1) Program For Blinking Leds Connected To Ports P2 and P3
1) Program For Blinking Leds Connected To Ports P2 and P3
1) Program For Blinking Leds Connected To Ports P2 and P3
void MSdelay(unsigned int);
void main() //main function starts here
P2 =0x00; //Clearing P2 and P3
P3 =0x00;
while(1) //Endless loop
P2=0xaa; //Togging P2 port leds
P3 =0x00; //ON and OFF leds connected toP3
MSdelay(2000); //Delay
P3 =0xFF;
void MSdelay(unsigned int itime) //delay subroutine
unsigned int i,j;
for (i=0;i<itime;i++)
for (j=0;j<1275;j++);
2) Program for Transmitting message serially.
void main()
unsigned char i;
unsigned char mesg[]="WELCOME TO NIT WARANGAL 0";
SCON=0X50; //selecting serial communication in mode 1
TMOD=0X20; // use timer-1, 8-bit auto reload mode
TH1=0XFD; //setting the baud rate to 9600
TR1=1; //starting the timer
SBUF=mesg[i]; //moving each character to SBUF register
while(TI ==0); //wait for the transmission to be completed
TI=0; //clear transmit interrupt pin (TI) for the next transmission
3) Program for Receiving data serially and display on P2 port.
void main(void)
TMOD=0X20; //use timer-1, 8-bit auto reload mode
TH1=0XFD; //9600 baud rate
SCON=0X50; // selecting serial communication in mode 1
TR1=1; //starting the timer
while(1) //continuous loop
while(RI==0); // wait to receive data
temp=SBUF; //moving data from SBUF to temp variable
RI=0; //Clearing receive interrupt (RI) flag
P2=temp; //display data on P2
4) Program for Display Message on LCD
#include <reg51.h>
#include <string.h>
sbit rs = P1^0; // declare P1.0 as rs pin
sbit rw = P1^1; // declare p1.1 as read/write pin
sbit en = P1^2; // declare p1.2 as enable pin
void writecmd(unsigned char a); //function to send command to LCD
void writedat(unsigned char b); //function to send data to LCD
void writestr(unsigned char *s); //function to write string on LCD
void MSdelay(unsigned int); //function for delay to LCD
void main() //main program starts here
P2=0x00; //clearing P0 port
writecmd(0x3C); // Initializing LCD
writecmd(0x01); // clear memory and home cursor
writestr("Wel-Come to LCD "); // write message in first line
writecmd(0xC4); // move cursor to second line 4th pos
writestr("Program ");
while(1); // continuous loop
void writecmd(unsigned char a)
rs = 0; // clear rs pin for command
rw = 0; // clear rw pin to write
P2 = a; // send command character
en = 1; // enable LCD
en = 0; //disable LCD
void writedat(unsigned char b)
rs = 1; // set rs pin for data
rw = 0; // clear rw pin to write
P2 = b; // send data character
en = 1; // enable LCD
en = 0; // disable LCD
void writestr(unsigned char *s)
unsigned char l,i;
l = strlen(s); // get the length of string
writedat(*s); // write every char one by one
void MSdelay(unsigned int itime)
unsigned int i,j;
for (i=0;i<itime;i++)
for (j=0;j<1275;j++);