TM 07 Chisquare Test

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Chi Square Test of Independence

Hotel Cell
Primary reason Golden Plm Palm Royale Palm Prince Total Price/Golden p
Price 23 7 37 67 Price/ Palm Roy
Location 39 13 8 60 Price/Palm Prc
Room accom 13 5 13 31 Location/Golden p
Other 13 8 8 29 Location/ Palm Roy
88 33 66 187 Location/Palm Prc
Room acc/Golden p
Ho : p1 = p 2 Room acc/ Palm Roy
H 1 : p1 ¹ p 2 Room acc/Palm Prc
n1 = 88 Other/Golden p
n2 = 33 Other/ Palm Roy
n3 = 66 Other/Palm Prc

Level of significance 0.05
Num of row 4
Num of culm 3
Degrre of freedom 6

Critical value 12.59158724
Chi-square test stat 27.4104
p-value 0.000121288
Tolak hipotesis Nol

Expected frequency assumption

is met
fo fe (fo - fe)2 (fo - fe)2/ fe
23 31.52941 72.7508651 2.3074
7 11.82353 23.266436 1.9678
37 23.64706 178.301038 7.5401
39 28.23529 115.878893 4.1040
13 10.58824 5.816609 0.5493
8 21.17647 173.619377 8.1987
13 14.58824 2.52249135 0.1729
5 5.470588 0.22145329 0.0405
13 10.94118 4.23875433 0.3874
13 13.64706 0.41868512 0.0307
8 5.117647 8.30795848 1.6234
8 10.23529 4.99653979 0.4882

Karena c2 tabel < c2 stat, maka Ho ditolak

Cukup bukti yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat ketergantun
fasilitas layanan hotel dengan harga dari hotel
Chi Square Test the Difference among more than two propotion

Choose Hotel Golden Plm Palm Royale Palm Prince Total fo fe
Yes 0
No 0

Ho : p1 = p 2 =p3 Ṗ= #DIV/0!
H 1 : p1 ¹ p 2 ≠ p3 1 - Ṗ= #DIV/0!
n1 = 0
n2 = 0
n3 = 0

( fo  fe )2
Level of significance (a=0,05)
Num of row
χ STAT  
all cells
Num of culm 3
Degrre of freedom 2

Result 7.8147279033
Critical value 5.99146455 7.7794403397
Chi-square test stat 0.0000
p-value 1
Terima hipotesis Nol

Expected frequency assumption

is violated

Choose Hotel Administrator Student Faculty Total fo fe

Favor 0
Oppose 0
Ho : p1 = p 2 =p3 p' = 0
H 1 : p1 ¹ p 2 ≠ p3 1 - p' = 0
n1 =
n2 =
n3 =

Level of significance
Num of row
Num of culm
Degrre of freedom

Critical value
Chi-square test stat
Terima hipotesis Nol

Expected frequency assumption

is violated
The Marscuilo Porcedure

(fo - fe)2 (fo - fe)2/ fe

P1 = 1
P2 = 1
P3 = 1

Chi-Square 2x3 = 5.9915

Critical value = 2.4477

Absolut Diff in Proportion Critical Range

| p1 -p2 | =
p j (1 
Critical range  χα
| p1 -p3 | = nj
( fo  fe )2
 
all cells
| p2 -p3 | =

Level of significance
Square root of critical value 2.4477468307

Group Sample Propotion

Golden Palm
Palm Royale
Palm Prince

Marascuilo Table
Porpotion Absolute Diff Critical range
| Group 1 - Group 2 | =
| Group 1 - Group 3 | =
| Group 2 - Group 3 | =

1. Terdapat perbedaan significant antara golden palm dengan Palm royal
2. Terdapat perbedaan significant antara golden palm dengan Palm prince
3. Terdapat perbedaan significant antara Palm royal dengan Palm prince

(fo - fe)2 (fo - fe)2/ fe The Marscuilo Porcedure

0 #DIV/0!
0 #DIV/0! P1 =
0 #DIV/0! P2 =
0 #DIV/0! P3 =
0 #DIV/0!
0 #DIV/0! Chi-Square 2x3 =
#DIV/0! Root Critical value =

Absolut Diff in Proportion Critical Range

| p1 -p2 | =
| p1 -p3 | =
| p2 -p3 | =

Level of significance
Square root of critical value

Group Sample Propotion


Marascuilo Table
Porpotion Absolute Diff Critical range
| Group 1 - Group 2 | =
| Group 1 - Group 3 | =
| Group 2 - Group 3 | =

p j (1  p j ) p j ' (1  p j ' )
Critical range  χα 
nj n j'

n1 = 0
n2 = 0
n3 = 0


m dengan Palm royal

m dengan Palm prince
dengan Palm prince
Non Significant
Non Significant
Chi Square Test the Difference between two propotion

Choose Hotel Yes No Total fo fe (fo - fe)2
Beachcmb 1004 241 1245 1004 1025.1427 447.012913
Windsurf 987 186 1173 241 219.85732 447.012913
1991 427 2418 987 965.85732 447.012913
186 207.14268 447.012913
Ho : p1 = p 2 Ṗ = 0.82340778 c2 stat
H 1 : p1 ¹ p 2 1-Ṗ= 0.17659222
n1 = 1991 a= 0.05
n2 = 427 c α=0.05,df=1 =

Data P Value = 0.02406343

Level of significance 0.05
Num of row 2 Karena c2 tabel <
Num of culm 2 Kesimpulan
Degre of freedom 1 Cukup bukti yang menyatakan bah
layanan hotel Beachcmb dengan h
Critical value 3.84145882
Chi-square test stat 5.0901
p-value 0.02406343 5.0901
Tolak hipotesis Nol

Expected frequency assumption

#REF! 3.84145882

Pilihan 3 semester
Choose Hotel Admin Student Faculty Total fo fe
Favor 63 120 37 220 63 55
Oppose 37 130 13 180 120 137.5
100 250 50 400 37 27.5
37 45
Ho : p1 = p 2 = p3 130 112.5
H1 : p1 ≠ p 2 ≠ p3 Ṗ = 0.55 13 22.5
1-Ṗ= 0.45
n1 = 100
n2 = 250 a=
n3 = 50 c2 α=0.04,df=2

Level of significance 0.04 Marascuilo Procedure
Num of row 2 Sample Sampel
Num of culm 3 Group Propotion Size
Degree of freedom 2 1 0.63 100
2 0.48 250
Result 3 0.74 50
Critical value 6.437752 =CHIINV(D44;D47)
Chi-square test stat 14.8283 Kesimpulan:
p-value 0.000603 =CHIDIST(D51;D47) 1. H0 ditolak, cukup bukti bahwa admin berbeda dengan
Tolak hipotesis Nol 2. H0 diterima, tidak cukup bukti bahwa Student berbeda
3. H0 ditolak, cukup bukti bahwa admin berbeda dengan

Class Number of meals per week fo

Standing 20/week 10/week none 10
Fresh. 24 32 14 70 14
Soph. 22 26 12 60 6
Junior 10 14 6 30 14
Senior 14 16 10 40 16
Total 70 88 42 200 10

Choose Hotel 20/week 10/week none Total

Fresh 24 32 14 70
Soph 22 26 12 60
Junior 10 14 6 30
Senior 14 16 10 40
70 88 42 200

Ho : p1 = p 2 = p3 a= 0.05
H1 : p1 ≠ p 2 ≠ p3 P1 = 0.35
p2 = 0.3
p3 = 0.15
p4 = 0.2
n1 = 70
n2 = 88
n3 = 42

Data Marascuilo Procedure

Level of significance 0.05 Untuk Sophomer
Num of row 4 Sample Sampel
Num of culm 3 Group Propotion Size
Degrre of freedom 6 1 0.3142857 70
2 0.2954545 88
Result 3 0.2857143 42
Critical value 12.5915872
Chi-square test stat 0.7093 Kesimpulan:
p-value 0.99428731 1. Ho diterima, tidak cukup bukti bahwa kebijakan pemb
Terima hipotesis Nol 2. Ho diterima, tidak cukup bukti bahwa kebijakan pemb
3. Ho diterima, tidak cukup bukti bahwa kebijakan pemb

Choose Hotel Yes No Total

Beachcmb 1004 241 1245
Windsurf 987 186 1173
1991 427 2418
Choose Hotel Yes
p 
X1  X 2

X Beachcmb 1004
2 n1  n 2 n
(fo - fe) / fe Windsurf 987
0.4360 ( fo  fe ) 2 1991
χ STAT  
all cells
If the two proportions are equal, then
P(Left Handed | Female) = P(Left Handed | Male) = 0.12

i.e., we would expect (.12)(120) = 14.4 females to be left handed

(.12)(180) = 21.6 males to be left handed


Chi-Square Test: Administrators, Students, Faculty

arena c2 tabel < c2 stat, maka Ho ditolak
Admin .Students Faculty Total
Favor 63 20 37 120
ukup bukti yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan
60 30 30
ayanan hotel Beachcmb dengan hotel Windsurf
Oppose 37 30 13 80
40 20 20
Total 100 50 50 200

(fo - fe)2 (fo - fe)2/ fe

64 1.1636
306.25 2.2273
90.25 3.2818
64 1.4222
306.25 2.7222
90.25 4.0111
c 2
stat 14.8283

c 2
= 6.43775165 =SQRT(K41)*SQRT((H47*(1-H47)/I47)+(H48*(1-H48)/I48))
Marascuilo Procedure

Sample Sample
Group Proportion Size Comparison
1 0.63 100 1 to 2
2 0.4 50 1 to 3
3 0.74 50 2 to 3
Marascuilo Procedure

Sample Sample
Group Proportion Size Comparison
Absulute Sts of Error Crithical 1 0.63 100 1 to 2
Comparison Defference Range 2 0.4 50 1 to 3
3 0.74 50 2 to 3
1 to 2 0.15 0.146403 Ho ditolak
1 to 3 0.11 0.199446 Ho diterima Other Data
Level of significance 0.01
2 to 3 0.26 0.176635 Ho ditolak
d.f 2
X2 Statistic 3.034854

kti bahwa admin berbeda dengan Student dlm setuju 3 semester

p j (1  p j ) p j ' (1  p
kup bukti bahwa Student berbeda dengan faculty dlm setuju 3 semester Critical range  χ α2 
kti bahwa admin berbeda dengan faculty dlm setuju 3 semester nj n j'

fe (fo - fe)2 (fo - fe)2/ fe

24.5 0.25 0.010204
30.8 1.44 0.046753
14.7 0.49 0.033333
21 1 0.047619
26.4 0.16 0.006061
12.6 0.36 0.028571
10.5 0.25 0.02381
13.2 0.64 0.048485
6.3 0.09 0.014286
14 0 0
17.6 2.56 0.145455
8.4 2.56 0.304762

Absulute Sts of Error Crithical

Comparison Defference Range
1 to 2 0.01883117 0.261822 Ho diterima
1 to 3 0.02857143 0.316148 Ho diterima
2 to 3 0.00974026 0.30161 Ho diterima

kup bukti bahwa kebijakan pemberian makan siang penuh dengan setengah
kup bukti bahwa kebijakan pemberian makan siang penuh dengan tidak ada kebijak pemberiam makanan
kup bukti bahwa kebijakan pemberian makan siang setengah dengan tidak ada ada kebijak pemberiam makanan
No Total
241 1245
186 1173
427 2418


udents, Faculty
culty Total


50 200


mple Sample Absolute Std. Error Critical

portion Size ComparisonDifference of Difference Range Results
0.63 100 1 to 2 0.23 0.084445249 0.2563 Means are not different
0.4 50 1 to 3 0.11 0.078606615 0.2386 Means are not different
0.74 50 2 to 3 0.34 0.092994624 0.2822 Means are different

mple Sample Absolute Std. Error Critical

portion Size ComparisonDifference of Difference Range Results
0.63 100 1 to 2 0.23 0.084445249 0.2563 Means are not different
0.4 50 1 to 3 0.11 0.078606615 0.2386 Means are not different
0.74 50 2 to 3 0.34 0.092994624 0.2822 Means are different

Other Data
ificance 0.01 Chi-sq Critical Value 9.2103

p j (1  p j ) p j ' (1  p j ' )
α 
nj n j'

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