Feu Institute of Technology Surveying Laboratory Date: October 13, 2021 Laboratory Report Number: 4 Engr. John Manuel Vergel
Feu Institute of Technology Surveying Laboratory Date: October 13, 2021 Laboratory Report Number: 4 Engr. John Manuel Vergel
Feu Institute of Technology Surveying Laboratory Date: October 13, 2021 Laboratory Report Number: 4 Engr. John Manuel Vergel
Group Number: 4
A. Objectives
B. Data Capture: (screenshots from the video where data is collected, label the images properly)
Material used:
C. Calculations (handwritten)
B -- 50.415 -- --
C -- 49.795 -- --
4 -- -- 0.840 48.955
D. Results and Discussion.
In this table our task is to solve for the Height of the instrument (HI) and Elevation given the
back sight and foresight we collected from the video. In order to solve for the height of
instrument A we adding the given 50m elevation at point 1, and repeat the procedure to the
remaining column of HI. But in order to repeat the procedure we should also solve for the
Elevation missing first, by subtracting the HI to the collected foresight. Then repeat all the
process to complete the table.
At this figure we are given a task to illustrate the elevation we got from the table above. The
result is the figure below.
49.575m 48.955m
1 2 3 4
Note: The horizontal distance is supposedly measured like how far is Point 1 to Point 2 and so
on towards Point 4. However, in this activity, the horizontal distance was not
considered. Just provide approximate distance so as the visual illustration is close to
what is expected
E. Observation (explain nature of errors or inaccuracy of the result, procedure and all possible sources
of errors)
The decimal place of the backsight and foresight was adjusted to the left to compute the elevations
which are near 50 meters so that in the observation we will see the discrepancy between the elevations
and its errors, because as you can see the difference between the elevations has minimal gap or error.
On the diagram presented, the elevation from point 1 to point 4 was being calculated. The calculation
of height of the instrument subtracted to the foresight are used to get the elevation of each points.
Therefore, the role of the backsight is to solve the height of the instrument.
F. Conclusion (Discuss the conclusions you formulated from the results and try to explain application
of the topic to the industry or daily life)
The aim of this activity is to determine the elevation by using levelling instrument to read rod vertically
and this process called differential levelling. Based on the result, a simple addition and subtraction was
used to calculate the unknown elevation, back sight and foresight. However, it’s crucial to get a precise
and accurate measurement of elevations.
It’s important to engineering being able to calculate the measurement of elevation by using the method
of differential levelling. Because measuring elevation may use to determine the type of material to be
used and it may help to predict and prevent disaster such as flooding
G. Rubrics
Criteria Ratings Pts
Activity 5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts Needs 0 pts 5pts
Conduct Excellent Very Good Good Fair Improvement
Member Member Member Member Member does No
follows good follows follows follows not follow good Mar
and safe good and good and good and and safe ks
laboratory safe safe safe laboratory
practice at all laboratory laboratory laboratory practice in the
times in the practice at practice practice conduct of
conduct of all times in most of the some of activity
activity and the conduct time in the the time in
encourages of activity conduct of the
others to do activity conduct of
the same. activity