GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: A. Activity 1 - Game On Numerical Expressions
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: A. Activity 1 - Game On Numerical Expressions
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: A. Activity 1 - Game On Numerical Expressions
B. Establishing a purpose for a) Show pictures of the Ask: What are the different Ask pupils about the Ask the pupils about the What do you observe when
the lesson map of the Philippines and of dreaded diseases? (TB, cancer, occupation of their parents. somebody in your home is sick?
occupation of their
General Emilio Aguinaldo and etc.) Let them tell how they help Does he take medicine? Is it
let them read the following Today we are going to read parents. Let them tell their parents earn a living. liquid or tablets? How are tablets
sentences. something about cancer cells. kept?
how they help their
1) General Emilio Original File Submitted and
Aguinaldo is the First President parents earn a living. Formatted by DepEd Club
of the Philippine Republic. Member - visit for
2) The Philippines is in more
Southeast Asia.
3) Most Filipinos
celebrate Christmas in the 10th
month of the year.
b) Ask them which
sentence is true or false. Let
them tell why.
c) If sentences can be
true or false, in mathematics
there are sentences that are
either true or false.
C. Presenting Activity 1: Present this problem Present the selection below Present the situation to Activity 1 – Use of Role Play in a. Activity 1 – Use of Flats
Examples/Instances of new Rhoda has to sew a tablecloth In a particular clinical a Sari-Sari Store and Longs
the class.
lesson 9 dm by 9 dm for their square- research, a special type of In a certain drugstore, the
shaped table in the living cancer cells affecting the skin Lulu comes from school with a heavy Jethro was helping his mother pharmacist daughter of the
room. How big is the area of was discovered to exist as a heart because of homework. Her in their store when a delivery owner helps her mother account
the tablecloth? pair in the beginning and was elder brother gives her a helping man delivered 20 dozen of the medicines for fever. She finds
found out to double every 24 hand. He has seen the following: eggs at 42 a dozen. If the specialized square holders of
hours. The table shows the Evaluate the expressions: delivery man gave him 160, tablets. She has recorded 4
listing of the number of cancer 12 – 3 + 18 ÷ 6 × 3 how much was his money? groups of 10 layers of 10 tablets
cells present for the first 10 7×9–3+8 Was he right in asking for a on each side of the holders and 6
days. 18 – 12 ÷ 6 + 7 change of 260, if his money sets of 10 tablets. Is she right in
9×9÷3–9+6 was 1,000? Why? reporting that there are 40 060
16 ÷ 4 × 5 – 7 + 8 Ask the following questions: tablets? Why?
Ask: What are the given data? Who helped mother in the 1) Ask the pairs of pupils
What operations must be done first? store? the questions below:
second? next? last? Why? Who delivered dozens of eggs? a) What is the profession of the
How many dozens of eggs were daughter of the drugstore owner?
delivered to them? b) What does the pharmacist do?
If you were Jethro: c) What does she find?
will you help your family earn a d) If you were the pharmacist, will
living? Why? you also have a systematic
will you keep the change given arrangement of your medicines?
by the delivery man? Why? Why?
Have each pair of pupils act it
out using play money and ask
them to answer the following:
What are the given data?
What are the operations to be
D. Discussing new concepts and Answering questions about the What do you notice about the Encourage the pupils to work in Lead each pair of pupils to 2)Have each pair of pupils use
practicing new skills #1 problem cancer cells from day 1 to day pairs. Have each pair of pupils think of an expression related flats and longs to visualize the
How will you find the area of 10? (They are doubled each evaluate the expressions. to the problem. problem. Let them answer the
the table cloth? day.) Lead the pair of pupils to process Let them evaluate the following questions:
What number sentence will be How is this obtained? how to get the answer. expression they have a) What will you find in the
used to solve the problem? (The number of cancer cells in formulated. problem?
Are the two quantities equal? a given day is obtained by 160 + (20 x P42) b) What are the data given?
Write the equation about the multiplying the number of 160 + P840 c) What are the operations to be
problem. (9 x 9 = 81) cancer cells present on the 1,000 money of Jethro used?
How many times did you preceding day by 2 since the Require them to analyze the 3) Lead each pair of pupils
multiple 9 to get 81? The cancer cells double daily.) operations they used in to think aloud of a numerical
product 9 x 9 can be written as If we try to rewrite this arriving at the exact change expression about the problem.
power of 92 where 9 is the product in terms of the (4 x 103) + (6 x 10)
base and 2 is the exponent. number of cancer cells 4) Ask them to decide on: Is
present on the first day, we she right in reporting that they
The exponent tells how many will have the following table: have 40 060 tablets? Why? Have
times the base is used as a them evaluate the expression as
factor to form a product. in:
The base is the factor which is (4 x 103) + (6 x 10)
to be multiplied by itself the (4 x 1000) + (6 x 10)
number of times indicated in 4000 + 60
the exponent to obtain the 4060
product. 5) Draw from the pairs of
pupils through analysis which
In the problem, how big is the operation should be done first,
tablecloth to be sewed by second, next, and last. Include
Rhoda? also in the analysis the meaning
Write the equation for the of parenthesis in the expression
problem in exponential and the direction it gives when
notation of the problem. evaluating the expression.
a) Who has to sew a
b) Where will she put
the tablecloth?
c) If you were Rhoda,
will you also sew a tablecloth?
E. Discussing new concepts and Pair-share: Activity 2 Let us focus our attention on After all the pairs process their Group Activity– Use of Test b. Activity 2 – Use of
practicing new skills #2 The side of a small cutout the expression that describes answers, ask: “How did you find the Items Illustration
square is 7cm. What is its area? the number of cancer cells in a activity? How were you able to come Tita was absent for a week Emma helps her mother arrange
Write an expression about the given day in terms of cancer up with the correct answers? What because she was sick. When the items in their store. Her
problem. cells present on the first day. did you do?” she went to school, she had to mother has specialized square
What is the equation? This is seen in the second Discuss with the take a test. Few of the items tray for quail eggs. She finds 4
column of table 2. pupils the rules on how they were given are shown below. groups of 5 rows with 5 quail eggs
Can you write 7 x 7 in another What can you say about how able to solve the order of operations. a) 2x3+4 placed in trays and 3 groups with
way? How? the expression is written? Give more examples. b) 7x9–3 10 quail eggs. She informs her
What do you call 7 in 72? 2 in Why? (It becomes tedious Solutions: c) 18 – 12 2 mother that they have 1 030 quail
72? because we write the number d) 35 – 6 x 3 eggs. Is she right? Why?
What is the exponent? base? repeatedly.) e) 3x2+4 Have the pairs of pupils answer
It is for this reason that in f) 48 12 + 8 the following questions:
1637, Rene Descartes, a Can you answer these? Let us Who helps her mother in the
French mathematician, try to answer the items. store?
introduced a system of writing Ask each pair of pupils to What does Emma do to help her
numbers indicating repeated answer the following mother?
multiplication. questions: If you were Emma will you also
What can you say about Rene What facts are given? arrange the items for sale in the
Descartes? Do you want to be What operations are in each store of your mother? Why?
like him someday? Why? problem? Which operations Ask each pair of pupils the
Now, here is another table, come first? Which operation questions below. Use these
let us study this table. will you do first? illustrations. (Refer to TG)
Guide each pair of pupils to What facts are given?
evaluate the expressions What are the processes to be
Discuss the presentation under
Explore and Discover on LM Then,
Guide them to think aloud of the
In general, if N is the number give the following exercises. numerical expression that can
of days the cancer cells have Ask the pupils to perform the series best represent the problem.
been present, then the of operation. Let them think critically: Is Emma
expression for the number of 1.(7 × 9) + (3 ×21) right? Why?
cells present during the nth day 2. (18 – 5) + 6 + 2 Ask them to evaluate the
is 2n. The letter n is called an 3. ( 3 + 5) × (42 ÷ 7) numerical expression.
exponent of base 2. 4. 36÷ 2 + 4×(4-2) (4 x 52) + (3 x 10)
In 22, what is the exponent? (4 x 25) + (3 x 10)
What is the base? In 23? 24? 100 + 30
etc. What does the exponent 130
indicate? Have the pairs of pupils analyze
(It indicates the number of which operation should be used
repeated multiplication.) first, second, next, and last to
arrive at the answer.
So, what does 23 mean?
(It means 2 x 2 x 2.)
How is it read? (“two to the
third power” or “two with the
exponent three.” (Give some
more examples).
F. Developing mastery Group Activity: Give the base Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity: Evaluate the c.Activity 3: Group Activity
(Leads to Formative and the exponent in each of Let us have 3 learning Ask pupils to work on items 1 to 5 expression. Bing asks her son to do his
Assessment) the following orally. stations. Do the activity in under Get Moving and items 1-5 a) 8+42 homework and looks at his
1.25 2. 42 3. 73 each learning station by under Keep Moving on LM Math b) 5x84 notebook. She finds the
65 – 91 7
8 4
4. 1 5. 6 group. Once you have c) following:
Complete the equation. finished an activity, go to the d) 72 3 x 8 Evaluate the expressions:
next station and do the e) 67 + 33 25 1) 6 + (2 x 7 + 52)
activity indicated there. Do 2) 3 x (4 x 82) – 8
the activities as fast as you 3) 5 x [24 2 x (10 – 8)2
can. 10]
4) (15 – 6) + (4 – 1) x 23
5) 3 x [3 + 2 x (10 – 32)]
a) Ask each pair of pupils to
answer the questions below:
1) What are the facts
2) Which operation should
be done first? second? third?
last? Why?
b) Have each pair of pupils
evaluate the expressions.
G. Finding practical a. Rewrite each of the Based on tables 1, 2, and 3, Ask pupils to do items under Apply Write an expression about the Evaluate the ff. expressions:
applications of concepts and following using exponents. how many cancer cells have Your Skills on LM. problems. Then evaluate the a) (114 – 4) x (12 4)2 + 3
skills in daily living Determine the numerical grown on the fifteenth day? expression. b) 16 + 82 (4 + 4)
value. 1)In a certain eatery, there are c) (36 – 6) x (3 x 4)2 + 7
1. second power of 7 5 glass racks having 24 glasses d) 122 x 30 + (890 2)
2. fourth power of 5 and 8 left over. The answer e) 62 x 23 + (400 2)
3. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 says there are 130 glasses in
4. 8 x 8 x 8 all. Is it right? Why?
5. 15 x 15 2)Use numbers less than 7
b. Write the >, < or = in the once to make the expression
box to make the statement right.
true. (Refer to TG)
1)52 25
2)72 3 2 (70) + 3
3)2(32 + 22) 82
4)32 + 32 + 32 3 (32)
5)6 (2 + 3)2 3 + 72
H. Making generalizations and What is an exponent? base? The exponent tells the Guide the pupils to give the How do we evaluate an How do we evaluate an
abstractions about the -The exponent tells how many number of times the base is following generalizations by asking: expression with two different expression with more than two
lesson times the base is taken as a used as a factor. What rule would you follow in order operations without exponents operations with exponents and
factor. The base is the number used to perform the order of operation? and parenthesis/grouping parenthesis/grouping symbols?
The base is the bottom part of as a factor. Rules in the Order of Operation: symbols?
anything. It is the number used Perform the operations within each
as the factor. pair of grouping symbols
(parenthesis, brackets, and braces)
beginning with the innermost pair.
Simplify the expression with
Perform multiplication and division
as they occur from left to right.
Perform addition and subtraction as
they occur from left to right.
I. Evaluating Learning A. Evaluate A.Complete the following Evaluate the following expressions Evaluate the following 1.Evaluate the following
1.) 6 22 + 7 sentences: by following the rules: expressions. expressions:
2.) 3 72 + 5 52 1) In 53, _____ is the base and (9 – 2) + (3 × 21) 1) 4x3+8 a) (9 – 2) + (32 x 21)
3.) 92 - 72 + 10 ______ is the exponent. (18 + 14) ÷ (6 + 2) 2) 84 3 x 4 b) (18 + 14) (6 + 2)
4.) 25 52 - 32 43 2) 62 is the exponential form (36 ÷ 22 + 4 × (4 – 2) 3) 76 – 8 + 5 c) 36 22 + 4 x (4 – 2)
5.) (10 + 2)2 - 102 of 6 x _____. (36 – 6) + [(3 × 42) + 7] 4) 53 + 7 – 20 d) (36 – 6) + [(3 x 42) + 7]
3) 144 is the ___ power of 12. (72+ 15) × 4 – (625 ÷125) 5) 3 x 5 25 e) (72 + 15) x 4 – (625 125)
B. Find the value of n to 4) 22 means 2 multiplied by _. 4 × (15 – 32) + 16 6) 7 x 8 + 130 f) 4 x (15 – 32) + 16
make the statement true 5)74 means _____ is multiplied (93 + 7) × 6 + 10 7) 195 3 x 5 g) (93 + 7) x 6 + 10
1.) 2n = 16 by itself four times. 12 × 30 +(890 ÷10) 8) 3 + 83 – 73 h) 12 x 30 + (890 10)
2.) 4 5n = 4 125 B.Give the value of the ff: [(144 ÷ 12) 2 × 3] ÷ 3 × 6 9) 76 – 8 x 9 i) [(144 12)2 x 3] 3 x 6
1)63 = __ 4)9 = __73 = n 90 x 5 75
3.) (16 + 82) ÷ (4 + 4) 10) j) (16 + 82) (4 + 4)
2)45 = __ 5)724 = 10
4.) ___ = 2 000 (Refer to TG for the 2.Evaluate the expression if:
3)27 = __ 5.) 3 2 = 192
C.Write the base, exponent, Continuation) a) R=2
value, equation, and the 2.[(6R + R x 8) 13] – 5 + R
meaning of the following b) S=3
expressions. Number 1 is done [(7S – S) x 6] + 6S – S x 5
for you.
J. Additional activities for Evaluate Fill in the blanks. Evaluate the following expressions 1. Evaluate the following 1. Evaluate the following
application and remediation 1) 9 = 3 x 3 = 3_ by following the rules: expressions. expressions:
2)16 = _____ x _____ = _____2 63 ÷ 7 + 5 + 2 – 6 + 3 (See TG) (34 – 4) x (75 52)
3)8 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 2- 6 + (2 × 7 + 5) (35 – 3) x 32 + 9
4)102 = 10 x 10 = _____ 3 × (4 + 82) – 8 (38 – 7) + 6 (2 x 3)
5)103 = _____ x _____ x 37 + 3 × 2 ÷ 6 2.Insert an operation symbol and
Write the equation for this ______ = _____ 14 ÷ 2 – 3 + 2 × 2 parenthesis to make a whole
problem. Enrichment number that is the:
Olive has some cookies. If she Evaluate the following expressions. highest possible answer
gave 5 cookies each to some (114 – 4) × ( 12 ÷ 4) + 3 least possible answer
girls, she would have 14 left. If 16 + 82 ÷ (4 + 4) 22 3 4 6
she gave 9 cookies each to (36 – 6) × ( 3 × 4) + 7 3.Write a problem. Make an
some girls, she would be short 122 × 30 + (890 ÷ 2) expression about it. Then
of 14 cookies. How many girls 6 × 23 + (400 ÷ 2) evaluate.
did Olive give the cookies to?
Ans. (5 x n) + 14 = (9 x n) - 14
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?