14-18 Mei

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Day: Monday Date: 14 Mei 2018

5J Unit 7: Study Skills Learning activities: HOTS: application

1.Ge the students to CCE: contextual learning
English LS: 1.3.1(a,d), listen to a story.
1.1.3,1.1.4 2. Get the students to Values:
give the story a title and Love
(60 minutes) Objectives:
an ending.
Students will be able to: BBM: Text book, activity book
1. Arrange the pictures 3. In groups of four, get
with sentences in correct the students to arrange Reflection:
World of self, order. the pictures and story in ________ pupils were able to
family and 2. Give the story a title the correct order. achieve the objectives
friends and an ending. 4. End the story by
telling the class how the
young man felt in the

3J 单元三: 基本球类技能 教学步骤: 跨课程元素:

体育 第六课: 三球积分赛 1. 热身活动。 创意与革新元素
0940-1010 2.. 老师示范正手击球的姿 道德价值:纪律、团结
(30 minutes) 学 习 标 准 : 1.7.1 , 势。
2.7.1, 5.4.3 3. 学生分组练习。
4. 松弛活动。 ———— 学生可以达到学习目
学习目标: 标。

3G Unit 8: Move your Learning Activities: HOTS: application

English body. CCE: contextual learning
1030-1130 1. Get student to listen to the
(60 minutes) LS: 1.1.4, 1.3.1(b) dialogue. Values:
2. Get the students to answer Cleanliness of body and mind
World of Objectives: the Wh-questions.
stories Students will be able to: 3. In groups, get the students BBM: power point slide, text
1. Listen and to fill in the thinking map with book, activity book.
demonstrate different types of activities
understanding of oral people do to keep fit and Reflection:
texts by answering healthy. ________ pupils were able to
simple Wh-Questions. achieve the objectives

5G Unit 7: Study Skills Learning activities: HOTS: application

English 1.Ge the students to CCE: contextual learning
1200-1300 LS: 1.3.1(a,d), 1.1.3,1.1.4 listen to a story.
(60 minutes) 2. Get the students to Values:
Objectives: give the story a title and Love
World of self, Students will be able to:
an ending.
family and 1. Arrange the pictures BBM: Text book, activity book
friends with sentences in correct 3. In groups of four, get
order. the students to arrange Reflection:
2. Give the story a title the pictures and story in ________ pupils were able to
and an ending. the correct order. achieve the objectives
4. End the story by
telling the class how the
young man felt in the

Day: Tuesday Date: 15 Mei 2018

5J Unit 8: Tales from other Learning Activities: HOTS: Analysing
English lands CCE: contextual learning
0740-0840 am 1. Get the students to match
(60 minutes) LS: 3.3.1(b), 3.1.2(a) parts of the sentences. Values: Manage time wisely
2. Get the students to
World of self, Objectives: rearrange the sentences to BBM: Power point, Flipbook, text
family and Students will be able to: write the story. book, worksheet.
friends 1. Match six parts to form 3. Get the students to use the
sentences. pictures and notes to write a Reflection:
2. Rearrange the story. ________ pupils were able to
sentences to write the achieve the objectives

3G Unit 8: Move your body. Learning Activities: HOTS: application

English CCE: contextual learning
0910-1010 LS: 2.1.1 (c), 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 1. In group, get the students to
(60 minutes) 1.1.1(g), 1.1.3 do crossword. Values:
2. List out the words. Cooperation
World of Objectives: 3. Students listen and spell the
knowledge Students will be able to: words correctly. BBM: courseware, text book,
1.Spell 5 out of 8 words 4. Students circle words with activity book.
with phoneme /w/ phoneme /w/ correctly.
correctly. Reflection:
2. List out 5 out of 8 ________ pupils were able to
words with phoneme /w/ achieve the objectives

5M Unit 7: Study Skills Learning activities: HOTS: application

English 1.Ge the students to CCE: contextual learning
1230-1330 LS: 1.3.1(a,d), 1.1.3,1.1.4 listen to a story.
(60 minutes) 2. Get the students to Values:
Objectives: give the story a title and Love
World of self, Students will be able to:
an ending.
family and 1. Arrange the pictures BBM: Text book, activity book
friends with sentences in correct 3. In groups of four, get
order. the students to arrange Reflection:
2. Give the story a title the pictures and story in ________ pupils were able to
and an ending. the correct order. achieve the objectives
4. End the story by telling
the class how the young
man felt in the end.
Day: Wednesday Date: 16 May 2018

3J 单元三: 基本球类技能 教学步骤: 跨课程元素:

体育 第六课: 三球积分赛 1. 热身活动。 创意与革新元素
0840-0910 2.. 老师示范反手击球的姿 道德价值:纪律、团结
(30 minutes) 学习标准:1.7.1, 2.7.1, 势。
5.4.3 3. 学生分组练习。
4. 松弛活动。 ———— 学生可以达到学习目
学习目标: 标。

5G Unit 8 : Tales from Learning Activities: HOTS: Analysing

English other lands CCE: contextual learning
0910-1010 1. Get the students to read the
(60 minutes) LS: 2.2.1(b), 2.2.3(b), blurbs of each book and Values: Courageous
1.1.4, 2.2.2(a) answer the questions.
World of self, 2. In group, get the students to BBM: Power point, Flipbook, text
family and Objectives: find the main character and the book, worksheet.
friends Students will be able to: settings of the story.
1.Find out the main 3. Ge the students to tell the Reflection:
character in each story. ending of the story. ________ pupils were able to
2. Write out the correct 4. Students complete work achieve the objectives
meaning of five idioms in sheet.
the story.

5M Unit 8: Tales from other Learning Activities: HOTS: Analysing

English lands CCE: contextual learning
1130-1230 1. Get the students to match
(60 minutes) LS: 3.3.1(b), 3.1.2(a) parts of the sentences. Values: Manage time wisely
2. Get the students to
World of self, Objectives: rearrange the sentences to BBM: Power point, Flipbook, text
family and Students will be able to: write the story. book, worksheet.
friends 1. Match six parts to form 3. Get the students to use the
sentences. pictures and notes to write a Reflection:
2. Rearrange the story. ________ pupils were able to
sentences to write the achieve the objectives
Day: Thursday Date: 17 May 2018

5G Unit 8 : Tales from Learning Activities: HOTS: Analysing

English other lands CCE: contextual learning
0740-0840 1. Get the students to read the
(60 minutes) LS: 2.2.1(b), 2.2.3(b), blurbs of each book and Values: Courageous
1.1.4, 2.2.2(a) answer the questions.
2. In group, get the students to BBM: Power point, Flipbook,
Objectives: find the main character and the text book, worksheet.
Students will be able to: settings of the story.
1.Find out the main 3. Ge the students to tell the Reflection:
character in each story. ending of the story. ________ pupils were able to
2. Write out the correct 4. Students complete work achieve the objectives
meaning of five idioms in sheet.
the story.

5J Unit 8 : Tales from Learning Activities: HOTS: Analysing

English other lands CCE: contextual learning
0910-1010 1. Get the students to read the
(60 minutes) LS: 2.2.1(b), 2.2.3(b), blurbs of each book and Values: Courageous
1.1.4, 2.2.2(a) answer the questions.
2. In group, get the students to BBM: Power point, Flipbook,
Objectives: find the main character and the text book, worksheet.
Students will be able to: settings of the story.
1.Find out the main 3. Ge the students to tell the Reflection:
character in each story. ending of the story. ________ pupils were able to
2. Write out the correct 4. Students complete work achieve the objectives
meaning of five idioms in sheet.
the story.

4J 课题 大自然/人造物品 活动: 教学评估:学生能够用蜡染的

美术 (礼物纸) 技巧制造礼物纸。
1100-1200 1. 学生观察老师展示的例子和
(60 minutes) 学习标准: 欣赏影片教学过程。 反思:———— 学生可以达到
2.1.1,2.2.2, 2.3.3, 2. 学生确认需要的材料及认知 学习目标
2.4.1 涂蜡、绘图的过程。
学习目标: 3. 学生开始创作。
1. 学生能够用蜡染的技巧
Day: Friday Date:18 May 2018

5M Unit 8 : Tales from Learning Activities: HOTS: Analysing

English other lands CCE: contextual learning
0810-0910 1. Get the students to read the
(60 minutes) LS: 2.2.1(b), 2.2.3(b), blurbs of each book and Values: Courageous
1.1.4, 2.2.2(a) answer the questions.
2. In group, get the students to BBM: Power point, Flipbook, text
Objectives: find the main character and the book, worksheet.
Students will be able to: settings of the story.
1.Find out the main 3. Ge the students to tell the Reflection:
character in each story. ending of the story. ________ pupils were able to
2. Write out the correct 4. Students complete work achieve the objectives
meaning of five idioms in sheet.
the story.

3G Unit 8: Move your body Learning Activities: HOTS: application

English CCE: contextual learning
1030-1100 LS: 2.2.2
(30 minutes) 1. Get the students to read the Values:
Objectives: information in the poster. Thankful
World of Students will be able to: 2. Get the students to answer
knowledge 1. Transfer 3 out of 5 the questions. BBM: courseware, text book,
information from the 3. Get the students to transfer activity book.
poster correctly. information to fill in the text.
4. Teacher discuss answer Reflection:
with students. ________ pupils were able to
achieve the objectives

5B 课题:塑造模型与制作物 活动: 教学评估:学生能够以视觉艺术语

美术 品 言赏析自己与同伴的作品
1100-1200 1. 学生观察老师展示的例子和
(60 分钟) 欣赏影片教学过程。 反思:———— 学生可以达到学
学习标准: 2.1.1, 2. 学生确认需要的材料及认知 习目标
2.2.1, 2.3.4 塑像制作法的过程。
3. 学生开始创作。
1. 学生能够了解塑像制作

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