Experiment 2 Measuring Instruments and Density: Name/s: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Experiment 2 Measuring Instruments and Density: Name/s: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Experiment 2 Measuring Instruments and Density: Name/s: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Name/s: 1)
Least count of Vernier caliper = One main scale division – main scale reading
) (1)
( number of division in vernier scale
values of smallest segment of main scale
Least count of Vernier caliper = number of division in vernier scale
Virtual Teaching 1
Virtual Experiments Applied Physics
If a Vernier caliper has 10 segments in the Vernier scale, the least count is 0.1 mm and if the Vernier scale
consists of 20 segments then the least is 0.05 mm.
In general, instrumental uncertainty (error of a measurement) for analogue type instruments,
Virtual Teaching 2
Micrometer Screw Gauge
Figure 2 shows a picture of a Micrometer screw gauge. There are two scales in the micrometer. One is the
main scale with the least count of one millimeter (or some Micrometers with half a millimeter) and the
other is circular scale which is the moving scale and the value of the one segment of the circular scale is
the least count of the instrument.
To find the least count of the instrument, thimble should rotate one complete circle and find out how far
the circular scale moves horizontally in terms of segments in the main scale. Usually when the thimble
rotates one circle then the circular scale moves one segment (about 0.5 mm) of the main scale.
If a circular scale has 100 segments, least count of the Micrometer is 0.01 mm. Therefore, the uncertainty
of Micrometer is 0.005 mm.
In general, Micrometers are more accurate than the Vernier calipers. It is also important to note that data
recording should indicate the uncertainty of the instruments. A measurement from the Vernier caliper of
least count of 0.1mm should be recorded with two decimal places in which the second decimal place
indicates the uncertainty of the instrument. Similarly, a measurement with a Micrometer of at least count
0.01mm should be recorded with three decimal places to properly indicate the instrument uncertainty.
Since Micrometer has circular scale which is a barrel moving on top of main scale it is very important to
check the zero error. To check for zero error, first rotate the circular scale by using a ratchet till the screw
touches the stud. When the screw and stud touch each other, the zero of the main scale should align with
zero of circular scale. This is very important test that must be done before use of any Micrometer.
Figure 3 shows the two possible scenarios of zero errors. When two zeros are coincided then there is no
zero error. If the circular scale zero is below the main scale horizontal line, then it is called negative zero
error otherwise it is called positive zero error.
The volume 𝑉 of a solid cylinder or rod can be found by multiplying its circular cross-sectional area 𝐴 by
its measured length �. The cross-sectional area 𝐴 depends on the measured diameter � and is given by
𝐴 = �2 (7)
Then the volume of a solid cylinder is
The volume of a sphere can be determined by just a measurement of its diameter � and is given by
𝑉 = �3 (9)
Volume of an irregular shape object can be measured by using Archimedes principle. When an object is
submerged into a water container, fluid volume displaced by the object is the same as the volume of the
Usually, fluid volume is measured in units of milliliters. Which must be converted into SI units of
volume of cubic meters m3.
1.0 mL = 1.0 cm3 = 1.0*10-6 m3 = 1.0 L = 10-3 m3 (10)
Propagation of Error and Uncertainty of Density Calculations
Recall from Experiment-01: Data and Error Analysis that the uncertainty of a quantity 𝑄 calculated with a
mathematical form dependant on multiplication, division and/or powers of the measured quantities �, �
and � such as
� �
𝑄=�� (11)
and where each measured quantity has its own individual uncertainty, is given by
If multiple measurements of �, � and � were made, then ∆�, ∆� and ∆� can be the mean absolute
deviations or standard deviations of those respective measurements. Also �, �, � and 𝑄 in these
equations can be replaced by average values. The final calculated value for the calculated quantity 𝑄
would then be reported as
where Q́ is an average value of 𝑄 calculated from the mean values �̅ , �̅ and �̅.
Part A: Volume of an object by using Vernier caliper
● This part of the experiment is done with following simulation:
● This simulation works fine with any web browser.
● A very detail video tutorial with data collection from simulator and data analysis with excel can be
found here: https://youtu.be/i0F-28SU8K4
Uncertainty of
Least Count Least Count
Instrument instrument
in given units in SI units
in SI units
Meter Stick
Vernier Caliper
Micrometer Screw-Gauge
Spring Scale Balance
Water Cylinder
Vernier Caliper readings = Main scale reading + (Vernier scale reading x least count), should be in mm.
Micrometer readings = Main scale reading + (Micrometer scale reading x least count), should be in mm.
Part A: Volume of an object by using Vernier caliper
Table 2 Dimension measurement of objects by Vernier
Iron Block
Dimension Main scale Vernier Scale Final Reading
[ ] [ ] [ ]
Metal Cylinder
Dimension Main scale Vernier Scale Final Reading
[ ] [ ] [ ]
Table 3 Object volume and uncertainty by Vernier
Volume Uncertainty of
calculated Uncertainty of volume Volume
Object Volume equation
V equation 𝛿𝑉
[ ] [ ]
Volume calculated without rounding Volume calculated with rounding and in
and in SI units scientific notation and SI units
𝑉 ± 𝛿𝑉 𝑉 ± 𝛿𝑉
[ ] [ ]
Lead Shot
Thin Wire
Table 5 Object volume and uncertainty by Micrometer
Volume Uncertainty of
Object Volume equation calculated Uncertainty of volume Volume
V [ ] equation 𝛿𝑉 [ ]
Lead shot
Thin wire
Volume calculated without Volume calculated with rounding and in
rounding and in SI units scientific notation and SI units
𝑉 ± 𝛿𝑉 𝑉 ± 𝛿𝑉
[ ] [ ]
Lead shot
Thin wire
Density with Expected
calculated Predicted Value of Percent
uncertainty Material Density in SI Error (PE)
(in SI units) unit
Virtual Experiments Physics I
1) Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker, John Wiley
Publication, 2018
2) University Physics, vol-1 by William Moebs, Samuel J. Ling, Jeff Sanny, OpenStax Publication,
2016 https://openstax.org/details/books/university-physics-volume-1
3) University Physics, by Harris Benson, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1996
4) Physics for Scientist and Engineers with Modern Physics, by Raymond A. Serway, Saunders
College Publishing, 2004
5) University Physics, by Hugh D. Young, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. 2004
6) Physics for Scientist and Engineers, Extended Version, by Fishbane, Gasiorowicz and
Thornton, Prentice Hall, Inc. 2005
7) Physics for Scientist and Engineers with Modern Physics, Douglas A. Giancoli, Prentice Hall
Publication, 2008
8) Principles and Practice of Physics, 1st edition by Mazur, Pearson Publication, 2006
9) Conceptual Physics, 12th edition by Paul G. Hewitt, Pearson Publication, 2015
10)oLabs Simulations, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and CDAC Mumbai, Ministry of Electronics
and Information Technology, India, 2020, https://amrita.olabs.edu.in/
11)Open Educational Resource and Open Source Physics, Singapore, 2020,
12)Tracker Software, Douglas Brown, Robert Hanson and Wolfgang Christian, Open Source
Physics, 2020, https://physlets.org/tracker/
13)PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado, 2020,
14) oPhysics-Interactive Physics Simulations, Tom Walsh, 2020, https://ophysics.com/
15)Newton Law Simulator, Walter Fendt, 2018 https://www.walter-
16) The Physics Aviary, Fmcculley, 2020, https://www.thephysicsaviary.com/
17) GigaPhysics, Donovan Harshbarger, 2016, https://www.gigaphysics.com/labs.html
Virtual Teaching 15