University of Madras: Instructions To The Students For Writing The Examination Through Online General Instructions

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Instructions to the students for writing the examination through online

General instructions:

1. The examinations will be conducted only for current year final semester of
UG/PG/Professional degree students and course completed students having
arrears in final semester.

2. The time duration of examinations will be for 90 minutes. Question paper pattern will
similar to the previous semester. But more choices will be given in each section to
the students to complete the exam before 90 minutes.

3. The url link of University portal for conducting of the examination is and also available in the University website.

4. The question papers are available in the University website during the examination
dates from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. for FN session and from 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
for AN Session.

5. Use only A4 size paper and write the examination strictly within 18 pages including
graph sheet.

6. The students must write their register number, subject code, page number and also
put signature in the top of the answer script in the each and every page.

7. The college will be sent the Nodal officer’s information to students through SMS and
the information also available in the exam portal. For more clarification, the students
can contact their Nodal officer through WhatsApp/SMS.

8. If the students do not have facilities for downloading the Question paper and
uploading the answer script, those students should send a request to their
respective college principal/ chief superintendent /Nodal officer for making
necessary arrangement within their college.

9. The students must write the examination in blue or black pen and not allowed to
type answer papers and also copy & paste the text book images in their answer
Instructions to Students to follow before the examination

1. The students should logon to the exam portal at the time of examination and enter
their register number and date of birth to login.

2. After login, the students can download the question paper up to the stipulated time
duration given by the University. Then the students should send the message to
the Nodal officer though the WhatsApp/SMS as “DOWNLOADED”. This will be a
confirmation from the students that he/she is attending the examination.

Instructions to Students follow after completion of the examination

1. The students must check, whether the register number, subject code, page number
and signature are available in the top of the answer script in the each and every

2. After completion of the examination, each and every page should be scanned.
Then login to the University website and to click the upload button and upload the
scanned copy of the answer scripts. Then check whether the pages are in the
ascending order, if it is not in ascending order, The students should remove the
uploaded answer scripts and reload the script in ascending order then click save
and submit button for getting the acknowledgement slip.

3. The student should upload the answer scripts only in the following formats i.e., .jpg,
jpeg and png.

4. Once the students uploaded the answer scripts in the University website, it cannot
be changed or viewed again. Hence, it is strictly instructed to the students to check
thoroughly before uploading of answer scripts.

5. The students are permitted to upload 18 pages only including graph sheet.

6. The students should upload the answer scripts within 3 hours from 11.30 a.m. to
2.30 p.m. for F.N. Session and the students having examinations on both sessions
the uploading is permitted upto 8.30 p.m.

7. The students will have option to view the acknowledgement for submission of
answer scripts and also history of acknowledgements of the previous
8. After completing the uploading of the answer scripts, the students should send a
message to the Nodal officer through WhatsApp/SMS as “UPLOADED”. This will
be a confirmation of uploading the answer script.

9. If the students do not have the facilities to upload the answer scripts, then they are
instructed to send the same in a cloth lined cover by speed post with
acknowledgement due to the Principal/ Chief Superintendent of respective college
address on the exam day itself. The speed post ET number should be sent to the
nodal officer through WhatsApp/SMS immediately.

10. The students can also submit the answer script in person to the respective college
Principal/Chief Superintendent and get the acknowledgement for the same.


Guidelines to the Principals/Chief Superintendent and Nodal Officer for

conducting of examination through online and valuation.
Guideline for Conduct of Examination:

1. The examinations will be conducted only for current year final semester of
UG/PG/Professional degree students and course completed students having arrears
in final semester.

2. The time duration of examinations will be for 90 minutes. Question paper pattern will
similar to the previous semesters. But more choices will be given in each section to
the students to complete the exam within 90 minutes.

3. The url link of University portal for conducting of the examination is and also available in the University website.

4. The question papers are available in the University website during the examination
days from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. for FN session and from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. for
AN Session.

5. The questions papers are also available in the ERS portal.

6. Use only A4 size paper and write the examination strictly within 18 pages including
graph sheet.

7. The students must write their register number, subject code, page number and
signature in the top of the answer script in the each and every page.

8. The Principals/Chief Superintendents are requested to appoint a Nodal officer for

each course (I.e. Physics, B.A. Economics) if there are two/three sections in
that course, additional nodal officers may be appointed.

9. The college will be sent the Nodal officer’s information to students through SMS and
information also available in the exam portal. For more clarification, the students can
contact their Nodal officer through WhatsApp/SMS.

10. Separate Dashboard will be provided to the Principals/Chief Superintendents for

monitoring list of students those who downloaded the question paper and uploaded
the answer papers.

11. If the students do not have facilities for downloading the Question paper and
uploading the answer script, based on the request from the students, the
Principals/Chief Superintendents are requested to make necessary arrangement for
providing the internet facilities and also for providing a class room to write the

12. If the students who are not having required internet facilities to upload the answer
script, they are instructed to send the same by speed post with acknowledgement to
the respective Principals to their official college address. Therefore, Principals/Chief
Superintendents are requested to receive the answer script through speed post. The
principals/chief superintendent should share the address for this purpose with all
students and also instructed them to send the answer script in a cloth cover in order
to avoid damage during the transportation.

13. The students must write the examination in blue or black pen and not allowed to type
answer papers and also copy & paste the text book images in their answer scripts.

14. The Nodal officers will get their appointment order from their college Principal/Chief
Superintendent for conducting of Examinations through online.

15. All the Nodal Officers are requested to create a WhatsApp/SMS group for your
students in respective courses.

16. The WhatsApp/SMS group will be helpful to identify the students and also giving the
instructions to the students on how to attend the examinations like downloading the
question paper, uploading the answer scripts through online etc.

17. After downloading the question paper the students should send the message to the
Nodal officer through the WhatsApp/SMS as “DOWNLOADED”. This will be
conformation from the student he/she is for attending the examination.

18. Based on the WhatsApp/SMS group information the Nodal officer should enter the
absentees in the University website through Examination Registration System (ERS).

19. The role of Nodal officer is to give instruction to the students for writing their register
number, subject code, page number and signature in the top of the answer script in
the each and every page and also giving assistance to uploading.


20. After completion of the examination and uploading the answer scripts, the students
will send a message to the Nodal Officer through the WhatsApp/SMS as
“UPLOADED”. This will be a confirmation of uploading of answer scripts from the

21. If any of the students are not upload the answer scripts in the stipulated time, the
Nodal officers are requested to contact the respective student through mobile and
instruct them to upload their answer script immediately.

22. If the students do not have facility for uploading the answer script, ask them to send
the answer script by speed post with acknowledgement due to the Principal of
respective colleges and get the ET number from students immediately and record it.
It will more helpful for receiving the speed post.

23. The Principal / Chief Superintendent can also collect in person submission answer
scripts by issuing of proper acknowledgement slip. The acknowledgement format will
be sent to the respective colleges.

Guideline for Conduct of Valuation:

1. Access for viewing/downloading the answer scripts will be provided to the principals/
chief superintendent from the next day of the examination.

2. The Principals/Chief Superintendents are advised to value the answer scripts by

viewing alone (Soft copy).

3. The college Principals/Chief Superintendents are requested to take responsibility to

value the answer scripts of their own students.

4. The Principals are advised to depute senior and qualified faculty members in your
college for valuing the answer scripts.

5. The Head of Departments should supervise the soft copy valuation.

6. Necessary verification and approval for the same to be carried out by the Head of
Departments for valued scripts.


7. The Mark tabulation sheet for awarding marking will be sent to the respective

8. The marks should be uploaded in the University website through the Internal Marks
Entry System (IMES).

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