MODULE 6 Daily Living in Japan
MODULE 6 Daily Living in Japan
MODULE 6 Daily Living in Japan
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module the students should be able to:
Adjectives are used as 1) predicates and 2) noun modifiers. They inflect and are
divided into two groups, い-adjectives and な-adjectives, according to the inflection.
N は な-adj.[ な] です
N は い-adj.(~ い) です
1. です at the end of an adjective sentence shows the speaker’s polite attitude toward
the listener. An い-adjective with い at the end comes before です, where as a な-
adjective without [な] comes before です.
4. Questions using adjective sentences are made in the same way as those using noun
or verb sentences. In answering a question, you repeat the adjective used in the
question. そうです or そうじゃ ありません cannot be used.
An adjective is put before a noun to modify it. A な-adjective needs な before a noun.
とても/あまり are adverbs of degree. Both come before the adjectives they are
とても is used in affirmative sentences, and means “very.” あまり is used in negative
sentences. あまり and a negative form mean “not very.”
N は どうですか
This question is used to ask an impression or an opinion about a thing, place or person,
etc., that the listener has experienced, visited or met.
When the speaker wants the listener to describe or explain N1, this question pattern is
used. N2 denotes the category N1 belongs to. The interrogative どんな is always followed
by a noun.
S1 が, S2
This interrogative is used to ask the listener to choose or designate one from more that
two things concretely shown or named.
1. Listening
2. Real Dialogue
3. Shadowing
4. Reading
1. きれい -
2. しずか -
3. ゆうめい -
4. げんき -
5. べんり -
6. わるい -
7. あたらしい -
8. ひくい -
9. くろい -
10. あかい -
1. にほんごは むずかしいです。
C. Translate the conversation in Romanji.
そろそろ しつれいします
__________: ____________________________________________
__________: ____________________________________________
__________: ____________________________________________
__________: ____________________________________________
__________: ____________________________________________
__________: ____________________________________________
__________: ____________________________________________
__________: ____________________________________________
__________: ____________________________________________
Lesson 12 が(ga) Particle
The “Subject” is the main topic of the sentence. it will give meaning to the context
if the idea is met on what is needed to know about the subject, without it, the thought
would be incomplete rendering the sentence grammatically wrong. The “ga” (が) particle
is highly concentrated in this lesson, and how is it different from the “wa” particle issue.
This will also distinguish a person’s ups and downs as well as love or hate. masu-form
variation will still be observed.
N が あります/ わかります
N が すきです/きらいです/じょうずです/へたです
The object of a transitive verb is marked with を. However, objects of the verbs あり
ます and わかります are marked with が.
どんな N
Other than the usage you learned in, どんな is also used to ask the listener to name
one from a group which the noun after どんな denotes.
These adverbs are put before verbs when they modify them. The following is a
summary of their usage.
S1 から, S2
You can also state S2 first and add the reason after it.
The interrogative どうして is used to ask a reason. The answer needs から at the end.
The question どうしてですか is also used to ask the reason for what the other person
has said.
1. Listening
2. Real Dialogue
3. Shadowing
4. Reading
1. りんごが すきです。
2. いかんが きらいです。
4. えいごが へたです。
B. List 5 things that you like (すき), hate (きらい), good at(じょうず), and bad at (へ
た). Translate to Japanese.