Reflection Paper - 3 Idiots

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Jhessyrlle Anne

Reflection paper – 3 idiots

Upon watching the movie 3 idiots, I found it funny yet educational. At first yes you’ll be
entertained by the way they act. But as it goes longer the movie becomes more meaningful and
serves life lessons. The film 3 Idiots drew inspiration from the real life story of an engineer-cum-
scientist called Sonam Wangchuk. He is the founder of Student Educational and Cultural
Movement in Ladakh that was established in 1988 by the group of students. Here’s a snap idea
for you if you haven't watched it yet. In college, Farhan and Raju form a great bond with Rancho
due to his refreshing outlook. Years later, a bet gives them a chance to look for their long-lost
friend whose existence seems rather elusive.

  College life is never that easy because it’s our phase in life where we should strive and
focus on our studies because it would be the starting line for our future. It would lead us to a
direction where we will be able to fulfill our dreams in life from the very start. In the movie,
“The 3 Idiots”, it just simply portrays our lives in college. It may be hard to survive every
obstacle that may come our way but what’s important is that we remain strong in order to
achieve our goals in life. As the saying goes, “no pain no gain”. 

       The movie is led by the three characters, Rancho, Raju and Farhan. Each one of them has
their own characteristics and dreams in life and they have distinct talents and skills in which it
helps them to achieve what they have become in the future. Let me enlighten you and serve you
the golden thoughts, or the life lesson in the movie. 3 idiots describe the real life situation when
you enter your college life. Pressure, cramming and too much control of parents. It clearly shows
the dilemma of a college student, and the actors portray too, on how typical and extraordinary
students do in this journey. Rancho serves as a light to his friends and other students. He always
looks after them, and teaches them. Rancho gives hope to the fellow colleague.

         I would like to bring forward my favorite quotes from rancho and lessons learned from it:
Creativity, be always creative in your answers, work & things you do which helps you become
more capable of your own. Don’t be afraid to be different from the others. Maybe that difference
can make you more stand out. Just like in the movie, Rancho never hesitate to give always his
POV in any situation. He always try and try until he achieved. He use his creativity to help other
people to Mona who’s giving birth while the electricity power was cut. And the innovation that
he did for joy lobo to lessen his stress and pressure from Mr. Viru or what they called Mr. Virus.
Next is learning is everywhere and don’t run behind success. Learning doesn’t only come in
school in campus or in classroom. If you observe your environment there will be a lesson or
learning everywhere. Just like here after I watch the movie I learn so many thing. It doesn’t mean
you can’t be interactive in school does it mean you’re fool. When rancho helps Mona to deliver a
baby? Does he read any book first or browse? No he just visualize and look on a bigger picture
on what he could do to help with the help of pia too. And don’t run behind success, never do that
always put your intelligence and excellence first and success will automatically come for you.
Say "All is well" Probably most popular chant words of the year 2009 in India. Rancho's core
mantra of chanting the words to help himself and friends to get rid of the fear. He says "This will
not solve all problems but will surely give guts to face them". Never Race Don't ever race just
because someone else doing it to achieve something on a timeline. Always try to gain some
knowledge and expertise.  Look what happened to chatur a.k.a for silencer. He's too busy chasing
success and his competency to other students. He always looks himself as a bigger person not
knowing that all of his bragging about is just a minimum success for the others. Lastly is Ignore
others and take a risk. Ignore others there are naysayers, jealous, stupid, hatred people around
us. Ignore them and move on. Remember? "If you stop and throw a stone at every dog that barks,
you will never reach your destination". And take a risk, challenge yourself and take a risk to do
something. The worst thing that will ever happen is "failure", if so, switch over. Those lessons
are what I am talking about when I say Rancho plays the role of a funny yet brilliant college
adult who has shown many lessons to learn throughout the movie.
We will never gain or have the things that we always wanted to achieve if we did not invest
in it and do everything that we can in order to have it. After knowing the lessons from rancho I’ll
now give you the snap of the movie. On how and why Rancho came up with those life lessons. I
shall start with Farhan Qureshi, from the day he was born, his father proclaimed that he would be
an engineer someday but as he entered college, it was never his dream. It was his father’s dream
for him and out of love and respect, he followed what his father wanted for him even though it is
not what he wanted just to please and make his father happy. Farhan His dream is to become a
wildlife photographer because he had this passion in photography and he also loves animals and
it was projected on the movie his photographs on animals. Even though he pursued engineering
and became an engineering student in a top 1 Engineering University, his love for photography is
still in him. Every examination results, he is consistent on being on the last rank and always on
the last row during class pictorials together with Raju. He still studies his lessons well but still
can’t make it to the top and I understand what he is going through because for me, you cannot
give what you don’t have. Even if I have all the perseverance that I need to be on top but if my
heart is not in it, it is still useless. I would not be happy because following our hearts would
make us happier.
 They would not decide on something if they knew it would be no good at all. But
sometimes we need to speak out especially on what would really make us happy because a man
would be truly human if he was able to live his life to the fullest, meaning he had lived his life
the way he wanted it to be. In real life, our parents cannot bear the feeling of not seeing us
happy, what they surely want for us is the best of everything and sometimes they tend to forget
that we already have our own life, own thoughts and own feelings. They made decisions that
sometimes were against our will but out of our love and respect for them we just kept to
ourselves what we really wanted just to please them and not disappoint them. It is not wrong to
stand up and talk to them about what we really wanted but it should be in a nice way in which
they would really understand what we really wanted to tell them. Whatever decisions we may
have, our parents are our number one supporters and the one that will push us harder just for us
to achieve our goals and dreams in life. Always remember to follow your passion for your future

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