Virgil's The Aeneid: Venus Has Her Own Plan She Made

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Virgil’s The Aeneid - Venus has her own plan; she made

(simplified and popularized by Edith Hamilton) Dido fall in love with Aeneas, but
ensured that Aeneas will not feel the

A eneas – Trojan, son of Anchises and same (thanks to Cupid).

Venus; destined to rule Hesperia (a - Jupiter sends Mercury to Aeneas, and
western country)—later called Italy. urged the hero to fulfil his destiny.
- He sailed westward bound to Crete, - When Aeneas left Carthage, he saw
where Harpies plagued them and the place illuminated by fire. It slowly
drove them away from there. died down, but he didn’t know it was
- Landed next to a place where they Dido’s funeral pyre.
met Hector’s wife, Andromache who
is enslaved by Achille’s son
(Neoptolemus/Pyrrhus). Pyrrhus - Carthage to west of Italy is an easy
married Hermione, but soon he died. sail, but they lost the pilot Palinurus,
- Andromache married the Trojan who drowned.
prophet Helenus; the prophet advised - Helenus also advised him to find Sibyl
Aeneas not to land on the nearest of Cumae upon reaching Italy. She will
coast to Italy because of the fleet of take him to the Underworld so he
Greeks (east). could meet his father, Anchises.
- He was advised not to avoid a - To travel the underworld, Aeneas
shortcut between Sicily and Italy, must find a GOLDEN BOUGH that
because the strait was guarded by gains admittance.
Scylla and Charybdis*. - In his journey to the Underworld, he:
- Aeneas reached the land of Cyclopes, o Met the spirits of Disease,
where a sailor called Ulysses (who Hunger and Care
was left behind) warned them about o Saw Dido, but she did not
the giant; acknowledge him
- They left the giant as it was about to o Lured Cerberus with a piece
attack them. of cake
- Juno was still mad at Trojans because o Met War and Discord
Paris chose Venus over her. It made o Reached the junction of
her mad when she learned that Cocytus (river of lamentation)
Aeneas was destined to found a city and Acheron (river of woe)
that will destroy her favourite city, o He met Charon who would
Carthage. not row for the living, but saw
- Juno asked Aeolus to sink the Trojan the Golden Bough.
ships in exchange of a lovely nymph o Charon took the bough and
as a wife.
rowed for him.
- Neptune’s intervention saved the
o Saw Minos, Europa’s son,
Trojans, calmed the sea and brought
passing the final sentence on
them to land, [Carthage] (north coast
the souls
o Passed by Fields of Mourning
- Dido – queen and founder of
– where unhappy lovers

Outlined and prepared by: S. Lobrio

dwelt; there he saw Dido’s - The war was among Latinus, Turnus,
soul. Mezentius (king of Etruscans) and
o Saw two sides of underworld: Camilla
 Rhadamanthus – - Aeneas was helped by the river god,
punishes soul for their Father Tiber
wicked deed - Camilla fell
 Elysian fields - Mezentius died after his son was
(delightful) – good killed
dead, heroes, poets, - Aeneas was winner by sight: “It was
priests, and all people as if Turnus was fighting against
remembered because lightning and earthquake—it is
of they helped people impossible.”
o Aeneas found his father in - Aeneas killed Turnus.
Elysian fields - (Aeneas is compassionate, but not
o Anchises lead him to Lethe, human in battle.)
river of forgetfulness, where
souls would drink there by the
time they are ready to be
o Anchises told Aeneas how he
would establish his new


- Juno’s evil plan: make powerful

people of the of the country, Latin
and Rutulians to be against the Trojan
- Latinus, king of Latium, great
grandson of Satum
o Was warned by his father,
Faunus, not to marry his
daughter Lavinia to any man
but to a stranger.
o Lavinia - daughter of Latinus
- Juno summoned Alecto (one of the
Furies) to (1) convince Latinus’ wife to
oppose the marriage, and (2) tell
Turnus, king of Rutulians, about
- There is a custom in the city that war
is determined upon a gate of Janus’
temple. Close: peace | open: war
- Juno opened the gates.

Outlined and prepared by: S. Lobrio

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