Chapter One
Chapter One
Chapter One
College of Engineering
Electrical Power Engineering
Modelling and Analysis of Electrical Machines:EP-6211
• Introduction
• Magnetically coupled circuit
• Electromechanical Energy Conversion
• Machine Windings and Air gap MMF, Winding
inductances and voltage equations.
• Thus, the topic is mainly concerned with the important devices that
change mechanical energy into electrical or Vice Versa.
• Thus, conversion of other forms of energy into electrical energy with the aid of
electromechanical devices such as Generators, Motors, Relays, Telephone receivers,
Loud speakers, etc... is a common practice.
• The structure of these devices may differ depending on their particular function; but
the principle of operation is common.
• The leakage flux Φl1 is produced by current flowing in coil 1, and it links only the
turns of coil 1. Likewise, the leakage flux Φl2 is produced by current flowing in coil
2, and it links only the turns of coil 2.
• The magnetizing flux Φm1 is produced by current flowing in coil 1, and it links all
turns of coils 1 and 2.
• Similarly, the magnetizing flux Φm2 is produced by current flowing in coil 2, and it
also links all turns of coils 1 and 2. With the selected positive direction of current
flow and the manner in that the coils are wound (Fig. 1.1), magnetizing flux
produced by positive current in one coil adds to the magnetizing flux produced by
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positive current in the other coil.
• In other words, if both currents are flowing in the same direction, the magnetizing fluxes
produced by each coil are in the same direction, making the total magnetizing flux or the
total core flux the sum of the instantaneous magnitudes of the individual magnetizing
• If the currents are in opposite directions, the magnetizing fluxes are in opposite
• In this case, one coil is said to be magnetizing the core, the other demagnetizing.
• Clearly, all of the leakage flux may not link all the turns of the coil producing it.
• Likewise, all of the magnetizing flux of one coil may not link all of the turns of the other
• To acknowledge this practical aspect of the magnetic system, the number of turns is
considered to be an equivalent number rather than the actual number. This fact should
cause us little concern since the inductances of the electric circuit resulting from the
magnetic coupling are generally determined from tests.
• The voltage equations may be expressed in matrix form as
Since it is assumed that Φ1 links the equivalent turns of coil 1 and Φ2 links the
equivalent turns of coil 2, the flux linkages may be written
where l is the mean or equivalent length of the magnetic path, A the cross-section area,
and μ the permeability. Substituting (1.7)–(1.10) into (1.1) and (1.2) yields
3/10/2021 By: Milkias B. 9
Substituting (1.12) and (1.13) into (1.5) and
(1.6) yields
• When the magnetic system is linear, the flux linkages are generally expressed in terms
of inductances and currents.
• We see that the coefficients of the first two terms on the right-hand side of (1.14)
depend upon the turns of coil 1 and the reluctance of the magnetic system,
independent of the existence of coil 2.
• An analogous statement may be made regarding (1.15). Hence, the self-inductances
are defined as
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• where Ll1 and Ll2 are the leakage inductances and Lm1
(1.17) and Lm2 the magnetizing inductances of coils 1 and 2,
• From (1.16) and (1.17), it follows that the magnetizing
(1.18) inductances may be related as
• The mutual inductances are defined as the coefficient of the third term of (1.14) &(1.15).
Obviously, L12 = L21. The mutual inductances may be related
to the magnetizing inductances.
(1.20) In particular,
Where (1.23)
• Now we have two choices. We can use a substitute variable for (N2/N1)i2 or for
• Let us consider the first of these choices
• whereupon we are using the substitute variable i2 that, when flowing through coil 1,
produces the same MMF as the actual i2 flowing through coil 2.
• This is said to be referring the current in coil 2 to coil 1, whereupon coil 1 becomes
the reference coil.
• On the other hand, if we use the second choice, then
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• Here, i1 is the substitute variable that produces the same MMF when flowing through
coil 2 as i1 does when flowing in coil 1.
• This change of variables is said to refer the current of coil 1 to coil 2.
• We will derive the equivalent T circuit by referring the current of coil 2 to coil 1; thus
from (1.26)
By: Milkias B. 13
• The above voltage equations suggest the T equivalent circuit shown in Figure 1.2.
• It is apparent that this method may be extended to include any number of coils
wound on the same core.
Electromechanical system
Voltages &
Magnetic flux Position, speed &
Force or
Circuit equations Force/Torque equations
by Newton's laws
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Energy conversion principles
1) Electrical system
2) coupling media (Field)
3) Mechanical system
• In any energy conversion device, the energy balance equation could be:-
Total Mechanical
electrical Total Total
= energy + energy + energy
energy output
input stored dissipated
+ Mech.loss]
T,ωr or
Motor action
Generator action
Lossless Lossless
T,ωr T,ωr
e coupling Coupling
field F,u
field F,u
Electrical Mechanical Electrical Mechanical
terminals terminals terminals
b) Lossless Generator mode
a) Lossless motoring mode
dWei = Vt idt
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• Thus, differential electrical energy in put to the coupling
field ,
Vt = ir + e
Vt = ir +
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• Multiply both sides by idt
Vt idt = ri dt + id
Thus for a toroid to extract energy from the source, the flux linkages of the
magnetic field must change. This change in flux causes generation of induced emf.
and current flow against counter emf causes the extraction of energy from the
electrical system
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Closed position
1. Slow movement ψ
The slow movement of the armature D c
from open position causes almost
negligible amount of counter emf. ψ1 Open position
2 − 1
T2 − T1
Welec = i1 d = i1 ( 2 − 1 ) = area ACDFA' A
i.e., the mechanical work done is equal to the area enclosed between the two
magnetisation curves at open and closed positions and the vertical ψ – i locus during the
low armature movement.
2. Instantaneous movement
- Here the armature is assumed to move from open to closed position instantaneously.
- We know that, in inductive circuits flux can’t change suddenly. Therefore, during fast
movement of the armature, the flux linkage do not change and remain constant. The
operating point, therefore, travels from A to A’.
- Since the final operating point is C, the operating point travels from A’ to C when the
armature is closed.
W fld = areaOA' FO − areaOAA' FO ψ1
A’ Open position
1 F
Welec = id = 0
Closed position
D’ Open position
ψ1 A’
i1 i
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Change in the magnetic stored energy is: -
ψ Closed pos.
2 D
Welec = i1 d = i1 ( 2 − 1 ) B
1 Open pos.
1 ψ1
Wmech = area OABCO = ( 2 − 1 )i1 A
W fld = area OCBDEO − area OACEO
1 1 1 O
= 2 i1 − 1i1 = ( 2 − 1 )i1 i1 i
2 2 2
W fld = Wmech = Welec
2 By: Milkias B. 43
d) Determination of magnetic force
- As the relay is on the process of closing, the magnitude of attracting magnetic force
increases while the air gap length decreases.
Thus the average magnetic force for figs. 1,5 and 1.9 is: -
dWmech = f e dx
0 = f e dx + dW fld
3/10/2021 f e dx = −dW fld at cons tan t
By: Milkias B. 44
dW fld
f e = − at cons tan t
dW fld
f e = −
dx =cons tan t
Since Wfld is expressed in terms of ψ and x or ф and x, it leads to
parametric equations for magnetic force.
dW ' fld
fe = + At constant current.
3/10/2021 dx
By: Milkias B. 46
The parametric equation will be: -
Magnitude of electromagnetic force for
W ' fld W ' fld linear motion of the armature
fe (i, x) = ( F , x)
x x
For angular motion of the armature, Torque can be obtained: -
• Solution
W fld ( , x)
fe = −
1 2
W fld ( , x) = id = 1
d = 1 .
0 x 2 x 2 2
1 2 2 1 −3 2
fe = − 1 . = − − x
x x 2 2 2 2
2 1
fe = . 3
4 x 2
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From the co-energy considerations;
W ' fld
fe = (i, x)
i 2 2
i 1
W '
fld = di = ix di = x . 2
12 i 2 i 2 1 −12
fe = x = . .x
x 2 2 2
i2 1
fe = . 1
4 x 2
• In terms of Reluctance;
Rlg =
0 A
1 2 dRlg 1 2 d g−x 1 2 1
fe = − g = − g = g
2 dx 2 dx 0 A 2 0 A
The differential electrical energy input from two energy sources is: -
dWelec= isdψs+irdψr
ψs = Lsis + Msrir
ψr = Lrir +Mrsis
dWelec = o+ dWfld ;
2 2
Ns Nr
Ls = ; Lr =
Rs Rr
Ns Nr
M sr = M rs =
RBy:srMilkias B. 53
Since the rotor is not allowed to move, the reluctance and inductances are constant.
= i s Ls di s + ir Lr dir + M sr d (i s ir )
is ir i s ir
W fld = Ls i s di s + Lr ir dir + M sr d (i s ir )
0 0 0
1 2 1 2
= i s Ls + ir Lr + M sr i s ir
2 2
1 2 1 2
dWmech = Te d r = i s dLs + ir dLr + i s ir dM sr
2 2
1 2 dLs 1 2 dLr dM sr
Te = i s + ir + is ir
2 d r 2 d r d r
W fld
Te = (i s , ir , r ) With currents constant
W ' fld
Te = (i s , ir , r ) For linear magnetic circuit