Design of A 50 KW Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge Converter Used For Fast Charging Applications

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Design Of a 50 kW Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge

Converter Used For Fast Charging Applications

Nadia Hassanzadeh Farzad Yazdani Saeid Haghbin Torbjorn Thiringer
Electric Power Engineering Electric Power Engineering Electric Power Engineering Electric Power Engineering
Division Division Division Division
Chalmers University of Chalmers University of Chalmers University of Chalmers University of
Technology Technology Technology Technology

Abstract— A phase-shift full-bridge (PSFB) converter with

MOSFET switches is widely used for the dc/dc stage of high power
applications such as energy storage systems. The significant
advantage of the PSFB converter compared to the old full bridge
converter is its reduced cost due to utilizing the diode rectifiers
instead of active switches in the secondary side of the converter.
However, operating in zero voltage switching (ZVS) is important
to achieve higher level of efficiencies. Hence, a higher switching
frequency operation with a higher power density can be obtained.
In this paper, the design of the PSFB dc/dc converter based on
theoretical calculations is presented; the different losses in the
converter are discussed.

Keywords—DC/DC converter; full-bridge; ZVS; phase-shift;

fast charger; Fig. 1. A fast charging bus station with a 300 charger unit in
I. INTRODUCTION will be zero and there is no power transfer [4].
The needed time for charging is one of the challenges for
The achievement of the high efficiency of power conversion
EVs as an alternative to internal combustion engines (ICE
needs to ensure ZVS operation at the light-load condition. This
vehicles). A problem with currently available DC fast chargers
is a design challenge which is suggested to consider up to 50%
is low-frequency switching which increases the size, weight, and
of the nominal load [4]. To evaluate the efficiency of a PSFB an
cost of many fast chargers. Nowadays, there are some
accurate loss analysis of the converter is necessary which takes
experiments of fast chargers for urban electrical buses like the
into account the evaluation of switching and conduction losses
electrical buses in Santa Barbara, U.S., and electrical buses
of switches, conduction losses of the rectifier, the magnetic and
recently presented in Geneva, Switzerland [1-2]. One of the bus
winding losses of the transformer. The purpose of this paper is
charger stations in Sweden with a 300 power level is shown
to evaluate the power losses and efficiency of a sample design
in Fig. 1. Common trends for charger are the movement towards
of the PSFB as a function of the switching frequency. The range
smaller size and more efficient stations while the cost is reduced
of the ZVS operation to achieve high conversion efficiency is
discussed. Various losses in the circuit related to the power
One of the most common dc/dc converter topologies in the switches and the transformer are defined. The simulation results
medium and high-power applications is a phase-shifted full of a 50kW PSFB verify the theoretical analysis.
bridge (PSFB) converters as depicted in fig. 2 [4]. Considerable
advantages of the PSFB converter compared to the old full II. PHASE-SHIFT FULL-BRIDGE DC/DC CONVERTER
bridge converter are its high efficiency, high power density, high Fig. 2 shows a phase-shift full-bridge (PSFB) dc/dc
reliability, and low EMI due to ZVS operation [5]. The output converter [4]. The converter specification for the design of the
power of the PSFB varies with a phase shift between the duty 50 system is presented in table I. It is suggested to utilize
cycles of any two diagonally switches in the left leg and the right 1.2 SiC MOSFET switches in the converter to get low
leg of the primary side of the converter [6].
switching losses. The MOSFET output capacitor ( ) of the
With the phase shift of zero, the duty cycle will be 1 which SiC switch is 2.5 according to the datasheet. A metallic
results in hard-switched operation of the converter. In the case tape-wound core made of the nanocrystalline VITROPERM
that the phase-shift angle equals 180 degrees, the duty cycle 500 F is used for the isolated transformer. The resulting

978-1-5386-1317-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

where = + .
ZVS is achieved for the condition where the primary current of
the transformer ( ) at the transition time is higher than the
critical current [7].
The second condition for ZVS operation is enough dead time for
the transition between switches in each leg to ensure that the
output capacitor of each switch discharges completely.
However, with a long dead time, the output capacitor of the
switch will discharge and continue to resonate and then drop.
Fig. 2. Single-phase PSFB DC/DC converter The resonance between , , and provides a sinusoidal
voltage across the switch capacitance which reaches its peak
TABLE I value at one fourth of the resonance period, that can be expressed
arameter Symbol Value
Input voltage 700 = = .
Output voltage 250 – 420 4 2 (3)
Nominal Power 50
Switching frequency 25
B. Design procedure
TABLE II A metallic tape-wound core made of the nanocrystalline
DESIGNED PARAMETERS VITROPERM 500 F is used for the isolated transformer which
Parameter Symbol Value gives very low transformer capacitance ( ), near zero. By
applying and the required transformer turn’s ratio
Output capacitor of 2.5 is obtained as = 1.2 which gives a maximum duty cycle of
Leakage inductor 1 around = 0.72.
Magnetizing inductor 600
Output filter 100 ,
Output capacitor 33 (4)
transformer capacitance is ignored in this work. The design
procedure is presented in the following section. The designed Here , and , are the minimum and maximum output
parameters are shown in table II. voltage which is equal 250 and 420 respectively. The
transformer turns-ratio ( ) is the number of the turns of the
winding in the primary over the secondary. In order to calculate
A. Resonance circuit calculation the minimum value of the leakage inductance, it is required to
consider 50% of the full load. For this reason, the minimum
For achieving ZVS operation, the energy stored in the value of the leakage inductance can be calculated as follow [4]
leakage inductance must be more than the energy needed for 2
charging and discharging of the output capacitors of the switches = =1 (5)
during the dead time [7]. The required energy in the resonance
inductance is Here is the leakage inductance energy which can be achieved
by employing (1).
1 4 1
+ 2 By considering ∆ = 0.1 the needed magnetization
2 2
3 2 (1)
inductance of the transformer can be calculated as [4]
where is the transformer leakage inductance, is the
switch output capacitance, is the transformer winding ≥ = 600 . (6)
capacitance, is the primary current of the transformer at the
left leg or the right leg transition time and is the input Then, the minimum output inductor value is expressed as [4]
The critical current in the primary of the transformer for the , (1 − )
≥ = 100 . (7)
ZVS operation is as 4∆

If the output voltage ripple is supposed to be less than 1
(2) (∆ ≤ 1 ), then, the output capacitor is defined as [4]
∆ it is shown for = 100 , the ZVS region is wider than
≥ = 33 . (8)
16∆ = 25 , but the drawback in this case is that by increasing

C. Zero voltage switching range

Fig. 3 shows the transformer primary current. At right leg
transition (time between and ), the primary current of the
transformer has its peak value, which is the reflected current of
the secondary of the transformer with the highest current through
the output filter. Then the ZVS can be achieved for the right leg
transistors easily even at the light loads [7].
The ZVS of the left leg of the converter is achieved for the
condition when the stored energy of the leakage inductance is
available enough to charge and discharge the output (a)
capacitances. At the left leg transition (time between and )
in the secondary side of the converter all diodes are conducting
and there is a short circuit across the secondary side of the
transformer. Then the primary current of the transformer is
with a value lower than the peak current. In this case for the light
loads, the ZVS will be lost. With high input voltage which
requires more capacitive energy, the condition is worse [7].
Fig. 4a shows the waveforms of the converter at as input
voltage equal to 350V , = 25kHz, and as output power equal
to = 23 kW. As can be seen from the figure, at this range of (b)
output power the output capacitors of the switches don’t have Fig. 4. The gating signals, voltage and current waveforms of left leg
enough time to charge and discharge during the dead time, then switches (a) without ZVS operation (b) with ZVS operation
ZVS operation is lost, which is predicted by analysis when the
load current is below the critical current in (2). In Fig. 4b ZVS the switching frequency, switching losses increases, and
operation is achieved in the mentioned condition for the output
power equal to = 27 .
By using and , for the boundary conditions of
ZVS operation is founded. It is indicated that by increasing the
frequency, if ∆ > , increases, and if ∆ < ,
decreases. In our proposed design, ∆ < then, by
increasing the frequency, the power boundary gets wider region
for ZVS operation.

Fig.5. ZVS boundaries for three different frequencies


−∆ therefore the efficiency decreases.

= + (10)
In order to optimize the efficiency of the PSFB converter, it
= [ ( − )+∆ ] (11) is necessary to calculate the power losses accurately. In this
section, different losses of this converter are determined as a
Fig. 5 shows ZVS operation region for three frequencies function of the switching frequency. The power losses in each
versus different output voltages for different output powers. As switch-mode converter are switching losses and conduction
losses of semiconductors, copper losses and core losses of the
A. Switching losses
Due to the overlapping between voltage and current of the
switch during switching transition, switching loss is generated.
Since the PSFB is operating in ZVS condition, the switching loss
can be neglected. Although, for non-ZVS condition, the
switching loss can be calculated as [8]

Fig. 3. The transformer primary current

1 1
= ( ) + + (12)
2 2
where and are the voltage and current of the switch in
the instance of the transition, and are the falling and rising
time of the switch, and is the drain-source capacitor of the
B. Conduction loss
The switch and diode conduction losses are obtained by
using the following equations [4]

, =4 ( ) , (13)

, =4 (14)
where ( ) is the drain-source resistor of the switch,
, is RMS value of the switch current, is the turn-on
voltage of the diode, and is the averaged value of the diode’s (a)
C. Copper loss
The copper losses for both transformer sides can be calculated
as [9]

= , + , (15)

where , and , are the RMS value of the currents of the

primary and secondary side of the transformer, and and
are the resistors of the primary and secondary winding.

D. Core loss (b)

An empirical Steinmetz Equation is generally used for core
loss calculation of the transformer, but it does not give accurate
answers under non sinusoidal excitation, since the equation
depends only on the peak value of the magnetic induction. The
improved general Steinmetz equation (IGSE) is one of the most
accurate methods for core loss calculation, which extends
Steinmetz Equation for non-sinusoidal waveforms. According to
IGSE the transformer core loss per unit volume is expressed as

=2 (16)

and transformer core loss is given by (c)

= (17)
Fig. 6. Power losses for switches, diodes and transformer
where is the maximum flux density, , are the core (a) Po = 50kW, Vo = 350V (b) Po = 30kW, Vo = 350V
material constants, is the duty cycle of the signals, and is (c) Po = 10kW, Vo = 350V
the total volume of the core.
= . (19)
Total losses are the sum of losses of switches (conduction and
switching loss), diodes (conduction loss) and transformer (core According to (16), the core loss of the transformer depends on
and copper losses). Therefore, the efficiency of the converter is switching frequency and duty cycle of the excitation voltage
expressed as waveform. For = 250 the duty cycle has its minimum
value, or is maximum. Therefore, the maximum core loss
= , + + , + + (18) occurs in this case. The amount of core loss is constant in whole
range of output power. By increasing the power level, the RMS
value of leakage inductors current becomes higher. Therefore,
under full load operation, conduction and copper losses are the
dominant losses. Fig. 6 shows the loss variation of the converter
at full load, half load, and 20% of full load condition with =
350 . As it can be seen in Fig. 6, at a higher switching
frequency, the transformer losses (consist of the copper and
core losses) are the main loss and it is around 60% of the total


The main parameters of the PSFB converter are shown in
Table I. The input voltage is regulated and its value is 700 , the
storage battery is connected to port 2 and its voltage is varied Figure 7. Efficiency versus power for = 25, 50
between 250 to 420 . The leakage inductance of the
transformer is 1 . The switches in the input are half-bridge
SiC modules from CREE, type CAS300M12BM2. The output
capacitor ( ) of the SiC switch is 2.5 according to the
datasheet. Fig. 7 shows the efficiency of the converter for
different voltages at 25 and 50 . In 50 the main
losses are related to the transformer. As shown in Fig.7, the
efficiency at full load condition are 99% and 97.5 for =
25 and = 50 , respectively. For light load
condition, the efficiency is reduced because of the increase of
the switching loss. The waveforms of the PSFB converter are
depicted in Fig. 8.
In this paper, the power losses of the PSFB are analyzed and
the efficiency and power loss are calculated for two switching
frequencies. It is shown that the transformer loss is the
dominant loss in this converter for 50 switching frequency
where it is around 60 percent of the total losses. The overall
efficiency of this converter for 25 is above the 99 percent Figure 8. The waveforms of the PSFB converter
at full load condition and it decreases at light load condition due
to the switching losses. The ZVS range for this converter is International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 4,
calculated and it is considered in the power loss analysis. A No. 1, February 2016.
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The authors would like to thank Swedish Energy Agency for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 8, August 2017.
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