HR 506
HR 506
HR 506
HR 506
Hydrodesulfurization of distillates
HR 506 is a CoMo type catalyst used for the desulfurization and denitrification of
hydrocarbons cuts including gasolines, naphthas, kerosenes and gasoils.
HR 506 can be used in association with NiMo type catalysts where specific objectives
are required such as diolefin and olefin hydrogenation or improved denitrification.
HR 506 is delivered under oxide form. It can be sulfided in-situ by a sulfur compound.
HR 506 is available with a diameter of 1.2 mm or 1.6 mm.
Trilobe extrudates
Shipping information
PACKAGING : 1500 l. big bags (Net 700 kg). MANUFACTURING : Salindres plant
30340 SALINDRES (France)
HR 506/04.1
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