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Module 1

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Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception,

Baybay, Leyte, Incorporated

Baybay City 6521, Leyte



MGNT 11 1


Mgnt 11: Principles of Management


Hello students!
Welcome to this course, MGT 11,
Principles of Management

Peace and All Good! I am your learning facilitator for this

The emergence of COVID-19 pandemic has brought
unexpected disruptions in our lives; one of which is our education.
However, our yearning for knowledge and desire for its continuity
prevails in all of us. Thus, we have made sure that your learning will
Flexible Learning is the not be halted while making your health and safety as one of our
design and delivery of priority. With this, the institution has implemented Flexible
programs, courses, and Learning wherein you will be given course modules for every quarter.
learning interventions. It We will ensure the continuity of inclusive and accessible
involves the use of education to you. Are you ready for the new journey ahead of you?
digital and non-digital Well, if you are, then you may read the following guidelines
technology. that I have listed below. God Bless!

You will be updated You will be updated

Each of the module with the schedule of with the schedule of
will be given by your submission for each submission for each
learning facilitator module. Be sure to use module. Be sure to use
quarterly- PRELIM, the contact the contact
MIDTERM, SEMI- information as what information as what
FINALS, and was written in your was written in your
FINALS. enrolment form. enrolment form.

You will be updated
Be sure to answer the with the schedule of Submit on time, be
module activities as submission for each sure to pass this as
honestly as possible to module. Be sure to use neat and clean as
really test YOUR the contact possible.
understanding of the information as what Make your
lesson. It will be much was written in your handwriting legible.
appreciated if you do. enrolment form.

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management

Inspired by the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception and living out the Franciscan
Spirituality, we envision ourselves as a Christ – centered, academically – innovative, and socially –
responsive community, committed to evangelizing and witnessing the Gospel values toward the
realization of the fullness of life.
Moved by the Life of Blessed Maria Theresia Bonzel, we commit ourselves to:
➢ Integrate and strengthen the witnessing of the Gospel values in curricular and co – curricular
programs and activities;
➢ Promote and intensify lived – adoration to the Blessed Sacrament;
➢ Create and sustain opportunities for the development of creative and critical thinking skills among
➢ Advocate responsible stewardship programs and activities for a sustainable family, community,
and environment;
➢ Establish collaboration to enhance linkages and partnerships in and outside the school community.
➢ Provide Christian Formation programs and activities with Religion as the core of the curriculum.
➢ Create opportunities in understanding and valuing the devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
➢ Offer growth opportunities for technical, vocational, and professional skills and engage in
providing avenues for lifelong learning.
➢ Empower community to become stewards of the dignity of life and environment.
➢ Establish and nurture linkages with church, government, and non – government organizations.
Morally Upright
➢ Christ – centered individuals who nurture Marian and Franciscan Spirituality
➢ Model of the lived – adoration of Blessed Maria Theresia Bonzel.
Lifelong Learner
➢ Learns and works independently and collaboratively to live harmoniously for sustainable family
and community.
➢ Translates knowledge and skills generated from Translates knowledge and skills generated from
knowledge and skills generated from research and other sources to improve quality of life.
Reflective and Creative Thinker
➢ Generates ideas, designs, systems or information with resourcefulness to meet current and
emerging needs of society
➢ Responds to multiple experiences and ideas about the world and communicates personal and
Christian principles through various modes and media
Proficient Communicator
➢ Articulates ideas clearly for varied purposes and audiences of diverse culture
➢ Utilizes effectively appropriate media and information technologies composes and comprehends a

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management

range written, spoken and visual texts to convey information that is meaningful to society and the


VISION The Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception, Baybay, Leyte,

Incorporated of the College of Business Management and Administration is the
leading Business Education Institution that offers professional training to prepare
the students of the socio-economic responsibilities and obligations of a good
Christian in the business world.
MISSION • Trains and equip young men and women with the necessary knowledge, skills
and attitudes to serve their community on the basis of the Christian formation
and the principles of social order and justice.
• Prepares the students to be a responsible citizen of the community by
developing fully his business acumen and resources in accordance with
Christian living.
• Facilitates the students to be committed to the goals and objectives of the local,
regional and national development and to direct all the capacities of his human
personality to the service of his fellowmen.
• Nurtures the students to be proficient in the scientific methods of business
practices as business magnate in the business world.
PROGRAM The FCIC College of Business Administration offers the three-degree
DESCRIPTION programs: Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA), Bachelor of
Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM), and Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration (BSBA) majors in Financial Management (FM), and
Human Resources Management (HRM). The degree programs endeavor to
produce professionally competent graduates who exemplify moral integrity and
willingness to serve the society.
PROGRAM 1. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing,
OUTCOMES staffing, directing and controlling.
2. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of
business (marketing, finance, human resources management, production and
operations management, information technology, and strategic management)
and employ these concepts in various business situations.
3. Select the proper decision-making tools to critically, analytically and
creatively solve problems and drive results.
4. Express oneself clearly and communicate effectively with stakeholders both
in oral and written forms.
5. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by
the business environment.
6. Work effectively with other stakeholders and manage conflict in the
7. Plan and implement business related activities.
8. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
9. Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards.

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management


AY 2021-2022

Course Number : Mgt 1

Course Title : Principles of Management
Learning Facilitator : GLENN E. VISTO, MPA
Contact Hours : 1 hour/ week
Pre-requisite :
Course Description : This course deals principles of management. The functions of
management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling) and the
different forms of business ownership with their strengths and weaknesses form
part of the course coverage. The course covers the benefits derived from
entrepreneurship and importance of social responsibility as another goal of

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students are expected to:

CO1 Define management, its skills and roles

CO2Use management concepts and principles
CO3 Identify levels of management and types of managers


1. Definition of Management and ✓ Define management

Management Skills and Roles ✓ Discuss management skills
FIRST ✓ Determine different management roles

✓ Describe the Five M’s of Management

1. Five M’s of Management
SECOND ✓ Distinguish the different types of
2. Planning
QUARTER planning
✓ Explain the importance of decision
making and its process

1. Organizing ✓ Define organizing and staffing
THIRD 2. Job Design ✓ Determine the types of
QUARTER departmentalization
✓ Describe job design

✓ Identify the types of leadership

1. Leading ✓ Identify the forms and types of
FOURTH 2. Controlling communication
QUARTER ✓ Describe the control process

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management


Welcome and congratulations to everyone for having enrolled
in this course – Principles of Management. This course served as
foundation in the study of management. The objective is to provide
students adequate foundation and information of thriving business

This module is composed of the following lessons:

LESSON 1: Definition of Management and Management Skills and Roles

In this Module 1, you are expected to:

✓ Define management
✓ Discuss management skills
✓ Determine different management roles

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management



Dear Student!
I am sure you know or have heard about the term
management. It can be found in any business
establishments, enterprises or companies.

Before the start of our lesson proper. Please write down your own
definition of management and list down roles that a manager does. Use the space provided.



Are you done? After

answering the pre-test,
you may start with


Mgnt 11: Principles of Management

Definition ofManagement
Management Skills and

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management


It is very difficult to give a precise definition of the term “management. Different
scholars from different discipline view and interpret management from their own angles.

What is Management?
• Management is the process of managing the resources effectively and efficiently. The process
represents the continuous or ongoing activities of manager (Robbins & Coulter, 2004)
• Management is the process of coordinating all resources through Planning, Organizing, Staffing,
Leading and Controlling to achieve organizational objectives.
• Management is the art of getting things done through other people by making work environment
conducive for others.
• Management is the utilization of scientifically derived principles to examine and improve
collective efforts.
• Management is the process of attaining organizational objective in an efficient and effective
manner through the five managerial functions such as planning, organizing, staffing, leading and

Efficiency – is getting the most output from the least amount of inputs in order to minimize resource
costs. Efficiency is often referred to as “doing things right”.

Effectiveness – is completing activities so that organizational goals are attained and is often described
as “doing the right things”.

Answer the following questions thoroughly
1. Discuss how you can develop the skills needed to become an effective manager in the future.
(10 pts)
2. Explain how the functions of management can be applied in your daily routine.

Management has three levels:
1. Top level managers – occupy the highest positions in the company like the Senior Executives
such as the (CEO) Chief Executive Officers, (COO) Chief Operation Officer, (CIO) Chief
Information Officer, president and the vice president. Top managers are responsible for the
overall direction of the organization. They are often called strategic managers.

2. Middle level managers– hold the position that connect the top level and frontline managers. They
hold positions like Division Manager, Sales Manager and Area Manager. They are often called

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management

tactical managers. They are responsible for translating the general goals and plans that are
developed by strategic managers into more specific objectives and activities (Bateman & Snell,
2008 p23)

3. Frontline managers– who supervise the operations of non-management people. They are also
called first line managers or operational managers they are responsible in training and motivating
employees. Part of being at the lower level management they supervise and monitor the
operational activities of the firms and they report directly to the middle managers. They hold
positions like store supervisor, office manager and head waiter.

Skills – an ability or capacity that one possesses which may translate knowledge into action that
result in desired performance (Schermerhorn, 1999 p15)

Manager’s job is complex which requires various skills to be effective. These skills are:
1. Technical skills– which refer to the ability to work with proficiency in a specialized field. i.e.
architects, engineers and accountants

2. Interpersonal skills- refer to manager’s ability to work effectively with others; an ability to
lead, motivate, encourage, inspire, understand and communicate directly with individuals or

3. Conceptual skills– are the cognitive ability to visualize organization as a whole. This is the
ability which includes identifying, thinking in abstract, conceptualizing analytical situations
and solving complex problems with a broader scope.

4. Decision skills– refer t the ability to conceptualize and solve problems. All managers are
expected to possess these skills most especially the top-level management.

A role is a set of behaviors that people are expected to perform because they hold certain
positions in an organization. (McShane & Glinow, 2008)
The roles of management are:
1. Informational Roles – which refer to receiving and transmitting information to people inside
and outside the organization. The three informational roles include a monitor (e.g. observes
and gather information), a disseminator (e.g. circulate news and new information), and a
spokesperson (e.g. represent company in media, conferences and convention)

2. Interpersonal Roles - refer to maintaining good and positive relationships with others in the
organization. The three interpersonal roles include being a figurehead (e.g. attend awarding
ceremony), a leader (e.g. motivates workers to work hard), and a liaison (e.g. coordinate
information and activities with other department or groups)

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management

3. Decisional roles– involve managers in making a choice that affect or influence the
organization. The four decisional roles include an entrepreneur (e.g. create new ideas), a
disturbance handler (e.g. handles conflict and arguments), a resource allocator (e.g. decides
distribution of resources), and a negotiator (e.g. deals with labor contracts)


1. Planning– is the process of determining objectives and organizational goals, establishing

strategies and integrating coordinated activities in the organization to achieve the goals and
objectives. Planning provides a clear direction to the organization; it requires decision making
with the purpose of anticipating the future. Top level management is often responsible in
handling or creating a plan for their company.

2. Organizing– is the process of establishing a structure by assigning tasks assembling and

allocating resources to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Part of organizing is
staffing, this is the process of selecting, training and evaluating employees. (Lussier, 2006)

3. Leading – is the process of influencing people to work in achieving the organizational goal
(Weihrich& Koontz). Managers must inspire and motivate its employees through constant
interaction in order to stimulate their performance.

4. Controlling – is the process of monitoring performance and taking a corrective action when
necessary to ensure that the objectives of the organization will be achieved.


- Scientific Management
- Administrative Management
- Bureaucracy
- Human Relation Management


1. Frederick Winslow Taylor

- (1856-1915) a young engineer who started his working career at Midvale Steel Company.
- Known as Father of Scientific Management
2. Frank Gilbreth and Lillian Gilbreth
- Use motion studies to simplify and develop more efficient work procedures
- Known as the “Father of Motion Study”
- Motion study – is the reducing or breaking a task to its basic physical motions and
eliminating unnecessary or redundant motions.
3. Henry Grant
- He recognized the value of non-monetary rewards to motivate workers.
- He developed a system of scheduling called Gantt Charts.
4. Henry Ford
- Known to be one of the great industrialists who use scientific management techniques in his
- Introduced mass production method.

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management

1. Henry Fayol
- A French mining engineer also know as Father of Modern Management

1. Max Weber – a German sociologist who introduces the idea of a bureaucratic organization
- Bureaucracy – can be defined as a rational and efficient form of organization founded on
logic, order and legitimate authority


Organizational behavior – defined as the study of human behavior in organizational
settings, of the interface between human behavior and the organization and of the organization
1. Elton Mayo
– a researcher who conducted studies at Hawthorne Works Plant of Western Electric in Chicago
- He developed a research project known as Hawthorne Studies
2. Abraham Maslow
- A professor and psychologist who developed a motivational theory in which it is considered
to be the best known theory of motivation – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”
3. Frederick Herzberg
- A psychologist who conducted a research where he started interviewing 200 accountants and
engineers in Pittsburg
- Herzberg’s Two factor theory
4. Douglas McGregor
- He developed the Theory X and Theory Y

1. Name the different roles you perform everyday and discuss how you manage them
2. State the differences between classical and behavioral theorist.
3. Does the five (5) M’s of management can determine if the manager is effective or not? Why?

Post Test:
Directions: Encircle the best answer.
1.) It consists of taking corrective action to ensure that organizational re-sources are being
fully utilized and everything conforms to the standards.
a.) Controlling c.) Leading
b.) Planning d.) Organizing

2.) A French mining engineer. He published a book summarizing his management

experiences and he is known as Father of modern management.
a.) Fredrick Taylor c.) Henry Ford
b.) Henri Fayol d.) Douglas McGregor

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management

3.) A classical management approach with a formal structure and defined hierarchy
governed by rules, policies and regulations.
a.) Democracy c.) Human relations
b.) Bureaucracy d.) Administrative management

4.) They are responsible in setting the plan, policies and objectives of the organization.
a.) Top level management c.) Middle level management
b.) Lower level management d.) Fist-line level management

5.) Managers role which involve receiving, analyzing the information.

a.) Information Roles c.) Decisional Roles
b.) Interpersonal Roles d.) Organizational Roles

6.) All managers are expected to possess these skills most especially the top level
a.) Conceptual skills c.) Interpersonal skills
b.) Technical skills d.) Decisional skills

7.) According to Abraham Maslow__________ is concerned on realizing personal potential

and interested in fulfilling personal growth.
a.) Social needs c.) Self-actualization needs
b.) Esteem needs d.) Safety needs

8.) The three interpersonal roles include being a figurehead, leader and _______.
a.) Disseminator c.) Resource allocator
b.) “Negotiator d.) Liaison


1. Managerial work is complex and stressful. __________.
2. One of the roles of a manager is interpersonal roles which involve
Interacting only within organization. __________.
3. Frederick Taylor introduced mass production in quest for maximizing output _____
4. Gantt chart is one of the most important management tools determining how variables will
change the future. ______
5. Front-line managers are responsible for carrying out the goals set by top management. ________
6. In controlling managers motivate and coordinate employees to work together to achieve
organizational goals. _______
7. Technical skill must be possessed by all levels of management. ________
8. The aim of bureaucracy is to build an organization with formal structure and clear procedures of
rules and regulations. _________
9. Human capital is a great source of competitive advantage. ________
10. Organizational resources should be rare, difficult t imitate and valuable. ________

Mgnt 11: Principles of Management

in finishing Module 1



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