Online Crime Reporting System Using Python Django
Online Crime Reporting System Using Python Django
Online Crime Reporting System Using Python Django
Date of Submission: 15-11-2020 Date of Acceptance: 30-11-2020
ABSTRACT: Online crime reporting system came their identity if they want [1]. This application
up with the solution to replace the old manual helps to create a bridge between normal people and
complaint registration system. The victims can file the police department to share information and
the case and submit the evidence under the various evidence [1] [2]. It is helpful to track and monitor
sections on a single website. This project provides the criminals around the state and country and
features like anonymous tip, alert systems, case maintain a complete record of criminal information
status, crime notice board, cyber crime complaint [1]. It helps to search and access a large amount of
registration, GPS tracking system, police contact data in less amount of time and provides a
details with the station address, and provide the language-independent search over a large amount
safe storage for storing evidence and files and of data collected from different sources [2]. It
maintain a backup of every single data which helps provides online assistance and general information
the police to investigate the case and provide and creates awareness among the people [1].Helps
justice to victims in a meantime. the people to gather general information and
INTRODUCTION: The "Online Crime Reporting valuable advice and crime control methods, along
System" has been developed to override the with case investigation status and „SOS‟ capability
problems in the manual system. This project helps in which a person can press a button and their
the people who are shy or scared to visit the police location is shared with the nearest police station
station and help them to register the complaint. In [3].
the manual system it is hard to maintain the case
files and evidence, when the case investigation EXISTING SYSTEM: In the manual existing
grows managing the data will be difficult. So this system, people need to visit personally to the police
project is very helpful to manage the files and case station to file a complaint, the case files and
evidence in a proper way with the backup and complaint records are still stored in files and kept
minimizing the manual errors, easy to use no them in a room, chances of data loss is high and
advance level knowledge is required and identity evidence like CD, audio files, photos are stored
safe features will encourage the public to support without backup in old traditional methods when the
the police officials by providing anonymous tips, investigation starts, the evidence and records of
alerts about crimes and sharing evidences and that case grow eventually, if the old case reopens
proofs related to crimes. And cyber crime after a long time then it will take an enormous
reporting, crime notice board, warnings and alerts, amount of time, in the existing system it‟s hard to
case status, file backup, and managing and many maintain a large amount of data and searching a
more features like this provide the robustness to particular data takes huge time.
this project, by this crime rate can be controlled Some people are scared to visit the police station
easily. and file a complaint due to many reasons and
KEYWORDS: Anonymous tip, File Backup, corruption in some police stations won‟t let
Crime alert, Cyber complaint. everyone to file a complaint and they fail to bring
justice to the people on time. Most of the victims
LITERATURE REVIEW: The idea draws are less known about the legal procedures and the
motivation from the people who hesitate to visit the process to file a complaint will result in most of the
police station and personal belief of weak crimes will not come into notice, in this pandemic
investigation and corruption and limited spreading situation many victims will not visit police station
of crime information [3].The usage of the internet due to the fear of COVID-19 this makes the
is increased in every sector, so people find it easier increase in crime rate.
to register a complaint online rather than visiting
the police station, it is secure and possible to hide
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0209785787 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 785
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 2, Issue 9, pp: 785-787 ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0209785787 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 786
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 2, Issue 9, pp: 785-787 ISSN: 2395-5252
[1]. K.Tabassum, H. Shaiba, S. Shamrani and S.
Otaibi, "e-Cops: An Online Crime Reporting
and Management System for Riyadh City,"
2018 1st International Conference on
Computer Applications & Information
Security (ICCAIS), Riyadh, 2018, pp. 1-8,
doi: 10.1109/CAIS.2018.8441987.
[2]. F. Neri, P. Geraci, G. Sanna and L. Lotti,
"Online Police Station, A State-of-Art
Italian Semantic Technology against
Cybercrime," 2009 International Conference
on Advances in Social Network Analysis
and Mining, Athens, 2009, pp. 296-299, doi:
[3]. Ganiron Jr, Tomas & Chen, John & Cruz,
Ronalyn & Pelacio, Jeromme. (2019).
Development of an Online Crime
Management & Reporting System. The
Scientific World Journal. 131. 164-180.
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0209785787 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 787