Kito San

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Orchid Science and Biotechnology ©2007 Global Science Books

Chitosan for Improving Orchid Production and Quality

Apiradee Uthairatanakij1* • Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva2 • Kullanart Obsuwan3

1 Division of Postharvest Technology, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok, 10150, Thailand
2 Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University, Ikenobe 761-0795, Miki-cho, Kagawa, Japan
3 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University, Nakorn Pathom, 73000, Thailand

Corresponding author: *

Chitosan is a deacetylated derivative of chitin that is derived from the cell walls of fungi, crustacean exoskeletons, cuticles of insects and
some algae. It is considered environmental friendly for agricultural uses as it is easily degradable and non toxic to humans. Chitosan and
its derivatives have been reported to elicit natural defence responses in plants and it has been used as a natural compound to control pre-
and postharvest pathogenic diseases. Chitosan application has also been shown to increase yields of some agricultural crops. Chitosan has
recently been reported to act as a plant growth promotor in some species including orchids. The degree of deacetylation and concentra-
tions of chitosan have varying effects on the growth and development of orchid cultured in vitro. Spraying with chitosan has been shown
to significantly reduce the severity of leaf spot disease in orchids. Also, it has been shown that application of chitosan to Dendrobium
orchid plants tended to increase the size of open florets and length of the inflorescences, but did not affect the display-life of cut orchids.

Keywords: development, displayed-life, growth, inflorescence


INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
APPLICATION OF CHITOSAN ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO CHITOSAN ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Role of chitosan in plant resistance to pathogens and defence mechanisms .............................................................................................. 2
Chitosan enhances the production of secondary metabolites..................................................................................................................... 2
Effect of chitosan on plant growth............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Other effects of chitosan on plant responses.............................................................................................................................................. 3
EFFECT OF CHITOSAN ON ORCHIDS ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION san is biodegradable, has low potential toxicity and is com-

mon in the environment, the USA Environmental Protection
Orchids are members of the family Orchidaceae, which is Agency (EPA) concluded that chitosan is not harmful to
one of the largest families of flowering plants. The orchid people, pets, wildlife, or the natural environment, and also it
industry is one of the most important agricultural industries was found to be non-toxic when fed to mice, rats, and rab-
in Thailand and it is based mainly on Dendrobium hybrids. bits (EPA 1995). However, chitosan is registered as a pesti-
However, other important orchid genera including Vanda, cide, which implies a potential for misuse or improper dis-
Mokara, Ascocenda, Paphiopedilum and Cattleya are also posal.
grown. The increase in orchid production is leading to This article reviews the effects of chitosan on orchid
higher public demand for technical assistance and informa- growth and development.
tion in order to improve orchid growth, development, pro-
duction and quality. Chitosan is used in many industries in- APPLICATION OF CHITOSAN
cluding waste water treatment, membrane technology, pulp
and paper, cosmetics, food industry, medical, biotechno- Chitosan is one of the most common natural polymers that
logy and agriculture (Imeri and Knorr 1998). In agriculture, can be obtained from various species, particularly from the
there is a worldwide trend to use chitosan as an alternative exoskeletons of crustaceans. It is also found in cuticles of
compound because of its fungicidal effects and elicitation insects as well as in the cell walls of fungi and some algae
of defence mechanisms in many plant tissues. It is also use- (Sanford and Hutchings 1987; Sandford 1989; EPA 1995).
ful in other ways including used as a coating material for Chitosan is a polysaccharide derived from a low acetyl form
prolonging postharvest life and limit fungal decay on straw- of chitin, mainly composed of glucosamine and N-acetyl-
berry and bell pepper (Terry and Joyce 2004). Moreover, glucosamine. Its structure and composition is similar to both
the use of culture medium supplemented with 1.75 % (v/v) cellulose and chitin (Freepons 1991; Hadwiger and McBride
chitosan solution (chitogel) enhanced root and shoot bio- 2006). Chitosan has a strong positive charge and it attracts
mass, photosynthesis and related parameters of grapevine negatively charged molecules. The unique physiological and
plantlets in vitro culture (Barka et al. 2004). Because chito- biological properties of chitosan have led to its use in vari-

Received: 27 January, 2007. Accepted: 9 April, 2007.

Invited Mini-Review
Orchid Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 1-5 ©2007 Global Science Books

ous industries for removal of metal ions from wastewater, parts of the plant. As a result the entire plant is more resis-
removal of dyes, addition to animal feed and as a preser- tant to a secondary infection. Representative proteins of
vative in the food industries, for the controlled release of SAR include antifungal chitinases, β-1,3-glucanases, PR-1
drugs, control of blood cholesterol, and as an additive to and PR-5 (Sathiyaba and Balasubramaman 1998). Further
cosmetic products such as moisturizers, bath lotions, and studies have shown that chitosan induces the expression of
face, hand and body creams (Roller and Covill 1999; Ben- various genes involved in plant defence responses such as a
jakul et al. 2000; Shahidi et al. 2001). Chitosan has been gene encoding PAL and protease inhibitors (Notsu et al.
used in agriculture as a coating material for fruits, seeds 1994; Doares et al. 1995; Vander et al. 1998). Chitosan has
and vegetables (Zhang and Quantick 1998; Jiang and Li been shown to elicit defence genes in several species such
2001; Lee et al. 2005; Photchanachai et al. 2006), for con- as rice (Rakwal et al. 2002), slash pine (Mason and Davis
trolled agrochemical release of fertilizers (Sukwattanasinitt 1997), and tomato (Ben-Shalom et al. 2000). These genetic
et al. 2001), to stimulate plant immune systems, plant studies implied that chitosan may involve jasmonic acid
growth and plant production and also to protect plants (JA) pathways since transcription activation of genes enco-
against attack by microorganisms (El Ghaouth 1994; Had- ding PAL and protease inhibitors are induced by both JA
wiger et al. 2002; Nge et al. 2006). and chitosan (Walker-Simmons et al. 1983; Farmer and
Ryan 1992; Doares et al. 1995). Therefore, the antifungal
PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO CHITOSAN action of chitosan seems to comprise more than one mode
of action by which chitosan affects fungal cell wall biosyn-
Role of chitosan in plant resistance to pathogens thesis and/or alteration of the ability of pathogens to infect
and defence mechanisms and/or its ability to increase plant resistance.
Chitosan is an exogenous elicitor of response mechanisms Chitosan enhances the production of secondary
and has been demonstrated to induce plant defences in metabolites
tomato (Benhamou and Thériault 1992; Benhamou et al.
1994), cucumber (Ben-Shalom et al. 2003), chili seeds The use of biotic or abiotic elicitors is one way to increase
(Photchanachai et al. 2006), strawberry fruits (El Ghaouth the yields of secondary metabolites in in vitro cultures (Eil-
et al. 1992) and rose shrubs (Wojdyla 2004). Several stu- ert 1987; Bohlmann and Eilert 1994). Supplementation of
dies have shown that chitosan stimulates other systems in- hairy root cultures of Brugmansia candida with chitosan at
volved in resistance of plants to infection (Bohland et al. certain concentrations was found to increase the content of
1997; Creelman and Mullet 1997; Vander et al. 1998; Kim root scopolamine and hyoscyamine, which are valuable
et al. 2005). Chitosan induces the accumulation of phyto- anticholinergic drugs employed as antispasmodics and in
alexins resulting in antifungal responses and enhanced pro- the treatment of motion sickness. Both are members of the
tection from further infections (Hadwiger and Beckman tropane group of alkaloids (Hashimoto et al. 1993; Yamada
1980; Vasyukova et al. 2001). The increase in phenolic et al. 1994). Hairy root cultures of Hyoscyamus muticus
substances following chitosan application has been re- supplemented with chitosan produced 5-fold more hyoscya-
viewed (Bautista-Baños 2006). Application of chitosan and mine than the control (Sevón et al. 1992). Chitosan added
chitin oligomers increased the activities of phenylalanine to suspension cell cultures of parsley (Petroselinum cris-
ammonia-lyase (PAL) and tyrosine ammonia-lyase (TAL), pum) elicited a rapid deposition of the β-1,3-glucan, callose
the key enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway, in soy- in the cell walls and a slower formation of coumarins (Con-
bean leaves (Khan 2003), and sweet basil (Ocimum basi- rath et al. 1989). The addition of chitosan to the culture
licum L.) (Kim et al. 2005). The products of PAL and TAL media has been shown to enhance the production of hernan-
are modified via the phenylpropanoid pathways to produce dulcin, a minor constituent (0.004% dry wt) of the essential
precursors of secondary metabolites, including lignin, fla- oil obtained from the aerial parts of Lippia dulcis Trev
vonoid pigments, and phytoalexins, which play an impor- (Sauerwein et al. 1991). Treating hairy root cultures of Tri-
tant role in plant-pathogen interactions (Morrison and Bux- gonella foenum-graecum L. with 40 mg.L-1 chitosan in-
ton 1993; Taiz and Zeiger 2002). Chitosan treatment in- duced a three fold increase in diosgenin, a spirostanol im-
creases polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in disease resis- portant for the synthesis of steroid hormones (Merkli et al.
tant cultivars (Thipyapong et al. 2004; Raj et al. 2006). 1997).
Oxidation of phenolic compounds associated with en-
hanced resistance to pathogens may involve PPO, which Effect of chitosan on plant growth
could generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Mayer
2006). Kim (2005) reported that chitosan and methyl jas- It has been reported that chitosan increased the growth rates
monate increased antioxidant activity (DPPH) 3.5- and 2.3- of roots and shoots of daikon radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
fold in sweet basil, respectively. Pre-incubation of sus- (Tsugita et al. 1993). Utsunomiya and Kinai (1994) applied
pension-cultured wheat cells in a growth medium of Pan- chitosan-oligosaccharides to soil used for cultivating pas-
toea agglomerans with chitin or chitosan led to a strong sionfruit (Passiflora edulis Sims). They showed that chito-
increase in extracellular peroxidase activity (Ortmann and san-oligosaccharides advance flowering time and increased
Moerschbacher 2006). Application of the soluble deriva- flower numbers (Utsunomiya and Kinai 1994). The effect
tives of chitin and chitosan to wounds of wheat plants has of chitosan on the growth of gerbera plants has been stu-
been shown to elicit lignification (Pearce and Ride 1982). died. The results showed that chitosan significantly en-
Chitosan enhances phytoalexin production in germinating hanced growth factors in terms of the average values of
peanut (Cuero et al. 1991) and also induces the formation flower-stem length, the number of growing leaves, inclu-
of phytoalexins in legumes and solanaceous plants (Cote ding leaf width and length as well as the number of flowers
and Hahn 1994). Thus, chitosan may be involved in the per bush (Wanichpongpan et al. 2000). Chitosan also pro-
signalling pathway for the biosynthesis of phenolics. It has moted growth of various crops such as cabbage (Brassica
been shown that chitosan can induce chitinase and chitosa- oleracea L. var. ‘Capitata’) (Hirano 1988), soybean sprouts
nase, which are members of a group of plant pathogenesis- (Lee et al. 2005) and sweet basil (Kim 2005). Chitogel, a
related (PR) proteins (Collinge et al. 1993; van Loon et al. derivative of chitosan, was found to improve vegetative
1994). These PR proteins can degrade the cell walls of growth of grapevine plantlets (Ait Barka et al. 2004). This
some phytopathogens and consequently may play a role in study showed that the average O2 production of plantlets
host plant defence systems (Dixon et al. 1994; Graham and cultured on medium supplemented with 1.75% chitogel in-
Sticklen 1994). Moreover, chitosan can also induce plant creased 2-fold, whereas CO2 fixation increased only 1.5-
immune systems (systemic acquired resistance or SAR), fold, indicating that chitogel had a beneficial effect on net
which is long lasting and often confers broad-based resis- photosynthesis in plantlets and confirmed its positive ef-
tance to different pathogens. SAR develops in uninfected fects on grapevine physiology (Ait Barka et al. 2004). It

Chitosan for improving orchid production and quality. Uthairatanakij et al.

has also been shown that chitosan promotes vegetative at concentrations of 10 and 20 mg.L-1 of P70 and P90 res-
growth and enhances various processes in developing pectively (Pornpeanpakdee et al. 2006). Nge et al. (2006)
flower buds including induction of flowering of lisianthus studied the effects of chitosan of various molecular weights
(Eustoma grandiflorum) (Ohta et al. 1999; Uddin et al. on the growth of Dendrobium phalaenopsis PLBs in vitro. It
2004). Several experiments on the effects of concentration was found that application of shrimp chitosan with a molec-
and frequency of chitosan application were conducted in ular weight of 1 kDa accelerated the growth and develop-
various crops such as chilli, Chinese cabbage, celery, bitter ment of the meristematic tissue of orchid from explants to
cucumber and rice (Chandrkrachang et al. 2003; Boonlert- PLBs in liquid media, more than treatment with 10 and 100
nirun et al. 2005). The data showed that chitosan concen- kDa chitosan respectively. Fungal chitosan (10 kDa) at 15
tration and frequency of application significantly increased mg.L-1 was more effective than shrimp oligomer chitosan at
growth rates of chilli and the harvest yield of Chinese cab- 1 and 10 kDa for increasing growth of orchid PLBs after six
bage (Chandrkrachang et al. 2003). However, the applica- weeks of cultivation. Moreover, application of fungal chito-
tion of chitosan had no effects on rice. In contrast, Boon- san generated the highest number of orchid plantlets (Nge et
lertnirun et al. (2005) found that four foliar sprays with al. 2006). Chandrkrachang (2002) reported that chitosan
chitosan at the rate of 20 ppm gave a small increase in sprays at 2.5-40 mg.L-1 increased leaf length of Paphiope-
yield of rice. It has been reported that the addition of chi- dilum orchid. Kliangkeaw et al. (2003) showed that chitosan
tosan to a liquid culture medium also enhances shoot increased the growth of Paphiopedium bellatulum x Paph.
growth of L. dulcis Trev. (Sauerwein et al. 1991). Lee et al. Angthong in tissue culture. Encapsulating seeds of Spatho-
(1999) found that chitosan treatment increases the yield glottis plicata with alginate-chitosan has been reported to
and marketability of soybean sprouts. However, the me- minimize infections by mycorrhizal fungi (Tan et al. 2004).
chanism of action of chitosan on plant growth remains un- Limpanavech (2003) reported that chitosan at 10 mg.L-1 en-
clear. hanced the growth and the number of PLBs of Dendrobium
formosum Roxb. ex Lindl, and Paphiopedilum sanderianum
Other effects of chitosan on plant responses (Rchb. f.). The induction of root and leaf growth in D. for-
mosum by treatment with chitosan depended on the compo-
Chitosan was found to reduce plant transpiration in pepper sition of the growth medium (Limpanavech 2003). Pi-
plants resulting in a 26-43% reduction in water use while chyangkura (2004) demonstrated that the effectiveness of
maintaining biomass production and yield. These results chitosan depended on molecular weight, ratio of sugar car-
suggested that chitosan might be an effective antitrans- bons to glucosamine and N-acetyl-glucosamine, and the
pirant to conserve water use in agriculture (Bittelli et al. concentration and frequency of applications. Spraying with
2001). Increasing levels of abscissic acid (ABA), which chitosan has been shown to significantly reduce severity
plays a key role in the regulation of water use by plant re- leaf spot disease and increase the length of inflorescences in
sulted in closure of stomata and decreased transpiration Dendrobium Missteen (three and half years old), however
(Willmer and Pricker 1996). Sembdner and Parthier (1993) there was no effect on floret size and new shoot growth
reported that ABA exhibited some activities similar to jas- (Win et al. 2005). Chitosan-treated orchid plants (Dendro-
monic acid. Therefore, stomata closure induced by foliar bium Sensational ‘Purple’) had more flower shoots and
application of chitosan may influence pathways involving yields tended to be higher on extra grade compared to the
jasmonic acid or ABA. Azian et al. (2004) reported that control plants (Chandrkrachang et al. 2005). Dendrobium
vase solutions containing chitosan at 25 and 50 mg.L-1 in- Sonia ‘No. 17’ with immature inflorescences were sprayed
creased the vase life of cut chrysanthemum by 13 and 15 six times with chitosan at 0 (water), 200, 400, or 600 mg.L-1
days, respectively, compared to control flowers that had a at weekly intervals. The data showed that florets sprayed
vase life of 6.8 days. The application of chitosan combined with 600 mg.L-1 chitosan had significantly higher fresh
with ammonium carbonate offers a commercially accepta- weights (29 g compared to 26.8 g for the untreated controls).
ble, economically viable and effective alternative for post- Spraying with chitosan at 600 mg.L-1 increased the width of
harvest control of anthracnose in stored papaya. Dipping the sepals at harvest (Uthairatanakij et al. 2006).
papaya in chitosan plus ammonium carbonate, significantly
(P<0.005) retarded colour development of skin and flesh, CONCLUSIONS
increased fruit firmness and reduced weight loss (Sivaku-
mar et al. 2005). Chitosan can be use as a plant growth enhancer for orchid
production especially for immature plants or in tissue cul-
EFFECT OF CHITOSAN ON ORCHIDS ture. It increases the length of the stalks of Dendrobium
‘Missteen’. Possibly, chitosan may induce a signal to syn-
Chitosan sprays (10 mg.L-1) significantly increased growth thesize plant hormones such as gibberellins. In addition,
of young orchid plants (Chandrkrachang 2002). Limpana- chitosan may enhance growth and development by some
vech et al. (2003) studied the effects of concentration, deg- signalling pathway related to auxin biosynthesis via a tryp-
ree of deacetylation, and polymerisation of chitosan at de- tophan-independent pathway. However, chitosan has incon-
flasking, on growth and development of Dendrobium Sonia sistent effects on growth and development of mature orchid
Jo ‘Eiskul’, the major cut flower orchid of Thailand. The plants. Chitosan can reduce disease severity in orchids, pos-
oligomeric and polymeric forms of chitosan with 70, 80, sibly by increasing the activity of PAL and PPO, lignifi-
and 90% deacetylation (%DD) at concentrations of 1, 10, cation resulting from increased biosynthesis of phenolic
50 and 100 mg.L-1 had no effect on vegetative growth, but compounds or induced secondary metabolites and SAR.
chitosan induced early flowering in Dendrobium Sonia Jo Also, increased disease resistance may be mediated in part
‘Eiskul’. Further experiments were conducted in vitro to via an increase in the concentrations of jasmonic acid.
determine the effects of concentrations, deacetylation rate, Moreover, resistance to disease infections may also involve
and polymer size of chitosan on growth of Dendrobium closure of stomata by ABA.
Sonia Jo ‘Eiskul’ protocorm-like bodies (PLBs). Six types
of chitosan were used; polymer (P) and oligomer (O) with ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
degrees of deacetylation of 70%, 80% and 90%, and mol-
ecular weight (MW) of P = 400,000-500,000 and O = The authors would like to thank Adjunct Prof. Dr. B. McGlasson
30,000-100,000 at 6 different concentrations, 0, 10, 20, 40, for reviewing this manuscript and for helpful suggestions.
80, and 160 mg.L-1. The results showed that PLBs were
bleached and killed when treated with 160 mg.L-1 of any REFERENCES
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