Figure 1: Nuclear Fusion Reactor

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Figure 1: Nuclear fusion reactor

Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World

Dr. Katherine Zmetana

Liam McArdle

November 29, 2019

Executive Summary
This report describes how nuclear fusion energy can be used to power the world. By researching this
type of reaction, it has been discovered that an enormous amount of energy can be harnessed from it to
power homes and businesses. It’s not just convenient for humanity; it’s something that’s needed. This
report outlines why we must undergo more tasking research with fusion by:

• Describing what fusion is and how it works

• How it will help society
• Why it’s more effective than current energy production methods

To summarize what fusion is, it’s a nuclear reaction that involves fusing atoms to form something more
massive. This releases energy stored within atoms and can be captured and transformed into usable
electricity. All of the stars in the universe burn bright as a result of fusion. If that can be replicated on
Earth in a much smaller, more controlled manner, the possibilities would be endless.

It’s undeniable that humanity needs to make severe changes to our lifestyles to save the Earth, which is
in danger as a result of our negligence and greed. Fusion will help humanity take a significant step in the
right direction in reducing the number of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by cutting
emissions by around 40% [4]. Also, the population is growing at an alarming rate. Thus, it’s inevitable
that more resources are going to be needed to keep up with the steadily increasing amount of people.
Fusion can help provide electricity to every single person on this planet without releasing a single pound
of carbon dioxide into the air.

When compared to other electricity production methods, it’s clear that fusion is a far better alternative
since it:

• Releases no greenhouse gases

• Provides unlimited energy
• Works around the clock
• Doesn’t depend on weather
• Produces more power than any other current method
• Is very safe

As a result of these reasons, it is easy to see that fusion is far superior to other methods. Thus, countries
should consider prioritizing fusion research and investing more substantial amounts of money into
fusion research fields.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….ii

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………iii

Table of Figures………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………iv

1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope of Report .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Authorization ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.5 Methodology .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.6 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 An In-Depth Look at Fusion as a Reaction………………………………………………………………………………………….2

2.1 What is Fusion? ......................................................................................................................... 2

2.2 How Can This Energy be Harnessed? ......................................................................................... 2
2.3 Why is it so Difficult to Replicate Fusion? .................................................................................. 3
2.3.1 Heat Needed to Replicate ......................................................................................... 3
2.3.2 Pressure Needed to Replicate ................................................................................... 4
3.0 How Will Fusion Help Humanity? ......................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Overpopulation ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 Global Warming ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Safety........................................................................................................................................ 6
4.0 Fusion vs. Other Energy Production Methods ……………………………………………………………………………………7

4.1 Fossil Fuels................................................................................................................................ 7

4.2 Renewable Methods................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 Nuclear Fission ......................................................................................................................... 8
5.0 Conclusions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9


7.0 References………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Nuclear Fusion Reactor……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..i

Figure 2: Fusion Reaction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2

Figure 3: The Sun and its Core…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3

Figure 4: Population Growth Rate……………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

Figure 5: Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions…………………………………………………………………………………………….6

Figure 6: A Wind Turbine…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7

Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 1

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
With the massive increase in global warming and a rapidly increasing population, it is hard to
provide power to many people on Earth in a clean, efficient way. Nuclear fusion is the solution
to this issue.

It is a nuclear reaction that produces a tremendous amount of energy and is entirely renewable
with no carbon emissions. This report will show how it can be used to power the world in a
clean, safe, and efficient manner.

1.2 Purpose
This report focuses on using nuclear fusion to power our planet. Since overpopulation, pollution,
and global warming are serious issues that society is struggling to deal with, the world is
searching for anything that could act as a fix and reduce our carbon emissions drastically.

1.3 Scope of Report

This report will take an extensive look at

• What nuclear fusion is

• How it can help society
• The advantages of fusion versus other energy production methods

This report will not describe the processes involved in producing a working nuclear fusion

1.4 Authorization
This report is a course requirement for Speech Communication 192, a University of Waterloo
course for the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Katherine Zmetana, the
course instructor, authorized the production of this report.

1.5 Methodology
The material was gained from sources across the internet to produce this report.

1.6 Overview
Section 2 primarily covers fusion reactions and how they work. Section 3 details how humans
can harness fusion to power their cities in the cleanest, most efficient way possible. Section 4
shows how nuclear fusion is significantly better than other energy production methods.

2.0 An In-Depth Look at Fusion as a Reaction

Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 2

2.1 What is Fusion?

Nuclear fusion is a complicated process. It is one of the four types of atomic reactions occurring
under extreme heat and pressure. This makes it difficult to replicate on Earth, but it is still
possible. Stars get their energy from fusion, that should help one see just how powerful this
reaction is.

To describe it, it involves bringing two atoms so close together under the needed temperature
and pressure that they fuse into a more massive element, releasing an enormous amount of
energy in the process. The optimal way to perform fusion is by using two hydrogen atoms, one
of isotope deuterium and the other of isotope tritium, to fuse into helium. This releases the
most amount of energy possible through fusion. Since two hydrogen atoms have more power
than one helium atom, the excess energy is released into the surrounding environment.

Source: BBC News

Figure 2: Fusion reaction

2.2 How Can This Energy be Harnessed?

As mentioned earlier in the report, the reactor itself will not be described as there is not a
robust design for a fully working reactor currently; however, some things are a must when it
comes to the mechanical design of it. First, it must be able to heat hydrogen to extreme heat,
likely so hot that it turns to plasma. It also must be able to deal with high levels of pressure. The
more difficult mechanical boundary is coping with the temperature. Heating something past the
temperatures of the Sun is bound to melt through just about anything. This currently is one of
the more considerable obstacles faced by fusion researchers.
Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 3

When the hydrogen atoms fuse into helium, the release a large amount of energy in the form of
light and heat, this can be harnessed by the reactor and transformed into electricity that can be
used by consumers.

2.3 Why is it so Difficult to Replicate Fusion?

Now, it’s likely clear that fusion seems to be the perfect solution for many of the problems with
our world, and it is. However, there are a few small problems with the process itself that
prevent humans from efficiently performing it on Earth, and advances in technology will be
needed to harness it properly.

2.3.1 Heat Needed to Replicate

Put simply, extremely high temperatures must be reached for fusion to take place
successfully. They need to heat hydrogen atoms to around ten million degrees Celsius
for it to work correctly [1]. This is nearly the same temperature as the core of the Sun,
which reaches a temperature of almost 15 million degrees Celsius [2].

Source: ThoughtCo.

Figure 3: The Sun and its Core

As seen in figure 3, the Sun is enormous and composed of many layers. Since the
reaction is occurring in the core, that’s where it will be hottest. A nuclear reactor can
also be thought of as a core, as that’s where the reaction needs to happen. Heating
atoms to this temperature is not too difficult; it can be done with high powered lasers.
The hardest part is trying to find a way to contain plasma that has reached such an
extreme temperature.

2.3.2 Pressure Needed to Replicate

Like the previous issue with heat, the pressure that is needed to perform fusion is also
immense. To produce enough pressure to undergo this reaction, around two-hundred-
Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 4

fifty billion bars of pressure would need to be exerted [2]. This is equivalent to two-
hundred-fifty billion times the pressure of the atmosphere on Earth.

There are no materials on Earth that can deal with that sort of pressure. As a result of
this, researchers must come up with a more effective way to perform a fusion reaction.
Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 5

3.0 How Will Fusion Help Humanity?

Society is currently facing some of the most dangerous threats ever recorded – global warming and
overpopulation. These issues will undoubtedly be affected in different ways by the introduction of
fusion, but it’s for the best.

3.1 Overpopulation
It is already known by most that Earth is overpopulated. Most may not understand why it is such
a big problem, however:

• Population growth of 1.5% per year[3]

• The population is projected to reach 8 billion by 2024 and 9 billion in 2048 (see figure 4)
• Due to a substantial increase in people, energy use has spiked by around 40% [4].

Figure 4: Population growth rate

Since fusion will provide people with unlimited energy, society will be able to meet energy
needs quickly, all while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 6

3.2 Global Warming

There’s no denying it, the Earth’s temperature is increasing. One of the most significant
contributors to global warming is energy production. It is responsible for over 40% of the
world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions [5].

Global Manmade Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Fugitive Emissions
Other Fossil Fuel 7%
Electricity and Heat


Manufacturing and
Electricity and Heat Manufacturing and Construction
Transportation Other Fossil Fuel Combustions
Fugitive Emissions
Source: Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Figure 5: Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

As seen in figure 5, electricity and heat production are responsible for a considerable portion of
humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions. Since fusion does not exert any greenhouse gases at all
during or after the reaction, it would be highly beneficial for the Earth and a lot of highly
polluted cities to switch to this energy production method.

3.3 Safety
Energy production through nuclear means is already not a popular method amongst society for
a few reasons:

• Expensive – costs between $5-$10 billion to construct a fission reactor [6]

• Risk of meltdowns – devastating damage to cities (e.g., Chernobyl)
• Nuclear waste – highly radioactive and dangerous to humans

There are more reasons, but those don’t relate much to safety. Nuclear fusion is far safer than
any other energy production method currently as it has no greenhouse gas emissions, there’s no
waste left after a reaction, and there’s no risk of a meltdown. This makes it a much safer option
than other energy production methods, especially fission.
Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 7

4.0 Fusion vs. Other Energy Production Methods

There are many different methods when it comes to energy production; however, the most popular
involve burning fossil fuels, using renewable sources, and nuclear fission. This section will compare the
differences between each and show why fusion is a better method.

4.1 Fossil Fuels

Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas is the most popular method of energy production.
There are many problems with fossil fuels:

• Non-renewable
• Emits carbon dioxide (CO2)
• Harmful to humans, the environment, and animals

Since they are bountiful, they are cheap, but that is changing quickly. People realize that they
should no longer be used, so many countries are switching to alternative methods. Fusion is the
complete opposite in the sense that it’s completely renewable, doesn’t emit any fumes, and is
not harmful to anyone or anything [7]. Thus, it’s easy to see which method is better here.

4.2 Renewable Methods

Renewable methods are becoming increasingly popular as a result of global warming. They are
now cheaper than fossil fuels, so many countries are going for the opportunity to use them. The
problem is, they take up a large amount of space generally and require a lot of maintenance.
Consider air turbines, for example. Over time,

• Blades need to be replaced due to wearing

• Only work when it’s windy outside (unreliable)
• Not easy to access and maintain

Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency

Figure 6: A wind turbine

Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 8

Other methods have very similar issues. They take up a tremendous amount of space and aren’t
competent enough, usually relying on factors such as weather, speeds of water currents, and
sunlight. This makes fusion a much more viable option as it can be done in something as small as
the cell phone in one’s pocket, at any time. It also will not require as much maintenance and
will, in fact, produce more energy than any other current method [7].

4.3 Nuclear Fission

Fission is the opposite of fusion. It involves splitting the atom rather than fusing them. It
produces a lot of energy when compared with other methods and doesn’t release any
greenhouse gases. There are, however, still some risks involved in fission reactions.

Fission reactors can be dangerous as they can overheat and meltdown, and there’s no way to
stop the reaction once it has begun. On the other hand, fusion can be stopped at any time, and
in the worst-case scenario, the reactor will cool down over time if the reaction is terminated [7].
Fission produces a large amount of energy; however, fusion releases more. As a result of all this,
fusion is still the better choice.
Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 9

5.0 Conclusions
Fusion is a nuclear reaction that involves merging two atoms to form one that is heavier. This releases
an enormous amount of energy that could be used to power the world. It is a safe reaction that
produces no greenhouse gases, battling global warming, and can be used to generate unlimited power
to the rapidly growing population. All in all, it will set society on the right track to fixing many of the
world’s current issues.

In comparison to other energy production methods, fusion comes out on top each time. It’s inevitable
considering the endless possibilities. Unlimited energy, zero greenhouse gas emissions, and small
reactors could provide clean, limitless power to everyone around the world for virtually no cost at all.

This report covers:

• What nuclear fusion is and how its power can be harnessed

• Why society needs it and how it can be helpful to humans
• How it compares to current energy production methods

All in all, fusion can become a viable source of electricity in the future for the reasons listed above. It’s
the most suitable option for the planet currently due to its lack of CO2 emissions, its ability to produce
an enormous amount of energy using nothing but hydrogen in the air, and its raw potential.
Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 10

6.0 Recommendations
Based on this research, it would be wise to study fusion further and pool different country’s resources
together to construct a working fusion reactor as rapidly as possible. For this to be accomplished,
countries should do the following:

1) Start taking climate change seriously and invest more money into current companies
researching fusion. Pooling country resources together to further research fusion should also be
considered. This would significantly accelerate research, allowing us to develop a working
reactor sooner rather than later.
2) Prepare to replace current energy farms and power plants with fusion reactors. This will take
quite some time, so it’s necessary to prepare beforehand. Countries can prepare by:
• Mapping out large power plants around the country
• Considering the size of reactors compared to the size of plants (potential
• Put money aside for spending on this project

Nuclear fusion is yet to be replicated on Earth; thus, it is necessary to focus on researching it and
attempting to perform such a reaction.
Nuclear Fusion to Power Our World 11

7.0 References
[1] “What is fusion, and why is it so difficult to create?,” NewsCenter, 04-Nov-2019. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 15-Nov-2019].

[2] “Solar core,” Wikipedia, 04-Nov-2019. [Online]. Available:

[Accessed: 15-Nov-2019].

[3] S. Lee, and S.H. Saw, “Mankind’s Giant Step Forward.” Fusion Energy, vol. 30, p. 398, 2011. Available: [Cited: Oct. 11, 2019].

[4] “10 Key Facts and Statistics About Overpopulation,” Arcadia Power. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16-Nov-2019].

[5] “Global Emissions,” Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, 04-Jan-2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16-Nov-2019].

[6] B. Plumer, “Why America abandoned nuclear power (and what we can learn from South Korea),”
Vox, 29-Feb-2016. [Online]. Available:
costs-us-france-korea. [Accessed: 16-Nov-2019].

[7] “Advantages of fusion,” ITER. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-


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