Professional Ethics and Sustainability: DR S.K Gupta DR Joshua Earnest, NITTTR Bhopal

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Professional Ethics and

Dr S.K Gupta
Dr Joshua Earnest,

During the Phase – I of the FIP,

the inductee teachers are offered eight basic Massive
Open Online Courses (MOOCs) modules through
SWAYAM platform, wherein they are supposed to keep
a record of the activities in an E/portfolio that they
have undertaken to be implemented in Phase – II of
the ‘On-the-Job’ training.


In both the phases of training, the inductee teacher is

expected to work under a mentor (who may be a
senior faculty member) at the institute (or a nearby NIT
or IIT).

During the Phase–II, the inductee teacher

will be teaching at least one theory course
and the laboratory course associated with it
to practically implement the learning
outcomes acquired of the AICTE-NITTT
modules in Phase – I of the FIP, under the
guidance of a mentor.


As a mentor, a teacher offers inductee

teachers an anchor of support in an
often challenging, demanding situations
and a smooth transition from inductee
teacher to an effective professional

to display during the on- the-job-the training

in Phase – II of the FIP


1. Displays the characteristics of

2. Displays characteristics to develop
professional excellence.
3. Displays characteristics to become ‘Guru’ in
place of teacher.
4. Maintains diary of evidences of Guidance
and Counseling to students effectively.

5. Motivates Students for Social Responsible

Works actively as member/leader in
committees supervising NCC/NSS/Green
Club/Poor Students Help Group and such
6. Lives in harmony with self and system.
7. Displays ethical behaviour and positive
attitudes according to professional values.


8. Works for development and improvement

of department/ institute/ Profession.
9. Displays evidences of academic activities for
sustainable development.
10.Displays evidences for concern of
environment protection in personal

Rubrics: tool to assess jobs/tasks completed

“A scoring rubric is a set of ordered categories to
which a given piece of work can be compared. Scoring
rubrics specify the qualities or processes that must be
exhibited in order for a performance to be assigned a
particular evaluating rating”.
Thus a rubric includes list of criteria for assessment of
a particular task or group of tasks with indicators for
different level of performances.


Mentor Checklist
regarding assessment record of mentee

1.Maintained an E-Portfolio of the inductee teachers. 

2.Prepared detailed action plan for the Phase – II the
industrial training and on-the-job training of the

inductee teacher.
3.Maintained assessment record of industrial training

of each inductee teacher using the relevant rubric.
4.Provided feedback on the assignments and activities

completed in 1st phase of the training using respective
module rubrics in the 1st week of the semester of
Phase – II.


5. Conducted orientation programme of Phase – II in the 1st

week of the semester for effective implementation of the
8 modules in an integrated manner during the whole
6. Maintained evidences of the best practices adopted by 
inductee teachers during the Phase – II
7. Evaluated the inductee teacher during the semester
Phase – II based on the evidences included in the 
portfolio built up by the inductee teacher.
8. Prepared Assessment of ITP and On-the-job training in
Phase – II of FIP.

1 Displays the characteristics of Professionalism

1. Has mastery on the subjects.

2. Engages in research to create new knowledge.
3. Shows initiative to work in new areas having high
4. Enjoys trust of the students.
5. Shows self-regulation in behaviour.


2 Displays characteristics to develop professional excellence

1. Devotes time for improving fundamentals by referring back to
basic/core subject matter as and when required.
2. Learns new knowledge by reading journals/net/ attending
3. Proposes procurement of new software/ books/equipment and
learns on them.
4. Supervises challenging projects of bright students.
5. Implements new/ advance teaching methods.
6. Give suggestions for improvement of working of department/

3 Displays characteristics to become ‘Guru’ in place of teacher

1. Behaves in ethical manner and shows right attitude in-front
of students so that they also learn the same.
2. Gives extra time to students to solve their individual
academic difficulties.
3. Shows affection and compassion towards students so that
they feel free to interact with him/her.
4. Apart from transferring knowledge to students also
discusses importance of desired values and attitudes
(wherever finds scope to discuss these) so that they also
imbibe good values.


4 Maintains diary as evidence of Guidance and Counseling

to students effectively:
1. Guides whole class in general about career and personal matters
2. Develops good acquaintance with the assigned students for
guidance and counseling so that they feel free to interact with
3. Devotes time for listening patiently to assigned students to
understand their background and problems.
4. Gives proper personal and career advice to students according to
their context (i.e. family conditions, socio economic and academic
level, emotional strength etc.)

5 Motivates Students for Social Responsible Works actively as

member/leader in committees supervising NCC/NSS/Green
Club/Poor Students Help Group and such others-
1. Motivates students to join NCC/NSS/ Green Club/Poor Students
Help Group, etc.
2. Motivates students to take up projects which can help
villages/poor people such as designing sanitation and water
supply for a village/solar power or wind power project for remote
village etc.
3. Arranges activities such as blood donation camp/cultural event or
run for charity/mass awareness programmes for common people
on issues such as AIDS, Cleanliness etc. with the help of students.


6 Lives in harmony with self and system-

1. Seems satisfied with the present occupation (do not compare job
of faculty with others such as administrators/politicians/
2. Does not try to gain respect/attention by owning very costly and
palatial house, cars, ornaments, cloths etc.
3. Chooses tasks according to his/her own interest and capabilities
(there is consistency in behaviour).
4. Does not unnecessarily compare his/her performance with
others, rather sets his/her own standards and tries to achieve

7 Displays ethical behaviour and positive attitudes according to

professional value systems:
1. Maintains regularity, punctuality and sincerity in routine working.
2. Does not undertake any other employment such as
tuitions/coaching etc. which may affect normal working.
3. Does not engage in antic academic activities such as publishing
important questions and guides/keys for them.
4. Acknowledges work done by others and does not engage in
5. Does not use the professional relationship with students for
taking private advantage or personal relationship with students
for giving them professional advantage.


7 contd.. Displays ethical behaviour and positive attitudes

according to professional value systems
6. Maintains privacy of students’ data (Marks, weaknesses,
complaints etc.)
7. Does not allow malpractices by students (copying of assignments/
copying during exam/proxy attendance etc.)
8. Does not give any student/colleague undue
advantage/disadvantage due to his/her religion, race, cast,
gender, sexual orientation, economic/ social status and
othersDoes not use the

8 Works for development and improvement of department/

institute/ Profession
1. Contributes positively as member/leader of different committees
constituted for administration and development of labs/
library/hostel/institute etc.
2. Joins relevant professional bodies such as ISTE/ IEEE/AMIE and
works as active member for development of self and profession.
3. Gently criticizes/opposes the wrong policies/ practices of others
(Colleagues/ HODs/ Principal) with constructive suggestions for
maintaining dignity of the system/profession and for its


9 Displays evidences of academic activities for sustainable

1. Relates relevant course content with sustainable development in
the theory classes.
2. Guides students to take up researches/ projects which may help in
poverty alleviation.
3. Guide students to take up researches/ projects which may help in
sustainable development.
4. Attempts to integrate cradle to cradle and 5R approach in design
and other relevant subjects such as materials and production

10 Displays evidences for concern of environment protection

in personal behaviour
1. Shows concern for energy conservation in workshop/lab/classrooms/offi
ces by appropriate use of energy consuming appliances.
2. Show commitment for 5Rs in personal consumption pattern (such as
refusing use of disposable items, reduction in variety of cloths, repair of
appliances (rather than discard them), reduced use of paper and other
material, collecting and segregating office waste for recycling and
3. Develops culture in the institute for sustainable development by
arranging student’s awareness workshops/ competitions on such
themes/working actively for green and clean club/developing book bank


Comments/Suggestions about team

communication and any other

Evidences related to Module 2

to be Maintained by Inductee Teacher


Evidence of practicing characteristics of Professionalism

Evidence of characteristics of developing Professional excellence
Evidence of characteristics to become ‘Guru’ in place of teacher
Diary showing evidence of guidance and counselling
Record of motivating Students for Social Responsible Works
Evidence of living in harmony with self and system
Evidence of ethical behaviour and positive attitudes
Evidence of working for development and improvement of
department/ institute/ Profession
Evidence of academic work for sustainable development
Evidence of showing concern for environment protection in
personal behaviour

Thank you


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