Lesson Plan in Science
Lesson Plan in Science
Lesson Plan in Science
I. Learning Objectives:
a. Recognize the useful and harmful materials.
b. Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful..
c. Value the importance of useful and harmful materials in our society.
A. Science Concept:
All matter have different properties. Some materials have properties that are used to
produce product. These properties include malleability, ductility, elasticity, porosity,
solubility, brittleness, hardness, and thermal conductivity. Other properties of
materials may also cause harm. These properties include flammability, toxicity,
chemical, and reactivity to acid, oxygen and water.
B. Materials:
Pictures , manila paper, pentel pen, small box, ,
flash card.
C. References: Curriculum Guide VI S5MT-la-b-1 pp. 02
Smart Class Science 5
D. Process Skills: Observing, Communicating, Inferring, Comparing and Predicting.
E. Value Integration: Proper handling of materials.
A. Engagement
1. Preparatory Activities (Students will pray)
a. Prayer
Class, let us all stand and put ourselves in the
presence of our God as we pray.
b. Greetings Good morning teacher.
Good morning, class
c. Checking of attendance Nobody is absent, teacher.
Is there any absent for today’s class?
Very good! Perfect attendance. (Varied answers)
d. Health Inspection Feeling well teacher.
Hows your feeling today? Feeling so good teacher.
e. Weather/Science News/Science Trivia
How many total positive cases of corona virus as It was almost 80,000 plus teacher.
of yesterday?
f. Classroom Agreement
As we go on to our formal and interesting
discussion I want you to know first that we have
an agreements that should be followed:
Sit properly.
Listen and participate to the discussion
and activity.
Raise your right hand if you want to ask
question and clarification . Yes, teacher.
(Students answer)
2. Review Is able to be used advantageously,
What is useful materials? beneficially, or for several purposes;
helpful or serviceable..
Materials refers to content that’taken
What is harmful materials? as a whole by the average person
applying contemporary statewide
standards, describe in a patiently
3. Drill
I.Show real objects/pictures of common materials.
(Students answer)
4. Motivation:
Rearrange the jumbled letters to form the words that
are being described. .
Elasticity teacher.
1. The ability of the materials to withstand wear,
pressure or damaged.
Correct! Another..
Malleability teacher.
2. When force is applied on it, it returns to its original
size and shape after the force is removed.
Very Good! Next..
Very good!
B. Exploration
1. Set standards to follow in doing the activity.
-please go to your proper places.
-In doing the activity please observe silence.
-all must cooperate with your group.
-stay focused on task.
-talk softly not to disturb other groups.
-raise your hand if you have questions.
. ( Student answers)
Activity 2 1
Material Property Usefulne Harmful Useful or
ss effect harmful?
(Student answers)
Activity 3
C. Explanation
Yes, because of their physical and
What do we call that used advantageously, beneficially or chemical properties depending on how
for several purposes, helpful or serviceable? the materials are used. Chemical
properties are observed indirectly and
What do we call that taken as a whole by the average become evident only when the
person applying contemporary statewide standard? material undergoes a chemical
reaction or chemical change.
Can some materials found at home can either be useful or
harmful? Why? Yes, because it can cause poor
nutrition and imbalance of nutrients in
the body .
Can excessive intake of soft drinks , processed foods like (Student answers)
hotdogs, sweet, and salty food like ice cream and noodles
are harmful to your health?
D. Elaboration
Cup or mugs teacher
Challenge the pupils to answer the Riddles!
Answer each riddle by guessing the material being
described. The pupil will raised their hand if they want to
E. Evaluation
Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct phrase to
complete the given sentences on how to make the
situation safe. Choose your answer from the box