Transpersonal Human Caring and Healing
Transpersonal Human Caring and Healing
Transpersonal Human Caring and Healing
Define transpersonal human caring.
Define healing.
Compare and contrast the processes of healing
and curing.
Discuss the nature of “right relationship” as it
relates to healing.
Transpersonal Psychology
Influences on the Human Caring
Healing & Caring:
Healing : The emergence of right relationship at one or more
levels of the bodymindspirit system.
Habitats for Healing: Healthcare practice environments that
provide a context of caring, for the purpose of healing, which
may include curing.1
Healing system: A true healthcare system in which people
can receive adequate, nontoxic, and noninvasive assistance
in maintaining wellness and in healing for body, mind, and
spirit, together with the most sophisticated, aggressive curing
technologies available.
Human caring: The moral ideal of nursing in which the nurse brings
his or her whole self into relationship with the whole self of the patient
or client, to protect the vulnerability and preserve the humanity and
dignity of the one caring and the one cared for.
Right relationship: A process of connection among or between parts
of the whole that increases energy, coherence, and creativity in the
bodymindspirit system.
Transpersonal: That which transcends the limits and boundaries of
individual ego identities and possibilities to include acknowledgment
and appreciation of something greater.
Transpersonal may refer to consciousness, intrapersonal
dynamics, interpersonal relationships, and lived experiences of
connection, unity, and oneness with the larger environment, cosmos, or
transpersonal human caring is most often
associated with Jean Watson’s theory of
nursing as the art and science of human