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SRM : Retailing-II

1. Course Objectives:

The objective of this paper is to expose the learners to some of the very important and
advanced topics in modern retailing globally and in India. The range of topics included in this
paper offers students an opportunity to go a little deeper into the subject and later on
integrate the learning of this sectoral area with the help of case discussion and analysis. The
specific objectives of this course are:

1. To expose the learners to some of the advanced topics in modern retailing

2. To help the learners assimilate and integrate the concepts learnt in “Retailing-I” and
“Retailing-II” and thus develop a holistic perspective toward the subject and the
3. To synthesize the learning from the concepts, theories and models with real-life
practice using cases on retailing.

2. Course Duration:

The course duration is of 40 sessions of 75 minutes each.

3. Course Contents:

Module Module / Sub-Modules Sessions Marks

No. Weightage
I Merchandise Management: Planning and 8 20%
Concept of Merchandising, Decisions pertaining to
Variety & Assortment; Buying function in different
organizational set up, The process and implications of
Merchandise Planning, Category Management; The
concept of National Brand, Local Brands, and Private
Labels; Sourcing Strategies
Retail Marketing and Communication
Retail Marketing Mix; Management of Sales Promotion
and Publicity, The Retail Communication Mix;
Establishing and Maintaining Retail Store Image,
Building Store Loyalty; The Concept of IMC
II Developing Retail Image 8 20%
Strategies for Customer Service: Importance of
Service in Retail; Providing Basic Customer Services,
Determining Customer Service Levels,
Relationship Management, Developing Customer

Store Layout: Store Layout Management, Planning a

Basic Store Design, Planning Interiors and Layouts, The
Concept and Philosophy of Visual Communication and
Visual Merchandising, Planning the Exteriors and
Frontage; Technology issues: Shop Lifting, Pilferage.
Issues with RFID and related technology

III Retail Franchising 8 20%

Concept of Franchising; History of Franchising;
Franchising Scene outside India; Types of Franchising;
Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising ; Retail
Franchising as Growth Strategy
Franchise Planning and Development
Concept of Franchisability, Franchise Feasibility Study,
Designing a Franchise System and Assessing a
Potential Franchisee
IV Management and Operation of Franchise 8 20%
Managing Finance: Estimating cost of entry and
operation, Sources of finance, Measuring Financial
Performance of a Franchise
Legal Aspects of Franchising: Overview of Franchise
laws across the globe, Need for an exclusive franchise
law, Laws applicable to Franchising in India, Taxation
aspects of Franchising, Termination of a Franchise
Managing Relationship: Dynamics of franchisee-
franchisor relationship, Concept of Trust in
strengthening mutual relationship, Cultural aspects of
relationship, Relationship building process, Fostering
long-term relationship
V Case Studies in Retailing and Retail Franchising: 8 20%
1. Dunkin’ Donuts(T2)
2. McDonald’s India: Preparing to Rule the Land of
3. VLCC: Growing through a Healthy Franchisor-
Franchisee Relationship(T2)
4. A 360o Approach to Time(R1)
5. Big Bazaar – The Route to Indian Mass Market(R1)

4. Teaching Methods:

The following pedagogical tools will be used to teach this course:

(1) Lectures
(2) Discussions and Role Playing
(3) Audio-visual Material (Using CDs/ Clippings)
(4) Assignments and Presentations

5. Evaluation:
The students will be evaluated on a continuous basis and broadly follow the scheme given

A Assignments / Presentations/ Quizzes / Class Weightage 50% (Internal

Participation / etc. Assessment)
B Mid-Semester Examination 30% (Internal
C End-Semester Examination 70% (External
6. Basic Text Books:

Sr. Author/s Title of the Book Publisher Edition and

No. Year of
T1 Berman, Berry and Retail Management: A Pearson Latest Edition
Joel R. Evans Strategic Approach Education
T2 Sidhpuria, M. V. Retail Franchising Tata McGraw- Latest Edition
Hill Education
T3 Piyush Sinha Managing Retailing Oxford Latest Edition

7. Reference Books:

Sr. Authors Title of the Book Publisher Edition and

No. Year of
R1 Pradhan, Swapna Retailing Management: Tata McGraw Latest Edition
Text & Cases Hill Education
R2 Rupert M. Barkoff Fundamentals of American Bar Latest Edition
Franchising Association
R3 Roger D. Blair and Economics of Cambridge Latest Edition
Francine Franchising University
Lafontaine Press
R4 Srinivasan S. R., Cases in Retail Biztantra Latest Edition
and R. K. Management
R5 Gopal R, Retail Management – An Excel Books Latest Edition
Manjrekar P (Ed) Indian Perspective

R6 Diamond, Jay and Retail Buying Pearson

Geral Pintel Education
R7 Easterling, Cynthia Merchandising Pearson Latest Edition
R. Mathematics for Retailing Education
R8 Ilan alon Service Franchising: A Springer Latest Edition
Global Perspective
R9 Andrew J. Franchising and American Latest Edition
Sherman Licensing: Two Ways to Management
Build Your Business Association
R10 Srini. R. Strategic Retail Biztantra Latest Edition
Srinivasan Management
R11 Richard J. Judd Franchising Custom Latest Edition
and Robert T. Publishing
Justice House

8. List of Journals / Periodicals/Magazines/Newspapers, etc.:

a. Franchising Research: An International Journal
b. Journal of Small Business Management
c. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
d. Journal of Retailing
e. Franchising World
f. Journal of Marketing Channels
NB: The Instructor/s (Faculty Member/s) will be required to guide the students regarding
suggested readings from Text(s) and references in items 6 and 7 mentioned above.
9. Session Plan:
SRM : Retailing-II

Session Topics
1-2 Merchandise Management: Planning and Implementation: Concept of
Merchandising, Decisions pertaining to Variety & Assortment; Buying function in
different organizational set up
3-4 The process and implications of Merchandise Planning, Category Management;
The concept of National Brand, Local Brands, and Private Labels; Sourcing
5-6 Retail Marketing and Communication: Retail Marketing Mix; Management of Sales
Promotion and Publicity, The Retail Communication Mix;
7-8 Case Study: Big Bazaar – The Route to Indian Mass Market
9-10 Establishing and Maintaining Retail Store Image, Building Store Loyalty; The
Concept of IMC
11-12 Strategies for Customer Service: Importance of Service in Retail; Providing Basic
Customer Services, Determining Customer Service Levels, Relationship
Management, Developing Customer Loyalty
13-14 Store Layout: Store Layout Management, Planning a Basic Store Design,
Planning Interiors and Layouts,
15-16 The Concept and Philosophy of Visual Communication and Visual Merchandising,
Planning the Exteriors and Frontage, Technology issues: Shop Lifting, Pilferage.
Issues with RFID and related technology
17-18 Case Study: A 360o Approach to Time
19-20 Retail Franchising: Concept of Franchising; History of Franchising; Franchising
Scene outside India;
21-22 Types of Franchising; Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising ; Retail
Franchising as Growth Strategy
23-24 Case Study: Dunkin’ Donuts
25-26 Franchise Planning and Development: Concept of Franchisability, Franchise
Feasibility Study
27-28 Designing a Franchise System and Assessing a Potential Franchisee
29-30 Case Study: McDonald’s India: Preparing to Rule the Land of Maharajas
31-32 Managing Finance: Estimating cost of entry and operation, Sources of finance,
Measuring Financial Performance of a Franchise
33-34 Legal Aspects of Franchising: Overview of Franchise laws across the globe, Need
for an exclusive franchise law, Laws applicable to Franchising in India, Taxation
aspects of Franchising, Termination of a Franchise
35-36 Managing Relationship: Dynamics of franchisee-franchisor relationship,
Concept of Trust in strengthening mutual relationship, Cultural aspects of
relationship, Relationship building process, Fostering long-term relationship
37-38 Case Study: VLCC: Growing through a Healthy Franchisor-Franchisee
39-40 Review and Integration

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