CSULB Circle K May Newsletter

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Cheer Section!
Snap Snap Pose Pose:
Hold up wait a minute let me put some metro in it!

Snap snap, pose pose,

Snap snap, post pose,

and strut, and strut, and strut and strut and strut.

Betcha’ didn’t know that:

CSULB Circle K is 52 years old!
Hello Cal Sate Long Beach Circle K! Remember me? I’m the guy who
spams your email after every meeting with event updates!

Wow! It’s time for another issue of the newsletter already? I can’t be-
lieve another month of Circle K has passed! It seems like only yesterday the
board and I were just transitioning from general members to the executive
board! Boy, how time flies.

I know this issue of the newsletter seems a bit– how do you say– bland.
But it’s only because we don’t have a bunch of stuff to really discuss, but I can
definitely tell you that there’s going to be a heck of a lot of information as
soon as the board gets a chance!

The past month has been a heck of a great month for CSULB Circle K.
We’ve started out super strong, we’ve been having themed meetings, a
bunch of raffles, loads of events, a few socials, chosen our club theme for the
next year, a multitude of banquets, numerous awards and even gotten our
appointed board positions chosen! (For board positions, please see next
page) I would like to personally thank each and every one of you all who ap-
plied to appointed board! It really means a lot to see members taking an ac-
tive role to not only better the community, but to better the club.

Our club has been to many banquets so far, Metro Division, UCLA and
our very own, and I can honestly tell you all that going to banquets gets me
pumped up to see what will become of our club next year. To see where us as
the board will be standing in a years time. I wonder if I’ll cry if I made a speech
– hmmmmmmm… anyway! Like I said, going to banquets gets me pumped
up. There’s a lot more information on the banquets that the club went to on
the past events page, so be sure to check it out!

I hope you’ve all been having a great month, cause now we’ve only
got a few weeks left of school. Then– SUMMER BREAK, that is unless you’re like
me and have classes over summer. But to everyone else! WOO SUMMER
BREAK! Just because school ends doesn’t mean that Circle K will just halt.
We’ve got plenty of events during summer, more socials, more services, more
fundraisers. If you love service as much as I do, then you’re definitely going to
come out to our events during summer! I’ll be sure to keep you all on the
events as much as I can over summer as well! I can’t wait to see you all over


Sean D. Nguyen

2011-2012 CSULB Circle K President

Hey everyone! I’m so pleased to announce Vice President of
our CSULB CKI Appointed Board for the 2011-2012 Administration
year! Appointed board will work closely with me
and the executive board to help plan events/ Kristel
socials/fundraisers and more! If you still want to
be on appointed board but missed your chance
– be sure to stick around! We’ll be reopening
them in the fall!

K-Fam Chair: Renee Eguia

Fundraising Chair: Christine Nguyen
MRP Chair: Renee Eguia
Social Chair: Tierney Kelly
Historian: Lorraine Ito

CLUB THEME 2011-2012

Secretary I’m so glad to announce the club theme
for CSULB Circle K 2011-2012! Drumroll
Joseph Reguindin


I really hope you all are as excited as I am
to see what happens with our theme next
year! Us as the board can’t wait! So hope-
fully you all come up with some awesome
ideas for FTC and DCON!
Yes! Someone may have to shave their
head. *Cough Cough* Sean. :)
Kayaking Social
[Kayaking Social]
by Ashley McGrail
On a bright Saturday afternoon ten of us Circle Ker's went to Long
Beach to kayak. We started out by watching a video of do's and don'ts
from the kayak specialists (aka safety video). We then proceeded to pick
out kayaks with a partner or to go solo. Johnny somehow managed to fall
in the water– twice, before we even got out of the safe zone! At first it
was pretty mellow but by the end the waters got pretty hard to kayak in,
because the boats in the harbor made waves for the Kayaks to go over.
People who went solo realized by the end how much harder it was. I
went with Renee and ended up in 6th out of 10th place. It took us and
hour and fifteen minutes for all of us to finish kayaking around the Long
Beach Harbor. It's safe to say by the end of our kayaking social we had
much stronger arms than we had before!

Renee and Ashley looking good for the camera!

Johnny making his way

to the shore

Korean BBQ afterwards! Yum!

Pooches and Pastries
[Pooches and Pastries]
by David Ly
The weekend service events for Circle k is something that I look for-
ward to every time the week draws to a close. For this event, the club
drove up to East LA to help out with dog adoption at a animal shelter of-
fice. We helped by setting up tables, portable cages, and canopies out-
side of the office as people from other organizations brought cute dogs
and puppies to the place. The puppies were really cute and we got to
hold them and play with them for a good while. Once things were set up,
each of us got a free shirt. We were then in charge of watching over
some merchandise (shirts, mugs, and hats) in case someone wanted to
buy them, it was sort of like a fund-raiser. Later, the event coordinator of
gave us a box full of rolled up strips of fabric and told us to braid it to turn
it into a braided dog toy. We still had a good time with just talking to
each other and enjoying the free food as well as the dogs.

Joe and Kristel

with a cute dog

Kevin and a puppy

CSULB Circle K in matching shirts

Metro Division at the April DCM

JonJon and the Metro Sign

Metro Division at UCLA

[April DCM]
by Eva Lee
After attending the Pooches and Pastries event, we all headed to
UCLA for the DCM. JonJon, our LTG, led the meeting for the first time ever
and he did an amazing job. :D We got to meet our Regional Advisor, Tom
Ramirez. We started off with an ice breaker, where we went up to unfa-
miliar faces and told them our name, school, major, and favorite ride at
Universal Studios/favorite movie from Universal Studios. I got to meet Bran-
don, the Dominguez Hills president!
After the ice breaker, we went down the agenda of past events
and upcoming events within our division, such as DCON, STC, and Metro
Divisional Banquet. JonJon made the entire meeting lively and eventful.
:D He gave us a small motivational speech of what's coming up ahead
for our division and how he was completely PUMPED for the upcoming
year with him as our LTG. He told us his goals of what he would love to
achieve as our LTG and how the division can improve as a whole. I'm sure
that he will NOT let us down! GO METRO!
Circle K SAAs
[Key Club DCON]
by Joseph Reguindin
Stepping into the Anaheim Convention Center with my fellow Circle K members
brought waves of memories back from my high school Key Club days. Now, I stood at D-
CON as a Sergeant At Arms to watch over the key clubbers. One of our duties for the D-
CON weekend was to make sure no one left the convention center without their club
advisor. The task turned out to be not as difficult as I first imagined it would have been.
The key clubbers knew the rules and for the most part, followed them.

Another task that was asked of us was to patrol the Governor’s Ball. The dance
space was filled with an ocean of key clubbers and everyone looked like they were en-
joying their time. For our task, we were to make sure that the boys and girls were danc-
ing in an appropriate manner. If there was an issue with the way a group of people were
dancing, we had to immediately approach them and have them dance more appro-
priately. There were a couple of problems at the dance, but they were corrected.

Our last job of both nights of SAAing was to patrol the halls of the Hilton and Mar-
riot. We made sure that the key clubbers weren’t walking around the halls or in the lob-
by past their curfew. Also, we had to listen and make sure that they weren’t being too
loud and made sure that the girls stayed in their rooms with girls only and the guys
stayed in their rooms with guys only. If any of these rules were broken, a report would
have to be filed. There were a few major problems that officials dealt with, but for the
time Long Beach Circle K was there, the key clubbers were well-behaved.

SAAing at key club D-CON was an amazing experience overall. It felt awesome
to help out and give back to the people that made my high school key club experience
memorable. I only hope to serve as an example to the key clubbers and inspire them to
join Circle K when they reach college.

Look who Circle K found after the event!

Sporting awesome SAA badges!

Long Beach Grand Prix!
[With You Japan]
by David Ly
With You Japan was a two day event, from April 16 to April 17 dur-
ing the annual Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach. We got free admission
to the Grand Prix which was pretty cool. We worked at a booth inside the
Long Beach Convention Center, where the expo was. Our job was to
help sell t-shirts. The event was really a fund-raiser, founded by the Japa-
nese indy car racer Takuma Sato, and all the money made was sent to
Japan to aid children who suffered from the earthquake. The t-shirts were
sold at a price of 24$ for the adult size and 20$ for the children size. Yet,
despite the price, we were happy to be able to sell a good amount of
shirts, thanks to the awesome people who wanted an excuse to donate
to Japan.
Even though the event was from 10am to 6pm, we took turns
standing at the booth while some of us went to check out the expo.
Some of the great perks from this event were receiving 25 dollars for food,
parking reimbursement, free shirts, and we had a chance to meet the In-
dy Car racer Takuma Sato, the person who originally created the With
You Japan Campaign, he even ended up autographing our shirts for us.
All in all this was a fantastic event and I’d definitely be excited to do it
again if I had the chance.

CSULB Circle K with Takuma Sato


Sidney Ros and Kristel

Eclarino ready to sell
The banner signed by famous racers
Enchanted by Paper Cranes
[Sakura Blossom Benefit]
by Michael Washington
As I entered the garden, tranquility gathered me in her arms and
rocked me gently to the music of a local artist. Little children spotted mel-
low Koi fish diligently maneuvering their way through the still pond. The
pond, seemingly on pause, held an orbit around the many guests who
descended on Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden. Within an intimate
cove of sculptured trees and bushes, origami lessons were being con-
ducted. Cranes craftily tucked and folded; along with budding flowers
whose pistils exploded from deep inside, both mimicked their real coun-
terparts. Down a sunset- lit path shined artistry that highlighted Japanese
culture. These paintings, which were auctioned off to fundraise and sup-
port the relief efforts in Japan, churned my insides and enveloped every
curve of my heart. Generous guests donated dollars upon dollars for all
the victims in the Japan tragedies, as they realize we are all one family
residing in this house we call Earth. Of course there was food, and yes, it
was delicious. Fudge brownies, oversized banana nut muffins, moon-sized
chocolate chip cookies, love-induced coffee, ice-chilled soda; they were
all there. Then magic happen. Darkness descended on the garden, qui-
eting the sun. The adult alternative music seemed emphasized yet refined
in the swirl of night. The lights, dimmed so carefully, bathed the origami
masters as folding and tucking and pulling consumed forgotten minutes.
However, the lights had to be turned off and the singer had to go home;
and we had to leave this lovely universe which sits across the street from
Parking Lot 16. Not only was the Sakura Blossom Benefit for the good of
mankind and charity, but it let me fall totally seduced with the comfort
and peace which bundle the Japanese garden.

One of the many

paper cranes Joe and Iavana selling shirts
[Metro Division Banquet]
by Sean Nguyen
Metro division had a good year, and as such deserved a good banquet
to recap the past year. Brett Butler, our now immediate past Metro Divi-
sion Lieutenant Governor held his banquet at the Bellflower Kiwanis Hall.
All of Metro Division showed up, as well as many other guests. Brett end-
ed his term by handing out awards, 2 of which went to our home club! He
and the 2010-2011 board were all uninstalled. Immediately following, the
2011-2012 board were installed, as well as Jonathan ―Jon Jon‖ Jun-
pradub, our 2011-2012 Metro Division LTG. I know that JonJon will do an
awesome job as our LTG, and Brett will be an amazing District Governor!

Long Beach with their awards and the IP LTG

Joe mustache you a

Joe and Kevin bodyguarding the
new District Governor
Another Chapter Finished
[CSULB Circle K Banquet]
by Joe Reguindin
Kiwanisland, in Garden Grove, was the venue for Cal State Long
Beach Cirlcle K’s End of the Year Banquet. Entering Kiwanisland seemed
like Jurassic Park, but without the dinosaurs. It was a beautiful park with
large open spaces and an island right smack dabbed in the middle. Fur-
ther down was the banquet hall where all the fun and memories were
Although the room was not filled to its maximum capacity, the ban-
quet turned out extremely successful. The food, catered by Deli News,
was extremely delicious and the company was even better. Aside from
Long Beach members, UCLA and CSU Northridge Circle K came out to
support the many accomplishments of Long Beach. The night was filled
with awards, entertainment provided by the immediate past President,
Renee Eguia, inspirational speeches, the retirement of the 2010-2011
board and the installment of the 2011-2012 board, and even a slideshow.
The onsite Minute to Win It tournament was another success that
night. Seemingly impossible tasks that were to be done in less than 60 se-
conds were actually completed. One of the Long Beach teams, Team
Strawberries, came out on top by completing tasks such as getting an
Oreo from their foreheads into their mouths by only using their facial mus-
cles and balancing M&Ms on straws. The last event of the night was the
raffle. Members of UCLA and Kevin Young, the immediate past District
Treasurer and a former member of Long Beach Circle K, dominated the
raffle, winning prizes that ranged from stuffed animals to the members of
the new executive board. Thank you so much to the immediate past
board of Long Beach Circle K for putting together an amazing and unfor-
gettable night.
The California State University, Long Beach Circle K banquet
summed up was an intimate experience. Though only a handful of peo-
ple attended the banquet, it was clear that the love and unity that every-
one had for each other was unbreakable. Everyone is best friends with
each other and that bond will hopefully grow and be shared with future
Cheer Workshop
Come join our club as we get ready for Spring Training Conference! We'll be
reviewing old cheers, learning new ones and just bonding together as a
DATE: May 2, 2011
TIME: After the meeting/potluck

Metro Division Get Shaved Ice Breaker Social

Come chill out with Metro Division at Get Shaved, an AMAZING shaved ice
store! 30 flavors to pick from, and your choice of ice cream or mochi balls!
Also, participate in some awesome icebreakers afterwards!
-Presented by UCLA and CSUN
DATE: May 7, 2011
LOCATION: Get Shaved, 9255 Reseda Blvd, Unit B
TIME: 3pm-6pm
FACEBOOK EVENT: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?

Metro Division Humans VS Zombies

UCLA Circle K will be hosting a humans vs zombies social at UCLA! Come
join them as well as Metro Division in a GIANT game of Humans vs Zombies!
UCLA Circle K will be selling drinks and snacks and renting out nerf guns if
you don't have one. You can also bring marshmallows and your own nerf
guns. **please mark your nerf darts**
COST: Free (Bring extra for snacks/food)
DATE: May 13, 2011
TIME: 5pm-11:30pm
Spring Training Conference South
Want to learn more about Circle K? Want to learn to be a better board
member? A more active member? Want to go meet new people? Then
come down to STC South! Where you can do all these things, and more!
COST: $7.00 at the door
DATE: May 8, 2011
LOCATION: Cal State Fullerton TSU
TIME: 9:00am—4:00pm

Fountain Valley Relay for Life

Come join CSULB Circle K at FV Relay for Life! A great moment of bonding,
service and fundraising all for the American Cancer Society! For more infor-
mation, contact Sean Nguyen. Also! Whoever raises the most in offline do-
nations before May 19th will get a dinner from Sean!
DATE: May 21-22, 2011
LOCATION: Fountain Valley High School Track
SIGN UP: www.relayforlife.org/FountainValleyCa

Now, we may not have any large upcoming events right now– but
we’re in the works of planning a bunch for you guys! We’re always on work-
ing for you guys! So definitely be sure to check out your guys’ emails and the
online calendar.
(Located here: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?
A calendar of events is also on the next page as well!
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Tour de Last Meet- Get
Cure ing Shaved
Ice Break-

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Spring Humans
Training vs Zom-
Confer- bies

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
FINALS Valley Re-
lay for Life

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Valley Re-
lay for Life

29 30 31 1 2 3 4

Online calendar (Updated Weekly):

Want to be on the newsletter? Metro Division LTG:
Submit your article/blurb
and a photo of you to: Jonathan Junpradub:
CSULBCircle K@gmail.com Autobotchase@gmail.com

(Must be over 150 words, under

300 words)

For any questions/concerns please feel free to contact our

executive board.

SEAN NGUYEN | President

KRISTEL ECLARINO | VP of Administration


EVA LEE | VP of Service






Club Website: Divisional Website:

Under Construction www.CircleKMetro.com

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