Real Applications: The Vehicle Routing Problem
Real Applications: The Vehicle Routing Problem
Real Applications: The Vehicle Routing Problem
This contribution describes the metaheuristic ant colony optimization and how it can be
successfully used to solve a number of variants of the basic vehicle routing problem.
The main part presents two industrial-scale applications of ACO for the solution of
static VRP problems: a VRP with time windows and a VRP with pickup and delivery.
Then the contribution focuses its attention on one important dynamic variant of the
VRP: the on-line VRP. The problem is receiving increasing attention based on its
relevance to real world problems, in particular for distribution in urban environments.
The applications of ACO on real-world VRP shows that this metaheuristic inspired by
ants has become an important tool in applied operations research.
To see all problem check:
Rizzoli, Andrea-Emilio & Montemanni, Roberto & Lucibello, Enzo & Gambardella,
Luca Maria. (2007). Ant colony optimization for real-world vehicle routing problems.
Swarm Intelligence. 1. 135-151. 10.1007/s11721-007-0005-x.