Mattpark Phdthesis
Mattpark Phdthesis
Mattpark Phdthesis
Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
February, 2009
Certified by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Michael H. Perrott
Visiting Associate Professor
Thesis Supervisor
Accepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Terry P. Orlando
Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students
A 4th Order Continuous-Time ∆Σ ADC with VCO-Based
Integrator and Quantizer
Matthew Jeremiah Park
The use of a VCO-based integrator and quantizer within a continuous-time (CT) ∆Σ
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) structure is explored, and a custom prototype in
a 0.13 µm CMOS with a measured performance of 81.2/78.1 dB SNR/SNDR over a
20 MHz bandwidth while consuming 87 mW from a 1.5V supply and occupying an
active area of 0.45 mm2 demonstrated. A key innovation is the explicit use of the
oscillator’s output phase to avoid the signal distortion that had severely limited the
performance of earlier VCO-based ADC’s, which exclusively made use of the output
frequency. Furthermore, the proposed architecture includes a scheme for performing
fast dynamic element matching (DEM), enabling first-order shaping of unit-element
mismatch in all feedback DAC’s.
But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect
in weakness.’ So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so
that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
class, preparing a talk for ISSCC, and writing a thesis and journal paper. Scott was
another great mentor and confidant; his willingness to brainstorm ideas and review
my designs helped me improve as a designer as well gain confidence in my abilities.
At the same time, his thoroughness in his work was an amazing example that I still
strive to replicate.
Matt Straayer and Kerwin Johnson also deserve special recognition for all the help
they have given me over the years. Matt’s early efforts in VCO-based ADC design
laid a lot of the groundwork for my thesis project, and played a crucial role in making
it a success. His deep and very intuitive grasp of circuit design helped me test out
new ideas and explore different architectures, and his sheer efficiency and productivity
when working were both a great inspiration and motivation. Kerwin was the Perrott
group’s CAD, Cadence and wirebonding wizard par excellence, and designed the pads
and padframe for the entire IBM tapeout team. He generously and selflessly shared
his encyclopedic knowledge about almost every conceivable topic with me on countless
occasions, an experience that was not only enriching but also lots of fun!
The results presented in this thesis would also not be possible without the generous
help of Charlotte Lau and Min Park. Charlotte assisted me during the tapeout crunch
by laying out the high speed output buffers. She was also a calming voice of strength
and support during all those days and nights when we were feverishly working to
finish the tapeout on time. Min Park (along with Kerwin Johnson) graciously offered
his deft fingers to wirebond a few of my chips on several of my trips to the Harvard
labs. At the same time, his interminable optimism and fighting spirit toward research
boosted my spirits on many occasions when I felt burnt out from work.
Chun-Ming Hsu and Belal Helal were an indispensable aid throughout the tapeout
and testing process. Given the similarity of my project to a PLL, Chun-Ming offered
a unique perspective on my work, and gave useful feedback on many of my crazy
ideas. At the same time, he was great listener and an assuring presence whenever
I talked to him about my thoughts and concerns about future careers and pursuits.
Belal (along with Min Park) designed the serial interface used by almost all the chips
in the IBM tapeout, and frequently demonstrated his sincere desire to expedite the
group’s work by investigating and applying useful software and hardware tools. I
know that my PCB-designing and chip testing experiences were that much easier to
accomplish thanks to the detailed instructions and tutorials he wrote for the benefit
of the entire group.
Professors Joel Dawson and Vladimir Stojanovic sat on my committee from the
day I proposed my thesis, and have been such an awesome support throughout the
entire process. In preparing this thesis, Joel encouraged me to emphasize the big
picture behind this work, which helped me present the project in a manner that
will excite and intrigue the unfamiliar reader. Vladimir helped me get access to the
high speed pattern generator that I desperately needed during testing, and graciously
offered his assistance with acquiring any other lab equipment that I might need.
I am indebted to our group secretary, Valerie DiNardo, for all the time and effort
she put in on my behalf to navigate MIT’s incredibly complicated accounting and
treasury departments. Without her vast knowledge, I would not have been able to
obtain crucial purchase orders and reimbursements, and would have had to fight
unruly vendors on my own.
Two people who are unrelated to this thesis project, but nevertheless played a
very important role in my graduate career are John Bulzacchelli and Jungwon Kim.
John was my mentor during my internship at IBM research, and was an incredible
teacher and friend. His passion and dedication for engineering and research were
truly an inspiration for me, and his selfless devotion to my project and my education
is something that I will always remember with profound gratitude. Jungwon was
my partner in my master’s project, and together we traveled the long road (4 years,
phew!) to demonstrating a working optical-electrical 40 GHz sub-sampling receiver
and ADC. He is an optics guru extraordinaire, an incredibly talented scientist and
engineer, and an all-around awesome person who will undoubtedly become a giant in
his field.
Sungah Lee deserves very special words of acknowledgement and thanks. She was
a constant companion, supporter and friend, and faithfully stayed at my side during
the bulk of my Ph.D. When times were tough, she was always there to give me a
warm hug and to offer encouraging words. Without her comforting presence, this
Ph.D. probably would not have been possible, and I am extremely grateful to her for
all the loving care and support she gave me.
It almost goes without saying that my family has been a source of unflagging
support and guidance for me during my many years at MIT. I know my parents
and my grandmother have been praying for me everyday throughout my life, and
the very fact that I am where I am at this moment in my life is largely a reflection
of their constant and fervent requests on my behalf for God’s blessing, protection
and guidance. My mother, father and grandmother have also been my role models,
and their examples of love, humility, integrity, leadership and professionalism have
always served as a guiding light to me throughout my education. My sister Cathy and
my brother-in-law George have been my cheerleaders for as long as I can remember,
and always believed in my abilities whenever I was in doubt. At the same time,
they generously cared for and lavished me with me so many gifts, yet never asked
for anything in return other than my well being and happiness. I can’t express how
indebted I am to their tremendous loving support. My love and gratitude to everyone
in my family is so enormous that it is ineffable; I only hope that I can make them
proud in everything that I do.
I chose the passage from 2 Corinthians because of something very similar that
my father told me when I was going through an extremely difficult time in graduate
school: “In all things, God’s grace is sufficient.” This thesis, my graduate training,
my education at MIT, and every blessing and hardship I’ve experienced in life are
due to God’s infinite grace and love. Through all times, good and bad, God never
abandoned me but used the circumstances to make me stronger and shape me into
the person I am today. If MIT has taught me anything, it is that I always need to
have faith in His plan for my life.
Matthew Jeremiah Park was born in Rochester, New York, on September 4, 1981.
He attended Masuk High School in Monroe, Connecticut from 1996 to 1998, and
then Northern Valley Regional High School in Old Tappan, New Jersey from 1998 to
2000. He entered the Massaschusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) in September
2000. As a member of M.I.T.’s VI-A co-op program, he was an internship student
at M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratories, Lexington, Massachusetts in the summer of 2002,
and at Linear Technology, New Chelmsford, Massachusetts in the summer of 2003.
In January 2004, he began an undergraduate research study (UROP) in the M.I.T.
Microsystems Technology Laboratory as part of the High Speed Circuit and Systems
(HSCS) Group under the supervision of Professor Michael Perrott. During this time,
he worked on a circuit implemention of the Dynamic Weighted Averaging (DWA)
algorithm for use in a high bandwidth fractional-N frequency synthesizer. He received
the B.S. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
(EECS) at M.I.T. in June 2004.
From September 2004 until May 2005, he was a Research Assistant in the HSCS
Group. His research in new opto-electronic receiver and analog-to-digital converter
(ADC) architectures formed the basis of his M.Eng. thesis entitled An Optical Electri-
cal Sub-Sampling Down-Conversion Receiver with Continuous-Time Σ∆ Modulation.
He received the M.Eng. degree in EECS in June 2005.
From June 2005 until August 2005, he was a Graduate Research Scientist at the
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, where he investi-
gated low-power decision-feedback equalizer (DFE) architectures leveraging current
integration. He returned to the HSCS Group in September 2005 to begin his doctoral
research on high-resolution VCO-based ADC’s. He successfully defended his disser-
tation entitled A 4th Order Continuous-Time ∆Σ ADC with VCO-Based Integrator
and Quantizer in November 2008, and received his Ph.D. degree in EECS in February
2009. His present research interests include mixed-signal circuit and systems design
and opto-electronic systems.
1 Introduction 23
1.1 A Brief Overview of CT ∆Σ ADC’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.2 Motivations for Investigating VCO-Based ADC’s . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.3 Benefits of a VCO-based ADC architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.4 Prior VCO-Based ADC Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.5 Proposed Continuous-Time ∆Σ ADC Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1.5.1 Voltage-to-phase quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1.5.2 Proposed 4th -order CT ∆Σ Loop Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1.5.3 First-order dynamic weighted averaging (DWA) sequence gen-
eration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
1.6 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2 Behavioral Simulation 53
2.1 Amplifier Finite Gain-Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.2 Amplifier Non-Linearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.3 Finite DAC Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.4 Device Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.5 VCO Unit Element Mismatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.6 Main NRZ DAC Unit Element Mismatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.7 Main NRZ DAC Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.8 Minor-Loop NRZ and RZ DAC Unit-Element Mismatch and ISI . . . 78
2.9 Clock Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.10 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3 Circuit Design 83
3.1 Analog Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.1.1 Loop Filter Passives and Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.1.2 Opamp Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.1.3 Main and Minor-Loop NRZ Feedback DAC’s . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.1.4 RZ feedback DAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.1.5 VCO Integrator and Quantizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.2 Digital Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.2.1 DWA Barrel Shift and Accumulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.2.2 Clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.2.3 Output Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6 Conclusion 133
List of Figures
1-12 VCO-based ADC that achieved third-order shaping with feedback and
an additional passive and active integrator [55]. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1-14 FFT’s generated from the behavioral simulation of the 5-bit (31-stage)
VCO-based quantizer assuming (a) the prior voltage-to-frequency and
(b) the proposed voltage-to-phase architectures. SNDR is calculated
over a 20 MHz bandwidth, a -1 dBFS input signal, and a sample rate
of 1 GHz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1-15 loop delay compensation using a second feedback DAC (DACB ) around
the quantizer to generate the desired filter impulse response [64]. . . . 44
1-17 loop filter block diagram with VCO quantizer and feedback DAC’s
indicated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1-18 Bode plot of the (a) loop filter and (b) noise-transfer function (NTF)
assuming a clock frequency of 900 MHz (OSR=22.5). . . . . . . . . . 46
1-19 schematic of the proposed 4th -order CT ∆Σ ADC with VCO quantizer. 48
1-20 the direct implementation of the DWA algorithm and its linear cascade
of propagation delays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2-1 block diagram behavioral model of the proposed 4th -order CT ∆Σ ADC
leveraging the voltage-to-phase VCO-based integrator and quantizer. 53
2-2 100,000 point FFT’s generated from behavioral simulation of the pro-
posed ADC architecture assuming a linear Kv (dark) and non-linear
Kv (light). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2-3 quantization noise appearing at the input of the first opamp-integrator,
where the opamp is characterized as a linear transfer function A(s).
One possible and very simple realization for A(s) consists of a linear
gain and a dominant pole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2-4 the nested-Miller amplifier behavioral model that forms the linear opamp
transfer function A(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2-5 bode plot of the open loop characteristics of a 4-stage nested Miller
amplifier (solid) and the standard 2-stage Miller amplifier (dashed).
Both amplifiers are designed to have a DC gain of 60 dB and a unity
gain frequency of 4 GHz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2-6 the integrator behavioral model with linear opamp transfer function
A(s) and linear feedback network transfer functions. . . . . . . . . . . 58
2-7 behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR of the proposed ADC for various
opamp DC gain and unity-gain bandwidths. Only quantization noise
and finite gain-bandwidths are considered in these simulations. . . . . 59
2-8 100,000 point FFT’s generated from behavioral simulation of the pro-
posed ADC architecture assuming amplifiers with 4 GHz unity-gain
bandwidths, and DC gains of 80 dB (dark) and 40 dB (light). . . . . 60
2-9 quantization noise appearing at the input of the first opamp-integrator,
where the opamp is characterized as a non-linear transfer function Â(s). 61
2-10 non-linear opamp model for the nested-Miller amplifier. . . . . . . . . 62
2-11 the integrator behavioral model with non-linear opamp transfer func-
tion Â(s) and linear feedback network transfer functions. . . . . . . . 63
2-12 behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR of the proposed ADC assuming non-
linear opamps with a DC gain of 60 dB, and various unity-gain band-
widths. Only quantization noise and amplifier non-linearity and finite
gain-bandwidth are considered in the behavioral simulations. . . . . . 64
2-13 100,000 point FFT’s generated from behavioral simulation of the pro-
posed ADC architecture assuming ideal amplifiers (dark) and non-
linear gain-bandwidth limited amplifiers (light). . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2-14 the main feedback DAC behavioral model, which includes the effect of
finite output resistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2-15 impact on SNR/SNDR due to the main feedback DAC’s finite output
resistance and amplifier non-linearity and finite gain-bandwidth. . . . 67
2-16 100,000 point FFT’s generated from behavioral simulation of the pro-
posed ADC architecture assuming ideal DAC’s with infinite output
resistance (dark) and a main DAC with an output resistance of 70 kΩ
(light). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2-21 ISI model for one unit element of an N-element NRZ DAC depicting a
(a) positive switching transient and (b) negative switching transient. . 76
2-22 histograms of the behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR of the proposed
ADC architecture assuming a main NRZ DAC with transient mismatch
(ISI) of 1σ = 1%, 3%, and 5%. Data generated by running 50 Monte-
Carlo simulations of the proposed ADC architecture for each mismatch
deviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2-24 average and standard deviation SNR and SNDR for variable amounts
of clock jitter, as determined from Monte Carlo behavioral simulations. 80
3-2 schematic of the 4-stage nested Miller opamp. Shaded devices are
1.5 × Lmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3-5 the main NRZ DAC signal path and switching waveforms with key
circuit blocks. For the sake of simplicity, the supply voltages for the
low-swing buffer (VDD,SW and VSS,SW ) are provided off-chip. . . . . . 91
3-7 transistor-level simulation of main NRZ DAC output current when
DWA is disabled (top) and enabled (bottom). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3-8 schematic of the loop delay compensating RZ DAC. . . . . . . . . . . 94
3-9 transistor-level simulation of the RZ DAC output currents. . . . . . . 95
3-10 schematic of the ring-VCO integrator and SAFF quantizer, phase de-
tector and frequency detector (first-order difference). . . . . . . . . . 96
3-11 Kv tuning curves of the 15-stage ring-oscillator for different tuning
gains enabled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3-12 simulated phase noise of the 15-stage ring-oscillator when oscillating
at approximately 225 MHz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3-13 proposed DWA architecture, comprising a barrel shift and an accumu-
lator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3-14 schematic of the binary controlled barrel shift. For simplicity, a 3-bit
version is shown, though a 4-bit version was actually implemented. . . 100
3-15 the thermometer to binary converter implemented by summing indi-
vidual thermometer bits with a cascade of half-adders. . . . . . . . . 102
3-16 0 NMOS logic with PMOS load implementation of the XOR/XNOR
operation with embedded NAND/NOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3-17 CMOS clock buffering, reference generation, and distribution circuits. 103
3-18 CML buffer chain to drive output data onto PCB. . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4-1 test site for the evaluation of the prototype ADC. . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4-2 die photo of the prototype ADC fabricated in a 0.13µm IBM CMOS
process. The active area is 0.45mm2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4-3 measured SNR/SNDR versus input amplitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4-4 100,000 point FFT plot generated from the measured output data
stream of the prototype ADC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5-1 behavioral simulated waveforms of a 3-bit DRZ DAC. Note that since
all switching devices experience a constant transition density, the DRZ
DAC does not exhibit any code-1 ISI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5-2 the DRZ DAC signal path and key circuit blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5-3 transistor-level simulated switching waveforms of 1 unit-element in the
DRZ DAC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5-4 ISI model for one unit element of an N-element DRZ DAC depicting a
“0” to “1” transition at the rising edge of clock. . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5-5 ISI model for one unit element of an N-element DRZ DAC depicting
the passing of the “1” value from the first switching pair (M1,M2) to
the second switching pair (M3,M4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5-6 ISI model for one unit element of an N-element DRZ DAC depicting a
“1” to “0” transition at the next rising edge of clock. . . . . . . . . . 119
5-7 the proposed timing efficient DWA implementation. . . . . . . . . . . 122
5-8 schematic of a 3-stage nested Miller opamp with PMOS input devices
for lower flicker noise, and a class AB output stage for higher unity-gain
bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
5-9 amplifier power dissipation as a function of the aspect ratio of the input
PMOS devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
List of Tables
5.1 simulated SNR and SNDR average and standard deviation assuming
an NRZ/DRZ DAC implementation with 1σmm,tran = 3%, 4%, and 5%. 116
5.2 simulated SNR and SNDR average and standard deviation assuming a
4-bit and 5-bit quantizer and NRZ/DRZ DAC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
5.4 device area and power needed to achieve desired noise performance
of 3e−11 V 2 in IBM’s 130 nm, 90 nm, and 65 nm technologies (L =
1.5 × Lmin ) for a multi-fingered PMOS with different aspect ratios,
. The corresponding gate capacitance and transistor intrinsic
gain for each of these points are also quoted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.5 NMOS and PMOS device area and power needed to achieve 0 pole
frequency of 8 GHz in IBM’s 130 nm, 90 nm, and 65 nm technolo-
gies (L = Lmin ) assuming different input device aspect ratios W
Note that the aspect ratios of the multi-finger output devices are fixed:
= 10 and L
= 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
N,o P,o
5.6 the bias current required for the input PMOS device (Ibias,inp ), the
output class AB NMOS/PMOS devices (Ibias,o ), and the corresponding
total (Ibias,tot ). Note that these currents are for one side of a differential
pair/path, and therefore, the total current will be at least twice the
amount shown. Also note that the currents for the intermediate stages
of the nested Miller amplifier are not included in this analysis. . . . . 129
5.7 simulated DAC unit-element output resistances, device area, and mis-
match in IBM’s 65 nm, 90nm, and 130 nm nodes, assuming a gate
length of L = Lmin , 1.5 × Lmin , and 2 × Lmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Chapter 1
The recent popularity of the CT ∆Σ ADC largely stems from its inherent anti-alias
filtering ability [64, 41]. Such inherent anti-alias filtering is possible since the input
Figure 1-1: survey of the resolution and bandwidth of popular ADC topologies pre-
sented at ISSCC and VLSI from 1997-2008 [38].
Figure 1-2: (a) inherent anti-alias filtering due to location of sampler after loop filter
in a CT ∆Σ ADC, and (b) risk of aliasing due to sampling of input-signal without
any filtering in a DT ∆Σ ADC.
analog signal is first processed by the CT loop filter before being sampled by the
quantizer (see Figure 1-2(a)). In contrast, the DT ∆Σ samples the input analog
signal before it is applied to the loop filter, and therefore requires an explicit anti-
alias filter preceding the ADC (see Figure 1-2(b)) [41]. The same is also true for any
other DT ADC architecture (SAR, pipeline, flash, etc.), as sampling always occurs
prior to the ADC input.
The CT ∆Σ ADC’s inherent anti-alias filtering ability has also been widely touted
in the literature as an elegant architectural means to simplify baseband filtering and
digitization in wireless systems [10, 30, 16]. As shown in Figure 1-3(a), a conventional
RF receiver would require an explicit low-pass filter prior to the DT ADC (pipeline,
DT ∆Σ, SAR, flash, etc.) to eliminate out-of-band interferers that would otherwise
alias in-band. However, a properly designed CT ∆Σ ADC can leverage its inherent
anti-aliasing ability to eliminate this low-pass filter, as shown Figure 1-3(b) [10].
Moreover, as scaling yields faster devices, there is even an effort to eliminate the IF
mixer and band-pass (BP) filter by leveraging a BP CT ∆Σ ADC to perform filtering
and digitization, while performing the final down-conversion in the digital domain
with a DSP [16, 30] (see Figure 1-3(c)).
While anti-alias filtering can be performed using off-chip passives, doing so in-
creases the system cost and consumes precious real estate on the PCB—an unaccept-
able tradeoff in many high volume, ultra-competitive commercial wireless applications
where cost and form factor are paramount. Consequently, most recent wireless re-
ceiver architectures employing DT ADC’s with wide input bandwidths (100 kHz-100
MHz) have opted to perform filtering on chip using active filters [32, 15, 37, 60, 34].
Unfortunately, designing an anti-alias active filter that introduces minimal noise
and distortion has the drawback of high power dissipation and area consumption
[57]. Indeed, a survey of recently published CT filters (see Table 1.1) has found
that the power dissipation can vary from 10 mW to more than 100 mW depending
on the desired noise, linearity and bandwidth. At the same time, the active filter’s
area can vary widely (from 0.1 mm2 to more than 1 mm2 ) depending on the filter
order (with greater than 5th order typical) and the amount of on-chip capacitance
(> 100 pF common). Given the considerable power and area overhead involved with
designing an explicit anti-alias filter, the inherent filtering ability of the CT ∆Σ is
very attractive.
Figure 1-4: clock jitter appearing at ADC input due to modulation of charge in a
1-bit NRZ and RZ feedback DAC.
high performance applications was initially met with some skepticism due to con-
cerns over the architecture’s sensitivity to clock jitter. Indeed, early work on a CT
∆Σ ADC’s with single-bit quantizers and DAC’s [13, 42, 63] showed that such CT
architectures were highly sensitive to clock jitter due to the modulation of DAC sig-
nal charge appearing directly at the ADC input (see Figure 1-4). In particular, the
return-to-zero (RZ) DAC was demonstrated to have far greater jitter sensitivity com-
pared to the non-return-to-zero (NRZ) DAC due to its modulation of more than twice
the DAC charge at every sample [63]. Consequently, the SNR of these single-bit mod-
ulators decreased steadily with increasing clock jitter, typically limiting the converter
resolution to no more than 10-11 bits.
Fortunately, recent work has shown that the SNR degradation due to clock jitter
can be significantly reduced by pursuing a multibit quantizer and NRZ feedback DAC
implementation [64, 36, 50, 65]. As shown in Figure 1-5, jitter now only modulates the
DAC charge of the LSB’s that change from sample-to-sample. Increasing the number
of DAC bits causes jitter to affect a smaller fraction of the DAC full-scale signal,
significantly reducing the error charge it introduces. At the same time, improved
phase-locked-loop (PLL) design techniques applied to more modern fine line-width
technologies have enabled high output clock frequencies with low-jitter performance
(< 1 ps,RMS). Indeed, simple PLL architectures achieving GHz output frequencies
Figure 1-5: reducing the amount of charge modulation by clock jitter by increasing
the number of bits in a multibit NRZ DAC.
with less than 1 ps,RMS jitter have become quite common in the recent literature
[14, 56, 11, 21, 23].
Note, however, that the RZ DAC does have one advantage over its NRZ counter-
part. As will be analyzed in greater detail later in this thesis, NRZ multibit DAC’s
have increased sensitivity to transient mismatches (ISI) but reduced sensitivity to
clock jitter, while the opposite is true of RZ structures. It turns out that a dual RZ
structure can also be employed to minimize sensitivity to both of these issues. While
not implemented in the prototype, we will discuss the dual RZ structure in more
detail in Chapter 5.
any ADC topology, for that matter) will face new challenges as they strive to build
high performance analog circuits while attempting to fully leverage the speed benefits
accompanying device scaling.
Figure 1-6: the VCO voltage-to-frequency and voltage-to-phase relationships.
While a VCO has a variety of unusual and interesting properties, it has two traits that
are especially attractive and relevant in the design of CT ∆Σ ADC’s. First, the VCO
behaves as a CT voltage-to-phase integrator. As shown in Figure 1-6, the instan-
taneous VCO output frequency Fout (t) is proportional to the applied input voltage
Vtune (t) according to the voltage-to-frequency gain Kv [Hz/V]. The resulting VCO
output phase Φout (t) is proportional to the time integral of the applied input voltage.
Note that as long as the VCO oscillates, the VCO output phase will accumulate end-
lessly, even for a DC input. This implies that the VCO behaves as a CT integrator
with infinite DC gain.
The value of a simple integrator structure that provides infinite DC gain cannot
be emphasized enough. Indeed, with transistor intrinsic gains dropping rapidly at
each technology node, even the ability to achieve modest gains (> 40 dB) with a
conventional amplifier topology is far from a trivial exercise, as will be discussed later
in this thesis. Note, however, that the VCO integrator is not an ideal integrator even
though it has infinite DC gain. Figure 1-6 again illustrates this point by indicating
that the VCO output frequency is a non-linear function of the applied input voltage.
Consequently, an input voltage signal that modulates the VCO control node will
incur potentially high harmonic distortion, degrading the effective dynamic range of
the VCO-based integrator.
The ease with which the VCO’s digital output phases can be quantized can be
better appreciated when the design of a conventional voltage flash ADC is considered.
In the case of a voltage flash, the input signal applied to an array of comparators is
typically restricted to be within an operating range, VHI to VLO . This range is usually
less than the power supply range, VDD to VSS , and is further subdivided according to
the number of quantization levels (see Figure 1-8) via a reference ladder. The voltage
comparators must then sample and regenerate the resulting signal, which can be on
the order of tens of millivolts, and therefore must not only be designed to have high
gain and high bandwidth, but also must operate over a wide input common-mode
range. To reduce the probability of generating metastable outputs, high-bandwidth
preamplifiers typically precede the voltage comparators, consuming additional power.
DFF Array
Output Range
Finally, since the comparators/preamplifiers can have offset voltages in excess of one
or more LSB’s, large device sizes must be used to reduce these random offsets to ensure
monotonicity. This in turn will also require proportionately larger bias currents in
order to maintain the circuit’s speed, resulting in both an area and power penalty.
While the aforementioned list of design considerations is by no means exhaustive, it
is clear that the design of conventional voltage flash quantizers is far from trivial.
Preamps VDD
Vref3 Operating
Vref3 Range
Vref4 (VHI-VLO)
Vref5 Vin
ber of transitioning edges during the sample period. At the end of the period, the
resulting count is sampled by a register, the counter reset to zero, and the process
repeated. As can be seen from the figure, the sampled count is proportional to the
oscillation frequency of the VCO, and therefore the input signal level.
Figure 1-9: (a) single-phase and (b) multiple-phase counting ADC architectures.
Figure 1-10: a multi-phase VCO-based ADC that eliminates the counter by oversam-
pling the VCO phase.
ing conditions [22]. In particular, when the sample rate is chosen such that the VCO
elements do not transition more than once in a given sample period, the counters can
be replaced with registers and XOR gates (see Figure 1-10). These gates process the
sampled VCO phases, and generate a thermometer code that, when summed, is equiv-
alent to the output count of the counter-based VCO-based ADC. This equivalence is
possible because the register-XOR combination effectively performs a first-order dif-
ference, or discrete-time differentiation, of the sampled/quantized VCO phases. Since
frequency is the derivative of phase, the resulting outputs will be proportional to the
input voltage applied to the VCO control node. Note that the counter-based VCO
ADC’s of Figures 1-9(a) and 1-9(b) also performs a first-order difference during reset
by effectively subtracting out the previously quantized VCO phase. Consequently,
the output count is also proportional to the VCO frequency and to the applied input
voltage signal.
A general model for the counter-based and XOR-based VCO-based ADC archi-
tectures is shown in the top-half of Figure 1-11. A subtle benefit of this voltage-to-
frequency ADC is that the quantization noise will be first-order noise shaped due to
the post-quantization differentiation, as illustrated in Figure 1-11 [22]. Furthermore,
the architecture precludes the feedback DAC needed in a classical first-order ∆Σ
Figure 1-11: analytical model of the voltage-to-frequency VCO ADC, and the equiv-
alent frequency domain block diagram.
ADC, greatly simplifying design. While the earlier works in [7] and [24] apparently
did not recognize the inherent noise-shaping of the voltage-to-frequency VCO ADC,
the architecture and its noise-shaping ability was analyzed and tested thoroughly in
[22]. As will be discussed next, the non-linearity of the VCO’s voltage-to-frequency
gain, Kv , severely limits the resolution of this open loop architecture.
For an over-sampling ratio (OSR) of 2000, the ∆Σ ADC in [22] achieved a peak
SNDR of 71 dB in a 500 Hz bandwidth when the input signal was approximately -36
dBFS. But when the input was increased to -2 dBFS, harmonic distortion arising from
Kv non-linearity caused the SNDR to drop down to 44 dB. To mitigate the impact
of this non-linearity, the authors in [22] suggested reducing the maximum allowable
input signal such that distortion arising from the Kv non-linearity can be minimized.
Unfortunately, this solution not only sacrifices a significant amount of DR, but also is
not feasible when the desired bandwidth approaches the Megahertz range since such
a high OSR is impractical.
Subsequent work sought to suppress the Kv non-linearity by embedding the VCO
ADC from [22] in the loop filter of a classical ∆Σ ADC. A CT ∆Σ architecture pro-
posed in [26] achieved second-order noise-shaping by preceding the multi-phase VCO
quantizer with an opamp-based integrator, and using a multi-bit feedback DAC. The
DT ∆Σ architecture in [39] tried to bypass a multi-bit DAC implementation and the
required dynamic element matching (DEM) overhead by using a frequency difference
detector that pulse-width modulated a one-bit DAC. However, this approach had
additional complexities in the frequency difference detector design, and lost the in-
herent first-order noise-shaping provided by the VCO quantizer. While both of these
architectures intuitively should improve linearity, only behavioral simulation results
that tended to downplay or ignore the impact of the Kv non-linearity were presented.
Consequently, a fair comparison to the work in [22] cannot be made.
Fortunately, a modified version of the ADC in [26] was actually implemented and
provided measured results in [55]. As shown in Figure 1-12, this third-order CT ∆Σ
ADC achieved an extra order of noise shaping without a second op-amp integrator
by creating a passive pole with a large on-chip capacitor. At the same time, the
architecture in [55] leveraged the algorithm patented in [35] to automatically shape
the feedback DAC mismatch by directly connecting the VCO quantizer output bits
to the unit elements. As illustrated in Figure 1-12, the scheme leveraged the periodic
cycling of ring-VCO delay elements and the inherent VCO integration such that the
first-order difference generated the equivalent dynamic weighted averaging (DWA)
The measured results presented in [55] demonstrated the benefits of using negative
feedback with a high gain loop filter to reduce the impact of VCO Kv non-linearity.
For a signal bandwidth of 20 MHz and an OSR of 25, the CT ∆Σ ADC was able to
achieve a peak SNDR of 65.7 dB for a -15 dBFS input signal. This represents a 20
dB improvement compared to the open loop voltage-to-frequency VCO-based ADC
from [22]. However, when the signal power was increased to -3 dBFS, distortion tones
from Kv non-linearity caused the SNDR to drop below 50 dB.
While the brute-force application of higher loop filter gain could help reduce the
signal distortion further, a more elegant architecture that can directly address the
source of non-linearity is desirable. As will be seen in the next section, simply chang-
ing the output variable of interest—from frequency to phase—can effectively eliminate
Figure 1-12: VCO-based ADC that achieved third-order shaping with feedback and
an additional passive and active integrator [55].
The previous section revealed that the resolution of prior VCO-based ADC’s was
primarily limited by distortion arising from the VCO Kv non-linearity. While negative
feedback techniques did manage to suppress the distortion by more than an order of
magnitude, non-linearity still prevented the ADC from achieving its full dynamic
range. Consequently, it is clear that a more robust linearization technique is needed
in order to extend the performance and utility of VCO-based quantization.
To that end, this thesis proposes a new VCO-based ADC architecture that over-
comes the SNDR limitation imposed by the VCO’s non-linear Kv characteristic. The
Figure 1-13: (a) prior voltage-to-frequency VCO-based ADC architecture that suf-
fered from distortion due to Kv non-linearity, and (b) proposed voltage-to-phase VCO-
based ADC that is immune to distortion caused by Kv non-linearity.
basis for the architecture can be understood by first considering the example of the
open-loop first-order CT ∆Σ from [22] (see Figure 1-13(a). Here, and in all subse-
quently published architectures [26, 55, 3], the VCO output frequency is the desired
output variable due to its proportional relationship with the input signal. Therefore,
to exercise the full DR of the VCO quantizer, the input signal to the VCO must span
the entire non-linear transfer characteristic, and incur harmonic distortion. However,
if it were possible to leverage the VCO output phase, then it would not be necessary
to span this non-linear transfer characteristic. Since the VCO behaves as an ideal
voltage-to-phase integrator and typically has a large Kv , small perturbations at the
tuning node on the order of tens of mV are sufficient to shift the VCO phase by a
substantial amount.
Note that the feedback loop shown in Figure 1-13(b) is in fact a first-order CT ∆Σ
ADC loop, and will therefore first-order shape the VCO quantization noise. While this
noise-shaping does require a feedback DAC (as opposed to the open-loop noise-shaping
achieved in [22]), such a DAC would nonetheless be required in any architecture that
embedded the VCO in a higher order ∆Σ loop filter, as was done in [26, 55]. As will
be explained later in this section, the primary disadvantage of using the VCO output
phase instead of frequency is the loss of automatic DWA sequence generation.
SNDR = 30.7 dB
40 SNR = 65.0 dB
ENOB = 4.8
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
SNDR = 66.1 dB
40 SNR = 66.2 dB
ENOB = 10.7
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Figure 1-14: FFT’s generated from the behavioral simulation of the 5-bit (31-stage)
VCO-based quantizer assuming (a) the prior voltage-to-frequency and (b) the pro-
posed voltage-to-phase architectures. SNDR is calculated over a 20 MHz bandwidth,
a -1 dBFS input signal, and a sample rate of 1 GHz.
13(a) and 1-13(b) are modeled and simulated using the CppSim behavioral simulator
[48] (a tool that will be described in greater detail in the next chapter), and the
corresponding FFT’s plotted assuming a -1 dBFS input signal and 1 GHz sample
rate. Note that in both cases, VCO non-linearity similar to that in [55] is included
in the model by describing the voltage-to-frequency transfer characteristic with a
fourth-order polynomial. All other circuit non-idealities are excluded. From Figure
1-14(a), it is obvious that the harmonic distortion in the voltage-to-frequency VCO
quantizer of [22, 55] is also present here, limiting the SNDR to roughly 30 dB in a
20 MHz bandwidth. But for the voltage-to-phase VCO quantizer of Figure 1-14(b),
the distortion tones are almost completely eliminated. Indeed, the SNDR is limited
primarily by the quantization noise, to approximately 66 dB in a 20 MHz bandwidth.
The simulation results from the previous section clearly showed the improved linear-
ity that can be obtained when using a VCO voltage-to-phase quantizer. In reality,
thermal noise, DAC mismatch, and other noise and error terms will add on top of
the quantization noise floor, further degrading SNDR. To ensure high resolution, it
is necessary to expand the loop filter and go beyond first-order noise shaping so that
quantization noise can be further suppressed. Ultimately, the converter SNDR should
be limited by thermal noise sources, and not by in-band quantization noise.
A fourth-order loop filter was chosen for this thesis due to its high quantization
noise shaping ability (SQNR > 95 dB in 20 MHz BW). Traditionally, such a high-
order loop filter would be implemented using a cascade of integrators and feed-forward
paths, with summation of all signals occurring at the input of the quantizer (see
Figure 1-15). This architecture also has the advantage of enabling easy compensation
of feedback loop delay by using an additional feedback DAC (labeled DACB in Figure
1-15) around the quantizer to obtain the desired loop filter impulse response [64].
In the proposed architecture, the quantizer is preceded by the VCO voltage-to-
phase integrator, precluding the implementation shown in Figure 1-15. Fortunately,
the filter can still be realized by replacing one of the feed-forward paths with an
Figure 1-15: loop delay compensation using a second feedback DAC (DACB ) around
the quantizer to generate the desired filter impulse response [64].
Figure 1-16: loop delay compensation by differentiating the quantizer output and
then integrating the resulting DAC signal.
Loop Filter
VCO Quantizer
Kz Q[n]
in(t) K1 K2 K3 T out[n]
s s s s
Kd3 z-1/2 (1-z-1)
Kd1 z-1
Figure 1-17: loop filter block diagram with VCO quantizer and feedback DAC’s
additional DAC feedback path, modifying the filter coefficients, and performing signal
summation at the input of the final integrator of the loop filter (see Figure 1-16). At
the same time, loop delay compensation can still be accomplished by differentiating
the quantizer output, and then integrating the result using the same final integrator.
In the case of the VCO quantizer, the derivative corresponds to its frequency, and is
easily obtained by performing a first-order difference using XOR gates and registers
as done in [55]. Note that the loop delay compensating DAC will have its unit
element mismatch noise shaped by the automatic DEM that results from the voltage-
to-frequency conversion. Furthermore, note that the delay compensating DAC is a
return-to-zero (RZ) DAC in order to absorb the propagation delays of the quantizer
and first-order difference logic. As described earlier in this thesis, an RZ DAC was
not used for the main feedback DAC due to its heightened sensitivity to clock jitter.
A block diagram for the proposed 4th order loop filter with feed-forward and
feedback stabilization is shown in Figure 1-17, and the filter coefficients shown in
Table 1.2. The coefficients for the filter were chosen using the Schreier Delta-Sigma
Toolbox [51]. Since the toolbox returns coefficients for a DT filter, the equivalent CT
loop filter coefficients were obtained by applying the d2c (discrete-time to continuous-
time transformation) function available in the MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox.
Bode plots of the ideal loop filter and noise transfer function (NTF) are shown in
Figure 1-18(a) and 1-18(b), respectively.
Magnitude (dB)
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Phase (deg)
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Magnitude (dB)
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 1-18: Bode plot of the (a) loop filter and (b) noise-transfer function (NTF)
assuming a clock frequency of 900 MHz (OSR=22.5).
Coefficient Value
K1 900.0e6
K2 135.0e6
K3 43.95e6
Kf1 1.2147
Kf2 0.2043
Kz 1.5973
Kv 900.0e6
Kd1 1.0000
Kd2 0.4294
Kd3 0.6738
The loop filter schematic is shown below in Figure 1-19. Opamp-RC integrators
were chosen over Gm-C integrators for their higher linearity and ability to drive
resistive loads. Each integrator comprises a fixed capacitance and a 5-bit binary
weighted capacitor bank, which enables the RC time-constant to be tuned in 5% steps
over the combined resistor and capacitor process variation of +/- 40%. An additional
amplifier is eliminated by using passive resistors to perform the summation of the main
signal path and the feed-forward paths. Note that a pole formed by the summing node
resistance and the wire and device capacitances from the VCO and feedback DAC’s
can degrade loop stability. Consequently, the summing node impedance is chosen low
enough so that the additional phase lag from the parasitic pole is minimal.
Figure 1-19: schematic of the proposed 4th -order CT ∆Σ ADC with VCO quantizer.
the case of the 640 MHz clocking frequency of [36], the authors simply eliminated the
DEM, and instead relied on very careful device sizing and layout techniques to obtain
the best DAC unit element matching possible.
Figure 1-20: the direct implementation of the DWA algorithm and its linear cascade
of propagation delays.
where T is the sample period, tpd,t2b , tpd,acc , tpd,b2t and tpd,dif f are the propagation
delays of the thermometer-to-binary encoder, accumulator, binary-to-thermometer
encoder, and differentiator, respectively, and tclk2q , tpd,det and tsh,dac are the clock-to-
Q delay of the phase quantizer, the propagation delay of the phase detecting logic,
and the setup-and-hold time of the DAC retiming latch, respectively.
Note that the propagation delay of the phase quantizer (tclk2q ) as well as the
sample and hold time of the feedback DAC retiming latches (tsh,dac ) further reduce
the timing margin. At the same time, pipelining is not an option since the data must
propagate through the DWA in less than a sample period. In order to meet timing,
each block must compute a result in a fraction of a sample period, a requirement that
necessitates high power consumption, and may not even be feasible in the given 0.13
µm technology.
A contribution of this thesis is an improved DWA architecture that can meet the
timing constraints without the excessive power dissipation of the direct approach. As
shown in Figure 1-21, the propagation delay of the DWA can be significantly reduced
by rotating the quantizer output thermometer code with the aid of a barrel shifter and
a rotating pointer. A depiction of the thermometer code shifting in time is shown
in the figure, and illustrates the benefit of the proposed approach. Note that the
number of times that the current quantizer thermometer code needs to be shifted by
Figure 1-21: proposed parallel implementation of the DWA algorithm.
is equal to the modulo-2N accumulated sum of the previous quantizer output values.
Consequently, the DEM can be split into two parallel paths, one which shifts the
input thermometer code, and the other which records the previous quantizer value
and updates the pointer. The timing constraint for the path through the barrel shift
is then:
where tpd,bs is the propagation delay through the barrel shift. Note that the accu-
mulator to barrel shift propagation delay (tpd,acc2bs ) is approximately the same as the
phase quantizer clock-to-Q delay (tpd,clk2q ), and therefore does not add to the prop-
agation delay through the barrel shift. The timing constraint for the path through
the thermometer to binary decoder and accumulator is then:
As will be seen later in a later chapter, the second of the two timing constraints forms
the bottleneck in the DWA. Nevertheless, the implementation significantly relaxes
timing constraints, making DWA at such high speeds possible.
Recall from the previous section that the use of a VCO-based quantizer enables the
loop delay compensating DAC to also have it’s unit element mismatch noise shaped by
the phase-to-frequency post quantization differentiation (see implicit DWA in Figure
1-19). The value of this inherent DWA can be greater appreciated in light of the
significant effort involved in performing DWA for the two other feedback DAC’s within
a sample period. Note that explicitly performing DWA on the delay compensating
DAC in the conventional architecture of Figure 1-15 would require the algorithm to
finish processing in less than half a sample period—an extremely challenging feat
using any known DWA implementation unless the ADC clock frequency were halved
or the number of DAC/quantizer bits reduced.
Chapter 2
Behavioral Simulation
Loop Filter
VCO Quantizer
Kz Q[n]
in(t) K1 K2 K3 T out[n]
s s s s
Kd3 z-1/2 (1-z-1)
Kd1 z-1
Figure 2-1: block diagram behavioral model of the proposed 4th -order CT ∆Σ ADC
leveraging the voltage-to-phase VCO-based integrator and quantizer.
CppSim as well as the behavioral model discussed in this thesis can be downloaded
for free on the Internet [47].
This chapter will build on the simple block-diagram behavioral model of the pro-
posed ADC (repeated in Figure 2-1 for clarity) by incrementally adding non-idealities
to the model. This way, the impact of mismatches, noise, and other error sources
found in real circuits can be studied both independently and collectively, elucidating
which non-idealities limit the proposed converter’s performance. At the same time,
this methodical process of introducing real circuit non-idealities will eventually pro-
duce a behavioral model that can accurately predict the converter’s actual measured
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Figure 2-2: 100,000 point FFT’s generated from behavioral simulation of the proposed
ADC architecture assuming a linear Kv (dark) and non-linear Kv (light).
Behavioral simulation results in the introduction have already shown that a simple
1st -order CT ∆Σ VCO-based ADC is robust to Kv non-linearity when the VCO is used
as a voltage-to-phase integrator and quantizer. The same holds true when the VCO-
Figure 2-3: quantization noise appearing at the input of the first opamp-integrator,
where the opamp is characterized as a linear transfer function A(s). One possible and
very simple realization for A(s) consists of a linear gain and a dominant pole.
based integrator and quantizer is included in the behavioral model of the proposed
4th CT ∆Σ ADC of Figure 2-1. As the FFT overlay in Figure 2-2 shows, the inclusion
of VCO Kv non-linearity (light) has no observable impact on the simulated spectrum
when compared to the ideal case of a perfectly linear VCO Kv (dark). Indeed, the
ideal simulated SNR/SNDR of 95.7/95.5 dB degrades by less than 1 dB to 95.0/94.9
dB when non-linearity is included in the behavioral model.
The remainder of this chapter will investigate other key non-idealities that ulti-
mately limit the performance of the proposed ADC, with particular emphasis placed
on the unit-element mismatch and ISI of the main feedback DAC, which have the
greatest impact on the converter’s resolution. A tabulated summary of these behav-
ioral simulation results will be shown at the conclusion of this chapter.
Intuitively, the impact of finite amplifier gain and bandwidth can be understood
when considering the signals stimulating the input of the first opamp of the loop
filter (see Figure 2-3). Here, the opamp is abstracted as a linear transfer function
A(s), and one possible realization of A(s) shown in the dashed box (a simple gain
Figure 2-4: the nested-Miller amplifier behavioral model that forms the linear opamp
transfer function A(s).
and a dominant pole). Quantization noise resulting from the difference between the
input signal and the main feedback DAC output signal perturbs the input nodes of
the opamp. The opamp’s negative feedback acts to cancel out the perturbation to
re-establish a virtual ground condition. However, the finite gain and settling time of
the amplifier will result in some residual quantization noise remaining at the opamp
input at the end of a given sample period. This error not only causes incomplete
suppression of the inband quantization noise, but also can create inband distortion
tones due to the signal dependency of the residual quantization noise itself.
The degree to which the converter’s performance will be affected by these non-
idealities will depend on the opamp’s open-loop characteristics, which will in turn de-
pend on the implemented topology. Prior work [36] has demonstrated that the multi-
stage nested Miller amplifier enables superior gain-bandwidth performance when com-
pared to the standard 2-stage Miller amplifier. A simple linear block-diagram model
of a 4-stage Nested Miller amplifier that describes the linear opamp transfer function
A(s) is shown in Figure 2-4. Here, a cascade of 4 gain stages enables a high DC gain
while 2 feed-forward stages ensure overall amplifier stability. Note that the settling
characteristics of the amplifier are primarily determined by the cascade of the second
feed-forward gain stage (AF F 2 ) and the output gain stage (A4 ), which collectively
resemble a 2-stage Miller amplifier. Thus, the nested Miller topology provides similar
unity-gain bandwidths as a 2-stage Miller, but enables higher gain over a greater
portion of the amplifier’s bandwidth, as illustrated in the bode plots of Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5: bode plot of the open loop characteristics of a 4-stage nested Miller
amplifier (solid) and the standard 2-stage Miller amplifier (dashed). Both amplifiers
are designed to have a DC gain of 60 dB and a unity gain frequency of 4 GHz.
Figure 2-6: the integrator behavioral model with linear opamp transfer function A(s)
and linear feedback network transfer functions.
For these reasons, a 4-stage nested Miller amplifier was implemented for the proposed
To quantify the impact of amplifier finite gain and bandwidth on the proposed
ADC architecture, the 4-stage nested Miller linear opamp model is embedded in
an integrator behavioral model. As shown in Figure 2-6, the integrator behavioral
model comprises the linear opamp transfer function A(s), as well as the linear transfer
functions describing the feedback network. Figure 2-7 shows the proposed ADC’s
simulated SNR/SNDR for varying DC gains and unity-gain bandwidths. As can be
seen from the plot, the finite amplifier gain and bandwidth result in a minor SNR
degradation that is no more than 3 dB lower than the ideal SNR of 95 dB. However,
the impact of finite gain on the simulated SNDR is far more serious. When the
amplifier DC gain is 40 dB, the simulated SNDR drops by more than 6 dB relative
to the ideal case due to inband distortion tones arising from the signal dependency of
the residual error signal. Note however, that the simulated SNDR achieved assuming
amplifiers with 60 dB and 80 dB of DC gain differs only slightly from the ideal SNDR
of 94.9 dB. Consequently, it will be assumed from this point forward that the amplifier
is designed to achieve a DC gain of at least 60 dB.
The impact on SNR and SNDR caused by finite amplifier DC gain can also be
observed in the overlay of two 100,000 point FFT’s of Figure 2-8. Here, the proposed
architecture is simulated assuming amplifiers with 4 GHz unity gain bandwidths, and
DC gains of 40 dB (light) and 80 dB (dark). As can be seen from the plot, the lower
DC gain not only introduces a strong second harmonic due to the signal dependency
of the residual quantization error, but also fills in the nulls of the quantization noise
Figure 2-7: behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR of the proposed ADC for various
opamp DC gain and unity-gain bandwidths. Only quantization noise and finite gain-
bandwidths are considered in these simulations.
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Figure 2-8: 100,000 point FFT’s generated from behavioral simulation of the proposed
ADC architecture assuming amplifiers with 4 GHz unity-gain bandwidths, and DC
gains of 80 dB (dark) and 40 dB (light).
Figure 2-9: quantization noise appearing at the input of the first opamp-integrator,
where the opamp is characterized as a non-linear transfer function Â(s).
Figure 2-10: non-linear opamp model for the nested-Miller amplifier.
the opamp’s non-linear gain characteristic, causing the amplifier to settle in a non-
linear fashion, and resulting in inband quantization noise folding. While the amount
of quantization noise folding depends on the size of the perturbation as well as the
characteristics of the non-linearity, it is also strongly related to the settling speed of
the amplifier. A faster amplifier will act to restore the virtual ground condition more
quickly, which effectively reduces the time that the quantization noise encounters the
non-linearity. This in turn reduces the non-linear settling transient that is integrated
by subsequent integration stages in the loop filter, resulting in less quantization noise
To quantify the impact of opamp non-linearity in behavioral simulation, the linear
opamp model developed in the previous section must be modified to include the
specific characteristics of the non-linearity. Fortunately, circuit simulations reveal
that the non-linearity of most differential-pair based gain stages resembles a tanh(x)
function, making this task relatively easy. The behavioral model for the non-linear
opamp transfer function, Â(s), is shown in Figure 2-10. Figure 2-11 shows the overall
integrator behavioral model, which comprises a non-linear opamp transfer function
Â(s), and linear transfer functions characterizing the feedback network.
Despite the simplicity of these models, significant insight can be obtained from the
behavioral simulation results, especially as it pertains to the unity-gain bandwidth
requirements for the opamps. Figure 2-12 plots the behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR
of the proposed ADC architecture for different opamp unity-gain frequencies, with
Figure 2-11: the integrator behavioral model with non-linear opamp transfer function
Â(s) and linear feedback network transfer functions.
opamp non-linearity included in the behavioral model. As can be seen from the figure,
the SNR/SNDR degrades steadily when the unity-gain bandwidth is decreased from
4.5 GHz down to 2.5 GHz. Indeed, to achieve close to 14 ENOB performance, an
opamp with greater than 3.5 GHz unity-gain bandwidth must be designed. Hence-
forth, it will be assumed that the opamps are designed to achieve a 4 GHz unity-gain
An overlay of two 100,000 point FFT’s generated from simulations of the proposed
architecture assuming ideal amplifiers (dark) and the non-linear gain-bandwidth lim-
ited opamp model (light) is shown in Figure 2-13. As the plot shows, quantization
noise folding effectively fills-in the deep nulls of the noise transfer function, creating
an inband noise floor, and resulting in an SNR/SNDR of 88.3/87.7 dB.
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Opamp Unity Gain Bandwidth (GHz)
Figure 2-12: behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR of the proposed ADC assuming non-
linear opamps with a DC gain of 60 dB, and various unity-gain bandwidths. Only
quantization noise and amplifier non-linearity and finite gain-bandwidth are consid-
ered in the behavioral simulations.
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Figure 2-13: 100,000 point FFT’s generated from behavioral simulation of the
proposed ADC architecture assuming ideal amplifiers (dark) and non-linear gain-
bandwidth limited amplifiers (light).
Figure 2-14: the main feedback DAC behavioral model, which includes the effect of
finite output resistance.
ated. Note that a single-ended version is shown for simplicity, while fully differential
amplifier and DAC topologies were actually implemented. Here, an array of conduc-
tances are used to describe the finite resistances of the unit-elements, and are either
enabled or disabled to mimic the code dependency of the output resistance.
A plot detailing the simulated SNR/SNDR for a range of DAC output resistances
is shown in Figure 2-15. From these results, it is clear that the effect of finite resis-
tance can largely be ignored when a minimum unit-element output resistance of 30
kΩ is achieved. Indeed, quantization noise-folding caused by amplifier non-linearity
and gain-bandwidth limitations appear to mask the errors caused by DAC output
resistances when this minimum resistance threshold is exceeded.
An overlay of two 100,000 point FFT’s generated from simulations of the proposed
architecture assuming an infinite DAC output resistance (dark) and a finite DAC
output resistance of (70 kΩ) (light) is shown in Figure 2-16. As can be seen from the
plots, the inclusion of finite DAC output resistance has a negligible impact on the
simulated SNR/SNDR, as the architecture is still able to achieve at least 88 dB for
both specifications.
3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10
Output Resistance (Ω)
Figure 2-15: impact on SNR/SNDR due to the main feedback DAC’s finite output
resistance and amplifier non-linearity and finite gain-bandwidth.
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Figure 2-16: 100,000 point FFT’s generated from behavioral simulation of the pro-
posed ADC architecture assuming ideal DAC’s with infinite output resistance (dark)
and a main DAC with an output resistance of 70 kΩ (light).
2.4 Device Noise
In many state-of-the-art data converter designs, device noise establishes the upper
limit on achievable SNR. Consequently, the converter resolution ultimately becomes
a question of how much power the designer is willing to sacrifice to reduce the device
noise to a desired level. In CT ∆Σ ADC’s, the device noise primarily originates from
the main feedback DAC, the first integrator, and the input resistors.
As the next chapter on circuit design will show, a conservative estimate of all
these noise sources given the desired power budget is roughly 5 nV/ Hz. To achieve
near 14 ENOB resolution then dictates that the full-scale signal be on the order of
2Vpp,dif f , resulting in an ideal SNR of 90 dB (14.7 ENOB). Note however, that apply-
ing a full-scale input to a ∆Σ ADC can cause saturation in the integrators, resulting
in quantization noise-folding. For the proposed topology, behavioral simulations in
CppSim show that the maximum input signal possible is -3 dBFS, resulting in a peak
ideal SNR of 87 dB. While the SNR appears to offer solid 14 ENOB performance,
in reality the thermal noise will add to the quantization noise floor due to opamp
non-linearity and finite gain-bandwidth. Consequently, the ADC architecture must
be simulated to obtain a more accurate estimate of the SNR/SNDR.
Histograms generated by running 50 Monte-Carlo simulations of the proposed
architecture are shown in Figure 2-17. Here, the average SNR/SNDR of 85.1/84.2
dB suggests that the noise floor is effectively 2 dB higher than the thermal noise-
limited case due to inband quantization noise folding from the amplifier non-linearity
and finite gain-bandwidth. Note however, that additional noise sources (particularly
static and dynamic mismatch errors from the main feedback DAC) will add to this
noise floor, further degrading SNR/SNDR as will be discussed later.
Mismatches in the delay stages comprising the ring oscillator result in a net accumu-
lated phase error at the end of each sampling period. Fortunately, these errors will
Figure 2-17: histograms of the behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR
√ of the proposed
ADC architecture assuming a thermal noise density of 5 nV/ Hz. Data obtained by
running 50 Monte-Carlo simulations of the proposed architecture, and changing the
seed of the random noise generator.
be suppressed by the gain of the preceding loop filter, and should result in a small
degradation of SNDR when referred to the input.
To verify the architecture’s robustness to this variation, Figure 2-18 shows the
histograms of the SNR/SNDR values assuming a ring-VCO delay mismatch of 1σ =
5%, 7.5%, and 10%. The data was generated by running 50 Monte-Carlos simulations
of the proposed architecture for each mismatch deviation. As can be seen from
the histograms, even a mismatch as large as 1σ = 10% will result in an average
SNR/SNDR of 84.7/83.9 dB, a degradation of less than 0.5 dB. Note that the ring-
VCO inverter delay mismatch cannot be easily determined due to its dependence on
not only process, but also wiring capacitances. Consequently, this thesis will assume
a worst case mismatch of 10% in all subsequent analysis.
While mismatches in the second and third feedback DAC unit elements will be shaped
by the high gain of the preceding loop filter, mismatches in the main feedback DAC
unit elements appear directly at the input of the ADC. Consequently, the main feed-
back DAC must perform at least as well as the entire converter, a very challenging re-
quirement. Fortunately, data-directed dynamic element matching (DEM) algorithms
have been developed to shape DAC unit-element mismatch errors, enabling high per-
formance compared to prior scrambling algorithms that relied on random selection of
DAC unit-elements [12].
For the proposed ADC, the dynamic weighted averaging (DWA) algorithm [5] was
chosen over other data-directed selection algorithms (such as the butterfly [1] and tree
DEM [18]) for its superior inband mismatch shaping ability. Nevertheless, behavioral
simulations reveal that even this shaped DAC mismatch has a severe impact on
converter SNDR. As shown in the histograms of Figure 2-19, even a unit-element
mismatch of just 1.5% causes the average SNDR to degrade by 2 dB. While careful
design and layout techniques can enable unit-element current source matching of less
than 1%, an estimate of 1% will nevertheless be assumed for the remainder of this
Figure 2-18: histogram of the behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR of the proposed ADC
architecture assuming a 15-stage ring-VCO with delay stage mismatches of 1σ = 5%,
7.5%, and 10%. Data obtained by running 50 Monte-Carlo simulations of the proposed
architecture for each mismatch deviation.
Figure 2-19: histogram of the behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR of the proposed ADC
architecture for DAC unit-element mismatches of 1σ = 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%. Data
generated by running 50 Monte-Carlo simulations of the proposed architecture for
each mismatch deviation.
thesis. With this assumption, unit-element mismatch in the main DAC would result
in an average SNR/SNDR of 84.0/82.7 dB.
In some sense, the term dynamic element matching (DEM) is a misnomer in that
its purpose is to shape a static error, namely mismatches in the DC current values
of the unit elements in a current-source DAC topology. However, such topologies do
encounter a real dynamic error during switching transients, a phenomenon known as
inter-symbol interference (ISI). ISI occurs when the unit elements have mismatched
output current transients during switching. The mismatch itself can be caused by
a number of factors, but is typically due to unequal rising/falling switching time
constants, charge injection, and parasitic clock/data feedthrough. When ISI exhibits
any code dependency (as is the case for an NRZ DAC), it will cause distortion tones
in the ADC output spectrum, degrading the overall converter SNDR. At the same
time, these tones cannot be scrambled and shaped by the DEM. As shown in Figure
2-20, although a DWA sequence is inputted to the DAC, the transient mismatches and
transition densities still exhibit a code dependency when the DAC code exceeds half
of full scale since all selected unit elements will not experience a switching transient.
A common solution to DAC ISI is to adopt a return-to-zero (RZ) DAC structure
since all the DAC unit elements will transition once every sample period, effectively
breaking any code dependent switching errors. Unfortunately, an RZ DAC can be
disadvantageous due to its heightened sensitivity to clock jitter [64], as well as its
need for a higher power opamp that can linearly settle to the large output current
pulses generated by the DAC structure. At the same time, the RZ DAC signal itself
has effectively twice the bandwidth of its NRZ counterpart, requiring higher power
DAC switch buffers. For these reasons, an NRZ DAC implementation was chosen.
The impact of ISI on the NRZ DAC can be easily quantified through behavioral
simulation. The behavioral model for the NRZ DAC is shown in Figures 2-21(a) and
2-21(b), and comprises N-sets of 4 filters to describe the different rise/fall transients
Figure 2-20: behavioral simulated waveforms of an NRZ DAC with 8 unit elements
driven by a DWA sequence and illustrating the signal dependency of the transient
mismatches and transition densities (ISI).
Figure 2-21: ISI model for one unit element of an N-element NRZ DAC depicting a
(a) positive switching transient and (b) negative switching transient.
Figure 2-22: histograms of the behavioral simulated SNR/SNDR of the proposed ADC
architecture assuming a main NRZ DAC with transient mismatch (ISI) of 1σ = 1%,
3%, and 5%. Data generated by running 50 Monte-Carlo simulations of the proposed
ADC architecture for each mismatch deviation.
delay stages, estimating the transient mismatch is not straightforward as it will vary
due to process and layout parasitics. However, the switching devices are much larger
than a ring-VCO delay stage in terms of area since they must switch large currents.
Consequently, an estimate of 3% will be assumed for this mismatch, resulting in an
average SNR/SNDR of 83.9/78.9 dB, almost a 4 dB degradation compared to the
ISI-less case.
2.8 Minor-Loop NRZ and RZ DAC Unit-Element
Mismatch and ISI
As previously mentioned, errors in the minor-loop DAC’s are suppressed by the gain of
the loop filter, and will also be shaped by the DWA algorithm. Therefore, the minor-
loop DAC’s can be made smaller and the architecture can tolerate a higher degree of
mismatch and ISI in their unit elements. Histograms of the simulated SNR/SNDR
assuming a variety of minor-loop DAC mismatches and ISI are shown in Figure 2-
23. Even when using a conservative mismatch estimate of 1σ = 5% for both unit-
element and transient mismatches, behavioral simulations indicate that the proposed
architecture can still achieve an average SNR/SNDR of 83/79 dB. Consequently, it is
clear that mismatches in the minor-loop DAC are not as serious as those in the main
NRZ feedback DAC thanks to the loop filter gain.
The deleterious effect of clock jitter on the SNDR of CT ∆Σ ADC’s has been well
documented in the literature [13, 19, 64]. Fortunately, by specifically adopting a
multibit NRZ DAC structure, the converter can be made less sensitive to clock jitter
than the prototypical single-bit modulator. An expression that estimates the effective
SNR given an RMS timing jitter, σjitter , is shown in Equation 2.1 [64]:
SNRjitter = 10 log OSR · 2 2
where Ts is the sample period, OSR the oversampling ratio, σI2DAC,NRZ is the variance
of the DAC code, and σ∆I DAC,NRZ
is the variance of the first-order difference of the
DAC code, ∆IDAC,N RZ . Behavioral simulations in CppSim show that σI2DAC,NRZ is
approximately 14.57 and σ∆I DAC,NRZ
is about 0.72. Therefore, given a 900 MHz
sample rate and a 1.0 ps RMS clock jitter, the jitter-limited SNR is approximately
90 dB, well below the anticipated device and DAC mismatch noise floor.
SNR (dB) SNDR (dB)
0 1 2
10 10 10
0 1 2
10 10 10
Clock Jitter (ps,RMS)
Figure 2-24: average and standard deviation SNR and SNDR for variable amounts of
clock jitter, as determined from Monte Carlo behavioral simulations.
2.10 Summary
The simulated performance of the proposed ADC is summarized in Table 2.1, and
a representative FFT of the digitized ADC output when sources of noise and non-
linearity are enabled and disabled is shown in Figure 2-25. All SNR/SNDR calcu-
lations assume a 20 MHz input bandwidth, a 900 MHz clock rate (OSR=22.5), and
20 MHz Bandwidth
Noise Only:
SQNR ~ 95 dB
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Figure 2-25: representative FFT of the simulated ADC output with quantization
noise only (dark) and all noise/mismatch sources included (light).
a 2 MHz input sine wave with an amplitude of -3 dBFS. As shown in row 1 of the
table, the converter achieves a signal-to-quantization noise (SQNR) of 95.5 dB. The
inclusion of VCO non-linearity in the model (row 2) causes less than 1 dB degrada-
tion in SNDR, thus illustrating the advantage of using the VCO as a voltage-to-phase
quantizer. Amplifier non-linearity and finite gain-bandwidth, finite DAC output re-
sistance, and thermal noise sources (row 3-5) degrade the SNDR level to about 84
dB. Mismatches in the VCO delay stages (row 6) have less than 1 dB impact on the
overall SNDR, despite the high variation of 10%.
the first-order shaped mismatches from the minor loop DAC’s have a much smaller
impact on converter performance compared to the main feedback DAC. Nevertheless,
errors in these DAC’s result in a 1 dB decrease in SNR (row 9).
-3 dBFS 2 MHz input sine wave with 20 MHz input band- SNR (dB) SNDR (dB)
width and 900 MHz sample rate (OSR) = 22.5
1. Quantization noise only 95.7 95.5
2. VCO Kv non-linearity 95.0 94.9
3. Amplifier non-linearity and finite gain-bandwidth 88.3 87.7
4. DAC Finite Output Resistance 88.4 88.0
5. Thermal noise 85.1 84.2
6. Ring-VCO delay-stage mismatch 84.7 83.9
7. Main Feedback DAC unit element current mismatch 84.0 82.7
8. Main Feedback DAC transient mismatch (ISI) 83.9 78.9
9. Main and Minor-Loop Feedback DAC’s unit- 82.9 78.3
element mismatch and ISI
Chapter 3
Circuit Design
This chapter describes the key circuits used in the prototype ADC. The most power
intensive block, the analog core, will be introduced first, with the most crucial element
toward achieving high performance—the DAC—highlighted. The digital core will be
described next, with particular attention paid to the chosen logic family used to
implement the DWA circuits. As will be seen, digital power consumption scales with
the degree of difficulty in meeting timing specifications for timing critical blocks.
As mentioned in the previous chapter, the SNDR of the proposed architecture would
ideally be limited by thermal noise only. While DAC unit-element mismatch can be
minimized with careful layout techniques and device sizing, it is primarily determined
by random fabrication and processing conditions, over which the designer has no
control. Thermal noise, however, is largely a function of device area and power
dissipation, and can be controlled (to some level of accuracy, anyway) by the designer.
Therefore, the remainder of this section will not only describe the topologies used
to achieve critical analog specifications (i.e. gain, bandwidth, etc.), but will also
highlight techniques that enable low noise performance.
Figure 3-1: tunable integrating capacitor implemented as a 5-bit capacitor bank.
Due to process variations as large as ±40%, the passives in the loop filter (poly
resistors and metal-metal capacitors) must be made tunable to obtain the desired
frequency response. To cover the desired tuning range, a scheme similar to that
used in [36] was adopted. As shown in Figure 3-1, the integrating capacitor value
is controlled by a 5-bit DAC, which enables/disables binary-weighted capacitors in a
capacitor bank. For the purposes of this prototype, the tuning is performed externally
by programming the DAC bits via a shift-register. However, any of the closed-loop
calibration algorithms proposed in the literature [64, 36] could easily be adopted to
automate this tuning.
The 0.13 µm CMOS technology used for this thesis presents a few challenges to the
design of amplifiers. First, the low power supply of 1.5V introduces voltage headroom
Vcm Vcm
Gm Gm
Vbp outm
inm Vcm
Vbn Gm
Figure 3-2: schematic of the 4-stage nested Miller opamp. Shaded devices are 1.5 ×
constraints, precluding extensive use of cascoding to obtain high gain in a single stage.
Second, transistor flicker noise dominates over thermal noise sources, with the flicker-
to-thermal corner frequencies far out into the near gigahertz range for minimum sized
devices. Finally, low intrinsic gain (on the order of 12 for a minimum sized device)
coupled with the aforementioned headroom issue limits the DC gain of two-stage
amplifiers to just above 40 dB, necessitating more complicated and power intensive
To resolve many of these issues without excessive power dissipation, non-minimum
length devices can be used to reduce flicker noise as well as obtain higher intrinsic gain.
However, using such devices carries the penalty of reduced fT , resulting in opamps
that typically have lower open loop unity-gain bandwidths for a desired phase margin
and given power dissipation than a minimum length device. This poses a severe
problem in high-speed CT ∆Σ ADC’s since the opamp unity-gain bandwidth should
be at least 4 times the ADC sample rate in order to achieve sufficient settling times.
Given the proposed architecture’s nominal ADC clock frequency of 900 MHz, an
amplifier unity-gain bandwidth of 3.5-4 GHz is needed.
Fortunately, multi-stage amplifiers comprising three or more stages (also called
nested Miller amplifiers) have been successfully used in prior high-speed CT ∆Σ
ADC architectures to achieve the opamp gain and bandwidth requirements [17]. An
opamp similar to the 4-stage amplifier proposed in [36] was adopted for this thesis,
and is shown in Figure 3-2. Here, high DC gain is obtained by cascading four NMOS
Figure 3-3: simulated open-loop and closed-loop opamp integrator frequency re-
The shaded devices in Figure 3-2 use a device length that is 1.5 times greater
than minimum length in order to obtain higher intrinsic gain and lower flicker noise.
However, the last feed-forward stage and the class A output stage use minimum length
devices in order to achieve the desired high unity-gain bandwidth and phase margin.
Device noise from these later stages is not a major concern as it is largely suppressed
by the gain of the preceding stages.
Since the noise from the first opamp in the loop filter will dominate over the noise
from the other amplifiers, it must invariably consume the most power, approximately
22.5 mW. The power dissipation for this first opamp is essentially divided between
the first stage input pair and the class A output pair. High currents in the class
A stage are needed not only to drive the resistive loads at the output, but also to
ensure that the parasitic pole induced by the effective output load capacitance does
not significantly degrade the overall amplifier phase margin. This load capacitance
is especially large for the first opamp due to the substantial input capacitance of
the input devices (> 1pF ) and the wiring and device capacitance of the main DAC
(> 300f F ).
A summary of the simulated gain, bandwidth, noise, and power dissipation for
the first opamp is shown in Table 3.1. Since the noise from second and third opamp
will be suppressed by the gain of the first opamp, lower bias currents and smaller
devices can be used in the input stages. And since neither of these opamps has a
DAC attached to the virtual ground node, the total load capacitance is reduced,
enabling smaller currents for the class A output stage. For simplicity, the second and
third opamps are identical, each consuming 11.2 mW in order to realize the desired
unity-gain bandwidth of 4 GHz. It should be noted that the opamp power dissipation
was not optimized, and that a class AB output stage would be more power efficient.
Since the opamps consume the majority of the analog power, it is possible that such
design refinements and optimizations could reduce this power by as much as 10-20%.
Parameter Value
DC Gain 63 dB
Unity-Gain Frequency 4.0 GHz
Phase Margin 55o
Input Referred Noise Power 1.2e−10 V 2
(in 20 MHz Signal BW)
Power (VDD = 1.5V ) 22.5 mW
Table 3.1: performance summary of the first opamp in the loop filter.
3.1.3 Main and Minor-Loop NRZ Feedback DAC’s
In the design of the main feedback DAC, three design specifications are of paramount
importance: unit-element matching, device noise, and switching dynamics. While
meeting these design specifications are important in the design of all the feedback
DAC’s, it is especially crucial to do so in the design of the main feedback DAC
as all noise, non-linearity, and other non-idealities appear at the input and are not
shaped. This section will address each of these specifications, starting with the static
characteristics: device noise and unit-element matching.
As was the case in the design of the amplifiers, flicker noise dominates the output
current noise profile of the standard cascoded DAC (see Figure 3-4(a)). Using long
devices (L 1µm) can help reduce the flicker noise contribution from the dominant
noise source (the tail device M1), but necessitate that the width be proportionately
scaled to ensure device saturation, resulting in a large area penalty.
A simpler and much lower area solution is to use poly resistors, which do not
exhibit flicker noise (see Figure 3-4(b)). While the output resistance of the resistor
is lower than that of the saturated NMOS, double and even triple cascoding can
be leveraged to boost the output resistance of the DAC further. Triple cascoding
is made possible by ensuring that the switch devices are saturated. DAC noise of
the structure shown in Figure 3-4(b) will then largely be dominated by the thermal
noise of the resistor and the flicker noise from the degenerated cascoded device (M1).
Indeed, thermal and flicker noise of the degenerated device will be lowered by the
degeneration gain:
8 Kgm,M 1 1
i2no,M 1 (f ) ≈ γkT gm.M 1 + · (3.1)
3 W LCox
2 f 1 + gm,M 1 R
While low, this flicker noise can be further reduced by using slightly longer devices
(twice minimum length) and increasing the device width.
Monte-Carlo simulations have shown that the structure of Figure 3-4(b) had a 1σ
deviation of less than 0.6%. Due to the resistive degeneration of the cascoded device,
the matching largely appears to be determined by the matching of the poly resistors,
Figure 3-4: schematics of (a) a standard cascoded current-steering DAC, and (b) the
implemented current-steering DAC with resistive degeneration to minimize flicker
which are assumed to have nearly the same deviation.
Parameter Value
Itotal 10mA
ILSB 625µA
Unit-Element Output Resistance 70kΩ
Unit-Element Output Current Noise Power (in 20 MHz 1.1e−15 A2
Signal Bandwidth)
Total Input Referred Noise Power (Total Output Current 1.7e−10 V 2
Noise Power ×Rin )
Power (VDD = 1.5V ) 15 mW
Switching dynamics add layers of complexity to the overall DAC design, as charge
injection, clock feed-through, and rise-fall mismatches can influence the overall ADC’s
performance as much as unit-element mismatch and noise. While the literature is rife
with various DAC implementations to address these issues, a design methodology
similar to that in [64] was adopted as it had been successfully used to achieve high
resolution (≈ 14 ENOB) in a prior CT ∆Σ ADC.
The complete main DAC signal path is shown in Figure 3-5, and plots generated
from transistor-level simulations of the unit element output current and low-swing
buffer voltage output switching waveforms are shown in Figure 3-6 . Since the digital
data from the DWA will arrive at arbitrary times within a sample period Ts , a latch is
needed to retime and generate differential data signals for the DAC switching buffers.
A differential, regenerative TSPC structure was used for its simplicity, requiring only
one clock phase [67].
Charge injection, clock/data feedthrough, and other switching-related errors are
minimized by connecting the buffer supplies (VDD,SW and VSS,SW ) to two external
voltage supplies to generate low-swing outputs, and sizing the PMOS devices to gen-
erate strong pull-up edges, and weak pull-down edges. This particular signaling en-
sures that at least one of the switching devices is always saturated, enabling triple
cascoding of the DAC unit element. At the same time, the scheme minimizes pertur-
bations caused by the discharging the DAC unit-element tail node capacitance that
would otherwise generate large current spikes at the output. Note, however, that the
Figure 3-5: the main NRZ DAC signal path and switching waveforms with key circuit
blocks. For the sake of simplicity, the supply voltages for the low-swing buffer (VDD,SW
and VSS,SW ) are provided off-chip.
Buffer Outputs
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
x 10
x 10
out,p out,m
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
x 10
x 10
DWA Disabled
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
x 10
x 10
DWA Enabled
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
x 10
Figure 3-7: transistor-level simulation of main NRZ DAC output current when DWA
is disabled (top) and enabled (bottom).
code-dependence of any switching transient mismatches will still be present, and will
not be shaped by the DWA. As described in the previous chapter, the DWA cannot
shape such ISI when codes larger than half of full scale are input into the NRZ DAC,
which is evident in the transistor-level simulation plot of Figure 3-7.
Since the noise and mismatch error of the minor-loop NRZ feedback DAC is
suppressed by the gain of the loop filter, neither poly resistor degeneration nor very
long tail devices (> 1µm) are necessary. Instead, a standard cascoded DAC structure
identical to that in Figure 3-4(a) can be adopted. As before, triple cascoding is
enabled by limiting the voltage swings to the current steering pair such that one device
is always saturated. All other circuitry (retiming latches, limited swing drivers) is
identical to those in the main feedback DAC. However, the smaller devices and absence
of resistive degeneration will result in a higher unit-element mismatch. Indeed, Monte-
PMOS Drivers
NMOS Drivers
Carlo simulations reveal that this secondary DAC has a mismatch with a 1σ deviation
of 3.2%.
Unlike the NRZ DAC, switching transient mismatch (ISI) is not a significant concern
for the RZ DAC. Since the output sees both a rising and falling transient within the
sample period, the glitch energy from clock/data feed-through, charge injection, and
other transient effects will always be encountered, eliminating code dependency so
long as the DAC output waveform settles—a constraint that is more challenging to
meet as the bandwidth of RZ signals are effectively twice that of NRZ. Nevertheless,
the RZ signaling scheme’s robustness to glitch energy allows the use of full swing logic
instead of limited swing drivers to control the DAC.
A schematic of the RZ DAC structure and the RZ pulse shaping logic are shown
in Figure 3-8. Note that retiming latches are not needed so long as the input to the
logic settles before the rising edge of CLKB. During the zero clock phase (CLK),
the DAC current is dumped to a third drain connected to an external voltage VCM ,
with a nominal value of 2
. Also note that only the NMOS current steering devices
are controlled in a data-dependent matter, while the PMOS current steering devices
x 10
out,p 0.5
are controlled by the clock phases CLK and CLKB. While both NMOS and PMOS
current steering devices could be controlled by the data, resulting in lower DAC noise,
the simpler structure shown in Figure 3-8 was adopted since such noise is suppressed
by the loop filter gain. A transistor-level simulation plot of the RZ DAC output
current is shown in Figure 3-9. Monte-Carlo simulations reveal that the RZ DAC
unit elements have a mismatch of 1σ = 2.7%.
The highly digital nature of the proposed VCO integrator and quantizer can be appre-
ciated with the aid of Figure 3-10. The VCO delay element is based on the current
starved inverter from [55], and enables full-swing output signals as well as pseudo
differential control of the output frequency. The nominal oscillation frequency and
Kv can be tuned to cover process variations through the selection of 4 digital bits
Figure 3-10: schematic of the ring-VCO integrator and SAFF quantizer, phase detec-
tor and frequency detector (first-order difference).
(EN0 − EN3 ). The sense-amp flip-flop (SAFF) from [40] quantizes the VCO output
phase by comparing the continuous output level of a given VCO phase tap to the
chip common mode voltage at half of the supply. Phase detection and first-order
difference computation are achieved using static CMOS XOR gates and single-ended
TSPC flip-flops.
The ring-VCO nominally oscillates at a frequency of 225 MHz, but can span from
nearly 0 Hz to approximately 450 MHz when the control voltages are swept (see Figure
3-11). A phase noise plot of the VCO when oscillating at the nominal frequency is
shown in Figure 3-12. While large, the phase noise is largely suppressed by the loop
filter gain, and will therefore have a negligible noise contribution when input-referred.
Frequency (MHz)
−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Vctrl,diff (V)
Figure 3-11: Kv tuning curves of the 15-stage ring-oscillator for different tuning gains
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)
4 5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3-12: simulated phase noise of the 15-stage ring-oscillator when oscillating at
approximately 225 MHz.
The phase detector reference signals also have a frequency of 225 MHz, and can
easily be generated by dividing the 900 MHz ADC clock frequency by 4. The quadra-
ture relationship between Ref0 and Ref1 can be obtained by simply delaying one
reference signal relative to the other by one period of the 900 MHz clock. Since the
ADC clock rate is at least twice the maximum VCO oscillation frequency, the fre-
quency output thermometer code generated by the first-order difference (f0 [n] to f6 [n]
in Figure 3-10) will automatically correspond to a DWA sequence, as was the case
in [55]. Consequently, the RZ DAC’s will implicitly have their mismatch first-order
The output phase error is generated by XOR’ing each quantized VCO phase with
one of two reference phases (or their complements). The resulting thermometer code
(φ0 [n] to φ6 [n] in Figure 3-10), is then proportional to the phase error. A subtle issue
with this particular phase detection scheme is that the phase error thermometer out-
put does not have a consistent order like conventional thermometer codes generated
by flash ADC’s. Rather, the code tends to toggle back and forth depending on the
reference phase, which can complicate the computation of the DEM sequence and the
equivalent binary code. Consequently, the circuits that explicitly perform DEM on
the phase error output must deal with this issue, as will be discussed next.
Figure 3-13: proposed DWA architecture, comprising a barrel shift and an accumu-
A topology that correctly generates the desired DWA sequence while accounting for
the toggling thermometer code of the quantized VCO phase outputs is shown in Figure
3-14, where for simplicity, a 3-bit design is shown while in actuality, a 4-bit version
was implemented. Here, a barrel shift is controlled by an accumulator residue and
a half-rate clock signal generated by a divider. Since the thermometer code toggles
around mid-scale at every-other cycle, the half-rate clock inverts the MSB control at
every-other cycle so that the code maintains a regular order.
A subtlety in using a binary controlled barrel shift is that while the ring-VCO
has an odd number of stages (and therefore an odd-number of outputs), the matrix
must have an even number of inputs in order to be controlled by a standard 4-bit
accumulator. While the extra input to the switch matrix can be simply grounded, its
zero value must also toggle around mid-scale as the input thermometer code does in
order to be correctly compensated for by the MSB inversion. Once again, this can be
accomplished with the aid of the half-rate clock signal (flip) controlling an array of
Shift Up
th0 dwa0
th1 dwa1
Shift Down
th2 dwa2
th3 dwa3
Quanitzer NRZ DAC
Output Inputs
th4 dwa4
th5 dwa5
th6 dwa6
th7=0 dwa7
b0 b1
Divider flip
Output b2
Figure 3-14: schematic of the binary controlled barrel shift. For simplicity, a 3-bit
version is shown, though a 4-bit version was actually implemented.
switches at the input, as shown on the left hand side of Figure 3-14. Use of close to
minimum-sized transmission gates and regenerating buffers enables data to propagate
through the switch matrix in half a sample period, exclusive of the clock-to-Q delay
of the phase quantizer and phase detection logic. Thus, the barrel shift itself does
not present a significant bottleneck in the DWA timing.
The toggling thermometer code output from the VCO phase quantizers also com-
plicates the computation of the equivalent binary code in the thermometer-to-binary
encoder. One solution to this problem is to implement a cascade of half adders to
sum up all the thermometer bits to form the equivalent binary code (see Figure 3-15).
The adder-based encoder accomplishes this task with a maximum depth of 10 gates
to generate the 4-bit binary output code, and 15 gates to generate the accumulated
output. Unfortunately, a fully static-CMOS implementation of the logic was not
able to satisfy the timing requirements with sufficient margin due to wiring capaci-
tances that extended nominal gate delays from 25 ps to 50 ps. Dynamic or domino
logic cannot be used as adder outputs may glitch as data propagates through the
accumulator, necessitating complicated skewed clocking schemes that could still be
prone to glitch errors. A pseudo NMOS logic implementation using PMOS loads was
able to satisfy timing, though at the expense of higher power consumption (15 mW
for pseudo NMOS, compared to < 7 mW for static CMOS). Fortunately, the use of
inverting gates as well as leveraging the embedded NAND/NOR output inside the
XOR/XNOR gates enabled a minimal gate count (see Figure 3-16).
3.2.2 Clocking
While the full-rate 900 MHz clock signal to the ADC is supplied off-chip, a series of
buffers, dividers, and retiming flip-flops are needed to generate the necessary clock
and reference phases to the DAC’s, quantizer, phase detector, and DWA. As shown in
Figure 3-17, the external clock signal is buffered on-chip to full-scale using CMOS in-
verters. Since the DAC’s are very sensitive to jitter, their clock signals are distributed
using the fewest number of intermediate buffers possible. The phase detector refer-
ence signals are generated using a cascade of divide-by-two’s and retiming flip-flops.
1 1
1 f3
in13[n] 2
1 2 h3
in12[n] 2 f2
1 2
in11[n] 3
1 3 g1
f1 h1
in10[n] 2
1 2
3 g0 h0
in9[n] f0
1 2
in8[n] 2
1 3 f3
4 e2
in7[n] d2
1 4
2 f2
1 2 e1
3 d1 f1
1 2
2 e0
in4[n] f0
1 3 d0
in3[n] 1 3 d2
in2[n] c1
1 2 b1
3 d1
1 2
2 c0 d0
in0[n] b0
a1 b0
b1 b1
a1 a1
b0 b0
a0 a0
b1 b0 b1 b0
a1 a1
a0 a1 a0 a1 a0 a0
(a) (b)
Figure 3-16: Pseudo NMOS logic with PMOS load implementation of the
XOR/XNOR operation with embedded NAND/NOR.
Figure 3-17: CMOS clock buffering, reference generation, and distribution circuits.
While full-swing CMOS buffers can be designed large enough to drive a bond pad, they
can potentially cause undesirable noise coupling to sensitive analog circuits through
the substrate as well as significant ringing on the power supply. Consequently, fully
differential, low-swing (400mVpp,dif f ) CML buffers were implemented with the hopes
that their constant bias currents would minimize charge injections into the substrate
during switching. As shown in Figure 3-18, the buffers are progressively scaled up
until the last buffer in the chain can drive a 50Ω load. Outside the chip, output data
PCB traces are drawn to provide an approximate impedance match, and terminated
either by the 50Ω load of the high-speed sampling scope or a 50Ω resistance to the
board ground plane.
330 pF
Figure 3-18: CML buffer chain to drive output data onto PCB.
Chapter 4
Measured Results
The test setup used to evaluate the prototype ADC is shown in Figure 4-1. Here,
an analog signal source (Agilent E4430B) drives a 2 MHz tone into a passive band-
pass filter (TTE KC7T-2M-10P-50-720B), which suppresses the harmonics and phase
noise of the signal source. An RF transformer (Mini-Circuits ADT1-6T+) converts
this spectrally purified tone into a differential signal that serves as the input to the
prototype ADC. The ADC clock signal is generated by a high-speed pattern gener-
ator (HP 70843B), which can generate low-jitter, square waveforms (< 1 ps,RMS in
bandwidth of interest). The 4 digital output bits generated by the prototype ADC are
stored into the memory of a high-speed sampling oscilloscope (Agilent DSA 80000B),
and then downloaded to a PC for post-processing.
Figure 4-1: test site for the evaluation of the prototype ADC.
Figure 4-2: die photo of the prototype ADC fabricated in a 0.13µm IBM CMOS
process. The active area is 0.45mm2 .
Specification Value
Sampling Frequency 900 MHz
Input Bandwidth 20 MHz
Peak SNR 81.2 dB
Peak SNDR 78.1 dB
Analog Power 69 mW (1.5V)
Digital Power 18 mW (1.5V)
FOM 330 fJ/conv
Active Area 0.45mm2
Technology 0.13µm IBM CMOS
Table 4.1: performance summary of the prototype ADC.
F OM ≡ . (4.1)
2 × fBW × 2EN OB
The prototype ADC dissipates 87 mW from a 1.5V supply, with the analog and
digital supplies drawing roughly 46 mA and 12 mA, respectively. Although there
is no direct way to measure the subsystem current, bias currents indicate that the
DAC’s consume 15 mA, the operational amplifiers consume 30 mA, and the VCO
consumes less than 1 mA. Simulations indicate that the data-weighted averaging
logic comprises the majority (> 75%) of the digital power dissipation due to the use
of current mode logic in the accumulator, with VCO phase quantizer flip-flops and
clock generation/distribution circuits comprising the remainder.
The SNR and SNDR versus input amplitude curves are shown in Figure 4-3. For
these measurements, the input tone frequency is 2 MHz, the analog bandwidth is
20 MHz, and the sample rate is 900 MHz. For a -2.4 dBFS input tone, the ADC
achieves a peak SNR of 81.2 dB and a peak SNDR of 78.1 dB (12.7 ENOB, FOM ≈
330 fJ/conv).
A fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the ADC output with a 2 MHz input signal at
-2.4 dBFS is shown in Figure 4-4. Fourth-order quantization noise shaping is visible
in the frequency range from 20 MHz to 70 MHz, and peaks locally at 70 MHz due to
a phase margin degrading parasitic pole at the loop filter output summing junction.
SNDR (20 MHz)
SNR (20 MHz)
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Input Amplitude (dBFS)
Behavioral simulations suggest that the tones appearing in the 200-250 MHz range
and centered at 225 MHz ( F4s ) are most likely due to the phase detector reference
clock signal and the VCO output phases parasitically coupling into the VCO control
node. Fortunately, these tones are far out of band and did not affect the resolution
or stability of the ADC.
Note the slight increase in the noise floor in the 5-20 MHz range, as well as the
presence of even and odd order distortion tones (present even with no input power).
Both of these artifacts are most likely caused by mismatches in the DAC unit element
currents and switching transients. As was predicted in the behavioral model, the first-
order shaped unit-element mismatch noise power tends to rise above the thermal noise
floor in the 5-20 MHz frequency range, resulting in a degraded SNR. At the same time,
mismatches in the NRZ DAC switching transients cause greater ISI error, leading to
inband distortion tones similar to those encountered in measurement. Indeed, varying
the supply voltage of the buffers that drive the DAC switches provided some empirical
evidence of ISI, as any deviations consistently resulted in worsened inband distortion.
While these results indicate that the SNDR of the converter could be improved by
Ampltiude (dB)
5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4-4: 100,000 point FFT plot generated from the measured output data stream
of the prototype ADC.
using a DAC structure that has better matching and is more robust to ISI, they
more importantly demonstrate that the proposed architecture is robust to the VCO
Kv non-linearity that limited the resolution of prior voltage-to-frequency VCO-based
A comparison of the measured results of this work with other CT ∆Σ ADC’s
operating at a sample rate above 250 MHz is shown in Table 4.2. The 80 dB SNR
and 78 dB SNDR of this work shows that VCO-based ADC’s can be leveraged in
high performance applications, and that the non-linearity of the VCO Kv curve is
not a limiting factor to achieving such performance. Continued device scaling should
improve the power efficiency of the entire structure, as full-swing static CMOS can
replace the power hungry pseudo NMOS logic, yielding greater than 50% reduction
in digital power consumption. At the same time, a more optimized opamp design
can likely yield greater than 10% reduction in the overall analog power consumption.
Indeed, equivalent performance with near 50 mW power consumption may be possible
by simply scaling the design to the next technology node.
Ref. Fs (MHz) BW (MHz) SNR (dB) SNDR (dB) Power (mW)
[61] 276 23 70 69 46
[10] 340 20 71 69 56
[45] 400 12 64 61 70
[50] 640 10 72 66 7.5
[36] 640 20 76 74 20
[49] 1000 8 63 63 10
[55] 950 20 75 67 40
This work 900 20 81 78 87
Table 4.2: comparison of recent CT ∆Σ ADC’s with similar input bandwidths and
Chapter 5
Future Directions
The measured results from the previous chapter suggested that the prototype ADC’s
resolution was most likely limited by ISI from the main feedback DAC. This suspicion
was also confirmed through behavioral simulation, which showed that the proposed
architecture’s primary limitation to achieving > 13 ENOB performance was mismatch
and ISI in the feedback DAC’s. At the same time, behavioral modeling of the opamp’s
non-linearity showed that the amplifiers needed to achieve unity-gain bandwidths
that were at least four times that of the sampling frequency in order to suppress
quantization noise-folding effects—a challenging requirement to meet in the 0.13 µm
The circuit design portion of the thesis revealed that while the proposed explicit
DWA implementation could significantly relax timing constraints, performing the
thermometer-to-binary conversion and binary accumulation still presented a bottle-
neck. As a result, the 0.13 µm prototype required a more power-intensive pseudo
NMOS implementation for these digital blocks in order to have sufficient timing mar-
gins. Although simulations indicated that future technology nodes (i.e., 90nm, 65nm)
could perform the necessary computation with full-swing static logic, the ability to
increase the DWA beyond 4-bit and/or increase the sample rate beyond 900 MHz
using the proposed architecture could still be a major challenge, despite the benefits
of scaling.
With these issues in mind, the first half of this chapter will suggest improvements
to the proposed architecture that will extend the converter’s resolution to > 13 ENOB.
In particular, a more linear DAC structure that eliminates ISI code-dependency will
be introduced, as will a faster DWA implementation that shows promise of enabling 5-
6 bit DWA using full-swing logic in the 90 nm and 65 nm nodes. The second half of this
chapter will discuss how the characteristics of the analog-intensive blocks (opamps,
DAC’s) of the proposed ADC will scale with technology through a comparative study
of the IBM 130nm, 90nm and 65nm nodes. As will be seen in the following analysis,
the overall power-efficiency of the architecture will improve with scaling despite the
poorer analog characteristics of devices in future nodes.
As discussed earlier in this thesis, transient mismatches (ISI) in the main NRZ feed-
back DAC generate distortion tones in the ADC output spectrum due to the signal
dependency of the ISI error. This was confirmed both in behavioral simulation and
in measurements, and suggested that a more linear DAC structure was needed for
the converter to achieve its true SNR-limited resolution. While the RZ DAC could
generate waveforms that were robust to ISI, it was highly sensitive to clock jitter and
presented large pulsing transients to the inputs of the opamp integrator, exacerbating
the impact of amplifier non-linearity and finite gain-bandwidth.
Fortunately, a simple yet highly linear DAC structure that is robust to ISI error
was proposed in [2], and is shown in Figure 5-1. This dual return-to-zero (DRZ) DAC
structure breaks the signal dependency of ISI errors in the NRZ DAC by forcing all
switching devices to transition during each sample period. Indeed, the output wave-
form generated by the DRZ DAC essentially mimics two time-interleaved RZ DAC
waveforms, which when summed together, resemble the equivalent NRZ waveform,
but with the RZ switching transients evident at the rising and falling edges of the
Figure 5-1: behavioral simulated waveforms of a 3-bit DRZ DAC. Note that since all
switching devices experience a constant transition density, the DRZ DAC does not
exhibit any code-dependent ISI.
The resemblance of the DRZ DAC’s output waveform to that of an NRZ carries
additional benefits. First the DRZ output waveform is more continuous than the
RZ waveform, and therefore will enable opamp unity-gain bandwidth and settling
specifications similar to those in an NRZ DAC-based implementation. Secondly, the
DRZ DAC waveform will benefit from the same clock-jitter rejection that the NRZ
DAC enjoys, since jitter will only affect the LSB’s in the DAC code that differ from
sample to sample.
The only significant penalty of the DRZ scheme is the doubling of the bandwidths
of the DAC switching waveforms, which require fast latching and reset signals. Fur-
thermore, perturbations on the tail node of the DAC unit element must be minimized
since the settling time of a large disturbance can easily exceed the half-sample period
of the DRZ waveform. Fortunately, such disturbances can be greatly minimized by
designing the DAC switching waveforms to have a strong pull-up edge and slower
pull-down edge, as was discussed earlier in this thesis.
The complete DRZ DAC signal path is shown in Figure 5-2, and plots generated
from transistor-level simulations of the unit element output current and latch switch-
ing waveforms are shown in Figure 5-3. As was the case for the NRZ DAC, circuitry
is needed to retime the DAC waveform as well as to generate the differential outputs
to drive the DAC switching devices. But unlike the differential flip-flop structure
used in the NRZ DAC, the DRZ latch has four outputs to drive the four inputs of
the DRZ DAC unit element. Furthermore, a given differential output pair must al-
ternately latch the input data and reset itself depending on the phase of the clock
signal. Consequently, a slightly more sophisticated latch structure is required.
The impact of ISI on the DRZ DAC can be easily quantified through behavioral
simulation. The behavioral model for the DRZ DAC is shown in Figures 5-4, 5-5 and
5-6, and comprises N-sets of 8 filters to describe the different rise/fall transients for
each switch in the two differential pairs of an N-element current-steering DRZ DAC.
While all filters share the same nominal frequency response, the exact pole/zero
locations for each filter are purposely varied in a Monte Carlo fashion. Consequently,
each filter exhibits different switching transients with variable amounts of peaking
Figure 5-2: the DRZ DAC signal path and key circuit blocks.
Figure 5-3: transistor-level simulated switching waveforms of 1 unit-element in the
Table 5.1: simulated SNR and SNDR average and standard deviation assuming an
NRZ/DRZ DAC implementation with 1σmm,tran = 3%, 4%, and 5%.
Figure 5-4: ISI model for one unit element of an N-element DRZ DAC depicting a
“0” to “1” transition at the rising edge of clock.
Figure 5-5: ISI model for one unit element of an N-element DRZ DAC depicting the
passing of the “1” value from the first switching pair (M1,M2) to the second switching
pair (M3,M4).
Figure 5-6: ISI model for one unit element of an N-element DRZ DAC depicting a
“1” to “0” transition at the next rising edge of clock.
5.1.2 Going Beyond a 4-bit Quantizer/DAC
The previous section demonstrated that the DRZ DAC was robust to ISI, enabling
the prototype ADC architecture to achieve close to ideal SNR-limited resolution (13
ENOB). However, for the given architecture to achieve higher resolution, the quanti-
zation noise floor must be lowered further. This can be accomplished by increasing
the number of bits in the quantizer/DAC. Of course, this carries the penalty of a more
complicated DWA structure that may not meet timing for the given sample rate if
implemented as described earlier in this thesis. Fortunately, efforts in developing this
thesis have engendered new ideas for faster DWA implementations. Indeed, the next
section will show that even 6-bit DWA using full-swing logic may be possible in the
next technology node.
Table 5.2 shows the simulated SNR and SNDR average and standard deviation
assuming a 4-bit and 5-bit quantizer/DAC implementation for the proposed ADC
architecture. The simulated results are further separated according to the specific
DAC structure (NRZ or DRZ) to quantify the architecture’s sensitivity to ISI. It is
assumed in these simulations that the unit element and transient mismatches for the
DAC’s are the same as those for the implemented 4-bit prototype ADC.
4-bit 5-bit
µSN R (dB) 82.9 83.0 87.0 86.9
σSN R (dB) 3.9 1.1 0.6 0.5
µSN DR (dB) 78.3 81.9 82.6 85.8
σSN DR (dB) 3.8 1.0 3.9 0.4
Table 5.2: simulated SNR and SNDR average and standard deviation assuming a
4-bit and 5-bit quantizer and NRZ/DRZ DAC.
As the simulations show, close to 14 ENOB can be obtained with a 5-bit quan-
tizer and DRZ DAC implementation. Furthermore, the advantage of using the DRZ
signaling scheme over NRZ is clear, as it improves the SNDR by 1.3 dB and reduces
the variation in SNDR by more than a factor of 2. The next section now concerns
implementing a more timing efficient DWA architecture that can enable scaling of the
quantizer/DAC bits to achieve higher resolution.
5.1.3 A Faster DWA Implementation
While scaling enables faster digital gates, the DWA implementation proposed earlier
in this thesis suffers from a rapidly growing gate delay in the thermometer-to-binary
converter and binary accumulator as the number of quantization bits increases (see
Table 5.3). Consequently, while scaling the proposed 4-bit DWA implementation to
90 nm enables the use of full-swing logic, a 5-bit DWA implementation using full-
swing logic may not be possible unless the design is scaled to the 65 nm node. At the
same time, if the sample rate is increased further, performing 5-bit DWA using full-
swing logic in 65 nm may no longer be feasible. Consequently, a more timing efficient
DWA implementation that better leverages the benefits of scaling is desirable.
The proposed DWA architecture with greater timing efficiency is shown in Figure
5-7. Note that for simplicity, a 3-bit implementation is shown, though the ultimate
purpose is to scale this architecture up to 4, 5, or even 6 bits, depending on the
technology and the sample rate. The key innovation in this architecture is to eliminate
the thermometer-to-binary converter and binary accumulator from the DWA feedback
path by having the barrel shift accumulate the thermometer encoded DWA pointer.
Since the DWA will unidirectionally rotate through the unit elements, simple logic
can compare adjacent thermometer code bits to determine where the current DWA
code has ended (denoted by the juxtaposition of a 1,0 transition), and therefore where
the next DWA code should begin. As long as the input to the DWA is greater than or
equal to 1, the logic will correctly determine where the transition has occurred in the
thermometer code, enabling the equivalent binary code to be easily determined with
Zero Detect ROM
φ5 dwa5
dwa3 Array
Latch Array
Latch DFF
a simple ROM. The resulting binary code then controls the barrel shift to generate
the next DWA code.
While the ROM could be implemented using a resistive pull up, such an imple-
mentation would dissipate static power. Instead, a lower-power dynamic ROM that
calculates the binary code during the high phase of clock, and resets the outputs dur-
ing the low phase of clock can be implemented. Latches that are transparent during
the high phase of clock, but latch during the low phase of clock can then be used
to hold the calculated binary code during the ROM reset. Note that if a zero input
thermometer code is fed into the barrel shift, the transition detecting logic should
not update the pointer. However, the implementation in Figure 5-7 will attempt to
reset the barrel shift control signal to zero, resulting in a loss of the first-order noise-
shaping DWA sequence. To prevent that from happening, a zero detecting circuit is
leveraged to gate the clock signal to the latch array, such that the DWA pointer is
Interestingly, the timing constraint for the path from the VCO quantizer and
phase detector logic output through the barrel shift to the retiming DAC latches is
the same as it was in the prototype ADC:
where tpd,bs is the propagation through the barrel shift, tclk2q is the clock-to-Q delay of
the VCO quantizer, tpd,det is the propagation delay through the phase detection logic,
and tsh,dac is the setup-and-hold time of the DAC retiming latch. A similar timing
constraint concerns the timing path from the VCO quantizer and phase detector logic
through the barrel shift and the transition detecting logic to the DFF array:
where tpd,logic is the propagation delay through the transition detecting logic, and
tsh,df f is the setup-and-hold time of the D-flop-flop array. Practically speaking, the
timing constraints of Equations 5.1 and 5.2 are almost identical. The timing bottle-
neck in the proposed DWA architecture occurs in the DWA feedback path:
where tclk2q,df f is the clock-to-Q delay of the DFF array, and tpd,rom , tpd,lat , and tpd,lat2bs
are the propagation delays of the ROM, latch, and latch-to-barrel shift, respectively.
Extracted simulations from the prototype ADC suggest that:
Consequently, the excess timing penalty encountered in the DWA feedback path is pri-
marily due to the ROM propagation delay (tpd,rom ). Indeed, the key design challenge
in this DWA architecture concerns how fast of a ROM can be built. Nevertheless,
this ROM timing constraint will be significantly easier to meet that that of an N-bit
adder and accumulator.
A key challenge in scaling the proposed CT ∆Σ ADC architecture concerns the ease
with which opamps can be designed in future technology nodes. Indeed, previous
chapters showed that the opamps consumed the majority of the analog power (>
70%), which was necessary to achieve wide unity-gain bandwidths (> 3.5 GHz) and
low input-referred noise (< 6e−18 V 2 /Hz).
Fortunately, some improvements can be made to the opamp topology that would
enable potentially lower noise and wider unity-gain bandwidths. The suggested topol-
ogy, shown in Figure 5-8, leverages PMOS’s as the input devices due to their lower
flicker noise, and utilizes a class AB output stage to push the opamp parasitic poles
to higher frequency. This latter benefit is possible since:
Figure 5-8: schematic of a 3-stage nested Miller opamp with PMOS input devices for
lower flicker noise, and a class AB output stage for higher unity-gain bandwidth .
gm,M N 1 + gm,M P 1
fpar ≈ (5.5)
That is, the class AB output stage effectively allows for a doubling of the output
transconductance for a given bias current compared to the class A stage, leading to
greater power efficiency.
Using this improved topology, the opamp power dissipation in other technology
nodes can now be estimated. For simplicity, the following assumptions are made in
all the presented transistor-level simulation results:
1. Only the power of the input and output devices are considered
2. The device length is 1.5 × Lmin for the input devices, but is equal to Lmin for
the output devices
3. The desired noise performance for the main PMOS input devices (MP3, MP4)
is 6e−11 V 2 in a 20 MHz bandwidth
The first assumption serves a practical purpose in that the power dissipation of
the intermediate stages is typically a fraction (< 50%) of the power of the input and
output stages. At the same time, the number of stages will depend on the desired
opamp DC gain as well as the intrinsic gain of the transistors in a given technology.
The second assumption is based on the observation that the simulated transistor
flicker noise in a given technology reduces by a substantial amount when the minimum
device length is increased by just 50%. Longer devices are permissible since the input
stages are designed to have low-frequency dominant poles and therefore do not need
to operate as quickly as the output stage. However, since the noise contribution of
the output stage is negligible, minimum device lengths are used for the higher device
fT . The desired noise specification in the third assumption is simply half of the
simulated noise of the first opamp integrator in the prototype ADC. In that design,
it was found that the total opamp noise tended to be approximately twice that of
the main input devices. The final assumption is based on the behavioral modeling of
the opamp, which showed that the parasitic poles needed to be at least 7-8 GHz for
the nested Miller amplifier to achieve a 4 GHz unity-gain bandwidth with adequate
phase margin.
65 nm 90 nm 130 nm
30 60 90 30 60 90 30 60 90
Area 48.48 50.76 55.61 42.65 53.58 67.25 142.59 246.40 349.07
(µm2 )
Cgate 354 356 380 373 444 710 437 710 970
g m ro 13.1 12.3 11.9 19.1 18.7 18.2 13.2 12.8 12.6
Ibias,in 1.70 0.89 0.65 0.78 0.49 0.41 1.25 1.08 1.02
Table 5.4: device area and power needed to achieve desired noise performance of
3e−11 V 2 in IBM’s 130 nm, 90 nm, and 65 nm technologies
(L = 1.5 × Lmin ) for a
multi-fingered PMOS with different aspect ratios, L . The corresponding gate
capacitance and transistor intrinsic gain for each of these points are also quoted.
Table 5.4 details the device area and power needed to achieve the desired noise
performance in IBM’s 130 nm, 90 nm, and 65 nm technologies assuming a multi-
fingered PMOS with three different aspect ratios: L P,in
= 30, 60 and 90. As
expected, a device with a larger aspect ratio results in a larger transconductance
and lower input-referred noise. Consequently, fewer fingers and less bias current are
needed to achieve the desired noise specification, though at the price of a larger gate
capacitance, which effectively loads the class AB output stage. To maintain the
desired unity-gain bandwidth, the class AB output stage will have to dissipate more
power, thus highlighting a unique tradeoff in the power consumption of the input and
output stages. As will be seen shortly, this tradeoff is not necessarily one-for-one, and
enables some degree of optimization in the amplifier’s design.
Finally, note that Table 5.4 also quotes the intrinsic gain (gm ro ) of the transistors
to provide some insight on the number of stages needed to achieve a desired DC gain.
Cascoding can be used to boost the output impedances of a given gain stage, as was
done in Figure 5-8. Nevertheless, a feed-forward path in parallel with a given gain
stage will in general degrade the total impedance, resulting in a lower intrinsic gain.
Consequently, to achieve a DC gain of at least 1000, four gain stages may be necessary
in the 65 nm and 130 nm nodes, while three gain stages may be sufficient in the 90
nm node.
65 nm 90 nm 130 nm
30 60 90 30 60 90 30 60 90
CL (fF) 825 827 856 848 933 1050 925 1250 1570
gm,tot (mS) 41.5 41.6 43.0 42.6 46.9 52.8 46.5 62.8 78.9
Area 20.28 20.45 20.96 40.18 44.06 49.57 87.88 118.98 149.40
(µm2 )
Ibias,o (mA) 1.20 1.21 1.24 1.24 1.36 1.53 1.30 1.76 2.21
Table 5.5: NMOS and PMOS device area and power needed to achieve parasitic pole
frequency of 8 GHz in IBM’s 130 nm, 90 nm, 65 nm technologies (L = Lmin )
assuming different input device aspect ratios L . Note that the aspect ratios of
the multi-finger output devices are fixed: L
= 10 and L
= 30
N,o P,o
Power and area estimates for the class AB output stage in each of the technology
nodes are shown in Table 5.5. In these simulations, the number of fingers and the
applied bias current to the NMOS/PMOS (L = Lmin , W
= 10, W
= 30)
MN1 MP 1
are scaled such that their total transconductance will be large enough to move the
parasitic pole to the desired frequency fpar (8 GHz). In other words, the area and
power are scaled such that:
As previously mentioned, the total load capacitance depends on the total input
device capacitance as well as any other device and wiring capacitances from a DAC
tied to the opamp inputs. The opamp design in the prototype ADC found that
a conservative estimate for the total gate capacitance was approximately 1.2 times
that of the first stage input device (though this factor will scale with the actual
number of gain stages in the nested Miller amplifier). Furthermore, the DAC design
and extracted layout revealed that a conservative estimate for its device and wiring
capacitances was roughly 400 fF. Consequently, the total load capacitance can be
approximated as:
The total bias current needed for the input device and the class AB output devices,
as well as the relative breakdown between the two stages, is shown in Table 5.6. The
aspect ratio that yields the lowest power dissipation for a given technology node is in
boldface text. Note that the quoted total bias current (Ibias,tot ) is twice the sum of
the input and output stage currents to account for the differential input and output
of the amplifier. Also note that for simplicity this total does not include estimates of
the power of the intermediate stages.
As can be seen from the results in Table 5.6, amplifiers designed in the more
deeply scaled technologies (i.e., 65 nm and 90 nm) are more power efficient when the
input device aspect ratios are increased since the input stage bias current needed to
achieve the noise specification decreases proportionately. Although the larger aspect
ratios carry the penalty of an increased load capacitance to the output stage, it is still
smaller than the gate capacitance of a 0.13µm device with an equivalent aspect ratio.
65 nm 90 nm 130 nm
30 60 90 30 60 90 30 60 90
Ibias,in 1.70 0.89 0.65 0.78 0.49 0.41 1.25 1.08 1.02
Ibias,o 1.20 1.21 1.24 1.24 1.36 1.53 1.3 1.76 2.21
Ibias,tot 5.80 4.18 3.78 4.04 3.70 3.88 5.10 5.68 6.46
Table 5.6: the bias current required for the input PMOS device (Ibias,inp ), the output
class AB NMOS/PMOS devices (Ibias,o ), and the corresponding total (Ibias,tot ). Note
that these currents are for one side of a differential pair/path, and therefore, the total
current will be at least twice the amount shown. Also note that the currents for the
intermediate stages of the nested Miller amplifier are not included in this analysis.
A graphical view of the preceding analysis that considers additional input device
aspect ratios is shown in Figure 5-9. These trend lines further support the notion
that for a given noise and unity-gain bandwidth specification, the power efficiency of
the nested Miller amplifier improves as the CMOS technology scales to the 90 nm
and 65 nm nodes, compared to the 130 nm node.
130 nm
90 nm
65 nm
Total Bias Current (A)
1 2
10 10
Aspect Ratio (W/L)p,in
Figure 5-9: amplifier power dissipation as a function of the aspect ratio of the input
PMOS devices.
stage bias current is sufficiently large to ensure linear settling during normal operation.
As was mentioned earlier in this thesis, the effect of finite DAC output resistance can
largely be ignored when the unit-element output resistance exceeds 30 kΩ. When
scaling the DAC design in future technology nodes, the ultimate issue that must be
considered is how easily the minimum output resistance target can be met while still
meeting the DAC’s strict noise benchmark.
Table 5.7: simulated DAC unit-element output resistances, device area, and mismatch
in IBM’s 65 nm, 90nm, and 130 nm nodes, assuming a gate length of L = Lmin , 1.5 ×
Lmin , and 2 × Lmin .
To that end, the implemented topology for the main feedback DAC was simulated
in IBM’s 65nm, 90nm and 130nm technologies (see Table 5.7). While maintaining
aspect ratios similar to those in the prototype ADC, the number of parallel devices (or
fingers) were swept until they met the specified noise target, and the output resistance,
total device area, and mismatch quoted at this point. Note that the total device area
is quoted for all 16 unit elements and assumes the cascoded structure with resistive
degeneration. Also note that the simulations for the 65nm and 90nm implementation
assume a 1.2 V supply (VCM = 0.6V ), while the 130nm node simulation assumes a
1.5 V supply (VCM = 0.75V ). The power supply assumptions for the 90nm and 65nm
are merited as the majority of recently published high performance ADC’s fabricated
in these technologies still operate on a 1.2 V supply to relax headroom constraints
[8, 43, 54, 53, 9].
As the simulation results show, even minimum length devices in any of the tech-
nology nodes will be able to meet the minimum target output resistance of 30 kΩ,
which suggests that the scaled DAC topology will not require fundamental changes.
However, there still is an advantage to using non-minimum device lengths, aside from
the increase in nominal output resistance. As shown in the last column of Table 5.7,
using a 50% larger gate length enables the unit-element mismatch to fall below 1%
in every technology node, with even longer gate lengths exhibiting a greater degree
of matching. Notice, however, that this high degree of matching is largely due to the
degeneration resistors in the DAC unit element. Indeed, if a DAC structure without
the resistive degeneration were adopted, the unit element mismatch could easily ap-
proach 3-4%, even if the gate length were a factor of two larger than the minimum
Chapter 6
In this thesis, a new VCO-based ADC architecture that avoided signal distortion
issues that had limited the resolution of previously published VCO-based ADC’s
was demonstrated. A key contribution of this work was the discovery that directly
leveraging the VCO’s quantized phase precluded the need to span the entire non-linear
voltage-to-frequency (Kv ) characteristic. Instead, small deviations at the VCO’s input
could shift the output phase substantially, enabling the entire dynamic range of this
VCO integrator and quantizer to be exercised without incurring serious distortion.
Through the example of a 1st -order CT ∆Σ, it was shown that the proposed voltage-
to-phase VCO-based ADC nearly eliminated the distortion that had riddled prior
voltage-to-frequency VCO-based ADC’s, enabling ideal SNR-limited resolution.
To show the viability of the proposed VCO-based ADC in high-performance com-
munications applications, a prototype 4th -order CT ∆Σ ADC leveraging the VCO
as an integrator and quantizer was implemented in a 0.13µm CMOS technology, and
achieved approximately 13 ENOB (78.1 dB SNDR, 81.2 dB SNR) in 20 MHz of signal
bandwidth while consuming 87 mW from a 1.5V supply. The prototype also included
a scheme for performing DEM on all feedback DAC’s, an essential contribution that
enabled the proposed architecture to achieve > 12 ENOB.
A third major contribution of this thesis was the behavioral model developed
to analyze the proposed ADC architecture, as well as to determine its robustness
to circuit non-idealities. Through this effort, it was discovered that the proposed
architecture’s primary limitation to achieving > 13 ENOB performance was mismatch
and ISI in the main NRZ feedback DAC. At the same time, behavioral modeling of the
opamp’s non-linearity revealed that the amplifiers needed to achieve a higher unity-
gain bandwidth than predicted by a simple linear opamp model in order suppress
quantization noise folding effects.
The final major contribution of this thesis involved the analysis of a more linear
DAC structure through behavioral simulation, which found that the Dual Return-to-
Zero (DRZ) DAC [2] could significantly reduce distortion caused by code dependent
ISI errors, enabling close to ideal SNR-limited resolution. At the same time, a new
DWA algorithm that has the potential to increase the number of bits processed in the
same sample period while using full-swing logic was also described. Indeed, both of
these architectural changes suggest that the proposed VCO-based ADC architecture
can be modified easily to achieve close to 14 ENOB performance.
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