Solent University Coursework Assessment Brief
Solent University Coursework Assessment Brief
Solent University Coursework Assessment Brief
Assessment Task
You are required to produce a budget report, complete with analysis and
commentary, on a given scenario. The report consists of THREE compulsory parts.
Assessment Scenario
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020
PART A (35% weighting)
The directors of Hamble Ltd have asked you, as a recently employed assistant
management accountant, to prepare and review their cash budget. The
bookkeeper started the cash budget but was unable to complete it due to ill
In addition, Hamble Ltd requires you to evaluate the different funding options for
its expansion plans.
Estimated sales and purchases for each of the nine months to September are given
Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept
£,000 £,000 £,000 £,000 £,000 £,000 £,000 £,000 £,000
Credit sales 9,500 8,000 6,000 11,000 12,350 14,000 13,250 4,500 12,500
Cash sales 250 350 800 600 620 900 500 350 800
Credit purchases 6,000 5,200 5,800 8,000 8,700 6,300 5,200 5,000 5,100
Trade Receivables: Credit sales are to be collected two months after the date
they have been sold.
Trade Payables: Credit purchases are to be paid one month after the date they
have been purchased.
Borrowings: The terms of a 5-year loan are coming to an end and Hamble Ltd are
due to repay the capital of £1,000,000 on 31st July.
Delivery vehicles: Hamble Ltd has a policy of replacing delivery vehicles every 2
years. A number of delivery vehicles are due to be replaced under this policy in
June at a cost of £1,250,000, but existing delivery vehicles will be traded in for
£310,000 as part of the deal.
Cash: Hamble Ltd expects to have £90,000 in cash at the beginning of April.
1. Using Excel, prepare a cash budget for the business for the 6-month period
from April to September.
NOTE: To achieve full marks you MUST show your working out, i.e. by using Excel
cell referencing and formula.
2. Examine the cash budget you have prepared and advise the directors of
Hamble Ltd of any possible solutions to cash flow problems that might be
evident. Marks will be awarded depending on the depth of discussion.
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020
3. Identify five sources of finance available to Hamble Ltd and evaluate the
advantages and disadvantages of each. You should then make a
recommendation to the directors of Hamble Ltd of the most appropriate
source of finance for the proposed expansion plans. Marks will be awarded
depending on the depth of discussion.
4. Within the next 3-5 years Hamble Ltd intend to expand their business
throughout the UK following which their aim is to list the business on the
London Stock Exchange. The Directors of Hamble Ltd have asked you to
briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of raising finance through
the issue of shares.
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020
PART B (40% weighting)
The Directors of Hamble Ltd have identified two existing established businesses
that may be suitable to purchase to fulfil their expansion plans and have asked you
to calculate and compare ratios for both companies before making a
recommendation on which company to purchase.
Share capital 1,350 800
Reserves 580 1,145
1,930 1,945
Current liabilities
Trade payables 430 850
Taxation 62 30
Bank overdraft 35 350
527 1,230
Non-current liabilities
Loans 65 1,450
Total equity and liabilities 2,522 4,625
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020
You are required to:
1. Use your Excel skills to calculate the following ratios for both companies.
You should then present your calculated ratios within your report in a
simple table format for ease of comparison.
NOTE: To achieve full marks you MUST show your working out, i.e. by using Excel
cell referencing and formula.
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020
PART C (25% weighting)
Hamble Ltd has a varied client base that includes schools, hospitals and the
hospitality sector and has experienced fluctuating consumer demands since the
beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
One of their products is a fresh produce box, consisting of local seasonal produce,
and which is ordered in units. The following information is available for the year
ending 30th September.
1. Due to these fluctuating demands, you have been asked to use Excel to
prepare a flexible sales budget for quantities of 200,000 units and 300,000
units. Sales revenue is fully variable.
NOTE: To achieve full marks you MUST show your working out, i.e. by using Excel
cell referencing and formula.
£/unit £000s
Sales revenue 3,250
Variable produce costs (875)
Variable production
overheads (150)
Fixed production costs (700)
Fixed administration costs (1,160)
Profit 365
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020
Assessment criteria (Parts A, B and C will be marked against the following criteria in accordance with the indicated weighting)
A1 – A2 A3 – A4 B1 – B3 C1 - C3 D1 – D3 F1 F2 – F3
Recounting of factual information – depth
Accurately recounts a wide range of Accurately recounts a wide Accurately recounts a range Satisfactory range of Acceptable range of Recounts a limited Substantial
factual information, with many range of factual information of factual information, with factual information factual information range of factual inaccuracies/omis
indications of greater breadth and with several indications of occasional indications of accurately recounted; largely accurately information with sions in factual
depth of knowledge, beyond greater breadth and some greater breadth of knowledge; recounted; some information;
expectations for this level; depth of knowledge; inaccuracies/omissi
Relevance and range of sources
Information always relevant and Information consistently Relevant information drawn Relevant information Mostly relevant Information not Range of
drawn from a wide range of sources, relevant and drawn from a from a wide range of sources drawn from appropriate information drawn from always relevant and information
many of them independently wide range of sources, some of range of sources an adequate range of drawn from a inadequate, often
identified; which are independently sources; limited range of irrelevant
identified; sources;
Organisation of work
Organisation of information is Organisation of information is Organisation of information is Organisation of Organisation of Some errors in Information is
exceptionally logical and convincing consistently logical and logical and clear; information is clear; information is generally organisation of disorganised
for work at this level; convincing; clear; information;
Understanding of principles, terms, concepts, theories and practices
Demonstrates an understanding of Demonstrates an Recognises and demonstrates Recognises and Recognises the basic Occasional Fails to recognise
the principles, terms, concepts, understanding of the principles, clear understanding of the key demonstrates basic principles, terms, errors/omissions/m the basic
theories and practices within the terms, concepts, theories and principles, terms, concepts, understanding of the key concepts, theories and isrecognitions of principles, terms,
subject/discipline that substantially practices within the theories and practices within principles, terms, practices within the the basic principles, concepts, theories
exceeds expectations for the level in subject/discipline that exceeds the discipline/field. concepts, theories and subject/field. terms, concepts, and practices
many aspects. expectations for the level in practices within the theories and within the
several discipline/field. practices within the subject/field.
Analysis of issues/problems
Analysis of issues/problems, Analysis of issues/problems, Analysis of issues/problems, Generates satisfactory Analysis is adequate Analysis partial Analysis of
including some that are several of which are not closely some of which are not closely analyses of defined when dealing with well- when dealing with defined
unpredictable or loosely defined is defined; defined; problems/issues; defined issues/problems; well- defined problems/issues
exceptional for this level; issues/problems, inadequate,
and marginally inaccurate or
inadequate for this absent, with
level; reliance on
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020
Application of learning in less familiar contexts
Demonstrates outstanding ability to Ability to apply learning in less Evidences ability to apply Applies learning to Tendency to description Marginally fails to Fails to apply
apply learning in less familiar familiar contexts/situations learning in less familiar produce a satisfactory and reliance on familiar apply learning when learning in a less
contexts/situations. exceeds expectations for this contexts/situations response to a less familiar approaches; dealing with a less familiar
level in some aspects. context/ situation. Limited application of familiar context/situation.
learning to address a less context/situation.
familiar context/situation.
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020
Learning Outcomes
This assessment will enable students to demonstrate in full or in part the learning
outcomes identified in the Module descriptors.
Late Submissions
i. If this assessment is submitted late i.e. within 5 working days of the submission
deadline, the mark will be capped at 40% if a pass mark is achieved;
ii. If this assessment is submitted later than 5 working days after the submission
deadline, the work will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero;
iii. If this assessment is being submitted as a referred piece of work then it must be
submitted by the deadline date; any Refer assessment submitted late will be
regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero.
Extenuating Circumstances
The University’s Extenuating Circumstances procedure is in place if there are genuine
circumstances that may prevent a student submitting an assessment. If students are not
'fit to study’, they can either request an extension to the submission deadline of 5 working
days or they can request to submit the assessment at the next opportunity (Defer). In
both instances students must submit an EC application with relevant evidence. If
accepted by the EC Panel there will be no academic penalty for late submission or non-
submission dependent on what is requested. Students are reminded that EC covers only
short term issues (20 working days) and that if they experience longer term matters that
impact on learning then they must contact the Student Hub for advice.
Academic Misconduct
Any submission must be students’ own work and, where facts or ideas have been used
from other sources, these sources must be appropriately referenced. The University’s
Academic Handbook includes the definitions of all practices that will be deemed to
constitute academic misconduct. Students should check this link before submitting their
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020
Ethics Policy
The work being carried out by students must be in compliance with the Ethics Policy.
Where there is an ethical issue, as specified within the Ethics Policy, then students will
need an ethics release or an ethical approval prior to the start of the project.
Grade marking
The University uses a letter grade scale for the marking of assessments. Unless students
have been specifically informed otherwise their marked assignment will be awarded a
letter grade. More detailed information on grade marking and the grade scale can be
found on the portal and in the Student Handbook.
Policy, Governance and Information
July 2020