MOY/SCMI/18: Centre For Basic, Thermal and Length Metrology National Physical Laboratory
MOY/SCMI/18: Centre For Basic, Thermal and Length Metrology National Physical Laboratory
MOY/SCMI/18: Centre For Basic, Thermal and Length Metrology National Physical Laboratory
This specification relates to NPL type Combination Angle Gauges and Accessories as
shown on NPL Drawing No. 1588, British Patent No. 569002 and those Combination
Angle gauges covered by Patent No. 559748.
In the 1940s and 1950s, NPL was involved in drafting a special series of
Specifications of Accuracy that covered a wide range of precision measuring
apparatus. This series has been built on first hand experience gained in the design and
construction of prototype measuring equipment at NPL and in the design and
calibration of measuring equipment of British and foreign manufacture. Each
specification in the series originally conformed to a general pattern and was allocated
a permanent serial number which, in addition to its title, serves as its identity.
The MOY/SCMI standards are complementary to the Standards issued by the British
Standards Institute (BSI). The majority relate to measurement equipment of a
proprietary kind designed either at NPL or by British manufacturers which, in the
ordinary way, would not fall within BSI’s terms of reference. In some cases, in which
the equipment is of a more general nature, the Specification has provided a useful
basis for formulating a British Standard. The specifications are to enable
manufacturers to base their inspection on mutually agreed specifications of accuracy
both in workmanship and performance.
MOY/SCMI/18 and 45 have been updated as part of a project financed by the DTI
(MPU 8/61.3) concerned with Good Practice Guides and Equipment Specifications.
The MOY/SCMI covers the following two types of combination angle gauges.
The set consists of the following gauges: 1º, 3º, 9º, 27º, 41º, 0.1’, 0.3’,
0.5’, 1’, 3’, 9’ and 27’. The set may, in addition, include a 0.05’ gauge.
MOY/SCMI/18 (Issue 6):2001
1 NPL TYPE COMBINATION ANGLE GAUGES ................................................3
1.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................3
1.2 FACES ...........................................................................................................4
1.3 ACCURACY OF ANGLES...........................................................................4
1.4 KNIFE-EDGE STRAIGHT EDGE................................................................4
2 HILGER TYPE COMBINATION ANGLE GAUGES .........................................5
2.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................5
2.2 FACES ...........................................................................................................6
2.3 ACCURACY OF ANGLES...........................................................................6
3 UNCERTAINTIES ................................................................................................6
4 REPORTING OF COMPLIANCE ........................................................................7
MOY/SCMI/18 (Issue 6):2001
Figure 1 NPL type combination angle gauges (12 gauges plus square block)
1.1.1 The composition of the set of gauges, the general dimensions and
marking of the pieces shall be in accordance with NPL Drawing No.
1.1.2 The manufacturer shall submit with each set a declaration that it has
been given a recognised heat treatment designed to ensure dimensional
stability of the gauges.
1.1.3 The working surfaces shall be hardened and have a hardness of not less
than 800 HV, when tested in accordance with BS EN ISO 6507-1:1998.
MOY/SCMI/18 (Issue 6):2001
1.2.1 The measuring faces shall be lapped to give a good wringing contact.
The sides shall be finely ground or lapped.
1.2.3 The measuring faces shall be parallel transversely to within 0.002 mm.
1.2.5 The measuring faces shall be square to the side faces to within
0.002 mm over the depth of the measuring face.
1.3.1 The actual angle of each gauge, including each interior angle of the
square block, shall agree with its nominal size to within ± 2 seconds of
1.4.2 The side faces shall be flat to within 0.002 5 mm and parallel to within
0.004 mm.
1.4.3 The wringing face shall be square to the side faces to within
0.002 5 mm over the depth of the wringing face.
1.4.4 When the knife-edge is placed on a truly flat surface against a well-
illuminated background, no light shall be visible at any point along its
length. This test shall apply for any angle of illumination of the
straightedge to the flat surface up to 5º on either side of the normal.
1.4.5 The knife-edge shall be parallel with the wringing face to within
0.000 5 mm.
1.4.6 The knife-edge shall be parallel with the side faces to within 0.025 mm.
MOY/SCMI/18 (Issue 6):2001
Figure 2 A Set of Hilger type Angle Gauges (picture courtesy of Taylor Hobson Limited)
2.1.2 The apex and nominal angle of each angle gauge shall be marked.
2.1.3 The working surfaces shall have a minimum hardness of 800 HV, when
tested in accordance with BS EN ISO 6507-1:1998.
2.1.4 The manufacturer shall submit with each set a declaration that it has
been given a recognised heat treatment designed to ensure dimensional
stability of the gauges.
MOY/SCMI/18 (Issue 6):2001
2.2.1 The measuring faces shall be lapped to give a good wringing contact.
The sides shall be finely ground or lapped.
2.2.5 The measuring faces shall be square to the side faces to within
1 minute of arc.
2.3.1 The actual angle of each gauge shall agree with its nominal size to
within ± 2 seconds of arc.
MOY/SCMI/18 (Issue 6):2001
This set of angle gauges has been examined for compliance with the
accuracy requirements of clauses 2 and 3 of NPL Specification of
Accuracy MOY/SCMI/18 (Issue 5), a copy of which is attached to this
MOY/SCMI/18 (Issue 6):2001
For free measurement advice and information on other specifications in this series call
the NPL Help line on 020 8943 6880
The angle gauges to which this specification relates are further described in
‘Measurement of Angle in Engineering’ by J C Evans and C O Taylerson (Third
Edition Revised by E W Palmer and S P Poole).
MOY/SCMI/18 (Issue 6):2001