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Case 01: Reformed Hacker?

According to John Markoff’s ‘‘Odyssey of a Hacker: From Outlaw to Consultant,’’ John T. Draper is attempting to
become a ‘‘white-hat’’ hacker as a way of repaying society for previous wrong doing. In the early 1970s, Draper
became known as ‘‘Cap’n Crunch’’ after discovering how to use a toy whistle in the Cap’n Crunch cereal box to
access the telephone network in order to get free telephone calls.
While serving time in jail for his misdeeds, he came up with the early design for EasyWriter, IBM’s first word-
processing program for its first PC in 1981. However, says Markoff, in subsequent years Draper used his skills to
hack into computer networks, became a millionaire, lost jobs, and experienced homelessness.
Now, however, Draper has been enlisted to help operate an Internet security software and consulting firm that
specializes in protecting the online property of corporations. Draper says, ‘‘I’m not a bad guy.’’ However, realizing
there are bound to be doubters, he adds, ‘‘But I’m being treated like a fox trying to guard the hen house.’’ SRI
International’s computer security expert Peter Neumann summarizes the concern:
“Whether black hats can become white hats is not a black-and-white question. In general, there are quite a few
black hats who have gone straight and become very effective. But the simplistic idea that hiring overtly black-hat
folks will increase your security is clearly a myth.”
Discuss the ethical issues this case raises. What might reasonably convince doubters that Draper has, indeed,

reformed? Are customers of the consulting firm entitled to know about Draper’s history and his role at the firm?

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Ans: In this reformed hacker case, the ethical issue raise was about John T. Draper

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wrong doing to society. First he used toy whistle from cereal box to access the

telephone network in order to get free telephone calls then many times he hacked
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into computer networking and lost his job and home. However there few things he
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did which reformed him. He designed first IBM word-processing program and also
worked for other firms in computer networking; which shows that Draper has

indeed reformed. According to me, customers of the consulting firms should know
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about the draper history and his role at firm because he was a thief before and even
after going to jail for misdeed he also used his hacker trick into other firms and
destroyed his career. Due to all his criminal activity, he shouldn’t be trusted.
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In this case, the ethical issue raise was about John T. Draper wrong doing to
society. Notwithstanding he used toy yell from grain box to get to the telephone

organize to get free telephone calls then generally he hacked into PC frameworks

affiliation and lost his occupation and home. However there couple of things he did
which enhanced him. He illustrated out first IBM word-get ready program

additionally worked for various firms in PC managing; which demonstrates that

Draper has certainly changed. As demonstrated by me, customers of the organizing
firms should consider the draper history and his part at firm since he was a cheat
before and even in the wake of going to restrict for wrongdoing he additionally

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used his item configuration trap into various firms and destroyed his occupation. In
light of all his criminal activity, he shouldn't be trusted.

Case 02: Software for a Library

A small library seeks a software system to catalogue its collection and
keep records of materials checked out of the library. Currently, the
records of who has checked out what, when materials are due, and the
like are kept in a file drawer behind the check-out desk. These records
are confidential. Patrons are assured that these records are not
accessible to anyone other than library personnel. But, of course,
drawers can be opened when no one is looking.

What assurance is there that the software systems under consideration

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will provide as much, if not greater, security? If no one in the library is a

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software specialist, the library has no alternative but to place its trust in

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someone who presumably has the requisite expertise. How concerned
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should that expert be (again, bearing in mind that even the best system
is not completely sleuth proof)? Furthermore, what assurance has the

library that it is not being oversold or undersold in general? To what

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extent should software specialists be concerned with determining

precisely what the various needs of the library are—and to try to meet
those needs rather than offer more than is necessary to secure greater
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profit or less than is needed to come in with a lower bid?

Ans: In the case the library seeks for a software system which can

provide high security of confidential documents and it will be reliable


software. Before confidential data of the library were kept manually in a

file drawer which was not fully secured because anyone could see the

documents when there is no one in the desk. If document keeping

system become software based then there will be added some security
on the software that anyone can’t see the confidential records so easily.
Though there are some issues of software security but if the software is

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maintained properly with encrypted password system the confidential
document will be able to keep secure and if new operator appointment
is necessary for the software operation the operator should be

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