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OLPG S1-01 - OESA LPG Depots and Filling Plants

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LPG Depots and

Filling Plants
Standard 1

This document is ORYX ENERGIES S.A. property.

It cannot be copied or transmitted to third parties without prior authorization.

LPG Depots and Filling Plants


Created by: B. Edja, LPG Director

Verified and amended by: E. Corbic, Deputy Technical Director


P. Cortes, Technical & Projects Director

Approved by:
P. Durand, HSSE Director

Authorisation for issue by: T. Genthialon, Managing Director



August 2013 Version 1 Publication of the first version of the document.

A new version is issued when significant changes are made in the previous one. In addition, some
minor changes like grammatical corrections and improvement of clarity are not highlighted.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 2

Date Issued: 23 August 2013

Foreward ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 ABOUT THIS STANDARD .........................................................................................................................................4
1.2 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................................................5
2. LPG Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 LPG PHYSICAL PROPERTIES .....................................................................................................................................6
2.3 LPG INHERENT HAZARDS AND POTENTIAL RISKS ..........................................................................................................8
3. Different types of OESA’s filling plants ........................................................................................... 9
4. Minimum requirements for operational facilities and filling plants ............................................ 10
4.1 LOCATION .........................................................................................................................................................10
4.2 DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................................11
4.3 FIRE PROTECTION ...............................................................................................................................................28
5. OESA’s Filling Plants classification ............................................................................................... 30
5.1 MAIN POINTS FOR DECIDING A TYPE OF PLANT ..........................................................................................................30
5.2 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS PER TYPE OF LPG FILLING PLANT .............................................................................................31
5.3 OFIP CLASSIFICATION .........................................................................................................................................32
5.4 SAFETY .............................................................................................................................................................35
5.5 TANK FITTINGS ...................................................................................................................................................38

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 3

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
Safety is very important in the LPG industry and Oryx Energies S.A. (OESA) expects its subsidiaries to give
this the highest priority and ensure the safety of its employees, customers, contractors, neighbours and
the general public.
OESA operates in a large number of countries in varying environments. National/regional Regulations
and/or licensing agreements must be followed everywhere, under all circumstances.

The aim of this document is to provide a set of basic requirements to be followed as a supplementary to
or in the absence of, national requirements for new LPG depots and filling plants or for upgrading the
existing ones. It also forms the basis of the OESA auditing programme and can be used by OESA as a
benchmark when acquiring new businesses or LPG facilities.

Exceptions from these standards can only be approved by OESA Executive Committee (EXCOM).

1.1 About this Standard
1.1.1 This Standard describes general layout and equipment of Oryx LPG depots and filling plants.

Appropriate necessary local permits and approvals are existing and valid and all operations are
covered by these permits and approvals.

This Standard covers the design, construction and location of LPG installations agreed by Oryx
Energies S.A. i.e. storage tanks, piping, pumps, loading and unloading system, filling equipment
and fire-fighting system.

1.1.2 The described LPG depots and filling plants in this manual are the ones which must be used for
the new projects and also for upgrading the existing ones. The requirements are mandatory and
must be considered the minimum standards that are to apply.

1.1.3 Local laws and regulations must always be observed.

1.1.4 When local regulations differ from the levels and measures presented in this Standard, the more
stringent one will be applied.

1.1.5 Where the Operating Unit finds that the operated facility does not comply with the mandatory
requirements of this Standard, it will provide OESA LPG Director:
- An action plan that will ensure that compliance will be achieved.
- Intermediate measures to mitigate the risks until the operated facility achieve the
compliance to OESA Standard.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 4

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
Any deviation from the mandatory requirements of this Standard will be considered in
exceptional circumstances and submitted to the approval of the EXCOM. Operations Units have
the responsibility of finding out what are their local legal obligations and if they do comply with
this Standard.

1.2 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions will apply:

1.2.1 Bund area

Ground surface beneath and around LPG storage tanks limited with bund walls as vapour
barriers provided to prevent spillage from reaching driveways or unprotected work areas.

1.2.2 Capacity
Total water capacity of a storage tank

1.2.3 Design pressure

Pressure used for calculating the minimum shell thickness of the LPG storage tank

1.2.4 Evaporation area

Area of ground in a safe place adjacent to the storage vessel or vessels where LPG can collect,
evaporate and disperse safely

1.2.5 Fire wall

Wall, screen or separation partition erected in the open air to reduce the effect from thermal
radiated heat on as LPG storage vessel and to ensure an adequate dispersion distance to
boundaries, buildings and sources of ignition for LPG leaking from the vessel or its fittings where
normal separation distances cannot be achieved

1.2.6 Installations
Tanks, vessels, pumps, compressors, accessories, piping, and all other associated equipment
required for the receipt, transfer, storage, and shipment of LPG

1.2.7 LPG
Liquefied Petroleum Gas

1.2.8 LPG Cylinder

Refillable, portable pressure vessel for LPG of up to 150 litres water capacity designed and
manufactured to a recognised standard

1.2.9 LPG Storage Tank or Vessel

Above-ground vessel used for storing LPG in bulk

1.2.10 Pressure Relief Valve

Device fitted to an LPG storage tank which releases pressure when a pre-set gas pressure occurs

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 5

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
2.1 General
2.1.1 The term LPG refers to hydrocarbon products. Butane and Propane are the predominant
constituents of LPG.

LPG describes a range of products which have much in common but also have their differences
which affect the approach to safety.

2.1.2 LPG has its own special hazardous characteristics and it is potentially hazardous from the point
of production until it has been safely used. LPG safety comes from understanding these
characteristics and behaviour and from the exercise of control under both normal and abnormal

2.2 LPG physical properties

2.2.1 LPG is extracted ever from crude oil during refining operations, ever from natural gases
processing. For example, the refining of 100 metric tonnes of crude oil gives about 3 to 4 metric
tonnes of LPG.

LPG comprises Commercial Butane and Commercial Propane, and mixtures thereof. Butane and
Propane are the predominant constituents of LPG with small amounts of lighter and heavier
fractions, such as Ethane and Pentane.

LPG is easily stored as liquid under moderate pressure and approximately 1 unit of liquid
expands to about 250 units of vapour.

They are hydrocarbon gases that can be changed into a liquid and changed back into a gas by
the simple application and release of pressure but also by increasing or decreasing of

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 6

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
Table 2.1: Typical Properties of LPG Gas

Physical Properties PROPANE n-BUTANE

Chemical Formula C3H8 C4H10

Boiling point at 101.3 kPa (°C) -42.1 -0.5

Liquid density at 15°C (kg/m ) 506.0 583.0

Absolute vapour pressure at 40°C (kPa) 1510 375

Flash Point (°C) -104 -60

Upper flammable limit (% vol. in air) 9.5 8.5

Lower flammable limit (% vol. in air) 2.3 1.9

Vol. vapour per vol. liquid 269 235

Relative vapour density (air = 1) 1.55 2.07

Coefficient of expansion (liquid) per 1°C 0.0032 0.0023

Minimum air for combustion (m3/m3) 24 30

Kinematic Viscosity (centistokes) @ 20°C 0.20 0.30

Latent Heat of Vapourisation (kJ/kg) @ 20°C 352 368

Specific Heat (kJ/kg/°C) @ 20°C - liquid 2.554 2.361

Specific Heat (kJ/kg/°C) @ 20°C - vapour 1.047 1.495

Minimum ignition temperature (°C ) in oxygen 470-575 380-550

Maximum Flame temperature (°C ) 1980 1990

Octane number >100 92

Specific Energy (gross) kJ/kg 49.83 49.40

Source: Guidelines for Good Safety Practices in the LP Gas Industry, World LP Gas Association

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 7

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
2.2.2 It will appear from the above Table that there are significant differences in the physical
properties of Butane and Propane. Requirements for Commercial Propane and Commercial
Butane in terms of characteristics and test methods depend on the country. The values for LPG
mixtures generally lie between these extremes depending on the ratio of Butane and Propane.
However, quite small amounts of methane and ethane can have a significant effect in vapour

2.2.3 The differences in their physical properties mean that Butane and Propane behave differently
under everyday conditions and more especially under extreme conditions. Such differences can
be turned to advantages in certain applications. However, differences in boiling point, liquid
density and vapour pressure between Butane and Propane are particularly important for safety
and appliance performance.

2.2.4 Poor quality of LPG may lead to hazards further along the distribution chain or at the point of
use. The LPG Certificate of Quality has to be requested to the supplier (Refinery, LPG Tanker or
other) prior to receipt.

2.2.5 The filling plant, the storage and the filling equipment have to be designed according to the type
of product which will be processed.

2.2.6 LPG is odourless in its natural state so a distinctive odour such as mercaptan is usually added in
order to warn of its presence. However, not all LPG is odourised in this way and additional
hazards exist in the storage and distribution of not odorised LPG.

2.3 LPG inherent hazards and potential risks

2.3.1 The principal potential hazard with LPG is fire and explosion. This derives from its inherent
quality of high flammability and in extreme cases may combine with another condition, i.e. high
pressure, and lead to BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion) phenomenon. This is a
type of explosion that can occur when a vessel containing a pressurised liquid is ruptured due to
high temperature and pressure. Such explosions can be extremely hazardous. There are also
hazards incidental to the various modes of transport for distribution and use.

2.3.2 Liquid LPG will cause cold burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Propane, with its low
boiling point is more hazardous in this respect than Butane which, in cold conditions, is lower to
vaporise and disperse. The eyes, hands and body must be protected when handling all liquefied

2.3.3 LPG vapour, being heavier than air, may, in the event of a leak, accumulate in confined spaces
and low-lying areas. The means of ventilation and meteorological conditions will influence the
movement and dispersion of the LPG vapour.

2.3.4 Any uncontrolled release of LPG is inherently hazardous. A liquid LPG leak is considered more
hazardous in that it will expand to vapour form with volume in excess of about 250 times that of
Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 8
Date Issued: 23 August 2013
the original liquid volume leak. Being heavier than air, vapour will tend to lie, or drift, close to
the ground with a risk that it will find a source of ignition while it remains within its flammable

2.3.5 LPG liquid has a high co-efficient of volumetric expansion and therefore cylinders and tanks will
never be completely filled. They will be filled leaving a space to allow for liquid expansion cause
by an increase in temperature. Except specific regulation, we consider that the LPG liquid
volume at 55°C must represent 95% max of the water tank capacity.

2.3.6 Because of its much higher vapour pressure, tanks and cylinders containing Propane need to be
stronger than those for Butane.
Both Butane and Propane cylinders and tanks will be protected against excessive pressure.

2.3.7 The tanks and their equipment including safety relieve valves are designed and calculated to
avoid overpressure.
The design and calculation of cylinders are such as the excessive pressure is absorbed by
volumetric expansion. As an over protection, some countries also request safety relieve valve.
Where LPG mixture with more that 20% Propane is processed, we consider the design and
calculation of storage tanks for Propane.


3.1.1 The size and type of the installation depend on the population density of the surrounding area
and LPG market (residential, commercial and industrial). The gas supply and the primary
transport have also an influence on the size of the filling plant.

3.1.2 OESA has defined three types of filling plants which are classified OFIP1, OFIP2 and OFIP3 (OFIP
standing for Oryx Filling Plant, type 1, 2 or 3).
- OFIP1 is the basic filling plant with limited equipment but erected without compromise on
safety. This type of filling plant is very often an addition to a first one and located inside the
country to address the volumes of rural areas.
- OFIP2 is bigger than the basic one in terms of storage capacity and filling equipment. This
filling plant is designed for markets at their early step of development but with a sustained
- OFIP3 is the top designed filling plant of OESA for mature market with important annual

3.1.3 According to the development of the market, the basic filling plant OFIP1 can be upgraded to
reach the filling plant OFIP2 or OFIP3. The upgrade is requested by the Operating Unit which
proposed the investment to OESA LPG Director on the basis of the financial results. The upgrade
is subject to the approval of the Investment Committee.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 9

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
4.1 Location
4.1.1 Sitting
Site location selection is meant to minimize the potential risk to neighbouring property
presented by the storage facility and the risk presented to the storage facility by a fire or
explosion on neighbouring property.

The following factors will be considered in site selection:

- Local codes and regulations,
- Proximity to populated areas,
- Proximity to public ways,
- Risk from neighbouring facilities,
- Total storage capacity,
- Topography of the site,
- Access for emergency response,
- Availability of needed utilities,
- Requirements for the receipt and shipment of LPG,
- Prevailing wind conditions
- Natural risk such as Seismic, flood, ...

4.1.2 Layout All above ground items of an Industrial LPG Facility will be easily accessible for operation,
maintenance and fire‐fighting purposes. Facilities will be designed to permit a constant surveillance at all areas during operation times,
specifically in key areas, such as LPG transfer point, storage areas and entrance/ exit. The potential for the accumulation of LPG will be avoided, for example: sites will not be
located in dips, deep valleys or next to slopes as LPG is heavier than air it will accumulate and
not disperse safely. Attention will be paid to the location of the buildings and facilities in relation to the direction
of the wind to ensure that advantageous air flow is not impaired. Buildings within classified areas will be designed in accordance to area classification standards
and local requirements. Buildings, where gas handling takes place will be equipped with
mechanical or natural ventilation to prevent the formation of explosive mixture. In enclosed
buildings it is recommended to use:
- Roof and / or side panels, permitting release in case of explosion

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 10

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
- Local extraction at any workstation, where gas is always present. Filling connections will be easily accessible. The safe positioning of the delivery vehicle and its
quick removal in an emergency will be facilitated. Vehicles will be facing out. There will be a safe route of escape for personnel in the event of a major accident. In addition,
firewater valves will be accessible, outside any bund area and not place personnel in danger in
the event of fire. If firewater valves are located at less than 25 m to the closest storage tank,
they will be remotely operated valves. Working areas, stores, changing rooms, etc. will not be located above any hazardous area. The LPG Facility will have as least two gates of exit. Gates or access will open outwards and
easily and immediately openable from inside. They will not be self-locking and will provide
unobstructed means of escape.

4.2 Design
4.2.1 Drawings description
The drawings consist of the following: Main areas:

- LPG storage tanks area,
- LPG hazardous areas
- LPG loading / unloading area,
- LPG pumps and compressors area,
- LPG filling platform,
- Full and empty LPG cylinders areas,
- LPG cylinders maintenance buildings,
- Industrial fence. Utilities:
- Fresh water network,
- Water fire-fighting system and fire equipment,
- Power, control and lighting distribution,
- Compressed air network.
- Flame detector system,
- Gas detector system,
- Alarm buttons network connected to siren or typical horn

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 11

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- Weighbridge if any,
- Lightning protection,
- Waste water evacuation network,
- Fire and rain water evacuation network, Other facilities:

- Offices building,
- Guard house,
- Parking and traffic road

4.2.2 Zone classification Hazardous areas definition

Zone classification is the international method of specifying the probability that a location is
made hazardous by presence or potential presence of flammable concentrations of gases or
- Zone 0:
An area in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a gas-air mixture is continuously
present or for long periods or frequently.
- Zone 1:
Area in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a gas-air mixture is likely to occur in
normal operation occasionally.
- Zone 2:
An area in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a gas-air mixture is not likely to
occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will only exist for a short time.
- Non-hazardous area:
An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not expected to be present in quantities
such as to require special precautions for the construction, installations and use of
apparatus. Classification of the different areas on LPG depots and filling plants
Hazardous areas are defined and classified according to the probability of gas accumulating in

Table 4.1: Extent of hazardous areas

Installation Extent of classified area Zone

Storage Vessels Inside a radius of 5 m from discharge pressure relief valves 1
Up to 200 m water capacity points, rotary gauges, or fixed liquid level gauges and water
drain outlets

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 12

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
Installation Extent of classified area Zone
Inside a radius of 15 m from discharge pressure relief valves 2
points, gauge vent opening(s), water drain outlet
Storage Vessels Inside a radius of 10 m from discharge pressure relief valves 1
Above 200 m water capacity points, rotary gauges, or fixed liquid level gauges and water
drain outlets
Inside a radius of 15 m from discharge pressure relief valves 2
points, rotary gauges, or fixed liquid level gauges and water
drain outlets
Bund area Entire area 2
Truck loading and unloading Inside a radius of 10 m from the connections regularly made or 1
broken for product transfer
Inside a radius of 15 m from the connections regularly made or 2
broken for product transfer
Pressure relief device discharge Inside a radius of 2 m from the discharge points 1
points Inside a radius of 5 m from the discharge points 2
LPG Pumps and compressors Inside a radius of 5 m of the equipment 2
Outdoors in open air or at above
ground level
Operational bleeds, vents drips, Inside a radius of 5 m of the equipment 2
drains in pipelines containing

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Date Issued: 23 August 2013
Installation Extent of classified area Zone
Open-sided Cylinders Filling or Inside a radius of 10 m from the connection points 1
Maintenance Hall: Entire hall, inside a radius of 5 m from the hall and inside a 2
Cylinders filling points, radius of 15 m from the connection points
Gassing / degasing points, Valve
screwing and unscrewing posts,
Testing posts
Special container for cylinders Entire container 1
filling or maintenance Inside a radius of 5 m from the container openings. 2 Hazardous areas will not be located outside property boundaries. In hazardous areas, whether permanent or temporary (zones 0 and 1), flame proof or
intrinsically safe electrical equipment will be provided (Ex-d or Ex-i) and will be installed by a
professionally qualified person. In the zones 2, “protected” or “reinforces safety” installations will be provided (Ex-d or Ex-e)
and will be installed by a professionally qualified person. In all cases, the electrical enclosures will be as a minimum of IP55 protection. There will be no
sources of potential ignition within any hazardous area.
N.B. In Countries following European requirements, electrical and mechanical equipment installed in
hazardous areas will comply with ATEX Regulations

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 14

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
4.2.3 Separation Distances Separation distances are intended to protect the LPG facilities from the immediate radiation
effects of fires involving other facilities. The minimum separation distances applicable to the
above-ground installations will be as shown in Table 4.2. The minimum horizontal distance between the shell of a pressurized LPG tank and the line of
adjoining property that may be developed will be as shown in Table 4.2. Where residences, public buildings, places of assembly, or industrial sites are located on
adjacent property, greater distances or other supplemental protection will be provided. Separation distances and any means to reduce separation distances, for example by fire walls,
fire protection coating, sprinkler systems, will be designed and located in accordance with local
regulations or international standards approved by EXCOM for countries where local
regulations does not exist. Buildings or structures in which cylinders are filled with LPG or other flammable gases will be
sited a suitable distance away from LPG storage vessels in order to minimise the potential risk
of escalation in the event of an incident. LPG storage vessels, pumps and compressors, filling hall, loading/unloading area and cylinders
storage area will not be located directly beneath electrical power cables.
- For cables operating at a voltage of less than 1.0 kV the vessels will be sited at least 5 m
from a plane drawn vertically downwards from power cables. Such power cables include
telephone cables.
- For cables operating at a voltage of 1.0 kV or greater, the distance will be increased to 10

These distances will be increased where the presence of the overhead line could constitute a
danger to users of the facility or loading tankers and personnel. The minimum horizontal separation distance between above-ground LPG storage vessels, bund
areas, Cylinder filling and storage shed, cylinder storage area, LPG process equipment and
above-ground storage vessels for liquid hydrocarbon storage will be at least 20 m.

Where the total capacity of LPG stored exceeds 4'000 m3, the minimum distances depend on
the fluid category of liquid hydrocarbons:
- at least 40 m for liquids that have a Flash Point below 55°C
- at least 25 m for liquids that have a Flash Point equal to or greater 55°C.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 15

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
Table 4.2: Inter-Distances in metres for LPG Operations
Distance in meters

Installation N1 N2 N3A N3B N3C N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10

N1. LPG Cylinders Filling posts 0 5 10 15 15 10 10 15 15 20 75 20
N2. LPG Cylinders storage area 5 3 10 15 15 10 5 5 5 10 15 10
N3.A Bund area and LPG 10 10 (a) (a) (a) 15 5 15 15 30 75 30
storage vessel wall
Up to 70 m3 water unit
N3.B LPG storage vessel wall 15 15 (a) (a) (a) 15 5 30 30 30 75 30
From 71 to 400 m3 water
unit capacity
N3.C LPG aboveground storage 15 15 (a) (a) (a) 15 5 50 50 50 100 50
vessel wall
Above 400 m3 water unit
N4. Truck loading / unloading 10 10 15 15 15 0 5 15 15 20 75 20
N5. LPG Pumps and 10 5 5 5 5 5 - 10 10 20 75 20
N6. Administration Building, 15 5 15 30 50 15 10 - - - - -
N7. Property boundaries or 15 5 15 30 50 15 10 - - - - -
fixed source of ignition
N8. Fire Water pump house 20 10 30 30 50 20 20 - - - - -
N9. Adjoining property of 75 15 75 75 100 75 75 - - - - -
school, museum, hospital,
public buildings
N10. Water tank 20 10 30 30 50 20 20 - - - - -

(a)See §

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Date Issued: 23 August 2013
Layout 4.1 – Illustration of inter-distances for LPG Operations

70m3< x <400m3 30m

LPG tanks


<400m375m LPG tanks Loading/unloading

>400m3100m bays
75m Pump station
10m >70m315m

5m >70m315m
Cylinders stocks

70m3< x <400m3 30m
5m >400m350m

15m 20m
Filling area 30m


Fire pump


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Date Issued: 23 August 2013
Layout 4.2 – Complementary illustration of inter-distances for LPG Operations

LPG tanks

LPG tanks Loading/unloading

15m bays
Pump station 5m


Cylinders stocks



15m 15m
Filling area



Fire pump
15m room


Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 18

Date Issued: 23 August 2013 Cylinders storage areas

Requirements defined in this Standard to cylinders are also applicable to all portable

Storage of full cylinders is prohibited in closed buildings and rooms.

No more than 25 000 kg of cylinders (including empty cylinders) will be considered in the filling
hall design to be stored even temporarily on the platform. Above-ground storage vessels

Storage vessels will not be placed beneath any building or in the basement of a building.

The number of storage vessels in any one group will not exceed six. Unless a firewall is erected
between the groups, each storage vessel in one group will be at least 7.5 m from the nearest
storage vessel in another group. When firewalls are used to separate groups of storage
vessels, the direct distance from each storage vessel in one group to the nearest storage vessel
in another group will be at least 4 m.

The minimum horizontal separation distance between aboveground LPG storage vessels will
be at least ¼ of sum of diameters of adjacent storage vessels.

The ground under and surrounding the LPG vessels will be compacted and graded to drain any
liquid spills to a safe area away from the vessels and piping to minimise the heat flux to the
vessels in case of fire in the bund. The grading will be at a slope of at least 2%.

If the storage vessel is installed within a bund area, the bund capacity for one storage vessel in
the bund will be at least 20% of the vessel capacity. In the case of several tanks in the same
bund, the minimum capacity of the bund will be at least 20% of the capacity of the biggest
vessel in the bund. The maximum height of the bund will be 1 m and the minimum 0.3 m from
the ground level.

The drainage system will be designed to prevent liquid spilled from one tank from flowing
under any other tank and will minimize the risk to piping from spilled LPG. Walls, dikes,
trenches or channels are permitted to direct possible spillage away from the vessels and
sources of ignition to a safe area (but still in the bund) for evaporation or containment.

Bunds will be equipped with a suitable drainage system to handle rainwater, fire-water and
hydrocarbon spillage from bund areas.

If the total storage capacity does not exceed 400 m3, it is admissible that the safe area consists
of an evaporation area. It will be at least 3 m from LPG vessels.

If the total storage capacity exceeds 400 m3, the safe area consists of a remote impoundment
located at least 15 m from the vessels draining to it and from any hydrocarbon piping or other

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 19

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
4.2.4 Site design and security Filling plants and storage depot must be enclosed with an industrial fence not less than 2.5 m
in height. The fence must have no less than two exits which are not next to each other and are
always freely accessible. The site master plan must include all hazardous areas clearly identified according to their zone
classification. The site must have a wind direction indicator sited prominently which will indicate the
direction of the LPG in case of an incident producing a release of gas. The parking area of vehicle must be located outside of the immediate fence of the filling plant. The safety of LPG storage and filling installations is enhanced by the employment of good
engineering practices during design and construction.

4.2.5 Civil works Asbestos in existing buildings will be adequately protected or removed in accordance with the
appropriate regulations. Asbestos will not be used in new buildings. All areas around a filling hall for loading / unloading will be constructed of concrete or
compacted material. If they are constructed in compacted laterite, they must be very resistant
to offer good work conditions during rainy season. Traffic routes will be clearly identified and there will be sufficient room for manoeuvring of
trucks. Special attention will be paid to crossings, speed limits and traffic flow directions. Rainwater will be collected in a way that prevents LPG accumulation and/ or transfer.
Inspection holes and drainage points (in zone 1 and 2) will be of the interceptor type. Layout of above ground and/ or underground networks will be documented and maintained up
to date for:
- Drinking and foul water, rainwater, industrial waste
- Fire fighting network
- Electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic supply pipes
- Telephone, alarm and instrumentation cables etc.

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4.2.6 Offices buildings No offices buildings with underground floor inside the filling plants. If it appears necessary to
raise buildings, the floors must be no higher than first floor with easy exit to ensure the staff a
quick evacuation in the event of an incident. Offices buildings will be erected outside all hazardous area.

4.2.7 Filling buildings The filling building must be erected without confined spaces where escaped LPG could build
up. The buildings must have two or more permanently open sides. All parts of the filling building structure must be constructed of non-combustible material.

4.2.8 LPG tanks The design code for the storage tanks will be the last edition of :
- ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Boiling and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section VIII, Division 1, Rules for the Construction of Pressure Vessels and the Engineering
Equipment, or
- BS5500 (PD2000), Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels, or
- CODAP, Code de construction des Appareils à Pression non soumis à l’action de la flamme. The design pressure of the tanks will be specified and not be less than the vapour pressure of
the stored product at the maximum product design temperature. Both a minimum design temperature and a maximum design temperature will be specified. The LPG storage tanks will be 100% controlled with non-destructive tests and hydraulically
tested. Vessels will be properly installed on firm foundations and, where appropriate, supported on
concrete, masonry or structural steel supports. These supports (excluding supporting feet 460
mm or less in height, vessel saddles, or skirts of vertical vessels) will be so constructed or
protected to ensure the same fire resistance as the vessel (full load). The design of the support will take into account seismic and geological considerations. The design of the support will take into account a full load of vessel with water. The number of penetrations in the vessel, below the working liquid level will be kept to a
minimum. Wherever possible only one branch, excluding drain line, will be provided. All other
branches will terminate in the vapour space.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 21

Date Issued: 23 August 2013 It is essential to include a vapour balance line if vessels are interconnected. In the case of
interconnected vessels, the vessels will be of similar diameter and be installed at the same
height. In all other cases interconnection will be avoided, unless additional safety precautions are in
place. Consideration will be given to the provision of a high level alarm linked to an automatic
shutdown of the supply line in cases where there is continual supply such as from an adjacent
refinery and where there are no other fail-safe measures in place Each vessel will be fitted with the following equipment :

(a) Earthing connection
(b) At least two pressure relief valves designed, sized and tested in accordance with API RP
520 (Part 1) and RP 521 to provide adequate flow capacity to protect the tank during fire
(c) A drain, or other means of removing the liquid contents
(d) A liquid-level gauging equipment
(e) A fixed maximum liquid level device, independent of the liquid level gauging equipment,
set to provide adequate vapour space to accommodate any thermal expansion that may
occur after filling is completed.
(f) A suitable temperature Indicator.
(g) A pressure gauge connected to the vapour space
(h) Where practicable, the vessel liquid fill connection will connect directly, or via internal
pipework, with the vapour space of the vessel.
(i) Shutoff valves for all tank connections except the following:
- Connections on which pressure relief valves are mounted
- Connection containing a 1/8" maximum restriction orifice, plugs or
thermometer wells
- Openings fitted with approved gauging devices
Shutoff valves flanged will be located as close to the tank as is practical. The preferred
location is at the shell nozzle. Shutoff valves will be readily accessible for operation and
The shutoff valves device will depend on the unit capacity of LPG vessels as shown in §5.5
Tank fittings

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 22

Date Issued: 23 August 2013 Vessels will be up-to-date with statutory examination and testing Vessels will be protected against corrosion. The corrosion protection between the vessel and
supporting structure needs special attention Horizontal tanks will be oriented so that their longitudinal axes do not point toward other
facilities such as containers, process equipment, control rooms, loading/unloading facilities,
flammable or combustible liquid storage facilities or off-site facilities located in the vicinity of
the horizontal tank. Access equipment to high level parts. This is to enable the personnel to carry out operations
and maintenance in safe conditions Pressure Relief Valves

Isolation valves will not be fitted between a single pressure relief valve and the vessel. In the
case of manifolded pressure relief valves, any provision made for isolating any relief valve (e.g.
for testing or servicing) will ensure that the remaining relief valves connected to the vessel
provide the full capacity required at all times. The capacity of the pressure relief valves will be
designed in accordance with the appropriate European or International Standard.

Where pressure relief valves are combined with a shutter, it will be locked in the open

Relief Valves will be fitted with vent pipes adequately supported and having outlets at least 1.8
m above the top of the vessel to which they are fitted.

Vent pipes will meet the following conditions:

- They will be sized for the full flow of the relief valves to which they are fitted, and will be
positioned so that they discharge vertically upwards in a safe place;
- They will be designed and installed so that in the event of ignition of discharged products,
flame impingement on any vessel, equipment or piping is avoided;
- They will be protected against internal / external corrosion If the relief valve does not allow
for the drainage of rainwater that may enter, a drainage point will be included in the vent
pipes. The top of the vent pipes will be protected with a rain cap. Drain Connection

In storage vessels of unit capacity exceeding 400 m3, drain connections will be provided with a
remote operated shut-off valve.

The outlet of the drain system will be provided with a length of piping with sufficient volume
to remove any accumulated water and terminating with a Globe Valve and a Dead Man Ball
Valve on the open air outlet side. The length of piping will be such that the risk of
simultaneous obstruction of both valves, e.g. by freezing of any accumulated water, is

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 23

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
minimized. The Globe Valve will be positioned to facilitate operation of both valves by one

(a) The valves and the piping will be adequately supported and secured to prevent mechanical
damage or breakage by jet forces.

(b) Valves on the drain system will have a means of actuation which cannot readily be
removed or moved from the closed position except by intentional operation.

(c) This operation will be detailed in a procedure to ensure that all valves on the drain system
will not be open at the same time.

4.2.9 Pipework, fittings and hoses Pipework and fittings must all comply with the appropriate local or international standards. Pipework will be designed to accommodate the extreme operating conditions on site and
routed above ground or in open ducts capable of inspection. If pipes are buried they will be
protected against corrosion. The pipework schematic drawings (i.e. P&ID’s) will be maintained up‐to‐date. The pipework
and equipment will be in conformity with:
- The local regulations
- The suitability of the related transported LPG (refrigerated or under pressure)
- For good operational practices a velocity in the range of 1 m/s is recommended for suctions
lines and a maximum velocity of 3 m/s for all other pipes. Pipes and fittings will be seamless. The welding pipe/pipe and pipe/fitting will be made with
the same thickness and schedule. LPG pipework will be 100% controlled with non-destructive tests and hydraulically tested. The fittings for the LPG pipework and tapping will be according to the following:
- Use of authorized welding processes
- Screwed connections will not be used above 1" ½ (40 mm nominal diameter) and will be
kept to an absolute minimum
- All other connections will be welded or flanged PN50 (class 300 of EN 1759-1 or equivalent
API and ISO standard) and with electrical continuity
- The routes of all pipework will be carefully selected so as to avoid physical damage or
failure. Where more than one grade of LPG is handled, any interconnecting system must be
- All above ground pipework will be protected against corrosion by the application of suitable

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Date Issued: 23 August 2013
- Test, certification, inspection and maintenance schemes
- Buried pipework will be adequately protected against corrosion (wrapped coating)
- Capable of being supported to allow for longitudinal movements (hangers and wall
- An anti‐vibration device installed close to a potential source of vibrations, if necessary
(compressors and bellows for example)
- The installation of expansion devices (bends, bellows) for long pipe runs
- The presence of a thermal relief valve on every liquid phase section, between 2 valves or
devices able to isolate the pipe section. The handwheel of the isolation valve fitted
between the thermal relief valve and the pipe will be removed in order to maintain the
isolation valve open.
- Avoiding direct contact between pipework and structural steel work
- All shutoff valves on LPG pipework of nominal bore above 1" ¼ (32 millimeters) will be of a
ball type valve fire resistant
- Any open ended pipes and drain will be adequately sealed / plugged or otherwise protected
when not in use Emergency shutdown valves must be fitted on all LPG line entry points in the building. All the LPG liquid hoses used to fill cylinders and to load /unload trucks must comply with the
appropriate local or international standards. All such hoses must have electrical continuity. LPG pipes, hoses and fittings must have full electrical continuity plus a fully tested earth

4.2.10 LPG transfer pumps and compressors Pumps and compressors will preferably be located in the same area. Pumps and compressors must be designed to suit the type of LPG to be used, service condition
and maximum outlet pressure. Pumps and compressors used for LPG transfer must be compatible with system electrics for
use in Zones 1 and 2. Pumps must be protected with appropriate filter units. Isolation valves will be installed to permit easy maintenance. Pumps will be centrifugal and designed for the industry of LPG. Pumps will be fitted with equipment capable to safely withstand the maximum pressure which
could be developed by the product.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 25

Date Issued: 23 August 2013 Pumps, compressors and their motors will be protected against adverse weather conditions
and accidental damage suitable ventilation, positioning and/ or protection. Pumps and compressors will be mounted on blocks, incorporating anti‐vibration devices when
necessary. In case of pumps, location will be selected to minimize cavitation risks. Pipework
will be adequately supported. An emergency shutdown button, clearly indicated and reachable, will be placed for all loading/
discharge points, capable to stop all movements of products in the plant. LPG compressors will be protected against liquid carry over.

4.2.11 Cylinder filling equipment The cylinder filling equipment must be designed and selected to be fit for the range of cylinder
sizes to be filled and checked. The cylinder filling equipment must be appropriate for the type
of LPG to be used. Cylinder filling equipment must be installed in a location that has good ventilation. The access
to the filling platform for placing and removing empty and full cylinders must be easy. The
distance between each equipment must be sufficient to minimise health and safety risks. The filling method will be the filling by weight. The scales used to check cylinder weights must
have a minimum accuracy standard of plus or minus 0.5 of a scale division and they must be
approved by the weights and measures department of the country’s appropriate regulatory
authority. The installation must include equipment for removal of excess LPG from any cylinders shown
to be over-filled or not airtight when checked. The floor of cylinder loading/unloading area will be equipped with rubber carpet or equivalent
to avoid the chock on cylinder feet and electrostatic phenomena. The filling head couplings must be compatible with the cylinder valve in order to prevent and
minimize LPG leakage during filling and when disconnected. All filling equipment will be earthing connected.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 26

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
4.2.12 Electrical installations and control system All electrical installations and equipment must be designed and installed to the local or
international standards, with certification where certification is required. Especially, any
electrical equipment used in hazardous areas must be to the appropriate standard for the zone
classification. The cables routing will be carefully selected, protected from physical damage. And preferably
be located above ground on suitable cable trays. Each electrical line will be clearly identified. Protection against lightning may be necessary in some regions. In such cases an appropriate
device to eliminate electrostatic discharges will be installed. The main switchgear cubicle must be sited in non-hazardous area. Electrical circuits must be earthed with high quality, individual connections, separated from
those on storage tanks and pipework. Electrical circuits must be capable of full or part isolation, with clearly identified emergency
stop buttons suitable for the area in which they operate. Camera equipped with batteries, hearing aids, mobile phone and portable lamps are
prohibited from the classified areas, unless they are of intrinsic safety type: (Ex‐i certified.
Camera could be used if operated under a permit to work system. Any electrical equipment use in hazardous areas must have certification for the appropriate
zone. Consideration will be given to the importance of maintaining essential services in the event of
loss of primary power supply.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 27

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
4.3 Fire protection
4.3.1 Basic Principals The possibility of fire will be minimized by good plant design and layout, good engineering,
good operating practice, proper instruction and training of personnel in routine operations and
actions to be taken in an emergency. Fire fighting equipment will comply with industry or national technical standards and take into
account factors such as emergency response time, location of facility and availability of water
back up. Adequate fire protection of the storage vessels is a key issue. To achieve this, vessels will be
equipped with a water deluge system. The choice of fire protection method will be made in
accordance to national requirements on the basis of operational considerations and analysis of
the fire hazards. Passive fire protection is required on the legs of spherical tanks (e.g. concrete) capable of
protecting the legs for at least 120 minutes. The water supply will be able to maintain the required application rate over vessels and road
tankers for a specified minimum period, typically 120 minutes. Networks can be of two types:

- Autonomous and independent from the public network (storage, back up pumps)
- Supplied by the public network Storage and pumping equipment must be in accordance with industry and/ or company
requirements. The design of the whole network must be such to ensure functioning even
under the most adverse weather conditions. Special consideration will be given to the possibility of loss of electrical power on site and the
need for backup facilities. Hydrants and monitors will be so designed that water flow can be controlled from a position
where location or distance from the storage makes it relatively safe. To prevent the potential consequences of fire, adequate fire protection is needed in the
following areas:
- Tank storage area
- Pump and compressor area
- Loading and unloading area
- Cylinder storage area
- Cylinder filling area
- Cylinder repairing area
Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 28
Date Issued: 23 August 2013
4.3.2 Water Deluge Systems for Above Ground Pressurized Vessels Water deluge systems must be capable of establishing a continuous film of water over the
whole protected area. The minimum rate is 10 litres/m²/min Manual start‐up of the water deluge system may be acceptable where continuous supervision
is maintained. In other cases and for OFIP 3, start‐up will be automatic linked to the emergency
shutdown system and/or flame detection system. A fixed water deluge system will be installed over the LPG storage tanks, the truck loading
area, the filling equipment, the LPG pumps and compressor (OFIP 2 and 3).

4.3.3 Fire Fighting Equipment Portable fire fighting equipment will be selected and located to enable fires adjacent to the
protected area to be extinguished and so prevent the fire spreading to or jeopardizing the LPG
installation. Fire extinguishers or hose reels or an equivalent combination of the two types of
equipment will be provided. There will be sufficient and suitable portable fire fighting
equipment on the premises that will be properly selected, located, maintained and clearly
identified in accordance with appropriate International or local regulations An alarm system will be installed, which can be activated by push‐button. Additionally any
installed fire or gas detection system will also activate the alarm system. Audible and visual
alarms will give adequate warning to the emergency services and/ or operatives who will then
follow the appropriate site emergency procedure.

4.3.4 Emergency shutdown system As a preventative measure, an emergency shutdown system will be installed, which will stop
product movement and isolate storage vessels. The shutdown system will be independent of
the fire protection system.

4.3.5 Grass and Weed Control Weeds, long grass, deciduous shrubs and trees together with any combustible material will be
removed from around the hazardous area. Chemical weed‐killers, which introduce a potential
fire hazard (such as those containing sodium chlorate or other oxidizing agents) will not be

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 29

Date Issued: 23 August 2013

5.1 Main points for deciding a type of plant

5.1.1 Because of the particularity of the LPG Business and the high costs of investments, it is
recommended to make a basis study before deciding the type of filling plant to be erected.

5.1.2 Main points for deciding a type of plant are the following:

Market knowledge and entry barriers:

- Current size and potential of the LPG market,
- Competitors activities,
- Product availability (supply issues).
Market environment:
- Local requirements and standards,
- Playing level field.
Economics and financial items:
- Margins,
- Amount of the investment (agreed budget).

5.1.3 The layout of the facilities will be studied according to:

- Local legal requirements,
- Operational requirements,
- Possible future extension,
- Ease of operations,
- Ease of maintenance
- Basic safety rules,
- Environment of the operational facilities,
- Hazardous area classification,
- Economics of the project.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 30

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
5.1.4 Any project will be designed and based on this Standard and local legal codes and standards.
This must be done in spite of the practice of the competitors on the same market.

5.2 Functional analysis per type of LPG filling plant

The aim of this document is to define the permitted operation in term of LPG transfer per different type
of filling plant and the associated safety steps corresponding to different events.

5.2.1 LPG Transfer


Cylinder filling
  
Tank truck loading
 
Tank truck unloading
  
5.2.2 LPG Cylinders maintenance


Shroud repair
 
Foot repair
 
Change valve
  
 
Commercial paint

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 31

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
5.3 OFIP Classification


The storage will be stationary tanks or carried out The storage will be stationary tanks, The storage will be stationary tanks,
LPG Total Storage
by LPG truck. The total storage capacity will be from 71 to The total storage capacity will be greater than
Capacity 3 3 3
The total storage capacity will be up to 70 m 800 m 800 m
- Road Tanker unloading with the LPG - Road Tanker unloading with the LPG
- Road Tanker unloading with the truck LPG pump
Compressor Compressor
- Cylinder Filling with the 6 m3/h LPG pump
- Road Tanker loading with the 30 m3/h LPG - Road Tanker loading with the 30 m3/h LPG
pump pump
- Cylinder Filling with the 16 m3/h LPG pump - Cylinder Filling with the 16 m3/h LPG pump
- Optional: transfer of LPG from one tank to - Transfer of LPG from one tank to another one.
another one.
40 ft container composed of: Filling Hall composed of, as a minimum: Filling Hall composed of:
- 3 stationary electronic filling scales: - 7 stationary electronic filling scales for - 1 Remotely operated Ball Valve (pneumatically
 2 stationary electronic filling scales for 3 to cylinders: operated), Fail Closed on the filling and return
13 kg cylinders,  3 stationary electronic filling scales for 3 lines
 1 stationary electronic filling scale for and 6 kg cylinders, - 8 stationary electronic filling scales for
cylinders with capacity above 13 kg  3 stationary electronic filling scales for 13 cylinders:
kg cylinders,  4 stationary electronic filling scales for 3
- 1 LPG pressure regulating skid,  1 stationary electronic filling scale for and 6 kg cylinders,
cylinders with capacity above 13 kg,  4 stationary electronic filling scales for 13
- 1 scale for weight control,
- 1 LPG pressure regulating skid, kg cylinders,
Filling equipment - 1 leak gas detector, - 1 weight check scale, Or 1 carousel (12 posts) equipped with not less
- Roller conveyors - 1 stationary electronic leak detector, than 9 electronic filling scales for both 6
- Roller conveyors, and 13 kg,
- 1 cylinder support for LPG evacuation and the - 2 stationary electronic filling scale for cylinders
pneumatic pump. with capacity above 13 kg
- 1 LPG pressure regulating skid,
- 1 automatic in line weight check scale,
- 1 stationary electronic leak detector,
- Chain conveyors,
- 1 cylinder support for LPG evacuation and the
pneumatic pump.

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Date Issued: 23 August 2013
20 ft container composed of: - 1 pneumatic valve screwing /unscrewing post, - 1 pneumatic valve screwing/unscrewing post,
- 1 cylinder support and pneumatic pump for LPG - 1 hydraulic testing unit and ramp, - 1 hydraulic testing unit and ramp,
evacuation, - 1 foot-ring and shroud straightening unit. - 1 foot-ring and shroud straightening unit,
- 1 pneumatic valve screwing /unscrewing post. - 1 cylinder crushing and piercing unit,
- 1 sand-blasting unit,
- 1 manual painting device and rotating platform,
- 1 manual tare labelling set,
- Roller conveyors.
1 skid with a filling centrifugal pump 1 LPG compressor to offload trucks, 1 LPG compressor to offload trucks,
1 LPG centrifugal pump to load trucks, 2 LPG centrifugal pumps to load trucks: 1 pump is
Pumping station
2 LPG centrifugal pumps to fill cylinders: 1 pump dedicated as stand by,
is dedicated as stand by. 2 LPG centrifugal pumps to fill cylinders: 1 pump
is dedicated as stand by.
N/A Loading/unloading bay for LPG road tankers or Loading/unloading bay(s) for LPG road tankers or
semi-trailers with for each line : semi-trailers with for each line :
-1 Safety breakaway coupling. - 1 Remotely operated Ball Valve (pneumatically
Trucks loading and 2 Loading/unloading hoses : operated), Full Bore, Fail Closed
unloading - 1 hose for liquid line, -1 Safety breakaway coupling.
- 1 hose for vapour line. 2 Loading/unloading hoses or arms for each bay :
- 1 hose for liquid line,
- 1 hose of for vapour line.
1 air compressor 6 m /h – 8/10 bars with 20 l tank. 1 air compressor and dryer 1 air compressor and dryer
Other equipment and dryer 1 generator 1 generator
1 weighbridge 1 weighbridge
1 flexible firewater tank 1 firewater storage tank 1 firewater storage tank
2 fire-fighting power-driven pumps minimum (incl. 2 fire-fighting power-driven pumps minimum 2 fire-fighting power-driven pumps minimum
a back up) (incl. a back up) (incl. a back up)
Firewater network and loop to cover all the plant Firewater network and loop to cover all the plant
from fire, from fire,
Sprinkler ramps on the storage tank/road tank and Sprinkler ramps on the storage tank/road tank in Sprinkler ramps on the storage tank/road tank in
in the containers, the filling hall and LPG pump/compressor area, the filling hall and LPG pump/compressor area
2 fire hoses nozzle, Fire hoses nozzle, Fire hoses nozzle,
Fire extinguishers. at least 1 powder extinguisher Fire extinguishers, Fire extinguishers,
for electrical fire Gas leak detectors. Gas leak detectors.
Flame detectors

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Date Issued: 23 August 2013
Very small concrete slab, Road and circulation areas, Road and circulation areas,
Roads and circulation areas, Filling and maintenance platforms, Filling and maintenance platforms,
Prefabricated building for offices. Offices building, Offices building,
Fence with two gates: one used as safety exit Technical buildings which will include the Technical buildings which will include the
following services: following services:
Workshop, Workshop,
Civil works Generator room, Generator room,
Fire-fighting pumps room, Fire-fighting pumps room,
Air compressor room. Air compressor room.
Guard house, Guard house,
Parking, Parking,
Trucks parking area, Trucks parking area,
Fence with two gates: one used as safety exit. Fence with two gates: one used as safety exit.

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 34

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
5.4 Safety

The activation of the general alarm push button will be done when the following events are observed
-Fire whatever the area (tanks, filling hall, pump, loading/unloading bays, cylinders park,...)
-Gas leak on pipes or gas installations (tanks, trucks, filling hall, pumps, loading/unloading bays, …).

5.4.1 Safety actions for OFIP 1

Associated safety actions

Water Deluge System on
Fire pump LPG Loading / Siren / Remote operated Open gate
Filling switch-off
start Storage unloading Bay/ LPG Local Alarm Shut Off Valve of exit
hall circuit *
Tanks Pumping Area
Emergency Automatic
Manual Manual Manual Manual Automatic Automatic Manual
shut down (Siren)
Emergency switch-off circuit *:
- Remote operated Valves Shut off
- LPG Pumps and LPG compressor Switch off
- Filling hall equipment (incl. carousel and conveyor motors) Switch off

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Date Issued: 23 August 2013
5.4.2 Safety actions for OFIP 2

Associated safety actions

Water Deluge System on
Fire pump LPG Loading / Siren / Remote operated Open gate
Filling switch-off
start Storage unloading Bay/ LPG Local Alarm Shut Off Valve of exit
hall circuit *
Tanks Pumping Area
Emergency Automatic
Automatic Automatic Manual Automatic Automatic Automatic Manual
shut down (Siren)
Gas detection Automatic
Manual Manual Manual Manual Automatic Automatic Manual
50% LIE (Siren)
Gas detection Automatic
Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual
20% LIE (Local Alarm)
Automatic Automatic (valve
HL Alarm Manual Manual
(Local Alarm) on supply line only)
HHL Alarm Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Manual
Emergency switch-off circuit *:
- Remote operated Valves Shut off
- LPG Pumps and LPG compressor Switch off
- Filling hall equipment (incl. carousel and conveyor motors) Switch off

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Date Issued: 23 August 2013
5.4.3 Safety actions for OFIP 3

Associated safety actions

Water Deluge System on
Fire pump LPG Loading / Siren / Remote operated Open gate
Filling switch-off
start Storage unloading Bay/ LPG Local Alarm Shut Off Valve of exit
hall circuit *
Tanks Pumping Area
Emergency Automatic
Automatic Automatic Manual Automatic Automatic Automatic Manual
shut down (Siren)
Flame detection Automatic Automatic Manual Automatic Automatic Automatic Manual
Gas detection Automatic
Manual Manual Manual Manual Automatic Automatic Manual
50% LIE (Siren)
Gas detection Automatic
Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual
20% LIE (Local Alarm)
Automatic Automatic (valve
HL Alarm Manual Manual
(Local Alarm) on supply line only)
HHL Alarm Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Manual
Emergency switch-off circuit *:
- Remote operated Valves Shut off
- LPG Pumps and LPG compressor Switch off
- Filling hall equipment (incl. carousel and conveyor motors) Switch off

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 37

Date Issued: 23 August 2013
5.5 Tank fittings

Stationary above-ground storage vessel(s)

3 3 3
Unit capacity below 100 m Unit capacity from 100 to 200 m Unit capacity greater than 200 m
Pressure gauge Pressure gauge Pressure gauge
Temperature indicator, Temperature equipment, Temperature equipment,
Level indicator or rotative gauge, Level indicator with transmitter, Level indicator with transmitter,
Tank Instruments
Mechanical High Level (HL: max 90%) High level switch (HL: max 90% and HHL: max High level switch (HL: max 90% and HHL: max
Pressure relief valves. 95%), 95%),
Pressure relief valves. Pressure relief valves.
Liquid Outlet Line: Liquid Outlet Line: Liquid Outlet Line:
- Remotely operated Ball Valve (pneumatically - Internal safety valve (hydraulically operated
operated), Full Bore, Fail Closed or Internal safety with fusible plugs), Fail Closed
valve (hydraulically operated with fusible plugs), - Remotely Operated Ball Valve (pneumatically
Fail Closed operated), Full Bore, Fail Closed
- Remotely operated Ball Valve (pneumatically - Remotely operated Ball Valve (pneumatically - Ball Valve Full Bore
operated), Full Bore operated), Full Bore, Fail Closed
- Ball Valve Full Bore - Ball Valve Full Bore
Liquid Inlet Line and liquid return line: Liquid Inlet Line and liquid return line: Liquid Inlet Line and liquid return line:
Shutoff valves
- Check Valve - Check Valve - Check Valve
(from the shell
- Remotely Operated Ball Valve (pneumatically - Remotely Operated Ball Valve (pneumatically
operated), Fail Closed operated), Fail Closed
- Ball Valve manually operated - Ball Valve manually operated - Ball Valve manually operated
Vapour Balance Line: Vapour Balance Line: Vapour Balance Line:
- Ball Valve manually operated - Ball Valve manually operated - Ball Valve manually operated
Liquid drain line: Liquid drain line: Liquid drain line:
- Ball Valve manually operated - Ball Valve manually operated - Remotely Operated Ball Valve (pneumatically
operated), Fail Closed
- Globe Valve and Dead Man Ball Valve manually - Globe Valve and Dead Man Ball Valve manually - Globe Valve and Dead Man Ball Valve manually
operated operated operated

Document Reference: OLPG S1 – 01 38

Date Issued: 23 August 2013

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