How To Recog Component

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NPM Recognition Know-


• Recognition System Configuration
• Recognition Data Creation Example
• Troubleshooting
• Image Save Function

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Recognition System Configuration

CM Series

Component data: Basics (reference etc.)

Optical system configuration:
Line sensor (transmission, reflection, side)
3D sensor Component data: Basics (reference)
+ Option

Algorithm selection: Customer

Optical system configuration:
Line sensor (transmission, reflection, side)
Automatic teaching: QFP, BGA, Ref1 to 255
3D sensor
Ref1 to 255
BM Series Algorithm selection: Automatic

Component data: Basics (type) + Option Type 101 to 106

Automatic teaching: QFP, BGA,
Optical system configuration: Irregular shape
Head camera (reflection triple)
Fixed camera (reflection triple) • Although having inherited the component data of BM series,
2D (reflection triple, transmission) it has inherited the data input form of the editor of PANAPRO.
3D sensor • It has incorporated the optical system of CM series.
• It has incorporated all the algorithms of CM series and BM
Algorithm selection: Customer
Type 101 to 106 It automatically selects the optimal algorithm from the
Automatic teaching: All components
recognition library.

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Component Creation Example
u The following introduce the component creation example when irregular-
irregular-shaped components are selected with DGS/LWS.
The introduction concentrates on the frequently used shapes, such as lead group, ball group, and corner.

Component Creation example 1 (Standard) Creation example 2 Creation example 3

1 1-way lead connector Added shape data (red lines) If the angle If the lead group has
accuracy is bad, encroached on the
Lead section add corners or mold, it is unsuitable
electrode shapes for transmitting
across the lead line. recognition.

Lamp Reflection or Lamp Reflection or Lamp Reflection

Transmission Transmission
Lead group 
Lead group  Lead group 
Ball group
Ball group Ball group
Corner 
Mold section Corner Corner 

2 1-way lead connector If the angle

To recognize the black mold section, use
accuracy is bad,
Lead section add corners or
electrode shapes
across the lead
Lamp Reflection or Lamp Reflection or Lamp Transmission
Transmission Transmission
Lead group
Lead group  Lead group 
Ball group
Reinforced lead (insert etc.) Ball group Ball group
present Corner 
Corner Corner 

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Component Creation example 1 (Standard) Creation example 2 Creation example 3
3 Resistor network Add a (single) lead so
If the electrode size is
component not stable, add corner
that it may enclose the
shapes to the
electrode line
outermost electrode

Lamp Reflection or Lamp Reflection or

Transmission Transmission

Lead group  Lead group

Ball group Ball group

Corner Corner 

4 Tantalum capacitor If the lead size or the

If the lead size is position is unstable,
unstable, specify change to the
the electrode transmitted lighting,
positions using and register the mold
corner shapes. corner positions.

Lamp Reflection or Lamp Reflection or Lamp Transmission

Transmission Transmission
Lead group
Lead group  Lead group
Ball group
Ball group Ball group
Corner 
Corner Corner 

5 Round (Cylindrical)
component Specify Specify
“round” for “round” for
the mold the mold
shape. shape.

Lamp Reflection Lamp Transmission

Round added  Round added 

Without-angle-detection Without-angle-detection
option added option added

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Component Creation example 1 (Standard) Creation example 2 Creation example 3
6 Filter component #1 If there are two or If the mold color is If the lead position/shape is
more leads, whitish, register unstable, register only the
register them corners not leads. mold information, and do not
collectively as a use the shape data. (Use the
lead group. transmitted lighting.)

Lamp Reflection Lamp Reflection Lamp Transmission

Lead group  (2 leads x 2 + 1 Lead group Mold only

Two or more leads are Corner 
arranged unevenly.

7 Filter component #2 If the mold color

If the lead
If the right and left position/shape is
is whitish,
electrodes differ in unstable, register only
register corners
width, input each the mold information,
not leads.
one correctly. and do not use the
shape data. (Use the
transmitted lighting.)
Lamp Reflection Lamp Reflection Lamp Transmission

Lead group  Corner  Mold only

Right and left electrodes
differ in width.

8 Filter component #3 If the lead

If electrodes are If the mold color position/shape is
not U-shaped, is whitish, unstable, register only
input the average register corners the mold information,
width of the not leads. and do not use the
electrodes. shape data. (Use the
transmitted lighting.)
Lamp Reflection Lamp Reflection Lamp Transmission
The electrode shape is
Lead group  Corner  Mold only

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Component Creation example 1 (Standard) Creation example 2 Creation example 3
9 Insertion pin For insertion pin
component #1 components, register
other shapes than
insertion pins to
assist detection.

Lamp Reflection (+ Side) Lamp Lamp

Insertion lead group 

If there are any Lead 

electrodes etc.
besides insertion pins

10 Insertion pin Register the

component #2 component-mold-
section corner
positions using the
lighting together.

Lamp Reflection (+ Side) + Lamp Lamp


If there are no Insertion lead group 

electrodes etc.
besides insertion pins Corner 

11 Insertion pin
component #3 If a pin line has two
or less pins, register
every pin individually.

Lamp Reflection (+ Side) Lamp Lamp

Insertion lead group  (In the above example,

If an insertion pin line 1 pin x 4 pcs.)
has two or less pins
Lead 

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Component Creation example 1 (Standard) Creation example 2 Creation example 3
12 Connector component If there is a sufficient If there is a small amount
amount of protrusion of protrusion of leads from
of leads from the mold, the mold, register other
register the lead group. shapes, such as corners,
Specify white for (Protrusion guideline = Specify white for than the lead group.
the mold color. 0.20 [mm]) the mold color. (Protrusion guideline =
0.20 [mm])

Lamp Reflection Lamp Reflection Lamp

Mold section: White
Lead group  Corner 

13 Card slot component Add a (single) lead.

If the lead line of the If the angle accuracy If leads are not
same size lines up is bad, add corners aligned evenly or are
with equal pitches, or electrode shapes of the different types,
register the lead across the lead line. register the leads
group. individually.

Lamp Reflection or Lamp Reflection or Lamp Reflection or

Transmission Transmission Transmission

Lead group  Lead group  Lead group 

Corner  Corner 

Do not use If there is any Register the

14 Pin jack component If there are a
a jack few (2 or less) mold Leads
insertion external protrusion individually.
section electrodes, whose shape
because its add a corner is similar to a
shape is with lead
unstable. transmission.

Lamp Reflection or Lamp Transmission Lamp Reflection

Lead group  Lead group 
Lead group 
Corner 

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Component Creation example 1 (Standard) Creation example 2 Creation example 3
15 Shield case For shield case
component components, register
corners all around
the component

Lamp Reflection (+ Side) or Lamp Lamp


Corner 

16 Earth spring For earth spring

component components, register
corners all around the
component outline. If the
image of the R-shape
section is unstable, add
also the side lighting (in the
case of reflection).

Lamp Reflection (+ Side) or Lamp Lamp

Lead group
Corner 


Lamp Lamp Lamp

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Brief Description of Detection Specifications by Shape

 This page provides the brief description and precautions on the detection of each shape used on the previous pages.

(1) Lead group (4) Rectangle

• For each lead, the tip and side edges are detected and positioned. • Each of the top, bottom, right, and left edges is detected and positioned.
• When the number of registered leads is two or more, the distance * If a specific edge image is unclear at the lead base etc., detecting this
(pitch) among lead center positions is checked. edge becomes unstable; in this case, therefore, register that as
* If there is an unnecessary mold projection etc. among leads, a (single) lead group.
split and register the lead group.
... Refer to the component data creation example, No.14 pin jack,
creation example 3.
The edge at the For rectangular shape, The unstable bottom edge will not
electrode bottom detecting the bottom be detected by regarding the shape
is unclear. edge is unstable. as a lead (facing up).
(2) Ball group
(5) Line
• For each ball, the edges in outer regions are detected and positioned.
• The edge on a specified line is detected and positioned.
• When the number of registered ball matrices is two or more, the
* Because of directional detection, always register another shape
distance (pitch) among ball center positions is checked.
also in opposing/orthogonal direction.

(3) Corner
Only top and bottom registered
=> Cannot be positioned in Registered in all
• Each edge on two lines is detected and positioned. horizontal direction directions
• Positioning is applied only in the two directions; therefore, registering
another shape at the opposing side/corner on the component (6) Round
stabilizes the detection position.
• The edges in outer regions are detected and positioned.
* If the outer regions are partially unclear, specify the start and
Only one side Also opposing end angles.
registered side registered

• The component center position to be finally detected is determined by the vector error average of the detection position to the center position
(Cx, Cy) of each registered shape.
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Configuration and Function of Lighting for Component Recognition

 The following pages describe the configuration and roles of the lighting for component recognition.

Configuration of lighting for component recognition <Lighting configuration diagram>

For NPM, there are three lighting configurations for acquiring Transfer head/nozzle
component images: Lighting unit
• Transmissive lighting Side lighting
• Reflective lighting
• Side lighting (unit option) Transmissive lighting

Reflective lighting
Sensor optical system

The role of each lighting configuration is as follows: • The component will be acquired
[Transmissive lighting image example]
Transmissive lighting: as a silhouette image.
Irradiates a component background with light to generate the • The background becomes a
component silhouette image. white level.
Used when component electrodes do not shine (because of mirror
electrodes) or for positioning a component by its outline.

[Reflective lighting image example] • The electrodes become a white

Reflective lighting: level.
Irradiates a component underside with light to generate the • The mold becomes a white to
component electrode image. black level according to the
Used for positioning the one by electrodes on the component component molding color.
(The left figure shows the case
underside or when the nozzle outer size is larger than the of black state.)
component size. • The background becomes a
black level.

Side lighting: [Side lighting image example]

• The outer regions of curved
Irradiates a component side with light to generate a component
electrodes become a white level.
side image. • The plane basically becomes a
Used for clarifying an electrode outline when the electrodes have a black level.
curved shape (BGA components, J-lead components).

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Configuration and Function of Lighting for Component Recognition

Precautions in changing the lighting lamp value

The NPM has a function to allow the lamp value of each lighting to be
changed separately on equipment in order to make a component image
condition good.
This page shows the image condition precautions for each lighting
Choose [Lighting] on the component Set each individual lighting value on
recognition teaching setting screen. the teaching screen.
[Transmissive lighting image precautions]
The transmissive lighting irradiates a component background reflector with light to shine the
• If the set light amount is low, the background does not fully shine, and a black streaky
shadow appears on the reflector.
• If the set light amount is high, also the component is irradiated with light, and the component
silhouette image becomes unstable.

Light amount: Low Light amount: Moderate Light amount: High For the transmissive lighting, use the machine-default value basically.
(16/12/8-nozzle head: Lamp value = 40, 2/3-nozzle head: Lamp value = 80)
[Reflective lighting image precautions]
Positioning by electrodes ... Light amount: Moderate The reflective lighting irradiates an entire component underside with light to shine the
component electrodes (or the whole).
In the example on the left figures:
• When using the component electrodes for positioning (shape registration), adjust the
light amount so that the mold may not shine like a high light amount state.
• However, when using the component outline for positioning (shape registration), set
a higher light amount so that the mold outline may be acquired clearly.
Positioning by outline ... Light amount: Moderate
For the reflective lighting, adjust it so that the registered shape may be clear on the image.
[Side lighting image precautions]
When making BGA components recognized, do not use the reflective lighting basically.
Turning on the reflective lighting has the following harmful effects:
• The component land pattern shines, and the boundary information on a ball outline becomes unclear.
• Also the missing balls shine similarly to the normal balls, causing such balls not to be judged defective any more.

When turning on the reflective lighting for the polarity mark inspection or because of a brightness error due to an
uneven ball surface, make sure that its light amount is about a maximum of 50.
Only side lighting ON Side + Reflective lighting ON

* Any lighting corrects the relationship between lamp value and light amount by the brightness calibration function. Therefore, depending on equipment (unit), an
extreme low light amount (lamp value: under about 10) may make the lighting control value for lamp value negative, thereby disabling the lighting.
Make sure that the light amount is 10 or more.

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Configuration and Function of Lighting for Component Recognition

Image guidelines in changing the lighting lamp value

This page introduces the image guidelines in changing the lighting lamp value using the example of representative components.
Example 1. Internal electrode component 1 ... Tantalum, ECSP, Filter, LCC
For a component with electrodes on its underside (placement-side electrodes), when
using the electrodes for positioning, set the light amount so that the brightness
difference between electrodes and mold may be fully acquired.
Brightness distribution with light amount high
Shape registration of electrodes

Guidelines for light amount setting:

(1) Brightness difference between electrodes and mold: 100 or more
(2) Brightness difference between mold and background

Standard light amount Light amount = High (2)

Example 2. Internal electrode component 2 ... Aluminum electrolytic capacitor Example 3. Differences in substitute components
For a component such as an aluminum electrolytic capacitor, For a substitute component, when there is a difference in the component mold
when you want to use the mold outline for positioning because the color or in the shape other than electrodes:
electrodes vary greatly to the mold outline:
• Register only the same shape (shape of the portion to be mounted on
(In order to avoid the adjacent component interference on a
populated PCB) a PCB land pattern), not changing the lighting setting.
Turn off the reflective lighting and turn on the transmissive lighting • If you have changed the recognition conditions by changing the lighting only,
to carry out the transmitting recognition. the recognition becomes unstable when a substitute component is used.
(In this case, the reflective and the transmissive lighting should not
be on concurrently.)
Register only the lead group of common shape.

Mold color: Different

 Do not register the mold shape.
Reflective lighting  Positioning by electrodes Transmissive lighting  Positioning by mold
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Configuration and Function of Lighting for Component Recognition

Image guidelines in changing the lighting lamp value

Example 4. Ball-type component ... BGA, CSP The ball detection processing detects
For ball-type components such as BGA/CSP, you can acquire the ball-only image by using the outer regions of ball. Therefore,
the side lighting. even if the ball's peak (center) is black,
Black missing the detection will not be affected.
For this type of component, do not turn on the reflective lighting basically.
Turning on the reflective lighting has the following harmful effects:
Mold pattern shining
• The component land pattern shines, and the boundary information on a ball outline
becomes unclear.
• Also the missing balls shine similarly to the normal balls, causing such balls not to be
judged defective any more.

For BGA components in the standard lamp setting, the transmissive lighting is also
turned on. When the transmissive lighting turns on:
• Processing time will have an advantage because the mold information is used for the
Standard light amount Plus reflective lighting on rough positioning for ball array detection.
• A wrong component detection by component outline will be carried out because the
component outline information is checked.
(* When the nozzle outline size is larger than the component mold size, turn off
the transmissive lighting.)

Example 5. Curved electrode component ... PLCC/SOJ, Cylindrical resistor

When making J-lead components (PLCC, SOJ) and cylindrical resistors recognized with the reflective lighting, turn on also
the side lighting to clarify the component (electrode) outline image and stabilize the detection position.
With the reflective lighting, the horizontal plane of component underside is acquired as
Lead tip clarified an image.
... For a curved plane, its side is hard to be acquired as an image.

In such a case, turn on also the side lighting to acquire the clearer image including the
side and stabilize the detection.

Side lighting

Only reflective lighting ON Reflective + Side lighting ON

Reflective lighting Reflective lighting

Only underside shining Entire curve shining

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Recognition--related Troubleshooting Example
u The following pages introduce the factorial analyses and remedies for recognition trouble.

Setting the pitch tolerance for multiple-

multiple-lead components and ball array components

When the shape data: lead group/ball group/insertion lead group is specified, the measured
average pitch information appears on the result screen for recognition teaching.
If a recognition error code: Ans=36 (measured pitch abnormal) has occurred, set the pitch
(bend) tolerance of the recognition option on the basis of this displayed information.

<Displayed pitch measurement information>

Lead group Insertion lead group Ball group

Measured average pitch display

Moreover, for ball group components, also the ball-diameter size measurement
average appears.
If a recognition error code: Ans=32 (electrode width size abnormal) has occurred,
set the ball diameter tolerance of the recognition option on the basis of this
displayed information.

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Changing the size tolerance of chip components

If, for chip components (chip resistors/chip capacitors), the size is judged [Remarks]
abnormal even when a component is picked up successfully, the tolerance For size tolerance,
judged abnormal can be changed by changing the size tolerance. “+” side (tolerance for the component becoming large)
Error code in case of size abnormal: Size abnormal of Ans25 (L side)/25 (W “-” side (tolerance for the component becoming small)
side) can be specified separately.
If chip side-standing pickup may occur, “change only the size + L
<Data input method> side tolerance” or “change only the “+” side tolerance.”
Choose [Advanced]-[Tolerance] on the recognition data edit screen of
[For reference]
When a size error (Ans25/26) occurs, the measured size
information will be recorded in the recognition error screen
If the size error occurs frequently, change the input size or the size
tolerance on the basis of this information.

In the error screen information

A: Measured size information
B: Input size information

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CR determination for chip components

To discriminate between capacitors and resistors of chip components, Example) Checking 0603C (capacitor)
check the brightness of the center of component. (Left) Recognition OK if the component data is a capacitor
(Right) Recognition NG if the component data is a resistor
<Data input method>
Choose [Advanced]-[Brightness Check] on the recognition data edit
screen of DGS/LWS.

Checking 1005R (resistor)

(Left) Recognition NG if the component data is a capacitor
(Right) Recognition OK if the component data is a resistor
The following values are guidelines.
They need to be adjusted according
to components.

[Process Window]
Set 0 [mm] for Cx and Cy, and 0 [degrees] for angle.
For Dx and Dy, input 50% to 70% of short side on component.
[Brightness Measure Method]
Choose the histogram, and input 70% for capacitors.
For resistors, input 30%. <Case where CR determination is unavailable>
 If the center of capacitor is white, such capacitors may be
[Brightness of Defined Area]
confused with resistors.
For capacitors, check that the level is within the following range.  If the center of resistor is black because of dark lamp value,
Lower-limit level: 0, Upper-limit level: 240 contamination, etc., such resistors may be confused with
For resistors, check that the level is within the following range. capacitors.
Lower-limit level: 240, Upper-limit level: 255

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Investigating the mounting deviation

If the mounting deviation is due to the recognition deviation, it can be
1. Images will be saved to the recognition error history (RER file).
checked in the following way.
The recognition deviation can be checked by checking the RER file.

<Data input method>

Choose [Advanced]-[Vision Options]-[Support Flag]-[Add] on the
recognition data edit screen of DGS/LWS.

1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4

Support Flag

The possibility of recognition deviation can be checked

from the mount log.


[Input]-[Apply] (not currently supported in DGS)







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Mounting deviation (XY deviation, large)

Make the settings for the center range option.

Example) X and Y of mounting position might deviate significantly.
Input the offsets for the pickup deviation.

Add the “Fixed XY Shift Result” option to the recognition data. * Input the tolerable deviation amount between
The center range check is an option that causes a recognition error when nozzle center and component center.
the result of nozzle center and that of component center are significantly
1. If the window size is too small, an error may be caused to all
* Against the deviation due to unstable pickup etc. To be separately remedied for
wrong recognition components; therefore, correct that to the appropriate size.
2. If a recognition error occurs frequently in midstream, it seems
<Data input method>
stable at the time when the set window size is exceeded.
Choose [Advanced]-[Vision Options]-[Fixed XY Shift Result]-[Add] on the
3. If the mounting position deviates significantly in spite of the input
recognition data edit screen of DGS/LWS.
of this option, this seems to be caused by pickup deviation after
recognition, component drop, etc.
4. The window size can be determined by referring to the mount log.


Fixed XY Shift Result


The window size can be


set to 1 mm if it is not

tight at 1 mm.



Mount log of a specific component



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(q deviation, large)
Mounting deviation (q

Make the settings for the inclination range check option.

Example) q of mounting angle might deviate significantly.
Input the reference angle.
Normally, it is 0 degrees.

Add the “Rotation Check” option to the recognition data. *
The inclination range check is an option that changes the tolerance of
recognition result q.
* Against the q deviation due to unstable pickup etc. To be separately Input the tolerance. To make it severe, set 30
remedied for q wrong recognition
degrees or less.
*1. If this option is not set, the default angle is used for verification.
Basically, the default angle is 30 degrees, though it varies
1. If the tolerable angle is too small, an error may be caused to all
depending on components.
components; therefore, correct that to the appropriate tolerable
<Data input method>
2. If the mounting angle inclines significantly in spite of the input
Choose [Advanced]-[Vision Options]-[Rotation Check]-[Add] on the
of this option, this seems to be caused by pickup deviation due
recognition data edit screen of DGS/LWS.
to pre-rotation of head, etc.
3. The reference angle and the tolerable angle can be determined
by referring to the mount log.


Rotation Check

The tolerable angle can be


set to 0.2 degrees if it is not


tight at 0.2 degrees.





Mount log of a specific component


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(X/Y/q deviation, small)
Mounting deviation (X/Y/q

Make the settings for the placement position offset option.

Example) The mounting position and the angle deviate by a fixed amount
constantly in the same direction.

Add the “Mount Offset” option to the recognition data.
Input the offset amount.
The placement position offset is an option that adds * the offset amount
to X, Y, q of the recognition result constantly.
* It changes the recognition center and inclination definition. <Remarks>
1. The value to input is the one for mounting at 0 degrees. For
<Data input method>
mounting at 90 degrees, the value input in X will be offset in the
Choose [Advanced]-[Vision Options]-[Rotation Check]-[Add] on the
Y direction of the equipment.
recognition data edit screen of DGS/LWS.
2. When this component is being mounted at two or more angles,
it will be applied to either component.

Mount Offset

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Mounting deviation (X/Y deviation, small)

If the shape option is shifted only by the amount of mounting deviation,

Example) The mounting position deviates by a fixed amount constantly
the mounting position will be aligned.
in the same direction.
Lead group
Cx: Distance from component center X
to lead group center X
Cy: Distance from component center Y
to lead group center Y

Change the shape data in the recognition data.

<Data input method>

Choose [Odd Shaped Component]-[Advanced]-[Shape Options]- In the figure exemplified left,
[Shape selection]-[Edit]-[Cx,Cy input]-[Apply]-[Close] on the recognition inputting -1 mm for Cx shifts the
data edit screen of DGS/LWS. mounting position by -1 mm.

1. It is necessary to change all the registered shape options.
2. The value to input is the one for mounting at 0 degrees. For
mounting at 90 degrees, the value input in X will be offset in
the Y direction of the equipment.

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3D-specific recognition error (QFP/SOP)
When the 3D sensor is used, remedies vary according to recognition error types.
If a recognition error occurs in spite of a conforming component,
Error code Factor Remedy
adding and adjusting “3D Sensor Control” might remedy that.
Add “3D Sensor Control” on DGS/LWS beforehand, and adjust the
46 (1 to 4) Lead float Check the component.
actual by teaching on the machine.
46 (11) The component is too far Check the component.
from the sensor. Recheck the component height.
Some leads are 0.5 mm or
more higher.

46 (12) The component is too close Check the component.

to the sensor. Recheck the component height.
Some leads are 0.5 mm or
more lower.

46 (13) The component is not Recheck the pickup state.

Leads are on both sides by
0.5 mm.

36 (10 to 13) Lead count error Check the component.

Generally, the above remedies are adopted; depending on components, however, the sensitivity
adjustment of 3D might be necessary.
The characteristics of the height image when the sensitivity of 3D is not appropriate include:
• If the sensitivity is too low  Some leads have holes in their centers (which occurs relatively
more frequently in upper/lower sides).
• If the sensitivity is too high  Some leads expand or they ooze among others (right/left leads).
Thus, either case results in the image different from the physical shape.

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3D--specific recognition error (QFP/SOP) continued
3D 3D--specific recognition error (BGA)

<Adjustment procedure of “3D Sensor Control” on the machine> • Balls need 0.25 mm or more height. They must be hemispherical.
Set laser power  minimum light quantity in this order at the teaching screen of • A warp in the entire component might infrequently cause an all-
the machine. inspection error. This is not an anomaly in the 3D sensor.
Because of the internal structure of 3D sensor, although 0 degrees and 180 For line sensor, that results in OK; however, no warp will be detected.
degrees of component resemble each other in their images, 90 degrees and 270 • For conforming component, as with QFP, add “3D Sensor Control” on
degrees might be different from 0 degrees in their images. In this case, the DGS/LWS beforehand, and adjust the actual by teaching on the machine.
setting values for 90 degrees and 270 degrees can be given.
<Adjustment procedure of “3D Sensor Control” on the machine>
• Laser power Make the settings at the teaching screen of the machine.
Normally, use the default 192. • Laser power
If, however, the height measurement area of right/left leads (about Use the default 192.
0.4 mm from the lead tip) is stringy, lower this to 128 etc. to prevent
the stringiness on the extension of the height measurement area. • Minimum light quantity
It should be adjusted so that the height of balls and entire body may be
acquired. Roughly, the value is about 70 (A).

Alternatively, as long as the height of only balls can be acquired on the

image by increasing the minimum light quantity close to 800, that can be
recognized (B).
If the wiring pattern is seen among balls or the top of balls is missing in
Stringiness on the extension of the height Stringiness outside the height black, it is not applicable.
measurement area measurement area
 Laser power adjustment required  Laser power adjustment not required
• Minimum light quantity
It should be adjusted so that the physical shape of the leads in the height
measurement area may be exactly acquired.
For QFP, it is necessary to adjust upper/lower leads and right/left leads at the
same time. If either is in an abnormal state, 3D recognition is not available.

Increase the Decrease the

minimum light minimum light
quantity. quantity.
(A) (B)
Some leads are connected Some lead insides are
Appropriate image
with one another. chipped or missing.

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Information Gathering when Recognition Error Occurs
u If a recognition error occurs, gather the following information for the error factor analysis.

 Recognition error screen information

For NPM, when a recognition error occurs, such information as code 2) Save method by transferring the error history of each 1 PCB production to LNB
number of recognition error (error summary) and summarized pickup In the following procedure, the error screen information can be transferred to LNB
state and set lamp value will be recorded as the error screen information. for each 1 PCB production in automatic operation.
In the following procedure, the error screen information can be saved to ... It can be used for the component pickup state check etc. when pickup is unstable.
an LNB/SD card. Step 1: Choose the soft switch from the main menu.
Step 2: Set the recognition image LNB transfer in No. 6 OFF  ON.
1) Saving at the recognition device maintenance screen when the machine
Step 1: Enter the recognition device maintenance screen, and press the
“History Save” button.

After 1 PCB is produced, the error history as of then will be transferred to LNB.
It will be saved to “/ <root> / lnbroot/machineinformation / ***(machine serial) / log /

Step 2:
When it prompts for the destination to save the recognition data, specify
LNB or SD.
When LNB is specified:
/<root>/lnbroot/machineinformation/***(machine serial)/log/rer
When SD is specified:

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 Recognition detail image information
To conduct the recognition check test after acquiring the recognition image
data itself, in case of recognition error, for the purpose of recognition data
check, etc., acquire the “recognition detail image information”
in the following procedure.

Step 1: Enter the recognition device maintenance screen, and press the
“Image Save” button.

Step 2:
The button of the nozzle recognized
last on the operation stage is active.
Select the button of the nozzle that
has picked up the desired
component, and press the “Save”
* The “Check” button displays the
component image of the selected
• The recognition detail image information recorded by this operation is the image
Step 3:
data of the component that underwent the recognition scanning last. To acquire the
When it prompts for the destination to save the recognition data, specify
image information in case of an error in a specific component, set “error stop count =
LNB or SD.
1” for this component, and operate/acquire data while the machine is in a single stop
When LNB is specified:
state because of the error.
/<root>/lnbroot/machineinformation/***(machine serial)/log/rer
... After the machine is restarted or after another component undergoes the
When SD is specified:
recognition scanning, the source image data will be abandoned.

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