5 - Fine Tuning Manual Chips Ver03
5 - Fine Tuning Manual Chips Ver03
5 - Fine Tuning Manual Chips Ver03
Sam Jeon
[AOIGUI] Inspection Algorithm Group
Algorithm : Chips
Pkg type : Capacitor, Resistor
It is to inspect Capacitor, Resistor types.
Default inspection items
- Presetting (Adaptive Height Threshold & Fixed Height Threshold)
- PadOverhang ( = Offset, Shift )
- Coplanarity
- Dimension
- Missing
- Upside-Down (Resistors only)
- Solder Fillet
These are applicable for PKGs that have similar
shapes as capacitors or resistors.
[Step Chips -> Body -> Presetting
Body Location Settings
[Step Chips -> Body -> Presetting
Full 3D(Fixed Hei. Ths)
[Chips] PadOverhang
Algorithm : Center XY
1. Principle
It is to see the offset between the center of the
inspected component location and the center of the
desired component location. Normally, this data is
useful to feedback to chip-shooter.
[Chips] PadOverhang
Items Description
Green Outline It indicates the desired location of the component.
Yellow outline It indicates the inspected location of the component.
Skyblue outline It indicates the 3D location of the component.
1. Principle
It compares the each corner’s offset between the
desired location and actual location.
The result shown is the biggest offset among 4
Result Condition corners.
3. Threshold setting
Items Description
Mode : It provides 3 modes; Worst Case, IPC,
Worst Case Center XY
and choose the ‘ Worst Case’
Items Description
46um, 10% 46um is the Measured offset.
10% is the compared percentage of
the package width(477um)
[238um, 1%] 238 um is 50%(WCC Offset threshold)
of the package width(477um).
Offset X: 14.8um It shows the offset by X, Y direction
Y: -8.6um and angle.
R: 2.8 deg X is the long side package.
Y is the short size of package.
[Chips] PadOverhang
Footprint 1. Principle
IPC mode looks at the offset between the desired
component location and the component’s body.
It measures the distance from the pad’s outline to
the inspected body’s outline to see how far the
part’s body goes out from footprint.
Measured comp. Desired comp.
location location
The component has no offset, if the body is inside
2. Judgment
IPC offset threshold is the maximum point through which a component’s offset will count as good.
If the measured result (eg. 411um) is bigger than the threshold (eg. 1147um), it defines a PadOverhang
3. Threshold setting
Items Description
Mode : It provides 3 modes; Worst Case, IPC,
IPC Center XY
and choose the ‘ IPC’
IPC Offset Input the maximum offset value to be
Threshold considered as GOOD
In case of percent unit, it refer to
package’s width info (shorter dimension
side) as 100%.
(-)X (+)X
Items Description
IPC(X) : 0um, 0% Measured body is inside of both footprints, so IPC counts 0 offset.
IPC(Y) : 79um, 10% Measured body is outside of footprints. The Y score is the distance from the
red dot to the footprint.
[402um, 50%] This is the tolerance.
1. Principle
It compares the height of two ROI’s for length and
also compares the height of two ROI’s for width.
A. Measured Comp. B.
2. Judgment
Length/Width Difference Threshold is the maximum
difference there can be between the two heights.
If the measured result (eg. 140um) is greater than
the condition (eg. 100um), it defines a coplanarity
Good ≤ Threshold 〈 NG
GOOD ≤Threshold 〈NG Result: 170um / Threshold: 100um
[Chips] Coplanarity
[Step ] Chips -> Body -> Coplanarity
3. Threshold setting
Items Description
Length Difference Thres. [um] Input maximum height difference between 2 ROI’s for Length
Width Difference Thres. [um] Input maximum height difference between 2 ROI’s for Width
ROI Leng. Offset from Body Edge [um] Length side ROI’s are shifted by the value set.
(+) value moves ROIs inward of body
‘0’ is the default ROI’s location.
ROI Wid. Offset from Body Edge [um] Width side ROI’s are shifted by the value set.
(+) value moves ROIs inward of body
‘0’ is the default ROI’s location.
ROI Size [um] It adjust the ROI’s size.
Bigger value means bigger ROI
[Chips] Coplanarity
[Step ] Chips -> Body -> Coplanarity
Items Description
Diff. in Length : 5 um 5 um is the height difference
between the two ROI’s for length
1. Principle
It compares the CAD defined dimension with the
inspected dimension.
2. Judgment
It bases on Cad defined Width, Length and thickness.
[Chips] Dimension
Items Description
Min. Width[%] Set the minimum size at the ratio of cad defined width.
Max. Width[%] Set the maximum size at the ratio of cad defined width.
Some Capacitor classes have different thickness, even it is the same in length & width (eg. 0806)
In this case, Thickness min/max. condition has to be narrowed down, so that the dimension can inspect
the difference.
[Chips] Dimension
PKG Edit tab can change the width, length and thickness.
Items Description
(T) 480um / 490(CAD) (Thickness) measured result / Cad defined thickness.
% of Measured result based by Cad thickness. (98% = 480um/490um)
98% [80%, 120%] [ Min%, Max%]
(L) 940um /976um(CAD) (Length) measured result / Cad defined length.
% of Measured result based by Cad. (98% = 940um/976um)
96% [80%, 120%] [ Min%, Max%]
1. Principle
ROI is the CAD defined body size.
The measured result compares to condition
Result Condition set.
2. Judgment
The volume threshold is the minimum
requirement of volume to check presence.
CAD defined If the measured result (eg. 107%) is smaller
thickness than the condition (eg. 30%), it defines
missing failure.
[Chips] Missing
Volme (%)
107% [ 30% ]
Result [Condition]
480um (Cad 490 um)
Measured height ( CAD defined
package thickness )
5. Tips
1. Principle
Inspection measures the Grayscale value of
the resistor. Since the underside of resistors
are very bright, if the Grayscale value is high
it is Upside Down.
2. Judgment
The Body Gray Threshold is the maximum
value that the component can have before
failure. If the result is greater than the
threshold, it will count as Upside Down fail.
Good〈 ≤ NG
[Chips] Solder Fillet
1. Principle
It checks the minimum requirement of solder joint
volume in ROI (the blue lined box).
HIJ : Ideal height of solder joint.
Commonly use stencil thickness.
HM : Measured average height in the ROI
[Chips] Solder Fillet
2. Judgment
Good ≤ Threshold 〈 NG
Result 17um / 150um
Advanced items
3. Threshold setting
Items Description
Joint Mode Mode selection. Choose ‘Volume’
Threshold Set the minimum requirement of volume
Height For 100% Volume It is an ideal solder fillet’s height.
100% volume refer to this set.
Items Description
Joint ROI Selection: Length (um) It can extend or reduce the Roi’s length.
Joint ROI Selection: Width (%) It can extend or reduce the Roi’s width based the default ROI size.
Joint ROI Selection: Margin (um) It gives a margin to locate ROI from its default location.
(+) moves to inward package, (-) moves ROI to outward package.
Use Extra Margin For Capacitor Turn ‘ON’ to give the extra margin if package type is capacitor.
Margin for Capacitor (um) Available only ‘Use Extra margin for Capacitor’ is on setting.
It gives Roi margin to locate by the value set.
[Chips] Solder Fillet
Increasing ‘height for Vol : 183% / Vol : 338% Vol : 91% / Vol : 169%
100% volume’ has lower
volume % result.
2D : 93% [50%]
Searched comp.
Solder joint ROI 2D indicates that the result from 2D joint inspection.
93% is the result and [50%] is the minimum
requirement to pass.
PadLeng : 151(um)
This is the measured pad length. The smaller pad
Length is to be used to decide 2D or 3D inspection.
1. Principle
It is the percentage rate of the maximum height of
solder fillet by the CAD thickness.
HT : Part thickness
HM : Measured height of solder fillet at the end of
[Chips] Solder Fillet
2. Judgment
Toe joint Height threshold is to set the condition for
desired solder joint height percentage which is
compared with part’s CAD thickness.
3. Threshold setting
Items Description
Joint Mode Mode selection. Choose ‘Height’
Toe Joint Volume Threshold Set the minimum requirement % of solder fillet height.
[Chips] Solder Fillet
1. Principle
It counts percentage of blue pixel in ROI.
If solder fillet has more slope, it has more reflection
from 60° blue illumination and less from 17 ° red
Therefore, RGB image shows the solder fillet area
in blue color and flat are in red color.
2. Judgment
[Chips] Solder Fillet
3. Threshold setting
Items Description
[Mode] Joint Mode Mode selection. Choose ‘2D’
[2D] Use 2D For Short Pad It enables to shift the 2D inspection when height or volume
is on mode.
Camera receives different reflections for different angles of 2D illumination and object.
17°: Red illumination projecting on solder fillet has diffused reflection to the camera, but when it project
on flat area (eg. Insufficient, no solder), the camera gets more reflection.
60° Blue illumination projecting on solder fillet has more reflection to the camera, but when it projects
on flat area (eg. Insufficient, no solder), camera get less reflection by solder fillet’s angle.
Lead Lead