University of The Philippines Manila Palo, Leyte

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University of the Philippines Manila


Palo, Leyte

Learning Guide
Related Learning Experience - Pediatric Nursing
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”


The purpose of this course is to provide the student practical nurse the knowledge to care for children in a variety of
settings. Common and complex conditions affecting children will be discussed and care of patients will be applied in
practical clinical settings. The practical nurse’s role in assisting with the patient care plan and the importance of clear,
concise observation, reporting and documentation is stressed. Clinical experiences will include areas generally
specializing in needs of children such as acute care, clinics and pediatric care centers, and day care centers. Practical
nursing skills will be taught and applied with regard to aseptic procedures, communication, comfort and safety, and caring
for children ranging in age from birth to eighteen years old. The importance of maintaining the nutritional needs of patients
in pediatric nursing will be learned in the classroom and applied in the clinical setting. Medication theory related
specifically to pediatric nursing will be learned in the classroom and applied to practice in the clinical setting in a
progressive manner. An emphasis on a family centered holistic approach to nursing care will be stressed at all times.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of clinical posting at pediatric unit, you will be able to:
 Utilize concepts of growth and development to provide quality of care to children at different developmental stages.
 Perform nursing skills accurately and safely in order to provide safe care to children. Provide nursing students with
basic knowledge related to clinical pediatric nursing for well and ill child.
 Giving emphasis and focuses on the principles and concepts for dealing with the child and family as a one unit.
 Implement health education topics regarding health promotion and diseases prevention
 Applying case studies, nursing notice and nursing process for health maintenance and health prevention of children
 Carry out nursing assessment for neonates and premature children, and children with other medical conditions.


EXPERIENCE - Pediatric
1 Overview of Read: Reading article
Pediatric Nursing What is Pediatric Nursing: Audio-visual presentation

Children’s Ward:


Pediatric Nursing Introduction:

Become a Pediatric Nurse:

Providing care to Read: Students will acquire basic

patient safely Caring for our pediatric patients: knowledge and skills about caring pediatric patients
/2011/09000/caring_for_our_pediatric_patients.1.aspx safely and efficiently. The
students will also learn
some experiences from the
nurses caring patients in
Nursing Care of Pediatric Patient by Stage of pediatric unit.
Development: Task:
patients-developmentally-appropriate-interventions-and- - Journal article reading
techniques/ - Reflective Writing from
journal article readings
Watch: about pediatric nursing in
COVID-19: Caring for Pediatric Patients hospital care setting.

SickKids: Caring Safely

A Day in the life of a Nurse at Sickkids:

Principles and Read: Task:

concepts in dealing Five Principles of Family Centered Care in Pediatric - Journal Reading
with the child and Nursing:
family care

Family-oriented and family-centered care in pediatrics:
Developing Read: Students will develop an
educational Why Patient Education is Vital for Engagement, Better IEC materials designed for
program for patient Outcomes: health education to be
and family. given to the patient and
education-is-vital-for-engagement-better-outcomes family.
The Nurse's Role in Patient Education:
Task: - Developing IEC materials
2 Nursing Care to Google Students will be distributed
pediatric patients You tube to different areas in the
with special needs pediatric ward. Each one
and COVID-19 Read: will handle two patients
and will be performing
Improving Care for Children with Special Needs in a Health
nursing procedures
Care Environment:
specific to the case
throughout their exposure
in the area.
Students will be able to
Providing Appropriate Nursing Care for the
acquire knowledge and
Developmentally Disabled Child:
skills in providing nursing
care to pediatric patient
with special needs and
those infected with COVID-
COVID-19: how it is affecting children and what nurses can
do to help:
Task: - Journal reading
people/opinion/comment/covid-19-how-it-affecting-children- - Web lecture
and-what-nurses-can-do-to-help-159566 - Formulate a
Watch: Comprehensive NCP
Goals of Care for COVID-19 Pediatric Patients: (anchored in the case study/presentation)
Nursing During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Health Maintenance Read: Students will be able to

and Health Pediatric Prevention and Health Maintenance: learn and understand
Prevention of about pediatric prevention
children sc/fniah-spnia/alt_formats/pdf/services/nurs- and health maintenance.
- Handout

Modification on the Read: Students will be able to

workflow at understand and apply the
Pediatric Care Unit Strategies for children’s hospital in response to COVID-19 basic knowledge regarding
during COVID-19 pandemic: the modification and revision of the hospital
00394-w policies in light of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Dig Deeper Watch:
Best Practices in the Management of Pediatric Patient with Task:
COVID-19: - Journal reading - Web lecture

Activity 1.

Reflective Writing
Cite at least two journal articles contextualizing Pediatric Nursing and construct a reflection paper in no less than 300
words from your readings.

Submit your output through email at on or before July 17, 2021.

Rubric for Reflective Journaling

Criteria Superior (6 points) Sufficient (4 points) Minimal (2 points) Unacceptable (0

Depth of Response demonstrates Response demonstrates Response Response
Reflection (30%) an in-depth reflection a general reflection and demonstrates a demonstrates a lack
and insights on, and insights on, and minimal reflection of reflection and
personalization of, the personalization of, the and insights on, and insights on, and
theories, principles, theories, concepts, personalization of, personalization of,
concepts, and/or and/or strategies related the theories, the theories,
strategies related to the to the focus of study. concepts, and/or concepts, and/or
focus study. Viewpoints strategies related to strategies related to
and interpretations are the focus of study. the focus of study.
Use of textual Viewpoints and Viewpoints and Viewpoints and Viewpoints and
evidence and interpretations are well interpretations are interpretations are interpretations are
context (30%) supported. Response supported. Response unsupported or missing,
shows strong evidence shows evidence of supported with inappropriate, and/or
of synthesis of ideas synthesis of ideas flawed arguments. unsupported.
presented. Clear, presented. Appropriate Response shows Response shows no
detailed examples are examples are provided, little evidence of evidence of synthesis
provided, as applicable. as applicable. synthesis of ideas of ideas presented.
presented. Examples, when
Examples, when applicable, are not
applicable, are not provided,
provided or are
irrelevant to the
Required Response includes all Response includes all Response is missing Response excludes
components (30%) components and meets components and meets some components essential
or exceeds all all requirements and/or does not fully components and/or
requirements indicated indicated in the meet the does not address the
in the instructions. Each instructions. Each requirements requirements
question or part of the question or part of the indicated in the indicated in the
assignment is assignment is instructions. Some instructions.
addressed thoroughly. addressed. questions or part of Many parts of the
the assignments are assignment are
not addressed. addressed minimally,
inadequately, and/or
not at all.
Writing Quality Writing is clear, concise, Writing is mostly clear, Writing is unclear Writing is unclear and
(10%) and well organized with concise, and well and/or disorganized. disorganized.
excellent organized with good Thoughts are not Thoughts ramble and
sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph expressed in a make little sense.
construction. Thoughts construction. Thoughts logical manner. There are numerous
are expressed in a are expressed in a There are more than spelling, grammar, or
coherent and logical coherent and logical five spelling, syntax errors
manner. There are no manner. There are no grammar, or syntax throughout the
spelling, grammar, or more than three spelling, errors per page of response.
syntax errors. grammar, or syntax writing.
errors per page of

Activity 2.

Health education is the art of applying an equally basic body of knowledge about the ways in which people acquire
information, develop attitudes, and change their behavior about health. It requires diagnosis of the particular situation
before methods are chosen.

As a nursing student assigned in the area will render health education to the patients and significant others while waiting
for the doctor to arrive, you are task to develop an IEC materials for these individuals which you think suitable and
appropriate for them to learn and understand about health particularly measures on promoting health and preventing
disease while at home. It contains all essential information needed to constitute a simplified and concise health education

Submit your output through email at on or before July 22, 2021.
Scoring Rubric for Health Education IEC materials

Objective: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

Connections Score Comprehensiveness Score

Completely and accurately 4 Thoroughly covers health 4
describes relationships topic, showing both breadth
between behavior and (wide range of facts and
health. Draws logical ideas) and depth (details
conclusion(s) about the about facts and ideas).
connection between Response is completely
behavior and health. accurate.
Describes relationships 3 Mostly covers health topic, 3
between behavior and showing breadth and depth,
health with some minor but one or both less fully.
inaccuracies or omissions. Response is mostly
Draws a plausible accurate, but may have
conclusion(s) about the minor inaccuracies.
connection between
behavior and health.
Description of relationship(s) 2 Minimal coverage of health 2
between behavior and topic, lacking breadth or
health is incomplete and/or showing little to no depth.
contains significant Response may show some
inaccuracies. Attempts to inaccuracies.
draw a conclusion about the
connection between
behavior and health, but
conclusion is incomplete or
Inaccurate or no description 1 No coverage of health topic 1
of relationship(s) between information. Little or no
behavior and health. accurate information.
Inaccurate OR no
conclusion drawn about the
connection between
behavior and health.

Activity 3. Putting It All Together (Individual Work)

Post Conference
Case Studies
Nursing Care of the Child with Cardiovascular
Disease-Rheumatic Fever
Case Study 1

An 8-year-old Native American boy, MA, is brought to the emergency department by his father.
The child is complaining of feeling “sick”. “Yesterday, my elbow hurt, now my knees hurt. And I
am scared because my face keeps moving, and I don’t want it to.”
His father adds, “he has been having a fever for the past 2 days now. He had a sore throat 3
weeks ago and was prescribed antibiotics. He didn’t have to take the whole bottle though
because he was feeling much better after just a couple of days. I got scared when he started
complaining of his chest hurting.” MA’s father also states that the boy’s mother is working
during the day as a waitress and that MA takes a children’s multivitamin every morning, has no
drug allergies and had his last checkup 3 years ago when he received his school

Nursing Assessment:
 Febrile- temperature of 101.9° F
 Pain in elbows and knees with movement
 Red, demarcated skin lesion noted on trunk
 Facial twitching
 Murmur heard primarily at the apex of the heart

Current Vital Signs:

 Temperature: 101.9° F
 Heart rate: 110 bpm
 Respiratory rate: 27 rpm
 Blood pressure: 88/60 mm Hg
 Weight: 80 lbs.
 O2 saturation: 98%

Lab Results
Throat Culture Positive for group A streptococcus
ESR: 15 mm/hr (normal3-13 mm/hr)
ECG: Prolonged PR interval
WBC: 12,500 cells/mm3

Provider’s orders
 Admit to pediatric floor
 Complete bedrest
 Blood draw for ASO titer (why?)
 Institute continuous cardiac monitoring
 Provide normal diet
 Administer penicillin V 500 mg PO tid for10 days
 Administer aspirin 325 mg PO every 4 hours while in hospital
 Institute seizure precautions


1. What subjective assessments indicate that this child is experiencing a health alteration?
2. What objective assessments indicate that the child is experiencing a health alteration?
3. After analyzing the data that has been collected, what primary nursing diagnosis should the nurse assign to this
4. What interventions should the nurse plan and/or implement to meet this child’s and his family’s needs?
5. What patient outcomes should the nurse evaluate regarding the effectiveness of the nursing interventions?
6. What physiological characteristics should the child exhibit before being discharged home?

Medication orders:

Ordered: Aspirin 325 mg every 4 hours

Recommended: 50-60 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 4 hours for children with RF
Determine maximum and minimum dosages.

Is this dosage safe?

Ordered: Penicillin V 500 mg PO tid

Recommended: for children over 27 kg with RF-500 mg PO bid or tid for 10 days.
What is this child’s weight in kg?
Is this a safe dose?
Nursing Care of the Child with Hematological Illness
Sickle Cell Disease
Case Study 2

A 6-year-old boy, DD, is brought to the clinic by his father.
The child is in his father’s arms, crying in pain. His father states “our son has sickle cell
anemia. He had his first crisis when he was 2 years old. He has had six or seven since
then. He woke up with a fever this morning and now this!” When the nurse asks about
his fluid intake the father tells her that the child has been drinking a little but not as
much as he should. He was given acetaminophen but it hadn’t helped. DD was to get
his flu shot next week and is up to date on all his immunizations. He takes penicillin
and folic acid daily.
Nursing Assessment:
 Febrile- temperature of 102.4° F
 Profuse pain in elbows and knees and abdomen. Chose “Hurts Worst” on the
Wong-Baker Pain Scale
 Elbows and knees are red, swollen, and warm
 Spleen is enlarged
 No known food or drug allergies

Current Vital Signs:

 Temperature: 102.4° F
 Heart rate: 130 bpm
 Respiratory rate: 25 rpm
 Blood pressure: 94/56 mm Hg
 Weight: 18 kg (10th percentile).
 Height: 109 cm (10th percentile)
 O2 saturation: 89%
Lab Results
RBC: 3.0 million/mm3
Reticulocytes: 0.2%
Hematocrit: 28%
Hemoglobin: 9.1%
Platelets: 200,000 cells/mm 3
WBC: 15,500 cells/mm 3
Provider’s orders
 Admit to pediatric floor
 Complete bedrest
 IV D5 ¼ NS at 90 mL/hr
 Clear fluids as tolerated
 Administer penicillin G 600,000 units IV every 6 hours
 Administer morphine 3 mg IV stat, may repeat every 2 hours, as needed
 Continuous oxygen saturations

1. What subjective assessments indicate that this child is experiencing a health alteration?
2. What objective assessments indicate that the child is experiencing a health alteration?
3. After analyzing the data that has been collected, what primary nursing diagnosis should the nurse assign to this
4. What interventions should the nurse plan and/or implement to meet this child’s and his family’s needs?
5. What patient outcomes should the nurse evaluate regarding the effectiveness of the nursing interventions?
6. What physiological characteristics should the child exhibit before being discharged home?
7. What subjective characteristics should the child exhibit before discharge?
8. What teaching would you initiate with the parents during hospitalization and before discharge?
Medication orders:

Ordered: Penicillin G 600,000 units IV q6hrs

Recommended: for infants and children is 100,000 to 400,000 units/kg/day IM/IV divided q4-q6hrs
Determine maximum and minimum dosages.

Is this dosage safe?

Ordered: morphine 3 mg IV stat, may repeat every 2 hours, as needed.

Recommended: for children 6 months to 12 years is 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg SC/IM/IV q2 to q4 hrs prn
What is this child’s weight in kg?
Determine maximum and minimum dosage range. Is this a safe dose?
When giving pain medicine what should be done 30 minutes after administering?
How would you assess this?
How would you assess if the child was sleeping?
Why would these children be at a high risk for CVA?
What is hemisiderosis?

Nursing Care of the Child With Respiratory Illnesses-Otitis Media

Case Study 3

6-month-old, OJ, is brought to the pediatrician’s office by her mother who tells the
practitioner that her daughter has an “earache”. The infant is crying and shaking her
head back and forth while tugging at her right ear. Mother states “she has had a cold
for past two days. Her nose has been snotty and she has had a hard time breathing
through her nose. She has had diarrhea, too. At three this morning she woke up
crying, I took her temperature with an armpit thermometer, and it was 101.8°F. She
has been miserable all day.” “I think she needs some antibiotics.” The practitioner
asks the mother about factors that put this child at a higher risk for ear infections and
the mother replies, “she takes her formula from a bottle, oh and I try to keep my
husband from smoking in the house, but it’s hard. He hates to have to go out to the
porch to smoke when it is so cold outside.”

Nursing Assessment:
 Skin pink
 Lungs clear
 Rhinorrhea-clear thin mucus
 Red, bulging tympanic membrane on the right, small amount of pus-like
 Slight bulging of tympanic membrane on the left
 Weight 15lbs. 8oz (consistent growth since last well child visit)
 No known food or drug allergies
 No diarrhea for past 3 hours.
Provider’s Orders:
 Home with family
 Acetaminophen 80mg PO every 6 hours-administer first dose in the office
 Ampicillin 150 mg PO every 6 hours for 10 days-1 st dose now
 Warm or cool packs to ears, as needed
 Instill saline nasal drops prior to feedings
 Diet change: ORT (e.g. Pedialyte) instead of formula for 2 days
 Return for reassessment after completion of the antibiotic course (appointment
to made for 10 days from today) or earlier if OJ shows no improvement.

1. What subjective assessments indicate that this child is experiencing a health alteration?
2. What objective assessments indicate that the child is experiencing a health alteration?
3. After analyzing the data that has been collected, what primary nursing diagnosis should the nurse assign to this
4. What interventions should the nurse plan and/or implement to meet this child’s and his family’s needs?
5. What patient outcomes should the nurse evaluate regarding the effectiveness of the nursing interventions?
6. What subjective signs of improvement should be apparent within 1 hour of treatment?

Medication orders:

Ordered: Acetaminophen 80 mg PO q6hr

Recommended: 10-15 mg/kg PO q 6- 8 hours prn
Determine maximum and minimum dosage range.
Is this dosage safe?

Ordered: Ampicillin 150 mg PO every 6 hours x 10 days

Recommended for children with AOM: 80-90 mg/kg q day.
Is the dose safe?
Ordered: Amoxicillin 300 mg bid
Recommended: Amoxicillin 80-90 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses

Nursing Care of the Child With Genitourinary Disorders-Wilms Tumor

Case Study 4

BJ, a 3-year, 3-month old female is brought to the clinic by her mother, to be seen by her
practitioner. BJ is playing with her doll in the waiting room while pretending to give her “baby”
a bottle and wrapping her in her up in a blanket. Mother states “Everything seems fine, but I
noticed that my daughter’s urine is pink. I first noticed it yesterday evening.” Mother reports
only a couple of colds this past year but nothing out of the ordinary. She asks the practitioner if
there might be a problem.
Nursing Assessment:
 Well child checks within normal limits, including weight, height, and head
circumferences all at the 50th percentile.
 Child is up to date on all immunizations.
 Mass palpated in left upper quadrant-child exhibits minimal guarding.
 Ultrasound ordered and results noted to be presumed Wilms’ tumor in the left kidney.
 No known allergies
Vital Signs:
Temperature: 98.8°F
Heart Rate: 100 bpm
Respiratory rate: 26 rpm
Blood pressure: 106/66 mm Hg
Lab Results:
Complete Blood Count
RBC: 3.6 million/mm3
Hemoglobin: 11 g/dL
Hematocrit: 33 %
WBC: 10,000/mm3
Platelet count: 225,000/mm3
Urine: within normal limits with exception of RBCs with exception of RBCs: 10 (normal ≤ 2)

Provider’s Orders:
 Admit to pediatric unit
 Prepare for surgery in a.m.
 NPO after midnight
 Modified bedrest
 Absolutely no palpation of the abdomen

1. What subjective assessments indicate that this child is experiencing a health alteration?
2. What objective assessments indicate that the child is experiencing a health alteration?
3. After analyzing the data that has been collected, what primary nursing diagnosis should the nurse assign to this
4. What interventions should the nurse plan and/or implement to meet this child’s and his family’s needs?
5. What patient outcomes should the nurse evaluate regarding the effectiveness of the nursing interventions?
6. What physiological characteristics should the child exhibit before being discharged home?
7. What subjective characteristics should the child exhibit before being discharged home from the hospital?
Submit your output through email at on or before July 23, 2021.

Activity 4. (Collaborative Work)

Case Simulation

In health care, simulation may refer to a device representing a simulated patient or part of a patient; such a device can
respond to and interact with the actions of the learner. It also refers to activities that mimic the reality of a clinical
environment and that are designed for use in demonstrating procedures and promoting decision making and critical
thinking. Likewise, it can take many forms, from relatively simple to highly complex.


1. After completing all tasks in this learning guide, each group is required to develop a case study method in simulation
that will showcase the ideals of how things get done in Pediatric Nursing.
2. Map out a case scenario depicting the real-life situation and integrate various approaches in providing care under the
new normal.
a) You can select one case scenario presented in Activity 3 for you to utilize during case presentation, and extract some
information or data needed to support your chosen case, AND/OR
b) You have the option to use a real patient if it seems possible on your end. If any member of the group has an access to
a nearby RHU/clinic, you can identify actual child patient to be the subject in your case presentation. Make sure that you
observe the health protocols during the assessment phase and confidentiality of patient data must be considered alike.
3. Refer to the Rubrics below for Case Simulation and Case Presentation.
4. Each group will present their output via ZOOM on the following dates:
Group A - July 24, 2021 at 1-3 PM
Group B - July 24, 2021 at 4-5 PM

A. Rubrics for the Case Simulation Video:

Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic

Initial Steps

1) Prepares for
patient contact
PPE /Hand Performs all Performs all initial Performs less Does not
washing initial steps steps with than two initial perform any of
without difficulty difficulty that are steps required the initial steps
2) Introduces that are required required in the in the skill listed. required in the
him/herself to in the skill listed. skill listed skill listed
the patient.

3) Identifies
his/herself to

Recognizes, Recognizes, Able to Fails to
1) Obtain verbalizes, and verbalizes, and recognize, recognize,
information demonstrates all demonstrates the verbalize, and verbalize,
regarding assessment assessment steps demonstrate the and/or
patient's history steps in a logical in a logical assessment demonstrate the
& chief manner manner 85% of steps in a assessment
complaint consistently the time during logical manner steps in a
without difficulty. this check off. 75% of the time logical manner
2) Measures during this less than 50%
the patient’s check off. of the time
vital signs during this
appropriately check off.
and accurately
selects which
vitals to
perform based
on information


1) Articulation Verbalizes Able to verbalize Limited ability to Fails to

to the patient relevant relevant verbalize verbalize
regarding the information information relevant relevant
selection of relating to the relating to the information information
vital signs and skill being designated skill relating to the relating to the
other clinical performed. that is being designated skill skill being
skills performed. that is being performed.
performed. Answers performed.
instructor's/ Able to answer Unable to
peer’s questions more than four Able to answer answer
regarding the questions less than three instructor's
skill and its regarding the skill questions questions
importance plus and its regarding the regarding the
the impact to the importance plus skill and its skill and its
patient without the impact to the importance plus importance
difficulty. patient the impact to and/or impact to
the patient. the patient.


1) Tone, clarity,
and use of Demonstrates Demonstrates Able to Fails to
terminology ALL of the MOST of the demonstrate demonstrate
communication communication some of the most of the
2) Nonverbal skills in a logical skills in a logical communication communication
communication manner manner skills, skills
is respectful consistently throughout the throughout the
and without difficulty scenario MOST of scenario.
appropriate for the time. Needs
environment improvement.

3) Uses correct
terminology in

1) Exhibits Calm demeanor, Appears nervous Instructor/ peer Instructor/ peer

positive appropriate yet able to notices that the notices that the
demeanor and mannerisms continue with student has student is not
confidence throughout the scenario with limited ability for prepared for the
throughout the scenario. some distraction. the designated required skills
scenario. Mannerisms are skills at this simulation at
appropriate. time. this time.
Body language Student is not
and familiar with the
mannerisms are designated skill.
inappropriate at Frustration
times. noted.
Body language
mannerisms are
inappropriate for
most of the

B. Evaluation Criteria for Case Presentation (15%)

Item to be evaluated:
Contents (6%)

1. Topic identification and introduction ( 3)

2. Clear of content (3)

Organization (1%)

3. Start and finish on time (within 15 min). (0.5)

4. Conduct presentation in an organized manner. (0.5)

Communication skills (11%)

5. Appropriate tone of voice/pace of speech. (2)

6. Appropriate vocabulary and terminology. (2)
7. Present in a confident professional manner. (2)
8. Able to control the audience. (2)
9. Encourage discussion and participation. (3)

Process (2%)

10. Use appropriate audiovisual materials. (0,5)

11. Allow time for discussion. (0,5)
12. Latest research related to topic (1)

Nursing Care Plan (10%)

Assessment (2)
Diagnosis (3)
Planning (2)
Interventions (2)
Evaluation (1)
Total mark 30%

Reference links:

Obdepazjr. 7/15/2021

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