Csqe Cert Insert
Csqe Cert Insert
Csqe Cert Insert
Each certification candidate
is required to pass an
examination that consists of
multiple-choice questions that
measure comprehension of
the body of knowledge.
Computer Delivered - The CSQE Paper and Pencil – The CSQE
examination is a one-part, 175-question examination is a one-part,
exam and is offered in English only. 160-question, four-hour exam
160 questions are scored and 15 and is offered in English only.
are unscored. Total appointment
time is four-and-a-half hours, exam
time is 4 hours and 18 minutes.
3. Quality requirements
Define and describe various types
of quality requirements, including
reliability and usability. (Understand)
4. Compliance requirements 3. Software reuse
Define and describe various Define and distinguish between
types of regulatory and safety software reuse, reengineering, and
requirements. (Understand) reverse engineering, and describe
the impact these practices can have
5. Security requirements on software quality. (Understand)
Define and describe various types
of security requirements including 4. Software development tools
data security, information security, Analyze and select the appropriate
cybersecurity, and data privacy. development tools for modeling,
(Understand) code analysis, requirements
management, and documentation.
6. Requirements elicitation methods (Analyze)
Describe and use various
requirements elicitation methods, F. Maintenance Management
including customer needs analysis,
1. Maintenance types
use cases, human factors studies,
usability prototypes, joint application Describe the characteristics of
development (JAD), storyboards, etc. corrective, adaptive, perfective,
(Apply) and preventive maintenance
types. (Understand)
7. Requirements evaluation
2. Maintenance strategy
Assess the completeness,
consistency, correctness, and Describe various factors
testability of requirements, and affecting the strategy for
determine their priority. (Evaluate) software maintenance, including
service-level agreements (SLAs),
short- and long-term costs,
D. Requirements Management maintenance releases, and product
1. Requirements change management discontinuance, and their impact
Assess the impact that changes to on software quality. (Understand)
requirements will have on software
development processes for all types 3. Customer feedback management
of life-cycle models. (Evaluate) Describe the importance of
customer feedback management
2. Bidirectional traceability including quality of product support
Use various tools and techniques and post-delivery issues analysis
to ensure bidirectional traceability and resolution. (Understand)
from requirements elicitation and
analysis through design and IV. Project Management
testing. (Apply)
(22 questions)
E. Software Analysis, A. Planning, Scheduling,
Design, and Development and Deployment
1. Design methods 1. Project planning
Identify the steps used in software Use forecasts, resources, schedules,
design and their functions, and task and cost estimates, etc., to
define and distinguish between develop project plans. (Apply)
software design methods.
(Understand) 2. Work breakdown structure (WBS)
2. Quality attributes and design Use work breakdown structure
(WBS) in scheduling and
Analyze the impact that quality-
monitoring projects. (Apply)
related elements (safety, security,
reliability, usability, reusability, 3. Project deployment
maintainability) can have on
software design. (Analyze) Use various tools, including
milestones, objectives achieved,
and task duration to set goals
and deploy the project. (Apply)
10 Certified Software Quality Engineer
B. Tracking and Controlling V. Software Metrics and
1. Phase transition control Analysis (19 questions)
Use various tools and techniques
such as entry/exit criteria, quality A. Process and Product Measurement
gates, Gantt charts, integrated 1. Terminology
master schedules, etc., to control
Define and describe metric
phase transitions. (Apply)
and measurement terms such as
2. Tracking methods reliability, internal and external
validity, explicit and derived
Calculate project-related measures, and variation.
costs, including earned value, (Understand)
deliverables, productivity, etc.,
and track the results against 2. Software product metrics
project baselines. (Apply)
Choose appropriate metrics to
3. Project reviews assess various software attributes
(e.g., size, complexity, the
Use various types of project amount of test coverage needed,
reviews such as phase-end, requirements volatility, and overall
management, and retrospectives system performance). (Apply)
or post-project reviews to assess
project performance and status, 3. Software process metrics
to review issues and risks, and
Measure the effectiveness
to discover and capture lessons
and efficiency of software
learned from the project. (Apply)
processes (e.g., functional
4. Program reviews verification tests (FVT), cost,
yield, customer impact, defect
Define and describe various detection, defect containment,
methods for reviewing and total defect containment
assessing programs in terms effectiveness (TDCE), defect
of their performance, technical removal efficiency (DRE),
accomplishments, resource process capability). (Apply)
utilization, etc. (Understand)
4. Data integrity
C. Risk Management Describe the importance of data
1. Risk management methods integrity from planning through
Use risk management techniques collection and analysis and apply
(e.g., assess, prevent, mitigate, various techniques to ensure data
transfer) to evaluate project risks. quality, accuracy, completeness,
(Evaluate) and timeliness. (Apply)
In addition to content specifics, the subtext for each topic in this BoK also
indicates the intended complexity level of the test questions for that topic.
These levels are based on “Levels of Cognition” (from Bloom’s Taxonomy—
Revised, 2001) and are presented below in rank order, from least complex
to most complex.
• Applications
• Reference materials
• ASQ sections
• International contacts
• Endorsements
Item B0110