and, furthermore, to produce
a sufficient number and diversity of skilled and motivated future scientists, engineers, and
other science-based professionals.
The science curriculum in the elementary grades, like that for other subject areas, should be
designed for all students to develop critical basic knowledge and basic skills, interests, and
habits of mind that will lead to productive efforts to learn and understand the subject more
deeply in later grades It is not necessary in these grades to distinguish between those who will
eventually become scientists and those who will chiefly use their knowledge of science in
making personal and societal choices. A good elementary science program will provide the
basis for either path in later life.

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Learning Activity 1.1
Study the following images and quotes that pertain to science. Reflect on what each
says about the nature of science.





1. “Science does not know its debt to imagination”. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. “The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new
ways of thinking about them.” – William Lawrence Bragg
3. “Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.” – Ralph Emerson Waldo

Learning Activity 1.2

Identify the attitude/values present in the following situations.
 A student observes how a spider spins its web
 In a TV commercial for disposable diapers, the baby solves a leaking hose by wrapping
his disposable diaper around the hose
 A scientist was asked by his employer from a tobacco – manufacturing firm to produce
a fraudulent data that would dispel claims of cancer related to cigarette smoking. The
scientist refused and lost his job
 Rita Montalcini was a neurobiologist. During WW II, Jews had to go in hiding including
Rita, but she continued to conduct experiments on chicken embryos in a homemade
laboratory all through WW II. Her work lead to discoveries on Alzheimer’s disease
 A science student saw a TV commercial about a detergent that cleans better than the
household detergent. The student performed the same experiment to verify the claims

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Lesson 2 – Current Developments in Primary Science

Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss the current state of primary science – the status and provision of science
education in elementary schools
2. Identify what recent and relevant research in science education has say about primary
science [what works and what challenges to consider].

Learning Content:

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Activity 3.1
Identify 1 recent and relevant research in science education about the challenges in
teaching primary science and write an insight about it.

Organization of ideas

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Lesson 3 – The Processes of Science

Learning Outcome:
1. Elucidate on the basic processes that form the foundation for scientific investigation
and the integrated processes that form the method of actual scientific inquiry.

Learning Content:
A. Teaching of Science in the Elementary Grades
The Science Process Skills
There are two important elements that are needed in learning science. The content or
body of knowledge [facts, concepts, theories] and the processes of science which are the
ways of thinking and doing the scientist used to arrive at the body of knowledge.
Any science learner, even in the elementary level should develop the processes skills
too. The science processes were first introduced by the American Association for the
Advancement of Science [AAAS]. With the speed of global development, the need to
enhance the original processes came into fore. Thus, in addition to the Basic Processes and
Integrated Science Processes, another layer above the two are processes described as
higher order thinking skills.

Science Processes and Higher Order Thinking Skills

Higher OrderThinking
Basic Process Skills Integrated Process Skills
•observing •formulating hypothesis •creative thinking
•classifying •controlling variables •critical thinking
•communicating •defining operationally •problem solving [in real
•measuring •experimenting life context]
•inferring •interpreting data
•predicting •formulating models

1. Basic Science Process Skills

The simpler basic process skills provide the foundation for science learning. Mastery of
these skills will make science learning more meaningful and enjoyable.
a. Observing – it is using the senses [seeing, touching, tasting, hearing, smelling] to gather
information about the object or event.
Example: The dog is barking
b. Classifying – grouping objects or objects into categories based on the properties or
criteria. To classify is based on what has been observed.
Example: grouping the students by their place of origin
c. Communicating – using words or graphic symbols to describe an action, object or
event. This process is dependent on what was observe or classified. Communicating can
be done in ether oral or written form. It is describing what has been observed in either
qualitative or quantitative ways
d. Measuring – using both non – standard or standard measures
and estimates to describe the dimensions of an object or
event. In measurement, there are always two objects being
compared. The one being measured and the measuring device,
either standard or non – standard
e. Predicting – to state the outcomes of a future event based on
a pattern of evidence. First an observation shall be made, before one can predict.
Interpolating prediction - is within the limits of what you observed
Extrapolating – prediction is beyond the limits of what you observed
Example: Predicting that the height of the plant in two weeks time based on the graph
of its growth during the previous four weeks

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f. Inferring - process of drawing conclusion on the basis of facts or premises instead of
direct perception. Premises might include conclusions drawn from previous knowledge
or from past experience.
Example: A dog is growling loud. Its teeth are bared and its ears are laid flat on its back.
One can infer that the dog is mad and is in defensive position, ready to attack and bite

2. Integrated Science Process

Basic Science Processes are fundamental and these should be mastered ahead of the
integrated science processes.
a. Formulating hypothesis – stating the outcome of an experiment. It is an intelligent
guess of what will happen in an experiment; presents possible solution to the problem.
Example: The more sunlight the tomato plant receives, the taller it will grow
Null – written in negative form
Ex. Earthworms do not improve the quality of soil
Alternative – written in the affirmative form
Ex. Earthworms help improve the quality of soil
b. Controlling variables – being able to identify the variable that can affect experimental
outcomes, keeping most constant while manipulating only the independent variable.
Variables are condition, or factors or elements that are varied that may influence or
affect the experiment. Hence, all the conditions shall be controlled or made the same,
except the one being tested.
Dependent variable – [responding variable] the one being measured to determine the
Independent variable – [manipulated variable] variable being changed or manipulated
Constant variable- variable that is not change
Example: if you want to find out if the weight of a steel ball affects it speed when rolled
on a plane surface, the variable that will be controlled will be the distance, the kind of
surface and the force of the push to move the steel ball. The manipulated variable will
be the difference in the weight of the two balls.
c. Defining operationally – making a definition that is specifically applicable to the activity
or how it shall be done. It is a description of what will happen or how it will affect the
operation. It is not a definition that is stated in dictionaries or as a result of previous
experiments. Sometimes it describes what an object can do or what it could be done to
the object.
Example: Solids can be defined operationally as anything that has mass, form and can
be held by the hand.
d. Experimenting - is conducted under controlled conditions and used to test the
hypothesis. It is in experimenting, where the hypothesis is proven to be true or not,
thus a conclusion is arrived at.
 Design your experiment and write the step by step procedure that you will use to test
your hypothesis
 Gather the materials needed
 Identify the treatment that you will be able to compare your results with a reference
 Observe and record what happens when one variable is manipulated
e. Interpreting data – a data is information derived from the results of the experiment.
Most often it is in terms of quantities or numbers. To give meaning to the data, an
accurate recording and correct interpretation is made.

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Qualitative data Quantitative data
Obtained as values
Perceived through senses
Recorded or reported as numbers and
Recorded or reported as descriptions units

Can be observed but not measured Can be measured

The leaves of the tomato plant that is After two weeks, the height of the
exposed to direct sunlight are dark tomato plant exposed to direct sunlight
green is 2 cm taller than the height of the
plant that is placed under the shade

f. Formulating models – with the use of different processes of science,

a model can be made. Models are either mental or physical model of
processes or events. Formulating models will develop creativity and
innovation and enhance higher order thinking skills

Helping Students Develop their Science Process Skills

■ Provide Opportunities to Practice Process Skills
• Give students time and materials to ask and investigate questions about their environment
• Ask students questions that require the use of certain process skills.
■ Make the Process Conscious, Design Tasks that Encourage Discussion
• Engage students in discussions, in both one-on-one situations and in small and large groups.
• Encourage students to articulate what they are thinking and compare what they are doing.

Learning Activity 3.1: Observation vs. Inference

Direction: State whether the statement is an observation or inference .

1. There is a representation of a face on one side of the coin. _______________

2. The Latin word “DEI” means “God”. ______________________
3. The coin was made by deeply religious people. _____________________
4. The data 1722 is printed on one side of the coin. ___________________
5. The coin was made in 1722. __________________________
6. The face on the coin is a representation of the nation’s president. _________

Activity 3.2:
Direction: Read the situation below and answer the questions that follow.

Sponge Bob notices that his pal Gary is suffering from slimotosis, which occurs when the
shell develops a nasty slime and gives off a horrible odor. His friend Patrick tells him that
rubbing seaweed on the shell is the perfect cure, while Sandy says that drinking Dr. Kelp will be
a better cure. Sponge Bob decides to test this cure by rubbing Gary with seaweed for 1 week
and having him drink Dr. Kelp. After a week of treatment, the slime is gone and Gary’s shell
smells better.
 What was the initial observation?

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 What is the independent variable?

 What is the dependent variable?

 What should Sponge Bob’s conclusion be?

Activity 3.3
Write a simple activity/experiment that contains at least 5 process skills.

Organization of ideas
Evidence of knowledge

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Lesson 4 – Constructivism

Learning Outcomes:
1. Examine the constructivist view of learning
2. Trace indications/manifestations of spiral progression approach as seen in the science

Learning Content:

Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are
actively involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction rather than passively
receiving information. It also fosters critical thinking and creates motivated and independent

Characteristics of Constructivist Teaching:

1. Authentic activities and real world environments

Learning situations, environments, skills, content and tasks are relevant, realistic,
and authentic and represent the natural complexities of the “real world”.
Primary sources of data are used in order to ensure authenticity and real – world
Assessment is authentic and interwoven in teaching
Learners are provided with the opportunity for apprenticeship learning in which
there is an increasing complexity of tasks, skills and knowledge

2. Multiple Perspective
Learning environment “should support multiple perspectives or interpretations of reality,
knowledge construction, and context rich, experience – based activities”. [Jonassen, 1995].
Activities, opportunities, tools and environments are provided to encourage metacognition,
self – analysis, regulation, reflection and awareness
3. Holistic, integrative
Knowledge complexity is reflected in an emphasis on conceptual interrelatedness and
interdisciplinary learning.
4. Self – directed Learners
The student plays a central role in mediating and controlling the learning

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Goals and objectives are derived by the student or negotiation with the teacher or
Exploration is a favoured approach in order to encourage students to seek knowledge
independently and to manage the pursuit of their goals
Scaffolding is facilitated to help students perform just beyond the limits of their ability
5. Meaningful Learner
Knowledge construction and not reproduction is emphasized
The learner’s previous knowledge constructions, beliefs and attitudes are considered in
the knowledge construction process
Errors provide the opportunity for insight into student’s previous knowledge

Activity 4.1 Watching Video Clip

Open the following links:

o Constructivism in the Classroom


Direction: After watching the video clips identify and list down the different practices
consistent with constructivism.

Spiral Progression Approach in Science Curriculum

Science is a spiral curriculum design is one which ‘key concepts are presented
repeatedly throughout the curriculum but with deepening layers of complexity”. The learner
tries to spiral upwards learning as the new knowledge is introduced as well as the new process
skills are developed. This will increase the breadth and the depth of knowledge achieved. The
basic science concepts are revisited again and again as teacher teaches science across the
grades. This is the curriculum design for science in the basic education to start with the Grade 3
to 6.

The content of Science in the K to 12 Curriculum is made up of the four major fields or
A. Chemistry [Matter: Diversity of Materials, Properties and Structures, Changes and
B. Biology [Living Things and their Environment]
C. Physics [Force, Motion and Energy].
D. Earth and Space [Surroundings and Land, Water, and Air, Weather, Climate and Solar

The subject area contents are not labelled by the major science discipline, instead these
are given titles that are understandable by the learners from Grade 3 to Grade 6.

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•diversity of •properties
materials •structures and
•properties and Fucnstion
Structures •processed
•changes •interactions
•interactions living Things
matter and their

Earth and Force and

•surroundings: Space Motion
land, water and •movement
air •effects of force
•weather and •form of energy
climate •transformation
•solar system

The four quadrants represent the total coverage of Science in the elementary level.
There is a continues flow of topics in every quadrant. This implies integration, interdisciplinary
and multidisciplinary of Science.

Scope of Science:
Study the sequencing of subject matter for science in the K – 12 curriculum. Does it
follow the spiral progression approach?

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Learning Activity 4.2
Answer this question.
1. Would you go for spiral progression approach in science teaching? Why or why not?

Content – 15
Organization of ideas – 10
Sentence structure – 10

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Lesson 5 – Inquiry: Learning How to Do Science rather than Learning
About Science

Learning Outcome:
1. Discuss and apply the process oriented guided inquiry methodology of teaching science.

Learning Content:
Inquiry refers to the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and
propose explanations based on the evidence derived from their work.
Essential Features of Inquiry:
1. Learner engages in scientifically-oriented questions.
Teachers and students ask ”why” questions.” Why do clouds form?” “Why do plants
need sunlight?” In the science classroom these can be change into “how” questions that
lends themselves to scientific inquiry. “How do clouds form?” “How does sunlight affect
plants?” Students are engaged in inquiry when they form testable questions.
2. Learner gives priority to evidence in responding to questions.
Science uses evidence from observations as the basis for explanations about how the
natural world is. To make observations, scientists take measurements in natural settings
or in laboratories. The accuracy of the evidence collected verified by checking
measurement repeating the observations. Evidence collected is subjected to
questioning and further investigations.
3. Learner formulates explanations from evidence.
Scientific explanations are based on reason. They provide evidence collected to support
their conclusions. Students develop answer to questions based on their actual
observations, not on textbooks.
4. Learner connects explanations to scientific evidence.
Explanations can be revised or even discarded as new evidence is uncovered.
5. Learner communicates and justifies explanations.
Scientists communicate their explanations and evidence with one another through
scientific journals.

By providing time for students to share their answer/explanations, others can ask
questions, examine the evidence, Identify the errors and point out alternative
explanations or conclusions that are not just justified by evidence-just as real scientists

Different Levels of Inquiry in the Classroom




Teacher gives students problems to Investigates during hands-on activities as well as
procedures and materials .Students determine the outcomes. Here, teacher specific laboratory
activities, materials and questions.

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Teacher gives students the problem or question and materials. Students have to
determine the processes and outcomes.

Examples: Students are given half-ripe bananas, a box and old newspaper. Students are give
are asked to pack the half-ripe bananas to be transported from Ilocos to Manila in such a way
that they remain intact after an eight-hour land trip.

Students determine the problems the problems, investigations, procedures and outcomes.

Examples: Students are taken to a vegetable garden. Teacher gives them several minutes to
explore the vegetable garden. Working with partners, students formulate researchable
problems and conduct investigations based on their observations.

There are many strategies in the used of inquiry based science. It involves learners to do
science when given the opportunities to explore possible solutions, make explanation for the
phenomena under study, elaborate explanation on the concepts and processes and make
assessment of how these are understood based on available evidences.
1. 5 E’s in Science Teaching

In this first phase of the cycle, the teacher aims to assess student prior knowledge
and/or identify possible misconceptions. This student-centered phase should be a motivational
period that can create a desire to learn more about the upcoming topic. Students may
brainstorm an opening question or ask themselves: “What do I already know about this topic?”
Discrepant events, demonstrations, questioning, or graphic organizers such as KWL charts may
be included to create interest or generate curiosity. A KWL chart asks students to brainstorm
and record what they Know, Want to know, and (eventually) have Learned about the topic. The
KWL chart is used to pre-assess student prior knowledge and is oftentimes referred to
throughout the duration of the lesson. The instructional task is identified.
However, this phase does not serve as a time to lecture, define terms, provide explanations, or
record definitions.

Following an engagement phase that promotes a mental focus on the concept, the
exploration phase now provides the students with a common, concrete learning experience.
This phase is also student-centered and incorporates active exploration. Students are
encouraged to apply process skills, such as observing, questioning, investigating, testing
predictions, hypothesizing, and communicating, with other peers. This phase of the learning
cycle tends to incorporate the main inquiry-based activity or experience, which encourages

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students to develop skills and concepts. The teacher’s role is one of facilitator or consultant. In
addition, students are encouraged to work in a cooperative learning environment without
direct instruction from the teacher. This phase is also unique because the students are given
a “hands-on” experience before any formal explanation of terms, definitions, or concepts are
discussed or explained by the teacher.
A “minds-on” phase follows the exploration phase, and this is more teacher-directed
and guided by the students’ prior experience during the exploration phase. The explanation
phase enables students to describe their understanding and pose questions about the concepts
they have been exploring. It is likely that new questions will be generated. The explanation
phase is an essential, minds-on part of the 5E lesson. Before the teacher attempts to provide
an explanation, the students must first have the opportunity to express their own explanations
and ideas. Thus, the initial part of the explanation phase is a time for the teacher to serve as a
facilitator and ask the students to describe and discuss their exploration learning experiences.
After the students have had the opportunity to share their own explanations, the teacher
introduces scientific and technical information in a direct manner. This phase includes
clarification of student misconceptions that may have emerged during the engagement or
exploration phases. Formal definitions, notes, and labels are provided. The teacher may also
decide to integrate video, computer software programs, or other visual aides to help with
student understanding. The students should then be able to clearly explain the important
concepts to the teacher and to their peers.
The activities in this phase of the learning cycle should encourage students to apply
their new understanding of concepts, while reinforcing new skills. Students are encouraged to
check for understanding with their peers, or to design new experiments or models based on
the new skills or concepts they have acquired. The goal of this phase is to help develop deeper
and broader understandings of the concepts. Students may conduct additional investigations,
develop products, share information and ideas, or apply their knowledge and skills to other
disciplines. This is a great opportunity to integrate science with other content areas.
Elaboration activities may also integrate technology, such as web-based research or Web
Assessment in an inquiry-based setting is very different to that in traditional science
lessons. Both formal and informal assessment approaches are appropriate, and should be
included. For instance, the use of non-traditional forms of assessment, such as portfolios,
performance-based assessment, concept maps, physical models, or journal logs may serve as
significant evidence of student learning. During an inquiry-based lesson, assessment should be
viewed as an ongoing process, with teachers making observations of their students as they
apply new concepts and skills and looking for evidence that the students have changed or
modified their thinking. Students may also have the opportunity to conduct self assessment or
peer-assessment. However, the evaluation may also include a summative experience such as a
quiz, exam, or writing assignment.

2. Q – M –S Strategy
Q – question of problem
M – means or how the plan will be carried out
S – solution
3. 3 E – P
Exciting Examples of Everyday Phenomenon
4. 4As in Science Teaching
Ask question
conduct Activity
Analyze the data
Apply the science concepts in similar/related situations

5. Use of Discrepant Event [POE – E]

Prediction – what do you think will happen

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Observe – what did you observe
Explore – find solution to the problem
Explain – describe what you think happen in words and pictures

Benefits of Inquiry Based Learning

1. Reinforces Curriculum Content

2. “Warms Up” the Brain for Learning

Running a brief inquiry activity to start class can help students absorb information throughout the
day, according to the same study. Specifically, it states that curiosity prepares the brain for learning --
allowing students to become more proficient at understanding and remembering skills and concepts.
3. Promotes a Deeper Understanding of Content
By delving into a concept through inquiry, students should see it as more than a simple rule, idea or
formula. Many of them will understand:
How the idea was developed
Why the rule or formula works
When they can properly apply the rule, idea or formula
4. Helps Make Learning Rewarding
5. Builds Initiative and Self-Direction
6. Works in Almost Any Classroom
7. Offers Differentiated Instruction

Sample Learning Plan for 5E’s

Title of the Activity: Investigating Brine Shrimp

Objectives: Students will:

1. Design an investigation to test the hatching of brine shrimp eggs.
2. Organize data from an experiment.
3. Draw conclusions about brine shrimp optimal conditions.

Grade Level: 6
Materials: (per team)
• Clear plastic cups or jars (i.e., hatching containers)
• Masking tape
• One vial of brine shrimp eggs
• Small measuring spoon for brine shrimp eggs
• Graduated cylinders and beakers
• Microscope and microscope slides
• Kosher salt or rock salt
• Student Sheet: Observe/Infer graphic organizer
• Hand Lens

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Learning Activity 5.1
Write a learning plan that uses the 4A’s in teaching primary science. Choose any topic found in
lesson 6 or lesson 7.



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Lesson 6 - Concepts and Principles for the Elementary Science
Education Program: Chemistry Includes Properties and Structure of Matter and Changes that
Matter Undergo

Learning Outcomes:
1. Synthesize information about scientific principles
2. Examine the scope and sequence of science in the primary grades
3. Develop lesson plans to guide children in their investigations with corresponding instructional
materials and assessment tools.

Learning Content:
The chart below shows the different topics that are taken in progression in Chemistry
from one lower grade level to another higher grade level. All the topics are anchored on one
bigger topic as Properties of Matter.

Grade 3 Properties and Structure of Matter

Matter  Characteristics of solids, liquids and gases
 Changes in solids, liquids and gases
Grade 4 Properties and Structure of Matter
Matter  Properties used to group and store materials [ability to absorb water,
float or sink; decaying or non – decaying]regrouping materials :
reduce, recycle, reuse, recover, repair
Changes that Materials Undergo
 Changes that are useful
 Changes that are harmful
Grade 5 Properties and Structure of Matter
Matter  Properties used to minimize waste
 Importance of reading product label
Changes that Materials Undergo
 Evidence of change
 Appropriate ways of storing materials
Grade 6 Properties and Structure of Matter
Matter  Mixture and their characteristics
- Heterogeneous mixtures: solutions and suspensions
- Colloids
 Separating mixtures

Sample Learning Plan for Grade 3

Lesson: Changes That Materials Undergo

Lesson Outcome:

Describe changes in the materials due to the effect of temperature such as solid to liquid, liquid
to solid, liquid to gas and solid to gas


There are changes that can occur in materials. Some liquid materials can be changed
into solid and several can even return back to liquid. There are liquid and solid materials which
can be change to gases. Gases can be changed too to liquids. Solids can be changed also to
gases without even passing the liquid state. How is this possible?

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Let us investigate on changes that materials may go through by having this activity with
your group mates.

Activity 1: Effect of heat on some materials

Materials needed:

 4 aluminium foil made up cups or container

 Small cube of margarine or butter, wax, solid deodorant and ice candy
 Hot water in a thermos or pot
 Heat resistant gloves
 Basin or bowl to hold the warm water
 Some ice cubes in a pan
 Watch or timer
 Laboratory thermometer
 Chart on the change of state of matter

1. Place the small cubes of margarine, wax, deodorant and ice candy respectively, in
different made-up aluminum foil containers.
2. What will happen to the materials when the same amount of heat is applied to them at
the same amount of time? Predict
3. Closely observe the ice candy.
Q1. Why is the ice candy melting?

4. Pour the hot water from the thermos in a basin. Determine its temperature.
5. Place the 4 aluminum containers prepared in 1.1 simultaneously in the basin of hot
water bath. Observe in 7 minutes.
Caution: Be careful in handling the set-up to avoid burning or any accident

Q2. What change(s) did you observe?

Q3. What cause(s) the change? Why did the solid materials melt?

Q4. When the materials melted, did it change into something else?

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Q5. Using the chart on the change of state, describe what change took place with the

Write your explanation below.


Activity 2: Where did the water go?

Materials needed:

 100 ml water
 Air thermometer
 Piece of chalk


Prepare a glass with 100 ml of water, air thermometer (if available), and a piece of chalk.
Next assemble with your group outside the classroom. Pour the water in a pool on the top of
concrete pavement or on black surface to create a pool of water. Trace around the perimeter
or boarder of the pool of water. Determine the surrounding air temperature.

Predict the changes that might take place with the pool of water. After 8 minutes re-
examine the pool. Check the chalk markings at the borders of the pool and the air temperature.

Q1. Were your predictions correct?

Q2. What changes took place with the pool of water?

Q3. What seemed to be causing these changes?

You have just experienced doing an inquiry approach through investigation. This is another way of
introducing the idea of how matter transforms in state due to temperature change. Here are some
background information on the topic.

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Changes in Matter Due to Changes in Temperature

Matter exists as solid, liquid, or gas. The change in state can be bought about by the
effect of heat or a change in temperature. The changes could be explained using the particle
model. The particle model shows that solid, liquid and gas are made up of small particles.
These particles are always moving. The behaviour of these particles
differs in the 3 states and hence can be used to explain what happens
in changes in state.

+ Energy

Solid Melting Boiling

Liquid gas
Freezing Condensation

-Energy [heat]


The particles in a solid are very close to each other. There is very strong force that holds
these particles together. Hence, their movements are limited. The particles are vibrating but
not spreading apart. This explains why solid has a rigid and compact appearance.


The particles in a liquid are arranged far apart from each other. The force holding them is not
as strong as that in solid. Thus, the particles can glide or slide around one other and tend to
occupy the bottom of the container. This explains why liquid takes on the shape of the


Gas particles lie very far from each other. The force holding them is very weak. This is the
reason why the particles of gas move faster.

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Liquid Gas

The arrangement of particles in solid, liquid and gas

Changes in Matter

o From solid to liquid

Heat energy is always present when matter changes state. As temperature increases as
observed when heat from the hot water is added to solid like the ice candy and wax, the
particles in these solid materials take in the heat energy. They change it into energy of motion
and begin to move and vibrate so fast. As the particles in solid speed up, consequently they
also move farther apart. If the particles gained enough energy, they will have enough room to
slide past each other. They break free from their fixed positions. Consequently, the solid
matters (ice candy and wax) begin into melt. Melting is the change of state from solid to liquid.

o From liquid to Gas

Increasing the temperature further of liquid state like water which resulted from
melting, will cause the water particles to escape. The liquid water begins to changes to gas-
called water vapour. This can continue as long as heat is added or the temperature increases,
and the liquid will continue to boil. Bubbles of water vapour will keep forming and escaping
until all the liquid changes to gas. Boiling is the rapid change of state from a liquid to a gas.
Vaporization takes place when the particles in a liquid gain enough energy to move
independently. Evaporation usually occurs on the surface of the liquid

The situation can be observed when water in covered drinking glass which is allowed to stay
undisturbed overnight decreases its volume. This indicates that some of the water particles
evaporated and change to water vapour. Droplets of water can also be seen along the side of
the closed drinking glass. These water droplets came from the water vapour or steam that
changed into liquid. When water vapour comes in contact with a cool surface, it release heat
energy and the particles that make up the gas begin to slow down and move closer together.
The gas changes again to a liquid. Condensation is the change of state from a gas to a liquid.

o From Liquid to solid

Suppose more energy or heat taken away from liquid like when the liquid ice candy or just
plain water is placed in the freezer where the temperature is maybe 0 degree Celsius or even
lower, the particles in liquid will slow down. They will begin to move closer to each other. If the
particles lose enough energy the ice candy or the water begins to freeze. The change of state
from a liquid to a solid is freezing.

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o From Solid to Gas

In some cases, solid particles present in solid state in solid state like naphthalene balls are
directly converted to gaseous state. This is only possible when the surface particles of solid gain
enough energy that they form a gas. During sublimation, particles of solid do not pass through
the liquid state as they form a gas. As a solid material sublimates into gas, the freedom of the
motion of its particles increases. In the case of naphthalene balls, the material solid disappears;
however, its odor can be smelled in the air.


Within your group, create an analogy to describe the movement of particles. Each
member of the group represents one particle.

1. Demonstrate the movement of particles when the whole group dances tune of a
modern music
How does each member move?
How far was the distance from each member while they were dancing?
Group members represent the particles of liquid. Do they move fast or slow? Are
they part or near each other?
2. Demonstrate the movement of particles when the whole group dances to the tune of
sweet mellow music.
How does each member move?
How far was the distance from each member while they were dancing?

Group members represent the particles solid. Do they move fast or slow? Are they far apart of
near each other?

3. Demonstrate the movement of particles when the whole group dances to the tune of
ballet music.
How does each member move?
How far was the distance from each member while they were dancing?
Group members represent gas particles. Do they move fast or slow? Are the particles far
apart or near each other?

Q. Compare the movement and positions of people dancing to the tune of modern
music, sweet mellow music, and ballet music with the motions of liquid particles, solid
particles and gas particles.

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A. Identify the changes that take place in matter by matching column A with column B .
Write the letter of your choice on the space provided before each number.
Column A Column B
1. Drying of drops of accetone A. Solid to gas
of your finger nails
2. Margarine heated in a pan B. solid to liquid
3. Gelatine mixed with hot water C. liquid to gas
and replaced inside the refrigerator
4. Perfume sprayed on you D. gas to liquid
5. Air freshener in a can becomes E. liquid to solid
lesser in volume as the can is

B. Multiple
1. Water droplets forms on a cold glass of soda drink. What state of matter
was the water droplet before it formed on the glass and where did it come
A. It was a gas in the air.
B. It was the liquid water that water leaked through the glass.
C. It was the liquid in the air that trickled at the side of the glass
D. It was a part of the solid ice cibe and diffused onto the side of the glass
and become a liquid.
2. Which of the following diagrams represents the particles of melting ice?




3. When does the sublimation occur? When a

A. Solid transforms into a liquid
B. Liquid transforms into gas
C. Gas transforms into a solid
D. Solid transforms into a gas
C. Look closely at the pictures below. Identify the state in each situation and explain
your answer on the space provided.

A. C.

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B. D.

E. F.

Activity 6.1

Choose one topic in Chemistry and make a corresponding instructional material/s and
assessment to be used.


Accuracy and visual appeal

Alignment to standards and depth of knowledge
Ease of use and support
Engagement and ability to meet student needs

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Lesson 7 – Basic Concepts and Principles for the Elementary Science
Education Program: Biology includes Parts and Functions of Animals and Plants,
Heredity: Inheritance and Variation, Biodiversity and Evolution and Ecosystems

Learning Outcomes:
1. Synthesize information about scientific principles
2. Develop sound lesson plans to guide children in their investigations with
corresponding instructional materials and assessment tools

Learning Content:
The next major topic is Biology which is described as Living Things and their
Environment. Let us see the different topics and how these progress in the different grade

Characteristics of Living Things

Parts and Functions of Living Things
 Humans
Grade 3  Animals
Living Things and their Environment  Plants
Traits Passed on Parents
 Humans
 Animals
 Plants
Interactions of Living Things with the Environment
 Basic needs
 Feeding relationships
Parts and Functions
 Humans
- Major organs of the body
- Caring for the major organs
- Diseases that affect the major organs
Grade 4  Animals
Living Things and their Environment - Terrestrial
- Aquatic
 Plants
- Terrestrial
- Aquatic
Life Cycles
 Humans, animals and plants
 Beneficial
 Harmful
Parts and Functions
 Humans
Grade 5 - Stages of growth
Living Things and their Environment - Parts of the reproductive system
- Development of secondary sex
- Menstrual
 Animals
- Parts of the reproductive system of
representative groups of animals and their
- Differences in the modes of reproduction:
external fertilization, internal fertilization

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 Birds [ducks]
 Fishes [tilapia]
 Toads/frogs
 Crustaceans [crabs and shrimps]
 Dragonflies and butterflies
- Protecting of habitats
 Plants
- Flowering plants [rice/corn, pechay, mongo]
- Non – flowering plants [cone bearing, ferns,
- Protecting habitats of plants
Interactions among living things

Parts and Functions

 Human body system
- Musculoskeletal
- Digestive
- Respiratory
- Circulatory
- Nervous
Grade 6  Animals
Living Things and their Environment - Characteristics of vertebrates and
invertebrates in the community
- Rare animals in the community
- Vegetative plant propagation
 Plants
- Parts of spore bearing plants
- Life cycles of ferns and mosses
- Vegetative plant propagation
 Interactions
- Physical condition of tropical rainforest, coral
reefs, and mangrove swamps
- Plants and animals living in these ecosystems
- Feeding relationships in these ecosystems
- Protecting and conserving tropical forest

Sample Learning Plan for Grade 4

Lesson: Beneficial and harmful interactions among living things

Lesson Outcome:

1. Describe how organisms interact in the environment

2. Identified the beneficial and harmful interactions among living things in the


Show a picture of a heron at the back of a carabao. How does this bird benefit from the
carabao? How does the carabao benefit from this? This is just one example of a long term
relationship known as symbiosis. What do you know about symbiosis? Do you have a
relationship like this? What other organisms have this kind of relationship?

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Problem: How do different organisms interact with each other?

What to do:

1. Visit a garden or a farm

2. Find the organisms listed below. Observe how these organisms interact with each
3. Identify the relationship among these organisms.

Organism A Organism B How they interact Effect of the

interaction to the
Butterfly Gumamela
Orchid Tree
Caterpillar Leaf

4. Answer the question:

o What do you call the organism that benefits from the interaction with another
o From the activity, which of these organisms have beneficial relationship with other
organisms? Why?
o For you, which is the best relationship?

Interaction of organisms in the environment may be beneficial or harmful. The interaction

is beneficial if one or more organisms benefit from the interaction. On the other hand, if the
organism is harmed from the interaction, then it is a harmful interaction.

Symbiosis is any relationship that involves two or more species of different kinds of living
things interacting together. The different types of symbiotic interactions are mutualism and
commensalism, while parasitism, predation and competition are harmful interactions

Mutualism is a kind of symbiosis in which both organisms benefit from the interaction. A
sea anemone living on the shell of a hermit crab is an example of mutualism. The sea anemone
hides the hermit crab and helps to protect it from predators. A sea anemone move from place
to place on its own. When the hermit crab moves around, it carries the sea anemone with it.
This increases the area in which the anemone can feed. Both organisms benefit. Give other
examples of mutualism.

Commensalism is a kind of symbiotic interaction in which one organism is helped and the
other is neither helped nor harmed. An orchid living in a tree is an example of commensalism.
The orchid has a place to live. The tree is not affected by the orchid. Can you give other
examples of this type of interaction?

Parasitism is a harmful interaction. In this type of interaction, the organism that benefits is
called the parasite. The organism that is harmed is called the host. A parasite lives in or on the
body of the host. An example of parasitism is the tick living on the dog. The dog on which the
tick lives is the host, while the tick is the parasite. The tick gets nutrients from the blood of the
dog. The dog may be weakened by the loss of nutrients from the presence of many ticks.
Search the internet for other examples of parasitism.

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Predation is another example of harmful interaction. It is the eating of one living organism
by another. It is also known as predator – prey relationship. The organism that is eaten is called
the prey and the organism that kills and eats the other organism is called the predator.
Examples of predation are snakes feeding on chicks, eagle feeding on monkey and shark
feeding on small fish. What are other examples of predation?

Competition is another example of harmful interaction. Plants may compete for available
nutrients, water, sunlight and soil. Animals compete with both members of the same species
and with other species for resources, food and hiding places to avoid predators. If the
competition is between organisms of the same species, it is called intraspecific. On the other
hand interspecific competition is between organisms of different species. Look around your
surroundings for examples of interspecific and intraspecific competition.

1. Research on various examples of harmful and beneficial interactions of organisms in
different types of ecosystems. Design a poster that explains a kind of interaction.
2. Create a diagram to show feeding relationships, such as a food chain and a food web in
a fresh water pond or vegetable garden. Choose only one ecosystem.


Complete the table below. You may include examples from any ecosystems you studied.

Organism 1 Organism 2 Interaction Effect of the

interaction to each
Fruit bat Seeds of a tree Mutualism 1. Food [+]
2. Dispersion of
seeds of fruit
eaten [+]
1. Mutualism
2. Mutualism
Mosquito Frog Predation 1. Eaten or prey
2. Eater or
predator [+]
Fern on a tree trunk Mango tree trunk Commensalism 1. Gets shelter
Not affected by the
fern [0]

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Activity 7.1
Write a lesson plan that applies the process oriented guided – inquiry methodology of science
teaching. Choose any topic in chemistry or biology in Grade 3 or Grade 4.

Rubric for writing learning plan:

Exceeds Meets Needs Does Not Meet

Criteria Expectation [ Expectations Improvement Expectations
20 points] [15 points] [10 points] [5 points]
Objectives * Subject Objectives are Objectives are Objectives are Objectives are not
matter knowledge, obviously somewhat either not observable and
skills and application observable and observable and observable or also are not
Reasoning ability measurable; measurable ; not measurable;
Clearly stated Stated measurable; Application of
application of application of Minimal subject matter
subject matter subject matter application of knowledge and
knowledge and knowledge and subject matter skills not evident;
skills; Includes skills; Some knowledge and Domains and
the three domains are skills; Domains levels are not
domains; included, but and levels are addressed
cognitive, not all three or addressed
affective, not across all limitedly
psychomotor – levels
across all
reasoning levels;
lower, middle,
Anticipatory Set Lesson is Some attempt Limited Does not tap
creatively to open lesson attempt to tap interest & prior
opened by by tapping interest & prior knowledge, and
tapping interest interest & prior knowledge, and describe
& prior knowledge, and describe procedures
knowledge, and describe procedures
procedures are procedures
Procedures Detailed all Detailed some Limited details Details are not
content and content provided to provided to teach
resources required for teach content; content; Teaching
required for instruction; Teaching strategy not clear
instruction; Some teaching strategy not or MI theory not
Includes a variety strategies clear or MI evident; Methods
of teaching included with theory not of student inquiry
strategies using use of MI evident; not evident;
Multiple; theory; Some Limited lower level
Intelligences methods of methods of questioning;
theory; Used student inquiry student inquiry limited use of
multiple methods listed; some used; lower technology
or inquiry for open ended level
student learning questions questioning;
incorporating included; some use of
Bloom’s appropriate use technology
taxonomy; of technology
effective use of
Closure Summary Some summary Limited use of Summary not
provided to provided to summary to evident or does
reinforce reinforce reinforce not reinforce
learning and link learning learning learning
to future learning

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Assessment Appropriate and Appropriate; Connected to Not connected to
connected to all connected to objectives to a objectives or not
objectives some limited degree; appropriate; Does
Specific objectives; Plans Plans for either not include plans
description of for both formative or for either
both formative formative and summative formative or
and summative summative assessment; summative
assessments; assessment; States one way assessment; Does
Details at least States at least to represent not include any
two different two different learning; e.g. ways to represent
ways to ways to concept map, learning
represent represent quiz, reflective
learning; e.g. learning; e.g. response
concept map, concept map,
quiz, reflective quiz, reflective
response response

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Lesson 8 – Instructional Materials Development for Elementary Science
Education and Technology in Elementary Science Education

Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe the current technologies that maybe used in teaching science
2. Infuse technologies into scientific investigation

Learning Content:
To better prepare students for the science and technology of the 21st century, the
current science education reforms ask science teachers to integrate technology and inquiry-
based teaching into their instruction (American Association for the Advancement of Science,
1993; National Research Council [NRC], 1996, 2000). ). The National Science Education
Standards (NSES) encourage teachers to apply “a variety of technologies, such as hand tools,
measuring instruments, and calculators [as] an integral component of scientific investigations”
to support student inquiry (p.175). Utilizing technology tools in inquiry-based science
classrooms allows students to work as scientists (Novak & Krajcik, 2006, p. 76).
Teaching science is not easy. Science teachers experience various constraints, such as lack of
time, equipment, pedagogical content knowledge, and pedagogical skills in implementing
reform-based teaching strategies (Crawford, 1999, 2000; Roehrig & Luft, 2004, 2006). One way
to overcome the barriers and to reform teaching is to participate in professional development
programs that provide opportunities for social, personal, and professional development (Bell &
Gilbert, 2004). Professional development programs in which teachers collaborate with other
teachers, reflect on their classroom practices, and receive support and feedback have been
shown to foster teachers’ professional development (Grossman, Wineburg, & Woolworth,
2001; Huffman, 2006; Loucks-Horsley, Love, Stiles, Mundry, & Hewson, 2003).

Technology Integration into Science Classrooms:

Many new educational technology tools are now available for science teachers.
Educational technology tools such as computers, probeware, data collection and analysis
software, digital microscopes, hypermedia/multimedia, student response systems, and
interactive white boards can help students actively engage in the acquisition of scientific
knowledge and development of the nature of science and inquiry. When educational
technology tools are used appropriately and effectively in science classrooms, students actively
engage in their knowledge construction and improve their

Furthermore, well-developed knowledge of technology allows teachers to incorporate

technologies into their classroom instruction. Importantly, technology knowledge is much
more than just knowing about technology; a deep understanding of technology is needed to
use technology for effective classroom instruction, communication, problem solving, and
decision making (Koehler & Mishra, 2008). As emphasized by McCrory (2008), these four
knowledge bases―knowledge of, science, students, pedagogy, and technology―work
collaboratively “in knowing where [in the curriculum] to use technology, what technology to
use, and how to teach with it” (McCrory, 2008, p. 195).

Proposed Guidelines for Using Technology in the Preparation of Science Teachers:

1. Technology should be introduced in the context of science content.

The first principle is centered on the notion that technology should not be taught
merely for its own sake in the preparation of science teachers. Features of technology should
be introduced and illustrated in the context of meaningful science. In other words, technology
should be presented as a means, not an end. This principle has implications for teaching
science content, as well as for science teacher preparation.

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2. Technology should address worthwhile science with appropriate pedagogy.

Teaching science for understanding, instead of for rote memorization, requires students to
be active participants who are engaged in asking questions, observing and inferring, collecting
and interpreting data, and drawing conclusions (AAAS, 1993; Bybee, 1997; Goodrum, 1987;
Matthews, 1994; NRC, 1996; Tobin, Treagust, & Frasier, 1988). In essence, teacher education
courses should emphasize methods for providing students with opportunities to do science, in
addition to learning the facts and concepts of science. Content-based activities using
technology should be used in the process of modelling effective science teaching for new
teachers. Thus, appropriate uses of technology should enhance the learning of worthwhile
science concepts and process skills, as well as reflect the nature of science. Furthermore,
activities involving technology should make appropriate connections to student experiences
and promote student-centered, inquiry-based learning. Activities should support sound
scientific curricular goals and should not be developed merely because technology makes them
possible. Indeed, the use of technology in science teaching should support and facilitate
conceptual development, process skills, and habits of mind that make up scientific literacy, as
described by the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996) and Project 2061
(AAAS, 1993).

Technology can support student investigations and direct collection and presentation of
data through real-time data collection via microcomputer based probeware. PowerPoint or
spreadsheet functions support presentations that demonstrate the relationship between
hypothesis and data. Further manipulations of the display can help students formulate
conclusions based on data.

3. Technology instruction in science should take advantage of the unique features of


Technology modelled in science education courses should take advantage of the

capabilities of technology and extend instruction beyond or significantly enhance what can be
done without technology.

4. Technology should make scientific views more accessible.

Appropriate educational technologies have the potential to make scientific concepts more
accessible through visualization, modelling, and multiple representations

5. Technology instruction should develop understanding of the relationship between

technology and science

Using technologies in learning science provides opportunities for demonstrating to new

teachers the reciprocal relationship between science and technology. Extrapolating from
applications for classrooms, new teachers can develop an appreciation for how advances in
science drive technology, and in turn, how scientific knowledge drives new technologies.

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Activity 8.1:
Choose one technology that can be used in teaching science. Describe on how to use it.
What criteria would you use to select software to use with students in the primary science

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Lesson 9 – Strategies for Successful Science Activities

Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify practical suggestions pertaining to implementing a constructivist, process
oriented, and inquiry science program in the elementary classroom.

Learning Content:

A. Inquiry Based Teaching

Constructivist teaching is also inquiry based. Effective inquiry is more than simply
answering questions or getting the right answer. It spouses investigation, exploration, search,
quest, research, pursuit and study. It is enhanced by involvement with community of learners,
each learning from the other in social interaction.
Students must be taught to nurture inquiring attitudes necessary to continue the
generation and examination of knowledge throughout their lives. The skills and the ability to
continue learning as well as how to look information and evaluate them should be the most
important outcomes of teaching and learning.
Effective problem solvers know how to ask questions to fill in the gaps between what they
know and what they don’t know. Effective questioners are inclined to ask a range of questions:
 What evidence do you have?
 How do you know it’s true?
 How reliable is this data?
They also pose questions about alternative points of view:
 From whose viewpoint are we seeing, reading or hearing?
 From what angle, what perspective, are viewing this situation?
Effective questioners pose question that make casual connections and relationship. Sometimes
they pose hypothetical problems characterized by if questions and recognize the discrepancies
and phenomena in their environment and they probe into their causes.
When using inquiry – based lessons, teachers are responsible for
1. Starting the inquiry process
2. Promoting student dialogue
3. Transitioning between small groups and classroom discussions
4. Intervening to clear misconceptions or develop student’s understanding of content
5. Modelling scientific procedures and attitudes

Some specific learning processes that people engage in during inquiry learning include;
1. Creating questions of their own
2. Obtaining supporting evidence to answer question[s]
3. Explaining the evidence collected
4. Connecting the explanation to the knowledge obtained from investigative process

For inquiry based learning covers a range of activities to learning and teaching including
1. Fieldwork
2. Case studies
3. Investigations
4. Individual and group projects
5. Research projects

A constructivist approach to teaching has the following features: authentic activities and
real world tasks, multiple perspectives, holistic and integrative, self directed learners,
meaningful learning, collaborative and interactive learning. These features are found in
interactive and collaborative, integrative and inquiry based learning activities.
B. Problem Based Learning

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Problem – based learning [PBL] uses an inquiry model or a problem- solving model. In that
sense students are given a problem, pose questions about the problem, plan on what and how
to gather the necessary information, and come up with their conclusions. The driving force is
the problem given and the success is the solution of the same and discovery of several

Steps in Problem Based Learning

1. read and analyze the problem


2. list what is known

3. develop a problem statement

4. list what is needed

5. list actions, solutions and


6. gather information

7. analyze information

8. present finding and


Some Reminders for Problem Based Learning to Work

1. The problem must be designed in such a way that different appropriate
solutions/answers may apply. They are not intended to generate neat answers. In
their struggle to find the answer, the students will gain essential problem solving
and critical thinking skills.
2. The problem must be a real world scenario, One way would be by constructing a
problem statement, which contains the following:
It cast the student in a particular role.
It contains a problem
It gives the students a task.
3. The problem must be relevant to the students and must be developmentally
4. Guidelines must be set on how the team/group will work together, the expected
dates of completion and group presentation before the class, the procedures in
group presentation.
5. Teacher gives guidance but does not give answers to the problem/s
6. Students must be given reasonable amount of time to do work.
7. Teacher makes clear how performance will be assessed. It is the best that the
Scoring Rubrics gets presented before work begins.

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What does GRASPS mean? It is an acronym that guides teachers in the formulation of an
authentic performance task like problem solving.

G - oal
R- ole
S- ituations
P- roduct of performances
S- tandards.

Sample of Performances Task/Problem:


G-OAL: Your task is to create an excel spreadsheet survey by surveying the class as to which
was their favourite lunch food.
R-OLE: You are a survey taker and you need to obtain your data by surveying your classmates
on your specific food type.
A-UDIENCE: You are letting your classmates and the school cafeteria manager know which
food turned out to be the class favourite
S-ITUATION: The challenge involves gathering data and then displaying that data in an excel
P-ROUDUCT AND PERFORMANCE: You will create an excel spreadsheet using the data you
obtained and share it in a letter to the cafeteria manager.
S-TANDARDS FOR SUCCESS: Your product must meet the following standards: letter is written
correctly and contains correct data displayed in cells and also displayed into chart.

Benefits of Inquiry-Based Learning

Problem-based inquiry emphasizes learning as a process that involves problem solving

and critical thinking in situated contexts. It provides opportunities to address broader learning
goals that focus on preparing students for active and responsible citizenship. Students gain
experience in tackling realistic problems, and emphasis is placed on using communication,
cooperation, and resources to formulate ideas and develop reasoning skills.

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Project-Based Learning (PrBL/PjBL)

Project-Based Learning, as the name implies involves a project which involves a complex
task and some form of student presentation, and/or creating an actual product, but the key to
success is the skills acquired during the process of the product production. In other words, the
learning effect is much more important than the product itself. Students do project-based
learning by:
Defining the purpose of creating the end-product
Identify their audience
Doing research on the topic
Designing the product
Implementing the design
Solving the problems that arise and finally
Coming up with the product

This is followed by a product presentation and most important of all, self-

evaluation and reflection on the product and the entire production process (Schneiderman et
al.., 1998). Problem-based learning starts with a real world problem or case study and end with
proposed solutions.

Project-based learning begins with a project that is meant to address a problem. It can
be said that where the problem-based learning ends, project-based learning begins. Therefore,
the steps in problem-based learning are the first steps of the project-based learning. Added to
these steps are:

1. Conceptualize their project design.
2. Critique one another’s design.
3. Revise and finalize their project design.

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4. Present their product meant to address the problem or implement the project to
solve the problem for those concerned in a program organized for this purpose.
They answer questions from the audience.
5. Reflects on how they completed the project, next steps they might take, and what
they gained in the process.

Some Reminders for PrBl/PjBl/C-PBL to Work

1. Students should be given sufficient time to work on the present their projects.
2. The presentation of the product or project is not the end of PrBL.
The product/project presentation must lead the students to:
a. reflect on the processes that they undertook, Why they succeeded/did not
succeed in completing the project;
b. the next steps they might take;
c. what they gained in the process; and
d. how they can further improve on the process
3. Encourage the students to employ creative and interesting ways of presenting their
project to sustain the audience’s attention.

Comparison of Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Project-Based Learning (PrBL/PjBL) or

Collaborative Project-Based Learning (C-PBL) are two different frameworks of inquiry-based
teaching. Since both are inquiry-based teaching methods, they engage students in creating,
questioning, and revising knowledge, while developing their skills in critical thinking,
collaboration, communication, reasoning, synthesis, and resilience (Barron & Darling-
Hammond, 2008).

The two inquiry-based approaches are rooted in constructivism. Both engage the
students in authentic student- centered tasks to enhance learning. They can be used in
combination and, therefore, are complementary but they are not identical approaches (Camille
Esh, 1998, cited in Schneiderman).

Both Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning closely relate to the

information processing approach which is based on the theory that humans process the
information they receive; rather than merely respond to stimuli. The information processing
approach involves many cognitive processes between the learner’s reception of stimulus and
his/her response. These include stimulus identification, attention, storage and retrieval of
information (memory), attention perception, and decision making-cognitive processes which
are highly evident in PrBL and PBL.

Both PrBL (C-PBL) and PBL have the following features:

Based on constructivist approach to learning

Geared toward “ real world” tasks
Projects or problems have more than one approach or answer
Simulate professional situations
Teacher as coach or facilitator

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Students generally work in cooperative groups
Student are encouraged to find multiple sources of information
Emphasis on authentic; performance-based assessment
Relate to the information processing approach

PrBL/PjBL/C-PBL is based on having an end product in mind while PBL is based on solving
a particular problem.
PrBL/PjBL/C-PBL generally follows the production model (planning, researching,
designing the product, presenting and submitting the product, reflecting on the product and
the entire production process) while PBL solves problem via the inquiry model using a scenario
or case study (Corpuz, 2014).

Activity 9.1

Do the task below:

Waste Management System at Home

Goal To encourage members of the family to practice proper storing of

products and disposal of waste at home
Role You are a son/daughter
Audience The grade 4 pupils and their families
Situation After the topics are studied in the first quarter, you are challenged to
include and identify the sources of pollution at home and find ways on
how these can be lessened or eliminated
Performance You need to prepare a proper storage of products and disposal of waste
at home. You need to include a clear basis of the program, the top 5
sources of pollution at home and an explanation on how it affects the
environment. Include as well some suggested on how can be eliminated
or reduced.
You can choose one from the following:
Product 1: A “how to” demonstration on the proper storage of products
and disposal of wastes system at home
Product 2: Cut out or draw pictures to show situations on the importance
of the proper storage of products and disposal of wastes at home
Product 3: An original story depicting various elements on proper storage
and disposal of wastes at home
Standards Your performance is evaluated according to the following:
1. Clear rationale of the program
2. Content
3. Creativity

Rubric for Waste Management System at Home

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Rationale Very clear and Clear and Clear but Unclear for
presents presents does not proper
reasonable basis reasonable presents storage and
for proper basis for proper reasonable disposal of
storage and storage and basis for wastes at
disposal of disposal of proper home
wastes at home wastes at home storage and

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disposal of
wastes at
Content The program is The program is The program The program
very comprehensive, is realistic, is not
comprehensive, realistic, and and the realistic
realistic, and the the suggestions suggestions
suggestions are are doable are doable
Creativity Creativity is very Creativity is Creativity is Creativity is
evident. A lot of very evident. somehow not very
thought and Some thought evident. A evident. Very
effort went into and effort went little thought little thought
the work into the work and effort and effort
went into the went into the
work work
Total /12

Activity 9.2

Write a project based activity for grade 4 science.


Knowledge of the subject

Creativity and resourcefulness
Significance of the project

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Lesson 10 – Assessment and Authentic Assessment Techniques

Learning Outcomes:
1. Define ways in which process oriented inquiry science teachers can assess the learning
of their students

Learning Content:
Effective assessment means more than giving paper and pen tests and assigning grades.
The process occurs before, during and after lessons, units or marking periods. It is a way of
charting students’ progress. And it provides a vehicle for instructional planning. You can’t plan
for effective instruction until you know where your students are, where you want them to go,
and how you want them to get there. Assessment also gives parents, students and teachers
and others a profile or a report on student achievement. And with student input and
ownership, assessment can even motivate students to perform and produce. [ Shawalay, 1998]

Authentic assessments can be contrasted with conventional test questions, which are
often indirect measures of a student’s ability to apply the knowledge and skills gained in a
course. The table below, drawn from Wiggins, illustrates the differences between typical tests
and authentic assessments.

Typical tests Authentic tasks Indicators of authenticity

Require a high-quality product Correctness is not the only
Require correct responses or performance, and a criterion; students must be
justification of the solutions to able to justify their answers
problems encountered
Must be unknown to the Should be known in advance The tasks and standards for
student in advance to be valid to students as much as judgment should be known or
possible predictable.
Are disconnected from real- Are tied to real-world contexts The context and constraints of
world contexts and constraints and constraints; require the the task are like those
student to “do” the subject. encountered by practitioners
in the discipline.
Contain items that isolate Are integrated challenges in The task is multifaceted and
particular skills or facts which a range of skills and complex, even if there is a
knowledge must be used in right answer.
Include easily scored items Involve complex tasks that for The validity of the assessment
which there may be no right is not sacrificed in favor of
answer, and that may not be reliable scoring.
easily scored
Are “one shot”; students get Are iterative; contain recurring Students may use particular
one chance to show their tasks knowledge or skills in several
learning different ways or contexts.
Provide a score Provide usable diagnostic The assessment is designed
information about students’ to improve future
skills and knowledge performance, and students
are important “consumers” of
such information.
Authentic assessments have several advantages over conventional tests. They are likely
to be more valid than conventional tests, particularly for learning outcomes that require
higher-order thinking skills. Because they involve real-world tasks, they are also likely to be
more interesting for students, and thus more motivating. And finally, they can provide more
specific and usable information about what students have succeeded in learning as well as
what they have not learned.
Developing process skills is crucial to building an understanding of the world and to
learning science content: the ideas and concepts that explain how the natural and human-
made worlds work. Process skills give learners ways to engage with science content.

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Triple Functions Performed by a Holistic Assessment:
1. Diagnostic – Assessment for learning [ pre – assessment
2. Formative/ Developmental – Assessment for and assessment as learning
3. Summative/ Evaluative – assessment of learning or assessment as learning

Diagnostic Assessment for learning

Teachers should pre – assess the knowledge and skills that the students are bringing
with them:
 To identify learning needs
 To address the learning needs – students might lack the prerequisites skills; students
might have some misunderstanding
 To inform teaching
 To improve learning

Formative/Developmental – assessment for and assessment as learning

The results are used to
 regularly check whether the students are attaining the objectives of instructions
 observe the alignment between students’ performance and attainment of desired or
expected learning behaviours
 monitor or keep track of students’ learning outcomes
 Used to improve learning by modifying or changing teaching strategies
 Reviewed by the students to draw insights or realizations on how else could they
improve their performance
 Used to design intervention that will improve students’ learning

Summative Assessment – assessment of learning

The results of assessment are
 Used to make judgement on the level of proficiency the learner has attained
 Used to improve future learning
 Studied to plan for further curriculum development

Comparing formative and summative assessments

Characteristics Formative Summative
Purpose Provide ongoing feedback to Document student learning at
improve learning the end of an instruction
When conducted During instruction After instruction
Teacher role To provide immediate To measure student learning
feedback and instructional and give grades
Assessment techniques Formal and informal [non Evaluative in nature, generally
graded] resulting in a score or grade

What are the benefits of making assessment authentic?

* More relevant
* More motivating
* Encourages real-world skills (and transfer to real world)
* Can be complex and employ higher-level thinking
*Aids real understanding

Authentic assessments include a variety of measures that can be adapted for different
situations. These are some examples of authentic assessments

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Assessment Techniques:
1. Journals, blog or Wiki - students are required to periodically write their thoughts and
feelings about how they are progressing, what they liked or didn’t understand, or to
reflect about a particular assignment or project
2. Student portfolio of work – compilation of work, including drafts, over time to show
growth and development of skills and knowledge
3. Reflection paper – student critical thought feedback over a learning unit, a learning
experience, a field experience, etc.
4. Interviewing -

Why Assess Process Skills?

Determining a student's level of development in using scientific process skills is an
important aim of science education for several reasons. These skills are important parts of the
core thinking skills that are valued as outcomes of education. They are also essential in
enabling children to develop understanding and the ability to identify and use relevant
scientific evidence in solving problems and making decisions. Teachers need to help their
students develop their process skills into scientific ones, just as they need to help students
develop scientific ideas. Formative assessment is a tool that helps teachers help their students

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develop their process skills. Formative assessment involves identifying a student’s current
understanding related to a specific goal and identifying next steps in reaching that goal.

Helping Students Develop their Science Process Skills

■ Provide Opportunities to Practice Process Skills

• Give students time and materials to ask and investigate questions about their environment
• Ask students questions that require the use of certain process skills.
■ To Make the Process Conscious, Design Tasks that Encourage Discussion
• Engage students in discussions, in both one-on-one situations and in small and large groups.
• Encourage students to articulate what they are thinking and compare what they are doing.

Assessment happens in an ongoing way when using inquiry. In inquiry-based learning,

the educator assesses the curriculum expectations, integrating the process and the product of
the inquiry where applicable, always planning based on curriculum. In inquiry-based learning
the process of inquiry is just as important as the final product. Students learn and demonstrate
different skills in each of the stages of the inquiry process and it is these skills that can be
assessed when they are specifically connected to curriculum expectations.

Educators need to plan for the various types of assessment when designing inquiry
activities. Assessment can be summarized in three forms: assessment for learning, assessment
as learning, and assessment of learning.

The purpose of both assessment for learning and assessment as learning is to improve
student learning and inform educator instruction. By looking at evidence and seeing how
students are doing—which skills they have learned and where they need further support—
educators are able to adjust or differentiate their instruction accordingly and provide specific
feedback to help students achieve greater success in their learning.

Key Considerations for Assessing Inquiry

When planning assessment opportunities using an inquiry-based learning approach,

educators should consider the following concepts:
 Planning: Assessment should be planned at the same time as instruction, and it should be
integrated seamlessly into the learning cycle. Planned assessment should be used to inform
instruction, guide next steps, and help both educators and students monitor progress towards
achieving learning goals.

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 Criteria: Established criteria for assessment and evaluation should be shared with students or
co-constructed with students prior to learning. Students’ work should be referenced for
assessment and evaluation purposes to established criteria, rather than by comparison with
work done by other students.
 Ongoing Assessment: Assessments should be ongoing throughout the learning cycle, varied in
nature, and administered over a period of time. Students should be provided with multiple
opportunities to demonstrate the full range of their learning throughout the class/course.
 Assessment in inquiry can be used:
o to inform instruction, guide next steps, and help students monitor their progress towards
achieving their learning goals
o to give and receive specific and timely descriptive feedback about student learning, and
o to help students to develop skills of peer assessment and self-assessment.
When educators use a variety of sources of evidence the reliability and validity of the
evaluation of student learning is increased. To ensure valid and reliable assessment and
evaluation, educators are encouraged to collect evidence of student learning from a variety of
sources on an ongoing basis, and in a variety of settings. Sources can include conversations,
observations, and products, collectively referred to as “triangulation of evidence”

Planning for Assessment

Assessment should be planned prior to beginning an inquiry. Educators can start by assessing
what students need to know and need to be able to do by the end of the inquiry. To further
guide planning, the following should be considered 6, 7:
 Deciding how to monitor and assess student progress on an ongoing basis
 Planning for monitoring and assessment of the expected learning from the curriculum
throughout the inquiry process
 Planning for assessment of the final product if applicable
 Planning for co-constructing success criteria with students when developing assessment tools
 Planning differentiated instruction as the need arises
 Planning self-assessment and peer feedback
 Planning for individual work as well as small group collaboration opportunities

Differentiated Instruction and Assessment

Educators who use a variety of oral, written or visual assessments throughout the
inquiry process help address the various learning styles of students. This approach can allow
them to demonstrate their learning and make their thinking visible according to their individual

For any students who find it difficult to express their understanding through writing
e.g., visual learners, English language learners, educators can consider using illustrations and
other visuals such as graphic organizers to provide evidence of student learning. Sometimes
what isn’t included in a students’ illustration can be an indicator of what the student may be
overlooking or misunderstanding.

Inquiry-based learning can be approached independently, in pairs or small groups.

Educators can consider flexible groupings based on interest, topic/question or readiness in
terms of inquiry skills.

What is a rubric?
A rubric is typically an evaluation tool or set of guidelines used to promote the consistent
application of learning expectations, learning objectives, or learning standards in the
classroom, or to measure their attainment against a consistent set of criteria. In instructional
settings, rubrics clearly define academic expectations for students and help to ensure
consistency in the evaluation of academic work from student to student, assignment to

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assignment, or course to course. Rubrics are also used as scoring instruments to determine
grades or the degree to which learning standards have been demonstrated or attained by

Rubrics may take many forms, but they typically include the following information:
 The educational purpose of an assignment, the rationale behind it, or how it connects to
larger concepts or themes in a course.
 The specific criteria or learning objectives that students must show proficiency in to
successfully complete an assignment or meet expected standards. An oral-presentation
rubric, for example, will establish the criteria—e.g., speak clearly, make eye contact, or
include a description of the main characters, setting, and plot—on which students will be
 The specific quality standards the teacher will use when evaluating, scoring, or grading an
assignment. For example, if the teacher is grading an assignment on a scale of 1 to 4, the
rubric may detail what students need to do or demonstrate to earn a 1, 2, 3, or 4. Other
rubrics will use descriptive language—does not meet, partially meets, meets,
or exceeds the standard, for example—instead of a numerical score.

A rubric can be analytic or holistic:

An analytic rubric articulates different dimensions of performance and provides ratings

for each dimension. Two-dimensional rubrics with levels of achievement as columns and
assessment criteria as rows. Allows you to assess participants' achievements based on multiple
criteria using a single rubric. You can assign different weights (value) to different criteria and
include an overall achievement by totalling the criteria; written in a table form.

A holistic rubric describes the overall characteristics of a performance and provides a

single score. Single criteria rubrics (one-dimensional) used to assess participants' overall
achievement on performance descriptions are written in paragraphs and usually in full

Getting Started with Rubrics

STEP 1: Clarify task/performance expectations.

STEP 2: Identify the characteristics of student performances. What is it that students are
supposed to demonstrate (skills, knowledge, behaviours, etc.)[Components/dimensions]

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STEP 3: Identify how many mastery levels are needed for each performance
component/dimension. Decide what score should be allocated for each level. [Scale]
STEP 4: Describe performance characteristics of each component/dimension for each mastery
level. [Performance descriptor]
STEP 5: Pilot-test the rubric with a few sample papers and/or get feedback from your
colleagues (and students) on the rubric. Revise the rubric.

Why are rubrics important?

Rubrics are important because they clarify for students the qualities their work should have.
This point is often expressed in terms of students understanding the learning target and criteria
for success. For this reason, rubrics help teachers teach, they help coordinate instruction and
assessment, and they help students learn.
Rubrics help teachers teach
To write or select rubrics, teachers need to focus on the criteria by which learning will be
assessed. This focus on what you intend students to learn rather than what you intend
to teach actually helps improve instruction. Rubrics help keep teachers focused on criteria, not
Rubrics help coordinate instruction and assessment
Most rubrics should be designed for repeated use, over time, on several tasks. Students are
given a rubric at the beginning of a unit of instruction or an episode of work. They tackle the
work, receive feedback, practice, revise or do another task, continue to practice, and ultimately
receive a grade—all using the same rubric as their description of the criteria and the quality
levels that will demonstrate learning. This path to learning is much more cohesive than a string
of assignments with related but different criteria.
Rubrics help students learn
The criteria and performance-level descriptions in rubrics help students understand what the
desired performance is and what it looks like. Effective rubrics show students how they will
know to what extent their performance passes muster on each criterion of importance, and if
used formatively can also show students what their next steps should be to enhance the
quality of their performance.

Analytic Rubric

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Holistic Rubric

Activity 10.1

Make a holistic rubric on assessing scientific attitude and analytical rubric for assessing skills in
sample learning plan found in page 39.

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Lesson 11 – Concept Mapping in Elementary Science for Lesson Planning,
Instruction and Assessment

Learning Outcomes:
1. Explain what concept maps are, how the technique can be taught and how they can be
used to enhance science learning

Learning Content:

When new knowledge is integrated with and connected to existing knowledge that new
knowledge is easier to understand and to remember. A professor’s job is to build scaffolding
from existing knowledge on which to hang incoming new knowledge. Using a concept map is
one way to build that scaffolding.

Concept maps are visual representations of information. They can take the form of
charts, graphic organizers, tables, flowcharts, Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. Concept
maps are especially useful for students who learn better visually, although they can benefit any
type of learner. They are a powerful study strategy because they help you see the big picture:
by starting with higher-level concepts, concept maps help you chunk information based on
meaningful connections. In other words, knowing the big picture makes details more significant
and easier to remember.

Concept maps work very well for classes or content that have visual elements or in
times when it is important to see and understand relationships between different things. They
can also be used to analyze information and compare and contrast.

There are several benefits of using concept maps. A concept map:

1. Helps visual learners grasp the material (however all learners benefit from the activity)
2. Helps students see relationships between ideas, concepts, or authors
3. Utilizes the full range of the left and right hemispheres of the brain
4. Helps memory recall
5. Helps to clarify and structure ideas
6. Aids in developing higher-level thinking skills (create, analyze, evaluate)
7. Helps students synthesize and integrate information, ideas and concepts
8. Encourages students to think creatively about the subject
9. Lets students do self-evaluation of beliefs, values, socialization, etc.
10. Helps students evaluate assumptions

Key features of concept maps:

Concept maps are also referred to as conceptual diagrams. While other types of diagrams may
look similar, concept maps have specific characteristics differentiating them from other visual
Concepts are defined as “perceived regularities or patterns in events or objects, or
records of events or objects, designated by a label” and are depicted as shapes in the diagram.
Linking words/phrases
Linking words or phrases are located on the lines connecting objects in a concept map,
and these words describe the relationship between two concepts. They are as concise as
possible and typically contain a verb. Examples include "causes," "includes" and "requires."
Propositional structure
Propositions are meaningful statements made up of two or more concepts connected
with linking words. These statements are also known as semantic units or units of meaning.
Concepts and propositions are the foundation for the creation of new knowledge in a domain.
Essentially, a concept map visually conveys a set of propositions about a certain topic.

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Hierarchical structure
A key element of the concept map is its hierarchical structure. The most general and
inclusive concepts are positioned at the top of a concept map with the more specific and
exclusive concepts arranged hierarchically below. As such, a concept map is designed to read
from top to bottom.
Focus question
A focus question defines the issue or problem the concept map needs to solve.
Developing a focus question allows you to design with a context in mind and thus helps guide
and maintain the direction of your concept map. Within the hierarchical structure, the focus
question should be at the very top of the concept map and serve as a reference point.
Parking lot
Before beginning your concept map, it can be helpful to come up with a list identifying
the key concepts that need to be included. Establish a rank ordered list from the most general
concept to the most specific. This list is referred to as a parking lot, as you will move the items
into the map as you figure out where they fit in.
Cross-links are relationships between concepts in different domains of the concept
map, allowing you to visualize how ideas within these different domains are connected. Both
the cross-links and the hierarchical structure facilitate creative thinking, and these cross-links
often indicate moments of creativity

Elements of Concept Maps

The major elements of concept maps are nodes, linking phrases (verbs), cross-links, structure
and propositions.

Node, Linking Verb, and Cross-Link:

Every concept or idea is put inside a box (usually a rectangle shape.) These boxes are
called nodes in concept mapping. Ideas and concepts should be as concise as a word or a short

Not every links are cross-links. Only the lines between nodes from different segments
are called cross-links.

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Each link has its own linking verbs/phrases to explain the node-to-node relationship.
Proposition of a concept map entails two nodes and their linking verbs. A proposition is the
smallest unit of a map. Even so, every unit is readable. That is, a proposition should form a
meaningful sentence.
Propositional structure is also a characteristic of concept maps.
Examples of linking phrases include: "shows", "defined as", "covers", "as demonstrated by",
"makes", "can be", "for example", "leads to", "determined by", "important because".
After you generate primary links, create cross-links that illustrate relationships between same-
level nodes of different branches.

There are four major types of concept mapping

(i) Spider - where the main topic is located in the center of the map and sub-topics
extend from it;
(ii) hierarchy, in which the main topic is at the top and sub-topics are beneath it;
(iii) flowchart, where information is organized in a linear format; and
(iv) system, which is similar to flowchart mapping with added inputs a


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This example illustrates the relationship between a main idea, such as climate change and earth’s movement,
and supporting details.



Crust Mantle Outer core Inner core

Located between

Broken into
Tectonic plates
Lay on
Broken into

Driving forces: Resisting forces:

Slab pull Slab resistance
Slab suction Collisional resistance
Ridge push Transform form fault resistance
Mantle convection Drag force

As shown as

Some evidences of continental drift:

Shape of continents
Rock types and fossils
Animal ancestors

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Basic steps in constructing a concept map.

1. Identify the focus question or main topic—think about the problem or issue you want
the concept map to resolve. This idea should connect to all others on your map and will
guide the hierarchical structure.
2. Identify all the key concepts that relate to the main idea you identified. Order them
with the most general concepts first and the more specific concepts last. This list is
referred to as the parking lot.
3. Create a preliminary concept map linking the concepts together. Remember to add
linking words or phrases on the lines to demonstrate how the concepts are related.
4. Add cross-links to connect concepts in different domains.
5. Continually revise your concept map as needed.

Best Practice Advice for Using Concept Maps in the Classroom

1. Give students a clear focus question to guide their maps. Do not give fundamentally vague or
open-ended mapping assignments (especially for beginning mapping students) such as “Create
a map for the word SPRING.” Better assignments are more specific but have room for students
to elaborate such as “Describe the forces affecting a mass hanging on a spring.”

2. Give students good parameters in which to work. Be clear with your rules for such things as
hierarchy, types and numbers of concepts, linking words, etc. Both you and your students will
get the best results from mapping if you let students know what you expect from them!

3. Never ask students to memorize and replicate a given map—this works against the
acquisition of meaningful learning. Students should use mapping as way to show you what they
know, show how their learning is organized, and show how they have built their new learning
on their previous knowledge.

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4. Never forget that concept mapping is less about the structure of the map and more about
communicating ideas in a different format. Correct, clear, and informative maps can take
many, many forms

Activity 11.1

Make 1 concept map on any topic found in lesson 6 and 1 concept map for lesson 7.
Don’t forget to include your linking verbs.


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Lesson 12 – Synthesis and Application of Key Concepts and Principles

Learning Outcomes:
1. Teach a topic using the principles and concepts learned in the course through
demonstration teaching

Learning Content:

Teaching Learning Observational Chart

A. Mastery of the Subject Matter

1. Demonstrate the mastery of the lesson i.e. teachers 1 2 3 4 5
without open notes and notebooks
2. Asks relevant questions of various levels by using 1 2 3 4 5
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Skills
3. Uses motivational techniques that elicit student’s 1 2 3 4 5
Total Score x .20/3 =

B. Methods/Teaching Ability

1. Ability to ask questions that would generate the right 1 2 3 4 5

2. Ability to draw out student’s participation 1 2 3 4 5
3. Ability to challenge student’s initiative and critical 1 2 3 4 5
Total Score x .20/3 =

C. Communication Skills/Personal Qualities

1. Command of language 1 2 3 4 5
2. Quality and voice projection 1 2 3 4 5
3. Clarity of speech to ensure a better understanding 1 2 3 4 5
among students
4. Observes proper grooming and ethical standards 1 2 3 4 5
Total Score x .20/4 =

D. Class Management

1. Keeps majority of the students involved in learning task 1 2 3 4 5

most of the time
2. Encourages students to feel free to share ideas or ask 1 2 3 4 5
3. Follow teachers guide through an update lesson plan 1 2 3 4 5
4. Gives/checks assignments of follow – up of the lesson 1 2 3 4 5
5. Maintains discipline in the classroom 1 2 3 4 5
Total Score x .20/5 =

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E. Effectivity

1. Explains the lesson logically in such a way that it is 1 2 3 4 5

interesting and easily understood
2. Shows preparedness and confidence to discuss the 1 2 3 4 5
3. Uses visual aids/materials/equipments for further 1 2 3 4 5
4. Monitor students’ progress through appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
assessment tools and techniques
5. Integrates values in the lesson 1 2 3 4 5
Total Score x .20/5 =

Activity 12.1

Individual demonstration teaching with the chosen topic through video presentation.
The above learning chart will be used to rate your performance.

Rubric for Learning Plan to be used for demonstration teaching.

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Sample Learning Plan

How the major internal organs such as the brain, heart,
A. Content Standard lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, bones and
muscles keep the body healthy.
The learners should be able to construct a prototype model
B. Performance Standard of organism that has a body parts which can survive in a
given environment.
C. Learning Competency Describe the main function of the major organs.
1. Unpacked Explain how the heart and lungs work together to make the
Competency body function properly.
A. Topic: Major organs of the human body; Parts and Function
The heart and lungs support each other to allow
B. Science Ideas distribution of nutrients and oxygen to all parts and the
removal of carbon dioxide as a waste product in the body.
C. Science Processes Observing, inferring, constructing
Proper care of heart and lungs
D. Value Focus

Stop watch, pencil, speaker, empty plastic bottle, clay,

rubber band, straw, 1 big balloon, ice candy wrapper or 2
E. Materials
small balloons, masking tape, bottle cap, picture/ model of
heart and lungs.
Department of Education. (2015).Science Teacher’s Guide
4 First Edition pp.17-19, 5th Floor Mabini Building, Deped
Complex. Meralco Avenue, Pasig City Philippines 1600.

F. References Department of Education. (2015).Science Learner’s Material

4 First Edition pp.81-85. 5th Floor Mabini Building, Deped
Complex. Meralco Avenue, Pasig City Philippines 1600.

G. Other Learning

A. Engage
Paste on the board the scrambled letters of the following
science words and ask a volunter to form the correct word.
1. Drill
Ask the following questions:
1. It filters the blood? ( kidney)
2. Where digestion completed? (small intestines)
3. The process by which food is broken down into
2. Review
nutrients?( digestion)
4. Large organ lined with layers of muscles that squeezed,
twisted and churned the food.( stomach)
5. Gives us energy to work and play? (food)
B. Explore
Show the picture/model of heart and lungs. Ask the pupils
1. Motivation
to describe the picture/model.
Tell the pupils to put their hand on the upper left part of
their chest. Ask what do you feel? What causes the beating
2. Presentation
of your heart? Tell them that today we will study what
causes the movement of your heart.
Divide the class into 2 groups.
1. Assigned a leader, secretary and a presenter in each
3. Pre-Activity
2. 1st group will work on activity no. 1 “ Working Heart”

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3. 2nd group will work on activity no. 2 “ Lung Model”
4. Before the activity let the pupils recite or give the
standards for the group activity.
1. Have respect for each other.
2. All group members should do an equal amount of
3. Help each other to understand all concepts
4. Be willing to cooperate with others on their ideas
5. Listen effectively and communicate effectively
your idea
6. Finish the task at the given time.
7. Be happy in the group you are in.
Emphasize the following:
Handle the materials carefully.
Distribute the activity sheet. Tell the class that they need to
4. Activity Proper be careful in handling the materials.
*see attached activity sheets.
C. Explain
The presenter in each group will present in front their
1. Group Reporting group’s output. After the presentation of each group ask if
their answers are correct.
Using a lung model discuss how the lungs work and how it
is connected to the heart to work together.
*Play a video about “How the heart and lungs work
2. Discussion
D. Elaborate
1. Generalization How the heart works? How about the lungs?
2. Application How are you going to take care of your heart and lungs?
Write True if the statement is correct and False if
otherwise. Write your answer on the blank after the
1. Your heart rate is faster when you are at rest._________
2. The lungs is the main organ for breathing.____________
3. You take in carbon dioxide and take out
E. Evaluate
4. The heart and lungs support each other to allow
distribution of nutrients and oxygen to all parts and the
removal of carbon dioxide as a waste product in the
5. The ribs moving up when you exhale and moving
downward when you inhale.____________

List down at least 5 ways on how to take care of your heart

IV. Assignment and lungs. Write your answer on your science notebook.

Credits to:
Ms Leah L. Lunar
Teacher III
Cabatuan Central Elementary School
Schools Division of Iloilo

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Bilbao, P. Et al (2019). Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades: Volume 1: Chemistry and Biology.
Quezon City: LORIMAR Publishing Inc.

Corpus, B. and Salandanan, G. (2015). Principles of Teaching [with TLE]. Quezon City: LORIMAR
Publishing Inc.

McCrory, A. And Worthington, K. (2018). Mastering Primary Science. London, UK: Bloomsbury

73 | P a g e You are not allowed to share or reproduce this material in any form without the consent of the course facilitator.
K – 12 Curriculum Guide Science Grade 3 to Grade 10 [2016]. Department of Education. Quezon City

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