Reconnaissance Table Final

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Pest Management for Horner A. November San Experimenta Organic farming Growers need to know the results
Organic Agriculture 2007 Francisco l is better placed of pesticide testing. Information on
at present to use the effects of pesticides needs to be
native available to all organic growers.
biodiversity to The results from this project are
obtain better fairly straightforward, and have
control of pests • been summarized in the final
Primary control section of the Results chapter
should be above. The results of other testing
biological, and overseas research should also
supported by be able to be synthesized by
management Australian researchers for
and only then Australian growers.
with pesticides •
diversity means
more species to
identify • There
is a real cost
of pests or
occurs. Correct
becomes more
important when
a diverse range
of species are
involved in an
Study on Homemade Md. Shafiqul I. Feb. 2013 Vietnam Experimenta In the end of my We must encourage pest
Bio-Pesticides and l study I can say management solutions and
Organic Pest that organic pest regulations to continuously evolve
Management in Organic management and ensure that multi-disciplinary
Farming system is an teams, including green chemists,
environmental environmental health sciences and
friendly, low other sciences, approach these
cost, and healthy products systemically to both
method of pest discover and refine them. Bio-
control system. pesticides offer powerful tools to
Gradually create a new generation of
farmers getting sustainable agriculture products.
aware of this They are the most likely source for
method and this alternatives to some of the most
pest problematic chemical pesticides
management currently in use that are under
system are ever-increasing scrutiny. Bio-
getting popular pesticides
day by day
because of its
features. Bio-
pesticides are a
set of tools and
applications that
will help our
transition away
from highly
pesticides into
an era of truly
Self-made pest control Zollikofen A. 19 June India Experimenta Adoption by Investigate different spraying
products for organic 2014 l farmers is intervals of self-made organic pest
cotton production in arguable as control products in terms of pest
Nimar region farmers only infestation, yield and economic
spray after profitability The intervals are: 1
observing an week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks .Test the
actual pest intensive, weekly spraying interval
pressure in the under farmers‘ conditions and
field. A compare it to local farmers‘
practicable practice
monitoring Problem
strategy is
Quantification of insect Dr. Matthias A. 2016 University Experimenta Our results To test for effects of ES on yield,
pollination, natural pest of Zurich l suggest that while accounting for crop
control and their through management, a two-step
synergies in agricultural focusing on modeling approach was used. In
ecosystems floral resource the first step, the measured
provisioning for agronomic yield was fitted using
rare pollinator linear mixed effects model with
species, ‘focal field’ as random effect.
diversity and
important crop-
providers, these
multiple goals
can be
if plant
is sufficiently
high facilitating
the availability
of preferred key
floral resources
of the different
target groups.

The Pesticide David P. 2011 Pakistan Experimenta The decision of

Marketplace l a company to
invest in the
and launch of a
new pesticide
carries a high
level of risk. It
begins with an
expectation or
assumption of
future needs and
gets translated
into goals
which, if
discoveries are
made, transform
into actionable
Much of that
risk is inherent
to two major
Natural Pesticides and Ivana C. 2008 Philippines Experimenta Rotenone
Future Perspectives l exposure cause
effects that may
suggest its
possible role in
the development
of a PD-like
syndrome in
UK and EU policy for Bradshaw J. March United Experimenta Beside scab, WAG should work with the
approval of pesticides 2004 Kingdom l canker is a main Pesticides Safety Directorate to
suitable for organic disease problem ensure that the development of
systems: Implications for in (organic) fruit pesticide regulatory policy at both
Wales growing in National and European level takes
countries with a full account of the needs of both
sea climate. To a conventional and organic
lesser extent, agriculture and horticulture in the
canker is also a UK.
problem in
several other
regions of the
EU. Calcium
hydroxide can
control canker
as effectively as
chemicals. At
the moment,
there is no
alternative for
hydroxide in
countries where
compounds are
not allowed.
Research on
breeding of
varieties and on
control by
will not result in
solutions for
growers in the
near future
Pesticide Use in U.S. Jorge F. May 2014 Angola Experimenta Agricultural Changes in the planted acreages of
Agriculture: 21 Selected l producers use these crops contributed to
Crops pesticides on fluctuations in pesticide use from
millions of crop 1981 to 2008. Many of the high
acres, primarily and low years in herbicide and
to prevent or pesticide use coincide with high
manage pest and low years in total acreage of
infestations. these crops (fig. 2).13 However,
Their use declines in average application
generates rates due to the introduction and
economic use of new pesticides contributed
benefits for to reductions in quantities used
farmers and after 1981, while increased corn
consumers. acreage and higher herbicide
However, public application rates account for
concerns since increased pesticide use after 2002.
the 1960s about
the adverse
human health
effects of
pesticides have
led to tighter
regulation of
these products.
This report
examines trends
in pesticide use
from 1960 to
2008. The report
employs a new
compiled from
USDA pesticide
use surveys
by proprietary
data, focusing
on 21 selected
field and
specialty crops.

The Effectiveness of Mary L. July 30, Zimbabwe Experimenta The results Organic pesticides prepared from
Home Made Organic 2010 l showed that Solanum pindiriforme, garlic
Pesticides Solanum and (Allium sativum) and Lippia
garlic are javanica are effective and can be
effective organic used to control aphids in rape. C
pesticides Tobacco trash leaves and stems
against aphids high in nicotine should be used to
on rape plants. formulate pesticides. Addition of
Adding paraffin liquid soap is recommended to
to the organic improve the effectiveness of the
pesticides pesticides.
increased the
mortality rate of
the aphids.

EVALUATION OF Marie K. Oklahoma 2005 Experimenta In summation,

ORGANIC City l spinosad proved
CONTROL effective in
MURGANTIA mortality
(HAHN), AND either pyrethrum
YELLOWMARGINED or azadirachtin.
MICROTHECA pyrethrum is the
ON LEAFY GREENS insecticide in
this study
labeled for
control of the
Before and After Silent Hannah G. 2005 London Experimenta He gave it for additional training in tropical
Spring: From Chemical l his opinion, that agriculture, began working on
Pesticides to Biological whoever could cocoa plantations in North Borneo,
Control and Integrated make two ears soon to become Sabah. Unlike the
Pest Management of corn, or two earlier WHO team, which tried to
blades of grass eradicate malaria, Conway had
to grow upon a learned about biological control at
spot of ground university and was able put it to
where only one the test.
grew before
would deserve
better of
mankind and do
more essential
service to his
country than the
whole race of
politicians put
Jonathan Swift,
Travels; Voyage
to Brobdingnag,
Effects of the insecticide Christina A. 2004 Sweden Experimenta The agricultural Further, bentic fauna community
Deltamethrin on benthic l use of in treated ponds contained few
macroinvertebrates – Deltamethrin species, few individuals, and those
field and laboratory can be occurring consisted of pollution-
studies considered to be tolerant species (appendix 1). This
economically shows a clear effect
important as it 0.044
increases 0.046
harvests and 0.048
quality in crops 0.05
such as protein 0.052
content 0.054
(Swedish Board 0.056
of Agriculture, 0.058
2002). Residue control 2.6 10.4 41.6 166.4
of pesticides concentrations (ug/kg)
found in development rate (1/day)
Swedish waters 0.052
during a 0.054
screening 0.056
investigation, 0.058 0.06
lead by the 0.062
Swedish 0.064
Environmental 0.066 0.068
Protection control cont2 6 12 24 48
Agency, were concentrations (pg/l)
too high to be development rate (1/day)
considered as 25
negligible of Deltamethrin treatment,
according to the including a shift in community
Dutch limit composition towards dominans in
values numbers of tolerant species.
et al., 2000) in
any of the
The Dutch limit
values were
determined to be
far too high in
the previous
study by
Hedlund (2002).
Pesticides Literature Margaret S. April 23, Mexico Experimenta In summary, More recently the Children’s
Review 2004 l there are many Environmental Health Study in the
studies showing United States has conducted
positive studies to measure more directly
associations organophosphate exposure in
between solid pregnant women (69, 70, 71).
tumours and
exposure. In
particular, the
large well-
designed cohort
Pesticides, Pollution, and Katherine A. 2014 Costa Rica Experimenta In conclusion,
People: An overview of l Costa Rica has
Public Health and one of the best
Environment in Costa healthcare
Rica systems in Latin
America. Today,
Costa Rica
provides all of
its inhabitants
with access to
Study on Homemade Md. Shafiqul July 2013 Bangladesh Experimental Bio-pesticides are a set of We must encourage pest
Bio-Pesticides and I. tools and applications that management solutions
Organic Pest will help our farmer’s and regulations to
Management in transition away from highly continuously evolve and
Organic Farming toxic conventional chemical ensure that multi-
pesticides into an era of truly disciplinary teams,
sustainable agriculture. Of including green
course bio-pesticides are chemists, environmental
only a part of a larger health sciences and
solution; sustainable other sciences, approach
agriculture is a broad and these products
deep field. But helping systemically to both
farmers move from their discover and refine
current chemical dependency them. Bio-pesticides
to organic agriculture and offer powerful tools to
beyond requires tools for the create a new generation
transition and tools for a new of sustainable
era. Biopesticides can and agriculture products.
will play a significant role in
this process.There remain,
however, serious questions
about the safety of these
products from both a human
and ecosystem health
standpoint. Current
regulations do not go nearly
far enough in evaluating
systemic broader impacts of
bio-pesticides. By definition,
green chemistry is about
continuous improvements
aimed at reducing or
eliminating hazard.
The Effectiveness of Mary L. August 2011 Zimbabwe Experimental The results showed that Organic pesticides
Home Made Organic Solanum and garlic are prepared from Solanum
Pesticides Derived effective organic pesticides pindiriforme, garlic
from Wild Plants against aphids on rape plants. (Allium sativum) and
(Solanum Adding paraffin to the Lippia javanica are
pindiriforme and organic pesticides increased effective and can be
Lippia javanica), the mortality rate of the used to control aphids in
Garlic (Allium aphids. Tobacco spray was rape.
sativum) and not effective; it resulted in
Tobacco (Nicotiana the least mortality.
tobacum) on Aphid Effectiveness of Lippia spray
(Brevicoryne was relatively lower and
brassica) Mortality varied.
on Rape (Brassica
napus) Plants
SAFE & Lisa M. February 19, Philippines Experimental Organic pesticides are a
EFFECTIVE USE 2015 useful tool when
OF ORGANIC incorporated with other crop
PESTICIDES health and pest management
strategies. Efficacy trials
provide very useful data for
decision-making, but many
more trials are needed for the
many organic products
available – results so far are
variable and not conclusive –
and efficacy depends on
proper use
Comparing the Baidoo K. 2016 Canada Experimental The present study evaluated
Effectiveness of the effectiveness of two
Garlic (Allium botanicals, garlic and hot
sativum L.) and Hot pepper in the management of
Pepper (Capsicum major pests of cabbage. The
frutescens L.) in the two botanicals proved to be
Management of the cost effective plant
Major Pests of protection alternatives to
Cabbage Brassica synthetic insecticides.
oleracea (L.) Results from the study
showed that the botanicals
were able to reduce the
incidence of pests on. The
use of botanical insecticides
by the average resource-poor
African farmer will reduce
their reliance on chemical
insecticides and their
attendant detrimental effects
on non-target organisms. The
use of botanicals in
controlling insect pests will
help conserve natural
enemies of pests since these
botanicals have limited
negative effects on non-
target organisms. These
botanicals could therefore be
considered as alternatives to
the control of insect pests on
UK and EU policy Bradshaw J. 2004 United Experimental Organic growers in Wales In addition to those
for approval of Kingdon counteract the key pest and materials listed in
pesticides suitable disease problems using Annex II(b) we are also
for organic systems: several methods of interested in other
Implications for management and control substances that are
Wales (Frost 2003, Gladders et al., currently not on Annex
2002, Fraser and Tyson, II(b) of the Organic
1993). The management Regulation for example:
practices currently pheromones,
employed, and the existing allelochemicals,
or potential role that organic entomopathogenic
acceptable pesticides could fungi, mycoherbicides,
play in their management in antagonistic fungi,
the future is outlined in the antifeedants/deterrents
tables below (Table A2.1 and plant extracts.
pests, and Table A2.2 Currently, these are
diseases of horticultural regulated by Directive
crops). 91/414 and/or by
Member State
legislation depending on
the claim made on the
product label.
Organic Approved Matthew S. September Philippines Experimental The best application times
Pesticides 2008 when crops (or immediately
adjacent weeds and cover
crops) are not in bloom.
Where insecticides must be
applied near blooming
plants, select the product
with the lowest residual
toxicity and spray during the
late evening when insects are
not actively foraging.
Efficacy of Garlic Nguyen M. 2008 Vietnam Experimental It can be concluded that the
and Chili application of Garlic and
Combination chili combination + soap
Solution on Cabbage 0.1% greatly reduced the
Insect Pests and number of days required for
Crop Growth in the head formation and
Vietnam maturity in cabbage. This
results of the study also
indicated that the weight of
cabbage head was greatly
improved by application of
Garlic and chili combination
+ soap 0.1%. Moreover,
sprayed of Garlic and chili
combination + soap 0.1%
greatly resistance the effect
of cabbage insect pests, and
also clearly enhanced the
quality in cabbage
production. Therefore, we
can be concluded that
application of Garlic and
chili combination + soap
0.1% would have substantial
positive impacts, promoting
agricultural productivity and
human nutrition without the
deleterious environmental
and health to meet
commercial demands.
NATURAL FAR Rivera A. 2004 Philippines Experimental There are more Natural and
MING WITH Organic and Biological
ORGANIC & BIOL Farming systems that have
OGICAL TECH not yet been included in this
NOLOGY manuscript. This technology
we have just presented are
sufficient for beginners,
farmers and enthusiasts to
start on the road on natural
farming and producing safe
and healthful food crops. We
suggest that our readers
embark on your own
research, study, trials and
readings to learn more and
be a part of a new movement
of environmental and
ecology friendly farming.
An Intro to Organic Rick H. 2011 USA Experimental Until this fall only thought to
Pesticides— Viruses be established in Oregon in
and Other Products the Portland Metro area
for Organic Pest though a few specimens had
Control been found in Salem and
Sandy. This past summer
BMSB caused significant
fruit injury in commercial
apple and peach orchards in
the mid-Atlantic states of
Pennsylvania, Maryland and
West Virginia.
NATURAL Arnason J. 2008 USA Experimental Botanical insecticides are
PRODUCTS FROM reviewed, with an emphasis
PLANTS AS on natural products that have
INSECTICIDES received regulatory approval.
Traditionally used products
including nicotine, rotenone,
sabadilla and ryania are now
little used or being phased
out by regulatory authorities,
but use of pyrethrum is
increasing. Despite major
research interest a decade
ago, antifeedants, especially
neem and azadirachtin based
products have made a
relatively modest impact in
the field. Essential oil
products have recently
emerged as the most
important botanical
insecticides. Research has
demonstrated the potential of
a number of other
experimental plant natural
products as botanical
insecticides including
piperamides, acetogenins,
thiophenes, and limonoids.
Biopesticide: An Kumar S. 2015 India Experimental Biopesticide is a potential Biopesticide is a
Environment tool to be utilized for promising alternative to
Friendly Pest environmental safety. More chemical pesticide.
Management rational approaches would be Biopesticides can
Strategy required to popularize replace at least in part
biopesticide as one of the some of the hazardous
important inputs for safe and chemical pesticides
sustainable agriculture. when incorporated into
Training on production and ICM practices. Although
quality control to potential of
manufacturers, biopesticides and
organizational training to biofertilizers for
extension workers and promoting sustainable
farmers to popularize agriculture has been
biopesticides would be known for years, their
essential for better adoption demands have increased
of biopesticides now in view of the
organic farming to
produce safe and healthy
Bisphenol-A: A Marcello M. May 2014 Philippines Academic Нerefore, it has become
Powerful Endocrine increasingly evident that
Disrupting Chemical BPA activates transduction
signals in a cell context
dependent manner.
Cumulatively, the adverse
biological responses involve
a network of e‫و‬ectors
‫ٴ‬ and
arise from both rapid and late
mechanisms that lead to gene
expression changes.
Pesticides: Early Smith J. 2014 USA Quantitative The results from this study
Summer Slender demonstrate that the
Aster Control in bioherbicide is effective at
Bermudagrass using controlling slender aster,
Bioherbicide Phoma with a final level of control
macrostoma dependent on rate applied.
Though significant control
was not observed either year
at the lowest application rate
(32 g m-2), limited activity
was observed. Again, it
should be noted that the
material tested only
contained half of the potency
of the target commercial
product intended for
consumer use. Therefore, the
amount of product used in
these studies was twice that
of the anticipated final
commercial product.
Toward the Sabrina S. 2013 Philippines Experimental Based on PBCI values
Quantification of obtained in this study,
Confrontation (Dual biological control of P.
Culture) Test: A aphanidermatum with T92
Case Study on the isolate at 15°C would lead to
Biological control of more successful control. This
Pythium finding is in agreement with
aphanidermatum thermophily of P.
with Trichoderma aphanidermatum and
asperelloides mesophily of T.
asperelloides. Our findings
indicate that PBCI can be
regarded as a proper criterion
useful in confrontation tests.
Indeed, there is no need to
change the formulas when
other plant pathogens are
studied and the introduced
formulae have successfully
been applied with other plant
pathogens such as F.
moniliforme, M. phaseolina,
and R. solani.
Luminescent organic Olga G. 2011 Philippines Experimental The report is devoted to
nanoparticles doped methods of the development
with Europium β- of luminescent organic
diketonate nanoparticles doped with
complexes Europium β-diketonate
complexes, which are used in
Immunofluorescent assay
(IFA). Rare-earth elements
(REE) (III) have several
advantages of their
photophysical characteristics,
which are: a large Stokes
shift, long luminescence life,
narrow emission bands, and
immutability of their position
regardless of the ligand
Laboratory Toxicity Tahir R. 2006 India Experimental Data from these studies Further, exposure to a
Profile of an Organic indicate that Entrust, the reduced rate of spinosad
Formulation of organic formulation of (equivalent to 35 g
Spinosad against the spinosad, is toxic to eggplant ai/ha) also resulted in
Eggplant Flea flea adults when applied to significant mortality and
Beetle, Epitrix eggplant foliage. An LC95 reductions in feeding.
Fuscula Crotch value of 296.7 ppm was Of the insecticides
established. The maximum approved for use in
recommended rate of 140 g organic production,
ai/ha or 544 ppm is almost Entrust likely offers a
twice this LC95. Although valuable choice for
mortality was sometimes management of eggplant
delayed until six days flea beetles on eggplant.
following exposure to
spinosad, the insecticide
rapidly affected flea beetle
behavior. Feeding was
significantly reduced one day
after exposure.

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