Reconnaissance Table Final
Reconnaissance Table Final
Reconnaissance Table Final
Pest Management for Horner A. November San Experimenta Organic farming Growers need to know the results
Organic Agriculture 2007 Francisco l is better placed of pesticide testing. Information on
at present to use the effects of pesticides needs to be
native available to all organic growers.
biodiversity to The results from this project are
obtain better fairly straightforward, and have
control of pests • been summarized in the final
Primary control section of the Results chapter
should be above. The results of other testing
biological, and overseas research should also
supported by be able to be synthesized by
management Australian researchers for
and only then Australian growers.
with pesticides •
diversity means
more species to
identify • There
is a real cost
of pests or
occurs. Correct
becomes more
important when
a diverse range
of species are
involved in an
Study on Homemade Md. Shafiqul I. Feb. 2013 Vietnam Experimenta In the end of my We must encourage pest
Bio-Pesticides and l study I can say management solutions and
Organic Pest that organic pest regulations to continuously evolve
Management in Organic management and ensure that multi-disciplinary
Farming system is an teams, including green chemists,
environmental environmental health sciences and
friendly, low other sciences, approach these
cost, and healthy products systemically to both
method of pest discover and refine them. Bio-
control system. pesticides offer powerful tools to
Gradually create a new generation of
farmers getting sustainable agriculture products.
aware of this They are the most likely source for
method and this alternatives to some of the most
pest problematic chemical pesticides
management currently in use that are under
system are ever-increasing scrutiny. Bio-
getting popular pesticides
day by day
because of its
features. Bio-
pesticides are a
set of tools and
applications that
will help our
transition away
from highly
pesticides into
an era of truly
Self-made pest control Zollikofen A. 19 June India Experimenta Adoption by Investigate different spraying
products for organic 2014 l farmers is intervals of self-made organic pest
cotton production in arguable as control products in terms of pest
Nimar region farmers only infestation, yield and economic
spray after profitability The intervals are: 1
observing an week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks .Test the
actual pest intensive, weekly spraying interval
pressure in the under farmers‘ conditions and
field. A compare it to local farmers‘
practicable practice
monitoring Problem
strategy is
Quantification of insect Dr. Matthias A. 2016 University Experimenta Our results To test for effects of ES on yield,
pollination, natural pest of Zurich l suggest that while accounting for crop
control and their through management, a two-step
synergies in agricultural focusing on modeling approach was used. In
ecosystems floral resource the first step, the measured
provisioning for agronomic yield was fitted using
rare pollinator linear mixed effects model with
species, ‘focal field’ as random effect.
diversity and
important crop-
providers, these
multiple goals
can be
if plant
is sufficiently
high facilitating
the availability
of preferred key
floral resources
of the different
target groups.
The Effectiveness of Mary L. July 30, Zimbabwe Experimenta The results Organic pesticides prepared from
Home Made Organic 2010 l showed that Solanum pindiriforme, garlic
Pesticides Solanum and (Allium sativum) and Lippia
garlic are javanica are effective and can be
effective organic used to control aphids in rape. C
pesticides Tobacco trash leaves and stems
against aphids high in nicotine should be used to
on rape plants. formulate pesticides. Addition of
Adding paraffin liquid soap is recommended to
to the organic improve the effectiveness of the
pesticides pesticides.
increased the
mortality rate of
the aphids.