GEC004: Readings in Philippine History: "Who's Telling Who?": AN Analysis On The Tejeros Convention
GEC004: Readings in Philippine History: "Who's Telling Who?": AN Analysis On The Tejeros Convention
GEC004: Readings in Philippine History: "Who's Telling Who?": AN Analysis On The Tejeros Convention
The first account was written by General Artemio Ricarte, who was one of the officials of the
Magdiwang faction. During the Tejeros Assembly, he served as the secretary of the convention when
Bonifacio began presiding over the session. The second account was done by Andres Bonifacio, in a
letter he wrote to Emilio Jacinto. The third account was found in Chapter 32 of General Santiago
Alvarez's memoir. Like Ricarte, Alvarez was a direct participant and witness to the election in the
Tejeros Assembly. (Ibid)
Examine the accounts mentioned previously and accomplish the following. Encode your
answers on the space provided.
1. Determine the account that falls under primary source; and the account that falls under secondary
source. Provide a short justification for your choice.
- Account that falls under primary source(1st account) was written by General Artemio
Ricarte while the last two that was written by Andres Bonifacio and general Santiago
Alvarez are accounts that fall under secondary source(2nd and 3rd account). The 1st
account was the primary because it got the whole information that we needed and I
think the 2nd and 3rd account writers only elaborated some things.
2. Applying your knowledge on External and Internal Criticism, scrutinize the provided historical
accounts as to Authenticity and Credibility. Identify which account is credible; and determine
which account is authentic. Justify your answers.
- For me, I think those three accounts are credible but the 1st account was the account
is authentic. Credible because it got information that was good for us to attain or to
acquire. The 1st account is authentic because it was the first one to give or to share
those kind of knowledges.
3. After reading the three accounts, Identify the main arguments/points of each of their narratives
and why each came up with their version of the event.
- Artemis Ricarte chose by a vast dominant part over Santiago Alvarez, Ricarte challenged his own
decisions. Those present objected and the executive assembled the conference to arrange that as night
was falling, it was prudent for the position.
At the point when Bonifacio was chosen as Secretary of Interior, Daniel Tirona contended that a legal
advisor ought to have the position. Bonifacio felt offended and requested an expression of remorse
from Tirona. Due to embarrassment and outrage, Bonifacio pronounced that all issues met in the
Tejeros Convention were invalid and void. Along with his allies, he went out.
Among Montenegro and Alvarez. In like manner, Montenegro said something that appeared to be an
affront to the more youthful Alvarez, which enraged him. Very quickly, Alvarez' troops remained at
prepared, yet pressures were appeased with the appearance of Rizal's widow and sister.
4. In relation to number 3, how does an event with numerous versions such as the Tejeros
Convention, help shape Philippine History?
- It helps in shaping the Philippine history by settling the dispute between two councils
and to decide on what type of
government should be established.
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
External and 5 points 3 points 1 point
Internal Criticism
Test of Authenticity Student has completely Student has explained Student has not
proven why the sources his/her answer on used any of the
are authentic or not by whether the sources are indicators on the
using indicators given authentic, but lacks test of
in the lesson module. some indicators to authenticity to
support it. justify his/her
Test of Credibility Student has thoroughly Student has elaborated Student has not used
explained his/her his/her answer on any of the indicators on
stance whether the whether the sources are the test of credibility to
sources are credible or credible but lacks some justify his/her answer
not by using the indicators to fully
indicators given in the support his/her answer.
lesson module.
Primary and Student has completely Student has an idea on Student has not
Secondary Sources understood the the difference of understood the
difference of primary primary and secondary difference of primary
and secondary sources sources but has not and secondary sources
and explained their explained their choices and has not explained it.
choices correctly based thoroughly
on the lesson module.
Self-made Rubric
This unit covers how essential sources are in history. There are numerous sources in History, may it
be primary or secondary but there are sources that are created to mislead or to misinform you about what
happened in many historical events.
As we transition to an advanced technological age, we have useful gadgets that help us record
statements- and in the case of social media, posts made by accounts. Indicated below is a specific issue
that accompanies our technological and social age.
The increasing activity of fake news peddlers, historical revisionist (those who want to change
information on some historical events), rampant editing of pictures of people, statements or events, is
quite alarming. The young generation is vulnerable due to having access to social media sites, and hitting
like or share button takes no less than a second. Other actions also include social media posts such as fake
"walang pasok" posts, which you might have even shared at some point without fact-checking.
Taking into account the provided social context, respond to the following questions lucidly.
Encode your answers on the space provided.
1. As a Saletinnian student who has knowledge on historical method and criticism, how would you
react to these practices?
- By expanding my mind in understanding not just by reading it but also trying to see
what does those words/events meant to us readers.
2. What are the steps that you need take in order to ensure that no one will be a victim of fake or
false sources?
- For me, I first look the questions that I needed to find the answers then I will look in
internet. I am not looking the answers that I needed to have from one source but to many
sources and for me to easily understand it, I will try to summarize all the information that
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Application of the Student has understood Student has understood Student has not
lesson in the completely the lesson and integrated the integrated the
reflection and has correctly lesson but some of the lesson in his/her
integrated the lesson points raised are not answer and little to
into his/her answer with thoroughly accurate and noanswer was
accuracy and clarity and clear. given.
Integration of Core Student has integrated Student has stated Student has not
Values the Saletinnian Core integrated Saletinnian integrated any of
values alongside the Core values alongside the core values and
application of the lesson the application of the has not integrated
in answering the lesson in answering the (applied) (the lesson
question. question but has not in answering the
Student has completely established a coherent question)
established a coherent connection to his/her ; failed to establish a
connection of the core answer. a coherent
values and lesson to connection to
one's answer his/her answer.
Self-made Rubric
Applying the knowledge you have acquired from this unit, create an infograph that depicts the
importance of studying history. Include photos of things and/ places which can be found in your home or
in your barangay to explain even more the essence of history. Encode your answers on the space
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
CATEGORY 5 points 3 points 1 point
Arrangement of Main concept easily Main concept easily Main concept not
Concepts identified; subconcepts identified; most clearly identified;
branch appropriately subconcepts branch subconcepts don‟t
from main idea from main idea. consistently branch
from main idea.
Links and Linking Linking lines connect Most linking lines Linking lines not
Lines related terms/point in connect properly; most always pointing in
correct direction; linking words correct direction;
linking words accurately describe the linking words don‟t
accurately describe relationship between clarify relationships
relationship between concepts; most between concepts;
concepts; hyperlinks hyperlinks effectively hyperlinks don‟t
effectively used used. function or fail to
enhance the topic.
Graphics Graphics used Graphics used Graphics used
appropriately; greatly appropriately most of inappropriately and
enhance the topic and the time; most graphics excessively; graphics
aid in comprehension; selected enhance the poorly selected and
are clear, crisp and well topic, are of good don‟t enhance the topic;
situated on the page. quality, and are some graphics are
situated in logical blurry and ill-placed.
places on the page.
Content Reflects essential Reflects most of the Contains extraneous
information; is logically essential information; information; is not
arranged; concepts is generally logically logically arranged;
succinctly presented; arranged; concepts contains numerous
no misspellings or presented without too spelling and
grammatical errors many excess words; grammatical errors.
fewer than three
misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Text Easy to read/ Most text is easy to Font too small to read
appropriately sized; no read; uses no more than easily; more than four
more than three four different fonts; different fonts used;
different fonts; amount amount of text
Prepared by: Stephen Jae Fontanilla
Shayne Antonette Matic
GEC004: Readings in Philippine History
unit 1 - Meaning and Relevance of History
Choose one from the three (3) historical documents, thereafter, assess the document you chose
through content/textual analysis and contextual analysis. In structuring your paper, please be guided
by the following questions:
2. What does the text tell us about its apparent intended audience(s)?
- It is for pronouncing the opportunity of our kindred Filipinos from the Marcos system. To check a fresh start for the Filipinos and to
its administration and furthermore to request monetary help by advising the Americans about the state regarding our nation during
that time.
3. What seems to have been the author's intention? Why did the author write this text? And why did the author write this text in a
particular way, as oppose to other ways in which the text might have been written?
- It appears to be that Corazon needs some solidarity of our nation with the America. From the last paragraphed, "Today I say, join us,
America, as we build a new home for democracy, another haven for the oppressed so it may stand as shining testament of our two
nations' commitment to freedom". Thus to this discourse, the US Congress endorsed to give monetary help to the Philippines.
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
CRITERIA 5 points 3 points 1 point
Content (Content & Answer is appropriate Answer is appropriate Content relates
Contextual to the task (Point out all to the task (Point out all peripherally to the task
Analysis) information about the information about the (Point out all
content and context of content and context of information about the
the historical the historical content and context of
document). Content is document). Content the historical
factually correct. may have one or two document). Contains
factual errors. significant factual
Writing Mechanics Writing demonstrates a Writing is accomplished Writing lacks clarity or
sophisticated clarity, in terms of clarity and conciseness and
conciseness, and conciseness and contains numerous
correctness; includes contains only a few errors; gives insufficient
thorough details and errors; include detail and relevant data
relevant data and sufficient details and and information; lacks
information; extremely relevant data and organization.
well-organized. information; well-
Self-made Rubric
5. Is the text intended as some sort of call to - of for - action?
- The activity that Corazon needs us her readers, similar to us students, to help us in understanding her thoughts and goal and
furthermore directing us to the standards and system of the public authority that she spoke to. She seems to have the most extreme
certainty and trust in America that she welcome to our nation, in aiding the country in rehearsing and safeguarding its majority rules
6. Is the text intended rather as some sort of call to - or for - reflection or consideration rather than direct action?
- The writer need its readers to peruse this since it is essential for history and we need to advise the story to the future, where the
Philippines was liberated from the autocracy by the sparkle of the individuals power insurgency. She expressed gratitude toward that
the America is supporting and keeps on working together in future.
7. Can we identify any non-textual circumstances that affected the creation and reception of the text?
- Our kindred Filipino resident been have a better life thought about in their experiences during dictator era. It assisted the resident with
having a superior chances and potential outcomes. By the EDSA unrest, we are now been liberated from the fascism of Marcos and
furthermore from the Martial Law that has been gone on for around 14 years.
B. How does different kinds of primary resources contribute in understanding Philippine history?
Encode your answers on the space provided.
- Essential sources causes like us understudies to relate in our own manner to look
for the past and advance a more profound comprehension of our set of experiences
becomes as a component of ourselves. Essential sources resemble a bits of our
set of experiences. Every one speaks to a secret that us understudies can just
investigate further by discovering its lost and new bits of proof.
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Content & Takes a strong, well Clear position taken and Position not clearly
Development defined position; uses defined; some reasons stated; development is
at least three and some details brief; unrelated,
appropriate reasons present, but not fully unsupported general
with at least two developed. Counter statements, reasons,
supporting details for arguments addressed. and details; minimal
each reason. Counter facts used. Counter
arguments effectively arguments not
addressed, w/o acknowledged.
undercutting position.
Organization Structure of paper is Structure is mostly clear Structure of the paper is
& Structure clear and easy to follow. and easy to follow. not easy to follow.
Paragraph transitions Paragraph transitions Paragraph transitions
are logical and maintain are present. Conclusion need improvement.
the flow of thought is logical. Conclusion is missing,
throughout the paper. or if provided, does not
Conclusion is logical flow from the body of
and flows from the body the paper.
of the paper.
Grammar, Rules of grammar, Rules of grammar, Paper contains few
Punctuations & usage, and punctuation usage, and punctuation grammatical,
Spelling are followed; spelling is are followed with minor punctuation and
correct. Language is errors. Few or no spelling errors.
clear and precise; spelling errors. Language lacks clarity
sentences display or includes the use of
consistently strong, some jargon or
varied structure. conversational tone.
A Modified Rubric for Position Paper Derived from Assessment Rubric/Criteria for Position Paper. (n.d.).
UCMerCed. Retrieved September 7, 2020, from
- Within this pandemic year, as you heard everywhere on the news, numerous lives have lost, some of our family
members also loss their jobs. We, your government, will keep on offering assistance, to spread warnings about
this infection that has been harming us mentally and physically. We give our full best to help you, every one of
you, but I guess its not enough. Despite the fact the we only gave what's best for all of us yet some of you
managed to criticized us, our work, our good deeds to our country. Honestly, this job that we accepted isn't simple
as it seems but still, we still gave our fullest support to all of you. We only want is your safety. We don't want to
lose another fellow citizen, we Filipinos are not simply the lone race or country that has been battling with this
ailment that is now spreading in our dearest Earth. We, Filipinos, and other country are in this fight together. With
the end goal for us to be liberated from this demise confine, we need the word unity or solidarity. We need to be
united as one, one with same objective and mind. We will probably completed this fight by turning the large
quantities of cases or patients that we have here into zero and in the wake of doing this, we can likewise impart
our plans to different nations that it might caused for them additionally to cleared out the Covid. By this, we can
regain the beauty of our country and I guarantee that I will plan something big significant for all the people who lost
their jobs in order for them to survive. I believe in you, in each and everyone of you that hears my voice,
"Remember, We Filipinos are well-known warriors and we only know is winning".
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
CRITERIA 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
Introduction (1) Gets attention Meets any three of Meets any two of Meets only one of
the four criteria the four criteria the four criteria
(2) Clearly
identifies topic
(3) Establishes
(4) Previews the
main points
Body Main points are Main points are Main points need Main points are
clear, well somewhat clear, clarity and support not clear and have
supported, and some support, and lack of sources and no support and no
sources are some documentation sources or
documented documentation documentation
Conclusion (1) Reviews main Reviews main Brings closure Does not bring
points points, brings closure; the
closure audience is left
(2) Brings closure hanging
(3) Memorable
Mechanics Within allotted Exceed 1-10 words Exceed 11-20 Exceed more than
number of words within allotted words within 21 words within
number of words allotted number of allotted number of
words words
A Modified Rubric for Speech Derived from Speech Rubric. (n.d.). PCCUA. Retrieved September 8, 2020,
(UPDATED) The Balangiga Bells are finally back home 117 years after American soldiers took them
from a church in Eastern Samar as war booty MANILA, Philippines (UPDATED) – After over a century,
the Balangiga Bells are finally back home in the Philippines. The US military plane carrying the historic
bells arrived at the Villamor Air Base in Pasay City past 10:30 am on Tuesday, December 11. Executive
Secretary Salvador Medialdea led Philippine officials at the arrival ceremony at the air base. With him
were Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and Philippine Ambassador to the US Babe Romualdez.
LOOK: US Air Force plane carrying the Balangiga Bells now here at the Villamor Air Base. Over the
decades, the Philippine government had repeatedly asked its ally to return the bells, which were taken by
American soldiers from a church in Balangiga town, Eastern Samar, as war booty in 1901. After President
Rodrigo Duterte asked the US to return the 3 bells during his 2017 State of the Nation Address, the US
said it would consider the request, and later agreed to give up the bells to forge a stronger friendship with
the Philippines. The bells would finally be home when it arrives in Balangiga town on Saturday, December
15. They're not just bells: Before they were carted off, the bells tolled in the church of Balangiga town.
Filipinos rang them in 1901 to signal the start of a surprise attack against American troops during the
Philippine-American War. Armed with machetes, Filipinos killed 48 out of 78 American soldiers in
Balangiga, handing the US Army one of its biggest defeats at the time. The Americans retaliated with a
campaign to kill Filipino males over the age of 10 in the town. US military officers ordered their troops to
turn Balangiga into a "howling wilderness."
Philippine historians estimated that at least 10,000 Filipinos were killed during the retaliatory attack.
What the bells mean: For the Philippines, the bells symbolize Filipinos' courage to stand up to foreign
colonizers, while Americans see them as a memorial in honor of their soldiers who were killed at the time. The
US called its act of returning the bells “a demonstration of US commitment to the friendship and
Prepared by: Stephen Jae Fontanilla
Shayne Antonette Matic
GEC004: Readings in Philippine History
unit 3 – Local & Oral History
partnership, and the alliance” with the Philippines. For the Philippine defense department, the bells‟ long-
awaited return is a cue to "heal the wounds" left by the 1901 incident. “In this ever-changing world, it is
time to heal the wounds of the past, move on, and look to the future,” it said. –
After reading the article, answer the following questions: Encode your answers on the
space provided.
3. According to the Philippine Government, why is there a need for the Bells to be returned?
- It is for the Balangiga bells to return to its homeplace, those bells represented the dauntlessness and
nationalism of the Filipinos. Despite the fact that the Americans may have been more empathetic and less
savage than the conquistadors and the guardia civils of Spain, the US fighters were similarly colonizers. Hence,
the slaughter of more than 40 Americans in the town of Balangiga in 1901 was an incredible triumph of the
local safeguards against unfamiliar trespassers. It is currently useful for our feeling of pride as Filipinos that we
witness the lowering of Americans and their honorable demonstration of respecting what is appropriate and
sensible. The return is the triumph of the might of right, instead of the privilege of might.
4. Do you agree in the decision of the government to reclaim the bells? Or it should have stayed
in the United States? Expound and defend your answer
- As I answered in question number 3, it is obvious that I am on the side of the government
decision. The return of those bells in our country shows one of many histories that we have
and in the future, our youths would still know the importance of those bells during war.
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
Grammar and Virtually no Few spelling and A number of Numerous
Spelling spelling, punctuation spelling, spelling,
punctuation or errors, minor punctuations or punctuation,
grammatical grammatical grammatical errors and
errors errors grammatical
errors that it
interferes with
the answer the
student wants
to convey
Understanding Student has Student has Student has an idea Student has not
the source completely understood the on the source understood the
material understood the source material material given but source material as
source material by but some most of the points there is no clarity or
by giving points are not lack coherency and conciseness in
accurate, clear, thoroughly accuracy his/her answer
and concise elaborated or
answers to the linked.
Application of Student has Student has Student has Student has not in
lesson referenced and referenced and evidently tried to any way referenced
integrated the integrated the reference and or integrated the
subject matter in subject matter integrate the subject subject matter into
his/her with but explanations matter but offers his/her answer.
usage of exact of the subject little elaboration has
terms and matter are not been made to
thorough accurate and establish a link
explanations clear to establish between the lesson
a direct link. and the answer
Self-made Rubric
In the promotion and protection of local history, you cannot disregard the role that Indigenous
Peoples/Indigenous Cultural Communities play. Indigenous People (IP) or Indigenous Cultural
Communities are rich sources of local history and to know one‟s past, it is important that we understand
not only their cultures, but also what they are going through right now.
Homogenous societies
Continuously lived as organized community bounded and defined territory
Occupied, possessed and utilized, such territories since time immemorial under claims of ownership
Sharing common bonds of language, customs, traditions, and other distinct cultural traits or who
have become historically differentiated from the majority of the Filipinos.
There are at least 110 ethno-linguistic groups comprising the IP/ICC with a population of about
14 million based on extrapolation of Philippine population growth. (NCIP, 2019)
A distinction between majority and minority groups in the Philippines started during the Spanish
colonization. In contrast, differential treatment of these groups emerged due to policies during the United
States period continued by the independent Philippines.
As Spain has colonized the Philippine for more than three hundred (300) years, it has transformed
its colonies through the process of Reduccion. (a process relocation or resettling of people from far-flung
barrios and barangays to bigger towns and cities controlled by Spanish officials). Reduccion has allowed
Spanish officials to have control over these populations. In effect, most people who have moved to towns
and cities were converted to Christians and were now collected taxes. This move was successful in the
lowland and coastal areas of Luzon and Visayas. It was, however, met with resistance by the Igorot
population of Northern Luzon and islanders of Southern Visayas. Ultimately, this has divided the
community into two broad groups- those Hispanized and Christianized lowlanders and a minority of
Muslims and pagan mountain inhabitants (such as Igorots during these periods). (Magannon, 2014).
The Americans meanwhile wanted to implement a policy called “Benevolent assimilation.” This
process involves changing Filipinos to the likeness and image of the Americans-changing also our
Prepared by: Stephen Jae Fontanilla
Shayne Antonette Matic
GEC004: Readings in Philippine History
unit 3 – Local & Oral History
government systems, education, and economy. This policy however, was implemented differently to the
colonized and non-colonized or, in this case, to Christians and non-Christians. This distinction made the
non-Christians the de facto the minority group. Adding to this, the Americans had to maintain a balance
of power between its former enemies and the influential Catholic Church, and the other the non-Christian
tribes and with their ancestral lands. These lands had to be „reserved‟ as grounds for winning political
allies, protestant evangelization, and implantation of agrarian capitalism. (Ibid) These actions would
further add to the differential treatment that minority IP groups were now facing-aside from
discrimination in the years of colonization.
Indigenous Peoples/ ICCs are a vital source of local and oral history. However, IPs/ICCs face
numerous issues such as they cannot protect their ancestral lands; they are deprived of quality education,
and are being shunned and unprioritized in local and national development. Structural discrimination is
still rampant-IPs/ICCs are the last, and the lost.
Answer the following questions below. Encode your answers on the space provided.
5. As a Saletinnian student, what core value can you exemplify to help protect local history and its
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Application of the Student has understood Student has understood Student has not
lesson in the completely the lesson and integrated the integrated the
reflection and has correctly lesson but some of the lesson in his/her
integrated the lesson points raised are not answer and little to
into his/her answer with thoroughly accurate and noanswer was
accuracy and clarity and clear. given.
Integration of Core Student has integrated Student has stated Student has not
Values the Saletinnian Core integrated Saletinnian integrated any of
values alongside the Core values alongside the core values and
application of the lesson the application of the has not integrated
in answering the lesson in answering the (applied) (the lesson
question. question but has not in answering the
Student has completely established a coherent question)
established a coherent connection to his/her ; failed to establish a
connection of the core answer. relationship
values and lesson to between the tenets
one's answer to (a coherent
connection to)
justify his/her
Self-made Rubric
Complete the table below to compare and contrast the six constitutions framed in the country.
Encode your answers on the space provided.
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
CRITERIA 5 points 3 points 1 point
Purpose & The paper compares The paper compares
The paper compares
Supporting and contrasts items and contrasts items
and contrasts items
Details clearly. The paper clearly, but the
clearly, but the
points to specific supporting information
supporting information
examples to illustrate is general. The paper
is incomplete. The
the comparison. The includes only the
paper may include
paper includes only the information relevant to
information that is not
information relevant to the comparison.
relevant to the
the comparison. comparison.
Organization & The paper breaks the
The paper breaks the The paper breaks the
Structure information into information into whole- information into
wholeto-whole, to-whole, similarities- wholeto-whole,
similarities-to- to-differences, or similarities-to-
differences, or pointby-
pointby-point structure differences, or pointby-
point structure. Itbut does not follow a point structure, but
follows a consistent
consistent order when some information is in
order when discussing
discussing the the wrong section.
the comparison. comparison. Some details are not in
a logical or expected
order, and this distracts
the reader.
A Rubric for Compartive Analysis Derived from Comparison and Contrast Rubric. (n.d.). Read Write
Think. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from
1.) Based on democratic traditions in which the government formed was "popular, representative and responsible"
with three distinct branches; the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The constitution specifically provided for
safeguards against abuses, and enumerated the national and individual rights not only of the Filipinos and the Aliens.
2.) Philippines Organic Act is to establish civilian control. Among other provisions, the act authorized two Filipino
resident commissioners to represent the Philippine Government in the U.S Congress. Philippine Autonomy Act
of 1916, statute announcing the intention of the United States government to "withdraw their sovereignty over the
Philippines Island as soon as a stable government can be establish therein".
3.) Enumerated the composition, powers and duties of the three branches of government, Created the General
Auditing Office. Laid down the framework in the establishment of the civil service in the country. Provision for women's
suffrage giving women the right to vote and be part of Philippine Politics.
4.) The 1943 Constitution enumerates the duties and rights of the citizens, requires the
government to develop Tagalog as the national language, and stipulates that one year
after the termination of the Great East Asia War or the World War II; a new constitution
shall be formulated and adopted to replace the Constitution.
5.) President was the symbolic head of state. Prime Minister was the head of government,
nominated by the President and acted as head of the Cabinet. Legislative power was
vested in the Batasang Pambansa. Provided for the establishment of the
Civil Service Commission, the Commission of Elections and the Commission on Audit.
6.) Presidential system of government with a bicameral legislature and an independent
judiciary having three branches of government namely the Executive (President and Reflection Cabinet), Legislative (Senate
and the House of Representatives) and the Judiciary (Supreme
Court). A modified bill f Rights details the right of every Filipino citizen. Creation of a
Commission on Human Rights. Recognition of an Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao
and the Cordilleras. Limited political autonomy for local government units and instructing the
Congress to establish a Local Government Code.
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
CRITERIA 5 points 3 points 1 point
Content Answer is appropriate Answer is appropriate to Content relates
to the question. the question. Content peripherally to the
Content is factually may have one or two question; Contains
correct. factual errors. significant factual
Development Develops each point Each point supported Sparse details or
with may specific with some details and evidence. Question only
details. Answers evidence. All important partially answered.
question completely. points included.
Use of Language Uses technical or Accurate word choice. Ordinary word choice;
scientific terminology No more than 2 major use of scientific
appropriately and errors and a few minor terminology avoided.
correctly. No major errors. Some serious errors.
grammatical or spelling
Self-made rubric
Malolos Consitution
PO Act of 1902 & PA Act of 1916
1935 Consitution
1943 Consitution
197 Consitution
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.
CATEGORY 5 points 3 points 1 point
Arrangement of Main concept easily Main concept easily Main concept not
Concepts identified; subconcepts identified; most clearly identified;
branch appropriately subconcepts branch subconcepts don‟t
from main idea from main idea. consistently branch
from main idea.
Links and Linking Linking lines connect Most linking lines Linking lines not
Lines related terms/point in connect properly; most always pointing in
correct direction; linking words correct direction;
linking words accurately describe the linking words don‟t
accurately describe relationship between clarify relationships
relationship between concepts; most between concepts;
concepts; hyperlinks hyperlinks effectively hyperlinks don‟t
effectively used used. function or fail to
enhance the topic.
Graphics Graphics used Graphics used Graphics used
appropriately; greatly appropriately most of inappropriately and
enhance the topic and the time; most graphics excessively; graphics
aid in comprehension; selected enhance the poorly selected and
are clear, crisp and well topic, are of good don‟t enhance the topic;
situated on the page. quality, and are some graphics are
situated in logical blurry and ill-placed.
places on the page.
Content Reflects essential Reflects most of the Contains extraneous
information; is logically essential information; information; is not
arranged; concepts is generally logically logically arranged;
succinctly presented; arranged; concepts contains numerous
no misspellings or presented without too spelling and
grammatical errors many excess words; grammatical errors.
fewer than three
misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Text Easy to read/ Most text is easy to Font too small to read
appropriately sized; no read; uses no more than easily; more than four
Prepared by: Stephen Jae Fontanilla
Shayne Antonette Matic
GEC004: Readings in Philippine History
unit 4 – History of the Philippine Constitution
General Instructions:
Please answer in paragraph form. Encode your answers on the space provided.
2. Find a newspaper clipping or any television news of any of the discussed readings (Territory,
Tax, Voting, Agrarian Reform) in this module. Paste the newspaper clipping in a yellow sheet
of paper. If it is news acquired from the television, just include a short summary of the news.
4. Concurring from DZNC Cauayan, from the portion where a legal
counselor helps individuals out of luck, lion's share is about their property
and domain. One client asked on the most proficient method to have the
authority with a particular land in their place since it is her folks last will. The
issue is the proprietor of the land would not like to offer it to her and needs
them to leave. The legal advisor asked, "If her folks and the proprietor had
an arrangement before her folks died?", and the customer addressed yes.
The customer additionally expressed that the proprietor said to her folks that
they can purchase the land once they procured the arranged cost. The
attorney asked once more, "At that point why the proprietor doesn't need you
presently to purchase the land when you said that both your folks and the
proprietor had an understanding?". The issue is the proprietor needs a proof
expressing that the proprietor had a concession to purchasing the land like
an agreement. The legal advisor stated, "Well all things considered, you
don't reserve the options to purchase the land except if the proprietor said
that you could".
5. After reading or watching the news, identify the main points of the article. What is the current
situation? What is the current government‟s response to the said issue?
- In that news, only the person who has the authority, for example, the owner of the
land who has documents stating that he/she the real owner of it, have the rights to
decide what to do with its properties. The Government cannot do anything about it.
In Answering the Task on: “Being updated”, please be guided by the Rubric below.
5 points 3 points 1 point
Relevance of News Student has chosen Student has chosen a
Student has not
recent published news newspaper clipping thatprovided a
in relation to the subject does not fully reflect the
matter. chosen subject matter. clipping that has
any relevance to
the chosen subject
Knowledge of the issue Student has explained Student answer does not Student has not used
thoroughly the ongoing have a concrete basis; any of the indicators on
subject matter as little background on the to justify his answer.
evident of the use of subject matter is
tenets, and historical provided.
Identification of Student has completely Student has an idea in Student has not in any
author‟s main argument understood and pointed pointing out the way pointed out any
out the author‟s main author‟s main argument point that the writer/
argument in the selected in the selected reading author of the clipping
reading but has not expound has made.
clearly on each of the
author‟s narration of the
Self-made Rubric
This module covers some selected readings that are interconnected to the Philippine Constitution.
These issues have been plaguing Philippine History and still, these issues are persisting in our time.
Answer the following questions. Please refer to the succeeding rubric to be guided in answering the activity.
Encode your answers on the space provided.
2. Why do you think these issues are still present knowing that these have been existing even
during the time of Spanish colonization?
- These issues is as yet present, for instance is we have the Taxation, this issue isn't new
in any way. At the point when Spaniards effectively colonized our nation, they acquainted
with our predecessors the supposed "Enconmienda System", it is a shifty framework
where individuals had to manage job from the locals for the Spanish Government. The
Spanish Enconmienda System and cedula were exceptionally injurious, it is when Andres
Bonifacio drove the Katipuneros and they tore their cedulas indicating their opposition
contrary to Spanish standard.
3. What is the role of the government in addressing these issues? You may look into the current
government or to previous ones.
Application of the Student has understood Student has understood Student has not
lesson in the reflection completely the lesson and integrated the integrated the
and has correctly lesson but some of the lesson in his/her
integrated the lesson points raised are not answer and little to
into his/her answer with thoroughly accurate and noanswer was
accuracy and clarity and clear. given.
Development Develops each point Each point is supported Sparse details or
with specific details. with some details and evidence. Question
Answers questions evidence. only partially
completely. answered.
Self-made rubric
For each of the readings, (Territory, Rights, Taxation, Voting, Agrarian Reform), what have you
understood in the selected readings? In addition, what steps can you do as a student to help alleviate the
situation?To prevent these kinds of problems from emerging or recurring , what initiatives can you take?
Put your answers in a column and answer in phrase form (bullet form). Encode your answers on the
space provided.
(I chose the Territory as my topic.)
4. First, in order for us to reach our hands to those people who needs help, as a student, I
want to create or build a program that answers calls or a place that is very accessible to
everyone and I will document every complaints that they have.
5. Once my workers document every complaints from our clients we will now proceed in
6. As long as possible I want to give the help to them in very fast way so I decided to
seek assistance from local government or to my colleagues in order to do that.
-I will spread my advocacy all over the world so we can have a better future ahead.
Arrangement of Main concept easily Main concept easily Main concept not
Concepts identified; subconcepts identified; most clearly identified;
branch appropriately subconcepts branch subconcepts don‟t
from main idea from main idea. consistently branch
from main idea.
Text Easy to read/ Most text is easy to Font too small to read
appropriately sized; no read; uses no more than easily; more than four
more than three four different fonts; different fonts used;
different fonts; amount amount of text text amount is excessive
of text is appropriate generally fits intended for intended audience.
for intended audience; audience.
boldface used for
Self-Made Rubric
Preliminary Examination
First Semester, S. Y. 2020-2021
GEC004- Readings in Philippine History
Prepared by:
Shayne Antonette L. Matic
Stephen Jae G. Fontanilla
1. Which account falls under primary source; which account falls under secondary source? Provide at least
three (3) evidences extracted from the examined accounts in justifying your answers.
- If I were rank them from primary source down to secondary sources, primary source would be the
account from Mr. Santiago Alvarez. He stated some facts, for example, some things that they agreed
in their meetings in Cabesang Melchora’s barn. I had put the last two accounts which are from Dr. Pio
Valenzuela and Mr. Guillermo Masangkay. From Valenzuela’s account, he only put the summarization
what they did during their time while Masangkay, I saw a little replication from what Valenzuela said
in his account.
2. Among the three (3) accounts provided, which account is credible? Which account is authentic? Justify
your answers.
- The authentic one would be Mr. Alvarez’ account because he stated some facts that has been very
useful in order to know the happenings during the war against Spanish Government. The credible
one was Mr. Masangkay’s account because it shows there the struggles they have been through
during their time.
3. What are the main arguments presented by the authors vis-a-vis their narratives? Whose account
convinced you the most? Elucidate your answer.
- I really what to know what is the inside of Supremo’s mind during their time but because of Mr.
Alvarez’ account, I was able to know what it is. I saw how the Supremo really cared about his fellow
katipuneros, how he showed to them his humble attitude and his leadership towards in leading them
to fight with him against the Spanish Government.
4. How does an event with numerous versions such as the First Cry of the Revolution (August 1896) help
shape Philippine History?
- Because of this, one factor that we adapted it from the past is us Filipino is really great in being a
leader. Supremo Bonifacio was one of the many Filipinos that we know being able to lead a huge
group in order to fight against the Spanish Government for our freedom. Because of his efforts, now
in this generation we can say that were free from being colonized by other country.
II. CREATION. (60 Points)
Scrutinize each account and write a position paper vis-à-vis the proposition provided below. Write your
answer in a separate yellow sheet of paper.
A. Introduction
These four accounts are provided by Fr. Vicente Balaguer, Fr. Pio Pi, Rafael Palma, and Austin Coates stating
that Rizal is against the Spanish dictatorship. Dr. Jose Rizal is known for being our public legend, asked various
Filipinos to fight calmly against to our enemy, the Spaniards. He conveyed it through his books, works and poems,
motivation to show welcome companionship to his beloved country. There was this enchanting event in our
Philippines History, this was Jose Rizal's retraction letter, communicating his reversal to the Catholic Faith and
other near things, which stirs up the minds of our collectors or historians provoking an unending conversation as
of now. Examining if the letter of Rizal is exact, since we need more confirmation that the two fighting
gatherings, the Rizalists and Catholic Rizalists, can be interpreted. It is required to discover its real factors and
information about this inquiry since it could give counterfeit information about Rizal to our residents. This
discussion could provoke various issues, for instance, scrutinizing his works that he helped his fellow Filipinos
engaging for a promising circumstance.
B. Argument/s
It isn't conceivable, considering that there were trustworthy onlookers that Rizal's withdrawal letter was
created, when he was kept. Father Balaguer, became associates with Rizal during the pariah, established the
framework for the withdrawal letter of Rizal' works and deeds, expressly for one Jesuit priest, Rizal embraced a
more restricted letter of withdrawal and this was set up by the Jesuit Society's supervisors of the Philippines.
Their made records out of events were obviously communicated and included shows. Our Historians, who felt
that Rizal had removed, when he made the message, replied by the eyewitnesses. Rizal similarly checked and
introduced Catholic petitions in a Catholic request book, understanding that they are delegated to the
association, which they acknowledge to be real in their eyes. There are the people who don't acknowledge that
Rizal has taken out. No one said that they had seen the basic copy of the formed withdrawal letter made by Rizal.
The paper was being kept covered up and has never revealed to the public press. Moreover, when the copy was
mentioned by Rizal's family, they were educated that it was lost . The principal withdrawal letter or record of it
was later found in 1935 yet it is seen as questionable because it was specific from the substance found in the
copy of the Jesuits and the Archbishops. It was interpreted by Pascual in the wake of studying the papers that
Rizal didn't dispense with because it is specific from the handwriting. Perplexing a bit to observe that even Father
Balaguer said that he didn't have the foggiest thought regarding whose handwriting it was. Another explanation
of this, why some normal that Rizal has not really taken out is an immediate consequence of what Father
Balaguer has said already.
C. Conclusion
I accepted that Rizal has as of now pull out that day despite the fact that his works were evident an enemy of
catholic one yet when he left all he needs is to be very still. Our visions about our amazing hero didn't change at
all even subsequent to hearing the disputable withdrawal letter of his. We actually imagine that he is a stunner
for us his kindred Filipinos and furthermore a dedicated man, realizing that Patriotism and Nationalism was in his
heart. If he pull out by any means, this won't change the way that he battled for the opportunity of our nation
and in view of his boldness, we Filipinos was motivated to battle likewise for our freedom. Him, Jose Rizal as our
public legend were not debilitated by the withdrawal letter. He was kicked the bucket because of his obligation,
his religion and his affection for us.
Santiago City, Philippines
Midterm Examination
First Semester, S. Y. 2020-2021
GEC004- Readings in Philippine History
Prepared by:
Shayne Antonette L. Matic
Stephen Jae G. Fontanilla
Directions: Assess the document below through your obtained knowledge on content/textual analysis
and contextual analysis.
Many of our heroes, as Andres Bonifcaio and Jose Rizal, assumed a major part all together for us Filipino
individuals liberated from the colonization by the Spain. Our ancestors, during the time as the Spanish Government
administered over them, encountered how the Spaniards/Friars subject them from their forces and constrained them
to do things that are contrary to their standards.
For an individual have the option to get what he/she needs for, hindrances in its way is normal. In perusing
The Act of Proclamation of Independence of Filipino People, I saw a brief look at our set of experiences. The essayist
of this demonstration needs us its readers to know the Philippine history, on how the Spain colonized our nation
from our little islands advancing toward the focal which is the Manila. I salute how the Spaniards put forth a valiant
effort with the goal for them to colonized our nation however their tyranny is total. Current realities and musings
brought from this decree shows only reality on the grounds that the essayist set out these on how the historical
backdrop of the Spanish Government colonizing us truly went.
As the author composed the last sentence, "And holding this flag of ours,...", those words truly grabbed my
eye. As I read those words, we can truly say that the colonization or the fascism of the Spain has finished. Our heroes
battle until their last breath with the goal for us to be liberated from our tyrants. Opportunity or freedom has just
given to us as a result of our legends' endeavors.
[For context analysis]
2. What does the text tell us about its apparent intended audience(s)?
- Broadening our understanding, a standout amongst other approach to gained some data or information
coming from the content. These data that we will acquire from reading it would be valuable in aiding in
forming our Philippine's history.
3. What seems to have been the author’s intention? Why did the author write this text? And why did the author
write this text in this particular way, as opposed to other ways in which the text might have been written?
4. What is the occasion for this text? In answering this question, consider the following guide question: Is the
account written in response to:
- In the text, we can see the events from the past like how the Filipino people were freed from the
dictatorship of the Spanish Government. We can feel the authenticity of this statement because the
author of it also experienced on how the Spanish Government ruled over the Philippines.
5. Is the text intended as some sort of call to – or for – action? Your answer here should be a response to the
following questions:
- The author wants that every generation need to spread this huge history on every one of us. By learning
the history especially this particular one can give us an inspiration that some things is worth fighting for.
6. Is the text intended rather as some sort of call to – or for – reflection or consideration rather than direct
- The author writes this text in a way that it can make people who reads this will think that there once was
a country that is colonized and the people of it fights for their freedom even if it cost their life just for the
sake of the next generation and the future ahead.
7. Can we identify any non-textual circumstances that affected the creation and reception of the text?
- The KKK is an organization led by Supremo Andres Bonifacio, this was created when the Spanish
Government dictates the way our fellow Filipinos live. But because of this organization, purpose to fight
against the Spanish Government, was one of the reason why the Philippines were freed by the Spain.
Santiago City, Philippines
Final Examination
First Semester, S. Y. 2020-2021
GEC004- Readings in Philippine History
Prepared by:
Shayne Antonette L. Matic
Stephen Jae G. Fontanilla
General Instruction. Six Thinking Hats. The Six Thinking Tool is a decision-making method published by Edward de Bono in 1985.
Exam Question: In your study of selected readings in Philippine Constitution, you were given an introduction to the Philippine
Constitution and some of the issues the Philippines still face. Use the Six-Thinking Hat as an evaluation tool to assess the topics
below. Twenty (20) points per Hat (120 points total).
White Hat:
2,500 meters away from the country to an island is considered to be its national territory.
Defined as the fixed portion on the surface of the earth on which the State settles and over which it has supreme
Having its own territory, national territory, has its associated limitations.
The national resources can only get within the national territory.
Factors: Others take resources that are not covered by their territory.
Red Hat:
Arbitration was made by the two countries.
Black Hat
The Scarborough Shoal is considered to be our national territory.
The China is little by little colonizing our national territory which is the Scarborough Shoal.
Chinese coastguards are blocking our fishermen in Scarborough Shoal to harvest fish.
Chinese coastguards pushed the Filipino fishermen away from the Scarborough Shoal by bringing their large ships closer
to them or releasing water from their large host.
Under the Philippines Government, the DFA approach China regarding with the problem between their people and the
Scarborough Shoal.
Both parties agreed under arbitration that Philippines are the rightful owner of the Scarborough Shoal.
Yellow Hat
Respect each territory for an issue will not emerge.
Green Hat
Have an authorization paper or letter to claim that this is our national territory.
Make an agreement between both parties from its resources and trade expedition.
Only the Philippines have the privileged to decide regarding the Scarborough Shoal.
Blue Hat
White Hat:
Seeks to solve the centuries-old problem of landlessness in rural areas.
Has several effects to rural economy in terms of agricultural productivity, poverty reduction, income and living standards,
employment, investment and capital formation, and impartiality in rural population.
Factors: Land redistribution alone was not enough to liberate the small farmer from poverty and ensure the success of
the CARP.
Factors: Unclear policies regarding to this reform.
Red Hat:
Considering help from a powerful country is somewhat helpful.
Black Hat
US tried to address this kind of problems in our country.
With the enactment of the Land Registration Act of 1902.
Land Registration Act of 1902 is for issuance of different land titles.
The Cadastral Act was born to fix the errors from the previous titles.
The Cadastral Act was believed to be a land grabbing.
These two acts were made during American period.
Yellow Hat
Agrarian Reform not exclusively to disperse land to concern decently land possession yet to likewise advance land uses to
improve individuals' pay.
Decently land proprietorship diminishes land struggle.
Considering non conflict land and conviction of possession will expand our territory profitability.
Green Hat
We should not accept other country’s help regarding to our land and resources.
Right issuing land titles to the right owners is very important.
Researching is the best way especially in our land and resources.
Blue Hat