Article MCQ 12th
Article MCQ 12th
Article MCQ 12th
1. You can make your article more interesting by_ _ _ 10. Choose the motive to write an article.
(a) Writing long sentences the entire time. (a) Give advice
(b) Writing short sentences. (b) Summary of a movie
(c) asking rhetorical questions (c) Invite the reader to an event
(d) using really formal language (d) None of the above
2. Subheadings are useful in an article because: 11. In the body of the article, you should elaborate the
(a) They help in organising ideas topic and describe it:
(b) They keep things fresh (a) May be (b) May not be
(c) They don't do anything useful (c) Definitely (d)Never
(d) They make the article attractive 12. How do statistics and facts help in article?
3. What should you include in your article? (a) They give the reader a ch ance to do some Math.
(a) Only your opinion (b) They fill up the article so th at it's not too short.
(b) At least 6 rhetorical questions (c) They give extra information and help the reader
(c) A range of different techniques to argue or understand what happened.
(d) Statistics and Facts are fun- so it's good to have
(d) Lots of technical language and jargon them in articles.
4. Why should the last paragraph make some reference 13. What is the one way to end an article?
to the opening paragraph?
(a) Leave the reader with a question
(a) To make it look neater
(b) Write "The End" after the last sentence
(b) It should not m ake reference
(c) Write "Thank you" after the last sentence
(c) To confuse the reader
(d) An article can end with a personal statement from
(d) To draw the p oints together and conclude
the writer.
5. An article needs a headline:
14. The invention of mobile phones is one of the major
(a) Only if you can think of one advancements in human history. They have impacted
(b) To be catchy and encourage people to read it the way people communicate with each other. They
(c) To be in capital letters and bold have created an easier platform for the spread of
(d) To be long and detailed information from one person to another despite
distances. The advantages of the mobile phones are
6. What is the first part of an article? many. However, the mobile also has its disadvantages.
(a) Writer's name (b) Heading Adolescents and teenagers are usually in a distracted
(c) Conclusion (d) Body state because of mobile phones. They are seen talking
7. In this part of the article you can find the author's and texting at all places even while on the road,
opinion. while d riving and even d uring classes. This can be
(a) Heading (b) Writer's name detrimental as it m ay cause accidents and also preven t
(c) Body (d) Conclusion them from reaching their potential in academics. Anti-
social elements are known to u se mobiles for nefarious
8. Here you will find the main p art of the article.
activities and terrorist acts. Research has also shown
(a) Heading (b) Body that overuse of mobile phones may cause harm to
(c) Conclusion (d)Opinion our body. Certain self-control measures over the use
9. Th e main idea of an article is for it to be publish ed. of mobiles will help us use them for our benefit and
(a) True reduce their harmful effects.
(b) False What is missing in the given article?
(c) It is to spread the message and create awareness (a) Heading (b) Writer's name
(d) To make the writer famous (c) Both (a) and (b) (d)None of these
15. In article writing a by-line is _ _. (b) The name of the writer
(a) An extra piece of information (c) Pointless
(d) Part of a goal line
1. (c) asking rhetorical questions 9. (c) It is to spread the message and create awareness
2. (a) They help in organising ideas 10. (a) Give advice
3. (c) A range of different techniques to argue or 11. (c) Definitely
persuade 12. (c) They give extra information and help the reader
4. (d) To draw the points together and conclude understand what happened.
5. (b) To be catchy and encourage people to read it 13. (d) An article can end with a personal statement from
6. (b) Heading the writer.
7. (d) Conclusion 14. (c) Both (a) and (b)
8. (b) Body 15. (b) The name of the writer