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Current State and Perspectives of Penicillin G Acylase-Based Biocatalyses

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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

DOI 10.1007/s00253-013-5492-7


Current state and perspectives of penicillin

G acylase-based biocatalyses
Helena Marešová & Martina Plačková & Michal Grulich &
Pavel Kyslík

Received: 31 October 2013 / Revised: 20 December 2013 / Accepted: 22 December 2013

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract In the course of more than 60-year history, penicil- respectively. These biocatalyses, however, still wait for
lin G acylase (PGA) gained a unique position among enzymes large-scale application.
used by pharmaceutical industry for production of β-lactam
antibiotics. Kinetically controlled enzymatic syntheses of Keywords Penicillin G acylase . β-lactam biocatalysis .
cephalosporins of novel generations in which PGA catalyzes Enantioselectivity . Kinetically controlled syntheses
coupling of activated acyl donor with nucleophile belong
among the latest large-scale applications. Contrary to rather
specific roles of other enzymes involved in β-lactam Introduction
biocatalyses, the PGA seems to have the greatest potential.
On the laboratory scale, other applications with industrial The role and benefits of β-lactams for human society were
potential were described, e.g., directed evolution of the en- aptly summarized in the review of Srirangan et al. (2013): in
zyme to meet specific demands of industrial processes or its the course of a nearly centenarian history of the β-lactams,
modification into the enzyme catalyzing reactions with novel natural penicillins and cephalosporins have been firstly used
substrates. The fact that β-lactams represent the most impor- as therapeuticals and secondly as templates for production of
tant group of antibiotics comprising 65 % of the world anti- semisynthetic β-lactam antibiotics (SSBAs) of novel genera-
biotic market explains such a tremendous and continuous tions. The research into their development was driven by the
interest in this enzyme. Indeed, the annual consumption of increasing resistance of microorganisms to natural β-lactam
PGA has recently been estimated to range from 10 to 30 antibiotics, penicillins, or low antimicrobial activity of ceph-
million tons. The application potential of the enzyme goes alosporins. The story of a penicillin G acylase (PGA, EC
beyond the β-lactam biocatalysis due to its enantioselectivity; penicillin amidohydrolase, penicillin acylase) started
and promiscuity: the PGA can be used for the production of in the 1950s when the enzyme was described by Sakaguchi
achiral and chiral compounds convenient for the preparation and Murao (1950). The enzyme structure, physicochemical
of synthons and active pharmaceutical ingrediences, characterization, synthesis, and maturation in production
strain can be found elsewhere (e.g., Rajendhran and
Gunasekaran 2004; Sio and Quax 2004; Chandel et al. 2008;
H. Marešová : M. Plačková : M. Grulich : P. Kyslík (*)
Laboratory of Enzyme Technology, Institute of Microbiology v.v.i.,
Srirangan et al. 2013).
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083, The PGA from Escherichia coli (PGAEc) is a robust en-
14220 Prague 4, Czech Republic zyme and in the 1960s was very quickly recognized by several
e-mail: kyslik@biomed.cas.cz pharmaceutical companies as the enzyme with high industrial
potential: activity optimum up to 60 °C (Erarslan et al. 1991),
M. Plačková
Department of Genetics and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, denaturation temperature Tm of 64.5 °C (Grinberg et al. 2008),
Charles University in Prague, Viničná 5, 12840 Prague 2, and long-term operational stability after immobilization
Czech Republic (Ospina et al. 1992). In the 1980s, the enzyme served as an
industrial catalysts for the large-scale production of β-lactam
M. Grulich
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University n u c l e i 6 - a m i n o p e n i c i l l a n i c a c i d ( 6 - A PA ) a n d
in Prague, Hlavova 8, 12840 Prague 2, Czech Republic 7-aminodeacetoxy cephalosporanic acid (7-ADCA) that were
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

used for chemical production of SSBAs. Such a hydrolytic Reaction mechanism of PGA
usage of the PGA was the first step in overtaking chemical
production of SSBAs by biocatalysis. The use of the PGA in bioprocesses is of great industrial
PGAs belong to the structural superfamily of N-terminal interest as an environmentally friendly and economic alterna-
nucleophile hydrolases and, so far, 21 PGA producers were tive to chemical processes. The enzyme may act as a transfer-
described among bacteria, fungi, and yeasts (Tishkov et al. ase or a hydrolase and has as a catalytic residue the N-terminal
2010; Grulich et al. 2013). Other classes of enzymes belong- serine on β-subunit (Serβ1) that is activated by a bridging
ing to the same enzyme superfamily are penicillin V acylases water molecule. If dehydrated, the PGA becomes inactive, and
(PVA, EC and cephalosporin acylases (CA, EC therefore, some water must be present. The enzyme recog- Glutaryl-7-ACA acylase (GA, EC is a nizes the side chains of substrates composed of hydrophobic
member of the latter class. moiety (phenyl-, pyridyl-, thienyl-, tetrazolyl-, CN-, etc.),
Increasing demand for SSBAs with novel traits resulted in connected with a short spacer (–CH2–, –OCH2–, –SCH2–,
extensive search for further enzymes capable of biotransfor- –CHOH–, –CHNH2–) to carboxyl group or its derivative
mation of β-lactams. Among them, the enzymes such as (–COOH, –COOR, –CONHR).
α-amino acid ester hydrolase (AEH, EC, cephalo- The acyl donor first associates with the enzyme at acyl
sporin C acetylhydrolase (CAH, EC, D-amino acid subsite of the active site that is highly specific for hydrophobic
oxidase (DAO, EC, hydantoinase (EC, groups (Duggleby et al. 1995) and acylates the Serβ1 to give
carbamoylase (EC, and expandase (EC the acyl-enzyme intermediate. This complex is, in turn,
should be highlighted. Currently, the total number of all attacked by a water molecule (hydrolysis) or β-lactam nucleus
enzymes studied for their implementation into bioprocesses (synthesis) interacting with the aminic subsite preferring
for syntheses of SSBAs exceeds 40 (Barber et al. 2004). hydrophylic, negatively charged groups. The reaction product,
Large-scale syntheses of SSBAs catalyzed by PGAs from a nucleus or SSBA, is finally released. The reaction mecha-
corresponding β-lactam nuclei and acyl donors began to nisms for hydrolysis and synthesis catalyzed by PGAs are
dominate over chemical ones in this century, when these identical but reaction conditions are different (see recent
processes were found to be economically viable. This was review of Srirangan et al. 2013).
namely supported by the fact that it was possible to run the
enzymatic processes in existing equipment, with the enzymes
being a part of organic chemist's toolbox (Bruggink et al. Syntheses of β-lactam antibiotics catalyzed by PGA
Penicillin G (penG), the first β-lactam antibiotic dis- Two different strategies for the enzymatic synthesis of
covered in the 1930s of the last century, is currently β-lactam antibiotics were described and reviewed elsewhere
produced in amount exceeding 60 kT/year (Thykaer and (e.g., Giordano et al. 2006; Volpato et al. 2010): a direct
Nielsen 2003). Majority of penG is further processed condensation reaction known as a thermodynamically or equi-
and biotransformed into semisynthetic penicillins and librium controlled synthesis and kinetically controlled ap-
cephalosporins (based on nucleophiles 6-APA and proach in which the PGA catalyzes coupling of the activated
7-ADCA) that exhibit improved pharmacological traits. acyl donor (ester or amide) with the nucleophile. It should be
The fact that more than 50 cephalosporins are currently noted that starting with racemic mixture of activated acyl
marketed (Ozcengiz and Demain 2013) just emphasizes donor, for example in the case of ampicillin the PGAEc gave
the importance of a biocatalysis of β-lactams. both enantiomers (R)- and (S)-ampicillin, as expected from the
Several excellent reviews were written in the last decade on low enantioselectivity of this enzyme. Since (R)-ampicillin is
the PGA. The reviews usually stress or combine certain as- more biologically active enantiomer (Morimoto et al. 1972),
pects of the enzyme catalysis such as the mechanism of coupling reactions are performed with (R)-enantiomers of acyl
catalysis and enzyme specificity, the enzyme improvement donors in the case of chiral acyl side chains of the antibiotic.
or modification, the way of an enzyme immobilization and The yields of the thermodynamically controlled syntheses
production of different biocatalysts, the usage of PGAs in are determined by the thermodynamic equilibrium and are
water or organic solvents, production of enantiopure active independent of the enzyme properties. In the kinetically con-
pharmaceutical ingredients, industrial applications, etc. The trolled reaction, the yield is higher and kinetic parameters of
scope of this review is to present a survey of the “total” the enzyme play a crucial role (e.g., Youshko et al. 2002
biocatalytic potential of PGA and give a complex view on Ribeiro et al. 2005). From the economic viewpoint, it is
the enzyme versatility and application potential. The enzyme important to keep the molar ratio acyl donor/nucleophile as
industrial potential is compared with that of other enzymes low as possible. However, hydrolysis of the activated acyl
that may compete with PGA in biotransformation of donor becomes the parameter of critical importance when
β-lactams. approaching stoichiometric ratio of the reactants.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

Kinetically controlled synthetic reaction has been system- antibiotics with improved traits; cefamandole (the nucleophile
atically studied and parameters relevant for evaluation of 7-TACA), cefazolin (7-ZACA), cefonicid (7-SACA), cefaclor
enzyme synthetic efficiency were introduced (e.g., Gabor (7-ACCA), cefprozil (7-APRA) are examples of 7′-/3′-proc-
et al. 2005 Jager et al. 2007). essed cephalosporins, and pivampicillin represents only pen-
Synthetic applications of PGAs were reported with penam icillin processed simultaneously at position 6′ and 3′ (Table 1).
(6-APA) as well as cephem nuclei (7-ACA, 7-ADCA, or 3′- So far, the wild-type enzymes of ten microorganisms
functionalized nucleophile). (E. coli—PGAEc, Xanthomonas citri—PGAXc, Alcaligenes
The effect of chemical modification of cephalosporin nu- faecalis—PGAAf, Kluyvera cryocrescens—PGAKcr, Kluyvera
clei derived from 7-ACA (3′-functionalization) was studied by citrophila—PGA K c , Providencia rettgerri—PGA P r ,
Terreni et al. (2005). 3′-modified, cephalosporanic nuclei are Kluyveromyces citrophila—PGAKci, Achromobacter sp.—
more stable at more acidic pH which keeps the amino group at PGA Asp , Arthrobacter viscosus—PGA Av, and Bacillus
position 7′ in its undissociated form (a prerequisite for PGA- megaterium—PGA Bm ), recombinant enzymes, such as
catalyzed syntheses; Barber et al. 2004) and minimizes the evolved PGAEc (Alkema et al. 2002a, b, 2004; Jager et al.
hydrolysis of synthesized β-lactam antibiotics. Simultaneous 2008; Deaguero et al. 2012; Cecchini et al. 2012) or PGABm
7′-enzymatic acylation/3′-chemical derivatizations of 7-ACA/ (Wang et al. 2007), chimeric and metagenomic PGAs (Zhou
7-ADCA or 6′-/3′-derivatizations of 6-APA yield β-lactam et al. 2003; Gabor and Janssen 2004; Gabor et al. 2005; Jager

Table 1 Recent examples of β-

lactam antibiotics synthesized by Antibiotic β-lactam Acyl donor Used by
PGA nucleus

Ampicillin 6-APA PGA Alkema et al. 2002a, b; Youshko et al. 2002, 2004;
Gabor and Janssen 2004; Gabor et al. 2005; Jager
et al. 2007, 2008; Marešová et al. 2010
PGME Illanes and Fajardo 2001; Alkema et al. 2002b; Gabor
6-APA 6-aminopenicillanic acid, 7- and Janssen 2004; Ribeiro et al. 2005; Jager et al.
ACA 7-aminocephalosporanic ac- 2007; Deaguero et al. 2012; Bečka et al. 2013
id, 7-ADCA 7-
aminodeacetoxycephalosporanic Amoxicillin 6-APA HPGME Alkema et al. 2002b; Goncalves et al. 2005; Bergeron
acid, 7-ACCA 7-amino-3-chloro et al. 2009; Wu et al. 2010; Marešová et al. 2010;
cephalosporanic acid, 7-TACA 7- Bečka et al. 2013
amino-3-(1-methyl-1,2,3,4- HPGA Alkema et al. 2002b; Youshko et al. 2002, 2004; Gabor
tetrazol-5- et al. 2005; Jager et al. 2007
yl)thiomethylcephalosporanic ac- Cefamandole 7-TACA MAME Terreni et al. 2007; Estruch et al. 2008
id, 7-ZACA 7-amino-3-(5-methyl-
Cefazolin 7-ZACA TzAA-OMe Park et al. 2000; Terreni et al. 2007; Estruch et al. 2008
yl)thiomethylcephalosporanic ac- Cefonicid 7-SACA MAME Terreni et al. 2007; Estruch et al. 2008
id, 7-SACA 7-amino-3-(1- Cefaclor 7-ACCA PGME Wei et al. 2003; Yang and Wei 2003; Zhang et al. 2008;
sulphomethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrazol-5- Estruch et al. 2008; Cecchiny et al. 2012
yl)thiomethylcephalosporanic ac- Cefadroxil 7-ADCA HPGME Alkema et al. 2002b
id, 7-GPRA 7-phenylacetamido-3-
propenylcephalosporanic acid, 7- HPGA Alkema et al. 2002b; Gabor et al. 2005; Jager et al. 2007
APRA 7-amino-3- Cephalexin 7-ADCA PGME Hernández-Jústiz et al. 1998; Alkema et al. 2002b;
propenylcephalosporanic acid, Wei et al. 2003; Gabor and Janssen 2004; Estruch et al.
POM-6-APA pivaloyloxymethyl 6- 2008; Li et al. 2008b; Illanes et al. 2009; Bernardino
aminopenicillanic acid, PAA et al. 2009; Aguirre et al. 2010; Bahamondes et al.
phenylacetamid, PGA 2012; Cecchiny et al. 2012
phenylglycine amide, HPGHE 4- PGA Schroën et al. 1999, 2001; Alkema et al. 2002b; Youshko
hydroxy-D-phenylglycine et al. 2002, 2004; Zhou et al. 2003; Gabor and Janssen
hydroxyethyl ester, HPGA D-p- 2004; Gabor et al. 2005; Cheng et al. 2006; Wang et al.
hydroxyphenylglycine amide, 2007; Jager et al. 2007; Estruch et al. 2008;
PGME phenylglycine methyl es- Marešová et al. 2010; Cechiny et al. 2012
ter, HPGME
Cephalothin 7-ACA 2-TAA Shaw et al. 2000; Estruch et al. 2008
hydroxyphenylglycine methyl es-
ter, TzAA-OMe tetrazolylacetic Cefprozil 7-APRA HPGME Cecchiny et al. 2012
acid methyl ester, MAME 7-GPRA→ HPGHE Feng et al. 2008
mandelic acid methyl ester, 2-TAA 7-APRA
2-thienylacetamide Cephaloglycin 7-ACA PGME Terreni et al. 2007; Estruch et al. 2008
Except 6-APA, 7-ADCA and 7- Penicillin G 6-APA PAA Alkema et al. 2002a; Gabor et al. 2005
ACA, other nucleophiles are 3′- Pivampicillin POM-6-APA PGME Kim and Lee 1996
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

et al. 2007), were studied in syntheses of SSBAs. Recently exclusively used for the large-scale production of PGAs.
published syntheses are listed in Table 1. Consequent downstream processing also exhibits industrial
Nowadays, catalysts based on the immobilized PGAEc, feasibility. So far, there is no report available on the applica-
PGAAf, and PGAAsp are routinely used for large-scale pro- tion of any yeast expression system on industrial scale.
duction of SSBAs in kinetically controlled syntheses. A lot of effort has been already invested into PGA immo-
bilization. Established technologies of the enzyme stabiliza-
tion vary from the enzyme immobilization on solid matrices
Current status of PGA-based synthetic applications (predominantly for production of nucleophiles) to entrapment
or encapsulation of cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEA).
PGA-based catalysts are used in industry under conditions far Immobilization techniques were reviewed, e.g., by Kallenberg
from the physiological conditions inside the cell. Moreover, et al. (2005).
PGA should catalyze reactions also with unnatural substrates.
To meet these requirements, PGA has to be improved in terms
of pH and temperature stability, activity temperature optimum, Syntheses of semisynthetic β-lactams with improved
tolerance to organic solvents, and sensitivity to inhibition by PGAs
reactants. Also, engineered PGA was expected to recognize
further β-lactams as substrates or acquire better catalytic traits The knowledge of the crystal structure of PGAEc (McVey
(e.g., improved ratio of the initial rate of the product synthesis et al. 2001) was used to increase the protein performance in
to the initial rate of the hydrolysis of activated acyl donor) kinetically controlled syntheses of SSBAs by replacement of
rendering syntheses of SSBAs more competitive with chem- amino acid residues of the active site (e.g., Alkema et al.
ical processes. 2002a, b, 2004; Gabor and Janssen 2004; Jager et al. 2008;
Overproduction and the way of stabilization of PGA rep- Deaugero et al. 2012). Engineered PGA constructed by shuf-
resent further aspects that are essential for any industrial fling the pac genes of PGAEc, PGAKcr, and PGAPr improved
application of the enzyme. the synthetic activity by 40 % when compared to the PGAPr.
Much effort has already been spent to improve the produc- The chimeric enzymes of PGAEc and PGAKcr with additional
tion of PGA by the recombinant strains used in industry point mutations displayed a 40–90 % increase in the relative
because downstream processing represents significant ex- rate of acyl transfer to the β-lactam nucleus during ampicillin
penses in catalyst manufacturing costs of which they may synthesis and were also improved in the production of amox-
account for 40–65 % (Forciniti 2008). icillin, cephalexin, and cefadroxil (Jager et al. 2007). Yang and
The following approaches should be considered to con- Wei (2003) engineered the PGABm and reported that the
struct microbial production platform: (1) maximization of the mutation of the surface of the β-subunit increased stability
enzyme overproduction by fine tuning of pac gene expression, of the enzyme at acidic pH or to organic solvents.
protein translation, processing, and folding (extensively Low stereoselectivity of the wild-type PGAEc toward (R)-
reviewed for bacterial and yeast expression systems by phenylglycine methyl ester (PGME) excludes the usage of the
Srirangan et al. 2013); (2) engineering host cell physiology racemate of acyl donor for large-scale syntheses of SSBAs.
so that the intracellular stress response solicited by metabolic Deaguero et al. (2012) improved the stereoselectivity of the
burden is reduced, e.g., the extracellular expression described PGA by protein engineering. The enzyme with AA substitu-
by Orr et al. (2012; E. coli) and Westers et al. (2004; tion Phe24ßAla exhibited stereoselectivity more than 98 %
B. subtilis); (3) evaluation of different expression systems in toward (R)-PGME in comparison to the wild-type enzyme.
terms of stability of the state of enzyme overproduction, e.g., The improved enzyme could be exploited in ampicillin syn-
segregational and structural instability of the recombinant thesis from the racemate of activated acyl donor.
plasmid, gene dosage effect, constitutive or inducible expres-
sion, minimizing of the lysis of the recombinant cell in the Directed evolution of PGA into cephalosporin acylase
course of the production stage (e.g., lyses of bacterial cultures
caused by phages or metabolic burden of the heterologous The PGA and GA are members of the enzyme superfamily of
enzyme); and (4) the way of cultivation in continuously stirred N-terminal (Ntn) hydrolases. Although AA sequences are
bioreactor (high cell density, fed-batch cultures of bacteria and rather different (identity of 13.3 %) and the enzymes hydro-
yeasts, e.g., cultures of recombinant strain based on E. coli lyze very different substrates, the structural homologies of
(Liu et al. 1999; Lin et al. 2002), bacilli (Yang et al. 2006; their active sites are very high. Therefore, Oh et al. (2004)
Zhang et al. 2006), or Pichia pastoris (Senerovic et al. 2006; tried to modify the PGA into CA and thus produce 7-ACA
Marešová et al. 2010). from cephalosporin C (cephC). They introduced simulta-
Anyway, it can be concluded that high-expression systems neously up to seven replacements of amino acid residues in
based on E. coli host bearing different pac genes are almost the active site which improved the activity of PGA toward
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

glutaryl-7-ACA as much as 7.6 times. The improvement was Two types of enantioselective reactions are catalyzed by
accompanied with simultaneous reduction of activity toward PGA frequently with a high degree of enantiomeric excess
penG. This modification clearly suggests the way how to (ee): enantioselective reverse hydrolysis and enantioselective
enlarge the portfolio of hydrophobic aromatic side chains hydrolysis. In both reactions, one enantiomer undergoes the
accepted by the PGA by hydrophilic linear side chains. How- acylation (reverse hydrolysis) or its acylated derivative is
ever, the modification cannot be used for large-scale produc- hydrolyzed (hydrolysis). Products of the reactions could be
tion of 7-ACA: the mutant has only 2.1 % of deacylation of pharmaceutical interest because exogenously supplied
activity when compared with that of GA from Pseudomonas enantiomerically pure drugs may exhibit diverse interactions
diminuta deacylating GL-7-ACA. Contrary to PGA, GA was with chiral targets such as enzymes, receptors, or ion channels
changed to cephalosporin C-acylase that is used on large scale (Aboul-Enein and Abou-Basha 1997), and optically pure en-
for “single-step” production of 7-ACA from cephC (this re- antiomers can serve as chiral building blocks for APIs.
view; see “Cephalosporin acylases” section). A growing interest into discovering application potential of
the enantioselectivity of PGA can be documented by exam-
Application of PGA in “one-pot” cascade conversions ples that have been published recently and are listed below.

Cascade conversions, which combine multiple reactions with- Enantioselective reverse hydrolysis
out intermediate recovery steps, are intensively studied at
laboratory scale. These one-pot processes render syntheses The PGAEc catalyzes enantioselective resolution of racemate
more environmentally friendly, economically viable, because of esters of aromatic α-amino acids (Basso et al. 2000), (RS)-
they can be performed in smaller reactor volumes, at shorter phenylglycinonitrile (Chilov et al. 2003), racemic mixtures of
reaction times with higher volumetric and space time yields, α-amino acids and glutamine (Carboni et al. 2006) with high
and further reduce production of wastes (Sheldon 2008; Blum degree of ee for (S)-enantiomers. The racemates of β-amino
et al. 2010). acids (Li et al. 2008a) and β-aminoesters (e.g., Roche et al.
Schroën et al. (2002) used the cascade reactions for the 1999) are resoluted with high degree of ee for (R)-enantio-
production of cephalexin from adipoyl-7-ADCA and (R)- mers. The products of resolutions serve as synthons or APIs.
PGME by concerted biocatalysis with two enzymes GA (hy- The PGAAf analogously resoluted racemic mixtures of aro-
drolytic production of 7-ADCA) and PGA (coupling reaction matic α-amino acids and their p-substituted derivatives (Gong
of 7-ADCA with (R)-PGME). et al. 2011) and β-amino acids and their p-substituted deriva-
Another excellent example of concerted application of tives (Li et al. 2013).
PGA and AEH has been suggested recently. The enzymes
were used for the production of ampicillin from penG. The Enantioselective hydrolysis
process does not require crystallization of 6-APA after PGA-
catalyzed hydrolysis of penG, because the activity of AEH is The PGAEc was used to prepare enantiopure (2S,3S)-(+)-3-
not inhibited by phenylacetic acid, a byproduct of the hydro- hydroxyleucine (Fadnavis et al. 1997), or (S)-enantiomer of 2-
lysis. Thus, AEH catalyst can be used directly in a solution of chlorophenylglycine (Fadnavis et al. 2008), (R)-mandelic acid
reactants after the hydrolysis. In this process, PGAEc and AEH derivatives which are chiral side chains for preparations of 3′-
from X. citri were used, and the reaction times were signifi- functionalized cephalosporins (Rocchietti et al. 2002), and
cantly reduced in comparison with the ones previously ob- azasugars from racemic mixtures (Venkataiah et al. 2011).
served in the one-pot production of amoxicillin from penG The PGAKc was used for preparation of (R)-tert-leucine by
that used the PGA for both steps (Du et al. 2009; Wu et al. enantioselective hydrolysis of N-phenylacetyl-tert-leucine ra-
2010). cemic mixture (Liu et al. 2006).

Application of PGA in protection/deprotection of reactive

Enantioselectivity of PGA amino groups

PGA exhibits enantioselectivity and diastereoselectivity, traits To give a brief insight into this type of PGA application, three
that increase the industrial potential of the enzyme. The re- processes may be mentioned. The protection/deprotection was
search into this topic was started in the 1960s of the last used for production of enantiopure (R) and (S)-1-phenylethyl-
century and has been reviewed recently (Grulich et al. amine from the racemic mixture of 1° amine by PGAAf that
2013). It should be stressed that none of these features were are of pharmaceutical importance (Guranda et al. 2004). The
so far exploited on industrial scale, but application potential of PGAEc was used for the protection/deprotection of amino
these reactions has already been envisaged (Solano et al. groups of L-amino acid esters during chemoenzymatic synthe-
2012). sis of biologically active dipeptides by Didžiapetris et al.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

(1991) and Švedas and Beltser (1998). Carboni et al. (2004) The primary nucleophiles (6-APA and 7-ACA/7-ADCA)
performed PGAEc-catalyzed protection/deprotection of esters and acyl side chains (position R) recognized by the enzymes
of nonpolar D-amino acids, components of some biologically PGA, PVA, AEH, CA, and GA are shown in Fig. 1.
important peptides. The use of biocatalysis in protection/
deprotection represents “green” alternative to commonly used
α-Amino acid ester hydrolases
chemical processes using toxic and expensive chemicals
(Kadereit and Waldmann 2001).
AEHs (formally β-lactam acylases, EC are able to
catalyze the transfer of the acyl group from α-amino acid
esters to β-lactam nucleophiles such as cephems and penams
Application of PGA in prodrug activation in kinetically controlled syntheses or to a water molecule
(hydrolyses; Polderman-Tijmes et al. 2002a) analogously to
It is known that a prodrug may offer many advantages for PGA.
handling over the drug itself into which it is converted. In AEHs are composed of four identical subunits each having
specific cases, this activation process consists in a simple 614 amino acid residues that form a dimer of dimers with 81
removal of an N-acyl protecting group. The PGA fused with residues that make up the subunit interfaces. The catalytic
monoclonal antibody L6 mAb activates chemically prepared triad of Ser205, Asp338, and His370 conserved among the
prodrug N-acyl palytoxin derivative into palytoxin derivative AEHs indicates that these enzymes are members of enzyme
by the deacylation reaction. The drug is cytotoxic against cells family of serine hydrolases (Polderman-Tijmes et al. 2002b;
expressing the Na+–K+ ATPase associated with the toxin Barends et al. 2003).
receptor. The same activating effect of the PGA was observed It has been concluded that the AEHs catalyze their reac-
also with prodrugs N-(phenylacetamido) doxorubicin and tions through a common acyl-enzyme intermediate
N-(phenylacetyl) melphalan (Yang et al. 2011). (Blinkovsky and Markaryan 1993) which corresponds to the
mechanism described for PGAs and for peptide hydrolysis by
serine hydrolases.
PGA-catalyzed promiscuous reactions Since AEHs require substrate with α-amino group, they are
not inhibited by phenylacetic acid (Blinkovsky and
The PGA is capable of catalyzing several reactions with Markaryan 1993). Together with their ability to accept various
completely different reaction mechanisms to those described β-lactam nuclei, they were used for the syntheses of β-lactam
above (Wu et al. 2005), and therefore, it is classed among the antibiotics listed in Table 2. The slightly acidic pH optimum of
enzymes designated as promiscuous enzymes. The research the AEH, which is beneficial for β-lactams stability, is another
into the promiscuity of PGAEc has started recently. advantage of AEHs for biocatalytic applications, as is their
The enzyme catalyzes: (1) Markovnikov addition reaction stereospecificity toward the acyl donor (Fernandez-Lafuente
(Wu et al. 2005, 2006) which is an electrophile addition onto a et al. 2001). The syntheses listed in Table 2 were catalyzed by
double bond of a nucleophile; (2) transesterification reactions AEHs from Xanthomonas rubrillineans, X. citri, Acetobacter
where an ester is transformed into another one through an turbidans, or Xanthomonas sp. Except cefatrizine, all other
interchange of the alkoxy moieties (Lindsay et al. 2002; Liu β-lactams were also synthesized by PGA.
et al. 2011); and (3) Henry reaction known in organic chem-
istry to form carbon–carbon bond in the reaction of nucleo- Penicillin V acylases
philic nitroalkane with an electrophilic aldehyde or ketone
(Wang et al. 2010). From the viewpoint of the large-scale PVAs (EC catalyze the hydrolysis and synthesis of
processes, the yields of the reaction products are very low phenoxyacetyl-substitued β-lactam antibiotics. It is capable of
and reaction times are counted in days. hydrolyzing substrates with the benzyl side chain, but still the
preferred substrate remains penicillin V (Kumar et al. 2008).
Its biotechnological potential lies in the production of 6-APA
Enzymes competing with PGA for syntheses of SSBAs from penicillin V. Only one structural gene was studied in
details: the PVA from Bacillus sphaericus (Olsson et al. 1985).
As regards industrial potential of biotransformations of Sequence homology with PGAs is very low. However, the
β-lactams, the following enzymes deserve a brief description crystal structure of the PVA showed N-terminal cysteine and
of their structure and biocatalysis: α-amino acid ester hydro- fold typical for PGAs (Suresh et al. 1999).
lase (AEH), PVA, and cephalosporin acylases (CA and GA). pH optimum (5.6–8.5) is lower (Margolin et al. 1980) than
Except AEH, these enzymes have already been used in large- the optimum of the PGA (6.5–8.5; Schumacher et al. 1986)
scale processes for the production of SSBAs. which can be advantageous for industrial processes, since the
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

Fig. 1 Examples of enzymes used in biotransformations of β-lactams and their primary substrates

chemical degradation of 6-APA is less at lower pH values The crystal structure of the GA resembles the crystal struc-
(Shewale and Sudhakaran 1997; Kumar et al. 2008). ture of the PGA and structural homologies of their active sites
The PVA from Streptomyces mobaraensis showed high are very high (Duggleby et al. 1995; this review, see “Directed
acyl-transfer activity in reactions for the kinetically controlled evolution of PGA into cephalosporin acylase“ section).
synthesis of β-lactam antibiotics. It was able to catalyze The GA is an industrially relevant enzyme since it is
synthesis of deacetoxycephalosporin V from 7-ADCA and employed in the two-step enzymatic deacylation of cephC to
phenoxyacetic acid methyl ester, dihydropenicillin F (6-APA 7-ACA. The enzyme is responsible for the hydrolysis of
and hexanoic acid methyl ester), or penicillin K (6-APA and glutaryl-7-ACA, which results from the conversion of cephC
octanoic acid methyl ester; Koreishi et al. 2007). to 2-ketoadipoyl-7-ACA catalyzed by DAO with the conse-
quent formation of H2O2 that causes spontaneous decarbox-
Cephalosporin acylases ylation to glutaryl-7-ACA (Monti et al. 2000). The GA has
also very low specificity for cephC and the enzyme cannot be
Cephalosporin acylases (EC, CA/CCA/GA) recog- exploited for the one-step production of 7-ACA without fur-
nize β-lactam antibiotics with cephalosporanic acid nucleus ther improvements (Pollegioni et al. 2005).
such as cephC or glutaryl-7-ACA, that have side chains with Since all clinically important cephalosporins are produced
charged groups. Therefore, these enzymes, just as AEHs but semisynthetically from 7-ADCA, 7-ACA, and their deriva-
unlike PGAs and PVAs, accept β-lactam antibiotics with tives, much effort has been spent to redesign metabolic fluxes
hydrophilic side chains as their substrates (Fritz-Wolf et al. in production fungal strains and develop multipurpose host
2002). Some researchers classify CAs into two groups de- platforms for production of nonnative β-lactams (Ward 2012).
pending on their substrate specificity: the GAs also known as While Penicillium chrysogenum cannot produce cephalospo-
cephalosporanic acid acylases and cephalosporin-C acylases rins and cephamycins, it is an attractive fungus because of its
(CCA; Aramori et al. 1991). capacity to overproduce penG. The fungus was successfully

Table 2 SSBAs synthesized with

AEH Antibiotic β-lactam nucleus Acyl donor Used by

Ampicillin 6-APA PGME Fernandez-Lafuente et al. 2001; Blum and

Bommarius 2010
Amoxicillin 6-APA HPGME Kato et al. 1980
Cefaclor 7-ACCA PGME Wang et al. 2012
Cafadroxil 7-ADCA HPGME Ye et al. 2012
Cephalexin 7-ADCA PGME Takahashi et al. 1972, 1974; Blinkovsky and
Markaryan 1993; Polderman-Tijmes et al.
2002a,b; Barends et al. 2006; Blum and
Bommarius 2010
Cefprozil 7-APRA HPGME Ye et al. 2012
7-ATTC 7-amino-3-[(1H/1,2,3- Cephaloglycin 7-ACA PGME Takahashi et al. 1972
triazol-4-ylthio)methyl]- Cefatrizine 7-ATTC HPGME Pan et al. 2013; Ye et al. 2012
cephalosporanic acid
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

engineered to synthesize cephalosporins adipoyl-7-ACA, diffusion limitations that reduce the product yield, selectivity
adipoyl-7-ADCA (Crawford et al. 1995; van de Sandt and de to xenobiotics, etc., have to be reduced as much as possible
Vroom 2000; Robin et al. 2001) and novel cephem β-lactam (van Roon et al. 2007). PGA-activated membranes used in a
adipoyl-7-amino carbamoyl cephalosporanic acid (adipoyl membrane bioreactor or combination of immobilization pro-
7-ACCCA) if cultures are fed with adipate. From these novel cedure and mutagenesis of the PGA surface (Abian et al.
β-lactams, semisynthetic cephalosporins, such as ceftriaxone, 2004; Cecchini et al. 2007, 2012) are promising approaches
cefazolin and ceftazidine (van den Berg et al. 2007; Harris in a catalyst preparation. Replacement of nonconserved sur-
et al. 2009), may be prepared. When the culture of the recombi- face residues with lysine or assembling eight new glutamic
nant P. chrysogenum was fed with phenylacetic acid, residues distributed throughout the enzyme (Montes et al.
phenylacetyl-7-ADCA was produced. 2007) did not affected the enzyme synthetic activity for ceph-
The GA of Pseudomonas SY-77 (Sio et al. 2002) was alexin, cefprozil, or cefaclor and improved the way of the
genetically engineered to hydrolyze adipoyl derivatives of enzyme immobilization. Such a strategy appears to be gener-
the abovementioned cephalosporins into the nuclei for syn- ally applicable for enhancing enzyme stability in organic
theses of SSBAs. solvents.
Recently, GA was successfully changed into cephalosporin
C acylase (CCA) by directed enzyme evolution. The enzyme Potentials of PGA and AEH for synthetic applications
of Pseudomonas sp. SE83 was evolved by six point mutations
into CCA that splits cephC directly into 7-ACA and D-α- PGAs and AEHs are enzymes capable of catalyzing related
amino-adipic acid (Shin et al. 2005). It was reported (Zahel reactions and both enzymes can be used in the process of
et al. 2013) that the enzyme is used at industrial scale for a SSBAs preparation.
single-step production of 7-ACA, thus replacing two enzy- Unlike PGA, AEH is not able to hydrolyze penG and
matic process exploiting the enzymes GA and DAO (Barber phenylacetyl-7-ADCA into 6-APA and 7-ADCA
et al. 2004). (Polderman-Tijmes et al. 2002a); only antibiotics with
Two examples of the GA engineering together with con- α-amino acid acyl side chains could be hydrolyzed or synthe-
struction of the recombinant strain of P. chrysogenum sized by AEHs (Barends et al. 2003). Moreover, in compari-
abovementioned class GA among competitors with the PGA son to the PGA, soluble AEH has low thermostability with
for production of cephalosporin nucleophiles. Topt of 25 °C and observed half-life of 5 min at 30 °C (Blum
and Bommarius 2010). On the other hand, low product hy-
drolysis due to the low affinity of the AEH for amides
Future trends for PGA applications (Blinkovsky and Markaryan 1993), slightly acidic pH opti-
mum (AEH=pH 6, PGA=pH 7.5–8; Schroën et al. 1999) and
The current demands of industries on enzyme-based stereospecificity toward the acyl donor (Fernandez-Lafuente
biocatalyses are: (1) enhancement of existing catalyst produc- et al. 2001) make AEH a promising alternative to PGA for the
tivity and (2) development of novel catalysts. These require- synthesis of α-amino acid-containing cephalosporins. Seven
ments are inevitable to facilitate development of economical, of 13 β-lactam antibiotics listed in Table 1 can be synthesized
large-scale processes. It has already been proved by laboratory by both enzymes. So far, not a single piece of information is
experiments that the genetic engineering of the enzymes and available in literature on the large-scale applications of AEH.
natural diversity of microorganisms play an important role in Concerted application of PGA and AEH is an excellent
achievement of these requirements. Fast progress in bioinfor- example of the process for the production of ampicillin from
matics, molecular modeling and docking experiments with penG that was laboratory developed and meets most of the
substrates of industrial importance represent a promising ap- demands of the modern bioprocess.
proach for predicting improvements of the PGA as regards the
substrate specificity, kinetic parameters, and stereoselectivity Potential of PGA promiscuity and enantioselectivity
(e.g., Braiuca et al. 2003, 2006). for large-scale processes
Moreover, the productivity of PGA-catalyzed reactions can
be improved by the way of enzyme immobilization and ap- Application of water-miscible organic solvents or a nonaque-
plication of water-miscible organic solvents or nonaqueous ous solution promoted the syntheses of optically active com-
solutions (Datta et al. 2013). Mass transfer limitations in the pounds such as ketones (Kumaraguru and Fadnavis 2012),
catalyst are now a major barrier for further improvement of the amino acids (Fadnavis et al. 2008), chiral alcohols, acids, and
biocatalyst performance (Kallenberg et al. 2005). The way of their esters (Roche et al. 1999; Basso et al. 2000). The organic
catalyst preparation should therefore be case-specific. Partic- solvent even alters the catalytic traits of the PGA into promis-
ularly, the specific activity and operational stability of the cuity such as Henry and esterification reactions (Liu et al.
catalyst have to be considered for a given process, and 2011; Wang et al. 2010). Nevertheless, reaction yields were
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

very poor and reaction times very long. Thus, further organic one-pot processes meet most of the demands of the modern
cosolvents should be evaluated in order to understand their bioprocess.
effects on the PGA catalysis and improvements of the reaction
yields. Reported adverse effects of nonaqueous media could
Acknowledgments The work was supported by the long-term research
be overcome by the use of ionic liquids as an alternative to development project no. RVO 61388971 of the Institute of Microbiology
solvents (Lee 2012). of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR), v.v.i.
Because it was shown that temperature and pH can affect
the PGA enantioselectivity and the catalyst productivity
(Topgi et al. 1999; Yao and Lalonde 2003; Chilov et al.
2003; Gong et al. 2011), the site-directed mutagenesis based References
on docking experiments could increase the application poten-
tial of enantioselectivity of the PGA (Calleri et al. 2002; Abian O, Mateo C, Fernandez-Lorente G, Guisan JM, Fernandez-
Massolini et al. 2003). Lafuente R (2004) Thermodynamically controlled synthesis of am-
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talysis (Sheldon 2011) or immobilization of the PGA onto iron Alkema WBL, Prins AK, de Vries E, Janssen DB (2002a) Role of
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biocatalyses). A high demand for production of SSBAs con- of the enzymatic synthesis of cephalexin at high substrate concen-
tinuously drives development of the biotechnologies involv- tration in aqueous and organic media using statistical model.
ing the PGA as a catalyst, and therefore, there is a consensus Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng 4:11–721
Bahman SM, Mohammad AS, Akbarzadeh A, Mona S, Gigloo SH, Ali F,
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PGA for the production of APIs and chiral synthons. structure of the α-amino acid ester hydrolase from Xanthomonas
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usually play a specific role, and their potential for further Janssen DB, Dijkstra BW (2006) Acetobacter turbidans α-amino
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