Laboratory Counseling 7

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‘‘Minimal Encouragement, Recognize feelings, Psychological Contact,



Dr. Ifdil and Mr. Zadrian


Phyu Sin Yadanar Thein



This skillencouragement
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explaining limb movement,
feelings, or repetition
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According to Jamal
Psychological Ma`mur
contact Asmani (2010:
is the counselor's 210) reflection
participation is a technique
to become to atmosphere
and feel the reflect back that
to the client
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within feelings, thoughts,
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These skills can be developed if the counselor has the skills to identify feelings. Reflection of the right feelings will encourage clients to be more ope
A. Minimal Encouragement

Minimal encouragement is a gesture, nod, a certain word or sound, a

particular word or sound, limb movement, or repetition of key words that show
that the counselor is paying attention and is participating in the client's

The use of minimal encouragement is carried out throughout the stages or

the counseling process takes place. In giving minimal encouragement, the client
will feel that the counselor is actively and focused on the conversation and
participates in thinking and feeling what is experienced by the client.
B. Recognize feelings

This skill is very useful in the case of the counselor assisting the client in
explaining his feelings, which reflect the psychic dynamics and the problem itself.
If the client is able to understand really about things related to his feelings, it will
help the client a lot in solving the problem. In addition, counselors are required to
have the ability to understand the client's feelings and must be able to identify and
express their own feelings so that effective and harmonious communication of
feelings will be established.

The main difficulties in identifying these feelings according to Sukiman

(1991: 63) are:

1. An expression of the same feeling can reflect different meanings.

2. The meaning of a particular feeling can be expressed in various ways. For this
reason, a counselor needs a lot of knowledge and experience related to the
expression of feelings that can be recognized through:

 Somatic changes (non-verbal statements) such as: red face, excessive

sweating, crying, erratic gaze, looking in one direction, biting fingers,
always looking down.
 Verbal statements (verbal descriptions) which can be in the form of:
explicit / direct (simple) statements, using figures of speech, describing
types of activities, and describing them in the body's organs.
C. Psychological Contact

Psychological contact is the counselor's participation to become and feel

the atmosphere that exists within the client so that there is a connection between
the relationship or mental connection between the counselor and the client.
Psychological contact is usually more profound, involving psychological aspects
and the form of psychological contact is empathy. Empathy is one of the basic
skills that counselors must develop in every counseling activity.

Judging from its nature, there are 2 psychological contacts, namely:

 Positive psychological contact, that is, if the counselor is able to feel what
the client feels as it really is, and
 Negative psychological contact, which is when the counselor is carried
away by the client's feelings, thereby disturbing the counselor's objectivity
to the client.
D. Reflection

According to Kathryn Geldard & David Geldard (2011: 93), feelings are
emotions, not thoughts. Reflecting on your feelings is a useful way to help release
emotional baggage with a healing effect. When we reflect on our feelings, we
show clients that we empathize and understand how they are feeling. Reflection of
feelings is similar to paraphrasing but not the same. The similarity lies in the act
of reflecting on the information provided by the client to the client himself. The
difference is that the reflection of feelings reflects to the client their emotional
expressions, while paraphrasing reflects to the client the information and thoughts
that describe the content of the client's conversation.

According to Jamal Ma`mur Asmani (2010: 210) reflection is a technique

to reflect back to the client about feelings, thoughts, and experiences as a result of
observations of verbal and non-verbal behavior.

These skills can be developed if the counselor has the skills to identify
feelings. Reflection of the right feelings will encourage clients to be more open
and believe in the expression of their own feelings, and put more trust in the
counselor, because the counselor's perception is correct.

In reflecting on feelings as an empathetic response, it is often stated

tentatively, such as:

“Do you expect……………….”

“Maybe you feel……………………”

It can be added that in responding to the counselor, it is better to

emphasize the client's emotions. It is strongly recommended that in responding to
this the counselor needs to use language that is appropriate to the level of
development of the client's cultural experience and education, and does not need
to be excessive. Some of the goals of feeling reflection are:

1. Help clients understand their feelings.

2. Encourage clients to express more feelings, both positive and negative,
about situations, people or other special things.
3. Helping clients organize or regulate their feelings.
4. Tell the client that the counselor understands the client's feelings of dislike
or anger towards the counselor, so that these feelings are reduced.
5. Help clients distinguish the intensity of various feelings that exist within

Reflection of feelings can be a difficult skill to learn because often these

feelings are ignored or not understood. Cormier & Cormier (1985) (in Retno Tri
Hariastuti, 2007:42) suggest six steps in making a reflection of feelings, namely:

1. Listen to the words the client uses to express his feelings, or affective steps
in the client's message or statement.
2. Pay attention to the client's nonverbal behavior when he makes statements
or messages verbally. The tone of voice and facial expressions can give
signs or clues about the client's feelings. Often, non-verbal behavior
becomes a more appropriate guide to the client's emotions because non-
verbal behavior is more difficult to control than words.
3. Restate the client's feelings by using words that are different from those
spoken by the client. It should be considered in choosing the right words to
describe the intensity of the client's feelings. To distinguish the intensity of
feelings, a list of feeling words can be made. This list will help the
counselor in choosing words that match the emotions or feelings of the
client that will be reflected.
4. Expressing a reflection statement with the prefix of the word in
accordance with the instructions from the client, whether conveyed
visually, auditory or kinesthetically.
5. Add the context or situation in which the feeling arises.
6. Check the effectiveness of reflection based on the client's response to the
reflection statement submitted by the counselor. If the identification of the
client's feelings in the reflection is correct, the client will state "yes, right"
or "yes, that's how I feel."

Nursalim, Mohammad. 2005. Counseling Skills. Mojokerto: Offset Established.

Geldard, Kathryn and Geldard, David. 2011. Counseling Practice Skills.


Nurihsan, A. J. 2005. Guidance Services & Counseling Strategy. Bandung: PT

Refika Aditama.

Ma'mur Asmani, Jamal. 2010. Guide to Effective Guidance and Counseling in

Schools. Yogyakarta: DIVA Press.

Willis, S. S. 2013. Individualized Counseling: Theory and Practice. Bandung:


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