EoI Document
EoI Document
EoI Document
3 Mission of CFP
CFP is to assist, empower and facilitate:
i.) States in GIS based planning for accelerated development.
ii.) States to place dedicated teams with new skills.
iii.) GPs/ rural communities to plan, implement, manage, own, operate and maintain their own in-village
MGNREGA assets.
iv.) States to develop robust institutions having focus on service delivery and financial sustainability of the
sector by promoting utility approach;
v.) Capacity building of the stakeholders and create awareness in community on significance of MGNREGA
for improvement in quality of life;
vi.) In making provision and mobilization of financial assistance to States for implementation of the mission.
The List of Districts for CFP Implementation is detailed in Annex III Part A.
Section B
2. Need for Empaneling CSOs
CFP is a time-bound mission-mode program to be implemented through institutional mechanism at four
levels, viz. National, State, District, and Block. It adopts subsidiarity as a key principle wherein the Gram
Panchayat and/ or its sub-committee, i.e., Village are to plan, implement, manage, operate and maintain
in-village GIS based watershed planning systems through MGNREGA. Decentralized, demand-driven,
community-managed implementation of the program will instill 'sense of ownership' among the local
community, develop leadership at grassroot level, create an environment of trust and bring in
transparency leading to better implementation.
To achieve the vision of CFP, it is required to re-orient both departmental and other human resources
through customized orientation program, exposure visits, etc. The personnel managing the MGNREGA at
all levels, i.e. Village, GP, Block, District and State, need to be provided with customized training and
leadership program so as to enable them to discharge their role in managing the envisaged assets and
utilities. The programs are to be customized to suit different levels covering various technical, managerial
and leadership aspects. CFP offers a platform and huge potential to generate leadership through such
capacity building/ change management sessions.
Thus, to transform the eco-system of MGNREGA through intense and innovative capacity building,
partnerships are sought from eligible and reputed CSOs, for undertaking focused, meaningful and high-
quality capacity building activities of critical stakeholders for efficient implementation of the program.
i.) The CSOs will design / prepare village wise GIS based INRM/ watershed plans and facilitate the
plan implementation for treatment of land and water structures in saturation mode.
ii.) Develop and deliver end-to-end high-quality capacity building programs, including lectures,
discussions, interactive activities/ games/ exercises, and coursework. To rapidly extend reach of
capacity building programs andto expand the coverage.
iii.) Conduct training and capacity building of state stakeholders in view of current needs and
challenges under CFP, INRM, water shed, GIS, grievance, sustainability, monitoring and evaluation,
iv.) Build capacity of different stakeholders to implement appropriate and cost-effective technologies
that promote community participation and asset sustainability
iv.) Provide knowledge support to the stakeholders on the latest innovations, tools and best practices
that promote effective and efficient delivery of services and monitoring
v.) Raise awareness and understanding of the CFP, MGNREGA by capacity building of GPs members,
representatives of PRIs, NGOs, Self Help Groups engaged as ISAs, and other stakeholders
vi.) Consult and design training modules and reference materials based on Training Need
Assessments (TNAs) for ensuring effective implementation of the programs
vii.) Facilitate selection and training of SHG mates, Bagwani Mitra/ Sakhi, Didi Badi Sakhi, etc.
viii.) Facilitate preparation of the Annual Plan each year for every GP within the cluster resulting in a
shelf of works and annual labour and material budget
ix.) Conduct research, resource mapping and assessments on qualitative and quantitative status of
natural resource
X.) Strengthen various process under MGNREGA including timely wage payment etc.
XI.) Also ensure key deliverables for CFP: The CSOs along with CFP team at all level will be
responsible for the achievement of targets as outlined in para 12.1 of CFP guideline. The details
have been provided in Annex III Part C .
In First One and half years the CFP should achieve all targets mentioned, subsequently it shall be
moved to the next block on basis of their performance.
Section D
4. Roles and Responsibilities
The selected CSOs must quickly deploy the designated thematic experts per block with requisite qualifications,
experience and remuneration as per criteria given in the Annex III Part B & D below.
The Block Thematic Experts have to perform activities as mentioned in Annex III Part D as well as
functions mentioned for CSOs in Section B of the document.
The Block Thematic Experts will be associated with their respective Block Development Officers office.
The implementation of CFP will be monitored by the Block Development Officer and Program Officer
Section E
5. Selection Process
5.1 Eligibility Criteria
The applicant organization should fulfil the following criteria to apply:
Section F
6. Funding
MGNREGA, GoI will fund the CFP on a 100% grant basis. The funding will be based on the approved Annual
Action Plan (AAP)of CSOs. Funding will be provided only to the activities as mentioned in the CFP.
Funding will be provided as per the cost norms mentioned in 'Guidelines for Cluster Facilitation Project”
for following purposes:
• Emoluments of the Block Level Thematic Experts
Section G
7. Role of MGNREGA Cell
The MGNREGA cell shall have the following role in managing the engagement with the CSOs:
vii.) Placing request for taking up various training related and other activities by CSOs
ix.) Finalization of participant list for the different program.
8. Terms of Agreement
The empaneled CSOs shall only provide professional, objective and impartial service and at all times and
uphold the interests of CFP. On grounds of failure to adhere to the performance and financial management
requirements as listed above, State MGNREGA cell, GoJ has the right to terminate the status of an agency by
informing to concerned party one month in advance. In such case, the CSO will be required to settle the
accounts/ complete the assigned work and submit the final report to MGNREGA Cell within one month
from the date of termination of empanelment
The sole jurisdiction over any matters arising in connection with any actions or proceedings arising out of
or in relation to this EoI and subsequent contract shall be with the Courts of Ranchi only.
Application Form (Brief)
1. Details of applicant organization (To be filled up by all applicants)
Annual Revenue for last 3 financial years Year Annual Revenue (in Rupees)
(Statutory Auditor certificate is to be uploaded)
Audited balance sheet for last 3 years 2020-21 (PDF scanned copy to be uploaded)
[Note: If Audited Balance Sheet/ Profit & Loss 2019-20 (PDF scanned copy to be uploaded)
Statement for the FY 2020 is not available, then 2018-19 (PDF scanned copy to be uploaded)
Provisional statement is to be uploaded, duly
certified by the Statutory Auditor.]
Registration Status (PDF scanned copy to be uploaded)
1. 12 A (Income tax Act)
2. 80G (Income tax Act)
3. 13 (1) A (Income Tax Act)
5. ISO
Other documents to be uploaded:
Self-certification that the organization is currently not black-listed by any
government department or agency, or any public institution (PDF scanned copy to be uploaded)
Anti-Collusion Certificate
Details of presence in States / Block (PDF scanned copy to be uploaded)
Any reward(s) or recognition(s) received in the last 5 years (PDF scanned copy to be uploaded)
In case of failure to comply, the organization shall not be considered for further engagement in the
Application Form (Detailed)
(To be filled up by all applicants)
Name of program/ project: Details of the government with which the project was
Linked/ related SDG Goal: taken up:
1.4 Format for submission of Curriculum Vitae of full time staff members/ experts
In-house/ External
Name of expert
Current Position
Date of birth
Activities performed
Statement of Bank account for past 3 months of Salary credited by the employer (PDF scanned copy to
be uploaded)
Declaration by the Applicant
I, (Name), working as
(Designation) in (Name of the organization)have been authorized
to issue this certificate, certifying that:
1. We have gone through the contents of advertisement for this eligibility criterion and fulfil all the
eligibility criteria as per eligibility criteria mentioned in Eol.
2. All relevant documents are enclosed with our eligibility criteria.
3. The details and contents of our eligibility criteria are authenticated and based on actual work
carried outby our agency, as per record.
4. We have understood that if, in case, it is found that our agency is not fulfilling any of the laid
down criteria, or relevant details/ supporting documents are not found to be enclosed, we will
not be given any opportunity for any clarifications and our eligibility criteria will be evaluated
based on available documents in eligibility criteria.
5. We also understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Signature of Authorized Signatory
[Please affix rubber stamp]
Name of CSO
Format for Affidavit Certifying that Entity is not backlisted/ barred
(On the Stamp paper of relevant value)
We further confirm that we are aware that, our bids for the captioned Project would be liable for rejection in
case any material misrepresentation is made or discovered at any stage of the short listing/ selection process
dated this day of 20 .
Format for Anti-Collusion Certificate
(On the letter head of the Agency)
We hereby certify and confirm that in the preparation and submission of our proposal for the Assignment
“Implementation Agency for Cluster Facilitation Project”, we have not acted in concert or in collusion
with any other Agency or other person(s) and also not done any act, deed or thing which is or could be
regarded as anti-competitive.
We further confirm that we have not offered nor will offer any illegal gratification in cash or kind to any
person or agency in connection with the instant proposal.
List of Districts
Blocks District
Sl. Name of the Aspirational/ State CFP
for CFP
No. Backward District Cell
CFP Team
1 Bokaro 2 1
2 Chatra 2 1
3 Deoghar 1 0
4 Dumka 3 1
5 East Singhbhum 2 1
6 Garhwa 2 1
7 Giridih 2 1
8 Godda 2 1
9 Gumla 2 1
10 Hazaribagh 2 1
11 Jamtara 4 1
12 Khunti 3 1 1
13 Koderma 1 0
14 Latehar 2 1
15 Lohardaga 2 1
16 Pakur 3 1
17 Palamu 2 1
18 Ramgarh 2 1
19 Ranchi 2 1
20 Sahibganj 2 1
21 Saraikela-Kharsawan 4 1
22 Simdega 2 1
23 West Singhbhum 2 1
TOTAL 51 21 1
Details of Block Level CFP Team
No of HR for
Block (@2
S.No District
Aspirational Blocks Total CFP thematic persons
district Selected Team per CFP +1 Block
GIS coordinator)
1 Bokaro Kasmar 2 5
2 Bokaro Peterwar 2 5
3 Chatra Pratappur 3 7
4 Chatra Simaria 2 5
5 Deoghar No Mohanpur 3 7
6 Dumka Gopikandar 2 5
8 Dumka Masaliya 3 7
11 Garhwa Ramkanda 1 3
12 Garhwa Ranka 3 7
13 Giridih Pirtand 2 5
14 Giridih Gawan 3 7
15 Godda Sundarpahari 2 5
16 Godda Mahagama 3 7
19 Hazaribagh Keredari 2 5
20 Hazaribagh Ichak 2 5
21 Jamtara Narayanpur 4 9
Karma Tanr
22 Jamtara 2 5
23 Jamtara Fatehpur 2 5
24 Jamtara Nala 3 7
25 Khunti Karra 2 5
27 Khutni Murhu 2 5
28 Koderma No Markacho 2 5
29 Latehar Manika 3 7
30 Latehar Mahuadanr 2 5
31 Lohardaga Bhandra 1 3
32 Lohardaga Senha 2 5
33 Pakur Pakur 4 9
35 Pakur Maheshpur 4 9
36 Palamu Bazar/Nawad 2 5
Yes iha
37 Palamu Chhatarpur 2 5
40 Ranchi Tamar 3 7
41 Ranchi Ormanjhi 2 5
42 Sahibganj Udhwa 3 7
43 Sahibganj Barharwa 4 9
44 Kuchai 2 5
45 Kukru 2 5
46 Nimdih 2 5
47 Kharsawan 2 5
48 Simdega Bano 2 5
49 Simdega Jaldega 2 5
Total HR at Block
Total CFP team at Block 116 283
Total HR at District
Total CFP team at District 21 42
List of Deliverables for CFP Team
Sl. Deliverables/Outcomes for 6 Months 12 Months 18 Months
1. Expenditure on NRM work should reach 100% 100% 100%
up to 65% of the total expenditure at
Block within 6 months from the date of
commencement of the CFP
2. Expenditure on Individual work should 100% 100% 100%
reach up to 60% of the total expenditure
at Block within 6 months from the date
of commencement of the CFP.
3. Preparation of GIS based GPs plan for 100% GIS 50% 100%
Mahatma Gandhi NREGS in saturation plan of execution of execution of
mode within six months. GPs GIS Plan GIS Plan
4. Commencement of works as per GIS 25% 100% 100%
based INRM plan.
5. Completion of works taken up as perGIS 10% 60% 100%
based INRM plan.
6. Expenditure on Agriculture and allied 100% GPs 100% GPs 100% GPs
work should reach up to 60% of the total
expenditure at Block within 6 months
from the date of commencement of the
7. Saturation of plantation works on 100% 25% of 100% of
community. Planning of execution of execution of
Plantation plantation plantation
works works
8. Survival rate of plants on plantationson At least 90%in At least 90%in At least 90%in
community and Individual lands. all GPs all GPs all GPs
9. All SC/ST household will get at least10% 100% 100% 100%
more person-days than thedistrict
10. 100% generation of Fund TransferOrder 80% of the Upto National More than
(FTO) within 8 days from the date of National Average National
closure of muster roll. Average Average
11. Completion rate of the work should reach 80% State Upto State > State
up to national average within 9months. Average Average Average
12. Capacity Building at GP/Blocklevel The − Two rounds − Four roundof − Four rounds
capacity building of the GP beneficiaries of training trainingat GP of training
Bidder’s Sign and Stamp EOI Empanelment of CSOs for CFP | 38
and functionaries should be improved for at GP levelfor levelfor at GP levelfor
individual schemes, water scenario, beneficiarie s. beneficiarie s. beneficiarie s.
benefit of NRM planning suing GIS tools − Two rounds − Four rounds − Four rounds
including map reading etc. of training of training of training
at block level at block level at block level
for for for
functionarie functionarie functionarie
s. s. s.
13. The performance of the block on the 80% of the Up to State More than
parameters PD generation. State Average State
Average. Average
14. Grievances redressal - 80% 100% 100% 100%
of Grievances disposed in 15 days.
List of Block Level Thematic Experts
Thematic Emolument/ Qualification Experiences Roles & Responsibilities
Expert/Posit Month
Block GIS Rs 35,000 M. Tech/M.E./M. Sc.in At least 1 years 1. Coordination with District
Coordinator plus Geographic 6 months of officials and provide all
(01No.) Travelling Information Science or works support to the project team
allowance Technology/Remote experience in for proper planning and
@max. 20% Sensing & GIS/Geo GIS-based implementation of the
of Spatial Technology / projects at Mahatma Gandhi NREGS.
emoluments Geo-Informatics/Geo fieldlevel in 2. Prepare GIS based plan for all
based Spatial science reputed the GPs of the Block on
on /Surveying government saturation mode with the
actual bills. and Geo-Informatics/ funded permissible activities and
OR organizations complete the plans within six
BE/B.Tech with PG like NIRD & months.
Diploma in Geographic PR, NRSC, 3. Any other work assigned as
Information Science / SRSAC etc. OR and when by the competent
Remote Sensing from similar reputed authority.
recognized University / organizations
Institute working on GIS
OR based Projects.
MCA with PG Diploma
in Geographic
Information Science /
Remote Sensing from
recognized University /
Post Graduate in
Science /Agricultural
Science with PG
Diploma in Geographic
Information Science /
Remote Sensing from
recognized University /
Block NRM Rs 30,000 B. Tech in Civil At least 2 years 1. Provide inputs for preparing
Expert max. plus Engineering/Agricultur work GIS plan to GIS expert and
(04 Nos) travelling e Engineering/Diploma experience for validate the GIS plan on
allowance @m in Civil Engineering. candidate with ground and also assist in
ax. 20% of B.Tech / 4years approval and implementation
emoluments work experience of the plan
based for candidates 2. Prepare design, plan and
onactual with estimates of the works
Technical Evaluation Marking Criteria
Technical Evaluation Marking Criteria
Sl.No Parameters Marks
Years of experience of the organization for working on rural livelihoods/natural resource
management/ Women Self Help Group (WSHG): 15 (maximum)
One year to Two years 7
1 More than two years to four years 9
More than four years to six years 11
More than six years to nine years 13
More than nine years 15
Number of years of experience of working in the applied blocks on above themes: 10 (maximum)
Less than two years 5
More than two years to five years 7
More than five years 10
Technical (GIS/ Livelihood/ NRM) human resource structure of the organization (full-time
employee with more than three years association with the organization) as per project
requirement 15 (maximum)
Less than/equal to four persons placed 5
More than four but less than/equal to ten persons 8
More than ten but less than/equal to Fifteen persons 12
More than Fifteen persons 15
Duration of past experience in the MGNREGA-NRLM-CFT project: 13 (maximum)
One years to two years 5
More than two years to three years 7
More than three years 13
GIS Professionals/ Experts working with organization 5 (maximum)
No GIS expert/ professional 0
One GIS expert/ professional 3
Greater than or equal to two GIS expert/ professional 5
Average financial turnover for last 3 Yrs 12 (maximum)
Equal to 25 Lakhs to 50 Lakhs 5
More than 50 Lakhs to 2 Crores 7
More than 2 Crores 12
Sub-total mark for above parameters 70 (maximum)
Power-point presentation (maximum 10 slides)
- Primary work of the organization
- Understanding of the applied block
- Existing HR in the organization
30 (maximum)
Check List
Sl. No. Attachment / documents
Enclosed / No
1 EoI document
2 Formats – Annex I to II
15 Others, if any