Learning How To Live Life Is The Best Thing You Can Give Yourself
Learning How To Live Life Is The Best Thing You Can Give Yourself
Learning How To Live Life Is The Best Thing You Can Give Yourself
Learning how to live life is the best thing you can give
Family Health Nursing
because I am also a nurse and an instructor… I include some of my lessons… especially these are for the
family… even if you’re not a nurse as long as you belong to a family this topic would be very beneficial for
A level of community nursing practices directed on the family as the unit of care, with the Health
Nurses Role and Functions: assist family cope effectively with health problem by increasing in
capacity to perform with health task and to render family independent with continues guidance of the
Health Monitor
Provider of Care
number and kind of families a nurse handles at any given time (prioritizing on problematic
– are basis for effective coping and family nursing problem statement
Nursing Assessment in Family Nursing Practice
First major phase of nursing process in family health nursing
Involves a set of action by which the nurse measures the status of the family as a client. Its ability
to maintain wellness, prevent, control or resolve problems in order to achieve health and wellness
among its members
Data about present condition or status of the family are compared against the norms and
standards of personal , social, and environmental health, system integrity and ability to resolve social
The norms and standards are derived from values, beliefs, principles, rules or expectation.
Nursing Assessment includes:
significant data about the health status of individual members can be obtained through direct
examination through IPPA, Measurement of specific body parts and reviewing the body systems
data gathered from P.A form substantive part of first level assessment which may indicate
presence of health deficits (illness state )
Productivity of interview process depends upon the use effective communication techniques to
elicit needed response PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED:
How to ascertain where the client is in terms of perception of health condition or problems
and the patterns of coping utilized to resolve them
Tendency of community health worker to readily give out advice, health teachings or
solutions once they have identified the health condition or problems.
Provisions of models for phrasing interview questions utilization of deliberately chosen
communication techniques for an adequate nursing assessment.
confidence in the use of communication skills
Being familiar with and being competent in the use of type of question that aim to explore,
validate, clarify, offer feedback, encourage verbalization of thought and feelings and offer
needed support or reassurance.
Completing health history of each family member
Health history determines current health status based on significant
PAST HEALTH HISTORY e.g. developmental accomplishment, known illnesses,
allergies, restorative treatment, residence in endemic areas for certain diseases or
sources of communicable diseases.
FAMILY HISTORY e.g. genetic history in relation to health and illness.
SOCIAL HISTORY e.g. intra-personal and inter-personal factors affecting the family
member social adjustment or vulnerability to stress and crisis
Collecting data by personally asking significant family members or relatives questions regarding
health, family life experiences and home environment to generate data on what wellness condition
and health problem exist in the family ( first level assessment) and the corresponding nursing
problems for each health condition or problem ( 2nd level assessment)
Gather information through reviewing existing records and reports pertinent to the client
Individual clinical records of the family members, laboratory and diagnostic reports, immunization
records reports about home and environmental conditions
OUTPUT IN THIS STAGE: Come up with Health Needs and Problems of the Family
A situation which interferes with the promotion and / or maintenance of health (1 st level results or
list of family conditions/ problems in 4 categories)
It is a health problem when it started as the family’s failure to perform adequately specific health
task to enhance the wellness state or manage a health problem (2 nd Level Ax results or list of Nursing
FIRST LEVEL ASSESSMENT- a process whereby existing and potential health conditions or
problems of the family are determined (Wellness Situation, Health Threat, Health Deficit, Stress
Points or Foreseeable Crisis)
Wellness Potential
– stated as potential or Readiness-a clinical or nursing judgment about a client in transition from a specific
level of wellness or capability to a higher level. Wellness potential is a nursing judgment on wellness state
or condition based on client’s performance, current competencies, or performance, clinical data or explicit
expression of desire to achieve a higher level of state or function in a specific area on health promotion
and maintenance.
Health Threat
– conditions that are conducive to disease and accident, or may result to failure to maintain wellness or
realize health potential
Health Deficit
3. Parenting
4. Breastfeeding
3. Parenting
4. Breastfeeding
A. Presence of risk factors of specific diseases (e.g. lifestyle diseases, metabolic syndrome)
K. Health History, which may Participate/Induce the Occurrence of Health Deficit, e.g. previous history of
difficult labor.
L. Inappropriate Role Assumption- e.g. child assuming mother’s role, father not assuming his role.
N. Family Disunity-e.g.
O. Others. Specify._________
E. Abortion
F. Entrance at school
G. Adolescence
H. Divorce or separation
I. Menopause
J. Loss of job
L. Death of a member
N. Illegitimacy
O. Others, specify.___________
SECOND LEVEL ASSESSMENT- defines the nature or type of nursing problem that family
encounters in performing health task with respect to given health condition or problem and etiology or
barriers to the family’s assumption of the task
*Second level assessment can be adequately done for each wellness state, health threat, health deficit or
crisis situation by going through the following procedures:
1. Determine if the family recognizes the existence of the condition or problem. If the family does not
recognize the presence of the condition or problem, explore the reasons why.
2. If the family recognizes the presence of the condition or problem, determine if something has be
end one to maintain the wellness state or resolve the problem. If the family has not done anything
about it, determine the reasons why. If the family has done something about the problem or
condition, determine if the solution is effective.
3. Determine if the family encounters other problems in implementing interventions for the wellness
state/potential, health threat, health deficit or crisis. What are these problems?
4. Determine how all the other members are affected by the wellness state/potential, health threat
deficit or stress point.
– these are the tasks a family needs to do given the
different Health Conditions or Problems found in the
First Level Assessment – present when the family health tasks is
not fulfilled by the family;
I. Inability to recognize the presence of
1. Recognize the presence of the condition or the condition or problem.
problem. II. Inability to make decisions with respect
2. Make decisions with respect to taking to taking appropriate health action.
appropriate health action. III. Inability to provide adequate nursing
3. Provide adequate nursing care to the sick, careto the sick, disabled, dependent
disabled, dependent or vulnerable/at risk member or vulnerable/at-risk member of the family.
of the family. IV. Inability to provide a home
4. Provide a home environment conducive to environment conducive to health maintenance and
health maintenance and personal development. personal development.
5. Utilize community resources for health care. V. Failure to utilize community resources
for health care.
TOOL: A Typology of Nursing Problems in Family Nursing Practice (NURSING DIAGNOSIS PART)
Second-Level Assessment
I. Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem due to:
II. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to:
A. Failure to comprehend the nature/magnitude of the problem/condition
C. Feeling of confusion, helplessness and/or resignation brought about by perceive magnitude/severity of the
situation or problem, i.e. failure to breakdown problems into manageable units of attack.
I. Negative attitude towards the health condition or problem-by negative attitude is meant one that interferes
with rational decision-making.
M. Others specify._________
III. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick, disabled, dependent or vulnerable/at risk
member of the family due to:
A. Lack of/inadequate knowledge about the disease/health condition (nature, severity, complications,
prognosis and management)
B. Lack of/inadequate knowledge about child development and care
E. Lack of/inadequate knowledge or skill in carrying out the necessary intervention or treatment/procedure of
care (i.e. complex therapeutic regimen or healthy lifestyle program).
G. Significant persons unexpressed feelings (e.g. hostility/anger, guilt, fear/anxiety, despair, rejection) which
his/her capacities to provide care.
H. Philosophy in life which negates/hinder caring for the sick, disabled, dependent, vulnerable/at risk member
B. Failure to see benefits (specifically long term ones) of investments in home environment improvement
H. Negative attitudes/philosophy in life which is not conducive to health maintenance and personal
I. Lack of/inadequate competencies in relating to each other for mutual growth and maturation (e.g. reduced
ability to meet the physical and psychological needs of other members as a result of family’s preoccupation
with current problem or condition.
J. Others specify._________
I. Feeling of alienation to/lack of support from the community, e.g. stigma due to mental illness, AIDS, etc.
J. Negative attitude/ philosophy in life which hinders effective/maximum utilization of community resources for
health care