LDS Conference Report 1968 Annual
LDS Conference Report 1968 Annual
LDS Conference Report 1968 Annual
APRIL 5, 6, 7, 1968
Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah
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Conf. Report
of the
held in the
Tabernacle on Temple Square
Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The One Hundred Thirty-Eighth Annual
Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
The general sessions of the con- sent over KSL, Salt Lake City, KIRO
ference were held at 10:00 a.m. and at Seattle, KMBC at Kansas City, as
2:00 p.m. Friday, April 5, Saturday, well as WRFM at New York, begin-
April 6, and Sunday, April 7. The ning at midnight, Friday, and on Sun-
General Priesthood meeting was held day and Monday to many parts of the
Saturday, April 6, at 7:00 p.m. United States, and of the world, in-
cluding Alaska, Canada, Mexico, and
President David O. McKay was
the islands of the Pacific.
present in person at the opening ses-
The General Priesthood conference
sion on Friday morning and at the
Saturday evening was transmitted by
10:00 a.m. session on Saturday, but
closed circuit direct wire from the Salt
under orders of his doctors remained
Lake Tabernacle to approximately
at home during the other sessions,
95,000 men of the priesthood assembled
where he listened to and witnessed
in 500 buildings throughout the
the other sessions by direct wire by
United States and Canada. In addi-
television. President McKay presided
tion, the proceedings of the Priesthood
at all sessions. Under his direction his
session were broadcast publicly through
counselors, Presidents Hugh B. Brown,
KSL radio and television and were
N. Eldon Tanner, and Joseph Fielding
received throughout a wide area of
Smith, conducted the services assigned
Utah and adjacent states.
to each of them.
Assistants to the Twelve Apostles: liam Lund and Earl E. Olson, assis-
Alma Sonne, EIRay L. Christiansen, tants.
John Longden, Sterling W. Sill, Henry Members the Church Board of
D. Taylor, William J. Critchlow, Jr., Education, Church educational author-
Franklin D. Richards, Theodore M.
ities and supervisors.
Burton, Boyd K. Packer, Bernard P.
Brockbank, James A. Cullimore, Presidents of Stakes and their
Marion D. Hanks.** Counselors, Presidents of Temples,
Patriarchs, bishoprics of wards and
The First Council of the Seventy:
Seymour Dilworth Young, Milton R. presidencies of branches, quorum
Hunter, Bruce R. McConkie, A. Theo-
presidencies and members of the
dore Tuttle, Paul H. Dunn, Hartman
Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood.
Rector, Jr., Loren C. Dunn.*** Auxiliary Officers, General, Stake
The Presiding Bishopric: John H. and Ward, from all parts of the
Vandenberg, Robert L. Simpson, Victor Church.
L. Brown. •Elder Alvin R. Dyer was sustained at this con-
ference as counselor in the First Presidency.
General Officers and Other •Elder Mari»n D. Hanks was sustained at this
Authorities Present conference as an Assistant to the Twelve
Church Historian and Recorder: ••Elders Hartman Rector, Jr. and Loren C. Dunn
were sustained at this conference as members
Joseph Fielding Smith, with A. Wil- of the First Council of the Seventy.
FIRST SESSION sistersfor their loyalty and devotion
to the children of the Church. May
The opening session of the confer- God bless them in the great work they
ence convened in the Tabernacle on are doing.
Temple Square in Salt Lake City on All of the General Authorities of
Friday morning, April 5, 1968, at 10 the Church are in attendance at this
o'clock a.m., with President David O. conference.
McKay present and presiding. Presi- We miss the presence of Elder
dent Hugh B. Brown, first counselor Antoine R. Ivins of the First Council
in the First Presidency, conducted the of Seventy, who passed away on Octo-
ber 18, 1967. He rendered a long and
The Combined Brigham Young faithful service to the Church.
University Choruses, under the direc-
tion of Ralph Woodward, furnished
We are pleased to announce that
the proceedings of this General Con-
the choral music for this session.
ference will again be given extensive
Robert Cundick was at the organ
coverage, originating with KSL Radio
and Television in Salt Lake City.
President Brown extended the fol-
Through the generous cooperation of
lowing greeting to the conference:
their owners and managers, over 300
President Hugh B. Brown television and radio stations will carry
to practically every state in the Union,
We extend to all a hearty and cor- and to many foreign countries, the
dial greeting as we assemble in the proceedings of some of the sessions of
opening session of the 138th Annual this conference. The names of the
Conference of The Church of Jesus stations carrying the proceedings of
Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are this session were announced to the
convened in the historic Salt Lake television and radio audience just
Tabernacle on Temple Square. prior to the opening of this meeting.
We are happy to announce that For the second time, the sessions of
President David O. McKay is with us this conference are being televised in
this morning, and he will preside at color, and may be received by many
all sessions of this conference. He has in the United States and in Canada
asked me to conduct this session. We over most of the television stations
are thankful that he has been blessed cooperating to provide the extensive
with renewed health during the past coverage of this conference.
six months, and is still able to carry Countries in Europe, Asia, Africa,
on the heavy responsibilities of his and Latin America, totaling nearly
high office. two-thirds of the world, can receive
At this time we express deep sorrow broadcasts of these proceedings over
and shock at the news of the passing the Church-owned international short-
of a man (Dr. Martin Luther King) wave radio station WNYW, with
who dedicated his life to what he studios in New York.
believed to be the welfare of his people. Audio tape and sound on film rec-
It is a shocking thing that in this age ords of the conference will be trans-
such a thing could happen. We pray lated into eleven languages and sent
God's blessings upon his family, his to Japan, France, Germany, Italy,
friends, and those associated with him. Scandinavian and Latin American
During the past two days, the officers countries.
and teachers of the Primary Association Re-broadcasts of all sessions of the
of the Church have been in conference. Conference will be received over KSL
We commend and congratulate these Radio, KIRO Radio at Seattle, WRFM
Friday, April 5 First Day
Mydear brethren and sisters, and of all peoples everywhere who may
friends of the radio and television come within the radius of the broad-
audience: At this moment there is just casts the various sessions, which
one supreme wish in my heart. It is will be carried worldwide.
that the Spirit of the Lord and of this
great conference may be felt in every
Thanksgiving for blessings
home and in every heart in the Church, I pray for the blessings of the Lord,
as well as in the hearts and homes not only during this session, but
throughout all of the sessions of this realm. When Mary and Martha saw
138th annual conference of the their brother only as a corpse in
Church. the dark and silent tomb, Christ saw
My heart is filled with thanksgiving him still a living being. This fact
for our blessings and for God's great he expressed in just two words:
love for his children. The older I "Lazarus sleepeth." (See John 11:11.)
grow, the more grateful and impressed
I am with the glorious truths and Reality of the resurrection
great possibilitiesand opportunities of If everyone participating in Easter
the gospel of Jesus Christ. services knew that the crucified Christ
I appreciate the loyalty, faith, actually rose on the third day from the
brotherly love, and prayers of the tomb, that after having greeted others
membership of this Church. Realizing and mingled with others in the spirit
the great responsibility that rests upon world his spirit did again reanimate
me this morning in giving to the his pierced body, and after sojourning
Church a message at a general con- among men for the space of 40 days
ference, I earnestly pray for his guid- he ascended a glorified soul to his
ance and for your faith and prayers. Father, what benign peace would
I extend a hearty welcome to all come to souls now troubled with doubt
present in this historic Tabernacle, and uncertainty!
erected on Temple Square by our On the reality of the resurrection in
pioneers 100 years ago, and to all who the minds of the apostles, the begin-
may be listening in, and pray that ning of early Christianity was founded.
God's blessings may be with each of For over four thousand years man had
you in rich abundance. looked into the grave and had seen
only the end of life. Of all the mil-
The greatest event of history lions who had entered therein, not
On April 14, there will be cele- one had ever returned.
brated throughout Christendom the It was, therefore, a new and glorious
greatest event of all history the resur- — message that the angel gave to the
rection of Jesus Christ. In speaking of woman who, fearfully and lovingly,
that event, the Apostle Paul declared: had approached the sepulcher in which
". . if Christ be not risen, then is
. Jesus had been buried: ". Ye seek . .
Friday, April S First Day
That the literal resurrection from did not hold Jesus is threefold: (1) the
the grave was a reality to the disciples marvelous transformation in the spirit
who knew Christ intimately is a cer- and work of his disciples; (2) the
tainty. In their minds there was practically universal belief of the early
absolutely no doubt. They were wit- Church, as recorded in the Gospels;
nesses of the fact. They knew, be- and (3) the direct testimony of Paul,
cause their eyes beheld, their ears the earliest New Testament writer.
heard, their hands felt the corporeal
presence of the risen Redeemer. Latter-day witness
In the very beginning of this dis-
Gloom of death banished
pensation of the fulness of times, the
At Jesus' apostles were
death, the 14-year-old Joseph Smith said:
stricken with gloom. When
he lay "... I saw two Personages, whose
dead, their hopes all but died. Their brightness and glory defy all descrip-
intense grief, the evident preparation tion standing above me in the air.
for a permanent burial, combined to One of them spake unto me, calling
illustrate the prevalence of a fear that me by name and said, pointing to the
the redemption of Israel had failed. other This is My Beloved Son. Hear
Notwithstanding the often-repeated Himl" (Joseph Smith 2:17.)
assurances of Christ that he would re- Later, speaking of the reality of this
turn to them after death, the apostles vision, he testifies as follows:
did not seem fully to comprehend it. "... I had seen a vision; I knew it,
At the crucifixion, they were frightened and I knew that God knew it, and I
and discouraged. For two and one- could not deny it, neither dared I do
half years they had been upheld and it; at least I knew that by so doing I
inspired by Christ's presence. But now would offend God, and come under
he was gone. They were left alone, and condemnation." (Joseph Smith 2:25.)
they seemed confused, fearful, helpless. Confirming the irrefutable testimony
The world would never have been of Christ's early apostles, The Church
stirred by men with such wavering, of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
doubting, despairing minds as the proclaims the glorious vision of the
apostles possessed on the day of the Prophet Joseph Smith:
crucifixion. "And now, after the many testi-
What was it that suddenly changed monies which have been given of him,
these disciples to confident, fearless, this is the testimony, last of all, which
heroic preachers of the gospel of Jesus we give of him: That he livesl
Christ? It was the revelation that "For we saw him, even on the right
Christ had risen from the grave. His hand of God; and we heard the voice
promises had been kept, his messianic bearing record that he is the Only
mission fulfilled. In the words of an Begotten of the Father." (D&C 76:22-
eminent writer, "The final and abso- 23.)
lute seal of genuineness has been put In the light of such unimpeachable
on all his claims, and the indelible testimony as given by the ancient
stamp of a divine authority upon all apostles' testimony, dating from a few
his teachings. The gloom of death had years subsequent to the event itself;
been banished by the glorious light in the light of that most marvelous
of the presence of their Risen, Glori- revelation in this age of the living
fied Lord and Savior." Christ, it seems difficult indeed to
understand how men can still reject
Testimony of eyewitnesses
him and can doubt the immortality of
On the evidence and testimony of man.
these unprejudiced, unexpectant, in-
credulous eyewitnesses of the risen
The way, the truth, and the life
Christ, faith in the resurrection has its "How can we know the way?"
impregnable foundation. asked Thomas, as he sat with his
The direct evidence that the tomb fellow apostles and their Lord at the
table after the supper on the memo- Now, what are the teachings of the
rable night of the betrayal; and Church regarding these virtues and all
Christ's divine answer was: "I am the they comprehend? If the Church fails
way, the truth, and the life. ." . . to make men true, fails to foster moral
(John 14:5-6.) And so he is! He is the manhood, then there is no reason for
source of our comfort, the inspiration its existence, and its pretension to be
lives. I know
that they appeared to God bless the Church, particularly
the Prophet Joseph Smith and revealed our young people who are going to
to him the revelations which we now maintain its standards. God bless
have recorded in the Doctrine and fathers and mothers and teachers who
Covenants and in other Church works. instill this faith in the hearts of the
This knowledge is as real to me as youth and proclaim it throughout the
that which occurs in our daily lives. world, I pray in the name of Jesus
When we lay our bodies down at Christ. Amen.
night, we know we have an assur-
ance that the sun will rise in the President Hugh B. Brown
morning and shed its glory over all
the earth. So near to me is the knowl- I am sure that the profound and
edge of Christ's existence and divinity inspiring message from our President
of this restored Church. will find an echo in the hearts of all
Members of The Church of Jesus of us. It is a fitting and inspiring
Christ of Latter-day Saints are under keynote to this great conference.
obligation to make the sinless Son of President Joseph Fielding Smith,
Man their ideal the One Perfect president of the Quorum of the Twelve
Being who ever walked the earth. Apostles, will now address us.
My dear brothers and sisters, it is a to serve him and the same command-
pleasure to me to have the privilege ments that we have had given to us.
of being here with you in this con- Prayer is something that we need, not
ference. that the Lord needs. He knows just
We as Latter-day Saints have a great how to conduct his affairs and how to
many duties to perform. I wonder if take care of them without any help
we do not sometimes get a little care- from us. Our prayers are not for the
less, a little thoughtless, a little ne- purpose of telling him how to run his
glectful; and we do not pay attention business. If we have any such idea as
to the simple things that belong to the that, then of course we have the wrong
gospel. idea. Our prayers are uttered more for
our sakes, to build us up and give us
Reasons for prayer strength and courage, and to increase
I wonder if we ever stop to think our faith in him.
why the Lord has asked us to pray. Prayer is something that humbles
Did he ask us to pray because he wants the soul. It broadens our comprehen-
us to bow down and worship him? Is sion; it quickens the mind. It draws
that the main reason? I don't think it us nearer to our Father in heaven. We
is. He is our Heavenly Father, and we need his help; there is no question
have been commanded to worship him about that. We
need the guidance of
and pray to him in the name of his his Holy Spirit. We
need to know
Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. But the Lord what principles have been given to us
can get along without our prayers. His by which we may come back into his
work will go on just the same, whether presence. Weneed to have our minds
we pray or whether we do not. He quickened by the inspiration that
knows the end from the beginning. comes from him; and for these reasons
There are many worlds that have we pray to him, that he may help us
passed through the same experience to live so that we will know his truth
that we are going through. He has and be able to walk in its light, that
had sons and daughters on other we may, through our faithfulness and
earths, where they have had the same our obedience, come back again into
privileges and the same opportunities his presence.
sesses, that we might become sons and of dishonesty. A man finds it very
daughters of God, members of his difficult to pray if he has never
household. prayed.
To become sons and daughters of On the other hand, when a man has
God, we have to keep all of the cove- always been truthful, it is a hard thing
nants that belong to the gospel and be for him to lie. If he has always been
true to them to the end of our lives. honest and he
does some dishonest
Then we will inherit; we will be thing, his
conscience protests very
called heirs. We
will be joint heirs loudly. He
will find no peace, except
with Jesus Christ to inherit what? in repentance. If a man has the spirit
Not that he is going to step down from of prayer, he delights in prayer. It is
his throne that we may ascend. Not easy for him to approach the Lord with
that, but we will inherit the same assurance that his petitions will be
Friday, April 3 First Day
answered. The paying of tithing is for the infinite service he rendered us,
not hard for the person fully con- by giving service in his cause?
verted to the gospel, who pays his The man who does only those things
tenth on all that he receives. The Lord in the Church which concern himself
has given us a great truth: his yoke is alone will never reach exaltation. For
easy, his burden is light, if we love to instance, the man who is willing to
do his will! The Lord has said: pray, to pay his tithes and offerings,
"Therefore, O
ye that embark in and to attend to the ordinary duties
the service of God, see that ye serve which concern his own personal life,
him with all your heart, might, mind and nothing more, will never reach the
and strength, that ye may stand blame- goal of perfection.
less before God at the last day." Service must be given in behalf of
(D&G 4:2.) others. We
must extend the helping
If we will all serve him in this way,
hand to the unfortunate, to those who
have not heard the truth and are in
we will have plenty to do. The Father
spiritual darkness, to the needy, the
asks nothing inconsistent with reason
oppressed. Are you failing? Let us
but that which is in harmony with his
Will L.
think of the words of the poet,
law, and which he himself obeys. Can
Thompson, as we think about being
you imagine our Eternal Father and
Savior doing nothing?
saviors on Mount Zion. The poem
starts this way:
Work for man's benefit
"Have I done any good in the world
So we see that the great work of the today?
Father, and of the Son, is not for self
Have I helped anyone in need?
alone. They work, as they have Have I cheered up the sad,
worked hitherto, for the benefit of And made someone feel glad?
man. When a man joins the Church, If not I have failed indeed."
it is on the principle of faith in the
(Hymns, 58.)
Father and in the Son and in the Holy
Ghost. It is on the principle that he
hope and pray that none of us
accepts all that pertains to the gospel.
fail in our service to our Father in
These requirements are made of all heaven. May the Lord continue to
men who seek repentance and a place bless us one and all and keep us in the
in the kingdom of God. If a man tries path of truth and righteousness, I
to get in by some other way, he is humbly pray, in the name of the Lord
classed as a thief and a robber. Why? Jesus Christ. Amen.
Because he is trying to obtain eternal
life by fraud! He is trying to obtain President Hugh B. Brown
a reward of exaltation by counterfeit The chorus and congregation will
coin, and this cannot be done. now join, upon an indication from the
chorister, in singing, "We Thank Thee,
Importance of service O God, fora Prophet." After the sing-
Obedience to the gospel ordinances ing, Elder Franklin D. Richards, Assis-
isrequired of all men, and they can- tant to the Twelve, will address us.
not enter into the kingdom without
complying with the law the Lord has
The Brigham Young University
Combined Choruses and the congrega-
Our Savior came into the world tion joined in singing the hymn, "We
to teach us love for each other, and Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet."
as that great lesson was made manifest
through his great suffering and death
that we might live, should we not After Elder Franklin D. Richards
express our love for our fellowmen by speaks to us, we shall hear from Elder
service rendered in their behalf? Sterling W. Sill, also an Assistant to
Should we not show our appreciation the Twelve.
tive force and as a requisite to accom- A young person should plan and
plishment. It is important to realize patiently prepare for a mission years
that patience can be a tremendous ahead of the time he leaves, providing
positive force when combined with he wants to perform an outstanding
prayer, faith, and works. In this light mission.
let us further consider the great value The planning and obtaining of one's
of patience and how it can be education is especially important in
developed. this day and age, and, of course,
planning and preparing for one's vo-
Ways to develop patience
cation become a significant part of
One way to develop patience and planning and obtaining one's educa-
to make it a positive force is to carefully tion. Faith and patience are vital
plan our and set realistic
activities to accomplish these desired objectives.
objectives and goals. Sound planning Hasty courtships tend to create un-
requires meditation, patience, and happy marriages and often result in
prayer. President McKay has fre- divorce. Be patient in the selection of
quently referred to the great benefits a husband or wife. Be patient and
to be derived from meditation. take sufficient time to prepare for a
Frequently, patience is developed temple marriage. Here is one place
when coupled with repentance: a where your patience will be rewarded
changing of one's attitude, a control- with eternal blessings.
ling of one's temper, or some other
corrective action. But patience com- Patience in family life
bined with prayer, repentance, faith, Our need for continual patience is
and works will overcome obstacles of greatestwith our loved ones, our fam-
every nature. ily. Here is where we may be the
means persevering, and
Patience most impatient, but here is where pa-
persevering means work mental and — tience pays the greatest dividends.
physical. Nothing is sweeter than to watch a
President Grant used to quote Ralph loving parent patiently teach his child
Waldo Emerson: "That which we per- the right way. A father stood by his
sist in doing becomes easy to do, not small son in a swimming pool. The
that the nature of the thing has boy wanted so much to learn to swim.
changed, but that our power to do The father patiently showed him how.
it has increased." Day after day they returned to the
It is not unusual for one to develop pool, the father always evidencing
the idea that the grass on the other patience and appreciation for the boy's
side of the fence is greener. But in efforts. This same method is used by
every aspect of life we should realize truly successful parents in teaching
that " a rolling stone gathers no moss." their children the lessons of life so- —
Assuming that moss in this axiom cial, moral, intellectual, and spiritual
means the better things of life, then as well as physical: telling, showing,
patience or staying on the job or over and over, until the lesson is
magnifying one's calling will bring learned, always with patience, love,
these better things to us. Then to and appreciation of every evidence of
develop patience, "don't expect too progress, no matter how small.
much too soon." Make the most of
what you have. Patience in church work
Patience and perseverance in Church
Need for patient preparation
work also pay tremendous dividends,
Exercise patience in the matter of as in all other areas of life's activities.
buying a new home, a new car, furni- As early as 1831 the Lord, in a
ture, or other important things. Get revelation given to the Prophet Joseph
out of debt and stay out of debt; here Smith, counseled the elders of the
patience will reward you with peace of Church to "be not weary in well-doing,
mind, happiness, and success. for ye are laying the foundation of a
great work. And out of small things Patience is truly a mighty virtue,
proceedeth that which is great." and can be developed as we recognize
(D&C 64:33.) its importance and make up our minds
The reward of patiently persevering God lives and that Jesus Christ is our
Savior and Redeemer. I thank God
in this case was the bringing of an
entire family into the kingdom of God. for the Prophet Joseph Smith and for
our present President and Prophet,
A mighty virtue David O. McKay, both of whom have
exemplified in their lives this great
As one reviews the various areas of
quality of patience.
life's activities and appreciates the
many human inadequacies, the great And may I close with the words of
value of patience becomes more and the apostle Paul to the Hebrew saints,
more evident. ". .let us run with patience the race
My brothers and sisters, I would like three days of the Lord's public min-
to recall to your minds one of the great istry. As he came near the historic
scenes of the holy scriptures. It has city, he wept because of the wickedness
been referred to as the Lord's tri- of its people.
umphal entry into Jerusalem. After a The feast of the passover was at
long absence, Jesus and his disciples hand, and as he approached the city,
were making their way toward the other travelers, Jerusalem bound,
temple for what was to be the last merged with his party at the cross-
Friday, April 5 First Day
roads. Soon there was an imposing versal desire of all people, for as the
procession, with Jesus as the central sun is the center of the solar system,
figure, riding upon a colt, in fulfill- so is the Redeemer the center of our
ment of an ancient prophecy. As they lives. Without the sun our solar sys-
entered the Holy City, the people cast tem would fly apart, and without God
branches of palm trees in his path, the greatest values in our lives would
thus carpeting his way as for the pas- be lost. As the apostle Peter said,
sage of a king. And for the time being "Neither is there salvation in any
he was their king, and the voices of other: for there is none other name
the multitude sounded in reverberating under heaven given among men,
harmony, saying, "Hosanna to the whereby we must be saved." (Acts
son of David: Blessed is [the King of 4:12.)
Israel,] that cometh in the name of the
Lord " (Matt. 21:9.) This is life eternal
This picturesque scene might well The prophets have looked forward
symbolize another coming, as the to his coming since time began, and
scripture projects our minds ahead to even as Jesus was being born, wise
that time when with holy angels he men from were asking: the east
will appear in flaming fire to cleanse "Where is he [who] is born King of
the earth of sin and to inaugurate the the Jews? for we have seen his star in
millennial era of a thousand years of the east, and are come to worship
peace, during which he will reign per- him." (Matt. 2:2.) And that is what
sonally as King of kings. wise men have been asking and doing
ever since. The Master himself said,
We would see Jesus ". . this is life eternal, that they
Among those attending this particu- might know thee the only true God,
lar passoverwere certain Greeks who and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast
sought a conference with the Master. sent." (John 17:3.)
In making their request through Phil- After the people had listened to the
ip,they said, "Sir, we would see Jesus." preaching of the gospel at Pentecost,
(John 12:21.) In these five words they they were pricked in their hearts; and
were also voicing an idea that has the desiring the better way of life that
greatest significance for every age. had been recommended, they cried out
That is, what could be more helpful to the apostles: ". Men and breth- . .
in our own days of miracles, atheism, ren, what shall we do?" And Peter
and crime than for everyone to have answered: "Repent, and be baptized
an unshakable testimony of, and an every one of you in the name of Jesus
inspiring personal relationship with, Christ for the remission of sins, and
the divine Ruler of this earth. ye shall receive the gift of the Holy
Since that long ago day, some nine- Ghost." (Acts 2:37-38.)
teen wide centuries have come and
gone. And we now have the judgment Jesus found in different ways
of time shining upon the life of Christ, People have found Jesus in differ-
enabling us to see it in clearer perspec- ent ways. The Greeks found him
tive. We are now aware that he is through Philip; the wise men from
much more than a prophet from the east were led to Bethlehem by his
Nazareth. He is also the Son of God, star; Peter was taken to Jesus by his
the Savior of the world, the Author of brother Andrew; and Paul found him
life, the Redeemer of men, and the through a miracle on the Damascus
giver of all good things. By our ab- road. Jesus gave his own formula for
sorbing the spirit of his life, under- discovery when he said, "If any man
standing his doctrines, and following will do his will, he shall know of the
his example, this ancient Grecian re- doctrine. ." (John 7:17.)
. He said,
quest to see Jesus might well be ".. seek me diligently and ye shall
granted in our own behalf. Certainly find me. ." (D&C 88:63.) How-
. .
this request should represent the uni- ever, the greatest tragedy of our world
remains the fact that so many never Sychar. He said to her, "If thou
attain this all-important objective. knewest the gift of God, and who it
And yet only he who fails to seek is that saith to thee, Give me a drink;
Vriday, April 5 First Day
water, but of hearing the words of and in bearing his certain witness he
the Lord: has said to us, "And now, after the
"And [men] shall wander from sea many testimonies which have been
to sea, and from the north even to the given of him, this is the testimony,
east, they shall run to and fro to seek last of all, which we give of him: that
the word of the Lord, and shall not he lives I
find it." And the Lord added, "In that we saw him, even on the right
day shall [they] faint for thirst." hand of God; and we heard the voice
(Amos 8:11-13.) bearing record that he is the Only
Begotten of the Father
Gospel shall be preached 'That by him, and through him,
But God always provides the remedy and of him, the worlds are and were
before the plague. On the Tuesday created, and the inhabitants thereof
before his crucifixion on Friday, the are begotten sons and daughters unto
Lord sat on the Mount of Olives and God." (D8£C 76:22-24.)
foretold the wars and troubles that The greatest opportunity of our lives
would immediately precede his glorious isfound in following the spirit of this
second coming to the earth. And he ancient Grecian request, saying, "Sir,
himself made a solemn promise, say- we would see Jesus" (John 12:21);
ing, "And this gospel of the kingdom and in consequence of our faithful,
shall be preached in all the world for righteous search, we may have an
a witness unto all nations; and then inspiring personal testimony of his
shall the end come." (Matt. 24:14.) divinity springing up in our own
In the early spring of 1820 in upper hearts.
New York State, in fulfillment of this
promise, God the Father and his Son Unseen spiritual powers
Jesus Christ reappeared upon this Modern travelers to that ancient city
earth to reestablish among men a be- of Sheckem near the site of Jacob's
lief in the God of Genesis, the God of
well tell us that there are rivers of
Calvary, and the God of the latter water flowing beneath the streets.
days. The eternal springs were re- During the daylight hours they can-
opened; divine revelation was again not be heard. But when evening
established from heaven. And the gos- comes and the clamor dies out of the
pel of Jesus Christ was restored to the streets, when kindly sleep rests upon
earth in a fullness never known be- the city, then quite audibly in the hush
fore in the world. The universal of the night you can hear the music of
thirst is now being relieved for all of
these buried streams.
those who effectively seek their Re-
deemer. By divine order the world God has provided our earth with
great underground reservoirs and
has now been given three great vol-
buried rivers that may be brought to
umes of new scripture, outlining in
the surface to keep our earth produc-
every detail those simple principles on
tive and beautiful. Likewise, there
which the exaltation and eternal hap-
are some great unseen spiritual powers
piness of every human life depend. On
that can be used to vitalize our spirits
every fundamental point of doctrine
and make our lives beautiful and
we again have an authorative "Thus
saith the Lord." We
also have the
testimony of many new witnesses sup- And in the quiet obedience of our
porting those of old that God lives, faith and love of righteousness, God
that the gospel is true, and that many may touch these hidden abilities im-
of the great events spoken of in the planted in the depths of our souls
scriptures are about to be fulfilled. and release great spiritual strength to
purify our lives and bring about our
Testimony of modern prophet eternal exaltation in his presence.
In our own day another prophet has As someone has said, "What cool
known God as Moses did, face to face, sparkling pure water is to the welfare
Friday, April 5 First Day
with a sincere heart, with real intent, eternal glory —because the Book of
having faith in Christ he will mani- — Mormon is true.
fest the truth of it unto them by the I know that the Bible is the word
power of the Holy Ghost. (See Moro. of God as far as it is translated cor-
10:4.) rectly — because the Book of Mormon
is true.
Book Mormon is true
I know
that The Church of Jesus
Now I am one who knows by the Christ of Latter-day Saints is the king-
power of the Spirit that this book is dom of God on earth, the one kingdom
true, and as a consequence I also know, with legal administrators who can seal
both by reason and by revelation from
the Spirit, of the truth and divinity of
men up unto eternal life because the —
Book of Mormon is true.
all the great spiritual verities of this
To my testimony of the Book of
dispensation. For instance:
Mormon I add that of the Lord God
I know that the Father and the Son
himself, who said Joseph Smith "has
appeared to Joseph Smith —because the translated the book, and as your
. . .
pulpit about the war in Vietnam. With see coming out of this conflict, as I
your indulgence I should like again to have witnessed in other conflicts in
Friday, April 5 F«t Day
come, but I am confident that it will "Holy Father, many good men hold-
come, and that the efforts of your sons ing thy priesthood have come to this
who are there in military service will land incident to the war. While here
make that day possible. Without they have sought to establish thy di-
their presence, I would see small pros- vine work in this part of the world.
pect short of half a century. They have shared the gospel of thy
Son with their associates, their fellow
Prayer of dedication
Americans, and with the Vietnamese
May I share with you something of people. With gratitude we have wit-
a sacred and inspiring experience? On nessed the baptism of a number of
Sunday, October 30, 1966, more than these people. And so we feel it ex-
200 members of the Church gathered pedient at this time, under the author-
ity given us by thy Prophet, he whom midst of evil. The Lord bless them
thou hast anointed and appointed to for their faith in the midst of over-
stand at the head of thy work in this whelming obstacles. The Lord bless
day, to dedicate this land and invoke them for their to
desires share the
thy blessings upon it. precious gifts of the gospel.
"We accordingly come before thee
in the exercise of the holy priesthood,
Houses of worship constructed
and in the authority of the holy apos- have been impressed with the sacri-
tleship in us vested we dedicate and our people to construct houses
fices of
consecrate this land of South Vietnam worship in many parts of the world,
for the preaching of the gospel of the but I think I have never been so deeply
Lord Jesus Christ as restored through touched as in witnessing the response
the Prophet Joseph Smith. May there to a suggestion made two years ago by
from this time forward, Father, come our Vietnam zone president, a military
upon this land an added measure of officer. He suggested that our breth-
thy Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of ren, who were already paying their
the people and the rulers thereof. May tithing, contribute their combat pay
they open their hearts to the teaching differential to a building fund. This
of the truth and be receptive to the represents the extra amount given men
gospel of thy Son. May those who for battle duty. More than $3,000 was
have these blessings feel a new urge contributed by men of the Saigon
in their hearts to share with others Branch on a single Sunday, and more
the great gifts and powers and author- than $18,000 was given throughout
ity which are theirs, which have come Vietnam in 30 days. Where in all
from thee. . . . the world would you find a better ex-
"Open the way for the coming of pression of faith than that of these
missionaries, and make their labors soldiers, airmen, and marines, who
fruitful of great and everlasting
good in have given to the cause of peace that
the lives of the people. money paid them for the risks of
"To this end we seek thy blessing battle?
this holy day as we bow before thee They gave it for the construction
and acknowledge with thankful hearts of buildings they will never use or
thy goodness unto us ... in the name even see, but which will someday
of our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. bless the people whose liberty they
Amen." have fought to preserve.
The Lord bless them for their
Church being established
generosity, and may the peace of the
We do not have regular missionaries Lord comfort the hearts of their wor-
there yet. I do not know when we shall ried fathers and anxious mothers, who
be able to send them. But I am confi- implanted and cultivated in their sons
dent that day will come. In the a faith that today quietly shines in the
meantime there are those, both civilian dark, embattled area in which they
and military, who are sharing the gos- find themselves.
pel, not in contravention of any offi-
cial regulations, not through regular Missionary labors of servicemen
proselyting, but they have taught when I hope that some of you parents who
others have come seeking. grieve over your sons who could not
Through their efforts the work of the go on missions because of the demands
Church is now established in a num- of the draft will derive some small
ber of areas, including legal registra- measure of comfort from the assurance
tion of the Church in Thailand. I that your sons may perform an effec-
doubt that this would have been pos- tive missionary labor through their
sible had there not been able and examples, and that they may assist in
devoted members of the Church there lifting the veil in lands of darkness
incident to the war. The Lord bless in which the gospel must someday be
these men for their goodness in the taught.
Vriday, April 5 First Day
but which somehow, under the mys- His purposes will ripen fast,
terious ways of God, will be strength- Unfolding every hour;
ened, and from which someday shall The bud may have a bitter taste,
spring forth a great work affecting for But sweet will be the flower."
good the lives of large numbers of our
(William Cowper, Hymns, 48.)
Father's children who live in that
part of the world. Of that I have a
certain faith. May the Lord bless our faithful
I have seen a prototype of what will
brethren in Asia, and may he give us
happen as I have witnessed the de- the vision to look beyond this dark day
velopment of this work in others of the to a time when, because of their great
ancient nations of Asia in Korea, in service,
his latter-day kingdom shall
many souls in that part of
Taiwan, in Okinawa, in the Philip-
pines, and in Japan, where altogether the earth, I humbly pray in the name
we now have more than 25,000 Latter- of Jesus Christ. Amen.
day Saints.
President Hugh B. Brown
This marvelous membership is the
sweet fruit of seed once planted in Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the
dark years of war and in the troubled Council of the Twelve has been our
days immediately following, when concluding speaker.
good men of the priesthood, both The Combined Brigham Young
civilian and military, through the University Choruses will now favor us
example of their lives and the inspira- with "I Know That My Redeemer
tion of their precepts, laid a foundation Lives," conducted by Ralph Wood-
on which a great work has been ward, with Robert Cundick at the
established. organ.
Following the singing, the benedic-
Letter from Vietnam
tion will be offered by Elder Don Van
May I read from a letter just received Slooten, formerly president of the
from one of our brethren in Vietnam: Netherlands Mission, after which this
Quoting the apostle Paul, "Breth- "Light and truth forsake that evil
ren," and may I add sisters and friends, one." (D&C 93:36-37.)
"my heart's desire and prayer to God The glory of God being intelligence,
for Israel is, that they might be saved. then the glory of man, the spirit off-
"For I bear them record that they spring of Deity, must also be intelli-
have a zeal of God, but not according gence, for man is God's greatest and
to knowledge. most important creation. Our Heav-
"For they being ignorant of God's enly Father is concerned about the
righteousness, and going about to eternal welfare and happiness of his
establish their own righteousness, have children. He has, however, given them
not submitted themselves unto the their free agency to choose for them-
righteousness of God. selves.
"For Christ is the end of the law for President George Q. Cannon has
righteousness to every one that be- said: "I thank God for giving us our
lieveth." (Rom. 10:1-4.) [free] agency, because I think this
earth will be a furnace to cleanse me
Voice to all men and prepare me for a better condition
Many people profess a zeal for God, of affairs and a better life, and I be-
but their lives do not always harmo- lieve this of all of us. These bodies . . .
nize fully with spiritual knowledge. of ours are naturally rebellious [and]
Those who sincerely believe will follow full of strange appetites. are here We
and do the works of Christ; otherwise, to conquer these desires. [and] . . .
in their pursuit of eternal glory, they bring this earthly substance in sub-
will fall short of their heavenly goal. jection to the will of God.
In this dispensation of the gospel the ". . . It is true that some have greater
Lord gave this admonition: "Hearken, power of resistance than others, but
O ye people of my church, [and] . . .
everyone has the power to close his
ye people from afar; and . . . listen heart against doubt, against darkness,
together. against unbelief, against depression,
"For verily the voice of the Lord is against anger, against hatred, against
unto all men, and there is none to jealousy, against malice, against envy.
escape; and there is no eye that shall . Whenever darkness fills our minds,
. .
not see, neither ear that shall not we may know that we are not pos-
hear, neither heart that shall not be sessed of the Spirit of God, and we
penetrated. must get rid of it. we are filled When
"And the rebellious shall be pierced with the Spirit of God, we are
withmuch sorrow. . .
." (D&C 1:1-3.) filled with joy, with peace and with
Thus we see that the voice of the happiness. . .
." (Gospel Truths, Vol. 1,
Lord is to all men everywhere, and pp. 15, 19-20.)
none can escape the judgment for
violating his laws and commandments. Teach children light and truth
light and truth, according to the com- cometh not unto me is under the
mandments; and that wicked one hath bondage of sin.
power, as yet, over you, and this is "And whoso receiveth not my voice
the cause of your affliction. is not acquainted with my voice, and
unto you — if you will he delivered "And by this you may know the
you own house,
shall set in order your righteous from the wicked. ." (D&C . .
law upon which it is predicated." with the fervor of our being the
(D&C 130:20-21.) truths, standards, principles, and
Also: "For all who will have a ideals of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
blessing at my hands shall abide the Satan is a formidable opponent, and
law which was appointed for that it will take extraordinary toughness
and the conditions thereof,
blessing, to subdue him and his agents.
as were instituted from before the The Lord has never promised that
foundation of the world." (D&C the overcoming of evil would be easy,
132:5.) but everyone can, if he wills, win the
". . unto every law there are cer-
. battle against the power of Satan.
tain bounds also and conditions. The gospel of Christ is a lamp in
"All beings who abide not in those our hands to guide us in righteous
conditions are not justified. paths. Light can always dissipate
"For," said the Lord, "intelligence darkness, but darkness can never re-
cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom re- place light. It is only when the light
ceiveth wisdom; truth embraceth of the Spirit within us is dimmed or
truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleav- goes out that the darkness of tempta-
eth unto light; mercy hath compassion tion and sin enters in, and Satan takes
on mercy and claimeth her own; jus- over.
tice continueth its course and claimeth
its own: judgment goeth before the
Unfruitful works of darkness
face of him who sitteth upon the The apostle Paul, in his Epistles
throne and governeth and executeth to the Ephesians, admonished, ". . .
leadeth to do good yea, to do justly, "Whobeing past feeling have given
to walk humbly, to judge righteously," themselves over unto lasciviousness, to
our salvation and glory can be as- work all uncleanness with greediness."
sured. (See D&C 11:12.) (Eph. 4:17-19.)
"[Put] away lying. ." (Eph. . .
God is light
John the Beloved gave this witness "Let no corrupt communication pro-
and testimony of the Christ and his ceed out of your mouth. . . .
teachings: "This then is the message ". grieve not the holy Spirit of
. .
declare unto you, that God is light, "Let and wrath, and
all bitterness,
and in him is no darkness at all. anger, and clamour, and evil speaking,
"If we say that we have fellowship be put away from you. ." (Eph. . .
hath any inheritance in the kingdom of "Wherefore, the Lord God gave
Christ and of God." (Eph. 5:3-5.) unto man that he should act for him-
The counsel of God is clear: avoid self. Wherefore, man could not act
these "unfruitful works of darkness" for himself save it should be that he
walk in light and truth. was enticed by the one or the other."
"And be renewed in the spirit of (2 Ne. 2:15-16.)
your mind; Opposition seems to be as extensive
". put on the new man, which
. .
and pervasive as the familiar words
after God is created in righteousness which signify it. It would be mani-
and true holiness. fest in all other basic ideas that come
".speak every man truth with his
. .
in contrasting pairs: that is, good and
neighbour. . . .
evil, life and death, war and peace,
". let not the sun go down upon
. .
pleasure and pain, necessity and con-
your wrath: tingency, virtue and vice. There are
"Neither give place to the devil." other terms that stand opposed one to
(Eph. 4:23-27.) another, such as, chance to fate,
Thus has the apostle Paul desig- liberty to slavery, time to eternity,
nated some of the things we must knowledge to opinion, and matter to
avoid as the unfruitful works of dark- form. Still other terms cannot be dis-
ness and some of the positive things cussed without reference to their
we ought to do to walk in the light opposites, such as, truth and falsehood,
of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There love and hate, justice and injustice,
are two powerful forces operative in the wealth and poverty.
world today: one is the powerful in-
Life made up of choices
fluence of God; the other emanates
from Satan. Even though evil is in The choice is up to us as we exer-
constant competition with the good, the cise our free agency. Consider the
noble, and the beautiful in life, we preacher who summed up this matter
should remember Joshua's declara- of opposition when he stated his feel-
tion: ". but as for me and my house,
. . ings as follows: "There is an election
we will serve the Lord." (Josh. 24:15.) going on all the time. The Lord votes
for you, and the devil votes against
Opposing forces in life you, but you cast the deciding vote."
The opposing forces in life are essen- "Life is made up of choices. There
tial for our growth and development. are two ways of doing things, the
It is required of us to recognize the right way and the wrong way. Every
powers that lead us away from the responsible individual stands almost
Spirit of the Lord, and to choose the daily at the crossroads and must
path of righteousness, which will lead choose which way he will travel. He
us back into the presence of God. As can take the road that leads to the
we succeed in this "tug-of-war" be- heights where the good and great of
tween the opposing forces of good and the earth assemble, or he can take the
evil, we will bring joy into our lives road that leads to the depths where
here and earn rewards and exaltation the victims of remorse and despondency
in the life to come. go. Life calls for almost constant de-
Perhaps never before in our history cisions and the decisions which we
has the need been greater for mem- make reflect with accuracy our think-
bers of the Church to understand the ing and our tastes.
opposing forces confronting them and ". . . it is the development of
to muster sufficient strength to resist ethical and spiritual standards which
the forces and embrace the
of evil will make the right choice clear and
forces of good. An ancient American easy. . . What we are and what we
prophet said: "And to bring about his achieve is largely a result of what we
eternal purposes in the end of man . . . choose." (Bryant S. Hinckley, Not by
it must needs be that there was an Bread Alone, p. 39.)
Friday, April 5 First Day
people to accept and live the gospel of Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the
Jesus Christ as revealed by God for the
Council of the Twelve has just spoken
to us.
benefit and blessing of his children.
The sufferings and sorrows resulting Elder Henry D. Taylor, Assistant to
from disobedience are extremely diffi- the Twelve, will now address us. He
cult to bear. It is far easier to walk will be followed by Elder Boyd K.
in the paths of righteousness and the Packer, Assistant to the Twelve.
As the psalmist contemplated with over the works of thy hands; thou hast
awe the beauties of the Lord's creation, put all things under his feet. . . .
with man as the crowning achieve- "O Lord our Lord, how excellent is
ment, he exclaimed in wonderment: thy name in all the earth 1" (Ps.
"When I consider thy heavens, the 8:3-6, 9.)
work of thy fingers, the moon and the Many have described man in glow-
stars, which thou hast ordained; ing terms. This is Shakespeare's
analysis: "What a piece of work is
"What is man, that thou art mind- man! how noble in reason! how in-
ful of him? and the son of man, that
finite in faculty! in form and moving
thou visitest him?
how express and admirable! in action
"For thou hast made him a little how like an angel! in apprehension
lower than the angels, and hast how like a god! the beauty of the
crowned him with glory and honour. world! the paragon of animals! .
." .
and spirit become inseparably con- parents enjoy a respected and honor-
nected that man may receive a fullness able name. In other words, "to be born
of Joy. In no other way, other than of goodly parents."
birth into this life and the resurrec- 2. To be born into homes where
tion, can spirits become like our eter- they are wanted: a place in which they
nal Father." (Era, Vol. 34 [September are loved; a place where proper exam-
1931], p. 643.) ples are manifest. One father said:
"I am not trying to be a model father.
Mission of Adam and Eve All I am trying to do is to live so that
When Adam was placed here upon when someone says to my son, 'You
the earth, our Heavenly Father indi- remind me of your father,' he can stick
cated that by himself, Adam never out his chest and not his tongue."
could people the earth or subdue it. 3. A place where the children are
"It is not good," the Lord said, "that encouraged to prepare themselves for
the man should be alone; I will make life, both here and hereafter, to live up
him an help meet for him." (Gen. to their full potential; a home where
2:18.) So Eve was created and given they are instructed to stand on their
to Adam in the bonds of eternal mar- own feet, to be independent and self-
riage, to continue with him, and to be supporting; a home where they are
his loving wife and companion. taught to prepare to establish homes
This noble couple were given the of their own through proper training
commandment to perpetuate them- and securing an adequate education.
selves: "And God blessed them, and
Security never granted
God said unto them, Be fruitful,
and multiply, and replenish the earth, To "subdue the earth," a person
and subdue it: and have dominion must look mainly to himself and not
over the fish of the sea, and over the to others, except as others might offer
fowl of the air, and over every living good counsel or set a good example.
thing that moveth upon the earth." Most persons are striving to find what
(Gen. 1:28.) These objectives could not they consider security. It has been
be achieved without effort, and so the pointed out:
Father further admonished Adam: "In "People who look to government for
the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat 'security' are seeking that which has
bread. . . ." (Gen. 3:19.) He was to never been granted to human kind.
labor and struggle for a living. Then, Man was promised his living by the
Friday, April 5 First Day
sweat of his brow, and where he home where love and kindness abide,
wastes his substance he will want in the peace and tranquility that come
spite of all human devices to render from observing the commandments of
it otherwise. Nowhere in her system the Lord.
does nature offer security to anyone There are many today who are seek-
or anything. Nature's way is the law ing for thrills and so-called pleasure.
of change and succession, or replace- These things are but momentary and
ment and fulfillment; but never the fleeting. Happiness and joy come
unalterable, the fixed or the guaran- from more enduring and lasting acts.
teed. It is defeatism in the individuals The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that
to seek security in living, a misunder- "happiness is the object and design of
standing of the function of life itself. our existence; and will be the end
Itwas not so that the pioneers of this thereof, if we pursue the path that
land lived, when there were few gov- leads to it; and this path is virtue, up-
ernments to do things for them. They rightness, faithfulness, holiness, and
met the wilderness on its own terms, keeping all the commandments of
and pushed it back. Men and women God." (Joseph Fielding Smith, Teach-
worked together to found their homes, ings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp.
raise their children, and wrest a 255-56.)
competence from what the land had
Rewards of life
to offerthem. They helped one an-
other. They had time for worship, Even though this life is real and
and they knew that over man there earnest, it is possible to receive many
was God. Our age is a pioneering rewards and have noted
satisfactions. I
one, and to each are offered widening serene joy in the face of a mother as
chances of development. It is a neglect she gazed with tenderness at her newly
of self-improvement to seek security born child. I have viewed the pride,
without having earned it, to attempt happiness, and joy in the expressions of
to reap without having sown. No parents as they watched and listened to
government can produce what people the report of their son or daughter who
don't in themselves create." ("Security had just returned from completing an
—A Mirage!" Life Line, October 31, honorable and successful mission, or
1964.) other righteous achievements.
prominent American, in contem- It is a humbling and warming ex-
plating the subject, gave this advice perience to be present in the temple
to young people: "Don't dream about with the parents, friends, and families
security; make it for yourself, out of as a young couple is married and
yourself." He then concluded his sealed for time and for all eternity.
thoughts on self-reliance with these Certainly there is joy and happiness
words: "Dare to believe in yourself there.
. . . and act accordingly. If you do, I am confident that each of us has
both your present and your future are personally experienced the warm glow
secure." of happiness that comes from perform-
ing an unselfish act or rendering a
"Men are that they might have joy" service for someone else.
While man is struggling to achieve The Prophet Joseph Smith has said:
security and independence, he should "If a man gets a fullness of the Priest-
also realize that happiness and joy can hood of God he has to get it in the
be his. The Prophet Lehi, speaking same way that Jesus Christ obtained it,
under the inspiration of the Lord, and that was by keeping all the com-
taught his sons that "men are, that mandments and obeying all the
they might have joy." (2 Ne. 2:25.) ordinances of the House of the
This joy could come from performing Lord. ..
." (Ibid., page 308.)
I feel subdued in spirit this after- not left in total comfort that all will
noon, my brethren and sisters, in sustain him. There have emerged in
coming from the mission field again to our society groups composed mostly of
general conference, to hear the testi- restless, unchallenged young people.
monies of our beloved Prophet and of In the name of peace and love and
the brethren. Particularly was my brotherhood, they criticize those who,
heart touched by the message of Elder obedient to the laws of the land, have
Gordon B. Hinckley as he spoke to our answered the call to military duty. It
servicemen, for in my life that silver is puzzling to see them renouncing
mate and sacred ties that bind a young The Lord said: "Therefore, renounce
man to his family and from those war and proclaim peace. ." (D&C . .
relationships to which young manhood 98:16.) I would that all men would
is so very responsive. Interruption remain at peace.
comes likewise to schooling, and life's "We love peace," said President
work is delayed. And, as always, it David O. McKay, "but not peace at
carries with it the threat of jeopardy any price. There is a peace more
to life and limb. destructive of the manhood of living
It is to you, our brethren in the man than war is destructive of the
armed forces, that I speak. Nor is the body. 'Chains are worse than bayo-
man who serves the only one con- nets.'" (The Improvement Era, June
cerned. There are wives and there are 1955, p. 395.)
parents who never, never cease to love Recently a college student about to
their children or fear for them. graduate, and under notice from the
Repudiation of responsibilities
selective service, came to my office.
Confused and worried, he told me of
A man answering the call now is the pressure from fellow students and
Friday, April 5 First Day
from faculty members to refuse induc- guilty of the first offense, neither the
tion, to leave the country, if necessary. second, ye shall not suffer yourselves
When the issues are so confusing and — to be slain by the hand of your
they are confusing what can a man enemies.
do? How can he know which way to "And again, the Lord had said that:
turn? Ye shall defend your families even
unto bloodshed. Therefore for this
Nephites taught defense cause were the Nephites contending
First, the scriptures are not silent on with the Lamanites, to defend them-
the subject. These are not new issues; selves, and their families, and their
75 years B.C. , the Nephites faced lands, their country, and their rights,
such a challenge. There encircled and their religion." (Al. 43:46-47.)
them an ominous threat to liberty, the
home, the family, and their rights of Message of First Presidency
worship. While our present dilemma More was said anciently, but we
is not quite like theirs, all too soon the modern prophets, for they have
turn to
very circumstances they faced could spoken and touched on the deeper
come upon us. We
would do well at issues involved. A message of the First
least to ponder the words of their Presidency dated April 6, 1942, states:
prophets: "Behold," said Moroni, ".. the Church is and must be against
"could ye suppose that ye could sit war. ... It cannot regard war as a
upon your thrones, and because of the righteous means of settling interna-
exceeding goodness of God ye could tional disputes; these should and could
do nothing and he would deliver you? —
be settled the nations agreeing by —
Behold, if ye have supposed this ye peaceful negotiations and adjustments.
have supposed in vain." (Al. 60:11.) "But the Church membership are
The Book of Mormon records that citizens or subjects of sovereignties over
"the Nephites were taught to defend which the Church has no control. The
themselves against their enemies, even Lord himself has told us to 'befriend
to the shedding of blood if it were that law which is the constitutional
necessary; yea, and they were also law of the land': . . .
hostility of invading enemies, but also will not hold the innocent instrumen-
indifference, dissension, and corrup- talities of the war, our brethren in
tion in their own land. But the record arms, responsible for the conflict. This
confirms that "they were doing that is a major crisis in the world-life of
which they felt was the duty which man. God is at the helm."
they owed to their God; for the Lord A man does not necessarily have to
had said unto them and also unto their volunteer. In fact, it would be hoped
fathers, that: Inasmuch as ye are not that young members of the Church
would have the strengthening, stabiliz- plished, and not with the blood-thirsty
ing development of missionary service, desire to kill and to destroy." (Confer-
and perhaps some schooling, before ence Report, April 1917, p. 4.)
they enter the service, if indeed they
are required to do so at all. And Righteous not lost
sometimes they are required to serve. If In armed conflicts there are casual-
so, the brethren have said: ". . the. ties. Sometimes clean, worthy men,
members of the Church have always innocent of any desire to kill, devoid
felt under obligation to come to the of any aggressive will to own that
defense of their country when a call to which belongs to someone else, fall
arms was made. . .
." (The Improve- victims of the confused, wicked ugli-
ment Era, May 1942, pp. 346, 348-49.) ness of war.
"For," the prophet Moroni said, "the
Citizenship responsibility
Lord suffereth the righteous to be
Though all the issues of the con- slain that his justice and judgment
flict are anything but clear, the matter may come upon the wicked; therefore,
of citizenship responsibility is perfectly ye need not suppose that the righteous
clear. Our brethren, we know some- will be lost because they are slain;
thing of what you face and sense, but behold they do enter into the rest
something of what you feel. of their God." (Al. 60:13.) There are
I have worn the uniform of my na- homes among us now where this
tive land in the time of total conflict. heartbreak is known.
I have smelled the stench of human I read somewhere some simple lines
dead and wept tears for slaughtered of verse about a mother and a tele-—
comrades. I have climbed amid the gram. Deep within lies a seed of
rubble of ravaged cities and contem- —
strength and consolation understood,
plated in horror the ashes of a civiliza- perhaps, only by those who have faith.
tion sacrificed to Moloch; yet knowing I can read but a few lines.
this, with the issues as they are, were I
called again to military service, I could "'Killed in action ... in the line of
not conscientiously object! duty.'
To you who have answered that call, Blind went her eyes with pain. . . .
We pray God
that he will protect The congregation and chorus will
you that you will not fall a mortal now join in singing: "O Say, What Is
nor a moral casualty of war. I tes- Truth?", after which Elder James A.
tify to you that "this is a major crisis Cullimore, Assistant to the Twelve,
in the world-life of man. God is at will speak to us.
the helm." (The Improvement Era,
May 1942, p. 349.)
The congregation and the Combined
I bear witness that he lives and Choruses joined in singing the hymn,
that he guides the destiny of man and "O Say, What Is Truth?".
of this Church, in the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen.
President N. Eldon Tanner
President N. Eldon Tanner
Elder James A. Cullimore, Assistant
He to whom we have just listened to the Twelve, will now address us,
is Elder Boyd K. Packer, Assistant to and he will be followed by Elder Alma
the Twelve. Sonne, Assistant to the Twelve.
Yes, he rose again. The advent on All this comes without effort on our
earth of the Redeemer is of less im- part through the grace of our Lord
portance than the conquest of death Jesus Christ. Unto those who believe
and the grave, for it was only by on him, repent of their sins, and keep
rising from the grave that he could his commandments and prove faithful
redeem the world. Hence, his resur- to the end shall come the greatest gift
rection signalizes the redemption of of all in the atonement, not only im-
mankind and becomes one of the mortality, but eternal life also, for the
greatest of all occasions for every Lord has said, "And, if you keep my
child of God. commandments and endure to the end
Our author continues: "It required you shall have eternal life, which gift
the resurrection to complete the work is the greatest of all the gifts of God."
tion from an ancient people, accus- ward, feasting upon the word of Christ,
tomed to accept the marvelous. The and endure to the end, behold, thus
miracle of Galilee failed to astound a saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal
world that treated miracles as a matter life." (2 Ne. 31:20.)
of course. The martyrdom of Calvary
was not in itself sufficient to prove Died for men's sins
that Jesus was the Savior of the world; Yes, he rose again, for the Father
but when the angel of the resurrection gave him to have "life in himself,"
showed the weeping followers of Jesus because he had strength to suffer,
an empty tomb on the morning of the bleed, and die for our sins individually,
first resurrection, no one who accepted and for the transgression of Adam, that
the story with a saving faith could we might not have to suffer ourselves
deny that the Nazarene was the if we keep his commandments.
world's Savior and the conqueror of The Savior himself said: "For be-
death." hold, I, God, have suffered these things
Yes, he rose again, for you and me for all, that they might not suffer if
for all the children of God—that we they would repent;
might not be lost but that we might "But if they would not repent they
live again and have immortality and must suffer even as I;
eternal life. Unto every man, woman, "Which suffering caused myself,
and child he brought immortality. Lis- even God, the greatest of all, to tremble
ten to the words of Alma: "Now, there because of pain, and to bleed at every
is a death which is called a temporal pore, and to suffer both body and
death; and the death of Christ shall
loose the bands of this temporal death,
spirit —
and would that I might not
drink the bitter cup, and shrink
that all shall be raised from this
"Nevertheless, glory be to the
temporal death.
Father, and I partook and finished my
"The spirit and the body shall be preparations unto the children of men."
reunited again in its perfect form. . . .
(D&C 19:16-19.)
"Now, this restoration shall come Amulek understood this as he
to all,both old and young, both bond prophesied of the coming of the
and free, both male and female, both Savior: "And he shall come into the
the wicked and the righteous. ." . .
world to redeem his people; and he
(Al. 11:42-44.) shall take upon him the transgressions
Paul said: "For since by man came of those who believe on his name; and
death, by man came also the resur- these are they that shall have eternal
rection of the dead. life, and salvation cometh to none
"For as in Adam all die, even so in else.
Christ shall all be made alive." ( 1 Cor. "Therefore the wicked remain as
15:21-22.) though there had been no redemption
Friday, April 5 First Day
made, except it be the loosing of the into Galilee: there shall ye see him,
bands of death " (Al. 11:40-41.) as he said unto you." (Mark 16:1-7.)
"And they said among themselves, one of the greatest evidences of Christ's
Who shall roll us away the stone divinity. No fact in ancient history
from the door of the sepulchre? is better than that Jesus
attested to
"And when they looked, they saw lived, that he was crucified, and that
dead, and become the firstfruits of tality; death of the body, which is
them that slept." (1 Cor. 15:13-14, separation of body and spirit; and the
19-20.) resurrection, which is the reunion of
A fulness of joy body and In the resurrected,
glorified, immortalized body we can
Yes, he rose again; and as he broke
go on into eternal life with God.
the bands of death, he made it possible
to be resurrected and, if
The atonement of the Savior his —
for all
obedient, to have eternal life. He made
death and resurrection made possible
the fulfillment of the purpose of God
it possible for us to have an immortal
in the creation of man. Through
body by which we could receive a
Moses he declared that purpose: "For
"fulness of joy."
behold, this is my work and my glory
The Lord revealed to the Prophet
Joseph Smith that only as the body
— to bring to pass the immortality and
eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39.)
and spirit are inseparably connected
I leave you my witness that this is
could we receive a "fulness of joy." He
the work of the Lord, that Jesus lives,
that he came to earth and by his
"For man is spirit. The elements
atoning sacrifice all shall live again,
are eternal, and spirit and element, in-
that he atoned for our individual sins
separably connected, receive a fulness
on condition of our repentance. By
of joy;
virtue of our faithfulness we too can
"And when separated, man cannot
have eternal life. In the name of
receive a fulness of joy.
Jesus Christ. Amen.
"The elements are the tabernacle of
God; yea, man is the tabernacle of President N. Eldon Tanner
God, even temples; and whatsoever
temple is defiled, God shall destroy We have just listened to Elder James
that temple." (D&C 93:33-35.) A. Cullimore, Assistant to the Twelve.
This inseparable union can only We shall now hear from Elder Alma
come about through birth into mor- Sonne, also an Assistant to the Twelve.
My brethren and sisters, the gospel prominent men in the world are mak-
of Jesus Christ has been restored in ing their own investigations.
its fullness. It has no substitute. It
is God's plan to save humanity and Formula for peace
to bring his children back to him. In The gospel message is before the
modern times it began to function on world. It is being studied and investi-
the 6th day of April 1830, when the gated by thinkers and scholars. Books
Church was organized. Christ's Church and magazines dealing with the re-
will grow and flourish in the future vealed word are being read. Eventually,
as it has in the past; I quote from wise men will come to know that the
modern revelation: ". . . the glory of only formula for peace is contained
the Lord shall be upon her; in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
". and there shall come unto her
. . Hatred, malice, and vindictiveness
out of every nation under heaven." must give way to the love advocated
(D&C 64:41-42.) and exemplified by the Lord Jesus
These prophetic words, given on Christ. There is no other effective
September 11, 1831, are being ful- way, for in his gospel is the power to
filled. The Church has reached a save.
juncture where it has an opportunity
Plan for man's redemption
to be heard. Many barriers and much
prejudice have been removed, and Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles,
realized that the gospel is the cove- organization through which the work
nant which the Lord has made with of regeneration should be accom-
men for their salvation and exalta- plished.
tion.It embraces all the rights, power, Nicodemus was impressed but not
and authority to save and exalt the converted, even though the first prin-
human family. It is definite in all ciples of the gospel were explained to
of its commitments. It must not be him by the Master Teacher. "Many
perverted or modified to suit the con- are called but few are chosen." (See
venience, or to satisfy the whims and D&C 121:34.)
the sophistries of false teachers and
others who seek to evade its respon- The gospel plan
sibilities. The restored gospel is identical in
I quote Paul's words to the Gala- all respects to the gospel taught by
tians: "But though we, or an angel the Savior and his apostles. The re-
from heaven, preach any other gospel quirements, the principles, and the
unto you than that which we have ordinances are the same. There is no
preached unto you, let him be ac- deviation in the fundamental teach-
cursed." (Gal. 1:8.) ings, no departure from the high
Jesus was similarly positive when standards demanded, and no modifica-
he said: ". strait is the gate, and
. . tions in the authorized procedures.
narrow is the way, which leadeth unto The law of health, for instance,
life, and few there be that find it." known as the Word of Wisdom, is a
(Matt. 7:14.) He also cautioned his part of the gospel plan. Its observance
followers to "beware of false prophets," makes for physical fitness, mental pro-
who would come to them in sheep's ficiency, moral soundness, and spiritual
clothing. (Matt. 7:15.) development.
There was to be no deviation from The law of
tithing is the Lord's
the outlined plan for the redemption method providing the necessary
of mankind. and specific
It is definite revenues the operation of the
in all of its requirements. Obedience Church in its far-reaching ramifica-
is the price of salvation. tions. It too is a part of the restored
Mission of the Church
Mission of the Holy Ghost
Themission of the Church is to
establish God's kingdom upon the When the Prophet Joseph Smith
earth, to safeguard it from error and was asked to point out a distinctive
falsehood, and to promote righteous feature of the Church, he replied:
living among its membership. To "We have the Holy Ghost."
carry forward its program, organiza- The Holy Ghost, the third person-
tions have been perfected, missionary age in the Godhead, is the spirit of
work instituted, and foundations se- revelation upon which the true Church
curely laid. is founded. He is the Comforter and
The Church of Jesus Christ of the "abiding witness" referred to by
Latter-day Saints proclaims a restora- the Lord Jesus, and he is conferred by
tion of the gospel with all the gifts, the laying on of hands.
keys, powers, and authority. It func- He testifies to the repentant, bap-
tions as it did anciently, with tized believers that Jesus
is the Christ
"apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and them with conviction that
evangelists, etc." (Article of Faith 6.) toe restored gospel is true
and divine
"Ye must be born again," said Jesus Bus conviction is a sacred and
to Nicodemus, who had confessed his sonal testimony that is the
faith and manifested his desire to in- of the Church and accounts
for its
vestigate the teachings of the Master. wonderful achievements and the
(See John 3:7.) In his interview with fastness and loyalty of its members
the Jewish ruler, Jesus referred to the It is the mission of the Holy
Church as the kingdom of God, an to inspire the Latter-day Saints
Friday, April 5 First Day
their efforts to build God's A modern prophet
to enhance and strengthen the mis-
sionary system at home and abroad,
God has spoken to the modern world
through Joseph Smith, a farmer's son.
and to enlighten the minds of those
Through him a new dispensation of
who are searching for the truth.
revealed knowledge has been ushered
Man, a child of God in. Prophecies concerning the latter
days are being fulfilled, and man's
The restored gospel declares that
responsibility to God is clearly out-
man is a child of God, and that he
lived before his advent upon the earth.
The mission of this modern prophet
A human being therefore
is more than was to set in order the things which
a physical creation; he is also a
pertain to God's kingdom. He was a
spiritual being endowed with the
humble man and came from the com-
attributes of his Heavenly Father. He
mon ranks. He had noworldly
moves toward perfection as he honors background, no scholarly attainments,
and obeys divine commandments, and no social standing to justify his
which is the only way to perfection. selection. His mind was free from the
Life is full of purpose. Man's
traditions, superstitions, and fallacies
career on earth is an opportunity for
of the past.
growth and development, an oppor- He had little to unlearn, few preju-
tunity for him to acquire knowledge,
dices to overcome, and no man-made
power, and experience, and to prepare
theories to lay aside. He was pliable
him for eternal life in God's kingdom. in the hands of God and impression-
No substitute for God's plan able to the Spirit's promptings.
He was chosen before he was born,
Teaching the principles of truth is and came to the earth at the appointed
an obligation resting upon the Church. time. He was foreordained to do his
There is no substitute for the plan of work. His capabilities had been de-
life taught by the Savior. This plan termined before his earthly advent.
did not originate with man. It came He was the "chosen of God and the
from God through holy men, called friend of man." (John Taylor, "The
prophets. They were foreordained to
Seer, Joseph the Seer," Hymns, 296.)
do their work. Their object was I so testify in the name of Jesus
to bring sinners to repentance and to
Christ. Amen.
provide safeguards against the de-
structive influences rampant in their President N. Eldon Tanner
Jesus and his apostles assailed the We have just listened to Elder Alma
corruption and hypocrisy existing Sonne, Assistant to the Twelve.
among the scribes and Pharisees, and Elder Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to
rebuked sin in high places. His de- the Church, will now address us. He
nunciation of the religious hypocrites will be followed by Bishop John H.
has no parallel in the world's literature. Vandenberg, Presiding Bishop.
each land was called earth, and there is my beloved Son, in whom I am well
were inhabitants on the face thereof." pleased." (Matt 3:17; 17:5.)
(Moses 1:29.)
Before Abraham was I Am
Jesus Christ the creator
was talking with the Jews
The word of God the Father, de- about Abraham, and they said to him:
clared to Moses: ". . . by the word of "Art thou greater than our father
my power, have I created them, which Abraham, which is dead? and the
is mine Only Begotten Son, who is prophets are dead: whom makest thou
full of grace and truth. thyself?
"And worlds without number have honour myself,
"Jesus answered, If I
I created; them for
and I also created my honour is nothing: it is my Father
mine own purpose; and by the Son I that honoureth me; of whom ye say,
created them, which is mine Only that he is your God:
Begotten." (Moses 1:32-33.) "Yet ye have not known him; but
Some astronomers now say that in I know him: and if I should say, I
this galaxy of which we are a part, know him not, I shall be a liar like
there are about one million worlds like unto you: but I know him, and keep
this one on which we live. President his saying.
J. Reuben Clark, Jr., put it this way: "Your father Abraham rejoiced to
". . if you think of this galaxy of
. see my day: and he saw it, and was
ours having within it from the begin- glad.
ning perhaps until now, one million "Then said the Jews unto him,
worlds, and multiply that by the num- Thou not yet fifty years old, and
ber of millions of galaxies, one hast thou seen Abraham?
hundred million galaxies, that sur- "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily,
round us, you will then get some view I say unto you, Before Abraham was,
of whothis Man whom we worship I am." (John 8:53-58.)
is." (Behold the Lamb of God, p. 17.)
He was no amateur, no novice in The resurrection and the life
the art and skill of a creator. "Worlds When Jesus was about to raise
without number" he has created. Lazarus from the dead, "Martha saith
Literal Son of God unto him, I know that he shall rise
again in the resurrection at the last
In that great council in heaven day.
when the creation of this earth was
"Jesus said unto her, I am
the resur-
planned, it was he who answered to
rection, and the life: he that believeth
the call of the Father: "Whom shall I
in me, though he were dead, yet shall
send? ." (Abr. 3:27.)
. .
he live:
It was he then who came to this
"And whosoever liveth and believeth
earth, in the meridian of time, born
in me shall never die. Believest thou
of the virgin Mary. He was the this?
literal Son of God the Father, "the
Only Begotten Son." "She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I
believe that thou art the Christ, the
He declared who he was. Through-
out his life on earth, he repeatedly
Son of God, which should come into
the world." (John 11:24-27.)
declared that he was the Son of God.
At the age of 12, he was found in the Jesus asked a Samaritan woman to
temple, conversing with the doctors. draw water for him, and a conversa-
In answer to his mother's reproof, he tion followed. The Samaritan woman
said, ". wist ye not that I must be
. .
at the well said to Jesus, "I know that
about my Father's business?" (Luke Messias cometh, which is called
2:49.) Christ: when he is come, he will tell
At the baptism of Jesus by John, us all things.
as also at the transfiguration of Jesus, "Jesus saith unto her, I that speak
a voice from heaven declared: "This unto thee am he." (John 4:25-26.)
Friday, April 5 First Day
Thou art the Christ earth, and in the heaven above the
"When Jesus came
into the coasts
earth. All he did was for others —
life of service. There was not one
of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his
selfish act.
disciples, saying, Whom
do men say
that I the Son of man am? Christ's great mission
"And they said, Some say that thou
art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and Approaching the finish of his mis-
sion here, he prayed to the Father: "I
others, Jeremias, of the
or one
prophets. have glorified thee on the earth: I
"He saith unto them, But whom say have finished the work which thou
ye that I am? gavest me to do.
"And Simon Peter answered and "And now, O Father, glorify thou
said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of
me with thine own self with the glory
the living God. which I had with thee before the
"And Jesus answered and said unto world was." (John 17:4-5.)
him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: He took upon himself the sins of
for flesh and blood hath not revealed
all who shall repent, and gave his
it unto thee, but my Father which is
life that all might live. He brought
in heaven." (Matt. 16:13-17.) about the resurrection for all.
Finally, in preparation for the
Dominion over creations restoration of his kingdom on the
earth in these the last days, he said:
On numerous other occasions, he
declared that he was the Son of God,
"Therefore I command you to repent
repent, lest I smite you by the rod of
the Christ. Is it any wonder then that
when the request came for him to my mouth, and by my wrath, and by
provide wine at the wedding feast,
my anger, and your sufferings be sore
fulness thereof." (1 Cor. 10:26.) He you know him who is called Jesus?
had dominion over all the kingdoms Yes, this is he whom we worship.
of the earth —
in the earth, on the He is the Son of God, the Great
Creator. He is our Savior and Re- McKay is his living Prophet today. I
deemer. He is our advocate with the so testify these truths in the name of
Father. It was he who made possible Jesus Christ. Amen.
universal resurrection. It was he,
with his Father, who appeared to President N. Eldon Tanner
Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove.
I testify that God lives and that
We have just listened to Elder
Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to the
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,
and that it was under his direction
that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been Bishop John H. Vandenberg, Pre-
restored in this dispensation for the siding Bishop of the Church, will be
last time, and that President David O. our concluding speaker.
A few years ago I read a story of a thee; and before thou earnest forth out
mother who was running and playing of the womb I sanctified thee, and I
with her three-year-old daughter. The ordained thee a unto the
mother told her daughter that when nations." (Jer. 1:5.)
she was a little girl her mother had The testimony of Abraham sheds
played with her in a very similar further light on the questions, "Who
manner. are we?" and "What are we doing
Upon hearing this, the little girl here?" He said:
looked up with inquisitive eyes and "Now the Lord had shown unto me,
said, "Mother, where was I when you Abraham, the intelligences that were
were a little girl?" organized before the world was; and
From the lips of this small girl among all these there were many of
comes a question that reaches beyond the noble and great ones;
the understanding of most of mankind. "And God saw these souls that they
This touches on the questions of "Who were good, and he stood in the midst
are we?" and "What are we doing of them, and he These I will
here?" make my he stood among
rulers; for
William Wordsworth presents to us and he saw
those that were spirits,
his inspiration in this excerpt from that they were good; and
he said unto
his poem, "Intimations of Immor- me: Abraham, thou art one of them;
tality": thou wast chosen before thou wast
"Our birth is but a sleep and a for- born.
getting: "And there stood one among them
The soul that rises with us, our life's that was like unto God, and he said
star, unto those who were with him: We
Hath had elsewhere its setting, will go down, for there is space there,
And eometh from afar: and we will take of these materials,
Not in entire forgetfulness, and we will make an earth whereon
And not in utter nakedness, these may dwell." (Abr. 3:22-24.)
But trailing clouds of glory do we come This disclosure by the Lord gives
From God who is our home: significant meaning and purpose to
Heaven lies about us in our infancy!" life. Life, then, is not just a period
isolated between birth and death. The
Pre-existence of man Lord further disclosed to Abraham:
These thoughts reiterate what the "And we will prove them herewith,
prophets have told us in the scrip- to see if they will do all things what-
tures. The Lord told Jeremiah, "Be- soever the Lord their God shall com-
fore I formed thee in the belly I knew mand them;
Friday, April 5 First Day
For those who are not aware of this God, why should we follow him?"
divine purpose, life may seem to be a The most striking answer to this query
lies in the lives of those who have
mysterious journey with few land-
marks and with no real objectives. "followed" him.
prevailed upon Ahab to gather all the (John 12:26.) Following him is a
people, including the priests of Baal, day-by-day process. It must be the
together unto Mount Carmel, and conscious objective of every hour. Even
then Elijah said to this assembly: today those who will serve the Master
"How long halt ye between two opin- and follow the directions of his
ions? if the Lord be God, follow him: Prophet can taste the joy of service.
but if Baal, then follow him. . . ."
(1 Kings 18:21.) Appreciation for home teacher
The failure of the priests of Baal, Just the other day I received a written
as Elijah caused them to test their testimony from a mother expressing
gods, stands as a classic example of appreciation for a servant of the Lord.
the futility of following or pursuing This servant, a home teacher, was
simply following the Lord's assign- teacher. I cannot tell you how much
ment to "watch over the Church our eight-year-old boy thinks of the
always, and be with and strengthen home teacher who worked side by
them." (D&C 20:53.) She writes: side with him through one entire day
"My husband had taken some teaching by example the love that is
Scouts to the Merit Badge Pow-Wow our gospel." 1
at B.Y.U. It was a two-hundred mile
drive so they had left at 4 o'clock in Follow the Lord
the morning. When I awakened, my No example could be given
main concern was for their safety as of what
it means to follow the Lord,
it was snowing and blowing. My for Godhas commanded that we shall
eight-year-old boy had already awak- "love the Lord thy God with all thy
ened and left on his bicycle for the heart, and with all thy soul, and with
corral, about a mile away, to do all thy mind," and "love thy neigh-
the chores. Suddenly there he was bour as thyself." (Matt. 22:37, 39.)
in the bedroom with a big tear in each
William George Jordan said: "Man
has two creators, his God and himself.
" 'Mama, we've got two little lambs The first creator furnishes him the raw
out to the farm and they are wet and
shaking, and I tried to call you from
materials for his life the laws and
conformity with which he can make
the service station but you had to The second
that life what he will.
have a dime, so I just wrapped my — —
creator himself has marvelous pow-
coat around them and rode home as It is what a
ers he rarely realizes.
fast as I could.'
man makes of himself that counts."
"My husband had acquired a small
Tothose who ask, Where was I
herd of ewes only last fall as a father- ?" the answer is, "With God
when . . .
Austria, Holland, Sweden and Norway In behalf of all who have listened
on Sunday. to the singing during these sessions of
Both sessions of our conference the General Conference, we express
today, Saturday and Sunday, will be appreciation and thanks to these young
rebroadcast over KSL, KIRO (at students for their beautiful music. God
Seattle), KMBC (at Kansas City), and bless you for the service you have ren-
WRFM (New York City) the following dered in these sessions.
morning beginning at midnight, and The Combined Choruses will now
will be heard in many parts of the favor us with "Alleluia, Glorious Is
United States and other countries. Thy Name."
Under the direction of the First The benediction will then be offered
Presidency there will be a Welfare by Elder J. Edwin Baird, formerly
Agricultural meeting held in the president of the Southwest Indian Mis-
Assembly Hall tomorrow, Saturday sion. The General Session of this
morning, at 7:30 o'clock. Invited to conference will then be adjourned
attend this special session are all stake until 10:00 tomorrow morning.
presidencies, high councilors, bishop-
rics,agricultural operating committees,
stake Relief Society presidents, and The anthem, "Alleluia, Glorious Is
others responsible for operating Wel- Thy Name," was sung by the Com-
fare production projects. Brigham Young University
The singing for the sessions today Choruses.
has been furnished by the Combined
Brigham Young University choruses
The closing prayer was offered by
under the direction of Ralph Wood-
Elder J. Edwin Baird.
ward with Robert Cundick and Roy Conference adjourned until Saturday
M. Darley at the organ. morning, April 6, at 10 o'clock
THIRD SESSION in this historic Tabernacle and in the
Assembly Hall on Temple Square in
Conference reconvened Saturday Salt Lake City, Utah, and also to the
morning, April 6, at 10 o'clock a.m. vast television and radio audience
President David O. McKay was in at- throughout the world in this, the third
tendance and presided at this session. session of the One Hundred Thirty-
He asked President N. Eldon Tanner, eighth Annual Conference of The
second counselor in the First Presi- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
dency, to conduct the services. Saints.
The music for this session was fur- The Tabernacle Choir, under the
nished by the Salt Lake Tabernacle direction of Richard P. Condie, with
Choir. Elder Richard P. Condie direct- Alexander Schreiner at the organ, will
ed the singing; Elder Alexander open these services by singing "Praise
Schreiner was at the organ. President to the Lord," following which the
Tanner made the following intro- invocation will be offered by Elder
ductory remarks: Horace J. Ritchie, president of the San
Jose Stake.
President N. Eldon Tanner
President McKay, who is present The Tabernacle Choir sang as an
and presiding at this conference, has opening number "Praise to the Lord,"
asked me to conduct this meeting. He following which the opening prayer
joins in extending a hearty and cordial was offered by Elder Horace J. Ritchie.
welcome to all present this morning
live in a time of crisis. Never and no majority, however great, may
since the period of the Civil War has morally limit or destroy these. The
this nation faced such critical days. function of government is to protect
Americans are destroying America. life, liberty, and property, and any-
Members of The Church of Jesus thing more or less than this is usurpa-
Christ of Latter-day Saints the Mor- — tion and oppression.
mon Church believe
— — Breakdown of law and order
"that governments were instituted
of God for the benefit of man; and The Constitution of the United
that he holds men accountable for States was prepared and adopted by
their acts in relation to them, both in courageous men acting under inspira-
making laws and administering them, tion from the Almighty. It is a
for the good and safety of society." solemn contract between the peoples
—"that no government can exist in of the states of this nation that all
peace, except such laws are framed officers of government are under duty
and held inviolate as will secure to to obey. The eternal moral laws ex-
each individual the free exercise of pressed therein must be adhered to or
conscience, the right and control of individual liberty will perish. It is
property, and the protection of life." the responsibility of government to
— "that all governments necessarily punish crime and provide for the ad-
require civil officers and magistrates ministration of justice and to protect
to enforce the laws of the same; and the right and control of property.
that such as will administer the law But today these basic principles and
in equity and justice should be sought concepts are being flaunted, disre-
for and upheld by the voice of the garded, and challenged, even by men
people. . . ." in high places. Through the exercise
—"that all men are bound to sus- of political expediency, the govern-
tain and uphold the respective govern- ment is condoning the breakdown of
ments in which they reside, while law and order.
protected in their inherent and in- Law enforcement in America is at
alienable rights by the laws of such the point of crisis. A recent Life Line
governments; and that sedition and broadcast warned that "in Chicago,
rebellion are unbecoming every citi- 64 men quit the police force in one
zen thus protected, and should be month. Baltimore has 360 police
punished accordingly. . . ." (D&C vacancies. Washington, DC, is 230
134:1-3, 5.) men short of its authorized comple-
No people can maintain freedom ment. And cities all over the country
unless their political institutions are are desperately seeking recruits.
founded upon faith in God and be- "Police aren't striking; they're quit-
lief moral law. God
in the existence of ting,and it is understandable. They're
has endowed men with certain in- being demoralized by the hostile atti-
alienable rights, and no legislature tudes of the politically minded
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
Great emphasis is being given these and how far have you gotten in your
days to programs designed to preserve world? . . How far along are you?'"
know and all men fear is tied not so threatening their identity and indi-
much to deprivation or abuse as it is viduality. Many feel that the family
to their inability to make real the has failed them. Disorganization and
best that lies within them. Defeat resistance give them a chance for
begins more with a blur in the vision preservation as persons, so they some-
of what is humanly possible than with times favor chaos over order.
the appearance of ogres in the path or 3. They know they need to think
a hell beyond the next turning." beyond themselves and to give service,
(Norman Cousins, Saturday Review, but they are frightened by the com-
February 6, 1965, p. 18.) mitment service requires.
Weknow well that character is an 4. They want to love and be loved,
achievement, not a gift, yet all men but their image of self is poor, and
to some measure, most of us to some they are not sure they are capable of
considerable measure, and too many love or worthy of being loved.
of us to a tragic measure live below In summary, the problems revealed
our moral capacity, are willing to by the survey are in believing, belong-
accept a plausible lower view of man- ing, giving, and loving. These happen
kind and of ourselves than we should to be the basic ingredients essential
or need to, and fail to "make real the in the development of the human po-
best that lies within" us. tential. They are pivotal principles
The Lord wants us to be our best; of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let me
he wants us to achieve our highest speak of them briefly, primarily in
possibilities. This is the purpose of illustration.
the gospel. He died to give us that
opportunity. What principles are
involved in our succeeding? What What does it matter to our happiness
problems keep us from it? or to the development of our char-
acter whether or what we believe?
University survey results Before Joan of Arc was burned at
Recently I read a brief newspaper the stake, not yet 19 years of age,
account of a survey made at a great having saved her country, she was
American university among many offered her freedom if she would re-
thousands of students over a period pudiate her vision and her faith.
of several years. With access only Maxwell Anderson's great play Joan
to the article and not to the study of Lorraine has her answering:
itself, let me
briefly paraphrase, to "Every man
gives his life for what
some measure quote, and add some of he believes. Every woman gives her
my own words to the four conclusions life for what she believes. Sometimes
that came out of that study, which people believe in littleor nothing. . . .
coincide with what I also have ob- One life is all we have, and we live it
served and experienced in some years as we believe in living it, and then
of working with youth. While this it's gone. But to surrender what you
study dealt basically with college-age are, and live without belief that's —
students in our current generation, more terrible than dying —
more ter-
what notes is significantly appli-
it rible than dying young."
cable to our culture in general: The apostle Paul spoke of "faith un-
1. They are looking for a faith, but feigned." (1 Tim. 1:5.) It is not, of
are skeptical of all faiths, being dis- course, lip service or eye pleasing of
posed and encouraged to question which he spoke. It is not to know
I believe; help thou my unbelief." his ship preparing to lead his group
(Mark 9:24.) on another mission.
difficult The
blades of the whirlybirds were rotating
Motivation of faith when the major was approached some-
Faith is not rooted in perfect be- what hesitantly by a young enlisted
havior, though it inspires us to desire man from one of the aircraft. The
it, to seek for it. Consider the parable commander impatiently asked the boy
of the Pharisee and the publican. The what he wanted.
Pharisee boasted of his righteousness; "Some of us were wondering, sir,"
the publican (who the Savior said he said earnestly, "whether you've had
went down to his house justified, rather time to say your prayers this morning."
than the other) "would not lift up so Humbled by the nature and spirit
much as his eyes unto heaven, but of the question, the commanding offi-
smote upon his breast, saying, God cer replied that he had had time to
be merciful to me a sinner." (See Luke talk with the Lord.
18:10-14.) "Thankyou, sir," said the young
Faith is to know that he will not man, smiling, relieved. "The guys and
reject us.From the Book of Mormon: I didn't want to take off on this mis-
"And now, my beloved brethren, seeing sion until you'd had time to pray."
that our merciful God has given us so (See Era of Youth, Improvement Era,
great knowledge ... let us remember May 1968, p. 39.)
him, and lay aside our sins, and not
There had been no overt prayers be-
hang down our heads, for we are not fore thegroup and no sermon or lesson
cast off." (2 Ne. 10:20.) From the on the subject, but somehow the word
Bible: ". therefore will the Lord
. .
was out among the men that their
wait, that he may be gracious unto
outfithad something special going for
you, and therefore will he be exalted,
" them because their commanding officer
that he may have mercy upon you
was a man who prayed.
(Isa. 30:18.)
Faith motivates us to yield our hearts Application of spiritual truths
to him, truly yield our hearts. It
motivates honesty to acknowledge limi- The most urgent need of our time is
tations and vulnerability, willingness to understand spiritual truths and
to learn, humility to seek help, cour- apply them to our lives. It has been
age to act, simplicity to trust. It is to said — —
and I think well said that "our
have confidence in the presence of age has tried sophistication and intel-
God. Faith is, as it has been well said, lectualism, but these have given no
"... a condition born [of the Spirit] peace. Psychology and sociology, hu-
in a mind that has looked at all of the manism and rationalism, have given
available evidence and discovered in us not a fraction of the abiding joy
it a meaning with which the soul can and calm our fathers knew through
live at peace. It is not appalled by an their faith. For still, there is the
invitation to think. . ." (Guy C.
. devastation of doubt and fear and envy
Wilson.) and greed and guilt." (Rev. Massey M.
The need to believe
We have learned again in this con-
Recently in Vietnam I learned again ference that the most significant con-
of the need for men to believe. A frontation to be experienced in this
choice friend was serving as the com-
world with Jesus Christ, and yet
mander of a helicopter gunship unit.
many turn from him without
They had suffered many casualties and
knowing him or opening their hearts
much damage, but miraculously no
to him.
deaths in their highly dangerous work.
The morning before I talked with him A marine in Vietnam said it impres-
in Da Nang my friend, a wonderful sively for his generation in a poem
servant of the Lord, was standing by published recently in the Era of Youth:
" —
of a group. Young people want and The strengths and problems of our
deserve parents and a family they youth were illustrated in an experi-
can be proud of. Their capacity to ence our teen-age daughter had re-
become worthwhile persons is strongly cently. Backing from a driveway onto
affected by the absence or presence of an unlighted street, she dented the
such a family and by their own ac- fender of an automobile parked across
ceptance of the challenge to be a the narrow road. Flustered and upset
contributing, responsible member of by the incident, she yet took time to
it. The influence of a good family is leave a note on the car identifying
well-captured by this account from an herself and accepting responsibility
unknown source: for the damage. She then came home
"It was a gorgeous October day. My and acquired a parent and the two
husband Art and I were down at the returned and knocked on the door of
boat landing helping our friend Don the home of the owner of the car and
drag his skiff up on the beach. Art made arrangements with him. She
remarked wistfully that it would be was praised for her direct and un-
a long time before next summer, when compromising honesty.
we could all start sailing again. 'You That very night while leaving the
folks ought to take up skiing like our public library she and a friend saw a
family and have fun the year round,' fur-coated lady in an expensive car
Don said. seriously damage a parked automobile
" 'Doesn't that get pretty expensive?' and then speed away without a glance
I asked. or effort to make the thing right
"Don straightened up and smiled. Feeling at home in a society including
'It's funny,' he said. 'We live in an this kind of experience is understand-
old-fashioned house legs on the tub, ably difficult for some young people.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
heritage. —
other person that is, behave toward
Recently I learned of a meeting at him so as to foster his happiness and
the University of Pittsburgh where growth unless you know what he
2,500 senior honor students from the needs. And you cannot know what he
high schools of Pennsylvania gathered. needs unless he tells you —and you
At the podium was a man who stood hear him."
in braces, on crutches. He was a
Evidences of love
medical researcher who had worked on
the polio vaccine project. He left So much that is spurious and coun-
many of those bright shining faces terfeit is spoken and done in the name
wet with tears when he said to them, of love. Hear the word of the Lord:
"Our generation couldn't find the an- "By we know that we love the
swers in time to save itself. Thank children of God, when we love God,
God we found them in time to save and keep his commandments." ( 1 John
you." 5:2.) That charity which is defined
What a significant challenge to by the prophet as "the pure love of
youth to make real the best that lies Christ" (Mora. 7:47) is described
within them Yet someone has called
I clearly by the Apostle Paul: It "suf-
ours the "age of the shrug." I hope and fereth long, and is kind; . envieth . .
believe this is not so. Do you recall the not; . .vaunteth not itself, is not
hard to learn it, and then I gave it and sent his Only Begotten Son to show
gave it and gave it until it was mine." us the way and to die for us. are We
I would like to talk with you today to Americans from the beginning of
about the United States and its rela- our national history, starting with our
tionship to God. first President, George Washington.
Most people do not realize it, but He realized and he publicly announced
this nation is different from all other that we obtained our independence
nations. It has a divine destiny not through an act of Providence, since we
shared by other countries, and was set were far too weak to gain it by
up as an independent power by a de- ourselves. Knowing this, he warned
liberate act of God to fulfill that that if we are to survive as a free and
destiny. independent nation, we must obey the
Almighty God who brought us into
America's divine destiny being.
Because our nation is a creation of Abraham Lincoln, another inspired
heaven, and because it has a divine President, said virtually the same
destiny, we Americans must learn that thing, warning that if we fail to obey
it can continue to exist only as it the commandments of God, we shall
aligns itself with the powers of heaven. go down to ruin.
If we turn our back upon the Al-
mighty, even by ignoring him, we jeop-
A crucial time
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
future seem even greater. And yet, our desperate need of an infinite power
as a people, we have failed to turn who can rescue us in this present hour?
to the divine power that created us. Are we forever to be so obtuse that
It is true that public surveys indicate we confine God to a remote past and
an increase in church membership an uncertain hereafter?
and attendance, but that is no measure Can we never learn that he is a
of the depth of conversion necessary God of the present day—of the here
to bring the principles of Christ into and now?
our daily lives. In the midst of the Civil War, Abra-
Because of our love of wealth and ham Lincoln said something that
prestige and our insatiable passion for should frighten present-day Americans.
ease and pleasure, we fail to take the He was very realistic when our coun-
essentialspiritual steps which could try was being split asunder by the war
and would preserve us. between the states. He knew very well
Everyone every man on the street that the preservation of the nation
knows that we cannot continue with could be achieved in only one way. It
present conditions as they are, and was not through our frowning battle-
yet we seem not to have the desire ments nor our bristling seacoasts, as
or the courage to alter our course. he expressed it.
of our country is the strength of its of time and money and power and
religious convictions." pride for the sake of others who need
Franklin D. Roosevelt said: "No our help and our guidance will we
greater thing could come to our land begin to understand the elemental
than a revival of thespirit of religion transformation which is prerequisite to
to stir the hearts of men and women the spiritual re-birth of the nation."
of all faiths to a reassertion of their
belief in God and their dedication to Means for survival
his will. I there is any prob-
doubt if Our situation in America is not
lem — social, or economic
political, merely a case of fighting the encroach-
that would not melt away before the ments of seditious influences. It is
fire of such a spiritual reawakening." not only a matter of legislating against
President Eisenhower constantly re- crime. Neither is it one of changing
minded us of our spiritual obligation. our Constitution because some mis-
Roger W. Babson, great economist guided individuals think it is obsolete;
of his day, said: "In the last analysis, nor is it a case of sending more men
our national future depends upon to the Orient to fight an enemy who
whether it is spiritually or materially has trapped us into a different kind of
minded. Only the Golden Rule will war.
save this country not the rule of We are confronted with the choice
gold." of whether or not we as a nation will
James Rowland Angell, former return to God in spirit and in truth
president of Yale University, said: "It as a means of actual survival. We
is my considered conviction that there must choose whether we will become
can be no enduring alleviation of the fully converted to him or not. To put
social and political ills which plague it plainly, it is largely a case of obedi-
us unless and until there is an essential ence versus lip service.
change in the ethical and spiritual The Almighty is a God of war as
attitude of the rank and file of men." well as of peace. The Bible clearly
teaches that. And he is a power to be
Editorial urges action
dealt with in this present crisis. He
But as mentioned in an editorial can be our literal Savior here and
in the U. S. News and World Report, now. He can protect and preserve our
"With so many champions of the nation. He has done it in the past;
doctrine, why are there so few ready he can do it again today. He can end
to practice the preachment? the war in Vietnam and give us an
"Large numbers of people faithfully honorable peace. He can save us from
follow their creeds, and yet in the grim criminality and from all the other
business of everyday life, do we per- inhumanities which now impale us
ceive a fundamental change? Do we on a cross of suicidal selfishness.
see men on every side ready to sur-
render their enormous power or their
God can solve problems
possessions or even their pride, to the It is no imaginary ruin that faces
service of God? our nation if we reject Jesus Christ,
"A spiritual revival would waken as Lincoln pointed out so dramatically.
America and purify her whole national And it is possible that our greatness
life. It is not, however, to be attained can be buried in profound obscurity if
by mere expression of purpose," the we refuse to turn to God, as Daniel
editorial continues. Webster expressed it.
"It requires action throughout our Already there is talk of a new civil
waking hours. Not until each and war and of riots that will totally
every one of us feels the impact of eclipse those of last summer. Insurrec-
spiritual achievement, not until
the tion is now on the lips of thousands
eagerness to serve God is stronger than of agitators. The basic concepts of
the eagerness to serve ourselves, not our free government are being chal-
until we are ready to make sacrifices lenged. Overnight this nation could
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
ciently Christlike to accept his precept choice land, and whatsoever nation
that says: "Blessed are the peace- shall possess it shall be free from
makers: for they shall be called the bondage, and from captivity, and from
children of God"? (Matt. 5:9.) all other nations under heaven, if they
Our great need of repentance is will but serve the God of the land,
clearly evident. The solution to our who is Jesus Christ. ." (Eth. 2:12.)
. .
problem is not in violence nor in new And that prophet also said, even as
legislation. Neither is it in training did Lincoln, that if we in America
our police in the latest anti-riot fail to serve Jesus Christ, we will face
methods. Our answer can be found certain destruction. This is a divine
only in obedience to Christ on the part warning, first from the prophet of
of everybody. old and then from the inspired Presi-
dent of Civil War days.
Evil cannot bring good Oh, America, turn to God. But do
Jesus said that an evil tree cannot not give him mere lip service. Obey
bring forth good fruit. A
crime-ridden him with all your hearts, might, mind,
society cannot bring forth a new and strength.
generation of upright citizens, nor can Let save ourselves from the
a nation of drinkers produce sober present crisis in the only certain way,
offspring. Can people who condone remembering that "man shall not live
immorality provide a chaste and suc- by bread alone, but by every word
cessful beginning for babies born that proceedeth out of the mouth of
God." (Matt. 4:4.) And for this I interlude, and then Elder Howard W.
earnestly pray in the sacred name of Hunter of the Council of the Twelve
the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. will speak to us.
In the world there are more than The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
three and a half billion people. They day Saints takes a strong position. One
are divided into groups, each under of the fundamental tenets of its faith
the domination of systems whereby is clearly stated in these words: "We
they become subject to the supreme believe in being subject to kings, presi-
power of the land in which they live. dents, rulers, and magistrates, in obey-
In some countries this supreme power ing, honoring, and sustaining the law."
is vested in one person, the sovereign. (Article of Faith 12.)
Other countries have republican forms Those in the world who have a be-
of government in which sovereignty lief in God live under the unusual cir-
resides in the people, and the supreme cumstances of a dual sovereignty. In
power is usually expressed by the addition to being subject to the su-
legislative body. Regardless of whether preme power of the state, they have a
sovereignty is administered by an in- fealty to God and a solemn duty to
dividual or by the people, citizens keep the commandments given by him.
become subject to that supreme power. This idea of divine kingship and a
They have the rights and privileges sovereignty runs through all of the
afforded them under the law, and they Old Testament and all of the New
have the duty to comply with the pro- Testament.
visions of the law. This is essential
for the good of society, for the protec- The kingdom of God
tion of life and liberty, and for the In describing the commencement of
promotion and preservation of the the ministry of Jesus, Mark uses these
happiness of man. words: "Now after that John was put
in prison, Jesus came into Galilee,
Law must be sustained preaching the gospel of the kingdom of
In a republic, the government has God,
the sovereign right as well as the duty "And saying, the time is fulfilled,
to protect the rights of the individual and the kingdom of God is at hand:
and to settle civil disputes or disorders repent ye, and believe the gospel."
by peaceful means. Citizens do not (Mark 1:14-15.) Throughout his en-
have the right to take the law into tire ministry, one of the main subjects
their own hands or exercise physical of the teachings of the Master was
force. The sovereign laws of the state "the kingdom of God is at hand."
must be sustained, and persons living Some scholars interpret the words "is
under those laws must obey them for at hand" as describing something to
the good of the whole. In this regard take place in the near future. It is
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
their contention that the kingdom was living under Roman rule. This was
not established on earth until the day probably the Roman capitation tax, or
of Pentecost, when the Spirit was a poll tax as we would know it. The
poured out upon the multitude. They tax was not large, but a question of
label this event as the beginning of principle was involved. The Jews
the Christian Church. The facts, how- considered themselves as living under
ever, give basis for a different con- a theocracy, with Jehovah as king.
clusion. There is ample evidence that They refused to recognize the Roman
the kingdom of God was established in mandate. The question involved,
the days of Adam, the first man, and therefore, was this: Can a Jew in good
has continued to the present day. The conscience pay the tax to the Romans,
peoples of the earth, from the begin- or must he fight for independence on
ning, have had a duty to God as their the ground that God alone is the King
king. of Israel? It became a question of
allegiance to sovereignty.
Dual sovereignty
The Pharisees who conceived the
Is it repugnant to the theory of
plan were anxious to take Jesus by
sovereignty for a person or group of
surprise, so they stayed in the back-
persons to owe fealty to two separate
ground and sent some of their young
monarchs? to have an allegiance to
disciples and some Herodians to carry
two separate and distinct sovereign
out the plot. The Herodians were not
powers? At first blush dual sovereignty
a religious sect but a political party.
would seem inconsistent, yet this has
They were the followers of Herod
been the situation throughout man's
Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, and
earthly existence. Such circumstances
supporters of the Roman domination.
give rise to this query: If a conflict
The Pharisees, of course, were resist-
should arise with respect to allegiance,
ing the Roman occupation of Judea.
which should take precedence? A re-
The design of these schemers seems to
view of the history of mankind answers
be that they would give the impression
the further question as to whether or
that a dispute had arisen between the
not there is a real conflict.
young Pharisee scholars and the
Bearing on this very point, an inter-
Herodians and they were coming to
esting occurrence took place during the
the Master for his opinion, to settle
ministry of the Master. It is recorded
their differences.
in three separate books of the New
Testament, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Answer to Pharisees' question
and concerns a controversy over a tax
assessment. Judea was under Roman They approached Jesus respectfully
mandate, and the authority of the and courteously and said to him, "Mas-
ter, we know that thou art true, and
Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish council,
had been curtailed under the Roman teachest the way of God in truth,
rule. The council was charged with neither carest thou for any man: for
the levy of taxes, but it did not have thou regardest not the person of men."
the power to decree capital punish- (Matt. 22:16.) It would appear that
ment. This power was vested in the these honeyed words were spoken to
Roman procurator of Judea, Pontius disarm his suspicions, so he would give
Pilate. Because the Sanhedrin was them his confidential opinion for
their guidance in a moral issue. Then
without authority as to capital pun-
ishment, those who were conspiring followed the carefully worded question:
against Jesus conceived a plot to en- "Is it lawful to give tribute unto
trap him to give an answer that would Caesar, or not?" The question was
constitute grounds to deliver him to maliciously framed so as to require an
Pilate on a charge of treason, a capital answer of "yes" or "no," either of
crime. which would give them the basis to
destroy him. If he had said, "Yes,
Question of allegiance pay the tax," he would have been
A tax had been levied on all persons called a traitor. It would have driven
a wedge between him and his followers and powers belong to God and should
and created rebellion. If his answer be employed in his service.
had been, "No, it is not lawful to pay The lesson taught by the Master is
the tax," they would have delivered so clear that elaboration is not neces-
him into the hands of Rome on the sary, nor will I labor the point. The
charge of treason. test to be applied in weighing alle-
His adversaries intended that Jesus giance to sovereignty, where dual
would be gored on whichever horn of sovereigns are involved, is a matter
dilemma he might choose. The inter- of wisdom. I submit that there is no
esting thing about his answer is that real conflict which creates a serious
he did not evade the question, but he question as to allegiance.
answered it clearly and positively In the present day of unrest, the
without being caught on either horn. question might appropriately be asked,
He said, "Why tempt ye me, ye hypo- what do we owe to Caesar? To the
country in which we live? We owe
crites? Shew me the tribute money.
And they brought unto him a penny." allegiance, respect, and honor. Laws
enacted to promote the welfare of the
(Matt. 22:18-19.) What is referred to
whole and suppress evil doing are to
as a penny was no doubt the current
Roman denarius with the image of
be strictly obeyed. We must pay
tribute to sustain the government in
Tiberius or possibly Augustus. He the necessary expense incurred in the
wanted to point out to them the image
protection of life, liberty, property, and
of Caesar and the inscription that
in promoting the welfare of all persons.
gave his name and titles. There was
a common maxim that the one who Church belief on governments
causes his image and titles to be and laws
stamped on the coin is the owner of
the coin and acknowledged as the In the year 1835, 133 years ago, a
sovereign. "And he saith unto them, declaration of belief of The Church
Whose is this image and superscrip- of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
tion? They say unto him, Caesar's
" regarding governments and laws was
(Matt. 22:20-21.) They had acknowl- drafted and adopted by unanimous
edged that the coin belonged to the vote. It is incorporated as Section 134
Roman Emperor, and it being the of the Doctrine and Covenants of the
current coin for the payment of tax, Church. Although more than a
it showed the country to be under the
century has passed, no changes or
rule of Rome. ". . . Then saith he modifications have been made, and
unto them, Render therefore unto the statement stands as applicable to-
Caesar the things which are Caesar's; day as the day it was written. If you
and unto God the things that are will permit me to do so, I would like
God's." (Matt. 22:21.) In other words, to recall a portion of this statement.
"Don't be unjust: give to Caesar the "We believe that governments were
things that are his; and at the same instituted of God for the benefit of
time don't be impious: give to God the man; and that he holds men account-
things that belong to God." able for their acts in relation to them,
both in making laws and administering
Jurisdiction defined them, for the good and safety of
The wisdom of this answer defines "We believe that no government can
the limitations of dual sovereigns and exist in peace,except such laws are
defines the jurisdiction of the two framed and held inviolate as will se-
empires of heaven and earth. The cure to each individual the free exercise
image of monarchs stamped on coins of conscience, the right and control of
denotes that temporal things belong property, and the protection of life.
to the temporal sovereign. The image "We believe that all governments
of God stamped on the heart and soul necessarily require civil officers and
of a man denotes that all its facilities magistrates to enforce the laws of the
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
same; and that such as will administer gation to God. May the God of
the law in equity and justice should heaven give inspiration and guidance
be sought for and upheld by the voice to those leaders in the world who
of the people if a republic, or the will formulate the policies of earthly
of the sovereign. sovereignty, and also to those of us
"We believe that religion is insti- who are governed by those powers. May
tuted God; and that men are
of righteousness be placed in proper
amenable to him, and to him only, for perspective for the good of every man.
the exercise of it, unless their religious The statement of the Master should
opinions prompt them to infringe be our guide: "But seek ye first the
upon the rights and liberties of others; kingdom of God, and his righteousness;
but we do not believe that human law and all these things shall be added
has a right to interfere in prescribing unto you." (Matt. 6:33.) The honest
rules of worship to bind the consciences search for righteousness and submis-
of men, nor dictate forms for public or sion to the sovereignty of God
private devotion; that the civil magis- answers the problems of Caesar. May
trate should restrain crime, but never the Lord bless us is my humble prayer,
control conscience; should punish guilt, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
but never suppress the freedom of the
soul. President N. Eldon Tanner
"We believe that all men are bound
to sustain and uphold the respective Elder Howard W. Hunter of the
governments in which they reside, Council of the Twelve has just spoken
while protected in their inherent and to us.
inalienable rights by the laws of such We are most grateful this morning
governments; and that sedition and for the wonderful cooperation given
rebellion are unbecoming every citi- by the managers and operators of over
zen thus protected, and should be 300 television and radio stations in
punished accordingly; and that all offering their facilities as a public ser-
governments have a right to enact vice to make the proceedings of this
such laws as in their own judgments conference available to millions
are best calculated to secure the public throughout many areas of the world.
interest; at the same time, however, We appreciate the attendance here
holding sacred the freedom of con- of educators, national and local gov-
science." (D&C 134:1-5.) ernment officials, stake and ward
officers, and all members and visitors
Allegiance to sovereignty who have attended the service this
statement continues, but I will
not read further. These words point We conclude this session of
up the solemn obligation of govern- the conference with the Tabernacle
ment and the solemn obligation of Choir singing "All Hail the Power of
Jesus' Name." Following the singing
those who owe allegiance. This is a
the benediction will be pronounced by
day when civil disobedience seems to
Elder Thomas R. Stone, formerly
be prevalent and even advocated from
president of the French Polynesian
some pulpits, but the position of this
Mission. This conference will then be
Church and its teachings is clear.
adjourned until 2:00 this afternoon.
I know that God lives, that he is the
supreme power of heaven and earth. I
bear witness of the divinity of Jesus
Christ, the Savior of all mankind. My The Choir sang "All Hail the Power
knowledge of these truths moves me Name."
of Jesus'
to allegiance to divine sovereignty, The closing prayer was offered by
also to sustain the law of the land. ElderThomas R. Stone.
There is no conflict between that Conference adjourned until 2:00
which is owed to Caesar and the obli- o'clock p.m.
FOURTH SESSION We are exceedingly pleased to have
these young students with us this
Conference reconvened at 2:00 p.m., afternoon, and extend a hearty wel-
Saturday, April 6, with President come to them.
Joseph Fielding Smith, counselor in We shall begin this service by the
the First Presidency, conducting the chorus singing, "Unfold, Ye Portals,"
services. following which the invocation will be
The Logan LDS Institute Choir, with offered by Elder Ronald V. Stone,
James L. Bradley, conducting, fur- formerly president of the North Argen-
nished the music for this session of tine Mission.
the conference. Elder Roy M. Darley
was at the organ.
President Smith made the following The Institute Choir sang the anthem,
introductory remarks: "Unfold, Ye Portals."
The opening prayer was offered by
President Joseph Fielding Smith Elder Ronald V. Stone.
Elder Joseph Anderson, Clerk of the Conference, read for the information
of themembers of the Church, the following statistical report concerning the
membership of the Church at the end of the year 1967:
Number of Stakes of Zion at close of 1967 448
Number of Wards 3,544
Number of Independent Branches in Stakes 622
Total Wards and Independent Branches in Stakes at close of year 4,166
Number of Mission Branches at close of year 1,987
Number of Full-time Missons at end of year 79
Social Statistics:
(Based on 1967 data from the Stakes)
Birth Rate per thousand 27.55
Number of persons married per thousand - 16.11
Death Rate per thousand 5.05
Members holding the Aaronic Priesthood, December 31, 1967
Deacons - 118,149
Teachers 83,583
Priests 121,842
Total number holding Aaronic Priesthood - 323,574
Auxiliary Organizations:
Relief Society (Membership) 298,825
Deseret Sunday SchoolUnion (average attendance) 777,354
Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 313,956
Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 326,795
Primary (children enrolled) 473,480
Welfare Plan:
Number of persons assisted during the year 112,055
Number placed in remunerative employment 6,809
Man-days of work donated to the Welfare Plan 130,966
Unit-days of equipment use donated 7,300
Genealogical Society:
Names cleared in 1967 for temple ordinances 1,986,335
Number of ordinances performed during 1967 in the 13 operating temples:
For the living 54,826
For the dead 4,510,940
Total number of ordinances 4,565,766
David O. McKay, Prophet, Seer and Revelator, and President of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Hugh Brown, First Counselor in the First Presidency
Nathan Eldon Tanner, Second Counselor in the First Presidency
The Counselors in the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles and the
Patriarch to the Church as Prophets, Seers, and Revelators.
David O. McKay
as Trustee-in-Trust for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Joseph Fielding Smith, with A. William Lund and Earl E. Olson as Assistants
Harold L. Davis
Charles Schmidt
Primary Association
LaVern Watts Parmley, President
Leone Watson Doxey, First Counselor
Lucile Cardon Reading, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.
Tabernacle Choir
Isaac M. Stewart, President
Richard P. Condie, Conductor
Jay E. Welch, Assistant Conductor
Tabernacle Organists
Alexander Schreiner, Chief Organist
Robert N. Cundick
Roy M. Darley
Frank W. Asper, Organist Emeritus
landlord for his bounties? The scrip- the earth is yours, the beasts of . . .
ture says: 'Render unto Caesar that field and the fowls of the air, . . .
which is Caesar's and to God that " 'Yea, all things which come of the
which is God's.' What
percentage of earth, ... are made for the benefit
your increase do you pay Caesar? And and the use of man. .' (D&C 59:16,
. .
river of God, . . .
think?" He hesitated to make
"Thou waterest the ridges thereof
abundantly: thou settlest the furrows
I asked him: "Do you pay tithes?
I'm sure you pay your taxes. Do you
thereof: thou makest it soft with
render unto God that which already
showers. . . .
his eyes. Why should he pay? He Lord's lease funds? and without ac-
earned —every
it cent. I told him of counting and without the commen-
the psalmist's theme: surate worthiness and faithfulness on
"The earth is the Lord's, and the which his nine-tenths was promised?
fulness thereof; the world, and they He had forgotten Malachi's question:
that dwell therein." "Will a man rob God? ." (Mai. . .
And he countered, "I claim no earth 3:8.) He had forgotten the covenant
— I reside in an apartment. I use no we all had made in the council in
elements I train the minds of men. heaven, when our Lord proffered:
I owe no debts to anyone. I earn my ". . . We
will go down and we . . .
"Beware that thou forget not the He owed not any man. He earned
Lord thy God ... his commandments it all, he said.
* * *
. and his statutes.
. . . . .
make promises he would not fulfill? We ask again: "Do you feel gener-
You have no confidence in God, else ous when you pay your tithes? Boast-
why do you doubt his glorious prom- ful when the amount is large? Has
ises? Your faith is in yourself. God the child been generous to his parents
promised he would open heaven's when he washes the car, makes his
windows and pour you out rich gifts bed? Are you liberal when you pay
beyond your comprehension, promised your pay off notes at banks?
rent, or
on your faithfulness. Do you not need You not generous, liberal, but
those blessings? For that one tenth, merely honest when you pay your
he'll compensate with blessings —
little tithes."
dreamed-of blessings. He said: "I have made the earth, and created
"'. Eye hath not seen, nor ear
. .
man upon it," says the Lord. "I, even
heard, neither have entered into the my hands, have stretched out the
heart of man, the things which God heavens, and all their host have I
hath prepared for them that love commanded." (Isa. 45:12.)
him.' (1 Cor. 2:9.)
Perhaps your attitudes are the
"And again:
"'. .
product of your misconceptions.
seek ye first the kingdom of
God, and his righteousness; and all Would you steal a dollar from your
friend? a tire from your neighbor's car?
these things shall be added unto you.'
(Matt. 6:33.)
Would you borrow a widow's insurance
"You don't believe that God will money with no intent to pay? Do you
measure up? No, you do not trust your rob banks? You are shocked at such
Lord. You keep all funds you have suggestions. Then, would you rob
collected and use them according to
your God, your Lord, who has made
your own judgment. You fear he such generous arrangements with you?
would not make good his promises. Do you have a right to appropriate
"Your very debts, your many the funds of your employer with which
troubles show incompetence to handle to pay your debts, to buy a car, to
your affairs. You've partly failed in clothe your family, to feed your chil-
your rich stewardship. Can you con- dren, to build your home?
trol your business better than the Lord? Would you take from your neigh-
Would you do well to use this manager bor's funds to send your children to
in whom you have no trust? We
know college, or on a mission? Would you
he will not fail." help relatives or friends with funds
Tithing is not for God. It is we not your own? Some people get
who clip the coupons and collect the their standards mixed, their ideals
dividends. out of line. Would you take tithes to
* * * pay your building fund, or ward
maintenance? Would you supply gifts
The things that are God's
to the poor with someone else's money?
The salaried man complained: "My
The Lord's money?
neighbor has a farm. His family lives
upon it. We
buy our living from a The Lord continues to ask: "Will a
store with cash. They kill a beef, a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed
pork, and feed themselves from their
deep freeze. Their garden loads the There echo again and again the
table with vegetables; the field feeds words of the Master: "Render unto
the cows that furnish milk products; Csesar that which is Caesar's." And he
their farm grows wheat for the poultry has said, "Today is a day for the
for the table; and the hens furnish tithing of my people." (See D&C
meat and eggs. Do you pay tithes on 64:23.)
your farm land production?" Does not the law of tithing apply to
The answer is: "Of course, you pay all the children of men, regardless of
if you are true to your commitments. church or creed? All who believe the
No honest man would rob his Lord Bible really must believe that this is a
of tidies and offerings." law of God.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
There echo again and again the President Joseph Fielding Smith
words of the Master, "Render there-
fore unto Caesar the things which are
We have just listened to Elder Spen-
Caasar's and unto God the things that cer W. Kimball of the Council of the
are God's."
Our next speaker will be President
The Lord will bless all those who Alvin R. Dyer, whom we have just
love and live his laws. This I know, sustained as a counselor in the First
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Presidency.
in the course of a mortal lifetime. never see my loved ones again in this
Usually these are associated with im- life. In a few seconds reflected events
portant events or near tragedies. But in my life raced through my mind.
being born again is part of regenera- Again Isought by intense supplication
tion in the changing vicissitudes of that I be rescued from a condition I
life. had thrust myself into by failing to
heed the beach warning of a posted
Experiences bring new birth red flag.
I recall now
being near unto death I shouted at the top of my voice
upon two occasions, once as a boy of for help, and in spite of the roar
deacon age when I foolishly placed a of the surf and foggy atmosphere, my
small-headed hat pin about two and cry for help was heard by a lifeguard,
a half inches long into my mouth. I who reached me in a rowboat as my
was seated on a couch by the window strength was nearly exhausted.
in our home when a tremendous clap We reached shore, and after ex-
of thunder so startled me that I swal- pressing my gratitude for the alertness
lowed the hat pin. When I realized of the guard, I sat down on the sand
is still at the helm of this Church. the words of the Lord unto the Prophet
I recall now with great feeling his
Joseph Smith at a time of frustration.
telephone calls and letters that came And what was true then is equally
to me while I was presiding over the true today, for we
truly are living in
European Mission, always evidencing times of Here are the
a deep interest and always conveying words of the Lord's counsel:
assurances. One such call came to me "The works, and the designs, and
at two o'clock in the morning in far- the purposes of God cannot be frus-
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
trated, neither can they come to that notwithstanding your great afflic-
naught. tions and sufferings, there may not be
"For God doth not walk in crooked anything separate us from love of
paths, neither doth he turn to the right Christ." (DHC, Vol. 1, p. 454.)
hand nor to the left, neither doth he Be still and know that I am God
vary from that which he hath said,
therefore his paths are straight, and It is from the answer that the Lord
his course is one eternal round. gave the Prophet Joseph Smith
at that time that I often find words of
"Remember, remember that it is not
consolation and assurance that can
the work of God that is frustrated, but
be used in many sequences, for this
the work of men." (D&G 3:1-3.)
is what the Lord said to the Prophet
Assurance in time of trouble in the midst of these difficulties:
"Therefore, let your hearts be com-
There is another declaration from
forted concerning Zion; for all flesh
the Lord giving assurance that came at
is in mine hands; be still and know
a time of great trouble, when the
Saints were forced to leave the conse-
that I am God.
"Zion shall not be moved out of
crated land of Jackson County, Mis-
her place, notwithstanding her children
souri, which had been designated by
are scattered.
the Lord as a place of refuge where
they were to receive their inheritances, "They that remain, and are pure in
and where the Lord in his time so heart, shall return,and come to their
announced that the city of the New inheritances, they and their children,
Jerusalem will be built. The Prophet with songs of everlasting joy, to build
Joseph Smith fervently prayed to the up the waste places of Zion." (D&C
Lord for the reasons for this setback, 101:16-18.)
and he also sent a letter to the be- The particular declaration of the
wildered and grief-stricken Saints, in Lord here is this: "All flesh is in my
which he recognized the great suffer- hands; be still and know that I am
ing of the Saints in Missouri at that God."
time and how the innocent were This is God's work, my brethren
paying for the sins of the guilty within and sisters. It will not fail. Of this
the ranks of the members. I testify, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I quote from that letter: Amen.
". . it is with difficulty that
. I can
restrain my feelings when I know President Joseph Fielding Smith
that you, my brethren, with whom I
have had so many happy hours
We have just listened to President
Alvin R. Dyer.
sitting, as itwere, in heavenly places
in Christ Jesus; and also, having the The congregation and chorus will
witness which I feel, and ever have
now join in singing, "Redeemer of
felt, of the purity of your motives
are cast out, and are as strangers and After the singing, Elder Victor L.
pilgrims on the earth, exposed to hun- Brown of the Presiding Bishopric will
ger, cold, nakedness, peril, sword — be our speaker.
say when I contemplate this, it is with
difficulty that I can keep from com-
plaining and murmuring against this The congregation and chorus sang
dispensation; but I am sensible that the hymn, "Redeemer of Israel."
this is not right, and may God grant
In the center section of this historic self-respect and dignity. He has cer-
Tabernacle sits a group of men from tain principles upon which he admin-
many parts of the world. Each one isters the program.
has responsibilities that set him apart The first principle is that we as
from others not of his group. Almost members of the Church are expected
every weekend it is our opportunity to and independent. We
to be self-reliant
meet the bishops of the Church in are taught to have a year's supply in
their own stakes. Today we are privi- reserve in case of serious difficulty.
leged to meet them in general con- Should circumstances, such as a serious
ference. We have the greatest of accident or illness, result in our need-
love and respect for them and are ing help, we should look to our fami-
grateful for the great work they are lies. If they cannot help, only then
doing. do we look to the bishop.
After a very careful, personal investi-
Importance of bishops gation, the bishop decides whether the
Before I became a bishop, I knew Church should render assistance. If
little about the responsibilities of the he decides it should, the assistance
office. I have thought perhaps that will be limited to the necessities of
other members of the Church may be life, and only as long as it takes to get
as uninformed as I was. The bishop the family back on its feet. The bishop
is not expected to bail us out of finan-
is, or should be, one of the most im-
portant persons in the life of every cial difficulty caused by poor man-
stitute the presidency of the Aaronic wisdom. Get close to him. He will
Priesthood in his ward. He is the never be too busy to help you.
cornerstone in all matters pertaining There is another basic spiritual re-
to the youth, both boys and girls. He sponsibility that may be interpreted
receives help from his counselors, home as encompassing all others. The bishop
teachers, general secretaries, advisers, is the spiritual father of the ward, the
auxiliary officers and teachers; but he presiding high priest. This responsi-
is still the keystone in all that is bility spreads his umbrella wide
done. enough to cover us all.
To the young people may I say:
Helpers to bishop
the bishop has been called through
the inspiration of our Heavenly Father He has a host of helpers to assist
to be your spiritual counselor. He is him in this. They are the home
designated as a common judge by the teachers. This
a responsibility of
Lord. He has a special blessing, giv- the priesthood holder, which, if car-
ing him the power of discernment and ried out devotedly, will lift a great
understanding. He is the one to load from the bishop's shoulders. The
whom we should go to confess our home teacher is in reality an assistant
sins. This must be done if we are to to the bishop. He is the major con-
fully repent. The bishop recognizes tact with the family. One bishop
that it is through the blessings of the made the comment that one of the
Lord that he is a judge, and unless he highest compliments he had been paid
is a righteous judge, he is liable to was to have a family call their home
condemnation, for in the scriptures teacher first in the case of sickness.
we read: "That the rights of the President McKay has said that if the
priesthood are inseparably connected home teachers do their duty, in the
with the powers of heaven, and that case of a death in the family the home
the powers of heaven cannot be con- teachers would be called first, not the
trolled nor handled only upon the bishop. May I encourage each home
teacher to sense his responsibility and rule his own house, how shall he
carry out his duty as an assistant to take care of the church of God?)
the bishop. "Not a novice, lest being lifted up
As the father of the ward, the bishop with pride he fall into the condem-
has many other helpers. Each officer nation of the devil." (1 Tim. 3:2-6.)
and teacher of the ward assists him.
Family shares responsibility
We, as ward members, have a respon-
sibility to respond to calls from the This man, your bishop, did not ask
bishop. He should be able to depend for this position; he did not even vol-
on us to carry out our assignments. unteer. He most likely accepted the
He needs the help of all of us. With calling with fear and trembling, yet
that help, not only does the work of with the faith and desire to perfect
the Lord progress, but we individually himself so as to measure up to that
are also blessed with a kind of happi- which the Lord expects of him.
ness that comes from no other source, His loyal, loving wife and his chil-
because we show evidence of our love dren have also agreed to share in his
for our Heavenly Father; for the scrip- responsibility with him, by not com-
tures say, ". when ye are in the
. . plaining when he is away from home
service of your fellow beings ye are so much of the time, by being cheer-
only in the service of your God." ful when the telephone always rings
(Mosiah 2:17.) at dinner time or three o'clock in the
morning, and by being willing to
Who is the bishop? carry some of the responsibility that
Who is this bishop we have been normally belongs to the husband and
talking about? He may be the neigh- father.
bor next door; he may be the son of Maythe Lord's choicest blessings be
your close friends; he may be that showered upon the heads of these won-
noisy boy you had in your Sunday derful, devoted bishops, their wives,
School class just a few years ago and their children; and may we, the
you remember, the one you were ready members of their wards, respond to
to send out, never to come back. their leadership, even when some of
He almost always is a husband, them seem so young, and though some
generally a father, always a bread- we would not have chosen ourselves.
winner. He is faced with all of the The Lord will bless us for sustaining
problems you and I have. He has his the servants he has called to preside
human frailties and weaknesses, his over us. I bear you my witness that this
likes and dislikes, maybe even some is the Church of Jesus Christ, that the
idiosyncrasies. Yes, he is a human bishops of this Church have been
being a special human being because called by our Heavenly Father through
of a special calling with a special the inspiration extended to those who
blessing. what the Lord said
Here is preside over us, in the name of Jesus
he must be: "A bishop then must be Christ. Amen.
blameless, the husband of one wife,
vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, President Joseph Fielding Smith
given to hospitality, apt to teach;
We have just listened to Elder Victor
"Not given to wine, no striker, not L. Brown of the Presiding Bishopric.
greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not
Elder S. Dilworth Young of the First
a brawler, not covetous;
Council of Seventy will now speak to
"One that ruleth well his own house, us. He will be followed by Elder Rich-
having his children in subjection with ard L. Evans of the Council of the
all gravity; Twelve, who will be our concluding
"(For if a man know not how to speaker for this session.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
in whom they have not believed? and daily prayers for help and strength
how shall they believe in him of and succor. We have the witness of
whom they have not heard? and how the Church grown strong, and of its
shall they hear without a preacher? hundreds of thousands of happy
"And how shall they preach, except members.
they be sent? . . ." (Rom. 10:13-15.)
hope the seventies will make it Witness of living testimony
possible for them to hear.
But most of all we have the witness
Accomplishments through faith which enters into the heart of each
of us, the living testimony given by
Paul also called to the attention of the power of the Holy Ghost. Let us
the Hebrews the great work that had not fail to bear that witness. And,
been accomplished by faith by those too, let us not fail to make it possible
who had lived in former times. After for the witness to be borne through
reviewing these great acts of faith, the warming love of friendship.
beginning with righteous Abel and
There have been times when we
extending throughout Hebrew history,
thought that if we approached a man
he then said: "Wherefore seeing we and he, hostile because of stories he
also are compassed about with so
had heard about us, or suspicious be-
great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay
aside every weight, and the sin which
cause we were strangers, rebuffed us,
then we had done our duty by shaking
doth so easily beset us, and let us run
off the dust of our feet against him.
with patience the race that is set be-
fore us." (Heb. 12:1.) We have not done that duty until we
Should we as seventies do less? Do have given him a fair chance to learn
we not have a greater cloud of wit- that his prejudices are unfounded. To
nesses than did Paul? We have his find families and show them by our
witnesses, and in addition we also love that we are truly followers of
have the witnesses of modern times. Jesus Christ is our manifest duty. Let
We have the witness of Joseph Smith, us not shirk or falter, but let us carry
who saw and talked with God the the message to these worthy and good
Father and his exalted Son. We have people in our midst.
the witness of Brigham Young, of John I bear my witness that the gospel
Taylor, of Wilford Woodruff, and of is once again on the earth brought by
the remainder of the Prophets of the angels, John on Patmos declared
Lord unto President David O. McKay it would be; that Joseph Smith was its
in our day. We have the witness of first restoring Prophet; and that Presi-
the more than 80 apostles, who have dent McKay is its present living
done mighty works since the day of Prophet. The Lord Jesus Christ lives
Joseph Smith. We
have the witness and is the author of our salvation and
of those who faced the hostile hosts in our exaltation. We
need but to be-
Missouri and Illinois; and of those, lieve and follow his teachings to gain
too, who walked with faith into these a place in his kingdom. May we do
mountain valleys, offering up their so I pray in his name. Amen.
May I first cite some lines written counsel because they think they al-
for a recent purpose: ready know the answer or at least —
Young people sometimes seem to de- the one they want. But none of us
cide to go it alone in life. They learn at any age —
is ever so old or so young,
Counsel from the past ten as a plea for parents and children
Weought to seek counsel also from to come to common ground:
It is an odd thing, in a way, how
the prophets of the past, and the
counsel God has given, by searching each generation seems to feel that each
the scriptures, thoughtfully, prayer- preceding generation is somewhat old-
fully. Often the answers we are seek- —
fashioned how each generation lis-
ing are already there. tens impatiently to the lessons of the
Weought also to counsel with con- last. Youth is so sure the rules have
science, and listen to the promptings changed. Age is sure they haven't.
of the Spirit. Our Father has not left Youth feels it knows how far it can
us alone, and when we go against the go. Age is deeply aware of the dan-
counsel of the still, small voice of ger. Youth feels it can always apply
conscience, we have reason to regret. the brakes in time to save itself. Age
An interesting sentence recently knows it isn't always so. And so
read has lodged in my mind: "What's parents frequently find themselves
the use of running when you're on groping, reaching, pleading, trying to
the wrong road?" We
had better do say what should be said, in a way that
our best to be sure we are on the will not be misunderstood, in a way
right road before we run in any that will not seem meddlesome. And
direction. always there is need for parents and
The accumulated experience of the children to come to common ground,
ages is a source of counsel and a very and to say to one another what should
precious part of the heritage we have. so much be said. And so we would
Wecan't go back and begin at the plead this day with parents and with
beginning. Trial and error, what children to be more understanding
others have gone through, history, have with one another.
told us much. We
know what hap- To you as parents, remember when
pens when nations and people per- you were young; remember why you
sonally ignore moral standards, virtues, wanted to do some things you wanted
honesty. The counsel of the past is to do; remember how eager you were
not to be ignored. for social acceptance, how sensitive you
were to ill-timed criticism, and how
The source of security
easily your hearts could be hurt, and
To you, beloved and respected young how some things, which now seem less
people of the Church, and all others important, once mattered very much.
also: The commandments are still in All this as parents we ask you to
force. Preparation, character, compe-
tence are still the source of security.
Proceed with your preparation; keep Basic rules unchanged
your mental and physical and spiritual
And now to you, our children, to
faculties in balance and at their best.
Don't acquire harmful habits or use
you in your youth: Why should you
suppose that basic rules have
things that would distort or dull your
really changed in the few short years
since your parents were as young as
Have faith. Work, study, prepare.
you? The road seems new to you. It
Don't let yourself drift into the kind
isn't new to them. They've been over
of company where the counsels are
it. They are still traveling it, and it
evil, or be misled by influences that
would downgrade manners and morals.
is still essentially the same. We have
more; we move faster; we have ac-
Live so as to have peace and self-
quired some things and lost others
respect. Don't give way to the per-
but it is still true that causes are
missive looseness that leads to the
always followed by consequences.
quicksand of life.
And as you ask your parents to re-
Common ground for member this of you, will you also re-
parents and children member this of them: that they were
Now, may I recall some words writ- young, not very long ago, as you are
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
will be from 9:35 to 10:00 a.m. Those "Almighty God of Our Fathers."
desiring to attend this broadcast must The benediction will be offered by
be in their seats not later than 9:15 a.m. Elder Maurice J. Taylor, President of
The singing of this session has been the Temple View Stake, after which
furnished by the Logan LDS Institute this conference will be adjourned until
Choir, with James L. Bradley conduct- seven o'clock this evening.
ing, and Roy M. Darley at the organ.
I am sure this great gathering in the
Tabernacle and our radio and tele- The chorus sang, "Almighty God
vision audience would wish me to ex- of Our Fathers."
press for them our heartfelt apprecia-
tion for the excellent singing of this
The closing prayer was offered by
President Maurice Taylor of the
group of students. We
thank them for
Temple View
their contribution to the meeting.
The chorus will now favor us with Conference adjourned until 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
The Prophet Joseph Smith and people. Well, if they only could have
President Brigham Young both saw in known it, that something is represented
vision the place in the Rocky Moun- here tonight by this large gathering of
tains to which the Saints would even- the priesthood. That something is the
tually be driven. I am wondering priesthood, the divine authority, the
whether they also saw in vision such authority given from on high for each
a gathering of priesthood as we have one to represent God in the particular
here in this Tabernacle and in the field in which that one is assigned
more than 400 other buildings tonight. to labor.
I think the Prophet must have seen it, I tell you, brethren, it is a wonder-
for he said: ". the Saints [will]
. .
ful thing to have the privilege of being
become [a great and] a mighty one of this group and being considered
people." (Documentary History of the worthy to be a representative of the
Church, Vol. 5, p. 85.) Most High. I said I was conscious of a
great responsibility, too. The instance
Impression made by guide
that I related the remark made by
I am impressed not only with the the renowned inventor of the airplane
power that you but also with
radiate, — brings home to us the responsibility
the responsibility that each one of you of maintaining that something dis-
carries. I am reminded of an inci- tinctive which has impressed other
dent I have related on other occasions. renowned visitors who have been in
Some years ago, a dinner was given in our midst, and which in the future
honor of Mr. Gordon Rentschler, who should continue to impress them.
was then chairman of the board of the
National City Bank of New York. Youth need religion
When that gentleman expressed his We shall be privileged during this
appreciation for the honor bestowed meeting to witness a filmstrip on the
upon him, he said, among other things: timely subject "After High School,
"One of my first experiences What?" with a narration by Presi-
twenty-odd years ago Orville Wright dent Brown.
and I came here one day with four or Education, as this presentation will
five others. We went over to the portray, has always been an essential
temple grounds. We
were taken part of the gospel plan. Members of
around by some man we never — the priesthood, especially, should seek
learned his name. Here was an extra- constantly for that upliftment which
ordinary individual telling the story will qualify them for the good life
I think it was at noontime. Orville and service in the cause of the Master.
Wright and I came back to this hotel
Well might we ask, "After ordination
[the Utah], and Orville said: 'You to the priesthood, what?"
know, that fellow has got something
Education to be complete must in-
that we are all missing, and that is
clude spiritual growth. In this sense,
the reason these fellows are a great
youth need religion.
people.' We
spent one of the most
interesting hours I have ever spent in Religion stabilizes society
my life."
I shall offer only three reasons this
Authority given from on high evening for giving proper religious
training to youth.
Now, we donot arrogate to ourselves
the thought that we merit these adjec- Youth should have religion in
tives. I am referring to it only because order to stabilize society. Goethe has
there was something which impressed rightly said that "the destiny of any
those men as being peculiar to our nation at any given time depends on
the opinions of its young men under sinister and terrible when
five and twenty." by the vast increase of material power.
On this same thought, Roger W. The soul of man cowers, starved and
Babson many years ago had the fore- fearful, in the midst of a civilization
sight to comment as follows: grown too complex for any mind to
visualize or to control. Joy and beauty
"Although the airplane opens up
fade from human living. Yet life
boundless opportunities, it also threat-
abundant, beauteous, laughing life
ens limitless perils. All depends upon
whether we can match this flood of has been our age-long labor's end.
new material powers with an equal What other conceivable worth has the
gain in spiritual forces. The coming mastery of the material world, the ex-
generation can see in a minute more ploitation of the resources of nature
than the former generation could see and the creation of wealth, except as
in a week. The coming generation a basis for the release of the life of
can out-hear and out-travel the former the spirit?" And then he adds: "We
generation. Horse-power has expanded are witnessing either the crumbling
beyond all dreams. But what about of civilization under the weight of its
man power? What about spiritual material mechanism, or the birth of a
power, and the power of judgment, new organization with a spiritual
discretion, and self-control? Unless ideal."
there is a development of character So much for the relation of religion
equal to this enlargement of physical to the stabilizing of society.
forces, there is sure trouble ahead.
Twenty-five years ago, an intoxicated Religion satisfies the soul
man might tip the buggy over, but
Second: Youth need religion to sat-
commonly the old horse would bring
isfy the innate longing of the soul.
him home. Today, a driver under the
influence of liquor, maims and kills.
Man is a spiritual being, and sometime
which is man. Here, on this thought, abstract power, but a living, personal
science again leads the student up to God.
a certain point, and sometimes leaves
him with his soul unanchored. For
God a personal being
example, evolution's theory of the Charles A. Dinsmore, formerly of
creation of the world offers many per- Yale University, made the following
plexing problems to the inquiring statement concerning God as a per-
mind. Inevitably, a teacher who de- sonal being:
nies divine agency in creation, who "It is the eye of faith that sees
insists that there is no intelligent the broad horizons, the color and the
purpose in it, undoubtedly impresses gleam. Religion, standing on the
the student with the thought that all known experience of the race, makes
may be chance. one bold and glorious affirmation. She
I say that no youth should be left asserts that this power that makes for
without a counterbalancing thought. truth, for beauty, and for goodness is
Even the skeptical teacher should be not less personal than we. [And that
fair enough to say that Charles Darwin is the declaration of The Church of
himself, when he faced the great ques- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that
tions of eventual annihilation, if crea- Jesus is not less personal than we, and
tion is dominated only by chance, that his Father, the Eternal Father,
wrote: "It is an intolerable thought is a personal God.] This leap of
that man and all other sentient things faith is justified because God cannot
are doomed to complete annihilation, be less than the greatest of His works;
than another, he will have so much womanhood. Upon that depends not
the advantage in the world to come." only the survival of the individual
(D&C 130:18-19.) freedom vouchsafed by the Constitu-
And also: tion and Bill of Rights and all other
"It impossible for a man to be
ideals for which the founders of the
saved in ignorance." (D&C 131:6.) Republic fought and died, but also
Southey tells us that on his walk one the survival of the best that we cher-
stormy day, he met an old woman to ish in present-day civilization through-
whom, by way of greeting, he made out the world. The preservation of
the rather obvious remark that it was these must come through education.
dreadful weather. She answered philo-
Promulgation of truth
sophically that, in her opinion, "Any
weather is better than none!" Likewise, The Church stands for education.
any education is undoubtedly better The very purpose of its organization is
than none, but a free people, to remain to promulgate truth among men. Mem-
free, must ever strive for the highest bers of the Church are admonished to
and best. acquire learning by study, and also by
faith and prayer; to seek after every-
The role of religion thing that is virtuous, lovely, of good
Courses required of all students in report, or praiseworthy. In this seek-
our public schools should include the ing after, they are not confined to nar-
important areas of study that directly row limits of dogma or creed, but are
or indirectly provide the student with free to launch into the realm of the
opportunities for spiritual growth and infinite.
religious inspiration. From such study But gaining knowledge is one thing,
it is reasonable to expect that our and applying it, quite another. Wis-
students will better understand how dom is the right application of
vital has been the role of religion at knowledge, and true education the —
critical moments in history; how im- education for which the Church stands
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
institutions. Special claims are made be attracted by it, and will be led to
on the home and the school because seek the truth more by our acts and
of the central role of these two institu- deeds and by what we radiate in
tions in the nurture of the young. virtue and integrity, rather than by
By moral and spiritual values, we what we say.
mean those values which, when applied I pray God to bless us in this great
in human behavior, exalt and refine work in the name of Jesus Christ.
life and bring it into accord with the Amen.
standards of conduct that are approved
President N. Eldon Tanner
in our democratic culture.
Youth need religion. The world The men's chorus will now sing,
needs it. It is the world's greatest "O My Father."
need I
help us to teach the true religion
The men of the Tabernacle Choir
as revealed in this dispensation by the
sang the hymn, "O My Father."
Lord Jesus Christ to Joseph Smith.
God bless you teachers in the Church
schools, institutes, and seminaries, that President N. Eldon Tanner
you may have the spirit of this great We are fortunate indeed to have
latter-day work and lead the children such a lovely chorus.
to therealm of immortality and peace Dr. Lowell L. Bennion, Associate
here as well as happiness throughout Dean of Students at the University of
eternity. Utah, who is a leading educator and
has contributed much in the field of
Responsibility of priesthood
education, and given a lifetime of
God bless you brethren. With all service to the Church, will now speak
my heart I pray God to bless you, that to us.
My dear brethren and friends: Presi- dared to impose upon him with prob-
dent McKay has asked me to talk to lems that were very critical to me, I
the youth of the Church about educa- have always come away satisfied in my
tion. I am not particularly grateful mind as well as in my heart. One
for this task, but I am thankful for thing he taught me when I first began
his trust and faith in me. I am also to teach in the Church has been ex-
grateful for the example which he has tremely helpful. He said, "Brother
set for us in the field of education. Bennion, remember, words do not
President McKay loves the Lord with convey meanings; they call them
all his mind, as well as with his heart forth." I speak out of the context of
and soul. I know this from personal my experience, and you listen out of
.experience. the context of yours, and that is why
On several occasions when I have communication is difficult. I don't
was organized. We
usually think of the (D&C 128:21.) Only in response to
beginning of the Latter-day Saint hungry minds, to earnest questions of
movement as having taken place in the the boy Prophet and of his associates,
Sacred Grove in that glorious First did the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Vision of the Father and the Son. To it seems to me, reveal their mind.
me this is not entirely accurate. The Very soon after the First Vision,
initial beginning of our faith took Joseph not only prayed, but he also
place, I believe, in the mind of a youth. studied, as has already been indicated
The boy Joseph in his fifteenth year in President McKay's remarks.
had questions; he was searching; he
was eager to know. You should read Education encouraged
again the familiar story, his own story, The first temple built by the Latter-
in the Pearl of Great Price. I was
day Saints in Kirtland, Ohio, the most
struck this week to notice what an sacred of all buildings in the Church,
emphasis he placed on learning, on was also used for the School of the
asking. At a time of considerable Prophets. There they studied not only
controversy and great emotional ex- scripture and theology, but also
citement, he said in retrospect, "My Hebrew and German; and they were
mind was called up to serious reflec- taught to learn by study and also by
tion." And the biblical passage which faith, and to seek wisdom out of the
stirred him the most was that famous best books.
verse from James, "If any of you lack
It is remarkable to me too, brethren,
wisdom, let him ask of God. . ." .
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
and hungering and thirsting for knowl- Secondly, I believe that we should
edge, think Joseph's was, and
as I seek education for education's sake. I
Brigham Young's, and my father's, and would not spend my time encouraging
others? We
inherit land and money young people to get more education
and debts and other things, but edu- simply to make more money, or to live
cation is not inherited any more than a life of ease, or to gain status in this
character is. The German poet Goethe world. My chief reason for encourag-
said, "What from your father's heritage ing education is that I believe that
is lent, earn it anew to really possess the essence of man is his brain, his
it." We
inherit only the opportunity, mind, his spirit; and I think a person
the tradition, and I hope the motiva- who does not cultivate his mind will
tion to seek learning and wisdom and not fulfill his life. His life will end
education. in frustration and disappointment.
I think there are several reasons why Let me illustrate concretely, if I can.
you young people should be earnestly Last summer I was in the mountains
engaged in all kinds of education, in- with some young boys, and one day
cluding secular training. The first they found a nest of robins, just ready
reason I would give is that we live in to leave their mother's nest. The boys
a technological age. Unskilled labor wanted to take these robins and put
is fast diminishing, going by the them in a cage. I suggested that the
boards. Unskilled jobs are decreasing. robins would die if they did but let
They are poorly paid. One is expend- them do it; and sure enough, the boys
able if one's only talent is common, put these little robins in a cage, gave
untrained physical work. On the other them water, grain, and grass, and in
hand, there has never been such a de- two or three days they were dead. The
mand for trained people, both technical reason they died is that birds do not
and professional. Back in depression belong in cages. Birds were made by
years engineers came out of the uni- the Creator to scratch in the earth and
versitiesand were glad to take a job to soar in the sky. Birds have wings
at a filling station or any other kind to fly. Put a bird in a cage and you
of work. Today, anybody who is destroy his nature.
trained as a teacher, social worker,
nurse, doctor, lawyer, dentist name — Cages we make
what you —
will is in great demand, is Now you and I also find ourselves
well paid, and I think, generally sometimes in cages, cages of our own
speaking, his work is more interesting making, and though we don't always
than that of common labor, though die in these cages, we sometimes die a
not always. moral and spiritual death; and we find
life shallow and meaningless. I
Training needed
haven't time tonight to do any more
The frontiers which Mormons have than mention the kinds of things that
get us in these cages, but in my ex- When I first read this, it struck
perience alcohol does (I should have home. In eating, fearing, and sleep-
said "in myobservation"). In ob- my ing, men and beasts are alike. Man
servation, these mind-expanding drugs excelleth the beast by being human,
do also. I have talked with a number by engaging in things of the spirit, of
of students and young people who the mind, of the heart.
have been caught up in this latest
effort to find the meaning of life by Qualities of the mind
running away from it, and what I
Brethren, how often do you con-
observe is nothing but tragedy.
template the wonderful qualities and
You and I don't indulge in alcohol, aspects of your mind? Imagination is
LSD, or marijuana, but we find our- one of the qualities of a human mind
selves in other cages. One of them is that I cherish deeply; it is the ability to
sitting as a spectator of life watching take single images and to put them into
TV day and night It is wonderful to a new image that has never existed
watch a show occasionally, to refresh before. Only a human being can
oneself and get away from the cares of reorganize life around him after his
the day, but to spend hour upon hour own image. Only the human mind, so
watching the trivia that comes across far as we know, enjoys memory and
our movie house screens and TV can transcend time and space. Only
screens sometimes is, I believe, a great human beings can keep the entire past
disservice to one's life. Another tragic with them. You and I can live with
aspect of the life of contemporary man, Jesus, Socrates, and our
in my judgment, is our hunger and grandfathers. Animals only live in
thirst and lust for material things. We the present, driven by instinct. Only
want new clothes, cars, homes, furni- human beings have language, the
ture, and drapes, and we spend most power to symbolize feelings and ideas
of our time, many of us, trying to and to communicate. Imagination,
achieve these material things with
which we can identify. I think people
memory, language these are wonder-
ful gifts of the human spirit.
who spend most of their life trying to Until a year or two ago I kept a pig.
make money and accumulate material
goods will wake up with a taste of
My pig never got his eyes above the
trough, except when I came to feed
ashes in their mouths by and by.
him; and, brethren, when I went out
Things of the Spirit to feed my pig, I thrilled at the color
on Mt. Olympus, and I pondered its
Jesus said, ". for a man's life
geology, and I worshiped at the foot
Buddha said, "In eating, fearing and Creator, man must be creative to sat-
sleeping, men and beasts are alike. Man isfy his soul. If God is love, man must
Christ in terms of its great funda- driven betweeen faith and reason, be-
mentals, and then we need to relate tween secular learning and religious
these fundamentals to the issues of living. It has been my great privilege
the day. to have known thousands of college
How many of us apply the Golden youth who are bright, eager students
Rule in business, in race relations in in every field — in philosophy, in the
our country today, in relations be- and in every other sci-
social sciences,
tween nations? Do we always remem- ence. Thousands have kept the faith
ber free agency, as we deal with our and are truly committed to both God
co-workers, with our children, with and learning. But these people walk
our wives? with humility, both in religion and in
secular thought.
Faith and education
Last Sunday I was privileged to at-
one more thought, brethren. By
Just tend a priesthood meeting and Sunday
encouraging its youth to gain an School in Madison, Wisconsin. In
education, to study at universities, the these meetings graduate students, pro-
Church is encouraging our young fessors, businessmen, and intelligent
wives were enriching each other's lives alone, and her daughter phoned
thinking immeasurably. This is a and said, "Mother, is the power off?"
beautiful thing to behold, and it is "Yes."
happening in many areas of the "I will come and bring you home to
Church. In the life of every Latter- dinner."
day Saint faith and morality, bom And her mother said, "No, thank
of religion, should be wedded to all you."
the knowledge and learning we can get "What will you do if the power
from every source. It is not an easy doesn'tcome on?"
marriage faith and reason and one — She answered, "I will light a candle
will have to treat the other partner and play my guitar."
with great respect. Like marriages I had a wonderful father who was
between men and women, there will an educator, but I have learned, I
be ongoing adjustments; mistakes will think, as much from this little woman
be made; forgiveness will be required; who is my mother as I have from my
and some divorces will occur. But father.
much of the conflict between faith
My message to you in closing is this:
and reason in the person, just
lies as
Light a candle. Light the candle that
failures in marriage are usually due to
is within you, the candle that is your
limitations in husband or wife, or
own eternal intelligence, which has
both, and not in the institution of
also received the imprint of divinity
in the spiritual creation of our Father
I repeat, let us not drive a wedge in heaven.
between faith and knowledge. We I pray that we Latter-day Saints liv-
need both. I love my bishop, who is a
ing today may learn to love the Lord
businessman, and I have sought his
our God with all our mind, as well
counsel in spiritual and family affairs,
as with our hearts and with our souls;
but should the need arise, I shall not I pray that we may hunger and thirst
ask him to remove my appendix. The and
after righteousness, and after truth,
great problems facing us in the world
I ask it humbly, in the name of Jesus
today are far more intricate than an Amen.
appendectomy. We need to unite all
the faith and idealism the gospel can President N. Eldon Tanner
provide and to combine it with all the
wisdom of human experience, no mat- Brother Condie will now lead the
ter who has it. congregation and the chorus in sing-
ing: "Do What Is Right."
Light a candle
Not all education is found in text- The congregation and chorus sang
books or in university halls. I have
the hymn, "Do What Is Right."
time to mention only one illustration
in closing. I know a little lady listen-
ing in tonight who is nearly 94 years
President N. Eldon Tanner
of age. When she was approximately
ninety, she began to practice the organ. President Hugh B. Brown, first
Last year the power went off in her counselor in the First Presidency of the
home, in her apartment where she Church, will now speak to us.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
Brethren of the priesthood, we are safety valve that will enable you to
assembled this evening in this famous apply the lighter touch to heavy
Tabernacle and in hundreds of chapels problems and to learn some lessons in
and other meeting places throughout problem solving that "sweat and tears"
the United States and Canada in what often fail to dissolve. A line from
undoubtedly is the largest priesthood Proverbs advises us that "a merry
gathering in this dispensation, aug- heart doeth good like a medicine: but
mented by a large audience who have a broken spirit drieth the bones."
joined us on a TV broadcast. (Prov. 17:22.)
We meet reverently in the name of Be prepared
the founder and head of the Church,
our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, of We live in a fast-moving and rapidly
whose divinity we humbly bear changing society whose challenges are
witness. awesome in scope and baffling in com-
plexity. Ours is an atomic age, when
Cultivate appetite for learning motion, action, and revolutionary
Under the direction of his Prophet, change are constants. A
new world is
President David O. McKay, the First bursting upon us with startling sudden-
Presidency of the Church issues an ness and irresistible force a world —
admonition and a charge that is di- which is at once auspicious and
rected to youth and adults alike in — ominous. The times require that we
short, to all members of the Church prepare to meet the demands of the
and to our fellowmen everywhere. But future, make the required sacrifices,
our appeal is primarily to you who are enjoy itsrewards and priceless privi-
in that interesting but difficult period leges, and accommodate ourselves to
between childhood and adulthood, the universal law of change.
sometimes called adolescence, when To that end, then, our first charge
you no longer yield to the strict control to you is "be prepared." Constantly
of childhood but are not ready to prepare and continue to prepare for the
accept the full responsibilities of — —
future your future to which you are
adulthood. expected to make significant contribu-
Keep in mind
the challenging fact tions. Man's flight through life is
that your aim is not to get ahead of sustained by the power of his knowl-
others but to surpass yourself; to begin edge.
today to be the person you want to be; The preparation which we admon-
to immortalize today and all the to- ish is but another word for education,
morrows that lie ahead, in order that with its attendant discipline, whether
your life may have eternal signifi- imposed or voluntary.
cance. Cultivate an unquenchable Each one of you must face and
appetite for learning. solve the problem of what you are to
Each of you is the heir of the ages. do after you graduate from high
They who have gone ahead of you school. This is one of life's pivotal
have partially discovered and revealed questions that must be answered by
a world of wonder with limitless un- you with resolution and enthusiasm.
charted fields ahead. Your answer, if buttressed by courage
Incidentally, we have often urged and stamina, will determine in large
our young people to carry their laugh- measure how you will spend the bal-
ter over into their mature years. A ance of your lives. It is, therefore, of
wholesome sense of humor will be a transcendent importance.
is offered through Brigham Young tion can enroll in one of the Church-
University in Provo, Utah. This is the related schools. Therefore, a program
mother institution of the Church of religious education in the institutes
School System, with a student enroll- of religion has been set up near many
ment of more than 20,000. Here you college campuses throughout the
are invited to obtain a degree in one country.
of 13 colleges or in the graduate "We strongly urge students to enroll
school. in classes at the institutes so they can
The central concern at Brigham augment their secular learning with a
Young University, next to confirming religious education and spiritual ex-
your faith in God, is gaining and im- perience." (Statement of the First
parting knowledge. BYU
is receiving Presidency.)
wide recognition for achievement in We now have 185 institutes of re-
many fields of study and research. ligion where advanced courses, suited
This academic excellence is made pos- to the college environment, are
sible by a professional, dedicated fac- available.
ulty, where serious-minded students At the institutes, students may
will realize that the world today is participate in well-directed social pro-
looking for the educated mind and the grams, enjoy many inspiring devo-
skilled hand. tionals, and benefit from a counseling
Religious activity is an integral part program headed by trained personnel.
of all Latter-day Saint education and At many universities and colleges
is available to all students. Many where there is no institute, Deseret
wards and stakes are organized on Clubs have been formed. Their
various campuses, with students assum- major purpose is to bring together the
ing nearly all of the leadership youth of the Church and to provide
positions. social and cultural experiences in
harmony with the highest ideals and
Church colleges
Ricks College, a comprehensive
junior college in Rexburg, Idaho, was Other educational programs
founded in 1888 and is the oldest edu- At the Latter-day Saint Business Col-
cational institution now engaged in lege, located in Salt Lake City, stu-
higher education in Idaho. dents may take a variety of business
The several thousand students who courses leading to a three-month cer-
attend Ricks College may obtain an tificate, a one-year diploma, or a two-
associate degree for transfer to a four- year associate degree. Here, too, an
year institution, or may complete a institute program provides religious
one or two-year terminal program in training in conjunction with regular
technical, business, secretarial, or nurs- class work.
ing fields. Another Church-sponsored program
The Church College of Hawaii is of education is that of continuing edu-
located on the island of Oahu. Its cation courses available to those living
buildings were erected by Church away from the university. These
building missionaries, and are the con- courses can be counted toward a
tribution of dedicated young men from degree.
New Zealand, Tonga, and Samoa. In the many educational programs
This college is intended for the developed by the Church, there is a
blessing of the Church members in place for you. Whether you desire
the Pacific, giving them a fully ac- a two-year, four-year, master's, or
credited four-year course of study. doctor's degree, whether you desire
pre-professional training for any of a
Institutes of religion
variety of careers, technical training,
Obviously, not Latter-day Saint
all business training, home study, or re-
students who desire a college educa- ligious training on campuses not affili-
ated with the Church, there is a that have inspired some to believe in
program set up that will help you at- themselves and to continue the quest
tain your educational goals. for knowledge:
The key to a wise, happy choice lies
in choosing what will be best for you "You may be what you will to be;
as an individual. In that way you Let cowards find their false content
will find the satisfaction of becoming In that poor word environment,
a productive, contributing, and inde- But spirit scorns it and is free.
pendent member of the Church and
of society. The writer of the Proverbs "It conquers time; masters space;
said, "Wisdom is the principal thing; It cows the boastfultrickster chance,
therefore get wisdom: and with all thy And bids the tyrant circumstance
getting get understanding." (Prov. 4:7.) Uncrown and fill a servant's place.
Aim of true education —
"The human will that force unseen,
President McKay has said, "Char- The offspring of a deathless soul
acteris the aim of true education. . . . Can hew its way to any goal,
True education seeks to make men and Though walls of granite intervene."
women not only good mathematicians,
proficient linguists, profound scientists, We repeat, you may be what you
or brilliant literary lights, but also will to be, if you are willing to pay
honest men, with virtue, temperance, the price.
and brotherly love. It seeks to make
Strive to be disciples of Christ
men and women who prize truth, jus-
tice, wisdom, benevolence, and self- May God bless and inspire you to
control as the choicest acquisitions of a believe that because he is your Father
successful life." (Era, Vol. 70 [Septem- there is inevitably something of him
ber 1967], p. 3.) in you, and therefore, just as an acorn
We urge all members, young and may become an oak, so you, each one
old, to keep in mind always that the possessing a divine spark, may de-
true purpose of life, both here and velop into something like that from
hereafter, is to seek the joy of eternal which you came.
progression. As the glory of God is Modern technology has eliminated
intelligence, man can only share that all the barriers of time and space
glory through continuing education of which formerly lay between the citi-
the whole man. As the Lord himself zens of our world. Moscow and Wash-
told Joseph Smith: "Whatever prin- ington, D.C., are closer together today
ciple of intelligence we attain unto than Salt Lake City and Ogden were
in this life, it will rise with us in the 100 years ago. We have become
resurrection. literally one human family, living in
"And if a person gains more knowl- the same territory if not in the same
edge and intelligence in this life house. Former classifications of man-
through his diligence and obedience kind are no longer valid, for we are
than another, he will have so much neither strangers nor foreigners any
the advantage in the world to come." more. God grant that Latter-day
(D&C 130:18-19.) Saints may strive to be disciples of the
Lord Jesus Christ and will be found
Provision to excel in the forefront of those who recog-
We charge you then, brethren and nize the inherent dignity and worth of
sisters, —
to be prepared physically, every human being who walks this
earth, regardless of his race, color, or
mentally, spiritually, morally, aestheti-
cally, and in every other way prepare creed.
for what the glorious future holds. The May he bless and inspire you to
Church is making every possible pro- believe yourselves and in the
vision for all of members to
its excel. availability divine guidance.
of As
We commend to you some verses one young man in Vietnam was heard
to say as he was going out and not courage to endure. ". let virtue
. .
discipline, by this you will be able to May his peace and blessing be with
determine whether these tremendous us all. May we be inspired, each one
forces, now coming into your hands, of us, as we leave this building to-
will be used to build a better world night, to make something of ourselves,
or be responsible for its destruction. . . to be better than we are, more
The world needs the upsurge of knowledgeable, more understanding,
spiritual vitality to resist the current more sympathetic, more inclined to
cynicism and materialism. The grad- reach out for the underprivileged, and
ual elimination of physical hungers to those who need help. I pray for
will deepen the more elemental hunger his blessing and peace to be with all
for faith and salvation, for age-old of us, humbly, in the name of Jesus
values beyond the material and the Christ. Amen.
temporal, they will gnaw at the spirit
and the heart of man." President N. Eldon Tanner
For the second time, sessions of this tion that is constantly being given us
conference are being televised in color, to drive carefully. Please obey traffic
and will be received by many in the rules. Courtesy and patience must be
United States and Canada over most shown by drivers in the city and on
of those television stations cooperating the highways.
to provide the extensive coverage of The music for this priesthood session
this conference. has been furnished by the men of the
The international short-wave radio Tabernacle Choir, with Richard P.
station WNYW will broadcast the Condie conducting, and Robert Cun-
Sunday morning session to all parts of dick at the organ. Weexpress apprecia-
Europe, parts of Asia, Africa, South tion to them for their inspiring music.
America, Central America, Mexico and We shall now close this meeting
the Caribbean area. with the men's chorus singing "The
Thirty radio stations will broadcast Teacher's Work Is Done." This hymn
the translated Sunday morning con- was written to the memory of Karl G.
ference session in major cities of Maeser, "Come, lay his books and
Mexico and Central America, together papers by, He shall not need them
with Spanish programming stations in more."
this country, to a potential Latin Following the chorus singing "The
American audience of three million Teacher's Work Is Done," Elder Isaac
people. William Lee, president of the Burley
The CBS Radio Tabernacle Choir Stake, will offer the benediction. This
Broadcast will be from 9:35 to 10 conference will then be adjourned
o'clock Sunday morning. Those desir- until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
ing to attend must be in their seats
before 9:15 a.m.
There will be large crowds attending Singing by the men of the Choir,
the services on Sunday. Please be con- "The Teacher's Work Is Done."
siderate and courteous, and avoid Elder Isaac William Lee, president
pushing and crowding. of the Burley Stake, offered the closing
As thousands leave this great priest- prayer.
hood meeting tonight, wherever you Conference adjourned until Sunday
are, let us keep in mind the admoni- morning, April 7, 1968, at 10 o'clock.
together with the radio and television Selection by the Choir, And the
audience. We
welcome also special Glory of the Lord."
guests —U. S. Congressmen, state and Elder George W. Poulsen, Jr., of-
educational and civic leaders together — fered the opening prayer.
with the vast television and radio
audience, in this, the sixth session of
the One Hundred Thirty-eighth An- President Hugh B. Brown
nual Conference of The Church of
The Tabernacle Choir will now
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Tabernacle Choir, under the sing,"The King of Love, My Shep-
herd Is," after which President Nathan
direction of Richard P. Condie, with
Eldon Tanner of the First Presidency
Alexander Schreiner at the organ, will
will speak to us.
open this service by singing, "And the
Glory of the Lord," following which
Elder George W. Poulsen, Jr., formerly Singing by the Choir, "The King of
president of the Hawaii Mission, will Love My Shepherd Is."
offer the invocation.
One hundred thirty-five years ago Israel, and not slay them." (D&C
a prophet of God gave us a revelation 89:18-21.)
that still applies to every man, woman, We, as members the Church,
and child today, and that we should have considered the Word of Wisdom
heed. "A Word of Wisdom. . . Given .
as a direction from the Lord himself,
for a principle with promise, adapted with a warning and a promise. Today
to the capacity of the weak and the the whole world, with the scientific
weakest of all saints, who are or can evidence now available to everyone,
be called saints. should, regardless of religion or race,
"Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord observe this scientific warning.
unto you: In consequence of evils and
designs which do and will exist in Evils of alcohol, drugs
the hearts of conspiring men in the and tobacco
last days, I have warned you, and fore-
warn you, by giving unto you this
We read daily in newspapers and
magazines such startling headlines as:
word of wisdom by revelation." (D&C "CigaretteBlamed in Apartment Fire
and Death," "Youth Drug Craze Rises,
Among other things, he warns Ending in Despair " "300 Pilot Deaths
against the use of tobacco and strong Laid to Alcohol."
drinks. And then he gives us this These point up clearly the dangers
promise: "And all saints who remember
of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Be-
to keep and do these sayings, walking
cause of these great dangers, because
in obedience to the commandments,
of my own experiences and observa-
shall receive health in their navel and
tions, and because of the real concern
marrow to their bones;
we have for our youth, who will de-
"And shall find wisdom and great termine the future of this great coun-
treasures of knowledge, even hidden try and the world, I have chosen to
treasures; discuss the evils of alcohol, drugs, and
"And shall run and not be weary, tobacco.
and shall walk and not faint. Before doing so,however, I should
"And I, the Lord, give unto them a like to make it abundantly clear that
promise, that the destroying angel throughout my some of
life my close
shall pass by them, as the children of business associates have been men who
used tobacco and alcohol. Many of Iwish to share with you just two of
them were very able and successful my experiences since the October con-
in business; they were community- ference. Just before conference, a
minded and highly regarded, and I bishop called me from California to
certainly do not wish to criticize or make an appointment to bring in a
question the character of these or other young man from his ward who was
users of tobacco and alcohol. I do involved with hippies. He felt I might
most emphatically register my great be able to help him. They came in
concern about the dangers connected just after conference. His long hair,
with their use. Many men have said: dress, and general appearance left no
"I wish I had never touched the weed, doubt that he was a hippie. I asked
or drink. They are really a curse." him to tell me his story. Briefly, this
is what he said:
Dangers of tobacco "I am
a returned missionary, a mar-
So much has been said lately about ried man, and I have a child; and
the dangers of tobacco that it might here I am, a hippie, a drug addict, and
seem redundant for me to spend time I am guilty of many misdemeanors
reviewing these dangers and statistics and even felonies. I am most un-
regarding smoking. However, I do happy. This is not what I want."
wish to give a few facts and figures I asked him how it was that a man
regarding the evils of cigarettes. with his background ever got mixed
The British Royal College of Physi- up with these people. He said that
cians reported that 400 Britons per one day when he was feeling despon-
week, or 20,000 persons, died last dent and discouraged, he decided that
year in Great Britain from lung cancer he wanted to be free, that he did not
caused by cigarette smoking. Right want to be bound by any traditions or
here in Utah it is estimated that 20 Church restrictions in any way. He
million dollars were spent in 1966 for went out with some of these fellows in
cigarettes, or $21.68 for every man, a spirit of rebellion, and then he said,
woman, and child in the state, and "Here I am. Instead of being free,
this is below the national average. I'm a slave. In a way I am a fugitive.
The American Public Health Asso- I wish you could help me. I just don't
ciation has stated that one million know what to do."
school age children today are expected Before he left, he assured me that
to die of lung cancer before they reach he would cut his hair and clean up and
the age of 70. These startling predic- break away from these people, and
tions should help us to realize that we that he would turn himself over to the
must redouble our efforts to educate law and do all he could to repent
young people on the evil effects of and live as he should. The following
smoking so that they will be better pre- is from a letter written by him and
many in the teaching and medical pro- ful that I was blessed with a bishop
fessions, as well as their parents, going who has been my closest friend
around with cigarettes in their mouths. through all my trials. I'm grateful for
your interest, President Tanner."
Case of drug addict The reason I use this young man as
Now, turning our attention to drugs, an example is that his background
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
should have given him the strength to As I talked to her, her big concern,
resist or overcome, and it shows how and the concern of her parents, is what
dangerous it is for a man like him, let she will do when she is released. Will
alone a youth who has no such ties or she be free and feel secure? How will
responsibilities, to even associate with people accept her? She does feel deter-
those who tamper with drugs. His mined and sure, and we hope she is
was a very sad case, and it touched right, that be completely
she will
my heart. cured. When I asked her if she would
have the courage and strength to keep
Experience of young woman free of her former associates, she as-
The next case I wish to share with sured me she could, and sorrowfully
you issimilar to hundreds and hun- said that several of them are either
dreds of others. I have talked to the in institutions or prison. She also
girl involved and to her parents; and told me of some very sad cases in the
though they know that many might institution —
one, a 19-year-old boy,
recognize them as the ones about whom who is entirely helpless. read also We
I am talking, they said if it will help of others threatening and committing
someone they would be glad to have suicide.
me use their story. Such experiences should help par-
She comes from a very fine family. ents and youth to understand the
The father is a successful doctor, and problems and great dangers confront-
the family has been active in the ing them. Parents, be alert and on
Church and in the community. They guard. One of these could be your
have one son who has filled a mis- own son or daughter.
sion, and another in the field now.
They have an older daughter who is The alcohol problem
very highly regarded, active in the Now I should like to direct our think-
Church, and who was married in the ing to the alcohol problem, which is
be drinking, I had no idea that I was Here was a boy with the promise of
really becoming an alcoholic. I re- a happy and successful life. But one
fused to accept the fact until I found night, he did not come home as usual
myself literally in the gutter. after closing up a service station where
"The result was that my partner, he worked. His worried parents
my business associates, and all who started a search, which ended in the
knew me and even my wife and family early morning hours with the father
found that they could not depend on finding his son's beaten and bruised
me, and lost respect for me. As a body in the back seat of a parked
result, I lost my wife. After pleading car. He had been dead for sometime.
and working with me, she divorced Just imagine the shock and sorrow of
me, and I found that I was alone. I his parents!
had lost respect for myself, and had At the inquest the brokenhearted
lost my home, family, and everything. parents learned that Jim had joined a
"When I found myself in the gut- couple of the hometown boys and a
ter, helpless and alone, I was persuaded couple from a neighboring town. After
to go to Alcoholics Anonymous. With they had purchased and consumed
their help and my
determination I was liquor, a fight ensued between the local
able to overcome the habit after boys and the out-of-towners. Appar-
months and months of severe struggle." ently someone knocked Jim down,
Then he pointed out that only about ran into him with a car, and then
one out of five is able to overcome this placed his body in the back seat of
pernicious habit. the car where it was later found. The
As he concluded, he said: "No man parents also learned that this was only
knows when he takes a single drink the third time he had ever been drink-
whether or not he will become an ing. He never dreamed that taking
alcoholic. Therefore, no man, regard- his first drink would lead to his un-
less of his wealth or his position, can timely death.
afford to take one single drink of
Widespread use of liquor
pled with every one of them not We could talk on and on and give
to touch it, and then emphasized that and figures to show that
statistics, facts,
one out of every 15 who drink will experiences similar to those I have re-
become an alcoholic, and often the lated are happening by the hundreds
brightest and most capable one, who and thousands. It is estimated that
least expects it, is the unfortunate one. 60 percent of our adult population in
the United States today consumes
Tragedy from drinking some quantity of liquor. There are
Now here is another story I tell with some outstanding executives, business
the permission of the parents, who and professional men, who are very
likewise expressed a real desire to do successful and highly regarded, and
everything they can to help other for whom I have great respect, who
youth to avert a tragedy such as that indulge in the use of liquor in some
which happened to their son. degree.
In a file they handed me was a I know too that their using alcohol
newspaper clipping, written before his will influence many of our youth to
tragedy, showing the picture of a fine- become social drinkers. It saddens me,
looking young lad, who had just been however, to know that out of every 15
elected president of the junior class of them, one will become an alcoholic.
in high school. The article said: One's heart always goes out to a
"Wherever activity is bubbling or neighbor or friend and his family who
leadership is needed, that's where have to endure the miseries of alco-
you'll find Jim. As a leading figure in holism.
school plays, student government, and I am convinced that our youth do
class activities, his leadership abilities not want to be bad. They do not set
have always been outstanding." out to be alcoholics, nor to be drug
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
addicts, nor to suffer and die with Alcoholism is one disease which no
cancer of the lungs or some other one needs to have. The only sure way
pulmonary disease. to be free of it is to never take a drink.
However, they see people drinking
all around them —
men and women Keep the Word of Wisdom
who are leading citizens. They see it Onbehalf of the First Presidency,
in their homes with no evident ill and with their approval, 1 appeal to
effects. They see it advertised in all every member of the Church to keep
the popular magazines, in the daily the Word of Wisdom strictly, and to
press, on every television set, in all responsible citizens to accept their
many movies, and on the billboards; to guard and protect
and they hear it over radio. Yes, and our youth against the evils and designs
these advertisements are shown with of conspiring men who are deter-
well-dressed, healthy-looking, success- mined by every available means to
ful businessmen, with big cars and fine lead them to destruction. We cannot
offices, with young men and women stand by and let our youth be destroyed
engaged in all kinds of sports, attend- because of our neglect. We must lead
ing socials where people are standing them not into temptation, but deliver
around with a cigarette in one hand them from evil.
and a glass in the other, all seeming
to have a good time. Protection of youth
How can our youth resist without There are those who argue that in
our help? These high-power adver- the interests of tourism, liquor should
tisingmedia never show a man or be made more easily available. Surely
woman nursing a bad headache the every mother, father, and worthy citi-
morning after, nor do they show the zen can see the folly of this and what
crumpled cars, the mangled bodies, or it would do to our youth. must We
the broken homes, or men lying in the not sell our heritage for a mess of
gutter. Nor do they show a man fac- pottage. There are better ways to
ing a doctor who has just told him that encourage tourists.
he has cancer of the throat or lungs, or I cannot imagine any father or neigh-
patients in a hospital being fed with a bor wanting to contribute in any way
tube through the nostril because they to his or his neighbor's boy's becoming
cannot swallow. an alcoholic in order to get tourists
I am sure that many will say, "Why into our area. Example is the greatest
all this gory stuff?" No, I have omitted of all teachers. In the interests of our
much of the gory stuff, the many, many youth, I pray that we may all heed
really sad and heartbreaking experi- the warning of the Lord that alcohol
ences happening to families every day. is not good for man. We
must take
We must face the facts; we must do a stand against liquor by the drink
our part. and any and every other move that
would make liquor more easily avail-
Avoidance of alcoholism
I have read with interest Dr. Wil- It is the responsibility of every
liam Terhune's ten commandments on citizen and in the best interests of
how to lessen the chance that we will our youth and our future to see that
become alcoholics. The last two of enforceable restrictive legislation is
them are: enacted and enforced to keep our youth
"Never take a drink to escape dis- from this pernicious practice.
comfort, eitherphysical or mental,"
and "never take a drink in the morning, Testimony
thinking it will offset a hangover." It is my testimony to all that those
I should like to submit one com- who heed the words of the Lord spoken
mandment as a substitute for his ten through a prophet, and who keep his
which would be much more effective, commandments, "shall find wisdom
and that is: "Never take a drink." and great treasures of knowledge, even
The resurrected Savior himself said: William H. Wise Co., 1921], Vol. 3,
". . . it shall come to pass, saith the pp. 128-29.)
Father, that . whosoever will not
. . The answer is obvious. No con-
repent and come unto my Beloved servative power, which the nations of
Son, them will I cut off from among antiquity would apply, was strong
my people. . . . enough to arrest their ruin.
"And I will execute vengeance and
fury upon them, . such as they have . .
Our path today
not heard." (3 Ne. 21:20-21.) I am persuaded that today we are
As late as 1832, the Lord declared treading the path those nations trod.
through the Prophet Joseph Smith: We have been industrious. We have
". . I, the Almighty, have laid my
. become wealthy. We
are going through
hands upon the nations, to scourge a period of corruption and decay.
them for their wickedness. Around the corner we shall encounter
"And plagues shall go forth, and ruin if we continue our present course.
they shall not be taken from the earth Admittedly, thisis not an inspiring
". Until all shall know me, who
. .
forecast. I make it not because I like
remain, even from the least unto the it but because I know that it is true,
greatest. . .
." (D&C 84:96-98.) that it is imperative that we face it and
President George Albert Smith, do something about it. I make it also
speaking from this stand in 1950, said: for the reason that I know that there
"It will not be long until calamities is something we can do about it. I
will overtake the human family unless further know that for us there is, as
there is speedy repentance. It will not there was for the nations of antiquity,
be long before those who are scattered but one way in which we can obtain
over the face of the earth by millions the wisdom to solve our problems and
will die like flies because of what will avert the impending ruin. And that
come." (Era, Vol. 53 [May 1950], p. way is to learn and implement the
412.) laws which the Lord himself has
President McKay, in October con- prescribed to guide men through to an
ference 1964, added: "Men may yearn inspired solution of their problems, to
for peace, cry for peace, and work for permanent peace. This way he has
peace, but there will be no peace revealed.
until they follow the path pointed out
Inspired solution
by the Living Christ." (Era, Vol. 67
[December 1964], p. 1042.) He revealed it first to Adam. He
taught and exemplified it while he
Teachings of history was in the flesh. Peter announced the
As to the teachings of history, Dr. cornerstone of it when to the rulers
John Lord says: "The world has wit- of the Jews, who demanded of him
nessed many powerful empires, em- and John to know "by what power, or
pires which have passed away, and by what name" they had healed the
left 'not a rack behind'. What remains lame man, he said:
of the antediluvian world? not even a ". . by the name of Jesus Christ of
spike of Noah's Ark. . . . What re- Nazareth, . . . doth this man stand
mains of Nineveh, of Babylon, of here before you whole.
Thebes, of Tyre, of Carthage, those — "Neither is there salvation in any
great centers of wealth and power? other: for there is none other name
What remains of Roman greatness. . . . under heaven given among men,
What the simple story of all the
is whereby we must be saved." (Acts
ages?" Then he answers: " industry, — 4:7, 10, 12.)
wealth, corruption, decay, and ruin. associate
Believers this scripture
What conservative power has been with salvation beyond the grave, and
strong enough to arrest the ruin of the properly so. My
message to you to-
nations of antiquity?" he concludes. day, however, is that it applies with
(Beacon Lights of History [New York: equal force to men's temporal affairs.
The function of the Holy Ghost is should come upon the inhabitants of
to guide men in the way of truth and the earth. .
." (D&C 1:17), the Lord,
peace. Jesus referred to him as "the beginning in 1820, again revealed it.
Spirit of truth" when he said to his In 1830 he organized his Church,
disciples: "Howbeit when he, the Spirit which he later named The Church of
of truth, is come, he will guide you Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He
into all truth: . . . and he will shew endowed it with his priesthood and
you things to come." (John 16:13.) charged the bearers thereof to teach
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
his gospel and administer its saving fulness thereof; the world, and they
ordinances, including baptizing by im- that dwell therein." (Ps. 24:1.)
mersion for the remission of sins and
the laying on of hands for the gift of Glorious day approaches
the Holy Ghost. He purposes that the earth shall
During the restoration, the Lord re- rest and that its inhabitants shall
vealed the principles and procedures dwell in peace. Such a glorious day
which, if implemented, would solve approaches. It is even now at our doors.
all the problems which so disturb the The righteousness which will bring
peoples of the earth today economic it in and sustain it shall come in one
problems, moral problems, social prob- of two ways: as a result of the pre-
lems, and political problems. dicted destruction of the wicked, or by
In restoring the gift of the Holy men's repenting and taking upon
Ghost, he made available the power themselves in the prescribed manner
which so transforms the nature of the name of Jesus Christ, "the only
men that they desire to and do imple- name which shall be given under
ment these revealed principles and heaven, whereby salvation shall come
practices. unto the children of men. . ." (Moses .
that the honking had been for her. Father. You received this commission
personally from Heavenly Father upon
Then she said: "I had decided that
tonight was going to be the biggest leaving his presence not too many
years ago.
night of my life, and that horn toot
was the signal that all of the arrange- Here by divine assignment
ments were complete, and he was wait-
ing. What you said and how you Once I heard a girl say, "What's
said it has saved me from the most the use? What am I good for?" Well,
serious mistake of my life,and I shall one mighty important point would be
never forget it." that you are here by assignment from
your Heavenly Father to prove your-
Concern for girls self worthy of his ultimate blessing.
Bishop Brown and I listened intently them herewith, to see if they will do
as President McKay issued a most all things whatsoever the Lord their
about his prime responsibility for thou- come to this earth. This you have
sands of young men throughout the done. You have already demonstrated
world. Then came a most explicit your ability to excel. Then, in referring
direction from the lips of a living to our performance in this life, he
prophet: "Bishop," he said, "your con- makes the wonderful promise that all
cern must be just as great for the girls who prove obedient "shall have glory
of corresponding ages." added upon their heads for ever and
ever." (Abr. 3:25-26.)
In the spirit of this firm but kindly
direction of six and one-half years God's house is a house of order, and
ago, I choose to talk frankly with the you exist by personal and direct com-
girls —
those young women who listen mission as part of that order and plan.
Is it important to you that you are
today, with stars in their eyes, great
hope in their hearts, but in far too created in his image? ". God created
. .
many cases, uncertain minds in a fast- man in his own image, in the image
moving, impatient, and ever-changing of God created he him; male and
society. I approach my
subject with a female created he them." (Gen. 1:27.)
fervent prayer in my
heart, a prayer How fortunate you are to know and
that you girls will consider my intru- understand this simple truth. Rela-
sion into your private world of hopes, tively few in the world accept it. Your
and the very foundation of God's How is your vision, girls? Is vision
master plan would be frustrated. Can you
possible without knowledge?
Can any young woman remain un- any game
really expect to do well in
moved in the thought that within her withoutknowing the rules of that
is the potential of creation, of provid- game and then following those rules
ing earthly bodies for spirits previously to the best of your ability? May I
created by him? No mortal has honor invite you to know God's will con-
greater than this. Yours is a possible cerning you.
partnership with Heavenly Father in
perpetuating the process of life. The Personal health habits
very thought is overwhelming. The If you are to be faced with the sacred
decision to participate with him de- obligation of someday providing bodies
mands the best that is in you. It must for God's spirit children, it seems to
be premeditated, planned, never by me that your personal health habits
impulse. This sacred process requires should be just as perfect as you can
worthiness. make them. Liquor and tobacco have
been forbidden by the Lord. President
Instructions to be followed
Tanner made that very clear to us
Just the other day our family pur- this morning. We
are all expected to
chased a new radio. We were all eat proper food, to rest adequately, to
anxious to try it out when a member work vigorously. Partaking of those
of the family called attention to the barriers to good health and a sound
bold print on the attached booklet, mind just for the sake of social ac-
which read: "Before playing your radio, ceptance, while turning your back on
read this instruction book carefully." an obligation to be physically pre-
The first thing we found out was that pared for a divine partnership, is to
if it had been plugged into an im- my way of thinking inexcusable.
proper power source, costly damages Allow me to share with you just one
would have resulted. Several other briefexample of how important it is.
facts were revealed that proved im- Did you know, young ladies, that a
portant to the successful operation, recent survey revealed that the incident
preservation, and enjoyment of the of stillborn children among premature
instrument. births is 400 percent higher among
Vital instructions pertaining to your smoking mothers? That is right, girls
life have been given through a long 400 percent higher. No wonder God has
line of prophets. These instructions declared: "Know ye not that ye are
must be understood and carried out if the temple of God, and that the Spirit
you are to enjoy happiness and success. of God dwelleth in you?
Is human life less important than a "If any man defile the temple of
$40.00 radio? You must know the God, him shall God destroy; for the
rules if you are going to play the temple of God is holy, which temple
game. If you want a particular bless- ye are." (1 Cor. 3:16-17.) In reality,
ing, you must be willing to abide the it is we who destroy ourselves by ig-
law upon which that blessing is noring his counsel.
"Nevertheless neither is the man before this year is finished, their first
without the woman, neither the woman little one will be a reality, and another
without the man, in the Lord." (1 Cor. wonderful family unit is well on its
11:11.) This is God's equation for way to exaltation and eternal life.
exaltation. It is just as true as
2 + 2 = 4. It is an eternal truth. It
Urged to stay sweet
is unchangeable. Young ladies, the highway of disil-
lusionment is teeming with girls who
Moral code unchanged said, "Just this once," or "Everybody
Everyone talks about the new moral- else does it." Do these phrases sound
ity. Any departure from God's moral familiar? Another favorite trap sounds
code is unapproved in his sight. He like this: "You would if you really
is the same yesterday, today, and for- loved me." Just imagine the irony of
ever. His plan for our happiness is no giving up all that is good, all that is
different. It too is unchangeable. On truth, all that is sacred, including the
this premise, there may be a new im- trust and faith of loved ones and
morality advocated by deceitful men, Church leaders, plus your own good
but there can never be a new morality. name and personal dignity, just on the
Only the adversary has a vacillating, basis of a smooth talker who feigns
ever-changing program always geared love with his lips but wants only to
to trap the uninformed, the misled, use you for a few minutes of selfish
lust and animal gratification. Girls,
those who choose to run the risk of
questionable company. you stay sweet. If you've made a mis-
take, correctit. It will be about the
Oh, youth of the noble birthright,
best decision thatyou will ever make.
don't give yourselves to the father of
The Lord stands ready to help, for we
all lies —
that deceitful one who would
have his word: "Behold, I stand at the
consider your downfall as a major
door, and knock: if any hear my
. . .
victory. Don't be impatient.
voice, and open the door, I will come
Wait for temple marriage in to him, and will sup with him, and
he with me." (Rev. 3:20.)
Speaking of impatience, a faithful
young lady in Southern California had Partnership with God
this perplexing problem just last year. But please remember, you must make
Jim was leaving for Vietnam imme- the first move. It is you who must
diately. He was pushing for marriage open the door. He will be there and
before his departure but had to over- very likely in the form of a faithful
come a particular problem before he teacher who feels prompted to change
could offer her the kind of marriage her prepared lesson. It could be you
she had always dreamed of. She did who will say in return, "Thanks.
love him. She did want to marry him, What you said and how you said it has
but her wonderful parents were in- saved me from the most serious mis-
sistent that the three-month courtship take of my life, and I shall never for-
had scarcely been long enough to get it." God loves you wonderful girls.
really know. Finally, the decision was Don't you let him down. You have a
made to wait. special function to perform with God
Their correspondence during the en- as your partner. Be worthy of that
suing 12 months while he was in privilege.And this final thought, girls:
Vietnam was on a very high plane. the priesthood cannot achieve its ulti-
Their love grew. Each discovered an mate destiny without a faithful female
ability to discuss things in letters that companion. No girl will ever achieve
had found no place in their lighter her ultimate destiny without a worthy
conversation during a date. Now he priesthood companion at the head of
has returned. I am happy to report her home. May this be your undeviat-
their love for one another has been ing goal, I pray in the name of the
sealed in the House of the Lord, and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Brethren and sisters, I rejoice in the This is a promise to all men, and
privilege of attending this great con- this promise is just as binding today
ference with you and listening to the as whenJesus spoke it: if we will do
testimonies of my brethren and hearing the will of the Father, we may know
the counsel and the advice they have other than by hearsay that his message
given. I would that all of our Father's is from God, the Eternal Father.
children the world over would not only Then, you will remember, he said:
listen in but would also obey their "And this is life eternal, that they
counsel and their advice; this then might know thee the only true Goa,
would be a better world in which to and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast
live. In your presence this morning sent." (John 17:3.)
I want to express my love for my This is a promise that we might
Father in heaven and for his Son know him, or at least it infers that
Jesus Christ, and for his great atoning we might know him other than by
sacrifice, and for the great honor that hearsay.
is mine to be one of his witnesses in
the earth, and I thank you Latter-day We speak that we do know
Saints for your love and your kindness You remember that when Nicodemus
to me. came to Jesus by night, he indicated
that he knew he was a prophet sent of
Know God other than by hearsay
God, for no man did the things that
The story is told that there was a he did save God was with him. Then
new minister who moved into the com- after he had explained to Nicodemus,
munity where Thomas Carlisle lived, as Brother [Marion G.] Romney made
and he went to the office of Carlisle plain today, the message of baptism
and asked this question: "What do the to take upon him the name of Christ
people of this community need more Nicodemus could not understand him,
than anything else?" And Carlisle's and Jesus said, after repeating it: "Art
answer was: "They need a man who thou a master of Israel, and knowest
knows God other than by hearsay." not these things?" He said: "We speak
You know, I have thought a lot that we do know, and testify that we
about that. I think what this world have seen; and ye receive not our wit-
needs today more than anything else ness." (John 3:10-11.) Every true
is to know God other than by hearsay, servant of God who is sent in his
to know why he created this earth and name to administer the holy ordi-
why we are here, where we are going, nances of the gospel speaks that he
and how to get there, so that we will does know, and testifies that he has
know what life is really for. I have seen, as our brethren here in this
come to feel that one of the greatest conference have done during the past
necessities even in this Church is that two days.
we have a strong testimony, the power Now, that is the strength of this
of conviction. As I read the holy Church. Years ago, when our mis-
scriptures,it seems to me they make
sionaries were being severely perse-
it very plain that we, his children, England, English
cuted in the
through obedience can know God government sent a representative to
other than by hearsay. Jesus said: Utah to study our people. They wanted
". . . My doctrine is not mine, but to know what it was that caused the
his that sent me. Church to keep sending its mission-
"If any man will do his will, he aries there when they were being so
shall know of the doctrine, whether it persecuted.After that individual had
be of God, or whether I speak of my- spent some time in our midst, he re-
self." (John 7:16-17.) turned to his native land and told
them that the black secret of Mormon- sisters, we have God's eternal truth,
ism was the fact that each member and I thank him for it.
knew he had the truth. Now, isn't
that what we ought to have? Isn't that Experience of the Apostle Paul
just what Jesus promised — that if you I would just like to remind you now
will do the will of the Father, you of the experience of the apostle Paul.
"shall know of the doctrine, whether You will remember how he persecuted
it be of God, or whether I speak of the saints, and then on the way to
myself"? (John 7:17.) Damascus for the same purpose, a light
appeared brighter than the noonday
God's eternal truth
sun, and those who were with him all
A few years ago a group of ministers fell to the earth, and a voice from
were passing through Salt Lake en heaven said, "Saul, Saul, why perse-
route to Los Angeles to attend a cutest thou me? it is hard ... to kick
ministerial convention. They stopped against the pricks." And Saul said,
over in Salt Lake City. They wanted "Who art thou, Lord?" "I am Jesus
to ask some questions about our teach- whom thou persecutest." (Acts 26:14-
ings,and arrangements were made for 15.) Then we follow Paul's great
them to meet one of the Twelve in ministry, as described by the Savior,
the conference room in the Church and he was persecuted as no others of
Office Building. After that member the brethren were. He was flayed and
had answered their questions, he bore stoned; then he stood before the great
his solemn witness that he knew that governor Festus and King Agrippa, in
Jesus was the Christ, that Joseph Smith bonds, and they desired to hear from
was his prophet, that the Book of Paul.
Mormon was true. He knew it other There Paul related his marvelous
than by hearsay. Then, when he experience, for he knew other than by
closed his testimony, he turned to hearsay that Jesus was the Christ.
those ministers and said, "Which one When he had finished his testimony,
of you can testify that you know that Festus said: "Paul, thou art beside
you have the truth?" After a brief thyself; much learning doth make thee
pause, the leader of the group said, mad," to which Paul replied: "I am
"Well, we hope we are right." not mad, most noble Festus; but speak
When I was
a missionary over in forth the words of truth and sober-
Holland, in the city of Utrecht, there ness." And then Agrippa replied:
was a seminary where young men were "Almost thou persuadest me to be a
trained for the ministry. They used Christian." (Acts 26:24-25, 28.) And
to come and attend our meetings, and then you remember that Paul said,
then they would remain afterwards "I would to God, that not only thou,
and discuss religious principles with but also all that hear me this day,
us. I haven't time to go into detail, were both almost, and altogether such
but one night I proved to one of those as I am, except these bonds." (Acts
young men that they were not teach- 26:29.)
ing the principles of the gospel of the
Story of Joseph Smith
Lord Jesus Christ, and he turned to
me and said: "Do you think the Lord There is another great story that
will hold us responsible for teaching all the world ought to know that is
things that we know are not fully in comparable to the one I have just
accord with the scriptures?" related of the apostle Paul, and that
I said that I would rather let the is the story of Joseph Smith, who in
apostle Paul answer that question, for his youth saw the confusion in his
Paul said, ". . though we, or an angel
community and knew not which
from heaven, preach any other gospel church he should join. Then he read
unto you than that which we have the words of James:
preached unto you, let him be ac- "Ifany of you lack wisdom, let him
cursed." (Gal. 1:8.) Brothers and ask of God, that giveth to all men
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it owned in all this world was his wit-
shall be given him." (Jas. 1:5.) ness that this is the truth and that
Joseph said that he realized that if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.
any man needed wisdom, he did, and The next man we called may be
he went into the woods to pray. And sitting in this audience. He was the
just like that glorious light that shone head of one of the government
over Paul, brighter than the noonday organizations in Washington. He bore
sun, after Joseph had had the powers the same testimony.
of darkness fall upon him until he Then we called a president of a
felt like his very life would be great university, and he bore the same
crushed from his body, a light ap- testimony.
peared to him brighter than the noon- Then we called a new convert, a
day sun. God was repeating in young mother with two children, and
substance an experience such as Paul she stood there and told them that
had to usher in this, the dispensation when the missionaries came to her
of the fulness of times. He saw in that home, they read to her the promise in
light two glorious messengers, the the Book of Mormon that if she would
Father and his Son. He was told by read it and ask God, the Eternal
Jesus that he should join none of the Father, in the name of Christ the
churches, because they all taught for Lord, he would manifest the truth of
doctrine the commandments of men. that book unto her by the power of
Later he bore his testimony, and he the Holy Ghost. She said she got
said he felt like Paul of old. He could down on her knees and asked God if
not understand why people would it were true, and then she read it, and
persecute him for telling the truth. she said her whole soul was illumined.
You know, he was in prison some Then we called on a returned mis-
thirty times, and he finally sealed his sionary who had just spent three years
testimony with his blood. He said in the mission field at his own expense
he knew that he had seen a vision; he or that of his family. I had talked
knew that God knew it; and he dared with him before the meeting and said,
not deny it, because he knew that by "Did you feel like the time you spent
so doing he would offend God and in the mission field was a waste of
come under his condemnation. (See time, that you should have been home
Joseph Smith 2:25.) getting your schooling and getting
ready to marry?" "Oh," he said,
Testimony worth more
"Bishop, if the brethren want to make
than all else me happy, just let them load me on a
I would like to say to all those who plane in the morning and send me
are within the sound of my
voice this back to the Argentine."
day, and who are not members of this
Church and do not know the truth of Readiness to testify
this testimony other than by hearsay: Then I said to that great audience
I promise you, as one of his apostles of over 2,000: "Which one of you, if
of this dispensation, that if you will called upon, could come and occupy
study his message and ask God, the this pulpit and testify that you know
Eternal Father, he will manifest the beyond any shadow of doubt that this
truth of this unto you, and it will be work is divine, that it is the work of
worth more to you than all else in this God, the Eternal Father, that Jesus
world. is the Christ, and that Joseph Smith
manifest the truth of this work unto divine, and that is my witness to you
them other than by hearsay, just as this day in the name of the Lord Jesus
when Jesus said to his disciples: Christ. Amen.
"Whom do men say that I the Son of
man am? President Hugh B. Brown
"And they said, some say that thou The Tabernacle Choir will now sing
art . . . one of the prophets. "America the Beautiful," after which
". . . But whom say ye that I am?" Elder Thomas S. Monson of the Coun-
cil of the Twelve will be our conclud-
And Peter answered, "Thou art the
Christ, the Son of the living God." ing speaker.
Two thousand years ago the Son of the world speak unto him those im-
Man was born into a world like ours mortal words, that divine injunction,
asunder. Sixty-three years had passed "Follow me"? The dawn of promise
since Roman legions under Pompey had dispelled the night of despair. The
had conquered Palestine and taken King of kings, the Lord of lords had
Jerusalem. The helmets, broadswords, come.
and eagles of the Roman legionary Such knowledge could not be hid-
were everywhere to be seen. The op- den, nor could Philip of Bethsaida
pressive yoke of the Caesars was uni- keep to himself such glad tidings.
versally felt. "Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith
unto him, Wehave found him, of
Advent of promised Messiah whom Moses in the law, and the
Deep in the depths of human hearts prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth,
there dwelt a longing, even a yearn- the son of Joseph.
ing, for the advent of the promised "And Nathanael said unto him, Can
Messiah. When
will he come? This there any good thing come out of
was the unanswered question on the Nazareth? Philip saith unto him,
lips of the righteous. Come and (John 1:45-46.)
Generations had lived and died since Shall we, too, join Nathanael? Come
the Prophet Isaiah had declared: "Be- and see.
and shalt call his name Jesus. water, the same said unto me, Upon
"He . . shall be called the Son of
. whom thou shalt see the Spirit de-
. . . God." (Luke 1:30-32.) scending, and remaining on him, the
After the birth of the Christ Child, same is he which baptizeth with the
and following the flight into Egypt, Holy Ghost.
the sacred record reveals, "And he "And I saw, and bare record that
came and dwelt in a city called this is the Son of God." (John 1:32-
Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled 34.)
which was spoken by the prophets, He From Nazareth came the perfect one
shall be called a Nazarene." (Matt. to be baptized —an example for all.
In Nazareth, the
From Nazareth came sight
boy Jesus grew
"in wisdom and stature, and in favour Second, let us turn to Judea and ex-
with God and man." (Luke 2:52.) amine the testimony of one who was
From Nazareth came he who made born blind him for — whom it was
blind men see, lame beggars walk always night. No day
his own
just night. But
even the dead live. He set before us let provide account
an example to emulate. He lived the how darkness was turned to light.
perfect life. He taught the glad tid- Astonished neighbors, noting his newly
ingswhich changed the world. Let acquired vision, asked: "Is not this
us examine more closely and indi- he that sat and begged? . . .
vidually these epochal events, that we ". . . others said, He is like him:
may know for ourselves if any good but he said, I am he.
thing came out of Nazareth. "Therefore said they unto him, How
were thine eyes opened?
From Nazareth came the
"... A man that is called Jesus
Perfect One made clay, and anointed mine eyes,
First let us turn to him of whom and said unto me, Go to the pool of
Jesus himself spoke: "Verily I say unto Siloam, and wash: and I went and
you, among them that are born of washed, and I received sight." (John
women there hath not risen a greater 9:8-11.)
than John the Baptist. ." (Matt. . .
When the disbelievers urged, "Give
11:11.) John, "the Baptist," stands God the praise: we know that this man
forth like a colossus from the bleakness is a sinner," he rejoined: "Whether he
and confusion the "wilderness" of his be a sinner or no, I know not: one
own age. Knowing that one "mightier thing I know, that, whereas I was
than he" was coming, he threw him- blind, now I see." (John 9:24-25.)
self with superhuman fervor into the
From Nazareth came sight.
task of "making straight the way." His
was the agony, and the distinction, of From Nazareth came strength
being both an end and a beginning. Next, let us journey to Bethesda to
Astride the watershed of time, he inquire of him who now walks, but who
could look back on a long line of for 38 long years walked not. 'When
Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he Jerusalem, and Galilee transcend the
had been now a long time in that barriers of distance, the passage of
case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou time, the limits of understanding, and
be made whole?" The impotent man's bring to troubled hearts a light and a
reply of frustration, mingled with way.
hope, was met with the gentle, yet
divine command, "Rise, take up thy
From Nazareth came peace
bed, and walk." (John 5:6, 8.) With sorrow we read each day of
From Nazareth to a withered body young men and those not so young
came new strength. who bravely die, who give their all
upon the altar of freedom.
From Nazareth came life
In a hurried moment, one such took
Jesus of Nazareth restored sight, re- in hand a stubby pencil, a scrap of
moved lameness, but could it be true paper, and wrote to anxious love,
that he raised the dead to life? "Soon we go into battle. The enemy is
In Capernaum, Jairus, a ruler of the well fortified; loss of life will be heavy.
synagogue, came to the Master, saying, Mom, I hope I live, but I'm not afraid
"My little daughter lieth at the point to die, for I'm square with God."
of death: I pray thee, come and lay Mother received the precious note.
thy hands on her, that she may be On the same day another message
healed; and she shall live." Then arrived. "We regret to inform you
came the news from the ruler's house, that your son has been killed in
"Thy daughter is dead," to which the action."
Christ replied: "Be not afraid, only Friends visited, loved ones com-
believe." He came to the house, forted, but peace came only from him
passed by the mourners and said to who called Nazareth his home.
them, "Why make ye this ado, and All battles are not fought in far-
weep? the damsel is not dead, but away places with
strange sounding
sleepeth." names. Nor do the
participants bear
And they laughed him to scorn, arms, hurl grenades, or drop bombs.
knowing that she was dead. And he
From Nazareth came courage
put them all out, and took her by the
hand, and called, saying, "Maid, arise." A few months past I witnessed such
"And straightway the damsel arose, a conflict —not in the steaming jungles
and walked. And they were aston-
. . . of Vietnam, but on the fourth floor of
ished. .." (Mark 5:23, 35-42.)
. the Los Angeles Orthopedic Hospital.
From Nazareth came life where once There were no shrill sounds of mortar
there was death. And with that mir- fire to be heard, no disarray of men
acle came the perfect pattern whereby and equipment to be seen. Yet a life
our own lives may be made fruitful: or death struggle was in progress.
"Be not afraid, only believe." (Mark Happy, handsome Paul Van Dusen,
5:36.) age 15, had just lost the first skirmish
with the dreaded foe called cancer.
From Nazareth came divine deeds Paul loved life. He excelled in
Out of Nazareth and down through sports. He and his parents hoped,
the generations of time come his ex- then prayed, that the doctors' fears
cellent example, his welcome words, would not be confirmed that his —
his divine deeds. precious right leg would not be ampu-
They inspire patience to endure af- tated. Shattered and stunned, they
fliction, strength to bear grief, courage accepted the sad news. To save his
to face death, and confidence to meet life, he must lose his leg.
life. In this world of chaos, of trial, The surgery completed, Paul rested.
of uncertainty, never has our need for Entering the room, I was attracted
such divine guidance been more immediately by his cheerful and in-
desperate. fectious grin. He breathed hope. He
Lessons from Nazareth, Capernaum, emanated goodness.
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
I noticed a cord strung along the thou Son of God; thou art the
art the
exercise bar stretching the length of King of (John 1:49.) To you
the bed. Gaily colored cards covered I testify, Lord of lords, King of
he is
the entire span. Paul invited me to kings, Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer
read them. One carried the message:
"We love you, Paul. We're praying for
— Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There is
none other name under heaven given
you." It was signed by members of among men whereby we must be
his Sunday School class. Another ex- saved. May we live his teachings, may
pressed the wish, "May you get well we emulate his example, may we fol-
soon. We think you're great." This low in his footsteps to life eternal, I
from his schoolmates at high school. pray humbly, in the sacred name of
Still another from home teachers had Jesus Christ, the Lord. Amen.
the inscription, "May God bless you.
Tomorrow we'll visit you again." President Hugh B. Brown
What did the Carpenter from We express our thanks and appre-
Nazareth say of such? "Inasmuch as ye ciation to the Tabernacle Choir for
have done it unto one of the least of their inspirational music. Some of us
these my brethren, ye have done it are aware of the many hours they
unto me." (Matt. 25:40.) spend in practice in the devoted ser-
The spirit of prayer came easy that vice they render to the Church and
day. A perfect peace filled the room. to the world.
Smiles of confidence crept across lips This session has been broadcast by
moist with tears. From distant many radio and television stations in
Capernaum we seemed to hear the the west; and by shortwave in English
echo, "Be not afraid, only believe." over Station WNYW to Europe, South
Then Paul said, "I'll be all right." America, Central America, Mexico,
Today Paul Van Dusen is in at- Africa, and
parts of Asia.
tendance at this session of conference Translations of this session have
in this historic Tabernacle. Today he been broadcast over thirty radio sta-
walks, runs, hikes, and swims. An tions in major cities of Mexico and
artificial limb makes this possible. Central America, together with Span-
But behind it all one sees a faith-filled ish programming stations in this
heart and a countenance that reflects country, to a potential Latin American
gratitude. Faith in whom? Gratitude audience of three million people.
for what? This session has also been carried by
direct wire from the Tabernacle over
From Nazareth Came Christ oceanic cables to a large number of
"Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King! members and friends assembled in
Triumphant over death, Life thou chapels throughout Great Britain,
didst bring. Germany, Austria, Holland, Sweden,
Leaving thy Father's throne, earthOn and Norway.
to live, We shall conclude this session of
Thy work to do alone, Thy life to our conference with the choir singing
give." "Praise Ye the Lord," after which the
(Hugh W. Dougall, Hymns, 86.)
benediction will be pronounced by
Elder Marlon S. Bateman, president
Can any good thing come out of of the Sandy Stake, and this conference
Nazareth? will then be adjourned until 2:00 this
From Nazareth came example. afternoon.
From Nazareth came sight.
From Nazareth came strength. The choir sang the anthem, "Praise
From Nazareth came life. Ye the Lord," after which the benedic-
For some reason I have had occasion marked trend of so-called knowledge
to recall an experience I had in this away from a belief in God and to
Tabernacle several years ago when I deny the continuance of the universe;
presided over an afternoon session of and with that, of course, would fall all
the Pioneer Stake conference. Our hope of immortality and eternal life,
visitor was President Brigham H. promised in the revelations of God.
Roberts of the First Council of the He spoke for about half of the ses-
Seventy. Brother Roberts had just sion,and his strength was waning. He
come out of the hospital, where he turned to the Tabernacle Choir mem-
had undergone a severe and painful bers who were there and asked if they
operation that resulted in the amputa- would sing while he recovered some of
tion of part of his foot. When I asked his strength. After a few moment's
him if he felt up to speaking in the resthe then addressed himself to the
Tabernacle, which is always an extra
most glorious part of his whole sermon.
pressure, as 40 or more of us here today He spoke of the restoration of the gos-
can testify, he said after some thought, pel of Jesus Christ as not merely
"I understand there is an official sweeping away the rubbish of past
Church stenographer to take down the ages, such as disputations as to the
sermons delivered there. I have a feel- mode of baptism, or how one's sins are
ing that some of our members are remitted, or the various forms of
following the philosophies of the world church government. But he impressed
and are in danger of slipping from the fact that a new dispensation of the
their moorings in the fundamental gospel had been ushered in, built upon
doctrines as taught by our early lead- a strong "foundation of the apostles
ers. I have felt that there are a few and prophets, Jesus Christ himself as
things I would like to speak where they the chief corner stone." (Eph. 2:20.)
can be recorded, things which might
Those called to the ministry re-
be read after I am gone."
ceived two significant instructions by
Address of Brigham H. Roberts revelation as to how they should be
prepared for the ministry to which they
Now you can understand how I felt were called in this restored Church of
about that stake conference session, to
listen to this message that he was
Jesus Christ.The doctrines of the king-
addressing to me and to all of my
dom and the ordinances of the temple
generation to be read after he had were instituted, the Lord said, that
gone. Somehow what he said on that they might be "instructed more per-
occasion has come back to me again fectly in theory, in principle, in doc-
and again recently, and the Lord will- trine, in the law of the gospel, in all
ing, I should like to introduce a part things that pertain unto the kingdom
of what he said and then add to it of God, that are expedient for you. . .
mentioned two or three times in this Then this great prophet-teacher put
conference, that teachers of the gospel the learning of men and the wisdom of
were to interest themselves in secular God in their proper relationship when
learning in all fields. After he had he declared, "But to be learned is good
said this, he then quoted another pro- if they hearken unto the counsels of
searcheth all things, yea, the deep only life among all those possible
things of God." sources."
Said he, "Eye hath not seen, nor How accurately this man's learning
ear heard, neither have entered into by faith has brought him into full
the heart of man, the things which accord with what the Lord declared in
God hath prepared for them that love a great revelation to his prophet
him." (See 1 Cor. 2:9-11.) Moses: "And worlds without number
It was a wise prophet who warned have I created; and I also created them
his brethren about being content with for mine own purpose; and by the
the teachings of vain men who Son I created them, which is mine
hearken not unto the counsels of God. Only Begotten.
"O that cunning plan of the evil onel "And the first man of all men have
O the vainness, and the frailties, and I called Adam, which is many." (Moses
declaration of his own personal faith: tory known as the Book of Mormon,
"As to evidence of God's presence dur- we are told by the Lord, was trans-
ing our journey in space and during lated by the Prophet "through the
the short period that 'I walked in mercy of God, by the power of God"
space,' I did not feel any nearer to (D&C 1:29), and "the interpretation
him there than here, but I do know thereof by the gift of God." (Title
that his sure hand guided us all the page of Book of Mormon.)
way during that four-day mission." The Prophet Joseph Smith tells us
Presumably he is telling us that he something of the process by which
was guided by faith in God, which knowledge by faith may come: "A
transcended his scientific knowledge. person may profit by noticing the first
intimation of the spirit of revelation;
Supreme intelligence
for instance, when you feel pure in-
designed universe
telligence flowing into you, it may
Oneof our own great scientists, Dr. give you sudden strokes of ideas, so
Henry Eyring, in the field of physical that by noticing it, you may find it
chemistry, a few years ago wrote an fulfilled the same day or soon; (i.e.)
article for one of our Church periodi- those things that were presented unto
cals under the heading "Myriads of your minds by the Spirit of God, will
Worlds." come to pass; and thus by learning the
He quotes from a professor-emeritus Spirit of God and understanding it,
of astronomy at Harvard University you may grow unto the principle of
[Harlow Shapley], in which the pro- revelation, until you become perfect
fessor declares that out of the millions in Christ Jesus." (Joseph Fielding
of suns, at least one sun in a Smith, Teachings of the Prophet
thousand would have acquired planets, Joseph Smith, p. 151.)
and that of those with planets at least
one in a thousand has a planet the Scientific discoveries inspired
right distance for life. And then Dr. A similar comment will illustrate
Eyring wrote: "Thus one concludes that the working of the Spirit of God or the
there should be at the very minimum light which lightens every person who
one hundred million planets in space comes into the world, as a man of sci-
which could support life, and the ence not of the Church would define
number is probably many times more. it. Some years ago in a class of
Thus, from the scientific point of seminary teachers at Brigham Young
view, it is hard to doubt that there are University, Dr. Edwin D. Starbuck, a
myriads of worlds suitable for human University of Iowa professor, remarked
habitation. . . .
that "every great scientific discovery
"The mysteries of the universe lead came as an intuition to the mind of
most men to worship the Supreme the discoverer." When he explained
Intelligence who designed it all." what he meant by intuition, his stu-
Then mark you this next statement dents said they called it inspiration.
from Dr. Eyring: "However, the great The professor said that a careful
blessing of the Gospel is the additional search of the records and a contact
avenues it opens up for developing this with great living scientific discoverers
faith into a perfect knowledge. Now, made by him "explained that the
as always, sure knowledge of spiritual scientist studies his problem, saturates
matters can only come by faith, by his mind with it, puzzles over it,
prayer, and by living in such a way dreams about it, but seems to find
as to have the companionship of the progress impossible, blocked, as it were,
Holy Ghost as is promised to all the by a black impenetrable wall. Then
faithful." (The Instructor, November at last and suddenly as if 'out of the
1961, p. 373.) nowhere' comes a flash of light, the
answer to his quest. His mind is now
The principle of revelation
illumined by a great discovery." The
The great volume of American his- professor was positive that no great
discovery had been made by pure labors, and everything that you engage
reasoning. Reason would lead to the in. Be virtuous and pure; be men of
borderland of the unknown, but it integrity and truth; keep the com-
could not tell what was within. mandments of God; and then you will
be able more perfectly to understand
No easy road to knowledge the difference between right and wrong
Certainly learning by faith is not — between the things of God and the
an easy road or a lazy means to knowl- things of men; and your path will be
edge. For instance, a prophet tells like that of the just, which shineth
us there are times when no miracles brighter and brighter unto the perfect
can be found among the people: "And day." (Teachings of the Prophet
the reason why he ceaseth to do mira- Joseph Smith, p. 247.)
cles among the children of men is
because that they dwindle in unbelief,
God in the still small voice
and depart from the right way, and Yes, as our great Tabernacle Choir
know not the God in whom they has just sung, God isn't in the earth-
should trust." (Morm. 9:20.) quake; he isn't in the whirlwind; he
And then concerning directly the isn't in the fire; but he is in the still,
working of miracles, which of course is small voice. Always we won't have
an evidence of the wisdom of God him in sight, but if we are living as
working through men, the prophet we ought to live, we can always be sure
Nephi declared: "And now it came to he is there. Some of the most severe
pass that according to our record, and taskmasters that the world can know
we know our record to be true, for are sometimes beating us into a shape
behold, it was a just man who did so we can pass such tests as necessary
keep the record for he truly did many to gain that divine privilege.
miracles in the name of Jesus; and I bear you my testimony that the
there was not any man who could do Master, as the apostle Paul spoke of
a miracle in the name of Jesus save he him, "Though he were a Son, yet
were cleansed every whit from his learned he obedience by the things
iniquity." (3 Ne. 8:1.) which he suffered;
"And being made perfect, he be-
Gifts of Spirit enjoyed by faithful
came the author of eternal salvation
Thus, you see, such heavenly gifts of unto all them that obey him." (Heb.
the Spirit are only to be enjoyed by 5:8-9.)
those who have learned by faith and I know this through the refining
living worthily to receive the right to processes of some severity. May I not
exercise these divine powers. To one fail whatever test the Lord may have to
who would be so taught, remember the qualify me for the place which I am
Lord's command: "Search diligently, now occupying. With all my soul
pray always, and be believing, and and conviction, and knowing the seri-
all things shall work together for your ousness and import of that testimony,
good, if ye walk uprightly and remem- I tell you that I know that he lives.
ber the covenant wherewith ye have I am conscious of his presence much
covenanted one with another." (D&C of the time when I have needed him
90:24.) most; I have known it out of the
Our own Prophet who gave us the whisperings of the night, the impres-
first revelations of this dispensation sions of the daytime when there were
said, "We would say to the brethren, things for which I was responsible and
seek to know God in your closets, call on which I could receive guidance. So
upon him in the fields. Follow the di- I testify to you and tell you that he
rections of the Book of Mormon, and is closer to the leaders of this Church
pray over, and for your families, your than you have any idea. Listen to the
cattle, your flocks, your herds, your leaders of this Church and follow
corn, and all things that you possess; their footsteps in righteousness, if you
ask the blessings of God upon all your would learn not only by study but also
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
Seventy-five years ago yesterday, the nificent structure built by King Solo-
magnificent Salt Lake Temple, which mon about 1000 B.C., and later the
stands on this block, was dedicated to temple known as Jerubabal, and the
the Lord. An indispensable part of temple built during the reign of King
the Lord's work and purposes is car- Herod the Great were erected by great
ried on in holy temples. numbers of dedicated people. It is
said that after the heavy labor and
Why temples enormous personal sacrifices involved,
the people wept and rejoiced at the
Today, it seems to me, more and
completion of these structures.
more people are interested in the tem-
ples erected by the Latter-day Saints. Throughout their history, the Ne-
Invariably, interested persons ask this phites were a temple-building people.
question: "Why do you people build The record states:
these temples?" The answer is, "The "And I, Nephi, did build a temple;
Lord commanded that they be built." and did construct it after the manner
There is ample evidence that when- of the temple of Solomon save it were
ever the higher priesthood has been not built of so many precious things;
upon the earth, and when his people for they were not to be found upon
the land " (2 Ne. 5:16.)
have proven their allegiance to his
laws and commandments, the Lord has
The Kirtland Temple
required them to build temples. These
temples are dedicated to him and are Following the pattern of biblical
sacred precincts wherein the Lord may times, the Lord has commanded the
reveal important knowledge essential Saints of the latter days to erect tem-
to the full salvation of his children. ples to his name. (See D&C 57:3.) The
In the words of the Lord, temples first to be completed in this dispensa-
are built so "that I may reveal mine tion was dedicated in 1836 at Kirt-
ordinances therein unto people." my land, Ohio. (See D&C 95 and 97.)
(D&C 124:40.) Even though money was scarce,
Even while the children of Israel members were few, and persecution
traveled through the wilderness, they was unrelenting, in building the Kirt-
were commanded to build a portable land Temple the people had the cour-
tabernacle (which served temporarily age to match their faith! Seldom has a
as a temple). In it sacred ordi- people shown greater unity and made
nances were administered for the greater sacrifices for a common cause
benefit and blessing of the people. than was shown in completing that
Ancient temples
Edward Tullidge wrote in 1877:
While it is true that ancient Israel "With very little capital except
did not have the fullness of ordinances brains, bone, and sinue combined with
as we have today, their similarity, unwavering trust in God, men and
nevertheless, is striking. The mag- women and even children worked with
"And I will show unto my servant time. All will live foreverl All will
Joseph all things pertaining to this receive some degree of salvation, if the
house, and the priesthood thereof, and right to it has not been forfeited. But
the place whereon it shall be built." those who receive the ordinances of
(D&C 124:42.) the endowment and are properly sealed
These ordinances of the priesthood or married and who keep the covenants
are administered, and their purpose they made with the Lord are promised
taught, in what might be termed by him that "these are they who shall
"closed revelation," that is, they are have part in the first resurrection.
not revealed to the unprepared world "These are they who shall come
in the ordinary way. Those who enter forth in the resurrection of the just.
the temple "hungering and thirsting," "These are they whose bodies are
as it were, have revealed to them celestial, whose glory is that of the
knowledge and understanding of their sun, even the glory of God, the highest
relationship to God, and they learn of all. ." (D&C 76:64-65, 70.)
. .
what they need to do to gain the Thus, the temple ordinances give
greatest gift of God —
eternal life and
the promise of eternal intellectual
exaltation with their loved ones. Thus,
growth and development, of endless
one might in reverence refer to the blessings, and of continued association
temple as the "university of the Lord." with those we love.
And because God is just, the temple
I testify that the ordinances admin-
ordinances are administered not only
istered in the temple are divinely given,
for the living but also by proxy for
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
their deceased relatives.
additional insight I finally under- I'd love school and church and idle
stood why God loves us. He loves us moments.
because we are Tits. . . .But most of all I'd love my dad."
Ibear you my witness that we have The congregation and choir will
a Father in heaven, that he is our now join in singing, "Now Let Us
Father, that we are his children, and Rejoice in the Day of Salvation," con-
that he loves us very much. I bear ducted by Jay E. Welch.
you my witness that his Only Begotten After the singing, Elder John Long-
Son was sent to this earth to teach us den, Assistant to the Twelve, will
the plan of salvation; that he was to address us.
live, to die, to resurrect; that through
our repentance and acceptance of the
The choir and congregation joined
plan of salvation, as taught by this
in singing the hymn, "Now Let Us
Church, we could come back into the Rejoice."
presence of our Father in heaven, in
the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
President N. Eldon Tanner
President N. Eldon Tanner
Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
Elder A. Theodore Turtle of the First Twelve, will now speak to us. He will
Council of Seventy has just spoken to be followed by Elder Paul H. Dunn
us. of the First Council of Seventy.
are committed unto man on the earth, a given event; if we are entertaining
and from thence shall the gospel roll friends in our homes, we make ready
forth unto the ends of the earth, as the home and the refreshments, and so
the stone which is cut out of the moun- forth.
tain without hands shall roll forth, Unexpectedly I visited a home some-
until it has filled the whole earth. time ago. In this home was a young
"Yea, a voice crying Prepare ye — lady afflicted with a dreadful disease.
the way of the Lord, prepare ye the The mother answered the door and
supper of the Lamb, make ready for said, "Oh, Brother Longden, come in.
the Bridegroom. I wondered why I was cleaning the
"Pray unto the Lord, call upon his house so well this morning. I didn't
holy name, make known his wonder- know a servant of God would be
ful works among the people. calling."
"Call upon the Lord, that his king- In this home they are already pre-
dom may go forth upon the earth, that pared and doing their bit to help others
the inhabitants thereof may receive prepare the way. The gospel of Jesus
it, and be prepared for the days to Christ is their way of life, and it is
come, in the which the Son of Man that simple.
shall come down in heaven, clothed in If we are holding a meeting, we pre-
the brightness of his glory, to meet the pare for that. Planning for a trip or
kingdom of God which is set up on a vacation, we prepare well in advance.
the earth. A few months ago I visited a
"Wherefore, may the kingdom mortuary in respect to a choice lady
of God go forth, that the kingdom of whom I had known for many years.
heaven may come, that thou, God, O In visiting with some of her children,
mayest be glorified in heaven so on one of the daughters said, "Mother was
earth, that thine enemies may be sub- prepared to die, but Mother was pre-
dued; for thine is the honor, power and pared to live all her life." Knowing
glory, forever and ever. Amen." this lady, I concurred in this sincere
(D&C 65:2-6.) tribute. Because of this one woman,
many lives were better prepared to
Most powerful weapon live.
ence of liquor, driving the car coming hope, and peace to the world. Living
in the opposite direction, came over by its tenets, we are prepared to die;
the center line and rammed into their but more important, to live eternally.
small car. They were killed instantly. The parables of Jesus, the scriptures,
Each of them was a fine young man, old and new, are rilled with admoni-
not only holding the office of priest tions to prepare ourselves and help to
in the Aaronic Priesthood but honoring prepare the way for others.
that priesthood by the way he lived. I
attended the funeral service of one of Example of being prepared
them. Never have I attended one like It was my privilege this morning,
it. The chapel and cultural hall were just before the commencement of this
filled to overflowing, mostly by young conference, shake hands with a
people. former missionary companion. Forty-
The remarks of a young student six years ago was our first meeting, as
speaker impressed upon me the need he indoctrinated me into the missionary
for constant preparation, the need to be service. Our paths have crossed many
constantly prepared. times. To me he is a living example
He said, addressing his remarks to of constantly being prepared. He now
the bereaved parents, "I have never holds the high office of patriarch in
seen your son say or do anything you the Hunter Stake.
would be ashamed of." I am reminded of a series of talks
given from this podium by a prophet
Prepared to live eternally
of the Lord several years ago; his
Thirty-nine years ago, we buried name: Elder Albert E. Bowen. I would
our firstborn. Elder Adam S. Ben- remind each of us of the title of these
nion spoke these words at our discourses, "Constancy Amid Change."
daughter's service: In the firstprayer opening this con-
"There are out beyond today for ference, this statement was uttered:
this young couple two gates. They "May we get a stimulation to great
will choose to open one of them. The action."
first one swings to the touch of grief. And now in conclusion, may I give
It will open quickly and easily. It you a thought from President David
leads out into doubt and despair, even O. McKay: "Most earnestly do I hope
to bitterness. The other gate opens that we shall never lose the great con-
more slowly, isn't sopromising to look viction that the world is our field of ac-
at. It yields to the push of patience. tivity. Can you think of anything more
I'm not sure that it doesn't swing better potent in moving a people to action?
to a pull, but if it may be pulled "But what a responsibility this en-
through patience, it opens to hope and tails of leading good men and good
faith and confidence in God, consola- women all over the world to know
tion and mutual benediction. I know God, and to know what their mission
is on earth!" (Instructions to Regional
these two young people well enough
to know which gate they will enter." Representatives of the Twelve, Septem-
May I say now, after nearly forty ber 27-28, 1967.)
years, this is true: pulling on that gate I pray that we will constantly be
brings a deep sense of spiritual peace; prepared and know our mission on
come what may, it has helped us to earth, and pray for his blessings upon
ride over several stormy parts of our us in the name of the Lord Jesus
lives. Someone helped prepare the Christ. Amen.
way for us. What have we done to President N. Eldon Tanner
help others? There may be sorrow,
tragedy, commotion, frustration, ten- We have just listened to Elder John
sion, pressures, strife, troubles, and Longden, Assistant to the Twelve.
problems in this fast-moving world. We shall now hear from Elder Paul
Yet, in the gospel of Jesus Christ is H. Dunn of the First Council of Sev-
the pattern which will extend comfort, enty.
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
I am grateful once again, breth- my ence that occurred during our adjust-
ren and sisters, to be in this great ment period shortly after we were
historic Tabernacle and to enjoy the married. I recall that one day as I
spirit of the conference. I greet all was at my work I felt ill, a little blue,
who are listening, both seen and and sensing the need for added physi-
unseen. cal comfort and attention, I left my
I have reflected with great interest office a little early to go home. The
and personal satisfaction upon the heavy traffic of the Los Angeles free-
messages of this conference, particu- way did nothing but add to my
larly the keynote address by the Presi- anxieties. When I arrived home, I
dent, as he brought to our attention found that my wife was not there.
very forcefully the conditions of the Here I was, expecting tender love, care,
world and of this nation. and understanding, and of all days she
could have picked, this was the one
School thy feelings she decided not to be at home. I
One of the things that impressed me couldn't imagine why she couldn't read
deeply was the comment that President my mind.
McKay made concerning the need for When I arrived home, I settled my-
These are great challenges in our they criticized him for doing good on
lives, brethren and sisters, and I see the Sabbath. Realizing that the Sab-
in this a direct relationship to a con- bath was made for man, and not man
dition of our nation and of the world, for the Sabbath, he started to heal a
that to understand why is to discover poor fellow on the sacred day. And
the great eternal truths. when he found the crowd in a critical
mood, he "looked round about on them
Things that cause anger with anger " (Mark 3:5.)
Not long ago, in fact it was just on So long as men held him up per-
last New Year's eve, a very interesting sonally to ridicule, he paid little at-
experience unfolded before me
that tention. But in the presence of
brought to my mind again this great injustice, when men would be unfair
verse and the comment of our Presi- and unkind toward each other, he
dent. One of my very close associates threw the influence of his great,
made a promise concerning his new tempered personality against their evil
year's resolution that I thought was practices. No one could hurt him by
very interesting. He swore on that attempting to punish him as an indi-
occasion that he would not commit vidual, but they touched his heart
another sin as long as he lived. He when they were cruel to each other.
said he had made a lot of mistakes in Let us not confuse the well-
the past, but from that time on he was controlled use of unselfish enthusiasm
going to exercise perfect self-control. with the harsh roaring of a weak,
And then when another acquaintance tempestuous spirit. In the teachings
who was standing nearby commenced of Jesus there is a definite place for
to make fun of him and his resolution, the former; there is neither time nor
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
place for the latter. "Ye have heard paper. Then each evening he would
that it was said to them of old time, read off this entire list of characteris-
Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever tics. After those that he felt he had
shall kill shall be in danger of the developed to some extent during the
judgment: day, he would place a red check, and
"But I say unto you, That whosoever after those character factors that he
is angry with his brother shall be
. . . felt he had violated, he would draw a
in danger of the judgment. ." (Matt.
. . black check. Those that he had not
5:21-22.) been called upon to demonstrate that
day would receive no mark.
Self-control requires After checking himself in this way
determined effort over a definite period of time, he
Coming back to my friend who would compare the number of red and
became angry, after making the new black checks to see whether or not he
year's resolution that he was going to was getting any better. He said that
exercise perfect self-control, I guess the he was generally glad to note im-
poor fellow did not realize that such a provement as he grew older. He had
goal required determination and a altogether developed 58
plan of accomplishment. Sometimes factors, among which were altruism,
one has to work all kinds of tricks on calmness in temper, clean speech,
himself to hold his emotions in check. justice, modesty, no sarcasm, and
He had set for himself a desirable punctuality.
goal that would be meaningful in the Others have noticed considerable
lives of all of us. development in character by picking
An energetic person works hard and one person who has achieved an extra-
studies several hours a day sometimes ordinary degree of moral strength and
to develop other types of abilities. Is then by judging all his own actions by
it not worth some practice to gain con- the life of this ideal. Have I been as
trol over one's emotions? I believe good and kind in all of my own deal-
that it is, but from my own experience ings this day as he would have been?
I am quite sure that it is no easy job. If not, then I need to be more careful
It is a happy and successful person who tomorrow. Do I have as perfect con-
can gain control of his emotions and trol of my temper, am I as sympa-
use them to improve his relationships thetic, do I go out of my way as much
with others and bring into his own as he does to help someone in trouble?
life greater peace, joy, and serenity that Only when we can say yes to such
are so desperately needed in our world questions dealing with the whole field
today. Suppose we look for a moment of moral endeavor may we be satisfied
at some of the plans that others have with our accomplishment of self-
found helpful in controlling temper as control. And if we pick some person-
well as developing other desirable ality that is sufficiently perfect, we
habits and characteristics. shall no doubt be struggling upward
to the end of our lives.
Lindbergh's plan for
character growth Christ as an ideal
When Colonel Charles Lindbergh Sheldon's book In His Steps laid
was asked what method he used, he emphasis on the value of picking Jesus
said that he came to the conclusion Christ as an ideal for every activity of
that if he knew the difference between the day, to do as he would do if he
the right way to do a thing and the were here today. Reaching back over
wrong way to do it, it was up to him a period of nearly two thousand years,
to train himself to do the right thing to a time when conditions were quite
at all times. So he drew up a list of different from those of the present
characteristics that he wished to de- day, one senses the difficulty of
velop and wrote them, one under the knowing in every case what Jesus
other, on the left side of a sheet of would do. Yet in the face of this ob-
stacle, I have a
feeling that our very The Tabernacle Choir, for their
attempt to catch his spirit and follow excellent singing on Saturday morning
his example, the example of the great- and Sunday morning, and again this
est personality of all time, will prove afternoon; and the men of the Taber-
a constant stimulus to higher living in nacle Choir, who furnished the music
the present day. for the Saturday evening priesthood
It was Jean Paul Richter who said: meeting.
"He is the mightiest among the holy The Combined Brigham Young
and the holiest among the mighty. He University Choruses, who furnished
has, with his pierced hands, lifted the music for the sessions on Friday;
empires off their hinges, turned the and the Logan LDS Institute Choir,
stream of centuries out of its channels, who furnished the music for the Satur-
and still rules the ages." day afternoon session.
In the words of a great modern re- We also express thanks and deep
appreciation to the conductors and
ligious leader, David O. McKay,
"Christ's life was a life of unselfish
President McKay also has asked me
service —
always helping those who
to express his appreciation to all who
were living incompletely to live com-
have in any way contributed to the
pletely —his mission was to give them
success and inspiration of this great
life. In his lifeand death, Christ not
only fulfilled the law of sacrifice but
He is especially grateful to his
he fulfilled every conceivable condi-
beloved associates, the General Author-
tion necessary for man to know in
who have thrilled us with their
order to rise or progress from earthly inspiring and uplifting addresses.
life to eternal life."
We appreciate the cooperation of
I am convinced, my friends, my the local and national press represen-
brethren and sisters, that regardless of tatives, and the representatives of radio
the technique that we may employ, and television in reporting the sessions
there are as many techniques as there of this conference.
are individuals hearing my voice; that We deeply appreciate the efficient,
if we will apply a method, using Jesus helpful service of the city officials, the
Christ as our ideal, we will come to city traffic officers handling carefully
know that he is the Christ; and that and ably the increased traffic; the Fire
there is waiting for us, not only in this Department and Red Cross, who have
life but in the life to come, peace, joy, been on hand to render assistance and
and eternal happiness. service whenever and wherever needed.
May I too leave my witness in this We thank the Tabernacle ushers for
conference that I know that Jesus is the courteous service they have ren-
the Christ, that God lives, that he is dered in seating the great audiences
real, that we have a living prophet of these conference sessions.
to direct us. I give you my solemn wit- As heretofore mentioned, v/e are
ness and testimony in the name of most grateful to the owners and man-
Jesus Christ. Amen. agers of the many radio and television
stations throughout the nation and in
President N. Eldon Tanner other countries, who have carried the
Elder Paul H. Dunn of the First sessions of this conference from coast
Council of Seventy has just spoken to to coast in the United States, to
us. Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, Guatemala,
We have a wire from the South and Canada; and, by short-wave, to
African Mission: "Thrilled by clear listeners in many countries of the
and inspirational messages of the first world.
session of conference. Anticipating We thank the translators for their
others." untiring efforts in translating the mes-
President McKay has asked me to sages of conference for the peoples of
express our deep appreciation to the the world.
following who have furnished the We again express our gratitude and
singing for this conference: thanks for the lovely flowers on the
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
rostrum. The Tacoma Stake made ar- ways. Please obey the traffic rules.
rangements with the Puyallup Valley Good manners, patience, and alertness
Daffodil Festival for these 3,000 King are necessary if we are to reduce the
Alfred Daffodils, and the calla lilies number of automobile accidents.
were sent to us by the Oakland- President David O. McKay has
Berkeley Stake High Priests quorum. asked his son, David Lawrence McKay,
Tonight, the Deseret Sunday School General Superintendent of the Deseret
Union conference will convene in this Sunday School Union, to read his
building at 7 o'clock. All Sunday closing message, after which the Ta-
School workers will wish to be in at- bernacle Choir will favor us with "Of
tendance. The public is cordially the Father's Love Begotten," and then
invited. This meeting will be televised "Sing We Now at Parting," conducted
for the first time over Station KBYU by Richard P. Condie.
(Channel 11). The benediction will be offered by
It isunderstood that ward sacrament Elder Delmont H. White, formerly
meetings will be held, where practi- president of the Central Atlantic
cable, this evening in the various wards. States Mission, after which this con-
We do remind you again about ference will stand adjourned for six
driving in the city and on the high- months.
With all my heart I rejoice with would adopt these suggestions, that
you, mybrethren and sisters, for the alone would be sufficient to make this
blessings of the Lord during the in- people a "light" upon a hill, a light
spirational sessions of the past few that could not be hidden. We refer
days. His Spirit has been with us in to such teachings sometimes as "little
rich abundance I things," but indeed they are the
During these closing moments of greatest things in this life. If we were
pray that the
this great conference, I to pay more attention to such advice,
Lord will guide and direct me in and devote more study to the modern
giving you the thoughts that are in revelations as contained in the Doc-
my heart. trine and Covenants, we would grow
in appreciation of the magnitude of
Instructions of conference the great work that has been estab-
lished in this dispensation.
I am grateful and thankful for the
It is often said that the Church is
admonitions and specific instructions
that have been given by the General the greatest thing in the world, and
Authorities of the Church. As you
it is! The more attention we give to
can testify, they have been guided and —
it realizing how well adapted it is to
our individual life, to our home life,
inspired by the Holy Spirit in their
and to our social life the more we
With all my plead with
soul, I
study it from the standpoint of scien-
tific discoveries, from the standpoint
members of the and with
of man's destiny, the more our hearts
people everywhere, to think more about
are made to rejoice for God's goodness
the gospel; more about the develop-
to us in giving us the privilege of
ing of the spirit within; to devote
more time to the real things in life, knowing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
and less time to those things which Faith in Christ
will perish.
I am in hearty accord with the ad- What we need today is faith in
monitions given during this conference the living Christ, which is more than
to resist the various temptations in our a mere feeling, but a power that moves
midst. If members of the Church —
us to action a faith that will put
our Lord and Savior! It is such faith our families, of our neighbors, we
as the apostle Peter experienced when shall feel happier, and in reality we
he declared: "Thou art the Christ, shall be preaching the gospel of Jesus
the Son of the living God." (Matt. Christ. The responsibility has been
16:16.) given to us to convey the gospel to our
fellowmen. Some of us wait until
Acquire truth and virtue
some special opportunity is given to
Members of the Church are admon- us to proclaim the gospel of Jesus
ished to acquire truth by study, by Christ, and yet the duty devolves upon
faith and prayer, and to seek after each of us to proclaim that good news
everything that is "virtuous, lovely, every day of our lives. We
or of good report or praiseworthy." it in our acts —
in the home, in busi-
(Article of Faith 13.) ness, in social circles, in politics; in-
Schools and churches should radiate deed, everywhere that we mingle with
the fact that there are in life certain men we have the responsibility resting
fundamentals that never change, upon us to give the good news to the
which are essential to the happiness of people of the world.
every human soul. Parents and offi- Let us guard our thoughts and our
cers in the Church must teach more tongues. One of the best ways of
earnestly and diligently the principles building up our home, be it a domicile,
of life and salvation to the youth of a city, a state, or a nation, is always to
Zion and to the world in order to help speak well of that home, city, state,
youth keep in proper balance through or nation. Let the tongue be under
the formative period of their lives. control at all times.
God bless the members of this
Government by priesthood Church for their devotion and loyalty,
I remind you men who bear the and for their sustaining prayers in
Holy Priesthood to study again that behalf of all the General Authorities
divine revelation, so simply but power- and officers. You may know, and I
fully expressed, with regard to gov- wish to assure you, that these prayers
ernment by the priesthood: are effective.
"No power or influence can or ought Divine protection real
to be maintained by virtue of the
priesthood, only by persuasion, by I testify to you, and to all the world,
long-suffering, by gentleness and that the inspiration and protecting
meekness, and by love unfeigned; care of a kind Father in heaven are
"By kindness, and pure knowledge, real! He is close to the Church, and I
which shall greatly enlarge the soul know with mywhole soul that he is
without hypocrisy, and without guile not just an absent, far-away source,
"Reproving betimes with sharpness, as some may think. He is a kind
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
to these missionaries for their willing our Father; he knows our desires and
and able service. We are grateful also our hopes; and he will help us if we
for the fathers and mothers and others will but seek him and learn of his
who support these missionaries. ways.
My prayerful blessings go with you
Loyalty of servicemen as you return to your homes. God help
The following broadcast, written and now and forever more be thine."
announced by Richard L. Evans, and (Choir: "Beautiful Savior" — arr.
originating with Station KSL, Salt Christiansen)
Lake City, Utah, was presented from (Organ background)
9:35 to 10:00 a.m. Sunday, April 7,
1968, through the courtesy of Columbia
Broadcasting System's network, THE SPOKEN WORD
throughout the United States, parts of
Canada, and through other facilities Announcer: There were scenes of
to several points overseas. light and triumph, overcoming scenes
of darkness, death, and despair. We
(Organ begins playing "As the Dew" often see people bereaved and wonder
on signal at 9:34:00 continuing until how they face the irrevocable fact. But
9:34:50) they face it because life goes on, and
(At 9:35:10on signal Organ and Choir because the fact is there to face. They
break into "Gently Raise" singing face it with an awareness that all of
words to end of second line, and hum- us shall face this ultimate eventuality.
ming to end of verse for announcer's We all one day leave life and loved
background) ones, or our loved ones leave us, and
Announcer: Once more we welcome we go on, calmly as we can, as we
you within these walls with Music and must, because we must. "In every . . .
the Spoken Word from the Crossroads age the thoughts of men have traveled
of the West. . beyond the narrow bounds of
. .
discovered world beyond." 1 "How
Announcer: The Tabernacle Choir [then] shall we think of the dead?
turns to a traditional song of a trium- ... I can tell you how I think of . . .
phant scene suggested by a NewTes- [them]. I think that there are no
tament text: "Green wave the palms dead; I think that there is no death;
along the path today; Blossoms of gold . that life goes on unbroken by what
. .
and purple greet the King. Jesus, our we call death. ... I think of death
Lord, in triumph leads the way; O, dry as a glad awakening from this life; . . .
your tears and joyful homage bringl" ... as a graduation from this primary
(Choir: "The Palms"—Faure, arr. department into some higher rank . . .
— faith in the eternal plan and pur- my whole heart will I praise thee, O
pose of our Father, who made us in God. . . . For thou hast not forsaken
His own image, and whose intent it is them that love thee."
that we should have everlasting life (Choir: "I Will Give Thanks Unto
with our loved ones, with family and —
the Lord" Campbell-Tipton)
friends. As Henry de LaFayette Web- (As the Dew)
ster said, "There is a future, O
Announcer: Again we leave you
God!" 3 a future where our loved ones within the shadows of the everlasting
hills. May peace be with you, this day
Bennett, Elder Harold H 69
Bennion, Elder Lowell L 94
Joseph Smith sought wisdom, 95; Continued search for truth, 95;
Education encouraged, 95; Education today, 96; Training needed, 96;
Education fulfills life, 96; Cages we make, 96; Things of the spirit,
97; Qualities of the mind, 97; Gospel must be understood, 98; Faith
and education, 98; Committed to God and learning, 98; Light a
candle, 99.
Christiansen, Elder EIRay L 132
Why temples, 132; Ancient temples, 132; The Kirtland Temple, 132;
The Nauvoo Temple, 133; Temple work increasing, 133; Priesthood
ordinances administered, 133; Promise of eternal growth, 134.
Cullimore, Elder James A 36
The Lord is risen, 36; The conquest of death, 36; Gift of eternal
life, 37; Died for men's sins, 37; Story of the resurrection, 38;
Actuality of the resurrection, 38; Evidence of Christ's divinity, 38;
Witness of apostles, 39; Scriptures testify of immortality, 39; ful- A
ness of joy, 40.
Dunn, Elder Paul H 140
School thy feelings, 140; Personal experience, 140; Things that cause
anger, 141; Jesus' anger against evil practices, 141; Self-control
requires determined effort, 142; Lindbergh's plan for character growth,
142; Christ as an ideal, 142.
Fifth Session 89
Finance Committee Report 69
First Day —Afternoon Meeting 25
First Day —Morning Meeting 3
Fourth Session 67
General Authorities and Officers Present 1, 2
General Authorities and Officers Sustained 70
General Priesthood Meeting 89
Hanks, Elder Marion D 54
Where are you in your world, 54; Human potential elusive, 54;
University survey results, 55; Believing, 55; Motivation of faith,
56; The need to believe, 56; Application of spiritual truths, 56; Im-
portance of belonging, 57; Climate for growth, 57; Giving and serv-
ing, 58; Loving and being loved, 58; Evidences of love, 58.
Kimball, Elder Spencer W 73
All this is mine, 73; Would you rob God? 74; The earth is the
Lord's, 75; Do you pay tithes? 75; Tithing is not for God, 76; The
things that are God's, 77.
Lee, Elder Harold B. 128
Address of Brigham H. Roberts, 128; A call to higher wisdom, 129;
Faith of space scientist, 129; Supreme intelligence designed universe,
130; The
principle of revelation, 130; Scientific discoveries inspired,
130; No easy road to knowledge, 131; Gifts of Spirit enjoyed by faith-
ful, 131; God in the still small voice, 131.
Monson, Elder Thomas S. 123
Advent of promised Messiah, 123; Can any good come out of Nazareth,
123; From Nazareth came One, 124; From Nazareth came
the Perfect
sight, 124; From Nazareth came strength, 124; From Nazareth came
life, 125; From Nazareth came divine deeds, 125; From Nazareth
came peace, 125; From Nazareth came courage, 125; From Nazareth
came Christ, 126.
Packer, Elder Boyd K 33
Call to military service, 33; Repudiation of responsibilities, 33;
Nephites taught defense, 34; Message of First Presidency, 34; Citizen-
ship responsibility, 35; Exemplars of righteousness, 35; Righteous not
lost, 35; Stay close to Church, 35.
Passed Away, Those WhoHave 69
Petersen, Elder Mark E 59
America's divine destiny, 59; A crucial time, 59; Need divine help,
60; Threat of atheism, 60; Warning of wise men, 60; Editorial urges
action, 61; Means for survival, 61; God can solve problems, 61;
Obedience required, 62; Evil cannot bring good, 62; Put trust in God,
62; Serve the God of the land, 62.
Richards, Elder Franklin D 13
Qualities necessary for success, 13; Experiences develop patience, 13;
A stabilizing influence, 13; Ways to develop patience, 14; Need for
patient preparation, l4; Patience in family life, 14; Patience in
church work, 14; A mighty virtue, 15; Gospel incorporates patience, 15.
Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 148
Tanner, President N. Eldon 25, 30, 33, 36, 40, 42, 45, 47, 48, 49, 54,
59, 63, 66, 89, 94, 99, 105, 127, 128, 132, 134, 137, 139, 143
ment, 31; Security never granted, 31; "Men are that they might have
joy," 32; Rewards of life, 32; Greater blessings promised, 32.
Vandenberg, Bishop John H 45
Preexistence of man, 45; Divine purpose to life, 46; Futility in false
Followers of Christ, 46; Appreciation of
idols, 46; home teacher, 46;
Follow the Lord, 47.
Young, Elder S. Dilworth 84
Stirring times for seventies, 84; Call to preach the gospel, 84; Work
to be orderly, 84; Accomplishments through faith, 85; Witness of
living testimony, 85.
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DESERET BOOK COMPANY, 44 East So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, or
777 South Main, Orange, California 92668.
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