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PERFORMANCE TASK (role playing)

Oral communication



Summary of Communication Strategies:

 Nomination: Each scenario starts with someone directing a specific question or asking for
input from a particular individual.
 Restriction: The leader sets limits to guide the conversation and prevent any one person
from dominating the discussion.
 Turn-taking: The flow of conversation is managed so everyone gets a chance to speak
without interruptions.

Role-Play Rubric: Nomination, Restriction, and Turn-Taking

Criteria Excellent (10) Proficient (7) Developing (5) Needs
improvement (3)
Nomination Effectively initiates Initiates topics and Sometimes initiates Rarely or does not
topics and directs directs questions to topics, but may not initiate topics or
specific questions to participants, but clearly direct direct questions to
participants; clearly with minor issues in questions to participants.
nominates speakers. clarity or participants.
Restriction Consistently sets Sets boundaries and Sets some Fails to set
clear boundaries and limits responses, but boundaries, but may boundaries or limits
limits responses occasionally allows struggle to maintain responses, leading
appropriately the conversation to control or provide to disorganized
without disrupting wander slightly. clarity. conversation.
the flow.
Turn-taking Facilitates smooth Facilitates turn- Encourages some Does not facilitate
turn-taking, ensuring taking, with minor turn-taking, but turn-taking, leading
all participants issues (e.g., interruptions are to frequent
contribute equally occasional frequent or some interruptions or
without interruptions or participants one-sided
interruptions. unequal dominate. conversations.
Respect for Always waits for Usually waits for Occasionally Frequently
Others’ Turns others to finish others to finish interrupts or speaks interrupts or speaks
before speaking; before speaking, out of turn, affecting out of turn,
demonstrates with only minor the flow of disrupting the
excellent listening interruptions. conversation. conversation.
Overall Maintains full Maintains control Demonstrates some Lacks control of the
Communication control over the over the discussion, control, but discussion, with
Control discussion; balances with some minor struggles to balance minimal application
all three strategies inconsistencies in nomination, of nomination,
effectively. applying the restriction, and turn- restriction, and
strategies. taking. turn-taking.
Scenario 1: Group Project Meeting (School Context)


 Lily (Group Leader): Facilitates the discussion.

 David (Team Member 1): Confident and talkative.
 Sara (Team Member 2): Quiet and thoughtful.
 Mark (Team Member 3): Offers solutions but tends to interrupt.

Scenario 2: Family Dinner Discussion

 Mom: Leads the family discussion.
 Dad: Gives thoughtful input.
 Ethan (Older Sibling): Talkative and opinionated.
 Emma (Younger Sibling): Reserved but has strong feelings
about certain topics.
 Jan: son
 Jersey: son

Scenario 3: Planning a School Fair/Activity

 Mr. Carter (Teacher): Leads the meeting.
 Tom (Student 1): Eager to take on multiple roles.
 Anna (Student 2): Quiet and waits for her turn.
 Jake (Student 3): Often interrupts others with ideas.
 Diego (student 4): Reserved but has strong feelings about
certain topics.
 Learns (student 5): Excited and full of ideas, sometimes
speaks too much.
Scenario 4: Friends Planning a Weekend Trip
 Emma (Planner): Organizes the trip and leads the
 Liam (Friend 1): Excited and full of ideas, sometimes
speaks too much.
 Maya (Friend 2): Reserved, prefers to listen before
 Noah (Friend 3): Often interrupts with suggestions.
 Craig: driver
 Rico: brother

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