Final - Mrs. X - Case Study (Group 3-RR21)
Final - Mrs. X - Case Study (Group 3-RR21)
Final - Mrs. X - Case Study (Group 3-RR21)
Naga City
Submitted by:
Aguilar, Jamielou Marie M.
Constantino, Gian Dreenil SB.
Rebano, Paul N.
Relayo, Gabriel Andrei C.
Señar, Patricia Gwyneth P.
Sombrero, Vernon Tate Darien V.
Villaverde, Angel Marie A.
Yabut, Anz Cyryll S.
Submitted to:
Ms. Suzette Almahmoudi , RN
Table of Contents
Severe Pain 29
Ineffective Breathing Pattern 31
Anxiety 34
The purpose of this case study is to integrate knowledge from the lessons
of the maternal and child care given a scenario that may be encountered by the
student nurse in their rotation and in the near future. It is given to the student
nurses to plan, provide, and evaluate holistic nursing care provided to a client
selected during this clinical experience. With this, it also promotes and enhances
the problem-solving, decision-making, and critical-thinking abilities of each
The main purpose of this case study is to enable the students to develop
knowledge regarding the needed actions and plans during the visit, skill and
practice in providing appropriate nursing care, provide advice, and health
teaching to the client.
+1 Station - Fetal station where the baby has moved about 1 centimeter.
+2 Station - Fetal station where the baby begins to emerge in the birth canal.
Atrial Fibrillation (AF) - Condition also known as AFib where the heart has
irregular heartbeat that can lead to complications such as blood clot, stroke,
heart failure, and other heart-related problems.
Blood Typing - Method of testing the blood of a patient through a blood sample
to know what blood group she belongs to.
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - A part of the laboratory data where it measures
the amount of nitrogen in the blood of a patient, which comes from the waste
product urea. This test measures how the kidneys are working.
Cardiac Enzyme - Test to measure the levels of enzyme and proteins that is
related to the heart injury of a patient.
Cardiac Symptoms - Signs that the patient has underlying heart disease,
usually includes chest pain, discomfort, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc.
Capillary Refill - The time taken for the nail bed to return to its normal color
after putting pressure to it. The normal capillary refill time is less than two (2)
Coital Bleeding - Spotting or bleeding that is related to sexual activities.
Complete Blood Count (CBC) - Medical laboratory test that checks the cell in
the person’s blood. It includes count of red blood cells, white blood cells, and
Contraction - When the muscles of the uterus tightens then relaxes
Creatinine - Waste product that is included in the laboratory data where the
test measures the creatinine levels in the blood and/or in the urine of the
Demerol - A drug, analgesic agent, used to treat pain.
Digoxin - A drug that is used to treat irregular heartbeat and heart failure by
controlling the amount of calcium that goes into the heart muscles.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) - Process of measuring the electrical and rhythm
activity of the heart using the sensors that are attached to the skin.
Echocardiogram (ECHO) - Procedure that uses the method of ultrasound,
which are sound waves, to create an image of the heart.
Edema - Swelling because of fluid accumulation.
Epidural Anesthesia - The anesthesia, a drug administered to have temporary
loss of sensation, given during childbirth in order to remove sensation below the
waist that can cause any pain or discomfort.
Fetal Heart Tone - Heart rate of the fetus at which normal rates are 110-160
beats per minute.
Functional Class II (NYHA) - Mild limitation to physical activity because it can
lead to certain complications like dyspnea, fatigue, etc.
Heart Murmurs - Abnormal sounds in the heart, such as whooshing, and
swishing because of the turbulence or gush of blood in the heart.
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg) - Test that detects the presence of
hepatitis B virus in the blood. A “positive” and “reactive” result means that the
patient is infected.
Intermenstrual Bleeding - Vaginal bleeding at any time of menstrual cycle
other than normal menstruation.
In Vitro Transcription (IVTT) - A procedure that allows synthesis of RNA
molecules of any sequence from short oligonucleotides.
Kidney Function Test - A test that uses blood or urine samples to check the
substances in the kidneys.
Labor Pain - Physical discomfort due to the contractions of the muscles in the
Labor Watch - Monitor the labor of the pregnant woman.
Left Occiput Anterior (L.O.A) - Position of the baby for the labor and birth
where the baby is facing towards the mother’s left thigh.
Methergine - Medication given to stop bleeding of the uterus after childbirth.
Mitral Stenosis - The heart’s mitral valve is narrow, which causes poor blood
flow into the main chamber that pumps the heart for circulation of blood.
Normal Spontaneous Delivery (NSD) - Natural method of giving birth where
the baby passes the birth canal.
Obstetrical Score - Patient’s obstetrics history which includes gravia, parity,
live births, abortion, and ectopic pregnancy.
Placenta - Organ developed in the uterus during pregnancy that is responsible
for giving the baby nutrients and oxygen.
Primipara - A woman who is giving birth for the first time.
Rheumatic Fever - A condition from strep throat or scarlet fever that affects
the heart, joints, brain, and skin if not treated well.
Rheumatic Heart Disease - A complication from rheumatic fever, which
damages the heart’s valves.
Semi-Fowler’s Position - Common position of patient in a hospital setting,
where the head is elevated within 15-45 degrees.
Second (2nd) Trimester - Weeks 13-27 of the pregnancy.
Streptococcal Pharyngitis - Commonly known as strep throat, which is an
infection of the back of the throat because of a bacteria, group A streptococcus
Syntocinon - A drug used to induce labor and can also treat excessive bleeding.
Troponin Test (Trop T) - Test to measure levels of troponin T in the blood to
detect heart injury of the patient.
Uterine Rupture - Tearing of the uterus that occurs when the fetus is slipping
into the peritoneal cavity.
Vacuum Delivery - Also called vacuum extraction, a method in which the baby
is delivered through the help of a vacuum device to promote mobility through
the birth canal.
Vaginal Examination - Inspection of the vagina of the mother, usually done
when there are contractions and the cervix changed in preterm labor.
Mrs. X is a 23 years old female she was admitted at the hospital last February 5,
2021 with a chief complaint of labor pains and she stated that she was diagnosed
with Rheumatic heart disease secondary to mitral stenosis under the service of Dr.
Alcantara as her attending physician. Her vital signs upon admission are BP of
120/70 mmHg, HR of 87 bpm, RR of 18 cpm, and temperature of 36 celsius.
Mrs. X’s chief complaint is labor pains and she also stated that she is afraid
that she had been having contractions at 7-10 minutes before she got admitted.
During Mrs. X’s 2nd trimester in pregnancy she developed palpation. Mrs. X
immediately sought consultation and was referred by her OB to a cardiologist. On
her electrocardiogram records it was found that she is having atrial fibrillation.
Echocardiogram was done and it was noted that she is having mild mitral stenosis.
With the approval of her OB, she was put on DIGOXIn 250 mcg once a day. Mrs. X
was ordered for routine check-up. She was also advised that she may have a NSD
thru vacuum delivery so as not to cause her any strain in giving birth.
The patient had a history of rheumatic fever when she was 12 years old but
since she did not manifest any abnormal cardiac symptoms after that, they did not
seek treatment from a cardiologist. No follow-up check ups were done to the
The patient has no family health history of Rheumatic fever or Rheumatic heart
Mrs. X’s last menstrual period is May 11, 2020 and the estimated date of delivery
is February 15, 2021. She gave birth to a healthy baby. She did experience labor
pains and was diagnosed with Rheumatic heart disease secondary to mitral stenosis.
Her OB scoring is G1 P1 ; gravida (1), para (1), term (1), preterm (0), abortion (0),
live birth (0), and her multiple pregnancy is zero.
Type of Place of Type of
Gravida Gender of Complications
Delivery Delivery Feeding
NSA with
G1 Female 2021 Hospital Breastfeeding None
on LOA
Mrs. X is married for 1 year, She is a former preschool teacher but after having
experienced the palpitation during her 2nd trimester, her husband made her resign
from her work so that she will not be stressed. She is a non-smoker, an occasional
drinker (prior to pregnancy). She spends most of her time in her garden, and also
watching Korean TV series. She does not have a history of drug allergy. Her sleeping
pattern is normal.
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System, it is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to
the body tissues and it also carries away wastes such as carbon dioxide via blood.
Typically when we hear cardiovascular we do always think that it is all about the heart,
but it is much more than that.
The heart is a muscular organ which pumps blood throughout the body in the
blood vessels. It is about a person's closed fist and it weighs less than a pound. It is a
triangular shaped organ that is located between the two lungs, particularly in the lower
portion of the mediastinum. Apex is directed toward the left hip and rests on the
diaphragm, approximately at the level of the fifth intercostal space. Apical heart beat is
located between the fifth and sixth rib along the midline of the left clavicle.
Myocardium, it is the bulk of the heart wall that is composed of cardiac muscle. The
heart has four hollow chambers, the two atria which are the receiving chambers and
the two ventricles that are known as the discharging chambers, this four hollow
chambers is lined with endocardium. Heart functions as a double pump, the right
ventricle is the one known as the pulmonary pump, while the left ventricle is the
systemic pump. The heart also has four valves, the AV valves that have the mitral or
bicuspid and the tricuspid that prevents the backflow into the atria when the ventricles
are contracting. The semilunar valve has the pulmonary and the aortic that is
responsible for preventing backflow into the ventricles when the heart is relaxing. These
valves open and close, because of the pressure changes in the heart. The myocardium
is nourished by the coronary circulation, which branches off the aorta and consists of
the right and left coronary arteries and their branches, and is drained by the cardiac
veins and the coronary sinus. The cardiac muscle is able to initiate its own contraction
in a regular way, but its rate is influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
Intrinsic conduction system is the one who is capable of increasing the rate of the heart
contraction that ensures the heartbeat as a unit. The SA node is known as the heart's
pacemaker located at the right upper chamber of the heart. Extrinsic factors include
neural and hormonal stimuli. Cardiac cycle is the time and events occurring from one
heartbeat to the next. When the heart beats, the sounds of it are resulting from the
dosing of the valves which you can hear a sound "lub - dub". If the faulty valves reduce
the efficiency of the heart as it pumps it will have an abnormal heart sound which is
called "murmurs". Cardiac output, it is the amount of blood that is pumped out by each
ventricle in one minute, is the product of heart rate (HR) x stroke volume (SV). The
amount of the blood ejected by a ventricle with each beat is called an SV. When the SV
rises and falls with the volume of venous return. The HR is influenced by the nerves of
the autonomic nervous system, drug, and ion levels in the blood.
Blood vessels are the arterial blood that is pumped through a series of large
distribution vessels. Aorta is the largest artery in the body. When the arteries
progressively becomes smaller as they move away from the heart it becomes
arterioles. Arterioles is a small branch of an artery that leads into capillaries. Blood
enters via capillary sphincter smooth muscle cells. In the capillary beds, when the
exchange of nutrients and gases happens between in the blood and the tissue fluid
around the cells. Venules is the blood that drains from the capillary bed and enters
vessels, it eventually becomes larger and it will form veins. SVC and IVC are known as
the two largest veins that return blood to the RA. The three layers are found in the
arteries and veins, tunica externa is the outermost layer that is made of connective
tissue fibers it is responsible in reinforcing the walls under pressure, tunica media is
smooth and technically the middle layer that is responsible in controlling to maintains
BP and blood distribution, and the tunica intima that lines the arteries and veins it is a
single layer of squamous epithelial cells called endothelium.
Fetal circulation, it is temporary circulation that can only be seen in the fetus. It
has three special vessels, the single umbilical vein that carries nutrient and
oxygen-laden blood to the fetus from the placenta, and two umbilical arteries that
carries carbon dioxide and waste-laden blood from the fetus going through the
placenta. If the congenital heart defects account for half of all infant deaths it may
result or caused by congenital problems. The expected consequence of aging is
arteriosclerosis. When the elasticity of the arteries gradually decreases it may lead into
hypertension and hypertensive disease, and also clogging in the vessels with fatty
Clinical Chemistry
Drug and Drug Nurses
and Indications Contraindications
Content Interaction Responsibility
assessment of
fluid and
electrolyte status
is necessary in
patients who
have received
I.V. Bolus of
oxytocin may be
avoided until the
placenta is
delivered to avoid
the risk of
Generic Name: Dosage ● Prevention Contraindicated in Drug-drug ● You should not use
Methylergonovine 1 ampule and pregnant women and methylergonovine
treatment of patients with Ergot alkaloids, during your
Brand Name: Frequency postpartum hypertension, sympathomimetic pregnancy. This
Methergine q.d. hemorrhage toxemia, or sensitivity amines: medicine is to be
from uterine to ergot preparations. Enhances used only after
Classification: atony or Use cautiously during vasoconstrictor delivery of your
ergot alkaloids subinvolution. the second stage of potential. Use baby.
Adults: 0.2 mg labor and in patients together ● Do not breast-feed
Forms: I.M. or I.V. q 2 with renal or hepatic cautiously. within 12 hours
Injectable to 4 hours for disease, sepsis, or after taking
solution, Tablet maximum five obliterative vascular Local anesthetics methylergonovine.
doses. disease. Also used with Methylergonovine
Route: Following initial cautiously in patients vasoconstrictors may pass into breast
IV route I.M. or I.V. with unstable angina, (lidocaine with milk in small amounts
dose, may give recent myocardial epinephrine): and could affect a
0.2 to 0.4 mg infarction, coronary Enhances nursing baby. In
P.O. q 6 to 12 artery disease, history vasoconstriction. some cases, you will
hours for a of cerebrovascular Use together need to use this
maximum 7 accident, eclampsia cautiously. medication for up to
days. Decrease or preeclampsia, and 1 week after your
dose if severe Raynaud’s disease. Drug-lifestyle baby is born. You
cramping may need to use a
occurs. Smoking breast pump to
(nicotine): establish and
● Diagnosis of Enhances maintain your milk
coronary vasoconstriction. flow until your
artery spasm. Discourage methylergonovine
Adults: 0.1 to smoking. treatment is finished.
0.4 mg I.V. If you use a breast
pump during this
time, throw out any
milk you collect. Do
not feed it to your
Generic Name: Dosage ● Digoxin is used ● Acute myocardial Cardiac patients ● Monitor apical pulse
Digoxin 250 mcg to treat heart infarction. receiving digoxin for 1 min before
failure, usually ● Hypersensitivity to therapy are administering; hold
Brand Name: Frequency along with the drug. particularly prone dose if pulse < 60 in
Digitek, OD other ● Ventricular to interactions adult or < 90 in
Lanoxicaps, medications. It fibrillation. with commonly infant; retake pulse
Lanoxin is also used to ● Myocarditis. co-administered in 1 hr. If adult pulse
treat certain ● Hypomagnesemia. medications such remains < 60 or
Classification: types of ● Hypokalemia. as the infant < 90, hold
Inotropic Agents, irregular ● Wolf-Parkinson-W antiarrhythmics drug and notify
Antiarrhythmic, heartbeat (such hite syndrome. quinidine and prescriber. Note any
Cardiac glycoside as chronic atrial amiodarone, the change from baseline
fibrillation). calcium channel rhythm or rate.
Forms: Treating heart blockers ● Take care to
Oral medication failure may help verapamil and differentiate
maintain your nifedipine, and Lanoxicaps from
Route: ability to walk possibly some Lanoxin; dosage is
Oral medication and exercise vasodilating very different
and may agents. ● Check dosage and
improve the preparation carefully.
strength of your ● Avoid IM injections,
heart. which may be very
● Follow diluting
instructions carefully,
and use diluted
solutions promptly.
● Avoid giving with
meals; this will delay
● Have emergency
equipment ready;
have K+ salts,
lidocaine, phenytoin,
atropine, and cardiac
monitor readily
available in case
toxicity develops.
● Monitor for
therapeutic drug
levels: 0.5–2 ng/mL.
February 05,
- Admitting order - Checked the
7:05 am
from her OB vital signs
- Labor watch
Ordered by the doctor:
- Epidural anesthesia
- Vacuum delivery
- D5LR 1L started at
20 gtts/min
- TPR q hourly
- CBC, blood typing,
HbsAG, Kidney
function test
cardiac enzyme
- Demerol 50mg
7:45 am
- Vaginal
8:30 am
- Epidural
- Cardiac monitor anesthesia
Severe Pain
Nursing Implementati
Assessment Rationale Planning Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis on
Assess BP and
pulse every 1-2 Maternal
min after regional hypotension,
injection for the the most
first 15 min, then common side
every 10-15 min effect of
for reminder of anesthesia,
labor. Elevate may interfere
head with fetal
approximately 30 oxygenation.
degrees, alternate Elevating the
position by turning head prevents
side to side and the block
use hip roll. from
migrating up
and causing
venous return
and enhances
Monitor FHR
electronically and
note decreased
variability is a
variability of
common side
effect of
IV route is
Administer preferred
analgesics such as because it
meperidine ensures more
hydrochloride rapid and
(Demorol) by IV or equal
deep intramuscular absorption of
during contractions analgesic.
by IM route
may require
up to 45 min
to reach
plasma levels,
and maternal
uptake may
be variable,
especially if
the drug is
injected into
fat instead of
Administer oxygen,
and increase plain
fluid intake if
fluid volume,
systolic pressure
falls below 100
mmHg or falls
and oxygen
more than 30%
available for
below baseline
fetal uptake.
Assessment Rationale Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation
Capillary refill
Skin smooth,
moist and soft to THERAPEUTIC:
Administer To increase
oxygen oxygen
supplement. available for
function and
perfusion for
both mother
and the baby.
Assist with or
perform self care
activities for the
Provide fluid and
electrolytes as To minimize
indicated dehydration
Can cause
changes in
Instruct client to cardiac
avoid pressures
stressful and or
activities. impede
blood flow.
To monitor
Reiterate importance condition and
of regular prenatal prevent
check ups. complications
specially on the
fetal side.
To enhance
Instruct to Venous
elevate legs return.
when in sitting
Give oxygen as
prescribed by the alveolar
physician gas
oxygen in
blood and
Assessment Rationale Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation
“I am afraid to Risk for Anxiety is After 15 Assess level and Provides After 15
give birth anxiety one of the minutes of causes of anxiety, baseline minutes of
because of my related to risk factors nursing preparedness for information. nursing
heart disease,” situational for adverse intervention, childbirth, and role Anxiety intervention,
as stated by the crisis as outcomes for the patient of significant magnifies pain the patient
patient. manifested mother and will be able other/partner. perception, reported
by her fear child. Anxiety to report interferes with anxiety is at
of giving in pregnancy anxiety is at the use of manageable
birth. is associated manageable coping level, uses
with shorter level, will use techniques, and breathing
Objective: gestation breathing and stimulates the and
and has relaxation release of relaxation
Vital Sign: adverse techniques aldosterone, techniques
BP:120/70mmH implications proficiently, which may proficiently,
g, during labor. and will increase sodium and appears
HR: 87 Bpm, This can appear and water relaxed
RR: 18 cpm, affect the relaxed resorption. appropriate
T: 36.7 C process of appropriate to the labor
delivery of to the labor situation.
Fetal heart the mother, situation. Monitor pattern of A hypertonic or
tone: affecting uterine hypotonic
128 and regular both the contraction. contractile
health, pattern may
Baby’s head: delivery, and develop if stress
At the t1 life of both persists and
station mother and causes
child. prolonged
Cervix was 4cm catecholamine
dilated 80% release.
Dyspnea Stress activates
Monitor BP and the
Edema pulse as indicated. hypothalamic-pit
(If BP is elevated uitary-adrenocor
Capillary refill on admission, tical system,
seconds repeat the which increases
procedure in 30 retention and
Skin smooth, min to obtain true resorption of
moist and soft reading once the sodium and
to touch client is relaxed.) water and
excretion of
Sodium and
water resorption
may contribute
to the
development of
nsion. Loss of
potassium may
contribute to
the reduction of
Education may
Orient client to reduce stress
environment, staff, and anxiety and
and procedures. promote labor
Provide progress.
information about
psychological and
changes in labor,
as needed.
Modesty is a
concern in most
Promote privacy cultures.
and respect for Support person
modesty; reduce may or may not
unnecessary desire to be
exposure. Use present while a
draping during a client is
vaginal examined or
examination. cared for.
Encourage the Stress, fear, and
client to verbalize anxiety have a
feelings, concerns, profound effect
and fears. on the labor
process, often
prolonging the
first phase
because of
utilization of
causing excess
release from
which inhibits
activity; and
levels, which
tends to
increase uterine
activity. Such an
imbalance of
epinephrine and
can create a
labor pattern.
Demonstrate Reduces
breathing and stressors that
relaxation might contribute
methods. Provide to anxiety;
comfort measures. provides coping
Discharge goals:
● Realistically managing the present situation.
● Pain relieved/controlled of the palpitations
● Prevented/minimised risks.
● Maintain an optimal health standard.
● Regular check-ups should be done.
● Breast
● Instruct the client that there are restrictions in the diet. The
client should be reminded not to eat too much fatty foods,
high in gluten edibles, processed sugar and foods (Bacon,
● Advise the client to lean towards plant based-diet, oils and
intake a lot of fruits.