Programming Your App To Make Decisions: Conditional Blocks: Event1
Programming Your App To Make Decisions: Conditional Blocks: Event1
Programming Your App To Make Decisions: Conditional Blocks: Event1
Because decision diagrams like the one in Figure 18-1 look something like trees, it is
common to say that the app “branches” one way or the other depending on the test
result. So, in this instance, you’d say, “If the test is true, the branch containing B1 is
You can plug any Boolean expression into the “test” slot of these blocks. A Boolean
expression is a mathematical equation that returns a result of either true or false.
The expression tests the value of properties and variables using relational and logical
operators such as the ones shown in Figure 18-3.
Figure 18-3. Relational and logical operator blocks used in conditional tests
For both if and ifelse, the blocks you put within the “then-do” slot will only be
executed if the test is true. For an if block, if the test is false, the app moves on to
the blocks below it. If the ifelse test is false, the blocks within the “else-do” slot are
So, for a game, you might plug in a Boolean expression concerning the score, as
shown in Figure 18-4.
Programming an Either/Or Decision 261
In this example, a sound file is played if the score goes over 100. Note that if the test
is false, no blocks are executed. If you want a false test to trigger an action, you can
use an ifelse block.
Figure 18-5. This ifelse block calls one of two numbers based on the randomly generated integer
In this example, random integer is called with arguments 1 and 2, meaning that the
returned random number will be 1 or 2 with equal likelihood. The variable RandomNum
stores the random number returned.
After setting RandomNum, the blocks compare it to the number 1 in the ifelse test. If
the value of RandomNum is 1, the app takes the first branch (then-do), and the phone
number is set to 111–1111. If the value is not 1, the test is false, so the app takes the
second branch (else-do), and the phone number is set to 222–2222. The app makes
the phone call either way because the call to MakePhoneCall is below the entire
ifelse block.
262 Chapter 18: Programming Your App to Make Decisions: Conditional Blocks
Figure 18-6. An ifelse condition is placed within the else-do of an outer condition
With these blocks, if the first test is true, the app executes the first then-do branch
and calls the number 111–1111. If the first test is false, the outer else-do branch is
executed, which immediately runs another test. So, if the first test (RandomNum=1)
is false, and the second (RandomNum=2) is true, the second then-do is executed, and
222–2222 is called. If both tests are false, the inner else-do branch at the bottom is
executed, and the third number (333–3333) is called.
Note that this modification only works because the to parameter of the random
integer call was changed to 3 so that 1, 2, or 3 is called with equal likelihood.
Placing one control construct within another is called nesting. In this case, you’d say the
blocks had a “nested if-else.” You can use such nested logic to provide more choices in
your Random Call app, and in general, to add arbitrary complexity to any app.
Programming Complex Conditions 263
Figure 18-7. An and block is placed within the “test” slot of the if block
You’d then drag out blocks for the first question and place them into the and block’s
“test” slot, as shown in Figure 18-8.
264 Chapter 18: Programming Your App to Make Decisions: Conditional Blocks
Figure 18-8. When the blocks for the first test are placed into the and block, a new test slot opens
Note that as you fill a (sub-)test of the and block, a new test slot opens. If you fill
these slots with the other tests and place the entire ifelse within a LocationSensor
.LocationChanged event, you’ll have an event handler that checks the boundary, as
shown in Figure 18-9.
Figure 18-9. This event handler checks the boundary each time the location changes
With these blocks, each time the LocationSensor gets a new reading and its location
is within the boundary, the phone vibrates.
OK, so far this is pretty cool, but now let’s try something even more complicated
to give you an idea of the full extent of the app’s decision-making powers. What if
you wanted the phone to vibrate only when the boundary was crossed from in-
side to outside? Before moving ahead, think about how you might program such a
Our solution is to define a variable withinBoundary that remembers whether the
previous sensor reading was within the boundary or not, and then compares that
to each successive sensor reading. withinBoundary is an example of a Boolean
Programming Complex Conditions 265
variable—instead of storing a number or text, it stores true or false. For this example,
you’d initialize it as false, as shown in Figure 18-10, meaning that the device is not
within USF’s Harney Science Center.
The blocks can now be modified so that the withinBoundary variable is set on each
location change, and so that the phone vibrates only when it moves from inside to
outside the boundary. To put that in terms we can use for blocks, the phone should
vibrate when (1) the variable withinBoundary is true, meaning the previous read-
ing was inside the boundary, and (2) the new location sensor reading is outside the
boundary. Figure 18-11 shows the updated blocks.
Figure 18-11. These blocks cause the phone to vibrate only when it moves from within the boundary to
outside the boundary
Let’s examine these blocks more closely. When the LocationSensor gets a reading,
it first checks if the new reading is within the boundary. If it is, LocationSensor sets
the withinBoundary variable to true. Since we want the phone to vibrate only when
we are outside the boundary, no vibration takes place in this first branch.
266 Chapter 18: Programming Your App to Make Decisions: Conditional Blocks
If we get to the else-do, we know that the new reading is outside the boundary. At
that point, we have to check the previous reading: if we’re outside the boundary,
we want the phone to vibrate only if the previous reading was inside the boundary.
withinBoundary tells us the previous reading, so we can check that. If it is true, we
vibrate the phone.
There’s one more thing we need to do once we’ve confirmed that the phone has
moved from inside to outside the boundary—can you think of what it is? We also
need to reset withinBoundary to false so the phone won’t vibrate again on the next
sensor reading.
One last note on Boolean variables: check out the two if tests in Figure 18-12. Are
they equivalent?
Figure 18-12. Can you tell whether these two if tests are equivalent?
The answer is “yes!” The only difference is that the test on the right is actually the
more sophisticated way of asking the question. The test on the left compares the
value of a Boolean variable with true. If withinBoundary contains true, you com-
pare true to true, which is true. If the variable contains false, you compare false
to true, which is false. However, just testing the value of withinBoundary, as in the
test on the right, gives the same result and is easier to code.
Is your head spinning? That last behavior was quite complex! But it’s the type of
decision making that sophisticated apps need to perform. If you build such behav-
iors part by part (or branch by branch) and test as you go, you’ll find that specifying
complex logic—even, dare we say, artificial intelligence—is doable. It will make your
head hurt and exercise the logical side of your brain quite a bit, but it can also be lots
of fun.