Module 4 Instructional Planning - Delivery
Module 4 Instructional Planning - Delivery
Module 4 Instructional Planning - Delivery
Computer based
Development of varied skills through
Laboratory Experiences
To perform such and similar
activities, what a teacher is
supposed to do?
9 10
Effective Curriculum Implementation
Learning Outcome Curve (Joshua & Gupta, 2017) Instructional
the whole range of
Expert (PEO) planned activities
Expert/ Proficiency emphasizes on
Competency at
Threshold Level
(PO/PSO Level)
Attainment of
Practical and
Social skills for active used by the
3/4 Years in 5-10 Years in
the Institute workplace engagement of teacher
Module Outcomes
2 4 11
Activities and
Module 4
3 2 14
4 4 11 Outcomes
3 0
Lessons Video Activities Assignments
4 6 29
Unit 1: Curriculum analysis for session planning Unit 1: Curriculum analysis
Unit Outcomes for session planning
1. Interpret the curriculum to identify the learning Lessons
outcomes vis-a-vis contents for the courses. L1 Curriculum Analysis
2. Prepare the concept map/ spray diagram to correlate L2 Mapping for Curriculum Analysis
the learning outcomes of different domains with the L3 Strategies for Teaching Elements
content of a given course. of Content Analysis
3. Suggest strategies for teaching different elements of
L4 Learning Principles and Events of
content analysis.
4. Correlate ‘Events of Instruction’ with ‘Principles of
Learning’. 31 32
map using
Open Source
information IHMC
or facts CmapTools Proposition
Content Principles,
Analysis rules, laws
Unit 2: Instructional Methods and Strategies- Part 1
Instruction can be defined as
"the purposeful direction of the learning process" and
is one of the major teacher class activities along
Unit 2: Instructional Methods and
with planning and management.
Strategies- Part 1
Unit 2: Activity and assignment based Unit 3: Instructional Methods and Strategies- Part 2
evidences Unit Outcomes
1. Describe the characteristics of advanced
Sl. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by instructional methods.
No. Inductee Teacher 2. Select appropriate instructional methods and
1 Prepare a list of practical outcomes which can strategies in view of the learning outcomes to
be achieved through laboratory work with be achieved.
justification 3. Plan to incorporate blended and flipped
learning approach to develop learning
49 50
Unit 3: Activity and assignment based evidences Unit 3: Activity and assignment based evidences
Sl. No. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher Sl. No. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher
1 Suggest three topics related to your curriculum for 5 Formulate learning outcomes in the three domains to be
organizing panel discussion with justification. (In about 100 achieved through industrial visit related to the selected
words each) courses
2 Design an educational game to fulfil the curriculum 6 Formulate/ choose learning outcome(s) for any selected
outcomes of the course course and suggest the relevant instructional methods with
3 Select a topic for group discussion and identify the criteria, justification for your selection. Suggest topics for
and the specific activities that are to be performed by the demonstration.
students before, during and after the discussion 7 Prepare an activity plan to incorporate blended and flipped
4 Suggest three titles each for a micro-project and capstone Learning approach to develop a learning outcome
project. For any one of the projects, state the broad
activities expected from students 53 54
Unit 4: Instructional Media Unit 4: Instructional Media
Unit Outcomes Lessons
1. Identify relevant instructional media based
L11 Need for Instructional Media
on the emerging trends for the given
teaching learning situation. L12 Classification of Media
2. Classify instructional media. L13 Design of Handouts, Assignments
3. Design print and non-print instructional and Laboratory Worksheets
media. L14 Media Design Principles and Effective
4. Use chalk board and interactive board Board Work
55 56
Dual-channels: Separate information processing
Human Information channels are there for visual & verbal material.
Processing System
Limited capacity: People pay attention to only a few
pieces of information in each channel at a time.
Active processing: People understand, when they
Limited Dual Channels Active Processing pay attention to the relevant material, organize it
Capacity into a coherent mental structure, & integrate it with
Mayer (2001) their prior knowledge.
Dr. S. S. Kedar, Associate Professor & Head, DMRDE, NITTTR, Bhopal Dr. S. S. Kedar, Associate Professor & Head, DMRDE, NITTTR, Bhopal
Selecting Organising
“People learn more when appropriate pictures
images images
are added to text than from text only”
Long Term Memory knowledge
Dr. S. S. Kedar, Associate Professor & Head, DMRDE, NITTTR, Bhopal
Lathe Machine
2 3 4
2. Spatial Contiguity Principle- 5
1. Head Stock
“People learn better when corresponding 2. Chuck
words and pictures are presented near than far 3. Tool Post
4. Tail Stock
from each other on the page or screen” 9 8 7 6 5. Bed
6. Lead Screw
7. Carriage
8. Feed Shaft
9. Feed Selector
Lathe Machine
Chuck Tail
Tool Post
Head Stock 3. Temporal Contiguity Principle –
“People learn better when corresponding
words & pictures are presented simultaneously
rather than successively”
Feed Lead Temporal means with respect to time.
Shaft Carriag Scre
e w
Jaws Tightening
In place of showing picture and subtitles of
Scale parts in succession you must show them
simultaneously to maximize learning.
g Screw Depth
Display picture and part
Vernie probe or subtitles together
r Scale Rod
Jaws Tightening
Screw Main
4. Coherence Principle –
“People learn better when extraneous words,
pictures, and sounds are excluded rather than
g Screw Depth
Vernie probe or The word extraneous means irrelevant.
r Scale Rod
Unit 4: Activity and assignment based evidences Unit 5: Instructional Plan Preparation
Sl. No. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher Unit Outcomes
1 A list of media equipment such as interactive display,
interactive board, interactive panel and pad, multimedia 1. Prepare session plan to achieve the
projector, Opaque projector, etc. with broad specifications. specified learning outcomes in different
2 Prepare a relevant handout to support the classroom
session, an assignment and a laboratory worksheet as per
suggested format 2. Obtain peer feedback on the developed
3 Prepare a computer-based presentation of about 15 slides, session plan.
incorporating all the media elements, design principles and 3. Modify the session plan on the basis of
guidelines on the topic of your choice
feedback received.
77 78
Unit 5: Instructional Plan Preparation Session Plan Preparation
Preliminary steps
L15 Classroom Session Plan Preparation
L16 Feedback Mechanism for
Improvement Main steps, and
L17 Planning for Laboratory and Industry-
Based Instruction Final steps.
79 80
Preliminary steps
Main steps
Choose the topic based on content
analysis. Select appropriate instructional method.
Write the learning outcomes of the Identify teaching points and arrange in
session. logical sequence.
Identify entry level knowledge and skills. Select suitable learning activities.
Select material for session. Decide how learning would be assessed
Gather relevant material.
81 82
Including Gagne’s Nine Events of instruction in session plan
Phases of Session Instructional Events Relations to Learning Processes
Planning Revised Bloom's
Introduction 1. Gaining attention Reception of patterns of neural CREATE - Combines elements to form
impulses (learning material or
Cognitive Domain new entity.
stimulus) Taxonomy EVALUATE - Involves acts of decision making
2. Informing the learner of the Activating the process of executive
objective/ LOs control or judging, based on criteria and rationale.
3. Stimulating recall of Retrieval of prior learning to working ANALYSE - Separates whole into its parts, until
prerequisite learning memory relationship among elements is clear.
Development 4. Presenting the stimulus Emphasizing features of selective
material perception APPLY - Uses information in a situation
5. Providing learning guidance Semantic encoding; cues for retrieval different from original learning context.
6. Eliciting the performance Activating response organization
7. Providing feedback about Establishing reinforcement UNDERSTAND - Interprets, translates, summarizes
performance correctness or paraphrases given information.
Consolidation 8. Assessing the performance Activating retrieval; making
reinforcement possible REMEMBER - Recognition & recall of facts and specifics.
9. Enhancing retention and Providing cues and strategies for
transfer retrieval 85
Revised Bloom's Cognitive Domain Taxonomy Revised Bloom's Cognitive Domain Taxonomy
Taxonomy Verbs that can be used in writing Learning Outcomes Taxonomy Verbs that can be used in writing Learning Outcomes
Level Level
Remember • Arrange, Cite • collect • define • describe • duplicate Apply • apply • calculate • chart • choose • classify • complete • compute
• enumerate • find • identify • locate • memorize • record • construct • contribute • develop • discover • dramatize • employ
• recognize • match • relate • select • name • label • list • experiment • extend • illustrate • implement • instruct • interpret
• modify • operate • participate • practice • predict • show • solve
• order • quote • recall • repeat • reproduce • select • show
• teach • test • use
Understand • Associate • classify • compare • contrast • convert
Analyse • advertise • analyze • break down • categorize • classify • collect
• describe • estimate • explain • extend • generalize • give • compare • connect • contrast • correlate • criticize • diagram
examples • identify • interpret • justify • locate • outline
• differentiate • distinguish • divide • establish • examine • explain
• paraphrase • predict • recognize • report • restate • • identify • illustrate • infer • investigate • order • outline • prioritize •
review • select • summarize • trace • translate question • select • separate • verify
Gronlund, N. E. (1981). Measurement and evaluation in teaching, 4th ed. New York, Macmillan Publishing.
McBeath, R. J., (Ed.). (1992). Instructing and evaluating in higher education: A guidebook for planning learning outcomes. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications
Time Teaching Points Teacher’s Activity Student’s Visual/Any 5E learning model
Activity other
material 5E Learning model
2 INTRODUCTION • Ask why oils are Student PPT.1
used? (For (Rodger W. Bybee, 2006) focuses on the
mins a) Oils used mainly answer showing
as lubricants lubrication) question title of the students’ learning sequence experiences in
• Ask any other linking prior knowledge with new concepts
b) Oils also used Trainees session
purpose (For
for transmitting transmitting answer/que and and the skills.
power, rust power for cooling stion give objectives
prevention as a cutting fluid example
c) Additives added or for rust Here 5E stands for
to oil prevention) Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and
Evaluate (Abell, 2006) .
91 92
5E learning model
Unit 5: Activity and assignment based evidences
93 94
Unit 6: Instructional Delivery Unit 6: Activity and assignment based evidences
Sl. No. Evidences Maintained in E-portfolio files by Inductee Teacher
1 Record your video and submit the recorded video to the
1. Delivering an effective lecture in classroom
2. Introduction to Assignment as a method of
2 Develop an action plan for the next six months in order to
improve your teaching skills, based on the feedback
3. Aspects of Classroom Management- Part 1
provided by mentor, colleagues and self-feedback
(Students Management) 3 Prepare a checklist to ensure the availability of resources
4. Aspects of Classroom Management- Part 2 for effective implementation of the validated laboratory
(Resources and Time Management) session
5. Do’s & Don’ts of Classroom Management- Part 3 4 Prepare one Check list for product and process assessment
6. Instructional planning and delivery each to assess selected tasks/ topics from the course
teacher has taught 98